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Polite Passengers and Not polite Passengers


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I have been a 9-1-1 dispatcher for 27 years and can well understand the pressure of serveing the public.


Of course it is our job to serve the public , especially in life or death situations. And we love it when we can help a person truly in need and save a life or make a difference.


But you would be amazed at how many people call and think we are their plumber, custodian, hand holder and butt wiper over the most trivial things.


We always say the ones with the biggest sense of entitlement are the really rich and the really poor..


The rich think because they have money they can walk over everyone.


The poor are so used to getting that check, coupon, voucher, aid , that everyone should just do everything for them for free.


I get that "I pay your salary" line of BS everytime we have to tell them that they need to call a plumber, the utility company, bee keeper, or whoever.

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Although this situation was funny, especially the part of opening a beer and sliding down the chute, it could have been a bad situation if instead he decided to use a gun and shoot someone. I think everyone should realize that someone at any moment might snap and that no matter the situation you should have some manners.

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Although this situation was funny, especially the part of opening a beer and sliding down the chute, it could have been a bad situation if instead he decided to use a gun and shoot someone. I think everyone should realize that someone at any moment might snap and that no matter the situation you should have some manners.


My sentiments exactly..and when I snap..which we all do..I'm embarassed as heck..but we as a society are rewarding bad behavior ..high school antics..and a "you don't get anywhere unless you know how to take care of yourself, beat the system, prove your prowess attitude."


Not at all surprised assumption was passenger was a man and she turned out to have been a woman, we most certainly are equal culprits. I read someone quote she was a woman..and I am not up on story since last night posts..I have been working or sleeping or posting.


I just think if collectively we do not reward a turning the other cheek attitude (sometimes) and another way to support each other when we have had it..we're doomed..and we are all going down the chute fairly rapidly.


The place for the humor would have been the support of the passenger's frustration..cajoling him/her into maybe waiting 5 min...

And into the support of the stewards good graces and psyches as a group...with co-worker cammraderie.


I have been away from my home state for half my living years..recently back. There is reatively little mix between the long term resisident and those who have moved here to claim a calmer lifestyle less frought with these problems..


My Wallmart is still probably one of the nicest in the Country..there was room to put it across the street from the first nicer motor inns etc around here. But the rude people i'm bucking are not the socio/economically challenged (they are allowed to sit in a corner of Mickey d's in the winter to warm up) it's the every day "foreigner" who has moved here changing the very fabric of what they escaped to enjoy.

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The flight attendant did react badly....don't think he needed to be arrested though.


Isn't there a law that pax are supposed to comply with flight crew instructions? I'm wondering what the passenger will be charged with since he was told to remain seated while the plane was still taxiing.


The passenger wasn't charged with anything. They said the only thing she did was to be rude.

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I do feel bad for this flight attendant! While he made a very very "bad" decision, to deploy the shute, I think it is just indicative of how close to the "line" of professional behavior versus " losing it " behavior, that people in the service industry experience multiple times during their work day, ( especially in recent years )


I worked 25 years in the airline industry, and know how close you can come to "losing it", but I took early retirement at 25 years, ( way too early for me to be economically feasible ), but something I felt I had to do, as I was young enough to start a new career which I did and enjoy immensely now. Maybe if I had stayed 28 years I might have "lost it" one day. who knows?


I also feel that most airlines preach to their employees that they will back them up in these types of situations yet they rarely do. There is no support for the employees when something like this happens! That the passenger in this situation faced no consequences here is just not fair either, and just reinforces that such "bad" behavior by passengers is ok as long as it is the employee who goes "bonkers"! Just not fair IMHO! :(

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I can totally relate to his situation - I worked in a liquor store and often encountered rude and obnoxious behaviour, the worst was a young lady (use the word loosely). She came up to my counter talking on a cell (this is rude and pisses me off to no end) puts her stuff down - I stand there, she looks at me (all the while on the phone) and shrugs - I ask for ID - she throws it down on the counter, I check it and hand it back nicely, put her purchases through and again I stand there - she shrugs, I ask if she has airmiles, again she throws it down, I process it and again hand it back to her nicely, yet again I stand there and she shrugs, I ask her how she wanted to pay for it, she throws her debt card down on the counter, I put it through and hand it back to her nicely. She screams at me that she wanted cash back - I told I did not want to interupt her important conversation with such a silly question. She grabs her stuff and tells me to F off - I politely said to her "DITTO". Her mouth dropped - my boss was standing behind me (I did not know at the time) and he said that in the future she could leave her phone in the car or go to another outlet. As much as the Jet Blue employee deploying the chute was dangerous and costly I can see how some times the straw that breaks the camels back surprises the person as much as the person it was directed at. A hero, NO, but I admire him for letting it out and letting the rest of us know that happens to others as well. I truly hope that the passenger doesn't get off without charges - she deserves it more than he does.

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I say it is about time someone said something, customers and people in general have gotten so rude over the years and think they are right bad day and all. The ones that are rude will be the first to write and try to get something for nothing. I say we all take a stand and just be polite and nice to people.

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I worked in a bank to pay for university and became well schooled in biting my tongue with a sweet smile painted on my face. Even when someone went off on me about our malfunctioning bank machine not taking her card... I pointed it out that it was her library card that she was waving in my face. Or the lovely five tourists that came in to exchange money and loudy complained that in their country (USA) you wouldn't see such a line... there group was the only people in line besides one other rolling their eyes, so yes when five people walk in at the same time a line will occur. We had a man come in every thursday morning to yell at the staff, no matter what we did.


I always say the young offenders, teens with mental health and/or behaviour issues treat me with more respect then the bank customers.


I understand but not respect what he did! Two wrongs don't make a right and all the publicity is just going to encourage others to do similiar things.

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We own a little mom and pop store. My DH is former cop, former military. He had a guy come in one afternoon lift up the coffee pot, smell the coffee, and then ask him "is this F***** coffee fresh" Hubby, who has been through all the crisis management training, etc.,


So I really feel for those who work with the public. I'm just very thankful for all the NICE people I get to see every day.


Me too..and for all the nice people I have had the chance to have a discourse with on CC!!:):)

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I have to say that it is rude to go through a store or bank line and chat on your phone! I just hate it when I see it.


And when one is waiting in a very popular chiro's office or those kind of situations..I had one in another state I desperately need here and can not as of yet find..but the wait while said chiro was collecting the riches..3 hrs ..never less than 90 min... drove all insane..hence more phone usage in that tiny room..instead of walking outside..hate that one too.

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On QM2 I met a priest who had a GREAT line when confronted with rude people he says



Gee I really hope you win your lawsuit against the charm school They really did not succeed with you


I laughed at his COOL !!!!



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I think I must be the only person who agrees that arresting the flight attendant in question was the proper thing to do. I don't care what his excuses are, his first duty is to the safety of everyone on that aircraft, not his bid for drama queen of the day.

I also think the passenger should have been arrested for assault. People are far too self absorbed these days and forget that we all have to live in this world together.

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What happens to a cruiser or an cruise employee when they go to far? Is there a brig they take them to or are they confined to their cabin?


Yes there is a brig onboard the ship. But what usually happens is the person is confined to their quarters with a security officer posted outside.



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People in Europe see Americans as loud, brass, rude, lacking in manners in everything from proper dress to eating habits. As Americans, we were somewhat distressed by this accusation and felt it had no merit.

Sad to say, after that time we have sat back and watched in stores, restaurants, airplanes and cruises. For the most part from what we have observed, the view of us is probably warranted. We have stepped back and made an effort to return to the things we learned in grammar school about etiquette and manners.


.....If you wish to see a true indication of the lack of manners and displays of nasty dealings with others, look no farther than this message board. The amount of degrading, nasty and sarcastic posts is a prime example.

You are sooo right about the posts here, especially the posts attacking women who dare to wear bathing suits if they are over size 10!

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I admit to not reading any of the previous posts so as to not be swayed in my opinion...OK?


So....I love flying JetBlue...they are the first airline I check out and the one that we have used for the the last 4 trips to Florida we have taken...and I suspect that I will use them again.



That being said.....we have learned to say very little to their flight attendants:eek: Why? Because some, not all of them, scare us quite frankly.


Another tactic we have tried is to let our adorable youngest daughter speak to them.


We also thank them profusely for any little tidbit that they do for us...if anything.


Sorry, but IMHO and experience....they are better left unspoken to.:D


not so sure this was a case of the pax being the one to blame...again only from previous experience.

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On QM2 I met a priest who had a GREAT line when confronted with rude people he says



Gee I really hope you win your lawsuit against the charm school They really did not succeed with you


I laughed at his COOL !!!!




That's great, I'll have to remember that one!

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The passenger was a woman. According to the news reports, not only did she defy the federal laws by getting out of her seat and taking her bag out of the overhead compartment; not only did she curse out the flight attendant who told her to return to her seat;


but she also assaulted him by hitting him in the head with her bag. He has a cut and lump on his forehead when being escorted to jail.


Is she going to be charged with assault as well? I hope so.


While I am not defending this woman from what I have read she did not intentionally hit him with the bag it was accidental therefor no assault. However, imho she should have been detained for not following the flight attendants direction to remain in her seat.

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OK, I can totally appreciate this guys frustration. I work in a Welfare office and some clients freak out when they don't get what they need, and name call, yell, swear, threaten, etc. In my twenty years I have been called every name in the book and treated in a horrible manner, as have my staff (this is only be a small percentage of our clients by the way) Becasue we work for the city, we can not do anything whatsoever, except politely ask the client to stop yelling, swearing etc. If it continues we then tell them they have to leave and we call security. So, although I can appreciate the employee behind ticked that someone was being difficult, self-restraint is in order. Bottom line, the guy got himself arrested and I would imagine he lost his job. Why give a passenger that power over you??


You are so right. I work in a restaurant, and when the customers start carrying on, I just stand there with my hands folded and let them make an a** out of themselves. If they start cursing, I politely excuse myself and get my manager. One has to keep a cool head and have thick skin. I have friends who are flight attendants, and like Ashpalo's mom said, he should have notified the captain that they would be needing the police to meet them at the gate.

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Two wrongs dont make a right, but two rights make a left.


I had to giggle at this. Two rights make a u-turn. :)


Regarding the thread, I agree that the flight attendant should have been arrested, but yes, I can imagine how he felt.


I think the most abusive situations I've been in were when I was an asst. mgr. at a movie theatre near a military base my first year of college, at 18 years old. For some reason, there was a small percentage of those who lived on base who only wanted to come to the movies if they were drunk. And another percentage of those were quite obnoxious when drunk.


There was the man from base who went absolutely bonkers in the lobby, for reasons unknown. Thankfully I got him out by standing firm & threatening to call the police. I heard way too many obscenities directed at me in the meantime.


The other adventure was with a man from the base who apparently got drunk during the movie, and much to the chagrin of those around him, threw it all up at the end. One of the ushers came out & started to go to the mop closet, and I asked him to stop. I walked in, asked the man to come with me, led him to the mop closet, and asked him why this poor usher should have to clean up after him. I then handed him the mop & bucket & told him to go clean up his mess. He did.


None of that was worth the 3.50/hr. I was making at the time. I quit & started working for Coke for much more pay. Just me and the cases of soda, and the occasionally frustrating store mgr. :)

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I think I must be the only person who agrees that arresting the flight attendant in question was the proper thing to do. I don't care what his excuses are, his first duty is to the safety of everyone on that aircraft, not his bid for drama queen of the day.

I also think the passenger should have been arrested for assault.


You're not the only person. I agree with you... both should have been arrested. Rude passenger who was endangering others by getting out of his seat too early and foolish flight attendant who made the situation worse with his ridiculous response. He should have had the passenger detained. Like Pete said that would have been just as sweet. After his 15 minutes of fame are up this will remain with him for the rest of his life and he may regret it.

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