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NOT Anti-Kids, Alternatives, Etc...I am ANTI-This!!!


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While we're on the subject. What ever happened to "yes sir", "yes mam" and "no sir" and "no mam"? This is how I was raised and still to this day, answer in this manner. I don't expect it back, from other adults but do expect to be answered in that way by children. Even in the south, kids are not drilled in their manners like they were in the past.



This is actually my biggest pet peeve. I am 50 years old, have worked in the medical field for most of my adult life. All the nurses I work with are in their early 20's. They are my superiors in title, and I always address them with yes mam, when they are trying to get my attention or asking me to do something for them. Most of the time they cannot believe I say this. It is the way I was brought up and makes life much easier to be polite.

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One thing I have noticed about Cruise Critic so far.

Snide comments and being anti about anything you can think of is the order of the day.

It would be nice to see a little more good travel/cruising information.

And a lot less Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes...


But I guess thats what people come here to read.

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Hey Tallahassee-an - Are you there for college? I went there for college many moons ago. (Won't say when, but to quote another poster my pictures are in color.)


K - so, you didn't like the OP saying he/she won't get out of the way when people are walking 2 or 3 abreast in a hallway. I won't either, unless 1 of them (or more) is infirmed (e.g., wheelchair, walker, etc.). The point here is there is room for 2 - 3 abreast if no-one else is in the hallway and the hallway is designed for 2 way traffic. Ergo, if there is 2 way traffic, then the little gaggle of geese walking 3 across needs to break apart and allow the opposite person to pass.


Now, as to elbowing people? Part of me would love to, but I think I'd end up with a black eye!

Hey!actually Ive lived in Tallahassee for the greater part of my live.lol.I can't wait to get out of here though.I'm really not a fan.


I get that the people should move and completely agree with that but the op seems to think is ok if they hit the party of rude. Which I don't agree with at ALL!

As for the other comments directed at me, I for the most part hold the door open but lately it seems like as I'm standing there they just look at me and don't seem to know what to do! So lately Ive just knda had it stay open a bit longer but don't stand there and hold the door open as much..

Also if I get in someones way(or they mine) I'll say "sorry" or "excuse me" and they don't mutter a word back!and I'm talking about people old enough to be my parents(40s+).


I learned from my aunt and uncle all about manners, and I'm talking crazy manner things like we couldn't sit at the kitchen table with our hair down,andthen elbows,fork placement,proper knife and spoon usage....

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I think the problem with these people who walk 3 abreast in the hallways and don't give you room to pass is that sometimes they are caught up in conversation and they're not even paying attention to who else is there. That's what I noticed when I ran into a few of them on this last cruise.


A lack of "situational awareness" is no excuse. If they can't walk and chew gum at the same time then maybe they should hold their conversation until they are no longer moving.

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I guess I'm the one that people would accuse of being rude.


"At home" (NYC)...when one is on a bus, one gets up and gets off.

First up=first off

When we were in Bermuda, on one of the buses from the beach to the ship, I was sitting in the rear.

When the bus got to the ship I got up...but the only other ones who got up were near the front.

I asked the man in the row in front of me why no one else was getting up (another stop, perhaps?)....and he said the first row gets off...then the 2nd row...then the 3rd row.


Well...if I did this at home I'd just never get off.


Doors...if someone is directly behind me, I hold the door

If it means waiting (unless the person is handicapped) for more than 10 seconds, I don't.


My husband is more polite than me. That's why he's always the last one on the subway...and never gets a seat.


I don't think I'm a rude person....but I have to navigate in a certain environment....and if I was busy thanking people and waiting for people I'd never get to where I'm going.


BTW....it's so easy to spot tourists...they walk slow :)

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As a NYC jr. high school teacher I take it upon myself to try to teach my students manners. Starting with the first day of class (argh! Sept. 8) I greet each one with a "hello" or "good morning" at the door to the classroom. If I don't get a response, I stop them and explain that they should respond...and that I expect them to respond. I set the example in the hallways and stairwells, and hold the door for them (and usually use a sarcastic "you're welcome" when I don't get a thank you). Sometimes when a student is rude or disrespectful I try the old "do you talk to your mother like that?" Scary when they respond, "Yes!" I am stuck with explaining why I will not accept that behavior or language!


Rude people drive me nuts...but truthfully I have more of a problem with adults who are rude and inconsiderate than children...

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Onthehighseas said :"Another one are the people crowding in at the MDR for dinner. Like dinner is not going to be served if they don't get there first. Reminds me of a herd of cattle going to the trough."


That's one that bothers me too. My husband usually looks at me and smiles, then he will moo.:)

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It seems in general people are ME ME ME and have lost their manners; not just on cruises but in everyday life. I was simply not raised that way and learned early on to say please/thank you/yes ma'am/yes sir. It is amazing how far a simple "excuse me" can go. Is it really that hard???? Apparently so :mad:. Wish people would just take the time to care about others a little more. It is really a shame.


Lots of threads lately about anti-kids, anti-alternatives, anti-whatever. The only thing I am anti on a cruise ship is anti-rudeness. In my experiences, the rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent. I witnessed way more rude behavior on my last cruise than I did on my first cruise back in 1986. It has nothing to do with the cruiseline IMO, but way more to do with where society is heading.


My #1 biggest peeve is getting off of an elevator, or trying to, and having other passengers(mainy adults btw) rush on before everyone has exited. This is VERY rude IMO. I was taught as a young child to stand off to the side of the elevator and wait until everyone has exited before attempting to board the elevator. On my last cruise on the Fantasy, I was nearly pushed down by a rather large, adult male who appeared to be about 50 years of age or so, who could not wait for the crowded elevator to empty before getting on. I did say out loud that you'd think someone that old would have manners. He just glared at me.


Another peeve I have is when walking down a cruise ship corridor on the way to or from my stateroom or to a venue. I tend to keep the right side of the corridor and usually passengers coming at me stay to the left. I hate encountering a group of 2 or 3 passengers who walk side by side and when they see someone coming towards them they do not move and continue walking 2 or 3 across. The person closest to me SHOULD move to allow me room to pass without having to hug the wall IMO. This rarely happens lately. I guess they think I'll move out of their way, but I refuse to and I have had more than one collision with a rude passenger who thinks its ok to take up the entire corridor. I usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere. Then usually they look at me like I'm the crazy one.:rolleyes: I guess I should have just turned sideways and walked along the wall to allow his or her highness more room to pass.


I won't even get started on the behavior I witness at the buffets. Again, mainly adults. Will just say 1 thing. The food isn't going anywhere, you can always go back for more.


P.S. What happened to holding the door open for people? Some of those doors that lead to the exterior of the ship can be quite heavy and I've had people see me coming and just let it close practically in my face.




Really think manners need to be taught in schools today as rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent and it seems to me that the parents are NOT teaching manners as the parent's parents didn't teach manners either. Manners really help a society IMO and may even prevent a lot of the problems we see on the streets today. Hopefully it would help prevent the problems I see on a cruise ship.

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My DS uses a wheelchair for long walking trips, mostly the mall and grocery, I swear constantly that I am going to equip the wheelchair with spikes on the wheels and footplates to cause damage to the children AND adults who feel that they ABSOLUTELY MUST step over his legs or brush his chair aside to get to where ever they are going, as if they can't wait only a second or two to cross over to the next store or isle. One woman even watched as her child poked and prodded my son and his chair as we stood in a line. wonder what she would have done if I had poked the kid? rudeness is everywhere, but I feel like the elderly and disabled are targets more than others becouse they pose no theat of retaliation.

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I usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere. Then usually they look at me like I'm the crazy one.:rolleyes:







I know what you mean! I hate when I stick my leg out and trip someone and they turn around and give me a dirty look. I mean, how rude is that???? Geez. Some people. :rolleyes:

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Lots of threads lately about anti-kids, anti-alternatives, anti-whatever. The only thing I am anti on a cruise ship is anti-rudeness. In my experiences, the rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent. I witnessed way more rude behavior on my last cruise than I did on my first cruise back in 1986. It has nothing to do with the cruiseline IMO, but way more to do with where society is heading.


My #1 biggest peeve is getting off of an elevator, or trying to, and having other passengers(mainy adults btw) rush on before everyone has exited. This is VERY rude IMO. I was taught as a young child to stand off to the side of the elevator and wait until everyone has exited before attempting to board the elevator. On my last cruise on the Fantasy, I was nearly pushed down by a rather large, adult male who appeared to be about 50 years of age or so, who could not wait for the crowded elevator to empty before getting on. I did say out loud that you'd think someone that old would have manners. He just glared at me.


Another peeve I have is when walking down a cruise ship corridor on the way to or from my stateroom or to a venue. I tend to keep the right side of the corridor and usually passengers coming at me stay to the left. I hate encountering a group of 2 or 3 passengers who walk side by side and when they see someone coming towards them they do not move and continue walking 2 or 3 across. The person closest to me SHOULD move to allow me room to pass without having to hug the wall IMO. This rarely happens lately. I guess they think I'll move out of their way, but I refuse to and I have had more than one collision with a rude passenger who thinks its ok to take up the entire corridor. I usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere. Then usually they look at me like I'm the crazy one.:rolleyes: I guess I should have just turned sideways and walked along the wall to allow his or her highness more room to pass.


I won't even get started on the behavior I witness at the buffets. Again, mainly adults. Will just say 1 thing. The food isn't going anywhere, you can always go back for more.


P.S. What happened to holding the door open for people? Some of those doors that lead to the exterior of the ship can be quite heavy and I've had people see me coming and just let it close practically in my face.




Really think manners need to be taught in schools today as rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent and it seems to me that the parents are NOT teaching manners as the parent's parents didn't teach manners either. Manners really help a society IMO and may even prevent a lot of the problems we see on the streets today. Hopefully it would help prevent the problems I see on a cruise ship.


I agree 100%. We were on the Freedom of the Seas last week. Plenty of rude folks on board. Could not enjoy the ice show as three people behind us talked very loudly the entire time. I kept turning around looking at them and even asked them nicely to be a little more quiet. Did not work.


Witnessed more people leave the restrooms without washing their hands.


Don't even get me started about the elevators. I used to try and avoid any issues with those that rush on before I have a chance to get off but now I just lower my shoulder and push through them.


And yes it is becoming more of an issue and agree that it is where we are heading as a society. It's all about me now. There were plenty of kids on board last week and yes some needed attention but those were the kids where the parents were no where in sight. I had more issues with the adults.

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This is a quote from your original post #1:


I usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere. Then usually they look at me like I'm the crazy one.:rolleyes: I guess I should have just turned sideways and walked along the wall to allow his or her highness more room to pass.



And now this:


It's not like I extend my arm completely out and hit someone who's 3 feet away from me....the circumstances I am talking about is when I am already practically hugging the wall and the people coming at me refuse to move over even an inch. I don't pull my appendages in so as not to hit the offenders, if they get bumped b/c they didn't move over....sorry, not my fault. I'm not going to acquiese to them though. If that makes me rude, than yes, I am rude b/c I won't let someone walk all over me...literally:D


Which is it? :confused:

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I know what you mean! I hate when I stick my leg out and trip someone and they turn around and give me a dirty look. I mean, how rude is that???? Geez. Some people. :rolleyes:


Finally!someone who felt the same way when I read that!!!

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I understand what you're saying. It is amazing how many people one encounters on a daily basis that are lacking manners. It seems some people in today's society feel as if they are owed something. Sad thing is, it will only get worse.


As for the elevators on the cruise ship - my biggest pet peeve is when you press ther button, patiently wait for it to arrive and the 10 people who came after you jump right on before you can. When we sailed the Dream, my mom was using a walker - I was amazed how many people would not show her the courtesy of getting on/off the elevator. She obviously couldn't walk as fast as others, yet she was practically knocked over on a few occasions.

i had to comment on this one... i had the same thing happening with an elderly woman with a walker trying to get on an elevator on royal... everyone started bumrushing the elevator and nobody even glanced her way even though she was standing in the front of the line, but i happened to be standing in front of them next to this woman so i proceeded to put one hand on the door and my other arm out so nobody could get by and guided the woman in, she was grateful and nobody said a word to me, they just looked at the ground, i think they felt stupid...im glad:D

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i think she meant they were walking side by side down the hall, 3 of them in one direction. it would be polite for one of them to move and share the hallway that is meant for people to walk in both directions.


But the OP is complaining about rudeness yets admits he/she "usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere". How is that not rude?

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Hey globe9 i do the same thing as you. If a group of people see me coming and don't move over i just put out my elbow a bit and tighten up for the hit. Gotta love the looks on their faces like i should move flat against the wall for them. I am very polite and hold doors and so on for people but i can be very rude to the rude ones too. Like they say what goes around comes around:D


And by "putting your elbow out a bit" you're keeping the circle of rudeness going round and round.

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One thing I have noticed about Cruise Critic so far.

Snide comments and being anti about anything you can think of is the order of the day.

It would be nice to see a little more good travel/cruising information.

And a lot less Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes...


But I guess thats what people come here to read.



That's what "Freedom of speech" is all about. Luckily, we live in a country where we can walk away and not have to listen to it/read it if we so choose.

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And by "putting your elbow out a bit" you're keeping the circle of rudeness going round and round.


Agreed, "two wrongs" don't make a "right". By the same token, while I would not jab someone on purpose, I feel I have as much right to the walking area as someone else and if they want to meet for an embrace because they are too chatty to watch where they are going, who am I to not hug back. I'm sure not going to fling myself against the wall so others can go by 3 abreast, yakking away!

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One thing I have noticed about Cruise Critic so far.


Snide comments and being anti about anything you can think of is the order of the day.


It would be nice to see a little more good travel/cruising information.


And a lot less Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes...


But I guess thats what people come here to read.



If you care to look there is an overwhelming amout of "good travel/cruising information". every once in a while people do need to vent. perhaps this is not the board for you? if you can find a message board where no one ever has an issue or complains about their cruise experience, let me know.

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But the OP is complaining about rudeness yets admits he/she "usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere". How is that not rude?


ill agree it is rude. i am probably guilty of doing similar at moments. i don't consider myself to be rude by nature, but we all have our moments. don't think i would go as far as actually jabbing someone, but i have stood my ground and bumped people purposely because they were hogging the hallway. doesn't make it right, but some people just don't have common courtesy anymore.

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Onthehighseas said :"Another one are the people crowding in at the MDR for dinner. Like dinner is not going to be served if they don't get there first. Reminds me of a herd of cattle going to the trough."


That's one that bothers me too. My husband usually looks at me and smiles, then he will moo.:)


I hate to tell you, but "Mooing" at people is rude.


I don't understand how waiting to get into a dining room is rude and why it bothers people. It's not like people are beating on the dining room doors yelling to be let in, now that would be rude.

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ill agree it is rude. i am probably guilty of doing similar at moments. i don't consider myself to be rude by nature, but we all have our moments. don't think i would go as far as actually jabbing someone, but i have stood my ground and bumped people purposely because they were hogging the hallway. doesn't make it right, but some people just don't have common courtesy anymore.


See... that's the irony. Bumping someone purposely doesn't seem like common courtesy to me.

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I hate to tell you, but "Mooing" at people is rude.


I don't understand how waiting to get into a dining room is rude and why it bothers people. It's not like people are beating on the dining room doors yelling to be let in, now that would be rude.


Exactly. Again, that's another example of the irony I'm talking about.

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See... that's the irony. Bumping someone purposely doesn't seem like common courtesy to me.



it's not. and it's not right. my mom raised me better than that, but like i said everyone has their moments. we can't be polite and courteous all the time.

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