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NOT Anti-Kids, Alternatives, Etc...I am ANTI-This!!!


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Nahhh... you're not missing anything. I had a pregnant belly pic but it was freaking some out so I changed it to baby foot prints. :p I'll dig my heels in to protect a child or to take a stand against rude behavior but I'm pretty easygoing on the rest of the stuff.


Oh.I love pregnant bellies!!! Can't see how that would freak someone outtho...the only time it ever did was when my cuz was like 8months preg with twins and Emma was strecthing and her little foot like poked out and you could see it under the skin....looked creepy! Good luck and congrats on the baby!! I'm a nanny and would also say something if I saw another adults hurting/"teaching a lesson to" a child who clearly wasn't there's! Though I will admit when I was in 3rd grade I picked on the 2nd graders not sure why...lol.

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Seems as though you aren't letting it rest either; just saying. Everyone has a right to their opinion, if you post in a public forum you will get all kinds. I am in the middle of the topic because thankfully this has never happened to me but as a mom I don't know if I would "snap" to protect my "cubs". I have always been a sensible person up until now but there is always a first for everything. I would like to think instead of tripping the kid back I would grab him by his ear and demand the little turd tell me where his parents were and then fill them in on what their little angel has been up to. Or call ship security.


Either way I am sorry for what happened to your child.


Originally Posted by 1timecruiser viewpost.gif

I have never witnessed extremely rude behavior like those that have posted

thankfully me neither. It would be upsetting to see an adult trip a child intentionally.


Wow, you really can't seem to let this rest can you...and I can ASSURE you it would be no more upsetting than having someone knock down your child and not think twice about it and think it was funny on top of it! Like I said before, I am not looking for your acceptance nor do I care how you feel about it and from what I have read about others making comments no one else wants to hear you say anymore about it either so why don't you move on since you are so polite and proper and all...


People do tend to get all riled up on vacation about the slightest things

I only see a few people like that as I pass by the purser's desk. Most people seem to be enjoying themselves immensely.


however I agree that if you are walking down the narrow hallways, with the ship sometimes obviously rocking, you're bound to be too close or bump into someone without intending to. If there are more than 2 persons walking, someone with them should move to either get behind them or they all single file so that others on the right can get past. It's just the right thing to do. If you are walking and they don't, then hey, if they get bumped, sorry - but oh well!

Exactly. An unintentional bump is understandable but intentionally sticking out an elbow and jabbing someone is rude imo.


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Seems as though you aren't letting it rest either; just saying. Everyone has a right to their opinion, if you post in a public forum you will get all kinds. I am in the middle of the topic because thankfully this has never happened to me but as a mom I don't know if I would "snap" to protect my "cubs". I have always been a sensible person up until now but there is always a first for everything. I would like to think instead of tripping the kid back I would grab him by his ear and demand the little turd tell me where his parents were and then fill them in on what their little angel has been up to. Or call ship security.


Either way I am sorry for what happened to your child.


Actually I have let it rest...It just seems it is now referred to in every post that this person does...and you are right, you aren't sure what you would do because I never thought I would do that, but I did and I would do it again. As far as grabbing him by the ear, that I wouldn't do only because you have to physically put your hands on them and I know not to do that unless it is a major thing but an accidental slip of the foot, no one can prove it either way...


And the problem with ship security is they are not there and by the time you find them they are gone already...and the parents...normally they know how their child is and they don't care...that is why they are not with them or in the club...there were 3 kids kicked out of camp carnival on our last cruise for being to aggressive and not listening...so they just ran around the ship on their own...these are the things that need to be stopped...if they are tormenting the staff they shouldn't be able to run wild and torment the passengers...


And I thank you for being sorry she got knocked over...if this kid had apologized he never would have gotten tripped...I do know he is lucky that I did something before my husband did as he is way more protective than I am...

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Actually I have let it rest...It just seems it is now referred to in every post that this person does...and you are right, you aren't sure what you would do because I never thought I would do that, but I did and I would do it again. As far as grabbing him by the ear, that I wouldn't do only because you have to physically put your hands on them and I know not to do that unless it is a major thing but an accidental slip of the foot, no one can prove it either way...


And the problem with ship security is they are not there and by the time you find them they are gone already...and the parents...normally they know how their child is and they don't care...that is why they are not with them or in the club...there were 3 kids kicked out of camp carnival on our last cruise for being to aggressive and not listening...so they just ran around the ship on their own...these are the things that need to be stopped...if they are tormenting the staff they shouldn't be able to run wild and torment the passengers...


And I thank you for being sorry she got knocked over...if this kid had apologized he never would have gotten tripped...I do know he is lucky that I did something before my husband did as he is way more protective than I am...


And you and your husband are both lucky the child you intentionally tripped wasn't seriously injured. Freak accidents do happen and if he had landed wrong and hit his head he might have been killed or paralyzed. In the heat of the moment you didn't think about that possibility and thankfully for all involved he wasn't injured by your actions. The CHILD's actions were wrong but as ADULT your actions were also very wrong imo.

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We have a friend whose daughter has a rare bone disease. Looking at her, you might think she's perfectly healthy. What you don't see is that, at the young age of 11, she's had more broken bones than I can remember.


Recently, she was running ahead and tried to hurry into the house to lock her mom and dad out, as a joke. She slipped, and hit her head, something I've seen happen to my boys a time or two or twenty---but for her, it resulted in a skull fracture that nearly took her life.


She's a child, she gets excited and sometimes runs ahead of her parents--that's what kids do.


I'm incredulous that some think it's okay to trip a child.

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It's incredilous that some teach their children to behave like animals as an acceptable practice also.


I would think if this child that got tripped had a medical problem his parents would probably have been around and he would not have been running down the halls pushing and punching the other boys and knocking on all the doors...sick children know their limits...these were just a bunch of boys away from their parents running wild around the corridors...


And suppose my child had some sort of medical problem, I guess it would be OK that he knocked her over and laughed...and that child had no more of a chance than getting injured than mine and that is what really is irritating me about "this poor kid kid that got tripped"...if he had apologized to my daughter or even acknowledged what he did I would never have even thought of any type of action but just the look in his eyes when he turned around and saw her and laughed...my blood has never boiled like that in my life...and you know what, he could have easily tripped on anything the way they were running around so really, he got what he deserved...you don't want anything to happen to your kids, you teach them how to act in public...I know there are people out there that would have done a lot worse than me...I have seen it. My kids know there is a good chance they are going to get hurt if they fool around and are doing things they aren't supposed to do...regardless of how they get hurt.


So, with that I will leave this particular post as I feel that I am done defending what I did, I came on to post just like everyone else and I get attacked for it...by who? PLEASE!!! Your opinion on ANY matter means as much as mine does to you...if you read through some of the posts there are always one or two people that have to personally attack certain posts...I guess I am glad I have a life and I have kids that I will continue to protect no matter what anyone thinks of it...

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We have a friend whose daughter has a rare bone disease. Looking at her, you might think she's perfectly healthy. What you don't see is that, at the young age of 11, she's had more broken bones than I can remember.


Recently, she was running ahead and tried to hurry into the house to lock her mom and dad out, as a joke. She slipped, and hit her head, something I've seen happen to my boys a time or two or twenty---but for her, it resulted in a skull fracture that nearly took her life.


She's a child, she gets excited and sometimes runs ahead of her parents--that's what kids do.


I'm incredulous that some think it's okay to trip a child.


That is a shame that happened to your friends daughter...but this was hardly the same situation as the parents were too busy getting drunk up on deck while the kids ran around unsupervised...

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That is a shame that happened to your friends daughter...but this was hardly the same situation as the parents were too busy getting drunk up on deck while the kids ran around unsupervised...


No matter how a person tries to justify it, it is never okay to intentionally harm a child.





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That is a shame that happened to your friends daughter...but this was hardly the same situation as the parents were too busy getting drunk up on deck while the kids ran around unsupervised...


And so you retaliate against the kid when its the parents who were negligent in not supervising their children. Two wrongs do not make a right. You are sending a message, to both your child and the child you retaliated against, that tripping another person is ok. It is never ok...no matter who does it or why they do it. By tripping this child, you were not protecting your child, but endangering another child. They are both children period. You don't retaliate against a child, you may reprimand them and ask for an apology to your child, call security on them, let their parents know what they did if you see them with them later in your cruise together, but you don't retaliate by doing something just as wrong. There were other proper means by which those could have been handled.

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I read your posts and know that you believed that everything you did was justifiable, and as a parent of 2 kids I think that if I was in your situation, I might have done the same. It’s a wrong thing to do, but in the heat of the moment, we do things without thinking.

Let me tell you a true story about tripping people, years ago my friend witness a man chasing after a boy, and he was trip while running, he felt face down and I guess happen so fast didn’t get a chance to use his hands to help break his fall, HE DIE INSTANTLY!

Like I said, I might have done the same thing in your situation, but what if the kid felt awkwardly, and instead of felt straight forward but to a side and hit his head on a wall and got seriously hurt, or worse, like that man?


Happy Cruising, and be Safe!!

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I read your posts and know that you believed that everything you did was justifiable, and as a parent of 2 kids I think that if I was in your situation, I might have done the same. It’s a wrong thing to do, but in the heat of the moment, we do things without thinking.

Let me tell you a true story about tripping people, years ago my friend witness a man chasing after a boy, and he was trip while running, he felt face down and I guess happen so fast didn’t get a chance to use his hands to help break his fall, HE DIE INSTANTLY!

Like I said, I might have done the same thing in your situation, but what if the kid felt awkwardly, and instead of felt straight forward but to a side and hit his head on a wall and got seriously hurt, or worse, like that man?


Happy Cruising, and be Safe!!


I am glad you see the point, that unless in the similar situation one doesn't know what they will do and we don't have the right to judge others for how they choose to react...


Not that reading through all these posts hasn't been fun and listening to everyones opinions hasn't been entertaining I guess it is safe for me to tell you now that it wasn't actually me that did this, it was someone that we cruised with a few years ago...she isn't on here and I just wanted to see how everyone would react...but I would probably have done something too, if someone hurts my kids, I take it personally. I would never intentionally hurt another child but I would take action against them to a certain degree. I have been in situations that my kids haven't been able to stick up for themselves and I have taken it up with the kids and then the parents...would it ever get physical...yes, and it has, I walked one of our neighbors kids around the corner by her ponytail a few years ago when I caught her playing with matches in the woods next to our house...


My friend that did this would not have cared what happened to the other child, that is just how she is...her little brother was beat to death by a bunch a kids when she was younger so no one messes with her kids...she used to be on here a long time ago but got banned because she told people how she really felt...which I can see why as some people just really are critical...I don't judge her for her decisions as they are hers and she will have to face the conscequences if and when they arise...and I see why she is the way she is, and that is another reason we should just keep to ourselves with our opionions as we never know what anyone else has gone through that leads them to act the way they do. She never got over the whole thing with her brother and she takes everything personally.


Sorry if I upset anyone by saying it was me, but I though this truly was a superb example of no manners and lack of respect, like so many kids seem to have anymore. (and mine are not perfect, they have their moments, but not in public)

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I am glad you see the point, that unless in the similar situation one doesn't know what they will do and we don't have the right to judge others for how they choose to react...


Not that reading through all these posts hasn't been fun and listening to everyones opinions hasn't been entertaining I guess it is safe for me to tell you now that it wasn't actually me that did this, it was someone that we cruised with a few years ago...she isn't on here and I just wanted to see how everyone would react...but I would probably have done something too, if someone hurts my kids, I take it personally. I would never intentionally hurt another child but I would take action against them to a certain degree. I have been in situations that my kids haven't been able to stick up for themselves and I have taken it up with the kids and then the parents...would it ever get physical...yes, and it has, I walked one of our neighbors kids around the corner by her ponytail a few years ago when I caught her playing with matches in the woods next to our house...


My friend that did this would not have cared what happened to the other child, that is just how she is...her little brother was beat to death by a bunch a kids when she was younger so no one messes with her kids...she used to be on here a long time ago but got banned because she told people how she really felt...which I can see why as some people just really are critical...I don't judge her for her decisions as they are hers and she will have to face the conscequences if and when they arise...and I see why she is the way she is, and that is another reason we should just keep to ourselves with our opionions as we never know what anyone else has gone through that leads them to act the way they do. She never got over the whole thing with her brother and she takes everything personally.


Sorry if I upset anyone by saying it was me, but I though this truly was a superb example of no manners and lack of respect, like so many kids seem to have anymore. (and mine are not perfect, they have their moments, but not in public)


Tracy, I'm sorry if you felt attacked but I really felt a need to try and make clear how dangerous that would be to do what you claimed you did to that little boy. I'm extremely relieved to hear you wouldn't intentionally trip a child. Hope you have a wonderful and safe cruise.



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No matter how a person tries to justify it, it is never okay to intentionally harm a child.







How about a 13 year old gangsta wannabe with a gun pointed at your head ready to prove to his gangsta buddies he's ready to be a member? Never, ever????? Wrong answer.

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Nahhh... you're not missing anything. I had a pregnant belly pic but it was freaking some out so I changed it to baby foot prints. :p I'll dig my heels in to protect a child or to take a stand against rude behavior but I'm pretty easygoing on the rest of the stuff.


I liked the pregnant belly picture!


I would not touch someone elses child, I might have something to say to them but that is as far as it would go. Maybe instead you can find the parent and trip them. :)

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I recently purchased a new tv and the sales manager, from the Pacific Rim, handed me the sales receipt with both hands, I accepted it with one hand. Now, after I left the store I realized that me taking the reciept with one hand was rude (in traditional asian culture).



This would depend on where you purchased it not who u purchased it from. If it was bought in North America, the Sales manager shouldnt expect you to be familiar with their custom. Its the other way around, the Sales Manager should learn about your customs and respect them. It shouldn't be rude because u didn't know/forgot.

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From the sublime to the ridiculous. :rolleyes:


That's the kind of thoughts you can get when people say "Never....ever" for anything. The writer of that post didn't say "on a cruise ship" or did I just miss that part??? And let me guess, all Somalian pirates are over the age of 21??


If someone is going to make a ridiculous statement, they should expect ridiculous responses.

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How about a 13 year old gangsta wannabe with a gun pointed at your head ready to prove to his gangsta buddies he's ready to be a member? Never, ever????? Wrong answer.


Your kidding of course.


How many people like that have you seen on a cruise ship?


And I think it's understood that we are talking about cruising on a CRUISE Critic message board.


"If someone is going to make a ridiculous statement, they should expect ridiculous responses."

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Your kidding of course.


How many people like that have you seen on a cruise ship?


And I think it's understood that we are talking about cruising on a CRUISE Critic message board.


"If someone is going to make a ridiculous statement, they should expect ridiculous responses."


Not so ridiculous....I actually read a post on here the other day about rival gang members being on a Carnival cruise out of NOLA...not sure if it was the Triumph or the Fantasy...well apparently they got into a HUGE fight before the ship even left port, so they were put off and/or arrested, but they're respective girlfriends stayed on board and started a huge fight and security had to guard their cabins for the whole cruise as they were confined to them. Do a search, it's on here somewhere.


As for hitting, tripping, harming a child. I would never do that either. The elbow jabs are reserved for adults who SHOULD know better.:D

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That's the kind of thoughts you can get when people say "Never....ever" for anything. The writer of that post didn't say "on a cruise ship" or did I just miss that part??? And let me guess, all Somalian pirates are over the age of 21??


If someone is going to make a ridiculous statement, they should expect ridiculous responses.


%^$# ! My kids are sailing on the Carnival Legend on Sunday and I totally forgot to tell them to pack their under-age-Somalian-pirate-protection-gear! :rolleyes:




Thanks for proving the sublime to ridiculous statement, tho. :p


(Next time, please quote me in context. Thanks. :)).

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