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Need some help re: Digital pictures and memory cards

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Hi yall :)


So we have our camera all set to go, and I'm sure I will probably be taking more pictures than dill has pickles.


However, what do I do if my memory card fills up, meaning is there a way I can upload my pics onto a disk or something on the ship? I have no laptop so that wont work. Can they do this for us, and if so, I'm assuming there is a fee?


I just bought another memory card just in case, but would really just like to use the one I have now (Its a 128mb), especially if there is some way to get them to upload my pics for me.


Also, if the pics are able to be disk scanned on board, will the disks mess up when going through Xray machines at the airport?


Can anyone help me out with this, or what you guys do? So clueless here!


Many thanks! :)

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I always travel with extra memory cards. It's more than worth the piece of mind. I spent 17 days in South East Asia with three 256k cards, and that was just barely enough -- but then the region is so incredibly photogenic that I was taking best-quality pictures practically every minute. The price of memory cards keeps coming down, so do go and pick up a 256k or a 512k and you'll never have to worry about it on a week's cruise, especially if you use "normal" image quality.

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I also travel with a digital camera. If my memory serves me correctly, some ships offer a service to take your digital picture from your media and burn it onto CD-ROM. I'm certain that at least Explorer offered this service at the photo gallery. There is a fee involved, but it may be worth it to keep from having to lug a laptop through airports and such. Otherwise, purchase a bunch of media to get by...

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Always travel with more than one card. You can have an error on your card and have to reformat and if you can't download the pictures you could lose them. We always take two and we edit the losers out each night to free up space.

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Hi yall :)


However, what do I do if my memory card fills up, meaning is there a way I can upload my pics onto a disk or something on the ship? I have no laptop so that wont work. Can they do this for us, and if so, I'm assuming there is a fee?


Also, if the pics are able to be disk scanned on board, will the disks mess up when going through Xray machines at the airport?



Many thanks! :)


We were on the Navigator last June and their photo shop does have a place for you to download your photos to disc or you can just print them. It's the same type of machines they have in Walmart for you to print digital photos. I can't remember the cost for the disc, but I belive it was aroud 40 cents per photo if you printed them out. The airport X-ray should not effect the disc at all. The detector that you actually walk through has some sort of magnetic thing, so just be sure you don't carry the disc through that thing with you (although it's highly unlikely they would let you carry it through anyways).

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There are many things you can do to get the most from your Memory Cards.


First: Set your camera to take pictures at the smallest setting. There are probably different picture sizes you can take. Read the camera manual to make sure this setting is engaged. This will allow you to take the MOST amount of pictures possible on your 128 card.


Second: Depending upon the MegaPixel of your particular camera, you will have the maximum amount of photos available to take show in the screen of your camera when the setting is set to "Small". A 128 mb card is pretty darn small. You may want to think about buying another card to supplement the one you have. I highly recommend a 256 or 512 card. The higher number the better. I use a 1 Gig card (very large) and when my camera is set on the largest picture possible format, I can take a total of 200 pictures with my 5 megapixel camera. All sounds very complicated, but it really isn't. The only reason anyone sets their pictures to be "large" is if they have the inclination to make 11 x 14 size prints or larger or crop and zoom a photo at some later time. I usually do.


Third: I actually use my iPod with my camera. I upload my pictures from my flashcard to my iPod using a Belkin Reader. Very easy to do and the iPod stores 1,000's of pictures and 1,000's of songs too! I did this every evening during our European cruise last June and it worked out perfectly! I took over 2,500 photos. If you need any info, just email me!

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We went to rccl go get the info depending on the ship the photo lab can print your pictures or copy them to a cd. Be careful though, on another thread someone said they got off the ship and the CD had no pictures on it. They lost the first 3 days of their cruise.


We are taking to digital cameras one with two 128 memory cards and one with a 516 memory card. We are also taking our laptop to upload our pics just incase something goes wrong with the camera.


I think it may be over kill.:D

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I was in Europe for 3 weeks a couple of years ago and took over 700 pictures. I filled up two 256 meg cards. Several of those pics were taken at a smaller size to be able to cram more in. When I got home, I had wished that I hadn't taken them at the smaller size, because there were pics that I wanted to blow up and frame that didn't come out too well.


For my Alaskan cruise, I am taking both of those 256 cards, and at least 1 gig. I like to take several pics of the same thing so you at least get one good one, and then weed them out when I get home.


Cards don't take up hardly any space. I definately don't want to start worrying about running out of room! :)

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Tinkerme1...my boyfriend just got me that device to use with my Ipod to transfer pics from my camera to the ipod! Cool idea! So happy I don't have to spend more money on memory cards! I have a 256, 128, & 64 and always fill them up on short 1 week vacations. The idea of putting all the pics on my ipod is great. Can't wait to try it out!

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I think you're going to LOVE having that iPod around when it comes to uploading your pictures. I would suggest something for you.


Practice uploading some pictures BEFORE you leave. The Belkin Reader is great, and easy to use, and make sure you have additional batteries for it too. Once you have a successful upload, then put the pics onto your computer to get the whole process down pat.


It's easier to do it at home first than trying to juggle uploading the pictures, reading the manual and pulling on the formal dress! LOL! When you confirm that the iPod has all of your pictures, it shows the number uploaded, then make sure you delete all of the pictures on your flashcard so you can start fresh the next morning. It is wonderful! I have the 20 Gig iPod and I couldn't live without it!

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MP3 player, 4 megapixel and camcorder -512MB card. $129 at Target, card was $45. With rebates it was $150 total.


Don't yell about the above.............


Took 80 songs, 350MB


Shot 30 pictures -took another Camera and some disposible ones


Shot 15 minutes of video


Still plenty of MB's to spare.


As far as it goes with our other digital camera -64MB


Took about 100 and the smaller size with a handful at the biggest, ones we might want much bigger. Still have plenty of room on that card, and had a 28MB card to spare.


Also, all the clicking of photos takes away from that eternal memory God gave us. Some many GB's in this memory from our trip, only beer can take that away. And age!

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Tell me more about the iPod, can you use this if you do not have a mac computer? I am new to this stuff. I just bought a new camera, a Digital Rebel, I "think" I will love this camera if I ever figure it out. Have been thinking about an iPod. I did recently purchased a canon printer, a Shelphy it is the one that is really small only weighs 4 lbs.it is just for pictures only prints 4x6 and two other small sizes, thought that I would just print the pictures that I want each night. This will get costly tho. Glad to hear that they have a place to make a cd on the ship now.

If anyone has a Digital Rebel I would love to hear what lens you take with you on a cruise.I have not purchased a lens to go with it only the one that I bought with the camera, would like to get a zoom before our next cruise just not sure what to get.

Thanks for any info that anyone can give me.


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Hi yall :)


So we have our camera all set to go, and I'm sure I will probably be taking more pictures than dill has pickles.


However, what do I do if my memory card fills up, meaning is there a way I can upload my pics onto a disk or something on the ship? I have no laptop so that wont work. Can they do this for us, and if so, I'm assuming there is a fee?


I just bought another memory card just in case, but would really just like to use the one I have now (Its a 128mb), especially if there is some way to get them to upload my pics for me.


Also, if the pics are able to be disk scanned on board, will the disks mess up when going through Xray machines at the airport?


Can anyone help me out with this, or what you guys do? So clueless here!


Many thanks! :)




Different cameras use different memory stix and the number of pics you can take varies accordingly. I have a Nikon coolpix 5.2 megapixels which uses SD memory stix and I can take about 200 pics on one 256 meg stick at highest resolution. I usually take 3 with me and that is enough for the 7 day cruise. I don't bother with taking a laptop or spending extra money to d/l the pics.


And just in case you're wondering why I take 3 256 as opposed to 1 gig -- if something happens to one of the stix, I still have the other 2 to take pictures with.

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:eek: Hello. I am new to this downloading game. I have a 256MB XD card and my husband is bringing his laptop to check e-mails. I do NOT know how to downoald onto the laptop. Is this an easy task? Are they stored for good on the laptop or do you have the chance of them being deleted? Does this change your ability to print them later on? Any info would be appreciated. I realize how basic these questions are- but in this area I'm techno lights years behind. Thanks.


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First: Set your camera to take pictures at the smallest setting.


Ack! Don't do this! Always set your camera to the highest setting. How do you know when the picture you are taking is going to become an all-time favorite that you want printed in an 8x10 (or larger!). I would agree with this only in the rare case that you are sure you will never print photos, and only look at them on a web page or something, but that is almost never the case with cruise pictures.


A fast (40x) 1GB card can be had for about $60. My digital rebel will take about 280 pictures at the highest resolution setting, and while I think I'm fine for the week, I have a few backup cards just in case.

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:eek: Hello. I am new to this downloading game. I have a 256MB XD card and my husband is bringing his laptop to check e-mails. I do NOT know how to downoald onto the laptop. Is this an easy task? Are they stored for good on the laptop or do you have the chance of them being deleted? Does this change your ability to print them later on? Any info would be appreciated. I realize how basic these questions are- but in this area I'm techno lights years behind. Thanks.



AS soon as you connect the camera to your laptop, it will detect it and automatically d/l the pictures. It will ask you whether you want to save them on the laptop and will not be deleted unless you delete them yourself. Just follow the prompts on the laptop and you'll be fine.

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Ack! Don't do this! Always set your camera to the highest setting. How do you know when the picture you are taking is going to become an all-time favorite that you want printed in an 8x10 (or larger!). I would agree with this only in the rare case that you are sure you will never print photos, and only look at them on a web page or something, but that is almost never the case with cruise pictures.


A fast (40x) 1GB card can be had for about $60. My digital rebel will take about 280 pictures at the highest resolution setting, and while I think I'm fine for the week, I have a few backup cards just in case.


lookin4calm is absolutely right! The pictures you take at low megapixels don't come out very well inside and will be very distorted if you wanted to print them later. Take fewer pictures if you have to but better ones that can be printed but it doesn't cost that much to get additional cards. The card costs will vary depending on the type your camera uses and the memory it holds. I take at least a couple of 256 and 1 512 SD card with me since I dont' d/l my pics on trips.

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I have a lap top, but not going to take it....don't want to have to keep up with it or worry about dropping it while dealing with luggage. I received a Jump Drive for Christmas and haven't even used it yet, and really don't know much about it except the gifter said that I would never need the amount of space I have for files, etc. Is it possible to down load the pictures from my camera to the jump drive at the photo center on the Mariner??? OR if my pictures are down loaded from the camera to a CD, Would it not be possible to look at the CD and verify that they did load before the pictures are erased from the memory card? I didn't have a digital camera on the last trip, but I did take my 35mm, film, several disposable cameras and an underwater camera.


I will be following this tread and am looking forward to reading more information on this subject.


Will be sailing on The Mariner of the Seas on November 27, 2005. If you're on this trip, please search out the Meet and Mingle thread and join the group.

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Just back from the Voyager. Photo shop is able to tsf. pics from your camera to a disk for a fee. I can't remember what it cost, but I remember thinking it was reasonable. We didn't use this service as we had a 256mg & a 512mg card with us. Took over 500 pics - lots of room to spare. Take lots of pics - now that we're home, I wish we'd taken more.

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Thanks Tinkerme1...I will def. try it out at home before my trip! Can't wait to try it and see how it works. It's crazy to think my ipod can store so many pictures! Very cool.


The only thing I'm worried about - I have a Kodak digital so when I normally plug my camera into my PC at home - my pics automatically go into my Kodak software. I'm wondering if I can still get the pics from the ipod into my Kodak software or if they will just be stored elsewhere on my PC. I'm not totally computer savvy so I have no idea how this will work. Guess I'll find out when I test it out.


Do you find that the upload process to the ipod takes a really long time? I was reading a bunch of reviews and some people were complaining about this. I would probably do it at night or something - so don't think I'll care how long it takes.

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I'm not familiar with the Kodak software, but with my Nikon Viewer software I can use the tool bar across the top to change the place I access the images. If I'm accessing from a CD, I go to "D" drive, etc.

A question for all you people that take thousands of photos, what do you do with them? I thought that I took a lot of photos, I average about 50/60 a day, and I don't use all of those when I get home. 1400 photos on a 7 day cruise is 200/day, if you are awake 16 hours/day, that's 12.5 photos per hour or one every 5 mins (approx). When do you get time to eat, shower, etc?:D

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  • 1 year later...
Hi yall :)


So we have our camera all set to go, and I'm sure I will probably be taking more pictures than dill has pickles.


However, what do I do if my memory card fills up, meaning is there a way I can upload my pics onto a disk or something on the ship? I have no laptop so that wont work. Can they do this for us, and if so, I'm assuming there is a fee?


I just bought another memory card just in case, but would really just like to use the one I have now (Its a 128mb), especially if there is some way to get them to upload my pics for me.


Also, if the pics are able to be disk scanned on board, will the disks mess up when going through Xray machines at the airport?


Can anyone help me out with this, or what you guys do? So clueless here!


Many thanks! :)

With only 128mg x2 of memory and no laptop, you don't anticipate taking too many pictures do you.


I have a 2gig microdrive in my camera and have been in a situation where I had to go back to my cabin, download the pix to my laptop, reformat my MD, then go back to taking pictures.

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