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I soooo love our purples and blues!!! I've looked in Cache before and never seem to see anything that would look good on me style-wise. It always seems so young looking but, it looks GREAT on you in the pictures you've posted! We're similar in age I think. I don't feel comfortable in 1-shouldered things, I feel like I'm too fancy or something in them. I guess I'm just a simpler kind of gal that likes diving, birdwatching, hiking, etc. I would like to branch out in clothing but, when I goo too far "out" it looks like I'm trying too hard. Make any sense???


I think we're about 10 years different in age... with the <ahem> upside going to my side of the table! I've had a bit of a struggle with the whole age-appropriate dressing topic of conversation, as Anita will tell everyone. In fact, during a recent conversation, she actually said that she didn't have time to reassure me, at the moment, due to her moving and being very, very busy! :D As I recall, that conversation had to do with being a skinny-old versus a skinny-young, and how people perceive the "look."


I never really thought too much about "age-appropriate" dressing until I read on here a phrase: "mutton dressed as lamb." It really floored me that anyone could be that condescending and downright hurtful to describe someone's formal clothing as being inappropriate for their age! I would say that people wear inappropriate clothing... but I think that if a woman feels beautiful in her choice of dress (and you would assume that she does if she's emerged from her stateroom!)... then Leave. Her. Alone! Especially with your rude comments!


Boy, that rant came out of left field. I think because of the Style Statement book. That book just makes me think... well, the book doesn't actually make me think but the questions do! It's truly amazing the flight of memory that accessing my feelings in order to answer those questions occurs.. some, I have to admit, have been a bit painful... and I still don't understand Why. Did. That. Happen. To. Me. and others I can look at a bit more dispassionately and figure out what happened, how it's affected me, and how I can deal with it going forward.


Anyway.... what I was wanting to say, Kim, is that I don't think that it's an age-type think with Cache clothes; I think it's more that Cache caters to a column figure... which I have. I am not boobie-licious and, in fact, I have very few curves (flat bottom, etc). So, those wrap dresses and sheath dresses really help me out because they have embellishments at the shoulders and at the waist that help to disguise my Celery-stalk figure!


You have a gorgeous, curvy figure... so you don't feel quite right in the dresses... which makes sense. Also, I'm not sure that I think a lot of what Cache offers would fit into your personal Style Statement. I think you like more prints?!? and more natural fabrics with less fussy details?!?


Anyway, I think it's more just a style thing than an age thing.


On another subject: I have been analyzing my makeup. I've been having a bit of fun in Sephora! So, I've been trying to figure out what I've been doing wrong with my eye makeup and I found this interesting book about changing makeup as you get older (one hint: don't apply blush to the "apples" of your cheek because you have actually sagged a bit in that area and your blush will end up lower than you want it to be. What you need to do is look straight into the mirror, apply the blush to your cheekbone and the cheekbone ledge. This brings back a look of bone structure and also keeps the emphasis on your eyes.)....


So, I came across a quote that I wanted to share with my friends here:


The way you present yourself is a cumulative package of drinking water, exercise, laughing, loving, and having joy in your life.



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The way you present yourself is a cumulative package of drinking water, exercise, laughing, loving, and having joy in your life.



I. Love. This. Quote. Thanks for sharing it, Pam! I'm stealing it. --Debbie


P.S. I agree with absolutely everything you said in this latest post. Thank you for being so eloquent. Every time I read what you say, I'm nodding my head and agreeing. Ya'll would just love the dialogue going on in my head. :-))

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So, ladies, I had the most interesting, entertaining, frustrating shopping experience with a BFF the other day.


Sooooo...... I just gave up trying to explain color theory to her. The conversation went something like...


Me: I have learned that I need to dress in warm, bright colors to look my best.


BFF: I know what you mean! Colors are so important! Like, I really FEEL so much better when I'm wearing the colors that I'm MEANT to wear! Like, see that beautiful black & white outfit? That would look A-MAZ-ING on you!


Me: No, I no longer wear black and white. I need to dress in warm, bright colors to look my best.


BFF: Wow! I know what you mean! But, black and white is so sophisticated and so timeless and so classic and so easy when you're traveling. You're still doing quite a bit of traveling, aren't you? Oh look! There's an elegant dress in such a demure, wonderful shade of gray! That would look A-MAZ-ING on you!


Me: No, thank you though. I need to dress in warm, bright colors to look my best.


BFF: But, you don't dress in bright colors for evening do you? I mean you need to dress in something like an elegant black so that you would look wonderful in the glow of candlelight. See that beautiful black dress that would look A-MAZ-ING on you! And those lovely silver dangle earrings that would just catch the candlelight ever so perfectly?!? Bright colors are just wrong for evening.


Me: I don't like black.


BFF: What?!? When did THAT happen?!?


Me: I love you. Can we go get something to eat? I'm starving!

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I'll let you ladies in on a little secret -- if you read Pam's posts while drinking coffee at your work desk -- expect to have coffee splatters on all your paperwork! I just about snorted coffee!!!!


My BFF knows that I want to dress in warm and bright. She's a retired high-school guidance counselor, so she's much more savvy about how she words her comments. She likes black. I mean She. Really. Likes. Black. At one time, my husband asked if she owned anything that didn't have black in it. "Yep," I said, "she has a few gray and white things." She is also drawn to silver accessories. Guess who I thought of when I needed to discard my black, white and silver? It was totally painless to give away those colors that never looked good on me anyway! In fact, she wore a very nice pair of black Clark sandals to church this week that are very comfortable. I should know.


My daughter knows that I'm trying to avoid certain colors, so for Christmas, she asked for color hints. The example I gave her was warm milk chocolate brown and tomato red. Pretty simple, I thought. I got a very nice pair of texting gloves. They are lovely. Bought at a spiffy ladies boutique that sells specialty items. They are brick red.


That's my story. Next?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'll let you ladies in on a little secret -- if you read Pam's posts while drinking coffee at your work desk -- expect to have coffee splatters on all your paperwork! I just about snorted coffee!!!!


Too funny and too true!


Well Ladies, I'm off on my Alaskan adventure tonight.

Plane leaves 04:30 our time and lands in Seattle 11:30

Friday morning. I get an extra 10 hours!

Will try to look at the boards from time to time and promise

to take lots of pics for my pictodiary! :)

Take care everyone!


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Safe, safe travels, Julie. Looking forward to your pictures.


I leave tomorrow for an eight day trip to Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, etc. It will be uBER-casual, so my pictodiary would be super-duper casual. Im only taking jeans, tees and hoodies, but at least the backgrounds should be pretty and I am trying to take only FIRE colors. If I manage any pictodiary-worthy shots, I'll post them.


Take care everybody. --Debbie

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@Julie. How fun to think of you in Seattle (shopping!!!) and beautiful Alaska. I know that you'll have a fantastic trip and hope you have an easy flight coming our way. Just know that we're all excited to travel along with you when you post your pictodiary.


@Debbie. Casual is good! So glad that you're visiting the northern part of my state because it is uncomfortably warm here, at the moment! You know that we live in a very casual environment here so you will fit right in! I hope your jeans aren't too heavy, but I think that the Grand Canyon MAY get slightly cooler, especially in the evenings, so you should be fine. Also, looking forward to your pictodiary... have a wonderful trip!


How exciting that we have TWO Fire Ladies traveling at the same time! We've all been so quiet here this summer, which I didn't expect because I thought that we'd get great Color Party Pictures with the sunlight streaming in during the summer season. It isn't that I haven't felt like doing pictures, but it seems like so many, many little "things" are just piling into my schedule this summer. When I look back on my days, I can't fathom why I didn't have the time to put things together! But, somehow, I just can't seem to get it going.


I think I need to go back through the Thread and figure out where everyone IS. Maybe I'll do that this weekend. By promising to do it here, that MIGHT motivate me to actually get my hiney in gear..... :D

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Bummer, I missed saying Have a great trip to you two!(Debbie and Julie) Anyway, I know you will have lots of fun and come back with a wonderful pictodiary for us! And I hope to pick your brain on Alaska, Julie!


Pam- I'm still here, just not on here as much as I'd like right now. To many irons in the fire so to speak.. just like you to many little things have gotten in the way and I just haven't felt like putting anything together.


Talk about a dragging hiney-I have to work everyday and I'm beat when I get home. It's been so hot here and the air conditioner in the office is an ancient one and needs replaced. Add the copier, computer and other electronics in my small room and it's like a furnace! Hence, I'm tired, sweaty and cranky when I get home and crash in the recliner after diner to cool off. I'm in bed by 10pm. Trying to keep up with housework and life in general has me worn out.


This past year I have taken up a new hobbie- card making- :eek:Yeah, like I have the extra time! Anyway, I figure if I can't travel, I can send cards to my great nieces and nephews...and dream of visiting them...since I have no grandchildren. I'm using it as a stress reducer, and it was working...as long as I don't give myself deadlines!!! LOL Right now though, I'd don't have the energy to even do that.


I've been so rotten lately, DH is getting frustrated with me and wants to take me on short trips. Thing is I don't want to go! I just don't have the energy to even think about what to pack. I'd rather park my hiney in my recliner and veg out in front of the TV..not even paying attention as to what is on... I need some big motivation!!!


Catch ya later....:D

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This is my tribute to our upcoming trip to Africa. I've been looking for an animal print top that was at least in the neighborhood of FIRE. This photo was taken in Savannah on our recent camping trip to South Carolina.



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Kim, the pics are fantastic!!! Love the gargantuan ones and I looooove the animal print top!!! It's what I have been looking for also.


Well, I'm off to a Red Hat funtion today and have to wear western garb. Will try to get a photo for you all, but keep in mind this is not going to be in my colors!!!:eek:

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I really like my, as I call it, "safari top" too! A lady sitting in front of us at Mass was wearing it and I asked her where she got it. She said she found it at Stein Mart. The next time I was in Indy I went to Stein Mart and there it was :) You should have seen me grin!!!


Linda, I love the earrings! So giraffe-like, I think. I saw a lady in Asheville, NC (on our camping trip) that had some great laser cut wooden elephant earrings. I asked her where she got them and she told me the store. We happened to walk by it while browsing and I went in. They didn't have any more of the elephant earrings but did have some really cool laser cut Eagle Ray ( a big ray that is seen in Cozumel during the winter months that divers see frequently, but not us yet :( ) earrings that I bought.

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Kim- Don't blame you one bit for the Cheshire Cat Grin!!!! I would have too! To bad we don't have any Stien Marts around here, or I would have had one also! Oh well, at least you can wear that wonderful top with pride and look great! If you're in the market for jewelry online I sometimes get things at Natures Jewelry dot com. They have unique, inexpensive pieces, sometimes. You might try there. I thought those earrings were giraffe like also, but could be worn with anything, and thought of you when I saw them. I love unique pieces of jewelry and have so much I don't dare buy more.



Since I've been in such a funk lately, :( DH decided to take maters in his own hands and MADE me get up this AM and go to Johnstown with him in search of some work boots for him. (about 45 min drive -We don't have a lot of selection in our little university town.) Unfortunately for him he found nothing, but suggested I go look for a jacket... well..even though I told him I wasn't in the shopping mood, I came out of the store with these!:eek:

I'll try to get photos this week. There is one other top (an animal print) and a denim jacket that I just love, but no photos on line for them. I never really liked Alfred Dunner stuff before, but thought these were cute on and will go well with things I already have. I know the bronze top is probably more earth, but I think I can get away with it. Will have to see. DH really likes me in everything, and that holds a lot of weight with me these days!:D





Oh yeah, got a pair of denim jeans to match the jacket also. I already had the skirt from earlier trip.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Kim,


I, too, was thinking about Debbie and Julie and wondering how much fun they are having and whether they've returned from their fabulous trips and ready to share their fabulous selves.


I have just fallen into a bit of a rut this summer. I have been doing the same things over and over. Sleep, Eat, Zumba! That's been my life. Not a pout face... just the way that I've been. I started doing Anita's Style Statement book and that brought up a bunch of memories for me... some not quite as pleasant as others. So I retaliated by getting back into my routine: Sleep. Eat. Zumba! LOL.


As far as my hair goes. Well. It so needs to be taken to my stylist. But, I just can't be bothered right now. So, I pull it back into a ponytail... which is ridiculous because it's not long enough for that... then I put on a headband because, of course, my life is Sleep. Eat. Zumba! And that cares care of that little problem.


And, my wardrobe? Well, my life being... by now you know.. Sleep. Eat. Zumba... I just wear my exercise capris and my exercise top and that's the end of that little problem.


So, yesterday? I signed up for a fantastic class at Sur la Table on French pastries. OMG. I actually had to go into my closet and figure out something to wear. Ridiculous. I'm going to have to weed through my closet and get rid of all those tops that end up looking like Flashdance on me. Again, ridiculous. And I tried to blow dry and style my hair... which means that I will make a hair appointment next week, for sure.


I did get an interesting item from Sephora. I purchased their Limited Edition Makeup Palette... because it has 148 colors in eyeshadows, liners, and lip glosses. Well! This has been quite a bit of fun! I can tell right away some of the cooler colors... lke the difference between the coral and the fuchsia. But, what has proven to be really interesting is to try some of these colors that I would never have purchased on their own. I have to admit that Anita bought some orange eyeshadow and we were discussing how she was able to do more shading, shadowing, etc with colors that were more appropriately neutral for her skin. Anyway, I put on a combination of <drumroll> an orange eyeshadow, plum eyeshadow and a slight touch of yellow. It was amazing how green my eyes became! And, I tried a bright orange lipstick... and actually thought it looked pretty good. So, I am playing with this when the mood strikes me. If you can imagine my disjointed look for the day!.... exercise capris, exercise top... hair pulled into a ponytail and headband... full on eye makeup and glossy lips! Quite a startling look in the mirror! But, I'm just playing...


And reading some good books! Thinking about getting back into the kitchen on a better basis and providing more variety to my diet. Taking the Sur la Table class was a great deal of fun.. and inspiring.


So, that's my update. Kind of boring.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry it took me so long to post about our trip, but it was sooo difficult for me to crop and bleed over our nametags, etc. that needed to be done to post these pictures. I greatly admire you ladies that post pictures. I've worked on this for an enormous amount of time. I must be doing something wrong. Obviously. I did a botch job on covering our nametags! But, here goes.....



This picture was taken in the Utah State Capitol. What can I say? We have good friends that are lousy picture-takers--but they are really good friends! We are in the shadows, I know, but it’s the best picture of me in this top. I think it is a great FIRE blue.


Our trip began with a flight into Salt Lake City, Utah. This was a fly and drive group tour and we spent the first day touring the city in case someone’s luggage was delayed and we might need to make a return trip to the airport, maybe? Luckily that didn’t happen.



My FIRE orange-red and cream stripe top at this photo op between Salt Lake City, UT and Jackson Hole, WY. I’ve discovered that pictures show more than just colors. DH asked me why I felt the need to hold his stomach during the picture. I didn’t realize until this trip that I don’t know what to do with my hands during picture taking. I’m more familiar with holding the camera and looking in the mirror for self-portraits to send to my FIRE lady friends!




My transistion lenses show loud and proud while at Yellowstone Geyser Basin area.




I didn’t get a picture of this outfit during the day, so I snapped this late after we got back in our room. I had two pictures to choose from and chose the one that was more "yellow" because it showed the true color of the teal hoodie even if it looks horribly yellow.



My drugstore scarf is sooo bright—lots of good FIRE colors!



Here’s the same yellow/teal combo and no gray face! Yea!!!

We felt very privileged to see things many tourists to these places never see. We saw and heard a rock slide while at this location of the Grand Canyon. We also saw a rain storm come in from the north side of the canyon toward us while at Bright Angel Lodge. During our trip it rained 1.5 inches in places that only receive 15 inches all year, so we saw water running in creeks and places that the guides said they hadn’t seen in over 8 years.


Wonderful trip. Happy 62, DH. You are officially retired! --Debbie

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