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Lusitanica's EPIC REVIEW with pics, videos, comments, etc.


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DocJohn -

Well, you're right on one count. My review was very positive. However, I didn't gloss over any negatives. There really were not any significant ones in my opinion.




That goes to my point. In your opinion there were no significant problems. However, reading over Lusitanica's review, and more importantly reviewing the video's, there are certainly "problem areas" that if I were thinking about cruising Epic, I would like to know.


Is the sink a problem . . . . IMO, yes, albeit a minor one. More importantly to me is the "tight" feeling that is shown in the vids. Not only the stateroom, but the atrium, passageways, etc. The location of the casino and the (almost) necessity of having to walk through it to get to most other areas is another. The lack of a "true" promenade deck, another.


I think the problem is that what appears to be problematic to some isn't even a bother to others.


Look, I truly have a positive outlook on cruising, much as I do on life. However I am enough of a realist to know that everything has flaws. I have written 3 or 4 reviews on Cruise Critic. None were 100% positive and all pointed to some flaws that bothered me to some extent. (Even wrote one on NCL Dawn).


People accuse Lusitanica of having a pre-determined agenda. Quite possibly, yet, IMO, he pointed out some things about the Epic that are quite useful.


But the bottom line is that each individual needs to make their own decision on which ship they will or will not cruise and all reviews, good and bad, help in that decision.

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I would think the company would have plenty of shots of their own ship to post?


And if they don't?


Hasn't the Epic been sailing for over 3 months now? Hmmmmmm


Maybe certain posters do have agendas after all........




I don't know about you, (no...seriously...I really don't!.....:rolleyes:) but I don't place much faith & reliance in artist's representations.




You appear to have made it your personal mission to defend NCL, and specifically EPIC


Not at all, but when I read one-sided diatribes, which are quite clearly prejudiced, I speak out.


For myself, I have repeatedly admitted to being a fan of the cruiseline (not just EPIC, though I really really really like the ship), but I have also routinely noted that all was not perfect.


I have stated again & again that when something is wrong, the mark of a company is how they handle the resolution. I've always been impressed with NCL in this regard.





Now before you start any conspiracy theories about me, I pay for all my cruises and I don't get paid for any reviews that I write.


As do I, and nor do I.


What image is photoshopped? Do you have proof? Sounds like your own mini-smeer campaign. Very hypocritical.


Did I say an image was photoshopped? No, what I said was "for example, if someone posted a photoshopped image, they should be called-out".


You on the other hand keep calling me out because a) I'm a fan b) you don't agree with me.





Regardless of whether a person is an experienced cruiser or not should have little bearing on how they disseminate a review.



Or experience a cruise, yet you attempt to belittle my worldwide travels by referring to the different cruiselines you've used. Staying at Motel 6, and La Quinta, AND Homewood Suites doesn't mean you provide any better an assessment of the Shangri-La, than would someone who usually stays at the Ritz.





The fact is this is a review from an anonymous person on the Internet. If anyone takes it so seriously, at face value, as to influence their vacation decision than that is on them.


There are LOTS of people out there who put stock in ratings, reviews, and recommendations. In fact that's why they exist.


Moreover, as you'll see before long, they're the subject of my Master's dissertation for which I'll be inviting survey responses within the next few months.





I research a lot of things on the Internet that I know nothing about, but I'm not so quick to take what I read at face value, unless it's from an extremely reliable and credited source.


There are students in almost every university in the world, who think that Wikipedia is a credible source.



If you want to spend what seems to be an inordinate amount of time defending EPIC


It's not really inordinate, I don't read every thread, I only respond to a fraction of those which I read, and I usually do it to take a break from coursework, or from work-work for a couple of minutes.




How about all the negative reviews written about all the other ships on CC, many which are not true and I know this for a fact because I have sailed on these ships.



Okay....exactly my point. I know that things in this video, and things in this review are 'spun', and I "know this for a fact because I have sailed on this (these) ship(s) "







Are you just as concerned about them? I don't think so, which would lead one to believe that you are somehow affiliated with NCL and have your own agenda ... exactly what you accuse the OP and even myself of.



I have no interest in Promenading, or sitting staring out a window at water, or looking at atria.


I cruise because I enjoy waking up in a new city / country every day without having to re-pack. To me the cruiseship is a mode of transportation, with entertainment & food.


I enjoy the selection of restaurants where I don't even have to walk down the block, and I enjoy the feeling of friendliness I have experienced on EVERY SINGLE ONE of my NCL cruises.


I like their CAS program, as I spend a lot of time in the casino.


My agenda is not only clear, but has been spelled out (by me) on multiple occasions: I see NCL as family, and I see attacks on it as attacks on my family. If those attacks are unfounded, it is entirely reasonable that I defend.


Other than that, I have ZERO affiliation with NCL. Heck, I'm not even at the Gold tier yet.....






The only thing I'm defending is the right for a person to post their views and perceptions on CC without threat of being personally attacked (called a liar, loser, sad, as an example).


Ummm....you've personally attacked me, for being too supportive. You've done it repetitively. Eat your words.



I don't see the people that post 100% positive views being attacked and called names,


It's funny that you don't "see" it....you DO it!



I have been on EPIC and already posted my impressions. Some matched what the OP wrote and many did not, and I would guess this would be the case with most people. Did the OP have pre-conceived perceptions about EPIC and decide to focus on those and nothing else? Perhaps. In the end it doesn't matter. People need to read the various reviews and make up their own minds about what applies to them and offers relevance.




I never found the sinking of ships to be too amusing, but to each their own.:confused:


Lusitanica....thank you for the effort you put into this review. Whether someone agrees or disagrees with your observations is only relevent as far as discussion goes.


This review can stand on its own. It doesn't need to be justified by the masses. It's Lusitanica's take on the ship. Deal with it!:p



We are.... :p

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People accuse Lusitanica of having a pre-determined agenda. Quite possibly, yet, IMO, he pointed out some things about the Epic that are quite useful.



So, from the point of view of someone who has not cruised EPIC and has said they will not.....what part of Lusitanica's (ahem) 'review' was quite useful?

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I'm just disappointed that people will come read this review and decide to stay off the Epic where they really could have had an excellent time on the ship.


1. Do you REALLY think people are that niave?


2. Does it REALLY matter to you is someone doesn't sail the Epic because of a review or conversly does it make you happy that someone sailed the Epic because of your review?


3. What if someone sailed the Epic based on your review and had a miserable time - would you be disappointed?

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A sampling of posting quotes from Lusitanica all made MONTHS before the cruise... I'm just confused why someone would go on a cruise they were that sure they would not enjoy so many aspects of...


Quotes from Lusitanica:


Some major flaws of Epic design had been obviuos before she left the shipyard.

The most discussed is the lack of bathroom in cabins.

Passengers cannot take care of their personal hygiene in the toilet "compartment" - there is no sink!

Do you really need to sail on this ship to realize that this fact is screamingly ridiculous?


There is no open promenade.

Do you really need to sail on this ship to witness that?


The waterline is 80% obstructed.

It's clearly seen on construction photos and deck plans.

The list of dining /entertainment venues was published long ago.

Cabins configurations and the "secret" behind the "wavy design" gimmick?

same thing.

So your review had been 70% done before Epic left France.


It takes some posters a couple of minutes to appear here to negate any posts, ideas, judgements that sound not favorable to Epic.


Much bigger problem is the way this ship has been designed.

This cannot be fixed other than by sending the ship back to shipyard for several months.

Given its size, Epic could have been a fantastic cruise ship. But...


I agree with what Mr. Luckytoo said: "...my feeling about some of the designs of the Epic were determined by how much they could jam into a limited amount of space."


Epic is not a representative example. You can cruise on a 2 times smaller (in tonnage) ship and find real open promenades, spacious atriums, larger theatres, relaxing atmosphere, feeling of a true sea travel - still with the possibility to dine where you want and when you want.

All the fireworks about Epic are by and large limited to 3 very unusual shows and the number of eateries (~20 vs ~10 on a "regular", non "freestyle" ship). Basicly that's it. Otherwise it's obviously inferior to any of comparable ships.


You may have both worlds on many ships. This "freestyle" ship just gives you less options.


Disagree totally. I consider the concept of "internal cabins plus a separated lounge" as a "prison within a ship".


Yes, that will be my first and the last cruise on Epic.


"I think if you put the Norwegian Epic side by side against any of the grand transatlantic liners" she would fit no description other than "disgusting floating apartment building".

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The atrium was a tradeoff. I really like the soaring, dramatic atriums for their visual appeal. However, they certainly take away space usable for other things. I used the Epic atrium space more than other ships, but it certainly wasn't visually impressive.

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You know Stephen, if you could keep the snarkiness out of your replies to me and others, you would be an interesting fellow to debate. Unfortunately that isn't the case.


Please re-read my response to mike and instead of trying to think of a snappy comeback, look at what I am saying. Because I haven't sailed on Epic, no do I foresee myself doing so, does not for a nanosecond mean that I cannot have an opinion about it. I do know what I like and do not like on cruise ships and cruising in general.


I wrote "if I were thinking about sailing on Epic". In order for you to better understand the context of my thought, please substitute the word "one" for "I".


Now, I wonder if this reply to a question posed by you will disappear from the board as others have.

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So, from the point of view of someone who has not cruised EPIC and has said they will not.....what part of Lusitanica's (ahem) 'review' was quite useful?


looking at the lobby of the Epic and the lobby of Harrah's in Reno:





Harrah's Reno


Told you the Epic reminded me of 'Vegas on the water'

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Well here is another swing on things. I have studied the deck plans for the e largest ships Epic, Oasis, and Carnival Dream. While there are things about each I like there are many more elements about the Oasis and Dream layout I do not like.


The dream has a real promenade but many other elements I do not like , mostly they are not Freestyle dinning and have limited entertainment venues.


The Oasis is very large and impressive. The zipline, Diving show and open air middle seem interesting but there have been many complaints about getting from place to place. Overall it is too big for me. Will I sail on her maybe. We have yet to sail Royal because the prices are so much more than NCL.


While the Epic is choppy and maybe not as visually appealing it has so much to do and offers Freestyle dinning and great prices for a new ship.

We chose the Epic for its price, cruise line, itinerary, and entertainment. It has been an exciting process to watch it be built while I wait to sail.


I do not think there is a ship out there that is perfect or suits everyones needs. That is why CC is so helpful. Most of what others do not like about the Epic is why I am cruising on the Epic. Reviews are helpful in figuring this out. But if you determine you do not like a ship why do you book a cruise on it then surprise surprise you do not like the ship.

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A quick look at prices on Oasis and Epic next December for an eastern Caribbean shows that Epic's balconies start at just $25 p/p cheaper than Oasis.


Although on some other dates the prices are just as comparable, there are dates when the starting prices are inexplicably higher on Oasis.


If it were only price holding you back (although it seems there is more), you might want to shop the two.

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I do not think there is a ship out there that is perfect or suits everyones needs. That is why CC is so helpful. Most of what others do not like about the Epic is why I am cruising on the Epic. Reviews are helpful in figuring this out. But if you determine you do not like a ship why do you book a cruise on it then surprise surprise you do not like the ship.


I totally agree with you. That's why, in my opinion, we need to be tolerant of our fellow cruisers when they post their opinion(s) and to not call them names!


While there are some people who claim that the OP's review was to SLAM the ship I ask those people this question: What was not factual in this review?


The Epic IS a loud ship - stop denying this and just accept it; many cruisers like that (not me)


The Epic IS NOT designed like a conventional cruise ship, the sliding doors in the cabins are NOT opaque, the sinks are small - just accept it; to many cruisers this is a non-issue.


When I sailed on the Epic there were times when it seemed very crowded and as evidence by the OP's video the Epic can "feel" crowded. If you live in an urban area your definition of crowded will be a lot different than my definition of crowded (live in a small city).


If you like to participate in a pub crawl the Epic definately has one - the OP obviously doesn't like to do those type of activities.


What I don't understand is how certain people can watch 15 minutes of video (Parts 1 & 2) and get so defensive about a 20 second section where the OP showed a painting of a PDA and the OP put Woops! Big deal right? It's the OP's OPINION but other posters won't accept that - so sad. :(

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A quick look at prices on Oasis and Epic next December for an eastern Caribbean shows that Epic's balconies start at just $25 p/p cheaper than Oasis.


Although on some dates the prices are just as comparable, there are dates when the starting prices are inexplicably higher on Oasis.




If it were only price holding you back (although it seems there is more), you might want to shop the two.


Put 2 adults and 2 kids in a balcony cabin on the Oasis then compare it to the Epic. That is where the big difference is. I pulled up prices for Oct. 30 2010 a family of 4 on the Epic can sail on a balcony cabin for around $3000 or less , you can get an ocean view on the Oasis for $5200. That is a $2000 difference for a not balcony room.

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Not at all, but when I read one-sided diatribes, which are quite clearly prejudiced, I speak out.



Hmm. The glowing, 100% positive reviews could been seen as "one-sided diatribes" but I don't see you picking those apart?



Did I say an image was photoshopped? No, what I said was "for example, if someone posted a photoshopped image, they should be called-out".


Fair enough. Reading your post it seemed to imply the OP had photoshopped an image. I guess we can put that one to rest.



You on the other hand keep calling me out because a) I'm a fan b) you don't agree with me.


I don't call you out because you are a fan, or even because I don't agree with you. I seriously doubt I even made one comment about your review and I don't know if I even read it. I call you out because you can't let other people write about their own experiences without picking apart anything you perceive as being negative. If it's positive, you have no comment. You appear to have the mindset that if you don't agree with it, or it didn't happen to you, it must be wrong and you attempt to discredit the reviewer. It's a very narrow view. As for being a fan of NCL, I couldn't care less about that. I've sailed on NCL more than you so perhaps that makes me a fan as well? If I hated the company I certainly would not keep sailing on them, so please don't try to make me out as some "NCL hater" with an agenda. It's simply not the case. Just because I don't cheerlead for them and call out every negative post does not mean I don't enjoy NCL and sailing on the line. Are there lines I like better? Absolutely, but that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed my NCL cruises and will continue to do so. Do I think EPIC could have been a better ship? Without a doubt. I think even NCL would agree (perhaps behind closed doors) that EPIC is not exactly what they would have desired. Too many circumstances to go into, but the next NCL newbuilds will tell the story.




Or experience a cruise, yet you attempt to belittle my worldwide travels by referring to the different cruiselines you've used.


I think you read into that one all on your own. It does appear that most of your cruise experience is limited to NCL, but I have no idea where you have traveled or what you have done. The only thing I know about you is based on your signature and your posts here. I certainly was not trying to belittle you, but if you want to understand why people make ship comparisons and the sort, your experience appears to be mostly limited to NCL. That might limit your perceptions of why people compare EPIC to other ships and the fact that in some instances EPIC comes up short.



There are LOTS of people out there who put stock in ratings, reviews, and recommendations. In fact that's why they exist.


Moreover, as you'll see before long, they're the subject of my Master's dissertation for which I'll be inviting survey responses within the next few months.


Reviews can be useful, but anyone that puts so much stock into a single review by an anonymous poster on a message board should perhaps consider staying home. You can go into the parent company site of CC and read tons of horrible reviews about some of the best hotels in the world. If I put too much belief into any of those reviews I would probably never travel again. Reading one review is not doing research, and if that is what people are doing and then making a decision about a vacation, I suppose they get what they deserve.


As for your dissertation, good luck.




I see NCL as family, and I see attacks on it as attacks on my family.


Interesting. You are a PR persons dream come true. Corporate America at it's finest. You consider a large corporation to be "family". Do you feel the same way about the grocery store you shop at every week, or where you buy your clothes? I shop at Publix for groceries often, but I don't consider them to be members of my family. If there is a problem with my shopping experience, I will call them out on it. The same applies to my vacations, regardless of the cruise line, hotel, air line, tour company, etc. To each his own I guess.





Ummm....you've personally attacked me, for being too supportive. You've done it repetitively. Eat your words.


Personally attacked? We must have a different understanding of the phrase. I have questioned your posts, absolutely. I have never called you a derogative name like "sad", "loser", or "liar". Those are what the OP was called. I don't even know you to personally attack you.



It's funny that you don't "see" it....you DO it!


Really? When have you EVER seen me go into a 100% positive, glowing review of EPIC and pick it apart piece by piece and basically trash it? I don't do that. You do that with just about EVERY negative post or review you read on EPIC. The difference is that I can respect that people have different perceptions about the same ship and even the same cruise. It's a dynamic that is different for everyone. I also feel that readers of CC are intelligent enough to read the reviews and make their own determinations, without some wanna-be moderator going in and picking apart the reviews.



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Aren't all cruise ships 'Vegas on the water':confused:



Absolutely not! There is a different cruise line for just about every style out there.


Look at Cunard, Silversea, Seabourn as examples. All these lines are very understated, with absolutely nothing "Vegas" or tacky about them.


Of the big mass-market lines, Princess, Celebrity, and Holland America are probably the least "Vegas-like". Hardly any flashing lights or neon to be found on any of their ships.



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Page 8


Norwegian Epic Balcony Cabins


That’s another Epic gimmick.

Standard balcony staterooms represent the quality of accommodation that a cruise ship provides.

That is the face of the ship the majority of cruisers are going to see.


To say that a standard balcony stateroom on Epic is small is to say nothing.

It looks like a narrow curved passage from the entrance door to the balcony door with a bed that happened to be in the way.

First of all, compare advertising pictures from http://www2.ncl.com/ship/epic/staterooms/1/balcony#tab_detail (L) with the real photos ®.


Note the distance between the bed and the sink



Note the distance between the sofa and cabinets



A standard cabin is ~160 sq. ft.

A typical balcony is ~ 56 sq. ft. The size and the shape of balconies may vary depending on the cabin location.

The passage between the bed and the sink is ~ 16”.

You can touch opposite walls (cabinets and walls, to be precise) easily with your hands.

The sofa is stone hard, curved along the curved wall (inconvenient for sitting) and useless.

When converted for sleeping, the sofa takes up practically the whole available space. It blacks the access to the balcony and cabinets.




A coffee table?

No.There is no room for a coffee table in Epic cabins.



Great review .....that illustrates the reality ....in relation to the artistic renderings. The "artistic license" taken in the room illustrations .....also shows up in many of the other poor space planning issues .....your review has pointed out.

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Aren't all cruise ships 'Vegas on the water':confused:


Absolutely not! There is a different cruise line for just about every style out there.


Look at Cunard, Silversea, Seabourn as examples. All these lines are very understated, with absolutely nothing "Vegas" or tacky about them.


Of the big mass-market lines, Princess, Celebrity, and Holland America are probably the least "Vegas-like". Hardly any flashing lights or neon to be found on any of their ships.




......and........when you are on the ships of the above examples.....Cunard, Silversea, Seabourn, Princess, Celebrity, and Holland America .......the public areas have a relationship with the sea.......which the new mega ships are missing.

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Absolutely not! There is a different cruise line for just about every style out there.


Look at Cunard, Silversea, Seabourn as examples. All these lines are very understated, with absolutely nothing "Vegas" or tacky about them.


Of the big mass-market lines, Princess, Celebrity, and Holland America are probably the least "Vegas-like". Hardly any flashing lights or neon to be found on any of their ships.



All the more reason for me to keep trying out different lines then;)

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All the more reason for me to keep trying out different lines then;)



Exactly! They really all offer something that is unique and different. Personally I'm not loyal to any particular line as I enjoy the variety too much. The crazy decor on Carnival, formality and tradition of Cunard, casual freestyle on NCL, ultra-luxury on Silversea, magic of Disney Cruise Line, innovation on Royal Caribbean, modern sophistication of Celebrity ... etc, etc, etc.


I find they all offer enjoyable experiences, and I'm thankful we have so many choices.


Next up for me is NORWEGIAN PEARL, followed in November by Holland America's newest ship, NIEUW AMSTERDAM. I expect the experiences to be quite different, yet equally enjoyable.



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Put 2 adults and 2 kids in a balcony cabin on the Oasis then compare it to the Epic. That is where the big difference is. I pulled up prices for Oct. 30 2010 a family of 4 on the Epic can sail on a balcony cabin for around $3000 or less , you can get an ocean view on the Oasis for $5200. That is a $2000 difference for a not balcony room.




I was basing my figures on 2 adults. Didn't think about the children. You do have a point about additional guests (3 & 4) being more expensive. Again, looking at the 12/3/11 sailing of both these ships, the initial price for 2 adults is quite similar . . . however it is about $400 more for each of the kids on Oasis.


That difference would certainly make a difference and be a definite part of the equation if I were traveling with kids.

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Exactly! They really all offer something that is unique and different. Personally I'm not loyal to any particular line as I enjoy the variety too much. The crazy decor on Carnival, formality and tradition of Cunard, casual freestyle on NCL, ultra-luxury on Silversea, magic of Disney Cruise Line, innovation on Royal Caribbean, modern sophistication of Celebrity ... etc, etc, etc.


I find they all offer enjoyable experiences, and I'm thankful we have so many choices.


Next up for me is NORWEGIAN PEARL, followed in November by Holland America's newest ship, NIEUW AMSTERDAM. I expect the experiences to be quite different, yet equally enjoyable.



I think I'm the same type of cruiser as you. I enjoy the variety and I can't see myself getting tied to one line. And for now, it is just plain fun to keep trying new lines with NCL being my next adventure ... unless I win the big one soon:D

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I was basing my figures on 2 adults. Didn't think about the children. You do have a point about additional guests (3 & 4) being more expensive. Again, looking at the 12/3/11 sailing of both these ships, the initial price for 2 adults is quite similar . . . however it is about $400 more for each of the kids on Oasis.


That difference would certainly make a difference and be a definite part of the equation if I were traveling with kids.



OASIS is definitely a pricey ship. I sailed on her in January and the experience was worth every penny, but I also got a decent deal by booking when reservations first opened.


For the time being, OASIS is priced out of the mass-market for me. For instance I was looking for a getaway in November for a week (very low season when prices are usually the lowest of the year). HAL's newest ship NIEUW AMSTERDAM has prices starting at $399 (inside guarantee). Pretty amazing for a so-called premium line. The CELEBRITY SOLSTICE starts at $499. Over to OASIS, which I would have liked to sail on again ... starting price is $1129 for an inside cabin for the same week! WOW that is expensive for this market and this time of year.


I don't blame Royal Caribbean. Prices are market driven and if they can demand those kind of per diems than more power to them. I just know I won't be returning to OASIS or ALLURE until the prices drop a bit.



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I truly hope that no one will read this 1 review & decide to cancel their Epic cruise.


As posted above.....Read both Lusitanica's review & Mike's review.

You'll end up being ready to judge the Epic on your own.


I've cruised many times...each & every cruise had positives & negatives. When I think back to those trips, I hardly ever remember the negatives but always remember the positives.


I did enjoy the beutiful photos & the videos, regardless of the fact that I personally didn't agree on some of the points being made (for instance: if I ever walked into the lobby on ANY ship & didn't see that many people , I would think we were in port & I forgot to get off)


Something tells me this thread is going to be a longgggg one ;)

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I think I'm the same type of cruiser as you. I enjoy the variety and I can't see myself getting tied to one line. And for now, it is just plain fun to keep trying new lines with NCL being my next adventure ... unless I win the big one soon:D

Same here. Although Celebrity is my line of choice (as is readily apparent from my clocks), I have cruised most of the mass market lines more than once. I have enjoyed each and every one of them and would not hesitate to sail on any line again. And, this certainly includes NCL.


There are certain ships I would not sail. Oasis/Allure because of their size and number of passengers and Epic because of its' size and a few issues I have mentioned previously and some that were addressed by lusitanic in his posts on this thread.

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