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My Review of Carnival Freedom 9/19-9/25 with Pics


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This guy went under 3 sticks!


See the girl at the bottm right of the pic? All the workers dressed like this


there were also guys coming around quickly taking any trash you had!


Rum Punch anyone?!



Look at my hubby drinking his 35th cup of rum punch...



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So I am ashamed to say that me and dh probably had at minimum 15 rum punches each. Dh was really feeling his drinks by the time we went back to the bus and so was most of the other bus riders. Unlike them (happy go lucky) dh was feeling sick. We took the drive back in the sardine bus and was dropped off at the shopping area right inside the gate. We looked at a few of the vendors,got a shirt for our youngest and then back to the boat cause dh just didn't feel well at all.



Our room,the last two windows on the side



I think we got back on the boat around 2:00pm,sailaway was at 3:30. I cannot remember what we did between this time and sailaway,but this is when I became sad :( The cruise was coming to an end and that always sucked. Dh reminded that we still had one more day. Yeah,we did,but they were taking us back to Florida and that sucks. Time for sailaway came and I wanted to go to the "secret door" area to get pics. Dh came with me,but for most of the time he was asleep on the bench out there and of course I have pics to prove it,lol I took a bunch of pics of the island and the colorful water and then I noticed that they kept calling the names of 4 different people.


Oh boy,we had some stragglers. They repeated the annoucement about 6 different times. Around almost 3:45 we see people walking leisurely down the long pier,shopping bags in hand. Maybe they were going by the time on their cell phones,lol. People were leaning over their balconies yelling and clapping. These people don't know how close they came to being left. The cruise director had already come on and did his annoucements and they had already started to unrope us by the time these people showed up.


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The past guest party was on this day,it was also elegant night. Dh didn't think he was gonna make it. He was feeling the affects of drinking and not eating.Tie that in with being in the hot sun you have a recipe for disaster. It got even worse for him because not long after we were started sailing,we were rocking pretty bad. These were the waves that affect how you are walking! I layed down and took a nap too. We ended up missing the party. We decided to forego elegant night and just go to the buffet. Dh was feeling much better but vowed not to drink again:rolleyes:. This is when I got that yummy smithfield ham I spoke of earlier.

Tonight's show Ticket to Ride was excellent! It was a Beatles tribute and the special effects were great! Loved it! We all got glowsticks at the ending,(the top and bottom of the theater) to wave back and forth during the ending song! After this,we headed back to the International Lounge for the comedy show and of course it was packed. The two comedians we had this week were Carl Strong and Jerry Goodspeed. We watched both shows and on the second one we actually got to sit at a table!! Go us!! After this we got some late night pizza and salad and then checked out the movie under the stars before going to bed.

This was the first time for both of us watching a movie under the stars and it was really nice. Just being on a ship in the middle of nowhere with a nice wind blowing, under the stars watching a movie was so relaxing. Dh started to fall asleep out there(see a trend here?)so we went to bed.

Shelley the swan


More Jamaica pics coming up..

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The long pier and beautiful mountains of Jamaica


I am not sure why these boys were in the water?!!? They were talking to people as they were coming back to the ship.



Love the colors in the water




Waiting to sailaway


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I was gonna post Jamaica this morning but I had to take my son to the eye doctor. He has not been happy all day cause he has to get glasses. So i've been spending time with him! I will have the rest posted soon!





My son had an eye injury at 4 years old and almost lost his eye.

The day of his injury the eye doctor said that he would do everything in his power to save his eye, but the odds were NOT in our favor.

He has had a couple of reconstructive surgeries since then and he also had to wear glasses from the age of 4 to 9. He got a contact for his

injured eye after that. Tell your son not to worry. I know he's

upset right now. My son was too, but it turned out that it

was NOT be as bad as he thought it would be. I guess because

he realized that he could have lost his eye. Compared to that,

glasses were a piece of cake. My son is 21 now and he

recently told me that the glasses were kind of a "chic magnet".

LOL! He said that the girls would ask him if they could try his glasses on.

Tell him not to worry...it won't be that bad. It will just make him look even smarter. LOL!

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Cuted126...I am loving this review. So much so, that I have saved it to my favorites for future "Freedom Fixes." baby girl, you and hubby are the cutest couple. Thanks for sharing all of this info. BTW... I am also from Virginia, near Quantico Marine Corp Base. We are about 20 miles from DC. Looking for more pictures and review. Wonderful job. :)

Thanks!! So glad you are enjoying the review and thanks for the compliments on me and dh! Glad to see yet another Virginian!!!

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Thanks for continuing your review. I'm glad we didn't book the Bamboo Beach Club. You're right it looks cluttered and almost claustrophobic the way the chairs are gathered in a circle to watch the entertainment.


Which stop felt the hottest of the three, Key West, Grand Cayman or Jamaica?

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My son had an eye injury at 4 years old and almost lost his eye.

The day of his injury the eye doctor said that he would do everything in his power to save his eye, but the odds were NOT in our favor.

He has had a couple of reconstructive surgeries since then and he also had to wear glasses from the age of 4 to 9. He got a contact for his

injured eye after that. Tell your son not to worry. I know he's

upset right now. My son was too, but it turned out that it

was NOT be as bad as he thought it would be. I guess because

he realized that he could have lost his eye. Compared to that,

glasses were a piece of cake. My son is 21 now and he

recently told me that the glasses were kind of a "chic magnet".

LOL! He said that the girls would ask him if they could try his glasses on.

Tell him not to worry...it won't be that bad. It will just make him look even smarter. LOL!

Glad your son is okay and I am sure he is enjoying being a chick magnet,lol. I told DS not to worry and that he will be amazed at how much better he can see when he gets the glasses!


HAHA your DH with the rum and "naps" sounds like mine!

looks like a nice relaxing day. I hate the last port stop too, makes it a sad next day cuz ya know whats coming next LOL.

LOL,DH just couldn't hang!:p


Thanks for continuing your review. I'm glad we didn't book the Bamboo Beach Club. You're right it looks cluttered and almost claustrophobic the way the chairs are gathered in a circle to watch the entertainment.


Which stop felt the hottest of the three, Key West, Grand Cayman or Jamaica?

It would be better if they had chairs all up and down the entire beach area instead of cluttering in that one spot. I mean we would still be able to hear the music and the girls could come and let you know when the entertainment started.


Actually we had a nice breeze in all the ports. It seemed to be the HOTTEST back on the boat while still docked in Cayman and the last day at sea! Strange huh?! But if I had to pick a port,I would say Key West and that was because of all the walking we did!

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Fun Day At Sea Day 6

Okay,I will admit,I was a sad sack for most of this day. I warned dh even before the cruise started that I was gonna be pitiful on the last day. I wanted to take it all in and enjoy what was left(which I did)but admit it, the realization that you are going back to the real world just sucks!


We woke up and went to sit at our regular table upstairs in the grand buffet area. Which I meant to get a pic of but never did. Anyway we must've gotten up pretty late because I saw people walking around with lunch food on their plates. We spent quite awhile in the picture gallery looking for our pics,which is a task. If you didn't know how many people were on the ship with you,just browse the photo gallery. They had pics in bins, pics sitting on tables and everything.Wherever there was extra room there were more pics. Wow,the Freedom is huge!


After that serenity is where we went of course. We relaxed for awhile and talked with my favorite waitress. I can't even try to spell her name or even pronouce it anymore,but she was so nice. She kept the drinks coming and she always knew exactly what I wanted!


This cup says "Look at me i'm on vacation"



I looked at the capers and noticed that the ice carving was going on,we went down to Lido and it was already over. No fret cause the Mr & Mrs Freedom contest was coming up right after. We watched that and laughed a ton. Let me tell you today it seemed as if it was well over 100 degrees. It was what me and the dh call scorching!!


Scorching days are always better with a drink in hand :)


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Right after Mr & Mrs Freedom was crowned,we had to leave cause it was so hot. Dh had saw some type of chicken on somebody's plate and he wanted a piece. In search of chicken,this is when I noticed the :::insert angelic music here::: CHOCOLATE EXTRAVAGANZA!!! I always miss this and I couldn't believed I lucked up on it finally!! I got in line immediately and got a heavenly piece of chocolate truffle cake and two other pieces of yumminess. Dh got in line for the Mongolian Wok,since he never found the chicken. That line was long and moving really slow. I didn't wanna miss the game of love. So by the time he sat down,he had all of five minutes to eat.


While I waited for dh I also managed to get a piece of the most amazing Chicken parmigiana I have ever tasted in my life!! If you see this on the buffet,get it!! Today's drink was the Ultimate Suntan. I have to mention that about five minutes after I got my chocolate the line closed! I almost missed it again,lol.


The Game of Love was interesting and funny as always! Me and dh always wonder about what the other would put if we were up there. After that it was back to Serenity for a little bit before the Fun Farewell Party. I was happy that there were so many fun things going on the last sea day,it made it not feel as sad. I wan't too excited about the fun farewell party but I was not gonna pass the free drinks. Of course dh was still vowing never to drink again LOL. I say I wasn't excited about it because last year on the Fascination (great ship by the way) the farewell party was boring. Only a few people,music and drinks. We just sat there,but on the Freedom,it was completely opposite!!


It was FUN!!! When we got there we found a seat right in the front. A little while later the cruise director spoke and then the fun patrol came and started the line dances. We went up on stage and danced and danced! At one point someone started a conga line and we went all the way around the International Lounge! I tell you,this was so fun and memorable. It was a great way to bring the cruise to end! On the Freedom the fun never ends until you get off the boat!


This guy was 1000% wasted and hilarious! I am sure had know idea how entertaining he was!



Cruise Director Ryan



Doing the Electric Slide,we were having so much fun!!



Conga line!!!



Can you see me going under the "bridge"



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Anyway we left the party and went and got changed for dinner,which was so bittersweet. We around 6:30ish on this day. I wanted to get a decent sunset pic. I ended up excusing myself to try and get a good sunset picture. It seems on this cruise,it was raining,super overcast or we were doing something else and I just never got a good sunset pic. I got a few shots and then I ran back to the dining room.



When I came back,they were already singing the song about leaving their funship :( OMG it was really coming to an end. Tonight,me and dh both had salads for our starters. I had the Grilled Chicken over fettucine and dh had the ribs for his entree. We both enjoyed our entrees and dh raved about how tender the ribs were and how they just fell of the bone! Side Note,I just love how the waiters sing "Happy Versary to you" we heard this every night without fail!


After dinner we went to Liar's Club in the Victoriana Lounge which was funny. The host says a word(all the words were words i've never heard in my life) and the fun patrol will each give you their meaning of the word. Then the crowd claps for who they think is telling the truth! It was really funny!! Sam,the assitant cruise director(who can be seen in the pic above right behind me dancing) is really funny during this game.


Tonight's show was the talent show featuring some of our fellow cruisers. There were seven singers in all and they all did a great job. Mike who I mentioned earlier in the review,came over to us and gave us a bottle of champagne for being a great couple. How sweet of him! I got sad again cause this was basically goodbye.



After this I took a few more around the ship pics and then it was time for bed for the looooonnnggg drive home.



Debarkation ......

So our paper stated that they would be calling deck 2 for self assist at 6:40am. We opted to do that and get an early start. We ended up crashing and not packing the previous night. Thrusters woke us up as we drifted slowly back to our "parking spot" in Port Everglades. Say it isn't so,we're back. We got up,showered and quickly packed. Seems we had much more stuff then we came with. We rushed cause we were coming up on 6:40am. As scheduled Ryan came on and called for Main Deck. I did one extra check to make sure we were not leaving anything and out the room we went.


Now on past cruises we would be stuck in the elevator area for ages, trying for one that we could fit on. Only one elevator went by and the next we were on it. Six minutes later and with one last BING of the sail & sign,we were off the ship and calling the hotel for the shuttle. This was the fastest debarkation ever! I couldn't believe how quick and easy it was. The hotel told us the shuttle had a flat tire,so we ended up catching a cab,which was 21 dollars. I looked back at the Freedom one last time. Amazed at how great our vacation was and how sad I was to leave and then I couldn't see her anymore cause the Oasis of the Seas was in the way :)



The End


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Last thoughts....


Freedom was the biggest ship i've been on. I was nervous that it would feel cluttered and I am glad it didn't. There were lots of times where it felt you were all alone. I love that there were even more food options then the other ships i've sailed! Okay,how fat was that statement:) I know alot of people rant about Deck 3 & 4 and how hard it is too get to the dining rooms,but just remember to use deck five and go from there,no big deal! I was used to it cause it's the same way on the Victory & Triumph as well.


I wouldn't hesitate one bit to sail Freedom again. I did mention earlier that some of the staff were didn't display usua thel Carnival friendliness,but there are some great crew members on this boat. The food was great,the shows were great,I don't have even one complaint.Hey,that rhymed!


This ship definitely lived up to the name FUN ship! I enjoyed it immensely!

I do have one tip bring a jacket cause it is freezing on promenade and some of the lounges at night. I hope you all enjoyed my review! I will be glad to answer any questions or if you wanna see a pic of anything in particular,let me know.

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What lounge is the farewell party held in?


Do you remember if they had a Key West talk on the first day?


The Farewell party was held in the International Lounge! There was a Key West shopping talk on the first day at 7:45pm in the same lounge. Also they played info about Key West excursions on the tv all day. Channel 13 is the information channel :)

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I loved your review and pics. I don't have a cruise booked but reading reviews like yours makes the time pass until I do. What are the three things you liked and disliked about your cruise? Would you do anything differently?




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I loved your review and pics. I don't have a cruise booked but reading reviews like yours makes the time pass until I do. What are the three things you liked and disliked about your cruise? Would you do anything differently?




Thanks for following along! I really enjoyed reliving it. I had such a great time! Three things I liked about the cruise was more food options,Serenity Deck and the Fun Patrol. The fun patrol really stood out this cruise!


It is really hard to pick three things I disliked. It would mostly be things done by fellow cruisers,like cutting in front of people and being overly rude to the workers. Not that it's any of my business but robes,showercaps, and slippers in the buffet line:( As far as the ship itself,one thing I can say was the omelet station needs to be off on its on in the restaurant. Just like the dessert bar is and that would make the lines flow smoother!


As far as doing something differently,I think I would've made it too all the movies under the stars. I really enjoyed that and I don't know how we missed karoake everynight:confused: Also,I wanted to catch breakfast in the dining room. and just never made it.


As far as something I would do differently on the next cruise,that would be get a room midship,so that we won't have to walk so far from Serenity. Especially since we ordered from Bon Voyage. It was always a hike to get back to the room to make a drink!


Thank you for your review. It really has gotten me excited about my trip in November.

I hope another cruise is near in your future!!!

Thanks so much! Make sure you do a review too! I wish there was another cruise in my future. Right now, not so much. We should be booked again by November though!!


Great review and pictures. We will be on the Freedom in November. Can you tell me if the water slide empties into the pool or not.


Thank you so much for taking the time to post your detailed review.

Thanks! You are gonna enjoy the Freedom so much! The water slide does not empty into a pool :)
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Thanks so much! Make sure you do a review too! I wish there was another cruise in my future. Right now, not so much. We should be booked again by November though!!

BOOK A SPIRIT CLASS SHIP! ;):cool: They are absolutely AWESOME! Keep us updated about your future cruise so we can mark our calendars for another review! :rolleyes::D:eek:

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