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E-Cig onboard

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The quickest definition of a mod would be something like this:

An e-cig is powered by a rechargeable battery. Most of the batteries can be charged 200 to 300 times before needing to be replaced.

The standard e-cig battery is about the size of a regular cigarette and cost from $10 to $20 to replace.


A mod is a system that uses cheaper, regular rechargeable batteries that cost $4 to $6 to replace and last as many charges as a regular e-cig battery. The mods are a bit larger and can last as long as 10 regular e-cig batteries between charges.


Most people start with the regular style. Some chose to move up to a mod but many don't.

You can vape on a balcony day and night and the non-smokers will have no idea unless they see the vapor coming out of your mouth. Then they cough and make noises but for no reason as there is no smoke oder.


Check out this website:




It will explain everything from what a cart is to a cartomizer to an atomizer. Exactly what a mod is which is a combo of ecig parts and can get a little funky looking. They talk about the brands to stay away from which are generally the heavily advertised ecigs on tv and at mall kiosks.


If you want a simple ecig to start off with, then go with the battery and simple cartomizer. After that you can start to get a little more into it if you find you like it.


They allow smoking the ecig at work because it is just a water vapor that is being released. Now, I get comments from people saying they don't want second hand nicotine.... Whatever....if it isn't the smoke, now it's the nicotine? No one was complaining about that before.



Thanks to both of you for the inforfmation. I did join ECF and have found a world of terrific information there.

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Ok...I am not a smoker ... so I don't understand why a smoker would have an issue with a vaper??????


If it was just called a vaporizer or something like that it wouldn't bring up the negative feelings like calling it an electronic cigarette....

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Hi Linda,

You asked, "Ok...I am not a smoker ... so I don't understand why a smoker would have an issue with a vaper?????? "


(How are you doing, anyhow? We really must cruise and sing together some time.)


What I'm trying to find out is how a smoker and vaper meet in the middle to reside in the same space. Or, what can be done so that both are comfortable, say, even in a cabin together. The vaper wants relatively clean air now that he/she is not smoking, but the smoker still wants to be able to light up in their shared space. Respecting each other's wants and needs is a given, but is there anything other than smokeless ash trays and air purifiers to rely on?


Thanks for any constructive input.

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Hi Linda,

You asked, "Ok...I am not a smoker ... so I don't understand why a smoker would have an issue with a vaper?????? "


(How are you doing, anyhow? We really must cruise and sing together some time.)

What I'm trying to find out is how a smoker and vaper meet in the middle to reside in the same space. Or, what can be done so that both are comfortable, say, even in a cabin together. The vaper wants relatively clean air now that he/she is not smoking, but the smoker still wants to be able to light up in their shared space. Respecting each other's wants and needs is a given, but is there anything other than smokeless ash trays and air purifiers to rely on?


Thanks for any constructive input.



I am doing MUCH better.....had surgery a year ago and I feel like I want to write a book to warn women of menopause age to make sure their folate levels are adequate.


A folate deficiency can reek havoc with a lady's life. Thank goodness for Deplin (a prescription strength of B9).....


so ladies...make sure you take care of yourselves....(we are always so busy making sure everyone else is ok._


As for the smoker/vapor in the same cabin...get a balcony...problem solved!!:D

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I thought this was a thread about Vaping not smoking. That said if I walk out of a elevator alone and laughing. Don't get in I had bean's for lunch.



:p Very funny still laughing:)

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I don't see what caffiene has to do with this?


Nor do I consider it my business or responsibility to worry about the health of fellow cruisers


I will admit...my own reasoning about disliking smoking doesn't even have much to do with "health">> I personally don't care if others are addicted to nicotine


I just HATE the nasty smell and stench of smoke and smokers...yuck


I don't care if people addicted to nicotine (a drug) get their fix from a patch or gum or a "vape" ecig....I don't care if they satisfy their oral fixation with gum, a pacifier or whatever...I don't care if they indulge their "busy hand" habit with crocheting or squeezing a rubber ball....none of that bothers or affects me


but..when they are all they puffing on real cigarettes it smells...the smoke makes my (blue, contacts) eyes water....living in a state with strict regulations and no indoor smoking I am just NOT used to it

I hate the smell...the smoke...I hate the look and stench of the ugly butts in filled up ashtrays....I hate the smoky air and the way it clings to my clothes, hair....I feel dirty from it...I hate the haze and smoke in the piano bar....I hate smoking period

It grosses me out


So if people addicted to nicotine want to suck pacifiers or play with worry beads , wear a patch or puff vapor to satisfy their addiction that is ok with me...I am only concerned about the fact that smoke inside is so weird and annoying and keeps me from enjoying some places like piano bar, casino,

and even the disco


I also really dislike dodging lit cigarettes....a couple of years ago my friends dress was burnt by a jerk on the dance floor with a lit cig...gross


and yeah...I worry about fires....the ecigs would solve that problem also


Carnival should sell them on board, make more money..give "seminars" like they do their "detox" seminars :)


You should learn your state laws not true about indoor smoking it is still allowed in alot of motels in Florida.:eek:

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Ok, this is kinda embarassing to admit and ask as a smoker but here goes. :o What are PVs/E-Cigs? Are they another stop-smoking aid like Nicorette (sp) or the patch? Where do you get them and what do they come with? How much are they? If you're using them on an airplane, wouldn't they set of the alarm in the bathroom if you go in there to use it? I would think so if they let of some vapor. Sorry for sounding dumb, a smoker should know but I don't (and yes, I'm a smoker)!! :o

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Ok, this is kinda embarassing to admit and ask as a smoker but here goes. :o What are PVs/E-Cigs? Are they another stop-smoking aid like Nicorette (sp) or the patch? Where do you get them and what do they come with? How much are they? If you're using them on an airplane, wouldn't they set of the alarm in the bathroom if you go in there to use it? I would think so if they let of some vapor. Sorry for sounding dumb, a smoker should know but I don't (and yes, I'm a smoker)!! :o


An e-cig vaporizes a flavored liquid with nicotine in it. They run on rechargeable batteries and most are about the size of a cigarette. Because there's no smoke (just a liquid vapor) you're able to use them in most places where you can't normally smoke. Airplanes are one of the places where you won't be allowed to use it but I use mine all the time in the airport.


You can search the internet for lots of info and videos about electronic cigarettes and there are quite a few reputable companies selling them and the e-liquids (you just want to choose a place that sells American made liquid instead of Chinese liquid). A kit will cost between $40 and $100 and should come with 2 batteries....stay away from kits with only one battery since you'd be apt to smoke while waiting for your battery to charge if you don't have a back-up battery. Also you want one that you can refill with liquid (buying pre-filled cartridges is expensive and the liquid that comes in them is just plain nasty)


Although they aren't sold as a quit smoking aid, many people (myself included) have gotten away from smoking using them. I've been using e-cigs for about 2 years so feel free to ask any questions you might have.

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I came across this thread and got so excited. My husband and I own a vinyl business... we bartered with a guy- did a bunch of signs for him in return for guitars and stuff.... well- he started selling the e-cigs, and thats the signage we made for him... we decided to give it a try! So we ended up bartering all the signs we did for him for a bunch of kits and guitars lol


so now I can say Ive been on the e-cig 2 weeks now! And my father, a smoker for 40 years is now vaping! Its the best thing that could have ever happened to us! :) And because he is here, anytime I need anything all i have to do is go to his store!

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It's funny, I was considering posting here after a rather nasty discussion dissolved on the celebrity board about e-cigs.


I'm curious of your opinions..I'm totally pro-smoking where allowed, but from what I've read, there is an amount of nicotine that is exhaled and emitted from the cig itself. There's been no actual studies on the amount. (real studies, not a sales website just saying something)


I certainly agree they are better than a regular cigarette, including for the user, but nicotine is still the harmful substance.


If you were standing next to, say, a pregnant person, or an elderly person on oxygen and they were informed about what it was, but were concerned about second hand nicotine vapor, would you put it away, or continue using it?


A second question, for those that do use it, do you think your total usage (number of times you smoke a day) decreased after using it? I have a relative that has tried to quite numerous times and I think they would be interested.


Nicotine in itself is not harmful to pregnant people or people on oxygen so no I would not put it away.

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I use the V4L and have taken to carrying those cards they send to me with my orders as when I am on a cruise ppl always ask me about my e-cig. I have not had a problem using it anywhere on the ships. When I take a puff and then put it in my pocket it is pretty obvious it is not a lit cigarette. I have sat in the smoking area, with my oldest who smokes, and still ppl stop and ask me if I am using an e-cig.


I have discovered my usb plug that is actually for my cell phone also works with my pass thru. Which is an e-cig battery that plugs right into my computer usb port and is always "charged" so having it plug into a wall plug means I can take the pass thru with me just about anywhere I go.


I am smoke free a year not, bought the e-cig and never looked back :D

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FYI today on FB from John Heald/Carnival


John Heald

The elcronic cigarette is here to stay and is obviously helping smokers. We are about to come out with some guidelines regarding this on the ships with most areas if not all being ones where we will allow them to be used. Anyone have any thoughts they want me to send to the beards before a final desickion is made?


there should be no restriction on board. there's no tobacco.


it should be allowed in places you chew nicorette gum, or wear a patch.

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I just posted my 2cents re: this on his fb wall:


I think the majority of people posting against them don't actually realize that THEY ARE NOT CIGARETTES. It would be like banning the nicorette inhaler. That is what they are....nicotine inhalers. I was a smoker for over 20 years. I have not had a single cigarette in almost 2 years. I use it everywhere and have never been told not to use it, including the airport, where security did approach me but then apologized when they realized what it was. I will admit to never using it on a plane, however, as I would not want to freak someone out. For the most part, I am very discrete because of this. The fact of the matter is, they are not very well known. I agree 100% with Linda Barker "Why should I be forced to go back to the smoking area to breathe in what it took me years to get away from???" Well said Linda.

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After smoking for the best part of 45 years (30 + king size a day) due to health reasons I HAD to give up smoking, nothing like a heart attack to give you the kick up the backside to stop LOL.:)

Looked into the world of e-cigs and after a shaky start I finally found the one for me in the form of the Totally Wicked Tornado Tank -- in fact I will be spending part of my pre cruise holiday visiting their Vapours lounge which is just down the road from Tampa to try out some new flavours (some of which we can’t get in the UK) and to stock up for my trip on the Legend on the 22nd May (my first ever cruise).

OK I’ve only been analogue free for three weeks now but I can honestly say I haven’t felt like a real cigarette in all that time , my sense of smell has returned as has my sense of taste so I’m really looking forward to some of the great food I’ve been reading about elsewhere on this forum.

Will Vape in my room or on my balcony or anywhere else it is allowed – glad to see that maybe the cruise lines are beginning to see sense over this issue, after all if the reformed smokers end up living longer * then they will need to spend the money they have saved on smoking on something and it may as well be cruising.

To those non smokers who have expressed support to this new form of nicotine replacement – I salute you.

* I am not a expert so please don’t flame me asking where’s the proof that using a e-cig will help you live longer it was meant as a joke. :D

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To all of you who recently made the switch to the E-Cig.


Congratulations!!!! :D:D:D


Please be sure to post something on John Heald's Blog on Facebook.

Tell your story so the suits get informed of how important it is to not stick Vapers with the smokers and the smoke we are trying so hard to get away from.



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To all of you who recently made the switch to the E-Cig.


Congratulations!!!! :D:D:D


Please be sure to post something on John Heald's Blog on Facebook.

Tell your story so the suits get informed of how important it is to not stick Vapers with the smokers and the smoke we are trying so hard to get away from.




Yes, congratulations to everyone and please post on the FB thread.

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Happy Monday all you Vapers. :)


I was just sitting here vaping a delicious Butterscotch and thought about this thread.


I have graduated (In a very short time. :eek:) from simply purchasing prefilled Carts to buying bottles of juice and refilling and now I am even looking at becoming my own mixologist. :)


Haven't had an analog in clost to two months and I am loving life.

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It's time for me to start thinking about packing for my next cruise....note to self...remember extra batteries, charger, atomizers and e-liquid. Sure is easier when you don't have to worry about finding a table with an ashtray when you get on the ship :D


My hubby was still smoking a pack of cigs a day (along with vaping the rest of the time) until he ended up in the hospital last month. He had open heart surgery to replace the aortic valve. I'm happy to report that he's now switched over to e-cigs completely and hasn't smoked the "real deal" in over a month.


To those who have switched from smoking to vaping....way to go! :)

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It's time for me to start thinking about packing for my next cruise....note to self...remember extra batteries, charger, atomizers and e-liquid. Sure is easier when you don't have to worry about finding a table with an ashtray when you get on the ship :D


My hubby was still smoking a pack of cigs a day (along with vaping the rest of the time) until he ended up in the hospital last month. He had open heart surgery to replace the aortic valve. I'm happy to report that he's now switched over to e-cigs completely and hasn't smoked the "real deal" in over a month.


To those who have switched from smoking to vaping....way to go! :)


Hope he heals quickly and correctly....so glad to hear that vaping has been a help.

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Happy Monday all you Vapers. :)


I was just sitting here vaping a delicious Butterscotch and thought about this thread.


I have graduated (In a very short time. :eek:) from simply purchasing prefilled Carts to buying bottles of juice and refilling and now I am even looking at becoming my own mixologist. :)


Haven't had an analog in clost to two months and I am loving life.


They suggest you don't become a mixologist until about 6 months or so. I am still waiting for my starter kit but am SOOOOOOOO anxious to get started

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Ok, this is kinda embarassing to admit and ask as a smoker but here goes. :o What are PVs/E-Cigs? Are they another stop-smoking aid like Nicorette (sp) or the patch? Where do you get them and what do they come with? How much are they? If you're using them on an airplane, wouldn't they set of the alarm in the bathroom if you go in there to use it? I would think so if they let of some vapor. Sorry for sounding dumb, a smoker should know but I don't (and yes, I'm a smoker)!! :o


go to e-cigarette-forum.com to learn everything you ever wanted to know about it

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