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Silly complaints

DJ Eddy

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OK I need some cheering up... after spending 3 months on a ship sailing around the Med in the sunshine, I am now back home in England with grey skies & rain (typical English weather)... so therefore I need cheering up.

So I thought we could do a thread about people's silly complaints (apologies if it's been done before but I did search quickly but to no avail).


I'm talking, just plain daft things you have encountered your fellow guests say, and it makes you think are they serious..? This is just for comedy factor and I am not wanting to make fun of any person's valid complaint... from working on ships for 5 years this is still one of the mist ridiculous I have come acrosss...


I was on the Liberty about 3 years ago and it was the 6 day cruise to Key West, Grand Cayman & Ocho Rios... on the last sea day a guest stopped me on the Lido and said "Finally someone who speaks English! I think it is a bit much that Carnival only allows smoking on the Port side of the ship as it is a lie" "sorry sir, what is a lie, i'm not following you can you explain?" "Well they call it port but in the ports of call we have been to the land was on the right side of the ship, NOT THE LEFT. So if I have to smoke over on the left side I cannot see the port"


I was like what???? I thought he was complaining about only being able to smoke on 1 side but he thought Carnival was lieing about port being on the left when we docked they were on the right?????? I advised him the port & starboard are nautical terms but I couldn't help but laugh... it still makes me chuckle now.


So there you go... what really silly complaints have you heard, let's share them and have a laugh on a Friday morning/afternoon

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I can understand both sides of this, especially for a very first time cruiser, but I still place the majority of the blame on Dad.


It was day 3 or day 4 of a 7 day Caribbean cruise. I'm down at the pursers desk for some reason. Standing next to me is a father with his 12-14 year old son. Dad is furious about his sign and sail bill. It appears that neither he nor his son knew that soda's were not free. I guess son would order a soda, sign the chit, and go on his merry way.


Suprise :eek:

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This is a recent one from the Glory:


In the Cinn-A-Bar Piano Bar, grumpy old man sitting at the bar waiting before the piano bar starts for the night. The piano bar entertainer walks in to set up and greets him.


The man asks "When do you start?"

PBE: "Not for another 40 minutes, sir."

Man: "Can't you start earlier?"

PBE: "I need to set up first."

Man: "Well, when are you bringing the cinnamon rolls out?"

PBE: "Um, excuse me?

Man: "The cinnamon rolls! This is the Cinnamon Bar isn't it? You should have cinnamon rolls!"

PBE: "Well, sir, this is the CINN-A-BAR piano bar, we don't serve food in here, just beverages and entertaiment."

Man: "You should have cinnamon rolls in the Cinnamon Bar!"

PBE: "I'm sorry sir, it's not the Cinnamon Bar. And we have no cinnamon rolls."

Man: "Well, how about cinnamon sticks?"


It takes all kinds I suppose. How the PBE kept a straight face, I'll never know.


Happy cruising,



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My favorite are the people who come from places where tipping is not customary. So they reason "I don't have to tip at home, why do I have to here?"


The next best are the people who think they have the "right" as a citizen of [wherever] to [insert your favorite 'right' in here] while at sea in international waters, or in a foreign country.

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My favorite are the people who come from places where tipping is not customary. So they reason "I don't have to tip at home, why do I have to here?"


The next best are the people who think they have the "right" as a citizen of [wherever] to [insert your favorite 'right' in here] while at sea in international waters, or in a foreign country.


Or on private property. ;)

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My favorite was from NCL. Teenage girl on a family vacation, you know the type, can't believe she has to share a cabin with her grandmother, constant sneer, barely coherent verbal skills.


"God, this ship is so annoying. Why doesn't the captain just make this motion stop so I can walk?"

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I've heard quite q few "complaints" on board that left me scratching my head. I know I've mentioned this one "gentleman" before, but he was such a horse's behind he deserves another mention.


This was a few years ago on Norwegian Majesty. The passenger in question was constantly complaining about something every time we saw him. Within a few days, it became a contest with us to see if we could guess what the gripe of the day would be when we saw him. On this particular day, he was railing that the ship was too small!:confused: Now granted, Norwegian Majesty was quite small compared to other mainstream ships, but its not as if the cruise line kept her size a secret or lied about it. If having a huge ship with tons of amenities is important, then why on Earth would you book this one?

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This is a recent one from the Glory:


In the Cinn-A-Bar Piano Bar, grumpy old man sitting at the bar waiting before the piano bar starts for the night. The piano bar entertainer walks in to set up and greets him.


The man asks "When do you start?"

PBE: "Not for another 40 minutes, sir."

Man: "Can't you start earlier?"

PBE: "I need to set up first."

Man: "Well, when are you bringing the cinnamon rolls out?"

PBE: "Um, excuse me?

Man: "The cinnamon rolls! This is the Cinnamon Bar isn't it? You should have cinnamon rolls!"

PBE: "Well, sir, this is the CINN-A-BAR piano bar, we don't serve food in here, just beverages and entertaiment."

Man: "You should have cinnamon rolls in the Cinnamon Bar!"

PBE: "I'm sorry sir, it's not the Cinnamon Bar. And we have no cinnamon rolls."

Man: "Well, how about cinnamon sticks?"


It takes all kinds I suppose. How the PBE kept a straight face, I'll never know.


Happy cruising,





hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I like that one :D

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The folks that amaze me are the ones who have the tips taken off, because someone on the Lido deck didn't move fast enough to get the drink they ordered. And trying to tell me...yes ME....that I should do the same...got a tongue lashing they did



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I heard a passenger at the purser's desk on a sea day DEMANDING to have the sea water cleaned off his cabin window immediately or get a refund equivalent to the difference in price between an inside and an ocean view cabin.

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On the Freedom in October the night club was closed on the last sea day (Nassau was the last day) for a crew party. A group of about five went to Guest Services and loudly complained. They removed their auto-tips for the whole cruise since the "crew wasn't working, they were partying" and also managed to get a $75 OBC per person for the inconvenience of not being able to use the club that night.

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every so often the topic of this thread will surface, stupid passenger complaints. But how about the reverse, where the ships crew was the culprit?

For instance, on one of my cruises, i was at the atrium bar, and asked for an alcoholic drink with no ice. Bartender made my drink with ice. "I asked for NO ice." She says, "we don't make drinks with no ice. You can take the ice out afterwards." and refused to remake it.




The guy next to me leans over and says, "less alcohol per glass."

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OK I need some cheering up... after spending 3 months on a ship sailing around the Med in the sunshine, I am now back home in England with grey skies & rain (typical English weather)... so therefore I need cheering up.

So I thought we could do a thread about people's silly complaints (apologies if it's been done before but I did search quickly but to no avail).


I'm talking, just plain daft things you have encountered your fellow guests say, and it makes you think are they serious..? This is just for comedy factor and I am not wanting to make fun of any person's valid complaint... from working on ships for 5 years this is still one of the mist ridiculous I have come acrosss...


I was on the Liberty about 3 years ago and it was the 6 day cruise to Key West, Grand Cayman & Ocho Rios... on the last sea day a guest stopped me on the Lido and said "Finally someone who speaks English! I think it is a bit much that Carnival only allows smoking on the Port side of the ship as it is a lie" "sorry sir, what is a lie, i'm not following you can you explain?" "Well they call it port but in the ports of call we have been to the land was on the right side of the ship, NOT THE LEFT. So if I have to smoke over on the left side I cannot see the port"


I was like what???? I thought he was complaining about only being able to smoke on 1 side but he thought Carnival was lieing about port being on the left when we docked they were on the right?????? I advised him the port & starboard are nautical terms but I couldn't help but laugh... it still makes me chuckle now.


So there you go... what really silly complaints have you heard, let's share them and have a laugh on a Friday morning/afternoon


Too funny.....you gotta love land-lubbers!!! :cool:


In case anyone is interested.......here is the history and explanation of how the nautical terms "port and starboard" came into being.....




As an old sailor.....it always makes me chuckle when I some across someone who thinks that "Port Side" means the side of the ship that faces whatever port the ship happens to be in at the time!!!!

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This is a recent one from the Glory:


In the Cinn-A-Bar Piano Bar, grumpy old man sitting at the bar waiting before the piano bar starts for the night. The piano bar entertainer walks in to set up and greets him.


The man asks "When do you start?"

PBE: "Not for another 40 minutes, sir."

Man: "Can't you start earlier?"

PBE: "I need to set up first."

Man: "Well, when are you bringing the cinnamon rolls out?"

PBE: "Um, excuse me?

Man: "The cinnamon rolls! This is the Cinnamon Bar isn't it? You should have cinnamon rolls!"

PBE: "Well, sir, this is the CINN-A-BAR piano bar, we don't serve food in here, just beverages and entertaiment."

Man: "You should have cinnamon rolls in the Cinnamon Bar!"

PBE: "I'm sorry sir, it's not the Cinnamon Bar. And we have no cinnamon rolls."

Man: "Well, how about cinnamon sticks?"


It takes all kinds I suppose. How the PBE kept a straight face, I'll never know.


Happy cruising,




I nearly had a coughing fit laughing at this one...

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I was on the glory some time ago and I was sitting in the Cinnamon Bar, and the dam piano player would not start when I asked him to. He also had the nerve to refuse to give me my cinnamon roll. Just what kind of cruise line is carnival when they don't serve cinnamon rolls in the cinnamon bar!

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This isn't really a silly complaint but did make me shake my head. The last day of the cruise I was down paying my bill and there was a woman in front of me arguing about her charges. Apparently her son spent the entire cruise on his laptop and wanted the charges removed. Personally I go on a cruise to get away from computers and cell phones. Who would want to spend their entire vacation on the computer?

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I was on the glory some time ago and I was sitting in the Cinnamon Bar, and the dam piano player would not start when I asked him to. He also had the nerve to refuse to give me my cinnamon roll. Just what kind of cruise line is carnival when they don't serve cinnamon rolls in the cinnamon bar!


Laughing My Ever-Lovin' A## OFF!!!

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This isn't really a silly complaint but did make me shake my head. The last day of the cruise I was down paying my bill and there was a woman in front of me arguing about her charges. Apparently her son spent the entire cruise on his laptop and wanted the charges removed. Personally I go on a cruise to get away from computers and cell phones. Who would want to spend their entire vacation on the computer?


A teenage boy with an obnoxious mother? ;):p

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One of my favorites was when a friend of mine, who is in his mid-80's and visiting Italy for the very first time said, "Why do they have to have different money? Why can't they be on the dollar?" (We were on a 3 night pre-cruise stay in Rome.)


Then we went for lunch, and he ordered plain pizza. "These people don't know how to make pizza. I can't wait until I get on the boat." (We were about to get on a 12 day Carnival cruise.)


Now on the ship, one night he ordered chicken that had rosemary in the sauce. "I don't know why they have to give me these pine needles." He kept saying he didn't want any sauces, just plain food. Another night he gave up and ordered chicken breast, because he wanted "plain food". Then it came, and complained that it was too dry. "They should put some gravy on it." I have to say the ass't waitress was wonderful. She was so nice, and she really tried every night to find something he would like. I put on the comment card that she should be promoted! In his defence, he always tips extra because he knows he is a pain in the butt.

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On the Dream in January we were seated with a 50ish couple for breakfast on the 1st sea day. I was trying to be friendly so I asked how they were enjoying the ship. They both got this disgusted look on their faces and started complaining about a black magic marker stain on their curtains.


I didn't even know what to say - I didn't even recall the color of the curtains and I certainly didn't inspect them for markings.


What a trivial thing to complain about. There is just no pleasing some people.

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On our last night of the cruise, making our way back to Miami, the waves were a BIT rocky...nothing major. A friend of mine's aunt, who was along with our big group AND likes to drink a WEE bit, calls 911 on the cabin phone and demands to talk to the captain to tell him to slow the ship down to make the ride smoother. NO LIE.

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This is a recent one from the Glory:


In the Cinn-A-Bar Piano Bar, grumpy old man sitting at the bar waiting before the piano bar starts for the night. The piano bar entertainer walks in to set up and greets him.


The man asks "When do you start?"

PBE: "Not for another 40 minutes, sir."

Man: "Can't you start earlier?"

PBE: "I need to set up first."

Man: "Well, when are you bringing the cinnamon rolls out?"

PBE: "Um, excuse me?

Man: "The cinnamon rolls! This is the Cinnamon Bar isn't it? You should have cinnamon rolls!"

PBE: "Well, sir, this is the CINN-A-BAR piano bar, we don't serve food in here, just beverages and entertaiment."

Man: "You should have cinnamon rolls in the Cinnamon Bar!"

PBE: "I'm sorry sir, it's not the Cinnamon Bar. And we have no cinnamon rolls."

Man: "Well, how about cinnamon sticks?"


It takes all kinds I suppose. How the PBE kept a straight face, I'll never know.


Happy cruising,





That was so funny, you made me spit water out of my nose

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OK, this was not a complaint, but it made me laugh, so I will share....


DH and I were on the Destiny last year and 2 ladies were talking in the pool. One was originally from Cuba (now living in FL) and the other was American. The Cuban lady was talking about her family and visiting them in Cuba. The other lady asks "so when you visit your family do you usually drive or fly, and is it a long drive?" I almost spit out my DOD I was laughing so hard.

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