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Silly complaints

DJ Eddy

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i was on the glory some time ago and i was sitting in the cinnamon bar, and the dam piano player would not start when i asked him to. He also had the nerve to refuse to give me my cinnamon roll. Just what kind of cruise line is carnival when they don't serve cinnamon rolls in the cinnamon bar!



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On our last cruise we were seated with a pair of older men, one of whom was very talkative and outgoing....the other just sat there and only spoke with the first man. After ordering dinner they both dove in and started eating and obviously enjoying their meal until the waiter came back to check on them. When asked how everything was the first man assured him that everything was fine....the second man though, when asked about his steak, said "Tough!!.. ..tough. ..tough..mmm mmmm tough. ..tough. ..tough!!" The waiter asked if he could get him something else but was told "No! Don't want anything else after this tough old steak!" As the waiter walked away, the man said to his friend, "It's really okay but you can never tell them it's good or they won't try hard. Always tell them it's no good!"

We didn't see them again in the dining room so maybe the chef caught up with them and tossed them overboard since they would never be pleased?

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;););) I'm from the South, too.


So, here's what happened to us:p. It has to do with "funny" stuff so I thought I'd mention here and see what yall thought!

We just got off the Triumph, a group of 10 "Southern Belles" of varying ages from 35 to 65. We are educated and bathe regularly. We can be quite loud on our cruises as we all find each other quite amusing but we are usually mindful of others and try not to offend.

Five of our girls went to lunch in the dining room one day. Seated with them was a middle aged couple. They swear that no one had spoken other than a "hello" to the couple. Water was poured, menus were handed out. The couple kept looking at each other. After a whispered exchange, they left the table. My friends thought they were stepping away to take a picture but they never came back. The water removed the water glasses and reset the table. An older couple sits down. They look at each other and the woman says "It'll be okay". My friends are quietly chatting. The water is poured, menus are handed to the couple. And then they, too, leave the table. Well, at this point, my friends just howl! AGAIN, the waiter resets the table and seats yet ANOTHER couple! At which time my friends say "Yall need to make up your mind now before he pours the water" and tell their story! The young man laughs, of course, they CAN'T leave now! He enjoys his lunch chatting with my girls but his wife....she never says a word!

SO! The Question is, had our reputation proceeded us? Too funny.

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Mother-in-law went on cruise with her male friend (her 3rd his 1st) on Carnival Fascination. We ordered the Bon Voyage gift pack for their room. When she called to let us know they made it on the ship, we asked how their room looked. She said "The people before us left their stuff." Trying to clarify if our pack was delivered we asked if there were any special things. She said no and had to go. When she returned she had the keychains and picture frame that was included and her pictures had the Bon Voyage visible in the stateroom. But during the entire 4 day cruise had complained to her friends that they had not cleaned the stuff from the prior occupant.

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I posted this once before (when it actually happened), but I'll post it again for Eddy's benefit.


Two years ago, while visiting Grand Turk, my wife and I did a snorkeling/sting ray excursion. Had a great time snorkeling and then we headed for a different part of the island for the sting rays. Once the boat had anchored, my wife, who loves to hold and love any animal, hops into the water and heads straight for the rays. Before I know it, she's cuddling up to one. Well, I have the camera in hand, so I jumped into the water to get some shots of my wife and the sting ray. The water was about chest level deep. I'm in the water for about 2-3 minutes when I realize I still have my fanny pack around my waist. Duh! I get out of the water, but it's too late. Everything, and I mean everything, is completely soaked.


When we got back on the ship, I took everything out and laid it all out to dry. However, I had about $1200 in $20 bills that was sopping wet. I didn't know what to do at first, but then I had a brilliant idea. I took the money down to the laundry room and tossed the bundle of 20's in a dryer and turned it on, then settled down to watch my money tumble dry. After a few minutes, an attendant came into the laundry room to clean up and he saw me staring into the dryer. He said to me, "Sir, if you'll give me your cabin number, I'll call you when your laundry is dry. That way you won't have to sit here." I thanked him for the offer, but explained to him that I had money in the dryer. He asked me why I had money in the dryer and I looked at him with a straight face and said, "Money laundering." I got the strangest look and then the attendant said to me, "Is that legal?" After having a good laugh at the poor guy's expense, I then explained to him what I had done and he started laughing as well. He'd never heard of money laundering onboard a ship.

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I posted this once before (when it actually happened), but I'll post it again for Eddy's benefit.


Two years ago, while visiting Grand Turk, my wife and I did a snorkeling/sting ray excursion. Had a great time snorkeling and then we headed for a different part of the island for the sting rays. Once the boat had anchored, my wife, who loves to hold and love any animal, hops into the water and heads straight for the rays. Before I know it, she's cuddling up to one. Well, I have the camera in hand, so I jumped into the water to get some shots of my wife and the sting ray. The water was about chest level deep. I'm in the water for about 2-3 minutes when I realize I still have my fanny pack around my waist. Duh! I get out of the water, but it's too late. Everything, and I mean everything, is completely soaked.


When we got back on the ship, I took everything out and laid it all out to dry. However, I had about $1200 in $20 bills that was sopping wet. I didn't know what to do at first, but then I had a brilliant idea. I took the money down to the laundry room and tossed the bundle of 20's in a dryer and turned it on, then settled down to watch my money tumble dry. After a few minutes, an attendant came into the laundry room to clean up and he saw me staring into the dryer. He said to me, "Sir, if you'll give me your cabin number, I'll call you when your laundry is dry. That way you won't have to sit here." I thanked him for the offer, but explained to him that I had money in the dryer. He asked me why I had money in the dryer and I looked at him with a straight face and said, "Money laundering." I got the strangest look and then the attendant said to me, "Is that legal?" After having a good laugh at the poor guy's expense, I then explained to him what I had done and he started laughing as well. He'd never heard of money laundering onboard a ship.


Wouldn't say this too loud. Never know when the Feds are lurking and we all know that they don't take jokes very well and can never get their facts straight to begin with.:D



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So, here's what happened to us:p. It has to do with "funny" stuff so I thought I'd mention here and see what yall thought!

We just got off the Triumph, a group of 10 "Southern Belles" of varying ages from 35 to 65. We are educated and bathe regularly. We can be quite loud on our cruises as we all find each other quite amusing but we are usually mindful of others and try not to offend.

Five of our girls went to lunch in the dining room one day. Seated with them was a middle aged couple. They swear that no one had spoken other than a "hello" to the couple. Water was poured, menus were handed out. The couple kept looking at each other. After a whispered exchange, they left the table. My friends thought they were stepping away to take a picture but they never came back. The water removed the water glasses and reset the table. An older couple sits down. They look at each other and the woman says "It'll be okay". My friends are quietly chatting. The water is poured, menus are handed to the couple. And then they, too, leave the table. Well, at this point, my friends just howl! AGAIN, the waiter resets the table and seats yet ANOTHER couple! At which time my friends say "Yall need to make up your mind now before he pours the water" and tell their story! The young man laughs, of course, they CAN'T leave now! He enjoys his lunch chatting with my girls but his wife....she never says a word!

SO! The Question is, had our reputation proceeded us? Too funny.


That is hilarious!:D I'm afraid I would have to track them down and make them tell me what scared them away--or, maybe that's it.:cool:

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I posted this once before (when it actually happened), but I'll post it again for Eddy's benefit.


Two years ago, while visiting Grand Turk, my wife and I did a snorkeling/sting ray excursion. Had a great time snorkeling and then we headed for a different part of the island for the sting rays. Once the boat had anchored, my wife, who loves to hold and love any animal, hops into the water and heads straight for the rays. Before I know it, she's cuddling up to one. Well, I have the camera in hand, so I jumped into the water to get some shots of my wife and the sting ray. The water was about chest level deep. I'm in the water for about 2-3 minutes when I realize I still have my fanny pack around my waist. Duh! I get out of the water, but it's too late. Everything, and I mean everything, is completely soaked.


When we got back on the ship, I took everything out and laid it all out to dry. However, I had about $1200 in $20 bills that was sopping wet. I didn't know what to do at first, but then I had a brilliant idea. I took the money down to the laundry room and tossed the bundle of 20's in a dryer and turned it on, then settled down to watch my money tumble dry. After a few minutes, an attendant came into the laundry room to clean up and he saw me staring into the dryer. He said to me, "Sir, if you'll give me your cabin number, I'll call you when your laundry is dry. That way you won't have to sit here." I thanked him for the offer, but explained to him that I had money in the dryer. He asked me why I had money in the dryer and I looked at him with a straight face and said, "Money laundering." I got the strangest look and then the attendant said to me, "Is that legal?" After having a good laugh at the poor guy's expense, I then explained to him what I had done and he started laughing as well. He'd never heard of money laundering onboard a ship.



OK...some of these stories have made me laugh, some have made me roll my eyes in disgust and some have made me wonder how people could be so stupid.

But yours is absolutely the BEST! :D

That was awesome!

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3 years ago on our first cruise my wife and I ate breakfast in the MDR on our first sea day. As more passengers got seated at our table one lady went on about how disappointed she was that our ship's decor did not leave her "breaf-less". Yes, that is the word she used. She was expecting the decor to wow her and leave her breathless but it hadn't. To this day my wife and I still refer to that event when something disappoints us. We look at each other and exclaim we were not left "breaf-less" :-)

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My favorite thing to do is to stand by the desk (or on the Fantasy class ships stand in front of the Library overlooking the desk) on the last day and hearing everyone complain about their final bills :D


That's seriously your favorite thing to do on the last day of a cruise??!!:rolleyes:

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On the Conquest last month we were in line to self debark at the end of the cruise and the lady behind us was ranting to her male companion about how she had made guest services reverse $40 worth of beverage charges that she claimed weren't hers. As we meandered across the lobby, across the gangway, through the corridors and towards the customs lines she kept ranting about how she wouldn't drink long island teas or bud lights and she told them to give her that money back, etc., etc.


After 10-15 minutes of this my wife said (to me) that she would buy the lady a long island tea if she would shut up.

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We were on the Triumph October 2nd and I happen to be standing outside my cabin when I heard this exchange between a man and a cabin steward.


Man: Is my cabin still on the same side of the ship?


Cabin Steward: (with a ???? look on his face) Yes, sir.


Man: Are you sure?


Cabin Steward: Yes, sir...just look for your cabin number.


Man: I wasn't sure it would be on the same side of the ship since we BACKED IN when we docked in Cozumel this morning.....




Cory (ACD) added to his Top 10 list..... :D

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On a cruise out of Charleston back in 2003 we were seated at a table at breakfast with a group of local Charleston people. We were having a very friendly talk about where we were from, how many cruises we'd been on, etc., etc. when one lady from Charleston brought up her own political views about her personal view on our war in Iraq at the time. She was obviously against the war and continued to say why.


Next afternoon DH & I found ourselves seated at the same table with her at lunch as she continued to explain her anti-war views as she said she was so sorry for any family who had to send a soldier off to war to fight at that time.


Another couple who knew this lady and had shared our dining table with this lady told DH & I on the side that this lady had a nephew who had died a few months before, not in war but from stateside death, and that this woman was running for political office at home on the stance that we were sending our men and women off to war for all the wrong reasons. The couple said that not many at home shared her views but that the lady campaigned her views wherever and whenever she had an opportunity and seemed to never stop to listen to others who wanted to talk.


We were seated once again with this political woman towards the end of our cruise when the woman finally asked those seated around her to talk about where her tablemates were from, how many kids they have, etc. etc.


I still remember my husband looking at that politician straight in the face and saying, ``our son is Army Artillery and is in Baghdad right now.''


Political conversation stopped at the table at that time and we never heard another political peep from the ``lady'' throughout the rest of the cruise even though we were seated with her a couple more times at breakfast and lunch during the cruise.



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This is why being a good samaritan is worth it - you either get good karma or good laughs.


We were in Cozumel & were on one of the public buses. The bus was packed with locals (Cozumel-ians?), my wife & I plus this angry British couple. Unfortunately, all 4 of us tourists were sitting at the back of the bus, but not traveling together.


The British couple are arguing with each other, apparently the wife left the table they were sitting at in a restaurant to dance and while she was gone the husband went to the bathroom. While they were both gone, their wallets were emptied and passports stolen.


The wife was proceeding to berate the hubby at the top of her lungs, as well as insulting the local population using every racial insult I have ever heard, and some not heard before. I am getting nervous because I don't want to be guilty by association, should a full blown race riot break out. So I see we are close to our destination (walking distance) and we get off the bus leaving the Brits to their fate.


I breathe a sigh of relief. Then I see a police car coming up the street behind the bus. So I flag them down, I lean in the window and explain the situation about the Brits who had gotten robbed and were on the bus ahead and they needed help.


The two cops nodded but said nothing. When I was done, the cops shrug their shoulders and the one closest to me says they'll follow the bus for awhile. He then thanks me and then says


"Oh, by the way Senor, you want a beer?" and he pulls a beer out of a cooler. I laugh and take the beer.


I start to walk away and get about 10 feet when they pull up next to me again and screetch to a halt and I'm thinking it was some kind of sting operation, when he calls me over urgently


"Senor, Senor" I walk over and he holds up a bottle opener and opens the beer for me saying how he forgot it was not a twist off and drives off into the night.


LOL - you got to love Mexico!! :D:D

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That's seriously your favorite thing to do on the last day of a cruise??!!:rolleyes:


Yes. I do not like to get up early, carry my luggage (self assist)/ backpacks or totes (zone debark) to breakfast or wait around with nothing to do while I wait for the line to disembark to go down. I do not disembark early off the ship because I do not want to get caught in Los Angeles (all of my cruises have been in Long Beach or San Diego) rush hour traffic.


Plus it is the best form of free entertainment - people watching and seeing how many pages people have on their bill and complain that they didn't have that many drinks.:D

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Well this happened many many years ago like 20... on the SS Independence on American Hawaii Cruise Lines... We arrived my mom and dad and I at a large table of 10. This was back in the day when the waiters and head waiters and the assistants went all out. We arrived at the table and My mom and dad were teaching me about the salad fork, shrimp fork, soup spoon, coffee spoon, butter knife etc etc... well the rest of the table showed up and the wait staff came around with a tray of neatly folded wet cloths and gave us a warm cloth to wipe our hands with. It was given to us very professionally with tongs and we discarded them on a tray. After that the assist waiter filled this 3" bowl with water about 1/2 full. one of the ladies picked up the bowl.. looked at it in a very confused was and started drinking it. She immediately made a funny face and exclaimed... "Sir, my water is too warm and I dont like lemon in my water". I could not hold it in and bust a gut laughing as she was drinking the finger bowl...

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im getting ready for my first cruise, a little fanatical to pick a cruise, i work retail and i so understand a lot of these funny issues. i have been laffin so hard reading everyone of these that i decided to go with carnival just so i can get a story to post here.

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Last year on our Mexican riviera cruisewe sat with another table of people in the MDR for breakfast- one couple started going on a tangent about how all the "mexicans" were just trying to rip off the tourists and that since we (Americans) give them so much money and if it wasn't for Americans tourism none of them would have jobs at at all. and we give the mall our jobs in America so they should be grateful and learn to speak English-etc, etc,, blah blah blah... (Why were they on a MEXICAN riviera cruise if they hated Mexicans so bad?)


Although me and my husband are both pale I am half Mexican and he is full we were both raised here in America so Our English is perfect. They had no clue we are Hispanic.


Latter on they said "what was your names again?" (We hadn't told them our names) my husband in perfect Spanish said " Sergio Y Maria Herrera...(shook the gentleman's hand) Idiotas" and we got up and left... the look on their faces was priceless! LOL.. any time we'd see them on the ship later on they would practically run away from embarrassment


HA HA HA, this one made me laugh!!! It reminds me of the time that 2 women on Peoples Court were yelling at each other in Spanish and the judge finally cut them off and told them that she was Cuban and understood every word they had just said.

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We were on the Triumph October 2nd and I happen to be standing outside my cabin when I heard this exchange between a man and a cabin steward.


Man: Is my cabin still on the same side of the ship?


Cabin Steward: (with a ???? look on his face) Yes, sir.


Man: Are you sure?


Cabin Steward: Yes, sir...just look for your cabin number.


Man: I wasn't sure it would be on the same side of the ship since we BACKED IN when we docked in Cozumel this morning.....




Cory (ACD) added to his Top 10 list..... :D


That is AWESOME! :D

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I posted this once before (when it actually happened), but I'll post it again for Eddy's benefit.


Two years ago, while visiting Grand Turk, my wife and I did a snorkeling/sting ray excursion. Had a great time snorkeling and then we headed for a different part of the island for the sting rays. Once the boat had anchored, my wife, who loves to hold and love any animal, hops into the water and heads straight for the rays. Before I know it, she's cuddling up to one. Well, I have the camera in hand, so I jumped into the water to get some shots of my wife and the sting ray. The water was about chest level deep. I'm in the water for about 2-3 minutes when I realize I still have my fanny pack around my waist. Duh! I get out of the water, but it's too late. Everything, and I mean everything, is completely soaked.


When we got back on the ship, I took everything out and laid it all out to dry. However, I had about $1200 in $20 bills that was sopping wet. I didn't know what to do at first, but then I had a brilliant idea. I took the money down to the laundry room and tossed the bundle of 20's in a dryer and turned it on, then settled down to watch my money tumble dry. After a few minutes, an attendant came into the laundry room to clean up and he saw me staring into the dryer. He said to me, "Sir, if you'll give me your cabin number, I'll call you when your laundry is dry. That way you won't have to sit here." I thanked him for the offer, but explained to him that I had money in the dryer. He asked me why I had money in the dryer and I looked at him with a straight face and said, "Money laundering." I got the strangest look and then the attendant said to me, "Is that legal?" After having a good laugh at the poor guy's expense, I then explained to him what I had done and he started laughing as well. He'd never heard of money laundering onboard a ship.


I enjoyed reading your message....I really thought you were going to say you laid it all out on the bed to dry and when you returned your stateroom attendant had left you a large thank you note and an extra towel animal.

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This wasn't a complaint, but we sure thought it was funny.


While in port at Tortola, we went to a local beach and did the whole rent a beach chair, umbrella, etc.


My husband and I are relaxing on our chair, when I see a furry black blur heading towards me. The scraggliest dog I've ever seen bounds towards me, and doesn't miss a beat...landing in my lap and licking my face all over. I had given a little shriek when he jumped on me, and I was just laughing hysterically. The dog was just licking and nuzzling and than he settled down right on my lap and refused to leave. My husband is taking pictures and thought it was hysterical.


The couple next to us are watching us pet and moon over the pup, and smiled and say: "We wanted to bring out dog so badly on our vacation!? How did you do it? Did you sneak him with you?"


I laughed and explained it wasn't my dog...it must be a stray.


They got a little wide eyed and seemed like they had to verify..."That's not your dog? And you're petting it?"


Than they moved to the other end of the beach chairs....


The dog eventually went on it's merry way, and the picture of me with the dog in my lap and I'm howling with laughter is my husband's favorite.

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