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Silly complaints

DJ Eddy

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I was on MSC orchestra "italian cruiseline" about 2yrs ago and I'm in a wheelchair. issue went like this:


Wheeling myself I hit a bump "like one would find in a normal doorway only alittle bigger" in the middle of the hall that is fully wall to wall carpet so I back up and roll over it again just to remember for next time where it is exactly.

Two entertainment staff members see me looking at the floor and ask if I have a problem and I say "no everything is fine, I just noticed a bump in the floor" and make a joke someone must have tipped them off I was coming onboard and put in some speedbumps to slow me down.

The following night headed to the show in the theater I again go somewhat faster than the average person walks but the hall was basically empty. I come to the area with the bump and instantly slow down while the same 2 entertainment staff members were waiting outside the theater and see me slow down and both yell "speedbump". I laugh well an older somewhat larger woman who was behind me being pushed in one of the wheelchairs you rent for the cruise hit the bump and took a tumble onto the floor. A waiter her husband and another crew member help the woman back into her chair and she says to me "they should put a warning sign up with bumps that big someone could get hurt especially going as fast as you were".

Well I get up the next morning for breakfast and I see the woman who fell the night before she comes over and says " they put up a sign" totally thinking she was joking I kept eating and on my way back to the cabin what do I see a white paper on a stand that reads "beware of bump" in three languages.

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As a soon to be 1st time cruiser, I find all of these "complaints" to be quite funny. I obviously don't have any good cruising stories to relate, but I have found that it's sometimes good to be the guy who's next in line after the grumpy person. A smile and an appreciative/understanding look goes a long way when interacting with customer service folks.


If you want a good laugh, search for luisitania's review of Oasis. He is supercritical of things that most take for granted. His entire review gave me a good laugh.


My one story that sort of relates...


My uncle is a flight attendant, and the airline he works for has a limited beer selection (only 1 or 2 brands, to be expected considering it's a plane!). He routinely has customers ask for a particular light beer. He politely informs them that they don't carry said light beer, and offers them the lite beer that they do carry. He says that 90% of the time they decline his offer and ask for a sprite. just odd to me, but then again i'm not one of those people that has a hissy fit if someone brings me pepsi when i order coke.

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This wasn't a complaint, but we sure thought it was funny.


While in port at Tortola, we went to a local beach and did the whole rent a beach chair, umbrella, etc.


My husband and I are relaxing on our chair, when I see a furry black blur heading towards me. The scraggliest dog I've ever seen bounds towards me, and doesn't miss a beat...landing in my lap and licking my face all over. I had given a little shriek when he jumped on me, and I was just laughing hysterically. The dog was just licking and nuzzling and than he settled down right on my lap and refused to leave. My husband is taking pictures and thought it was hysterical.


The couple next to us are watching us pet and moon over the pup, and smiled and say: "We wanted to bring out dog so badly on our vacation!? How did you do it? Did you sneak him with you?"


I laughed and explained it wasn't my dog...it must be a stray.


They got a little wide eyed and seemed like they had to verify..."That's not your dog? And you're petting it?"


Than they moved to the other end of the beach chairs....


The dog eventually went on it's merry way, and the picture of me with the dog in my lap and I'm howling with laughter is my husband's favorite.


I would love to see that picture! :D

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She then started to tell me, rather loudly, the difference between a toucan and a parrot, including the number of toes and what they eat, to which I turned to her and said "well, I'm not planning on feeding it, it's stuffed"


:D:D:D I almost spilled my wine on the keyboard reading this, I laughed so hard!!! Hilarious!

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After 19 cruises, with number 20 coming up in 127 days, 23 hours and five minutes, allow me to pass on some advice, not only to my fellow experienced cruises, but to all newbys as well.


You're on vacation! You have seven glorious days of pampering ahead of you. Put your cell phone in the safe and don't worry about work at home. If you're that worried about work, you probably should have stayed home.


Smell the warm tropical breezes and enjoy it. If the person in front of you in the buffet line is making an a*s of him or herself, let it go. It isn't worth the aggravation.


Take time to say thank you to a crew member. They're some of the hardest working people I've ever met. They do a fabulous job for pauper wages. They deserve our gratitude, not a complaint because they didn't bring you your drink in five minutes or less.


And then when you get back here after your cruise, let's see those funny stories!

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I posted this once before (when it actually happened), but I'll post it again for Eddy's benefit.


Two years ago, while visiting Grand Turk, my wife and I did a snorkeling/sting ray excursion. Had a great time snorkeling and then we headed for a different part of the island for the sting rays. Once the boat had anchored, my wife, who loves to hold and love any animal, hops into the water and heads straight for the rays. Before I know it, she's cuddling up to one. Well, I have the camera in hand, so I jumped into the water to get some shots of my wife and the sting ray. The water was about chest level deep. I'm in the water for about 2-3 minutes when I realize I still have my fanny pack around my waist. Duh! I get out of the water, but it's too late. Everything, and I mean everything, is completely soaked.


When we got back on the ship, I took everything out and laid it all out to dry. However, I had about $1200 in $20 bills that was sopping wet. I didn't know what to do at first, but then I had a brilliant idea. I took the money down to the laundry room and tossed the bundle of 20's in a dryer and turned it on, then settled down to watch my money tumble dry. After a few minutes, an attendant came into the laundry room to clean up and he saw me staring into the dryer. He said to me, "Sir, if you'll give me your cabin number, I'll call you when your laundry is dry. That way you won't have to sit here." I thanked him for the offer, but explained to him that I had money in the dryer. He asked me why I had money in the dryer and I looked at him with a straight face and said, "Money laundering." I got the strangest look and then the attendant said to me, "Is that legal?" After having a good laugh at the poor guy's expense, I then explained to him what I had done and he started laughing as well. He'd never heard of money laundering onboard a ship.

Thanks for reposting this story. It is ABSOLUTELY my all-time favorite. I haven't laughed this hard in years!! You have a wonderful sense of humor and I hope our cruise paths cross some day in the future!:D

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Did I mention I was in my bathing suit and while it's his favorite, I think I look like a whale? LOL I was at his office one day and saw it on his desk and just about had a heart attack.


I think that's cool!

One of my favorite pics of me was taken when I got off the ship in Barcelona last year. Someone with me said something funny and I started laughing. I am usually so self conscious in pictures that I look too stiff.

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After 19 cruises, with number 20 coming up in 127 days, 23 hours and five minutes, allow me to pass on some advice, not only to my fellow experienced cruises, but to all newbys as well.


You're on vacation! You have seven glorious days of pampering ahead of you. Put your cell phone in the safe and don't worry about work at home. If you're that worried about work, you probably should have stayed home.

Some of us are worried about mom in the nursing home and hold Power of Attorney for medical and financial decisions. In spite of that, we still like to cruise when we can. Some people don't have a choice whether to leave work behind. They are restricted to taking a cell or not taking a vacation. I do like to restrict my phone to the occasional text message to say that "all is well and we are in Barcelona/Rome/Florence, etc" but will probably be able to do more on Facebook this next year by buying internet time. Still..........I never assume that someone has his/her cell because they feel self important.

Smell the warm tropical breezes and enjoy it. If the person in front of you in the buffet line is making an a*s of him or herself, let it go. It isn't worth the aggravation.


Take time to say thank you to a crew member. They're some of the hardest working people I've ever met. They do a fabulous job for pauper wages. They deserve our gratitude, not a complaint because they didn't bring you your drink in five minutes or less.


And then when you get back here after your cruise, let's see those funny stories!

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You're on vacation! You have seven glorious days of pampering ahead of you. Put your cell phone in the safe and don't worry about work at home. If you're that worried about work, you probably should have stayed home.


May I point out that not everyone has that luxory and that quite frankly your advice is condescending?

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My friend was on her first cruise. Our ship was delayed leaving port by about 2.5 hours so it was during dinner (and dark) when it finally left Port Canaveral. Some mechanical issue. At this point we don't know if we'll be late into our port of call - but she is complaining about leaving late and saying we need to be compensated for leaving so late. I didn't know what to say. I didn't respond - I just looked at her. She was so hateful about it. I'm not sure what she wanted and what she thought she missed except seeing outside when we left Florida.


-- we were one hour late the next day and she had no excursions planned.

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WOW, these are all great. I'm cruising in December w/ some fellow members of my improv/sketch-comedy troupe. We're in agreement that we have to make notes throughout the cruise whenever we hear a dumbass entitled white person complain about something trivial WHILE THEY'RE ON VACATION. We'll then take this comic GOLD and turn it into some youtube sketches. Can't wait :D

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After 19 cruises, with number 20 coming up in 127 days, 23 hours and five minutes, allow me to pass on some advice, not only to my fellow experienced cruises, but to all newbys as well.


You're on vacation! You have seven glorious days of pampering ahead of you. Put your cell phone in the safe and don't worry about work at home. If you're that worried about work, you probably should have stayed home.


Smell the warm tropical breezes and enjoy it. If the person in front of you in the buffet line is making an a*s of him or herself, let it go. It isn't worth the aggravation.


Take time to say thank you to a crew member. They're some of the hardest working people I've ever met. They do a fabulous job for pauper wages. They deserve our gratitude, not a complaint because they didn't bring you your drink in five minutes or less.


And then when you get back here after your cruise, let's see those funny stories!


Don't worry Rick, not everybody understands speaking in generalizations. OBVIOUSLY THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULES, PEOPLE. GET OFF HIM!

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Don't worry Rick, not everybody understands speaking in generalizations. OBVIOUSLY THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULES, PEOPLE. GET OFF HIM!


I agree! I thought they were kind words and great advice. I am sure he realizes some people have no choice and was just in general saying people need to relax and enjoy themselves instead of complaining that the Captain did not risk their lives so they could spend their day in a hurricane or complaining that they did not like the color of their table mates dress or their waitresses lipstick.


I enjoyed this thread. I am going on my first cruise in April and can't wait to bring home some stories. My dad would be one of those people that complain about silly things. This is why he wont ever come with us on vacation LOL. I told him about the pre-paid gratuities and he went on for an hour about it and he has never been on a cruise LOL.


Thanks for all the chuckles everyone!

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Silliest complaints I ever hear are when sailing out of San Juan I always hear people complaining about the number of Puerto Ricans on board. Wouldn't that be like complaining about the number of Floridians on a cruise sailing out of Ft. Lauderdale.

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I agree! I thought they were kind words and great advice. I am sure he realizes some people have no choice and was just in general saying people need to relax and enjoy themselves


Then that is what he needed to say. And to those who say GET OFF HIM, right back at ya!!.


This has been discussed for years on this board. Most posters realize that everyone has a different burden to bear (some heavier than others) and they can remind each other to do their best to enjoy their cruise without being condescending and know-it-all.

Take a lesson.


Because this is what he ACTUALLY said, and it didn't sound kind at all.

If you're that worried about work, you probably should have stayed home.
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i love this link and the stories , ive had everyone i know laffin for days as i repeat them, i work retail and not just normal retail, i have for years said that there is some kind of suction thingie in my doorway that when people enter my store it sucks their common sense out of their brains.


just a side note , silly weird odd and otherwise what we would think of as dumb***es, come in all size and shapes and colors, you might find more comedy for you tube if you listen to yourself :)

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i love this link and the stories , ive had everyone i know laffin for days as i repeat them, i work retail and not just normal retail, i have for years said that there is some kind of suction thingie in my doorway that when people enter my store it sucks their common sense out of their brains.



Lol. I say the exact same thing about where I work.:rolleyes:

Love this thread.

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While in Cozumel on the Legend in August 2010, a woman on our snorkeling excursion had a fit and complained the entire time that no one told her that the water that the boat travelled through or the water we snorkeled in would be over her head.

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The lovely Mrs. Jones and I were standing in line to debark the "Glory", and we were casually talking about how good the food aboard had been. The couple in line behind us commented that it sounded like we'd eaten every dinner in the dining room. We told them that "yes, we had eaten all our dinners in the dining room". They said "How in the world could you afford that? We ate every meal in the buffet, because we figured it'd be way too expensive to eat in the dining room!" They actually thought that it cost extra to eat there, and had eaten every meal at the buffet! Guess they found out just a little bit too late that it was included in the price of the cruise. :eek:



OMG that is hilarious but kinda sad for them

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