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My Picture Review of the 10-10-10 Legend sailing and our Mega Vacation


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During dinner we were once again entertained by our wait staff. And again the girls were invited to get up and dance too so this time Kiera actually got up and had some fun. about halfway thru Valisa decided to join her as well. I know alot of people complain about the entertainment in the main dinning room but for us we love it and we look forward to it each evening.







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For our deserts this night I decided to keep it simple again and just ordered the Orange Serbit. Kiera ordered a Cheesecake off the spa menu.





After dinner we went back to our rooms to change out of our formal clothes. Unfortunatly we didn't even think about it but Kiera and I didn't even take any extra photos of us in our formal clothes this night. Dispite us both wearing something different. Back to the room our Cabin was turned down for the evening and there wasn't a towel animal awaiting us like in the nights past. Instead we had a towel heart.




One thing that was going on this night was the Mardi Gras celebration. It was set to start in the Kariokee lounge so we headed up there after changing for the night. Since we had time to kill anyways we just chilled and listened to some Kareokee before Mardi Gras started.




Before long it had started and they had us following the band up to the Atrium where they were throwing out beads. We actually got quite a few this time but thats because the turnout for Mardi Gras on the Legend was pretty lame. When on the Glory last year the atrium was shoulder to shoulder with people participating. Here on the Legend there was like 20 people and that was it.




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After the Atrium the band then led everyone the Medusa's Lounge dance club where the 25 year old Valisa got ID'ed (you have to be 18) to get in yet Kiera whos 23 didn't get carded at all lol. This was where the Mardi Gras party ended and after a few minutes we left the dance club as well. I gotta admit that how its set up on the spirit class ships is pretty cool. I really like the 2 level feel of the place. However it as very smoky (cigarette smoke) and it was making us feel sick. So with Mardi Gras over we left to go get some ice cream.







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Up on the Lido deck we soon had our ice cream and then relaxed on the chairs around the Aft pool. Off in the distance we could see a lighthouse. Turned out that the lighthouse was once again on Cuba and we were passing it. Cuba was every bit as cool at night as it was during the day lol.





For some reason we next went back to our cabins for a little while. We weren't there too long though as the comedy club was gonna be going again tonight. The final night they would be doing it this cruise.





Before heading to the Comedy Club though we decided we wanted to grab some drinks again for the show so we made our way up to the Atrium bar. Kyle and Valisa got a mix of a Virgin Kiss on the Lips and a Virgin Pina Colada. I keep it simple this night and just got a strawberry/banana smoothie which was good but far from being the best smoothie i'd ever had.




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With drinks in hand we made our way down to the comedy club for the final comedy show of the cruise. Tonights performer was John Rathbone. He had his funny moments but overall we didn't care for his act at all. He turned out to be our least favorite comedian of the cruise. But thats just our opinion as i'm sure others thought he was very funny. I think his jokes were more catered for the older people in the audience then the younger ones. It turned out that the comedian from the previous night Thomas Brown was sitting right next to us. So after the show got over we actually talked with him and told him how funny we thought he was. We also asked if he ever comes to Salt Lake City, Utah to perform cause we would love to go see him again if he came our way. He said he currently had never been to Utah but his agent was already looking into it so hopefully we will get the oppertunity to see him again. Not only was his show the funniest we've ever seen but he was a very funny guy just talking to on a personal level.


With the Comedy show now over we once again found ourselves very tired. The sun today really took a tole on all of us. Most of us also aquired our first sunburns of the trip this day that were starting to be very unpleasent. So we said our goodnights and retired to our cabins for the night. While getting ready for bed we found that the deck party from the night before was on TV and they got video of Kyle and Valisa and Kiera and I dancing at it so I took some photos of the TV before turning the lights out and going to bed.





We had our final day of the cruise ahead of us. Another Sea Day to relax and do nothing. It was sad to think our vacation was soon coming to an end.

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Well thats it for today. As always please feel free to ask any questions you might have and comments are always appreciated. Its sad for me to think this vacation recap is quickly approching the end as there is only 3 segments left to add. Thanks again for all of you who are still following and giving your support. It means a lot.

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Thank you for a very informative and entertaining report of your cruise. I am anxious to read more as you report on the end of your cruise. I really enjoyed your review of the Harry Potter attraction at Universal Studios. My impression of the place, while fascinated by the buildings and the shops, is that it is a place for the roller coaster enthusiasts, of which I am not one. I never enjoyed them but did muster enough courage to ride the Space Mountain at Disney World.

Thank you also to CruiseCritic for 15 years of providing us with enjoyable, informative and interesting reviews that provide us with hints, tips and things to avoid while cruising.

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I have followed your review from the very first page to now only three more entries. It has been a most excellent adventure, with Harry Potter, and missing most of your ports, but finding Jamaica. I'm glad you made the most of your unexpected change of plans. I will be with you until the end of your journey, so keep it coming! Thanks for the details! Your vacation is fantastic!

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I'm really going to miss you guys after reading all of your adventures for the last several days. Holding my breath regarding Kiera's toes on this cruise. You have shown that a great time can be had with a good attitude and making the best of any situation. God Bless!!

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Thanks again guys for the continued support. You have no idea how much it means and gives me the motivation to get this finished quickly. I truely appreciate all your comments.


I was going to try and type up the next segment but I really need to go get some sleep. I have tickets to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows tonight and with having to work at 5am I don't think i'm gonna get any sleep tonight. So expect the next segment to be up ether tomorrow afternoon or possibly even Saturday at the latest.


Thanks again everyone.

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Thank you for your time and sharing your vaction with us. We are on the Legend in 22 more days and looking forward to it. I am so glad you didn't let the change get you down. After all you still had each other with little distractions. That is what we cruise for after 27 years we enjoy just spending time together.

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Still enjoing your review it's great. In 2001 we docked at the same place in Ocho Rios because another Carnival ship had a medical emergency and needed to dock where the Liberty was,our itenirary was switched around because of a hurricane that year we did the cruise backwards Ocho Rios was to be our last stop but was the 1st we didn't do to much but a little shopping and a short walk on the beach and yes the vendors/shop people are very pushy and puts Mexico and other ports to shame,but it is a beautiful Island. I wouldn't hesitate to spend a week there at an all inclusive resort though.

Loving the pictures too.


I hope you enjoy the new Harry Potter movie Universal is playing it in all 20 of there theaters at midnight.

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Apologies in advance, I lurk here a lot and I don't post at all, but I do feel like posting because you did get one fact wrong in your review.


The singer Barbi that in your opinion, you didn't like, hasn't done any other ship but Legend. She couldn't have been on Glory when you were cruising because I cruised it last year and there was a blonde named Jessica singing lead in the shows who was OK but in my opinion, didn't have the range or power like Barbi. When I spoke to Barbi during one of her classical shows (that's right, she sings opera too) she said Legend was the only ship she'd done for Carnival up to now.


And if you missed Barbi's classical show, you truly missed a treat and something not done on any Carnival ship now. Hard to find anything to complain about there because I haven't seen any other ship singer be able to match the quality of that show. Ask the hundreds of people at standing room only in the atrium when she did her shows there. I thought she was brilliant (I have a music degree) and I can speak for several others in my group who went to both of her shows. I think she's quite versatile, very talented, and a lovely person to boot.


I hope you'll pardon my slight correction in your review. Just wanting to make sure people have correct facts when they read it. Thanks.

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Apologies in advance, I lurk here a lot and I don't post at all, but I do feel like posting because you did get one fact wrong in your review.


The singer Barbi that in your opinion, you didn't like, hasn't done any other ship but Legend. She couldn't have been on Glory when you were cruising because I cruised it last year and there was a blonde named Jessica singing lead in the shows who was OK but in my opinion, didn't have the range or power like Barbi. When I spoke to Barbi during one of her classical shows (that's right, she sings opera too) she said Legend was the only ship she'd done for Carnival up to now.


And if you missed Barbi's classical show, you truly missed a treat and something not done on any Carnival ship now. Hard to find anything to complain about there because I haven't seen any other ship singer be able to match the quality of that show. Ask the hundreds of people at standing room only in the atrium when she did her shows there. I thought she was brilliant (I have a music degree) and I can speak for several others in my group who went to both of her shows. I think she's quite versatile, very talented, and a lovely person to boot.


I hope you'll pardon my slight correction in your review. Just wanting to make sure people have correct facts when they read it. Thanks.


This cruise was pretty recent, so I think Barbi could've moved around on the Carnival Fleet, if she wanted to. I'm pretty sure the OP knows what he's talking about.

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My cruise was recent as well, 10-31-10. I did speak to Barbi after her show, and she said she hadn't worked on any other Carnival ship. My understanding is that they are contracted for about six months with a rehearsal period, they don't move around until their contract is up and she said she'd worked two contracts straight on Legend. No possible way that could be the same woman, sorry.

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Great review! I am glad you made the best of the changes that happened on your cruise and didn't let it ruin any of your fun.


I am one of those that love Jamaica, although I have not been to Ocho Rios. I have only been to Negril, and 7 mile beach was absolutely beautiful. We spent a week there. The people were very friendly. There were locals selling stuff up and down the beach, but a polite no thank you and they didn't ask us any more. We had a great time and can't wait to go back. If you get the opportunity, try out that side of the island of Jamaica.

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My cruise was recent as well, 10-31-10. I did speak to Barbi after her show, and she said she hadn't worked on any other Carnival ship. My understanding is that they are contracted for about six months with a rehearsal period, they don't move around until their contract is up and she said she'd worked two contracts straight on Legend. No possible way that could be the same woman, sorry.


Maybe there are 2 Barbi's then.

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Thanks for your detailed review. We're planning to take our nieces to Harry Potter at Universal as a shore excursion from the Pride next May so really appreciate getting the information so we can make the most of our short time there. We've been to the rest of the park so we can focus on the Wizarding World.


We were on the same cruise so I kept looking for some place in your photos our paths might have crossed. When you posted about playing bingo I remember seeing a group taking their pictures with their bingo cards that must of been you. (Sorry, I commented to my wife "Look at the Bingo Newbies" :p but it was all in fun.)


You didn't mention the interesting history of the Bauxite mine facility that we were docked at in Jamaica but you may wish you had taken more photos there. That mine was Dr No's "Crab Key" evil layer in the James Bond movie Dr No. The part of the movie were Ursula Andress comes out of the ocean was filmed at the base of Dunn's River Falls.


By the way, we were at the Falls too. We came on the party cateraman that is parked by the beach in one of your photos. We were in one of the first groups to start climbing that day. BTW, the party boats are fun, but the big party you see as they return to dock is staged to make the excursion more attractive to the people that didn't go that time.


We were happy with the fact that we were able to get another port after three were cancelled. It was our second time there so were not quite as intimidated by the pushing vendors.


Did the Matre'D sing as part of the entertainment for the late dinner seating? He sang at the early seating every day and has a great Dean Martin voice and Frank Sinatra style.


I'm glad to hear that you had a great time. We saw too many people that were just getting plain grouchy after Jamaica. A positive attitude make life much more fun than finding things to complain about.


Looking forward to the rest of your review. Great Job!

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Day 11: 4th (Scheduled) Day at Sea


Our final full day aboard the Carnival Legend arrived. We were officially making our way back to Tampa where in less then 24 hours our cruise would be finished. Today we were doing exactly what we had been planning on doing for months. Today was one of our actually scheduled Sea Days where we just planned to lounge around the ship and do a whole lot of nothing.


After sleeping in late again we got up and ready to go lay out in the sun for most of the day. Today we made sure we put on plenty of sunscreen to avoid the random burning we got yesterday and after meeting up with Kyle and Valisa we headed upstairs to the Lido deck to grab some breakfast before they cleaned it all up for the day.


We soon found a spot along the side of the ship to relax and get some sun but I wouldn't be joining them quite yet. On the final day of the cruise I always like to wonder the ship and take pictures of well almost everything. I like to have the memories of how the ship looked saved digitally as well. So after everyone else got settled into where they would be relaxing in the sun I said goodbye and off I went. I appologize as there won't be much writting from now until the ship tour is over as the photos will be doing most of the talking.


The Funnel:



Looking down into the Atrium from the Funnel:



Looking Towards the Front of the Ship:



I absolutly LOVE the Caribbean Waters. Even in the middle of the ocean they are beautiful:



Aft Adult Only Pool Area:



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