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Anyone want to start a new weight loss group with me?


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THAT IS SOOOOOO GREAT!! Your excitement is contageous! 50 pounds gone already... how wonderful!


And Crystal, you did so great this last week too! Keep up the great work. You guys are really inspiring me to keep moving!


Jan, I am glad you checked in here with us even though you are so busy with your family stuff. Hope all is going well.


VT, I am so jealous that it's time for your vacation! I wish it were me!! Have a fabulous time.


Suzque, how'd your quilts for the baby shower turn out? I like to quilt too, but seems like I never have the time for it anymore. Don't get discouraged, that .4 is still something lost!


I had a busy weekend! We painted about half the inside of our house, the living room, the dining room and the long hallway that runs the length of the house. I hate the disaster effect of having everything all over the place, but once all assembled again, it sure is pretty and worth the effort! I didn't get any exercise in, but all that up and down the ladder has to count for something, right? ;)


LP, I disagree! I think you got a lot of exercise! Not only were you going up and down the ladder, but if you were rolling just think of all the stretching and upper body movement you got. I bet you'll be sore! Even balancing on the ladder while your arms are moving uses muscle and energy. Well done and your house will be beautiful... and your taste... in the end.


Suzque, down again? You rock!!! 2.2 is a really good one week drop!


Hypermommy, Wow, wow. 50 pouds... 200 sticks of butter!!! Just WOW!!!


My tv diet is going ok. It tastes ok, but the selection of foods is limited and some is better than others. But, I have lost 5 pounds, so I'll stick with it for now and hope that all of a sudden 20 will be gone one morning when I wake up.:rolleyes: I'm at DD's this week helping with projects, then on to NJ for wedding plans. This keeps me busy, but not at zumba. It's all exercise, that's what counts.


Have a great day everyone!:D

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We are packed, I am at work today, but we fly to Fort Lauderdale in the a.m!!!! Hoping luggage doesn't get lost, always my biggest fear as it is not easy to replace things to fit this body! However, I feel so much better than I did in January! I would have liked to lose more, but my mobility and stamina are 200% better! I will be back on here when we return!


We are forcasted for 6-8 inches of snow on Friday here in VT, so glad our flight is tomorrow. I am SO VERY EXCITED!:D

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We are packed, I am at work today, but we fly to Fort Lauderdale in the a.m!!!! Hoping luggage doesn't get lost, always my biggest fear as it is not easy to replace things to fit this body! However, I feel so much better than I did in January! I would have liked to lose more, but my mobility and stamina are 200% better! I will be back on here when we return!


We are forcasted for 6-8 inches of snow on Friday here in VT, so glad our flight is tomorrow. I am SO VERY EXCITED!:D


Fair winds and following seas!!!! Have an awesome trip! You deserve it:D

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I'm down a total of 16 lbs (according to my home scale) and noticed an "interesting" result from that. My shoes are getting looser!! I have a pair of shoes I rarely wore because they hurt my feet, well I just wore them to work 2 days in a row, and NO PAIN!! Actually, they were a little sloppy fitting on my feet, ;-) Looks like I'm going to be FORCED to go shoe shopping.... oh darn (he, he he)

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LP, I think going up and down the later is lots of exercise. Prolly better than a stairstepper!!! :D


Hypermommy, Wow, wow. 50 pouds... 200 sticks of butter!!! Just WOW!!!


I LOVE the sticks of butter equation. I've been telling all my friends about it. It sure helps visualize what's gone. Only 320 more sticks to go!!! ;-)


My tv diet is going ok. It tastes ok, but the selection of foods is limited and some is better than others. But, I have lost 5 pounds


What's your tv diet again? Maybe some different brands (if it's tv dinners which is what I'm guessing but maybe wrongly) would have more variety. I've tried the Lean Cuisine steamer bags for lunches at work and dinners at home and really do love them. They're quite tasty! I also very much like the Healthy Choice steamer trays of food.


We are packed, I am at work today, but we fly to Fort Lauderdale in the a.m!!!!


Have a wonderful time!!!!!!!!


I'm down a total of 16 lbs (according to my home scale) and noticed an "interesting" result from that. My shoes are getting looser!! I have a pair of shoes I rarely wore because they hurt my feet, well I just wore them to work 2 days in a row, and NO PAIN!! Actually, they were a little sloppy fitting on my feet, ;-) Looks like I'm going to be FORCED to go shoe shopping.... oh darn (he, he he)


Oh darn! LOL That's great! I'm so LOVING the shopping that I'm having to do. Not the money gone part, but now that I'm slimmer I can actually FIND stuff at Goodwill that fits me and looks good. I hate, hate, hate paying retail when I know there's pretty good chance I can get something functional at Goodwill.

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Jan, the quilts turned out very nice. I don't do a traditional quilt. I usually make 2, one with a print pattern that I sew to a flannel backing and sandwich batting between. Then I use yarn and tie the layers together in different areas of the pattern. The other I cut 6 in squares of several different fabrics and put it together with flannel and batting like the other one. The yarn ties are at the corners of each square. This time I was fortunate to find some very cute fabric with the squares already put together, and matching flannel for the backing. I'll see if I can get ahold of the pictures the other Gramma took.

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Jan, the quilts turned out very nice. I don't do a traditional quilt. I usually make 2, one with a print pattern that I sew to a flannel backing and sandwich batting between. Then I use yarn and tie the layers together in different areas of the pattern. The other I cut 6 in squares of several different fabrics and put it together with flannel and batting like the other one. The yarn ties are at the corners of each square. This time I was fortunate to find some very cute fabric with the squares already put together, and matching flannel for the backing. I'll see if I can get ahold of the pictures the other Gramma took.


I think that counts as a quilt! How special to have the blankets made with love! And on another note.. how horrible for you that you have to go shoe shopping. The things a lady must endure :p


Good for you with your losses :)

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WOW Hypermommy! 50 lbs! That is so awesome! You deserve to be proud of yourself. That is a lot of hard work! We all know you can lose the rest!


I am down 2.4 this week so I am very happy with that. I want to lose another 30 before I cruise which works out to 1.2 lbs per week. I think that is so doable! I want to be able to go to a regular store and buy a new HOT dress for my cruise (even if I'm the only one that thinks I look hot, I'm good with that!)


I am still waiting for the warm weather. Mother nature is not being kind to us in the Northeast. More snow for tomorrow. :(

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Cyndi, Congrats on the 2.4 lbs! Awesome!:D By the way, I'm not too happy about your weather either! I'm supposed to drive up to NW NJ tomorrow and the weather looks awful! I think it will take me about 8 hours, but I'll stop along the way if the weather is too bad. My DS is getting married up there in July and I have to nail down the rehearsal dinner plans before the venue gets taken by someone else! :eek:


Suzque, Wow, what a nice side effect of losing weight... new shoes!!! But you deserve them right???:p I wish I had lost 16 pounds already. My DH thinks I need to have my thyroid checked. He sees how little I eat, I should have lost way more by now. :rolleyes:


Hypermommy, The tv diet is the one advertised by Marie Osmond. I really have trouble imagining here eating this stuff. Maybe if you have a chef, they can doctor it up.

By the way, I've heard of people who get great deals at Goodwill. I bought a train table from Goodwill for my Grandsons, but never looked at the clothes. Good for you for seeking out the bargains. I'm sure you can buy things there that still have tags on them. :)


If you don't hear from me tomorrow night, you'll know that I'm stuck in a snowbank somewhere in PA!!! But, fear not.... I'll have my tv diet food with me, so I won't starve.:rolleyes:

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By the way, I've heard of people who get great deals at Goodwill. I bought a train table from Goodwill for my Grandsons, but never looked at the clothes. Good for you for seeking out the bargains. I'm sure you can buy things there that still have tags on them. :)


If you don't hear from me tomorrow night, you'll know that I'm stuck in a snowbank somewhere in PA!!! But, fear not.... I'll have my tv diet food with me, so I won't starve.:rolleyes:


Yeah, you sure can sometimes find stuff that still has the tags. And the nicer the neighborhood of the Goodwill the nicer the stuff. But not usually for girls my (former!) size. You know how we hang on to our stuff until it falls off our bodies.


No getting stuck in a snowbank. If you do, you might try cannibalization of the people in the cars around you. Sounds like it might be tastier than the tv food. :D

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I am down 2.4 this week so I am very happy with that. I want to lose another 30 before I cruise which works out to 1.2 lbs per week. I think that is so doable! I want to be able to go to a regular store and buy a new HOT dress for my cruise (even if I'm the only one that thinks I look hot, I'm good with that!)


I am still waiting for the warm weather. Mother nature is not being kind to us in the Northeast. More snow for tomorrow. :(


TS--Congratulations on the 2.4! WOW!! You are gonna look HOT in a new dress (end eveyone else will think so too!)!!! ;)


Hi all,


Only have a moment since I'm at work. Standard checkup at the doctor this morning so I'm mostly working through lunch. Sounds like everyone's doing great!!!


I got some great news at the doctor today. Last time I was there was December 20, 2010 and at that point I weighed 280. Today I weigh 230!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so freakin' psyched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just know I'm going to get these other 80 lbs off by the beginning of the fall. I just know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Okay, gotta head back to work. Keep up the great job everyone!


Hypeymommy--50 lbs--WOW talk about inspiring! You will meet your goal! You are doing so AWESOME!!! ;)


I'm down a total of 16 lbs (according to my home scale) and noticed an "interesting" result from that. My shoes are getting looser!! I have a pair of shoes I rarely wore because they hurt my feet, well I just wore them to work 2 days in a row, and NO PAIN!! Actually, they were a little sloppy fitting on my feet, ;-) Looks like I'm going to be FORCED to go shoe shopping.... oh darn (he, he he)


Suzque--Whoo hoo for new shoes and 16lbs gone!!! Gee, being forced to go shoe shopping sounds awful! :p Congratulations!


I have been doing Curves everyday and Zumba once a week! I love it!!! DH says he can tell I am losing the inches...he was a little miffed at the one area that the inches are going down!!!:p


I weigh in next week and hopefully see some good numbers like all of you! I did order a dress for the cruise--It should fit, but how it looks on me will the inspiration!


Have an awesome week everyone!!!

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You all are doing so well this week, that I wanted to join in too! I'm down another 1.6 pounds. So happy! So far this year, I have lost 8.3% of my starting weight, which given my starting weight is quite a few sticks of butter! LOL


My ultimate goal by December is 101 pounds lost. I am over a quarter of the way there! :D


This weekend, we are headed to Arizona to go hiking and camping. Let's hope the hikes are enough to outweigh the yummy campfire food! ;)

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I wish I had lost 16 pounds already. My DH thinks I need to have my thyroid checked. He sees how little I eat, I should have lost way more by now.


Jan, maybe you are eating too little. Our bodies go into "survival" mode and put little hooks into those stupid fat cells so they won't get away if we cut back to much. That happened to me a few years back. I actually started to lose weight when I ate more! Of course you should get a checkup from your Dr to make sure there is nothing medical going on and ask them about a good diet program to go on.

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LP: Congratulations on the 1.6lbs and being a quarter of the way to your goal! How was the camping and hiking trip to Arizona?


I am down only 1.2 lbs this week. I little depressing, but still going in the right direction!


Keep up the awesome work everyone! You are all an inspiration!


SW: 205

CW: 193.4

GW: 135

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Jan, maybe you are eating too little. Our bodies go into "survival" mode and put little hooks into those stupid fat cells so they won't get away if we cut back to much. That happened to me a few years back. I actually started to lose weight when I ate more! Of course you should get a checkup from your Dr to make sure there is nothing medical going on and ask them about a good diet program to go on.


Thanks Suzque, maybe that is the problem.... that I'm being too rigid. Sometimes I'll skip the protein snack between meals b/c I'm not hungry or not in a place that I can grab a container of yogurt. I'm going to try to stick completely to the plan and eat all food at the right times and get in my water to see if it makes the difference. I took my food with me this week and paid extra to get hotel with kitchenette, but came home weighing the same as when I left. I was very active, though didn't do actual workouts. :(


Crystal and LP, Awesome that you're losing!!! Yay, keep it up!:D


Hypermommy, Thankfully, there was no snowbank, so no need to resort to cannibalism!:p The drive was actually very pretty, but my gps took me on a wild goose chase through country roads instead of on major highways, so it added about 1 1/2 hours extra to my trip.:mad: Next time I'm taking a map as a backup!:rolleyes:

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I am down only 1.2 lbs this week. I little depressing, but still going in the right direction!


That's right, it's the right direction. And maybe next week will be extra to make up for it.


came home weighing the same as when I left. I was very active, though didn't do actual workouts. :(


Hypermommy, Thankfully, there was no snowbank, so no need to resort to cannibalism!:p The drive was actually very pretty, but my gps took me on a wild goose chase through country roads instead of on major highways, so it added about 1 1/2 hours extra to my trip.:mad: Next time I'm taking a map as a backup!:rolleyes:


Weighing the same means no gain... that's a good thing. I have to go to Boston this weekend for work and I'm not taking anything. Just too much hassle. I'll just have to find healthy things to eat at whatever restaurants I eat at. We'll see how that goes.......... :confused:


LOL re the GPS. I use Google maps on my phone and sometimes I'm like "oh really? Now just why did we make that entire circuit when we could have just taken a left way back there". :D


Another .8 lbs off this week.


Way to go!!!!


I've had a better week than I deserved. We had our biweekly "let's order in lunch" Friday at the office and while I did pay attention to calories somewhat, it wasn't as controlled as one of the frozen dinners. And then Friday night I went out with a girlfriend and had WAY too many beers (too many in re not feeling well the next day.... didn't even think about calories). Then Sat the kids and I popped over to Walt Disney World for a few hours. It was far too crowded so we came home, but not before getting lunch at Pecos Bills. I had a kids burger and, instead of fries, I got carrot sticks and applesauce. I also got an extra plate and made a little salad at the fixin's bar. Oooooh, way too much for the weekend. But I was a good girl and walked 2 miles Sunday morning. I checked the scale yesterday and am just about at the same place I was. So hopefully being really good about food on Sunday and Monday had some offsetting effects. And since this is about a lifestyle change and not a diet I realize I'm going to have weekends like this.... just have to learn how to balance it out.

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I've had a better week than I deserved. We had our biweekly "let's order in lunch" Friday at the office and while I did pay attention to calories somewhat, it wasn't as controlled as one of the frozen dinners. And then Friday night I went out with a girlfriend and had WAY too many beers (too many in re not feeling well the next day.... didn't even think about calories). Then Sat the kids and I popped over to Walt Disney World for a few hours. It was far too crowded so we came home, but not before getting lunch at Pecos Bills. I had a kids burger and, instead of fries, I got carrot sticks and applesauce. I also got an extra plate and made a little salad at the fixin's bar. Oooooh, way too much for the weekend. But I was a good girl and walked 2 miles Sunday morning. I checked the scale yesterday and am just about at the same place I was. So hopefully being really good about food on Sunday and Monday had some offsetting effects. And since this is about a lifestyle change and not a diet I realize I'm going to have weekends like this.... just have to learn how to balance it out.


Keep it up Hypermommy! You are right..we all need to remember that this is a lifestyle change and not just a diet!


Another .8 lbs off this week.


Whoo Hoo! .8lbs is great!

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Hey guys, just a quick check-in here. Camping was a great time, although boy oh boy did it get cold at night! We did some great hikes and didn't eat too horribly at all. I'm just trying to get caught up at home and work. It feels like the laundry and cleaning just don't ever end!

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Hey guys, just a quick check-in here. Camping was a great time, although boy oh boy did it get cold at night! We did some great hikes and didn't eat too horribly at all. I'm just trying to get caught up at home and work. It feels like the laundry and cleaning just don't ever end!


Glad you had fun! No, it never does end.

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Hi everyone!


LP, glad you had fun camping. I say better too cool than too hot. Nothing worse than being miserable in a tent and being too hot to even sweat!:rolleyes:


suzque, Almost a pound is awesome!


Hypermommy, you doing ok?


Chrystal, I'm really glad you joined our group!



Comingo, Where are you? We miss your pearls of wisdom!


VT, Hope you're having fun on your cruise!


Cyndi, You're MIA! I hope you're doing ok!


Finally, I have some good news! I stepped on the scale this morning and lost 4.2 pounds! :D Whoosh.... practically overnight.... not! :rolleyes:. But farewell and good riddance! Don't come back!:mad::D:D

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Hi everyone!


LP, glad you had fun camping. I say better too cool than too hot. Nothing worse than being miserable in a tent and being too hot to even sweat!:rolleyes:


suzque, Almost a pound is awesome!


Hypermommy, you doing ok?


Chrystal, I'm really glad you joined our group!



Comingo, Where are you? We miss your pearls of wisdom!


VT, Hope you're having fun on your cruise!


Cyndi, You're MIA! I hope you're doing ok!


Finally, I have some good news! I stepped on the scale this morning and lost 4.2 pounds! Whoosh.... practically overnight.... not! :rolleyes:. But farewell and good riddance! Don't come back]


Well we are back! I am sure I gained some weight even it is fluid. My legs and feet are swollen and I feel like if someone poked me with a pin, I would pop! headed to Curves in the morning.......have to get back on track. I am the heaviest I have ever been and boy did I notice it on the cruise! I WILL NOT GO ON ANOTHER ONE UNTIL I HAVE LOST THIS WEIGHT! :mad:

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