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Anyone want to start a new weight loss group with me?


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Good morning and happy Friday to everyone!:)


How are all the diets coming along? For some reason I'm just not hungry, I guess my stomach has shrunk and that is good. I'm still sort of wavering between the Phase I and Phase II of South Beach but allowing myself a little bit of carbs. Haven't weighed in this a.m. but may do so in a bit, just been busy folding clean laundry and the normal day to day chores.


Hang in there gals and guys and stick to your plan whatever it may be.

Have a wonderful weekend.:D

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Greetings from Salt Lake City!!! It's really beautiful here and the people are so friendly. Yesterday I walked miles around town. My feet were killing me by the end of the day.:eek: We leave this afternoon for Vegas and I plan to do plenty of walking there. I wish I had brought my ugly tennis shoes, they are much more "foot friendly" although not as fashionable. Believe me, my feet aren't too concerned about fashion today.:rolleyes: I tried to limit what I brought... remember how excited I was that I packed for 2 weeks in a carryon. Shoes were sacrificed.


I just glanced over the last few days postings and it seems everyone is doing well. Weather is getting better all the time, so go out and enjoy!:D

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Greetings from Salt Lake City!!! It's really beautiful here and the people are so friendly. Yesterday I walked miles around town. My feet were killing me by the end of the day.:eek: We leave this afternoon for Vegas and I plan to do plenty of walking there. I wish I had brought my ugly tennis shoes, they are much more "foot friendly" although not as fashionable. Believe me, my feet aren't too concerned about fashion today.:rolleyes: I tried to limit what I brought... remember how excited I was that I packed for 2 weeks in a carryon. Shoes were sacrificed.


I just glanced over the last few days postings and it seems everyone is doing well. Weather is getting better all the time, so go out and enjoy!:D


If you walked all over Salt Lake City, just wait till you get to Vegas! Yep, you should've brought just the friendly tennies!:p You will walk even more in Vegas I'll bet.


Weather is not as good here today as it was yesterday but so far no rain...though it is predicted.:(

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If you walked all over Salt Lake City, just wait till you get to Vegas! Yep, you should've brought just the friendly tennies!:p You will walk even more in Vegas I'll bet.


Weather is not as good here today as it was yesterday but so far no rain...though it is predicted.:(


Well, the good news is that I brought comfy walking sandals. I should be ok in Vegas. I just couldn't wear the sandals yesterday b/c it was snowing here!:( I had some boots that are ok for walking around my town, but not for touristy walking. I'll check back in tomorrow and let you know!

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Well, the good news is that I brought comfy walking sandals. I should be ok in Vegas. I just couldn't wear the sandals yesterday b/c it was snowing here!:( I had some boots that are ok for walking around my town, but not for touristy walking. I'll check back in tomorrow and let you know!


New shoes are not usually the best thing for when you are traveling, unless you break them in first. Snow? Wow, glad it was there and not here!:p


Enjoy Vegas, know you will.;) We lived there for about seven years and for the longest time it felt like our "hometown"; both our children were born there. But Vegas has changed, it's so big now and the tourists never leave so it never calms down like it did when we lived there.

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Hey guys, time to get back to business here! I've got bad news and great news. First the bad. My weight is up. I have not been careful or good about anything eaten or drank in the last couple weeks, so it is only what I earned.


But now to the great... bf and I are now engaged! AND getting married on our upcoming cruise in December!!


Time to get serious all over again!

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Hey guys, time to get back to business here! I've got bad news and great news. First the bad. My weight is up. I have not been careful or good about anything eaten or drank in the last couple weeks, so it is only what I earned.


But now to the great... bf and I are now engaged! AND getting married on our upcoming cruise in December!!


Time to get serious all over again!



Congratulations LP!!! Oh, what wonderful news! Who cares about the minor weight gain when hearing such great news like that!!! Plus now you have a goal to not just lose for your next cruise; but lose for your wedding!!! I am so happy for you! Congratulations!!!:D

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Hey guys, time to get back to business here! I've got bad news and great news. First the bad. My weight is up. I have not been careful or good about anything eaten or drank in the last couple weeks, so it is only what I earned.


But now to the great... bf and I are now engaged! AND getting married on our upcoming cruise in December!!


Time to get serious all over again!


Hey "lovepea",

Congratulations to both of you on your engagement and upcoming marriage.:) That is wonderful news!


I must confess I wasn't too good yesterday; need to go weigh myself and see how much damage I did do. We had company and I had a glass and a half of red wine and then had promised DH I'd make him Mexican for dinner. I did and I ate some of it, even though I had made myself just a plain burger. Oh well, I've been really good for about 2 1/2 weeks and my weight has gone steadily down, so not gonna beat myself up over it. I'm just gonna "get back on the horse" as they say and be careful what I eat today.:p On SB, the doctor wrote that we would all "fall off" once and a while and when we do, just get going again with what you know you are supposed to be doing. Do not allow yourself to get depressed and go off the diet or binge.


Hang in there folks! ;)

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I did weigh and yes, the scales went UP!:o:( I've been working hard all morning and have overdone it; now my back is killing me but I'm sticking to just eating "good" things and no more Mexican. You wonder how two small corn tortillas can do so darned much damage, but I found out the hard way. I want that scales to go DOWN,DOWN, DOWN...not UP!:rolleyes:


Felt I needed to confess that I was not a good girl!

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It's okay Babs, there's always tomorrow to be good again!


Lovepea...thanks and yes, I know this. I was good yesterday but did realize that even one little slip is not worth it.:p I also did a lot of cleaning yesterday so hoping the extra exercise helped some to get that

silly scales going in the other direction, instead of UP!:mad: I'm on track again.

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Okay, since we are all being honest...I blew it yesterday too!!! :eek: I ate way to much and none of it was healthy. Plus I didn't exercise at all! Argh!!!


Okay, so now that is off my chest. Today is a new start and I know that we all can do this together!! I love all the support I get from you guys and your motivation continues to motivate me! :)

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Okay, since we are all being honest...I blew it yesterday too!!! :eek: I ate way to much and none of it was healthy. Plus I didn't exercise at all! Argh!!!


Okay, so now that is off my chest. Today is a new start and I know that we all can do this together!! I love all the support I get from you guys and your motivation continues to motivate me! :)


Being honest...totally honest....is really the only way. Who are we kidding anyhow if we lie about our weight?:mad:


I may not be wholly good today as I plan to make DH a pizza, but I will only have one small slice, and a huge salad and some tuna.


We are all in this alone but yet together, we need to continue to try and motivate each other as we travel this path.:) We can do this!!!!!! Yes, we can!!!!!

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Hey guys! Happy Monday. It's my let's get back on track wake up today!


So, weight is 264 today. I want to be under 200 for my cruise, and my wedding day! Just over 7 months to get there. It's going to be tough, but I think I can do it.

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Hey guys! Happy Monday. It's my let's get back on track wake up today!


So, weight is 264 today. I want to be under 200 for my cruise, and my wedding day! Just over 7 months to get there. It's going to be tough, but I think I can do it.


Lovepea, you can do it! Just try to keep focused!;)


I realized I am now eating and enjoying my food so much more than I think I ever have before. Each bite I take I savor and really try to eat slower than I used to and life is feeling pretty good!:) My scales have not gone down for a few days but I am not worrying about it; the weight will come off eventually. Oh and I did try on two pairs of jeans I had bought a while back but that got too tight for me to squeeze into and today I could zip the zippers. :rolleyes: Still too tight for me to wear as I don't like tight fitting clothes, but I will get down into them! I know I can do it. One thing I'm doing wrong is I'm forgetting to eat my snacks; I get busy working around the house or in the yard and before I know it I'm way past snack time. I plan to try to get back on track and eat those snacks.

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Well, I lost 1.4 pounds last week! But the best part is that I lost 3 inches in my thighs and 3 inches in my chest!!! So even if the numbers aren't coming down as fast as I would like them; the inches are!!!:)


Good luck to everyone this week! I have set a new goal of doing Zumba three times a week on top of my Curves of six times a week.


SW: 205

CW: 189 (haven't ssen that number in over three years!)

mini GW: 180 (by my cruise in 45 days)

GW: 135

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Well, I lost 1.4 pounds last week! But the best part is that I lost 3 inches in my thighs and 3 inches in my chest!!! So even if the numbers aren't coming down as fast as I would like them; the inches are!!!:)


Good luck to everyone this week! I have set a new goal of doing Zumba three times a week on top of my Curves of six times a week.


SW: 205

CW: 189 (haven't ssen that number in over three years!)

mini GW: 180 (by my cruise in 45 days)

GW: 135


Wow you are doing great! Keep up the good work. :) I have not weighed in a couple of days. Do you go to a class or do Zumba at home? I need to get out there and get back to my walking but our weather has been so crazy. One day it is nice and sunny but windy and then it will rain for days. Excuses excuses I know but when it is half way decent I feel I've got to get some yard work done so the walking doesn't happen.:(


Will check back in after while, need to get moving this a.m. and start the day.;)

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Wow you are doing great! Keep up the good work. :) I have not weighed in a couple of days. Do you go to a class or do Zumba at home? I need to get out there and get back to my walking but our weather has been so crazy. One day it is nice and sunny but windy and then it will rain for days. Excuses excuses I know but when it is half way decent I feel I've got to get some yard work done so the walking doesn't happen.:(


Will check back in after while, need to get moving this a.m. and start the day.;)




My local Curves offers Zumba Circuit classes. Since I do curves every morning, I just do the Zumba dance at Curves. This way I am getting a good balance of cardio and strength training.


I tried to do Zumba at home, but I found that I just wasn't working as hard by myself--with no one to push me!!!:(


It is hard getting outside for me as well. We are in another Winter Storm Warning! :eek: Got to love Minnesota weather!!! :rolleyes:


We can all reach our goal...just because of the fact that we WANT to reach our goal!!! I love you all!!!

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My local Curves offers Zumba Circuit classes. Since I do curves every morning, I just do the Zumba dance at Curves. This way I am getting a good balance of cardio and strength training.


I tried to do Zumba at home, but I found that I just wasn't working as hard by myself--with no one to push me!!!


It is hard getting outside for me as well. We are in another Winter Storm Warning! Got to love Minnesota weather!!!


We can all reach our goal...just because of the fact that we WANT to reach our goal!!! I love you all!!!


Boy you truly are motivated to attend exercise classes six days a week and then do Zumba too!:cool: I've never been one who liked to join gyms etc. Our son, on the other hand, goes every single day and actually has membership in two in CA. When he arrives here I know he will be joining one locally as well.


I did weigh in just a while ago (actually before I ate breakfast) and in just less than three weeks, I've dropped 10 1/2 pounds.:D Most importantly my clothes are looser and I feel great. I'm not setting any particular "goal" for myself but just want to learn to eat healthier and feel better.

Yesterday a neighbor brought over strawberry pie and she said it was made with the lite Cool Whip and non sugar jello so I did allow myself a few bites (it tasted so darned good) and yet my scales still went down.

I find I'm enjoying my food more and actually "tasting" what I am eating, which I know is a good for changing my attitude towards food.;)


I'm sure you noticed I deleted some of your "faces" so they don't come back and tell me I can't post because there are too many icons!


Keep up the good work everyone!

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Those 6 inches are amazing results!! Way to go!!! 1.4 pounds is great too, but 6 inches gone, your clothes must start slipping off!! :D


Keep up the great curves and Zumba! It is certainly working great for you.




10 1/2 pounds in three weeks is wonderful too! And I think it's great that you are able to enjoy the treats in little tastes and enjoy yourself without overinduldging. That truly is the healthy lifestyle there. You are so on the right path.

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I posted : "RubyBC" and then noticed it was RuDyBC! Sorry!:confused: My bad!

Am I chatting with Crystal?


LOL, yes you are always talking with Crystal!!! My DH rarely goes on here and when he does, its cause I wanted to show him something. Plus he doesn't need a weight-loss support group--he needs a weight-gain support group! He weighs 155 pounds soaking wet and can eat anything, everything, and as much as he wants without a single ounce gained!!!:eek:

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LOL, yes you are always talking with Crystal!!! My DH rarely goes on here and when he does, its cause I wanted to show him something. Plus he doesn't need a weight-loss support group--he needs a weight-gain support group! He weighs 155 pounds soaking wet and can eat anything, everything, and as much as he wants without a single ounce gained!!!:eek:


Your DH sounds exactly like mine. In fact I doubt if he's ever even peeked at the threads on here. Oh not on the weight thing, my DH needs to lose too but he is not following me on South Beach; however, I have stopped baking him brownies and all the goodies he loves. So he may lose too without even really trying. I did promise I'd bake him something for Easter. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to eat anything and not gain an ounce?:eek: Well "once upon a time" when I was young and skinny, I guess that was me, but not anymore.


Did anyone happen to catch Dr. Oz today? His show was all about weight loss and very interesting.

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I don't get a chance to catch Dr. Oz. What were his ideas yesterday?


It's been kind of quiet around here lately. I am doing good so far this week. Monday was 15 minutes of elliptical, yesterday 20 minutes and today 22 minutes in the morning. If I can keep getting myself up a little earlier each day, I will be doing good! Since we are still in the midst of massive home repair, the evenings are busy with that. Maybe in another month things will settle down a little. LOL

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I don't get a chance to catch Dr. Oz. What were his ideas yesterday?


It's been kind of quiet around here lately. I am doing good so far this week. Monday was 15 minutes of elliptical, yesterday 20 minutes and today 22 minutes in the morning. If I can keep getting myself up a little earlier each day, I will be doing good! Since we are still in the midst of massive home repair, the evenings are busy with that. Maybe in another month things will settle down a little. LOL


Dr. Oz (yesterday) was all about weight loss and control; very good. What foods help you lose, what is not good for belly fat, etc.


You really do work out great! Wish I had your motivation. Today we had to take one of our cars in for service so we ate at Maggiano's (now that is not a good sign for those of you who maybe do not know what that place is like.) They give you way too much food, but I never eat more than half and bring the rest home. Also DH had a NY cheesecake and I had a few small bites, so dread what my scales will read in the a.m. I tried to be careful but oh my yes, their spagetti which comes as a side dish to my chicken parmesean is out of this world. I just hope I haven't screwed up my entire weight loss so far. If I have though, I promise I'll be good tomorrow.:o

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