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Anyone want to start a new weight loss group with me?


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Hi [B]Babs,[/B]

I'm sorry you're feeling down. The scales are a curse!:mad: Why should an inanimate object have so much control over our moods? I decided not to get on mine today, because I knew it would be depressing too. I'll eat on program for a few days before I suffer the blow. :rolleyes:

I hope everyone is safe from the storms!

Try to have a good day!
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[quote name='5326jan']Hi [B]Babs,[/B]

I'm sorry you're feeling down. The scales are a curse!:mad: Why should an inanimate object have so much control over our moods? I decided not to get on mine today, because I knew it would be depressing too. I'll eat on program for a few days before I suffer the blow. :rolleyes:

I hope everyone is safe from the storms!

Try to have a good day![/quote]

Well I had a nice reply posted but the computer thinks otherwise today!:confused: I have to get back to work but will try to repost my thoughts later on. See I am just not going to have a decent day, even with the dang computer.
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[quote name='welovetocruisetwo']Good morning.
I have to admit today I am rather down.:( Wish I wasn't, but I gotta tell it like it is. Today is day 30 of my South Beach diet and the first two weeks were just great. I lost between 10 and 10 1/2 pounds (water I'm sure) but in the past two weeks, the scales has gone up and then down. This morning I was right at the 10 pound loss...but not another pound or even half a pound. Oh I am not giving up, I won't do that, but it is so disheartening to restrict one's self so much for that amount of time and not see a bigger loss. Yes, I realize ten pounds is good...and when I think of it in those terms....ten pounds of butter or 40 sticks of butter....I try to be happy. I just want to see that dumb scales dip below the number it is stuck on:rolleyes: I am giving myself a pep talk, even as I type, but I'm afraid today is gonna just be a complete downer for me.

We've had so much rain, and it is cold and windy a lot and I'm just not healthy enough to brave either the rain or the wind. I know I need to get my butt moving and today I promise I will try. Yesterday I went and picked up some bricks from a nearby house that was torn down, so I could place them around my small garden. I don't park near the stores we go to shop, always parking way out, so we have to walk and I am pretty busy just here at home doing my normal chores. I do try to keep active and get some exercise; I guess just not enough. So today I will try very hard to move more, get some exercise and hopefully in a week or so, I will see the scales move downward again.

Hope everyone has a good day and sorry to lay this burden on all of you, but I do need someone to talk to about this. Thanks for listening to my complaints.:o[/quote]

Babs: First of all, I think that you are doing great! Second of all, I am sorry if I offended you with my post about not weighing yourself everyday. Third of all, I never think you are complaining. We are all here to support eachother and listening to one another vent is good for the soul! You can do this! You will do this! You are doing this!

I am so proud of everyone on here! You are all doing great and are so inspiring to me! Keep it up, we are going to do this!!! :)
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[quote name='5326jan']Hi [B]Babs,[/B]

I'm sorry you're feeling down. The scales are a curse!:mad: Why should an inanimate object have so much control over our moods? I decided not to get on mine today, because I knew it would be depressing too. I'll eat on program for a few days before I suffer the blow. :rolleyes:

I hope everyone is safe from the storms!

Try to have a good day![/quote]

Well the silly computer acted up on me and I lost my post I had typed. No it is not the scales, it is ME! I am the problem! I have always had a difficult time losing and I guess this time I just thought it might be different. It won't be and I have to just keep focused. I'd love to go eat some chocolate but I won't!:p I actually forgot what I posted before, but I do want to thank you all for listening and I will keep on trying. I know half the problem is lack of exercise and this a.m. I did get out my weights and I did some lifting. I plan to use my stretch ropes later on and even when I ironed this morning, instead of taking the hangers in to my laundry room, I walked back and forth each time I finished an item. Also the sun is out so maybe I will walk up and get our mail.

Thanks again.
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[quote name='RudyBC']Babs: First of all, I think that you are doing great! Second of all, I am sorry if I offended you with my post about not weighing yourself everyday. Third of all, I never think you are complaining. We are all here to support eachother and listening to one another vent is good for the soul! You can do this! You will do this! You are doing this!

I am so proud of everyone on here! You are all doing great and are so inspiring to me! Keep it up, we are going to do this!!! :)[/quote]

Hi Crystal,
You did not offend me in any way; we each have to do our own thing. I may not be doing what others think is the way to go about this, but for the time being I will continue. You are wrong though, I was "complaining" and I know it!:rolleyes: I know venting is good and I just don't have anyone here at home who understands. When DH wants to lose, he just does it and without any effort so he does not understand at all. When I mention I am down or depressed because of no loss in over two weeks he just says "don't worry about it". That doesn't help me at all.

I don't know why I am so emotional today but for some reason I am. I've tried to keep myself really busy and have worked the entire morning with hardly a break and still I have tears in my eyes right now. I know tomorrow will be better and I just have to keep busy.

I did not take offense at any comments any of you have made, honestly I haven't.:o I'm just a wimp today for some unknown reason but I will get over it...and YES I AM GOING TO KEEP ON TRYING, NEVER FEAR!!!!!!!
Thanks for all of your suggestions and comments. What I want to do is just go grab a handful of goodies and stuff them into my mouth...but I won't. I promise!:p
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Hey everyone, sorry I'm more or less taking over this thread today! I just was watching Dr. Oz and have to share this comment with you. He says a lot of people who have trouble losing weight do not have enough Vitamin D. I take 2,000 units of D3 daily, so it is not the case for me...but for some of you, it might be something to consider. Vitamin D3 is also good to give us a healthy heart, brain and other things like our immune system...so I know it is good for you. Dr. Oz recommends 2,000 units of Vitamin D3 daily, so give it a try and it might jump start some weight loss for you. At one time my physician had me take 50,000 units once a month, but after my thyroid cancer surgery, they reduced me to 2,000 units a day and told me to discontinue the 50,000 monthly. Vitamin D3 is supposed to give our metabolism a little kick, so why not try it. Actually my doctor told me 1,000 units twice a day, but I found the 2,000 bottle so just have to take it once a day..which is easier for me. I ran very quickly to the kitchen where I keep my medicine to check if I had the D3, and I did and I already knew it was the 2,000 strength.;)

Over my "in the dumps" mood now and off to maybe give myself a home perm.:confused: Maybe...all depends if my arms don't give out on me, as I've done a lot of weight lifting earlier...so we shall see.
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Well gals this is surely not my day, for some reason the computer has lost my post again.

Okay short and sweet but to the point. Dr. Oz recommends we each take 2,000 units daily of Vitamin D3. It helps you lose weight, boosts your metabolism, and keeps your heart, etc. healthy. I already take 2,000 units daily so not gonna assist me in any way but if I were not taking it, I surely would be happy to give it a try.:)

Sorry, looks like the post did go after all, even though I got a "blank page". Ignore this second post pretty much.
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Good morning all! :D Yep, I'm a happy camper this morning. I am normally a pretty happy go lucky gal and I know I put a downer out there on everyone yesterday and I am so sorry. But today, I can say "I lost a pound"!!!!!:) Got on those darned scales this morning and I was down. Boy am I happy.

Okay regarding yesterday's posts on the Vitamin D3, in the beginning Dr. Oz said 2,000 units (which is what my doctor has me on) but at the end of the show when they do a little "recap", the amount they put up was 1,000 units. SO, perhaps before any of you start taking it, check with your doctor as he may want to do a blood test on you. The comment was made that everyone north of a certain line (and it was really low on the U.S. map) needs a supplement of Vitamin D3.

Yesterday I did some light weight lifting (at my age can't handle anything very heavy) and I went at it fast and heavy. Don't know if that helped me any or not but I am gonna try my d-darnest to keep that scales down where it is now....and going even farther down, down, down!!!!

Everyone have a great weekend and let's keep bolstering each other up on a daily basis. I sure need that. Bye for now and sorry I am so chatty!!:rolleyes:
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Glad you're having a better day, [B]Babs[/B]! :D

I'm doing spring cleaning today. After being gone for two weeks, then having 3 boys under age 3.5 in the house for a week, it was definitely in need! Our house is 5,000 sq ft, so when I take a day to clean it, it's very aerobic! DH helped vacuum, because we had to move all the beds and furniture to vacuum under it. Now I'm taking a break from mopping floors. The house is looking better, but I'm a mess! :eek:

Ok, enough of a break, I'm back to work! Have a great day everyone!
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Oh my yes, a much, much better day! :p

Just home from taking our son to Indy to the airport; he is going to France for a week. Home now, after stopping for lunch and I'm going out to work on the deck. Stain last summer did not last too good so we have to redo it again this year and I need to work on a few spots before we can put the regular finish down. Does not seem like much fun, but it has to be done before we can actually begin the refinishing. It is a lovely day...in the 70's...so a good day to do some outside chores. I love being outside when it is nice.;)

Hope everyone is having a great day. Yes, I am using my weights, daily...and plan to continue using them. Got to get those extra pounds off this ole body!:rolleyes:
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Rain, rain go away....and do not come back. It rained on Sunday, it's raining today but it did stop for just a bit so I got out there and worked on the deck and also washed my windows on the back of the house. Oh sure come the middle of Summer we will be crying for rain, but right now if it doesn't stop we may have flooding. We are under a flood advisory through tomorrow because of all the rain we've had lately.

How's everyone doing on their diets? I'm still plugging away and trying to use my weights to do some lifting. They are not very heavy but big enough for me.

Take care and hope everyone is doing well.;)
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Good Morning Everyone!

I lost 1.8 pounds over the last week. :) Which is pretty good considering I have been struggling with water-weight issues!!!

I am going to talk to my doctor today to learn about the right amount of calories and exercise I am supposed to be doing for my body. I hear so many diffferent things from people about what I should be doing, that I figured it was high time for me to learn the truth. :rolleyes:

I must say that it has been 4 days since I cut down on my pop intake and only drink water! I have been having only one pop a day, so my goal this week is to cut that completly out of my diet too!!! :D

I am hopeful that I will reach my mini goal weight of 180 by the time we leave for our cruise. That gives me only 29 days to lose another 5.2 pounds!!! Fingers-crossed! :p

Babs: You simply amaze me! You keep on pushing through and it gives me the motivation to do it too!!!

How is everyone else doing? Hypermommy? LP? Suzque? 5326jan?

Remember: Today is a new day, let go of past failures!
Love, Crystal

SW: 207.2
CW: 185.2
Mini Goal: 180 by June 2
GW: 135
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[quote name='RudyBC']Good Morning Everyone!

I lost 1.8 pounds over the last week. :) Which is pretty good considering I have been struggling with water-weight issues!!!

I am going to talk to my doctor today to learn about the right amount of calories and exercise I am supposed to be doing for my body. I hear so many diffferent things from people about what I should be doing, that I figured it was high time for me to learn the truth.

I must say that it has been 4 days since I cut down on my pop intake and only drink water! I have been having only one pop a day, so my goal this week is to cut that completly out of my diet too!!!

I am hopeful that I will reach my mini goal weight of 180 by the time we leave for our cruise. That gives me only 29 days to lose another 5.2 pounds!!! Fingers-crossed!

Babs: You simply amaze me! You keep on pushing through and it gives me the motivation to do it too!!!

How is everyone else doing? Hypermommy? LP? Suzque? 5326jan?

Remember: Today is a new day, let go of past failures!
Love, Crystal

SW: 207.2
CW: 185.2
Mini Goal: 180 by June 2
GW: 135[/quote]

Hello Crystal and everyone else too! Still a gloomy rainy day here in Indiana but it is also election day so got to get out and vote. If we don't vote we can't complain you know!:p (Oh Crystal, I had to delete some of your "faces" so I could put in some of my own..sorry.)

Your weight loss is great. :D Mine not so good...sort of sick of this up and down lately.... but I will manage some how to stick to it. My final goal is somewhere in the same range as yours Crystal; at least that is my "hope".
Hopefully your doctor will be more up front with you than mine. When I asked him, he just said "increase your activity". Never in my whole life has a physician ever told me "to lose weight" and that surprises me. I watch every tv show that I see that has some kind of weight issue and nothing seems to really be earth shattering. Dr. Oz had some new diet on yesterday...a diet that started in France. The Duchan Diet I believe it was called. Overall I think we just have to cut back on calories, increase our exercise and try to be watchful of what we put into our bodies. I don't drink soda...or very rarely I should say...and both DH and I drink more water than anything else. I've cut out all fruit juices because of the amount of sugar in most of them and only drink vegetable juice (tomato is my favorite).

Love the comment: "Let go of past failures!" We can do this!:)
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[quote name='RudyBC']Good Morning Everyone!

I lost 1.8 pounds over the last week. Which is pretty good considering I have been struggling with water-weight issues!!!

I am going to talk to my doctor today to learn about the right amount of calories and exercise I am supposed to be doing for my body. I hear so many diffferent things from people about what I should be doing, that I figured it was high time for me to learn the truth.

I must say that it has been 4 days since I cut down on my pop intake and only drink water! I have been having only one pop a day, so my goal this week is to cut that completly out of my diet too!!!

I am hopeful that I will reach my mini goal weight of 180 by the time we leave for our cruise. That gives me only 29 days to lose another 5.2 pounds!!! Fingers-crossed! :p

Babs: You simply amaze me! You keep on pushing through and it gives me the motivation to do it too!!!

How is everyone else doing? Hypermommy? LP? Suzque? 5326jan?

Remember: Today is a new day, let go of past failures!
Love, Crystal

SW: 207.2
CW: 185.2
Mini Goal: 180 by June 2
GW: 135[/QUOTE]

Hi [B]Crystal[/B]! What an awesome start to your week! Congrats! Only 5 more pounds before your cruise? That's great. I'm sure drinking plenty of water and cutting out soda will help a lot. :D

I too am wondering where everyone is? Babs is doing well, but it would be nice to hear from the other ladies too. I'm sure everyone is busy with spring and getting yard work done. We had a terrible winter, which for us is unusual, so I'm going to spend all day today cutting off dead wood and planting flowers. The sprinkler man is coming this morning, so everything can be cleaned and fertilized. Yay!!!:)

Hope everyone comes back soon and lets us know how they are doing. Isn't someone cruising this week?:confused:
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[LEFT][COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]So...went to the doctor today and was impressed with the information I learned. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]First of all...I need to eat at least 1500 calories per day! :eek: [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Second, I can work myself up to that amount over the next couple of weeks. This week try to hit 1200cal per day, next week try for 1300cal and so forth! Yay! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Third, I should not eat my exercise calories back at all. Eating exercise calories back is still highly debatable in her opinion and until she learns otherwise--I don't have to over-stuff myself. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Fourth, my exercise-induced asthma is completely gone. Whoo hoo! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Fifth, Protein is the key to everything! I am now on protein shakes once a day for sure and a protein bar once a day too. I guess protein builds muscle and that burns fat better--another Whoo hoo! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Sixth, I should not follow the BMI scale. The BMI scale says that I should only way 135 max! My doctor said that is too little of a weight for me! :eek: My healthy weight for my body type, my age, my lifestyle, and looks should be around 140 to 145. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]So overall, I am very pleased that I went to see her. Now I have a game plan and the goal is within sight! Thank you all for supporting me! I love you all![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Now for my new statistics..[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]SW: 207.2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=#4b0082]CW: 185.2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=#4b0082]Cruise GW: 180 or less[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=#4b0082]Final GW: 140-145 -- we will see which weight looks better on me! i want to keep some of the curves!;)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT]
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[quote name='RudyBC'][LEFT][COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]So...went to the doctor today and was impressed with the information I learned. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]First of all...I need to eat at least 1500 calories per day! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Second, I can work myself up to that amount over the next couple of weeks. This week try to hit 1200cal per day, next week try for 1300cal and so forth! Yay! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Third, I should not eat my exercise calories back at all. Eating exercise calories back is still highly debatable in her opinion and until she learns otherwise--I don't have to over-stuff myself. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Fourth, my exercise-induced asthma is completely gone. Whoo hoo! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Fifth, Protein is the key to everything! I am now on protein shakes once a day for sure and a protein bar once a day too. I guess protein builds muscle and that burns fat better--another Whoo hoo! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Sixth, I should not follow the BMI scale. The BMI scale says that I should only way 135 max! My doctor said that is too little of a weight for me! My healthy weight for my body type, my age, my lifestyle, and looks should be around 140 to 145. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]So overall, I am very pleased that I went to see her. Now I have a game plan and the goal is within sight! Thank you all for supporting me! I love you all![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]Now for my new statistics..[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo]SW: 207.2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=#4b0082]CW: 185.2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=#4b0082]Cruise GW: 180 or less[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#222222][FONT=Lucida Sans][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=#4b0082]Final GW: 140-145 -- we will see which weight looks better on me! i want to keep some of the curves!;)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT]

Good news...no GREAT NEWS!!!!:) Did the doctor recommend a particular protein shake and bar or did you pick them out yourself? Our son always has a protein shake after certain types of "work outs" at the gym. Might be his cardio one I'm not sure...but he is a big believer in protein. Also on South Beach they do stress you need protein.

Was your doctor just a regular general practice doctor or was she more specialized like a "nutritionist"? Sounds like she knows her stuff!!!;)

I'm adding some whole wheat back into my diet (the last two days) but don't notice much change so far. Just have to wait and see. Also trying to have protein as a snack as often as possible. Took a good read on the Almond can and WOW those little dickens have tons of calories, so gonna have to lay off them a bit.

Worked out on the deck, it is almost ready for the recoating on Thursday, if I can just get DH out there to give me a hand. So far, I've done all the prep work and I'm getting tired.

You are doing great Crystal; keep up the good work!!!!:D

Did anyone notice a new email on this thread? Mine didn't show the actual post, just said to check it out at the above site. Strange!:confused:
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[quote name='welovetocruisetwo']Good news...no GREAT NEWS!!!! Did the doctor recommend a particular protein shake and bar or did you pick them out yourself? Our son always has a protein shake after certain types of "work outs" at the gym. Might be his cardio one I'm not sure...but he is a big believer in protein. Also on South Beach they do stress you need protein.

Was your doctor just a regular general practice doctor or was she more specialized like a "nutritionist"? Sounds like she knows her stuff!!!

I'm adding some whole wheat back into my diet (the last two days) but don't notice much change so far. Just have to wait and see. Also trying to have protein as a snack as often as possible. Took a good read on the Almond can and WOW those little dickens have tons of calories, so gonna have to lay off them a bit.

Worked out on the deck, it is almost ready for the recoating on Thursday, if I can just get DH out there to give me a hand. So far, I've done all the prep work and I'm getting tired.

You are doing great Crystal; keep up the good work!!!!

Did anyone notice a new email on this thread? Mine didn't show the actual post, just said to check it out at the above site. Strange![/QUOTE]

Hi Everyone,

Yes [B]Babs[/B], I did notice that. Weird!:confused:

[B]Crystal[/B], so glad you went to the DR and got a plan put together! I hope it helps you reach your short term goal to you cruise!

Today I went to get something out of the upright freezer for dinner and everything was thawed!!! :eek: Oh crap! I have/had about $1000 of food in there, planning for family coming, plusall my expensive tv food diet products! I don't know if the freezer got left open over night or whether there was something wrong with it. If it doesn't refreeze in the next couple of hours everything will have to be cooked or thrown away..:mad: If that happens, I'm going back to eating on my own. No way I'm spending another sum of money on ns food. :rolleyes:

OK, thanks for letting me vent. I needed that!:)
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[quote name='5326jan']Hi Everyone,

Yes [B]Babs[/B], I did notice that. Weird!

[B]Crystal[/B], so glad you went to the DR and got a plan put together! I hope it helps you reach your short term goal to you cruise!

Today I went to get something out of the upright freezer for dinner and everything was thawed!!! Oh crap! I have/had about $1000 of food in there, planning for family coming, plusall my expensive tv food diet products! I don't know if the freezer got left open over night or whether there was something wrong with it. If it doesn't refreeze in the next couple of hours everything will have to be cooked or thrown away.. If that happens, I'm going back to eating on my own. No way I'm spending another sum of money on ns food.

OK, thanks for letting me vent. I needed that!:)[/quote]

Oh no; surely you can save some of the frozen food. How did it work out?
Appliances just don't seem to last like they used to. I hope the items refroze or you worked out something and did not lose all of that.

I'm not liking the new "notifications" on CC. Just simply saying there is a post and not telling us what it says is not fair!:mad: Why did they change it?

Yesterday evening I was so hungry; not sure if I didn't eat enough dinner or just what. I did snack some but the scales is okay this morning. Thank heavens!:p I will try to be really good today.

Hoped to be able to finish the prep work on the deck but it is raining again! Looks like that project will be delayed till next week now. Oh well, such is life.

Yes, you did need that time to vent...and that is what this thread is all about. We should get it out of our system rather than hold it in and then turn to food for comfort. Hang in there girl!:)
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[quote name='5326jan']All is well with the freezer! :D[/quote]

So it was just a "left open door"?:confused: Wow you are lucky gal!!! So happy it worked out. Know the feeling, and hate it when we lose so much food. A couple years ago we had a flood and our refrigerator in the basement fell over and floated. The freezer kept things frozen but we lost everything in the bottom part of the fridge. However, just to be on the safe side, I sure cooked up all that food so it didn't go to waste entirely. It took a while to get to the basement and we didn't want to take any chances.
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Thanks! Yeah, all is well. Just been busy. And rather ticked at the darn scale!!!!! I think Karen Carpenter is going to be my new idol! :D


Well you must be doing something right! Your new picture is beautiful!:D

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