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Anyone want to start a new weight loss group with me?


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Thanks, y'all! I needed that. Just a non-encouraging evening/day.... one of those days that makes me wonder why I even try. Yep, I needed y'all's encouraging words so very much! Thanks!!! :D:D:D



That's why we all come to this place! We all need encouragement from time to time.:)


When I used to get down, I would reach for chocolate to soothe my pain. Now

I come here and "spill it all" to you.


Keep up the good work. Maybe you can't see your progress, but your picture sure shows it!!:)

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i keep trying to post and it keeps not showing up.


so this time, in case this goes through, it's short.


i'm alive. life has smacked me around this past week a little, so im not online much right now.


no clue what weight is or have i had the time to worry about it!


Take care ladies!

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i keep trying to post and it keeps not showing up.


so this time, in case this goes through, it's short.


i'm alive. life has smacked me around this past week a little, so im not online much right now.


no clue what weight is or have i had the time to worry about it!


Take care ladies!


So sorry your life is not so good right now. Whatever it is, know I'm thinking of you. I let myself get upset this a.m. so I can appreciate the fact you are fretting right now. It happens to all of us. No idea what your situation is but it will get better. At least I hope it is just temporary. Hang in there!:)

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ok first off, i hate the new email notification.


Second. I hate that I typed out a whole story to you all and it deletes it. And keeps only the short post i put, that I didn't think would actually go through at all!


my fiance is in the hospital, got admitted after he went to the doctor office for what he thought was a quick visit. He was rushed to the ER and put into emergency surgery before I could even meet him there.


Yesterday, he had a second surgery. Im worn out between work and taking care of him at hospital and taking care of life at home. oh and stress... :eek:


he's going to be ok. hopefully home from hospital by next week.

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ok first off, i hate the new email notification.


Second. I hate that I typed out a whole story to you all and it deletes it. And keeps only the short post i put, that I didn't think would actually go through at all!


my fiance is in the hospital, got admitted after he went to the doctor office for what he thought was a quick visit. He was rushed to the ER and put into emergency surgery before I could even meet him there.


Yesterday, he had a second surgery. Im worn out between work and taking care of him at hospital and taking care of life at home. oh and stress... :eek:


he's going to be ok. hopefully home from hospital by next week.


Oh my, your life surely is in a mess. So sorry! Hopefully he will be okay.:confused:


I also hate the new notification! It stinks just to be completely honest.:mad:


Of course you are worn out, both physically and emotionally. If I may put in a word to the wise here, just take care of what you need to do and worry about the diet later. Don't do anythiny really stupid, but you have to eat and take care of yourself so you can take care of those you love.


Hang in there; we are here for YOU!!!

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Okay, confession here. I worked really hard outside today in the yard and in my small garden. It is also Cinco de Mayo, so I made us nachos and margaritas!! Know I shouldn't have indulged bit I worked so hard, I felt I deserved a "treat"! I will be really "good" the rest of the day, I promise....but we both just love Mexican food and one small drink and nachos can't be too bad, can it!: We had to celebrate somehow and the alternative was a full meal of refried beans, enchalidas, rice, chips, etc?! So I picked the lesser of two evils I hope?:confused:

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Okay, confession here. I worked really hard outside today in the yard and in my small garden. It is also Cinco de Mayo, so I made us nachos and margaritas!! Know I shouldn't have indulged bit I worked so hard, I felt I deserved a "treat"! I will be really "good" the rest of the day, I promise....but we both just love Mexican food and one small drink and nachos can't be too bad, can it!: We had to celebrate somehow and the alternative was a full meal of refried beans, enchalidas, rice, chips, etc?! So I picked the lesser of two evils I hope?:confused:


Ha ha!!! No problemo! I had chicken tacos! It is Cinco de Mayo after all!:rolleyes: I did use 2 % cheese and low fat shells. And I skipped the margheritas and corona. :D

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Ha ha!!! No problemo! I had chicken tacos! It is Cinco de Mayo after all!:rolleyes: I did use 2 % cheese and low fat shells. And I skipped the margheritas and corona. :D


Yep, gotta celebrate once in a while! And I was just in the mood for a margarita so I had one!:)H

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I might be interested in helping book a WW cruise for September. I have to check on a few avenues on how to promote it. And if it is viable.


I will be in touch.


How many people did you have in mind? Will you organize it yourself? How many days were you looking at for the cruise? What destinations? What activities would be involved? Where would everybody meet online? (maybe http://www.meetup.com) would be a good place. I'ts free.




Mike Ramson

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Thanks again for all the encouragement y'all! I sure needed it. I'm feeling much better today, but I'm still ticked at the scale which actually inched up a pound even though I walked over 4 miles in an hour last night. I know it's not the smartest thing to do but I'm probably going to fast today. I keep hoping it's my cycle that's got the weight up, but I'm tired of not having seen the scale move down in 2 weeks so I'm going to do something drastic.


my fiance is in the hospital, got admitted after he went to the doctor office for what he thought was a quick visit. He was rushed to the ER and put into emergency surgery before I could even meet him there.


What kind of surgery, if you don't mind my asking. I'll be praying for y'all. And like someone else said... stay sensible about what you eat but don't worry about the diet at all... you have enough to worry about.


Okay, confession here. I worked really hard outside today in the yard and in my small garden. It is also Cinco de Mayo, so I made us nachos and margaritas!! Know I shouldn't have indulged bit I worked so hard, I felt I deserved a "treat"!


If you deny yourself something you love then you'll probably just binge on it later. Sounds like you made a conscious choice to have something you enjoy and will also modify your behavior/eating to make up for it. Sounds thoroughly reasonable to me!


Okay.... gotta run as I'm at work. Catch y'all later on!

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OMG!!! LP, I can't believe I missed your post! I was wondering where you were. Figured it was home renovation related.


How is fiance? I'm so sorry that you both are going through this! I hope he gets well soon.


I also hate the new email notification and am sure that's why I missed your post.:o Who has time to go onto the boards every time? It's just easier to glance at the email, then come online once a day to add comments.

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Well another Friday is here and I am pleased to report my "little indulgence" yesterday didn't do any harm. (Side note here: Not having had much in the way of any kind of alcohol lately, I have to admit I ended up with a headache!:mad: For only one drink? Come on! Yep...so warning to the wise, stay away from booze when I am dieting.) Got on the scales this a.m. and sure enough, down about another half pound, but I really did work in the garden/yard yesterday so guess the nachos and margarita weren't too bad for me after all.


I agree and just wonder is this the notification we will be getting from now on? I don't care for it at all!:(


Hope the fiance is doing okay and you are both feeling good about him getting to go home soon.


Those two week periods when the dumb scales doesn't move at all really can get you down IF YOU LET IT!! Just try to remember we didn't put these extra pounds on overnight and we are not going to lose them overnight. Hang in there, keep on whatever program you are using and eventually the scales will "inch downward" again! Never fear, just keep the faith and stick to your guns!!!!


Off to an auction a bit later on, so must get busy and do some housekeeping this morning. Have a great day, keep positive and just remember how gorgeous we are all going to look with less weight on our bodies!!!!:D

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Hi ladies! Fiance's story is pretty comical and incredulous. We have lots of wild (semi-wild) cats in our neighborhood. They are a complete nuisance, using anything and everything as their litterbox. But so many people put out food for them... and none are fixed so there are new litters of kittens all the time. The one neighbor who owns the cat that has had the most kittens (15 so far this year...) said that if we could catch her cat, she would have it fixed.


So we had to get her kittens first and then momma. Fiance caught all the kittens and as he was getting them into the cage, one bit him in the hand. It became sore after a couple days, so he went to the doctor, for what he thought would be antibiotic prescription. The doctor said, oh no, we are rushing you to the ER for surgery. They rushed him there, cut an opening into his hand to see what the damage was. They flushed and cleaned his hand and then admitted him to the hospital. The next day, he went under for another surgery, this time, they opened his hand further, had to expose the tendons to clean around and in between the joints of his hand. A few of the tendons and ligaments had to be cut as well.


He should be coming home this weekend, which will be great. But he is looking at a long recovery for full use of his hand. He is doing well and is being a cheerful patient so far! :)


Thanks for your well-wishes.

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Hi ladies! Fiance's story is pretty comical and incredulous. We have lots of wild (semi-wild) cats in our neighborhood. They are a complete nuisance, using anything and everything as their litterbox. But so many people put out food for them... and none are fixed so there are new litters of kittens all the time. The one neighbor who owns the cat that has had the most kittens (15 so far this year...) said that if we could catch her cat, she would have it fixed.


So we had to get her kittens first and then momma. Fiance caught all the kittens and as he was getting them into the cage, one bit him in the hand. It became sore after a couple days, so he went to the doctor, for what he thought would be antibiotic prescription. The doctor said, oh no, we are rushing you to the ER for surgery. They rushed him there, cut an opening into his hand to see what the damage was. They flushed and cleaned his hand and then admitted him to the hospital. The next day, he went under for another surgery, this time, they opened his hand further, had to expose the tendons to clean around and in between the joints of his hand. A few of the tendons and ligaments had to be cut as well.


He should be coming home this weekend, which will be great. But he is looking at a long recovery for full use of his hand. He is doing well and is being a cheerful patient so far! :)


Thanks for your well-wishes.


Wow, what a nightmare! Ferrell cats carry so many diseases. Can you get a humane society out there to trap them for neutering and shots? Feline leukemia, toxoplasmosis, rabies, etc are rampant in herds of cats. Not to mention having to listen to them fight, get into your trash etc. I am an animal lover, but not to the point that they die of and spread diseases.:eek: To me, that's meaner than having an organization trap them.


I hope your fiance recovers full use of his hand, he's smart that he went in to have it looked at!

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I hope your fiance recovers full use of his hand, he's smart that he went in to have it looked at!


That he definitely is, especially considering most of the men I know don't go to the doctor unless they're on death's door. Glad it was something that could be fixed *relatively* easily. Hope he is able to keep up his spirits during recovery. As for the cats, I'd be calling animal control for sure. Good luck with all of this!

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Home from the auction and we had a good time. I also was a bad girl, in that we went to The Brick and I had a burger. They make the best in the world but I've been good otherwise most of the day, just eating things I should eat. The meat wasn't so bad, but I shouldn't have had the bun. Oh well, that's life and tomorrow I will see what the scales say to me; I hope it is not an upward trend!:p


Hope you are all doing fine and hope that fiance with the hand surgery is recovering quite nicely. He is sure one lucky guy that he went in to see his doctor so fast!


Talk to you all tomorrow. Good night.:)

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Well the weekend is over with, hope you all survived Mother's Day and weren't too bad!:p It is difficult to get through these "holidays" without just going berserk isn't it? I will admit from Friday (when we attended the auction and I indulged in a Brick Burger) through Sunday (which was Mother's Day), it was a struggle not to just "let go" and eat whatever. I wasn't perfect by any means, but I did use restraint and when I ate something I shouldn't have eaten, I just took a small bite. The scales didn't go up, thankfully so today I'm gaining momentum and getting back in line.:D


Hope you are all doing great. Another Monday, another week and we can all do this. :) Just keep focusing on that final goal and for me, I do this diet thing in ten pound increments. Once I hit a mark, I just want the scales not to go back up over that number. If it does a little, I just keep saying to myself, it's just a temporary set back, don't fall off the wagon, stick to your guns.


Have a wonderful week!

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Hello ladies! Just checking in. Fiance is doing okay and I am trying to keep everything going. He is home now and I apparently have become his home nurse.


it's just so overwhelming sometimes. of course I will take care of him, but I just want to scream sometimes. I am one person and cannot do everything!!!!! yikes! ok better now.


On top of all this, I am down a couple pounds. 261.4 this morning. I guess worrying burns calories?? LOL

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Hi Babs, I'm glad you had a good weekend. You always have a good outlook and a very realistic view about losing. Baby steps, but consistent downward trend. That's a good thing!:D


Hi LP, I'm glad that your fiance is home and healing! Men can be such babies, though! :rolleyes: I've been married for 32 years and it never changes, so you just have to roll your eyes when no ones looking and deal with it. My goodness, can you imagine if they had to go through childbirth??????:eek: Just take quiet satisfaction that we are the stronger gender. ;)



I had a good weekend, but today I finally got myself back to my Zumba class and it was fun and I kept up! :D

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LP: I was sorry to hear about your fiance! Praise the Lord that he is healing now!!! Also, stress does burn calories!!! :o So great job on the loss among the stressful times!


I am down another 2 pounds this week! This brings my total loss up to 24 lbs!!! Also for the first time in YEARS, I was able to get my favorite pair of jeans on and they were too big in my waist! Oh, happy days!!!!


How is everyone else doing? It sounded like you all survived Cinco de Mayo and Mother's Day! ;)


SW: 207.2

CW: 183.2

Mini GW: 180 by the time we leave for our cruise!

Finished GW: 140-145

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LP: I was sorry to hear about your fiance! Praise the Lord that he is healing now!!! Also, stress does burn calories!!! :o So great job on the loss among the stressful times!


I am down another 2 pounds this week! This brings my total loss up to 24 lbs!!! Also for the first time in YEARS, I was able to get my favorite pair of jeans on and they were too big in my waist! Oh, happy days!!!!


How is everyone else doing? It sounded like you all survived Cinco de Mayo and Mother's Day! ;)


SW: 207.2

CW: 183.2

Mini GW: 180 by the time we leave for our cruise!

Finished GW: 140-145



Hi Crystal! Congrats on your loss! You're so close to your mini goal it's not even funny! When favorite jeans fit or are too big, all is right with the world!:D

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Crystal... LOVE to hear about the jeans!! I pulled out a pair of pants yesterday that I haven't worn for a couple years. They aren't falling off me, but I was excited to wear them. :D:D


Saw fiance's hand surgeon today and she was surprised how quickly his hand is healing. Guess he has a good nurse to tend to him :p

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Crystal... LOVE to hear about the jeans!! I pulled out a pair of pants yesterday that I haven't worn for a couple years. They aren't falling off me, but I was excited to wear them. :D:D


Saw fiance's hand surgeon today and she was surprised how quickly his hand is healing. Guess he has a good nurse to tend to him :p


Good job, LP!!! With the hand and the jeans!;)

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I am intimidated by joining a thread that has been established and has posts in the hundreds, so I'm offering up a new one!:o My cruise isn't until September of 2011, but I want to lose about 40lbs and I have many other reasons to lose sooner. Grandchild #3 is due in January, youngest son is getting married in July and our cruise in September. (yay on all of them!)


I joined WW, but haven't been motivated to stick to it much in the last few months. I am the "responisble relative" for an uncle that has had 2 amputations, a broken hip and 3 strokes in the last 18 months, so it's hard to get a good start. That's probably an excuse, but it's all I've got. :rolleyes:


I am 57, 5'5" and weigh about 179. I had been as high as 188 when I joined WW, I lost to 166, then Uncle started needing help. I want to get back into the swing of things and take care of my health too.


I hope someone is interested in checking in and joining me as a weight loss/activity booster "friend". Check in if you're interested!

I would love to join. I like you am trying to lose at least 40lbs by my Sept cruise. I started Feb 22nd and am down about 25 so another 40 would put me at a total of 65 woot woot. My ultimate goal would be to lose another 120-130 but I'm well aware that some of that will have to take place after the cruise.

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