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E-cigs on Carnival?


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Wow, a heated smoking thread. Who saw that coming. :rolleyes:


I tried nicorette, and was just as addicted to that as smokes. My question about the fake smoke is what next? Will you be married to an electronic device the rest of your life? There comes a time when you have to man up, stop letting cigarettes run your life, and just quit. I did it cold turkey after over 15 years of daily smoking and don't miss them a bit.



Leave the cigars at home and make the rest of the passengers happy.


Funny how people have no problem saying things like that, and cigar smokers usually let it slide, but substitute "cigarettes" or "kids" or "crock pot" for cigar and them's fighting words ;)

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Wow, a heated smoking thread. Who saw that coming. :rolleyes:


I tried nicorette, and was just as addicted to that as smokes. My question about the fake smoke is what next? Will you be married to an electronic device the rest of your life? There comes a time when you have to man up, stop letting cigarettes run your life, and just quit. I did it cold turkey after over 15 years of daily smoking and don't miss them a bit.




Funny how people have no problem saying things like that, and cigar smokers usually let it slide, but substitute "cigarettes" or "kids" or "crock pot" for cigar and them's fighting words ;)



LMA!!!!! so true I love my ecig 3 weeks no more analogs !!!!! 30 days till cruise

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Just make sure you have enough juice and atomizers, It bits when an atomizers bites the big one and you run out of juice 26 day's here




i just got a pcc for my cruise from Vaper bomb , thier juise is really good too and fast service!!!!! Now I can charge my bat on the go!!!!

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After 55 years of smoking analogs have had my Blu ecig now for 2 weeks . . . ain't ever goin' back. Love it. Now trying to learn where to get empty cartridges so I can load my own Johnson Creek mixture and what I should and shouldn't do.:)

Anybody that bashes this just doesn't understand.:rolleyes:

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After 55 years of smoking analogs have had my Blu ecig now for 2 weeks . . . ain't ever goin' back. Love it. Now trying to learn where to get empty cartridges so I can load my own Johnson Creek mixture and what I should and shouldn't do.:)

Anybody that bashes this just doesn't understand.:rolleyes:



This nonsmoker thinks this is wonderful !!!!


I hope you find just the right combination that you want .... come sit next to me and "vap" anytime !!! :D

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I see some of you have stopped smoking, but does this mean you use the ecig instead? I'd be curious about the addiction and nicotine factor. I applaud you all for your efforts, though. I can see the benefits of it now. I'm not a smoker and I'd love to see a casino full of ecigs vapers instead of smoke.. now that would be something!

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This is very intriguing to me. I hadn't really thought about the e-cigs. I smoke more than I'd like, but not really a heavy smoker (maybe 1-2 packs a week), but Dan is completely opposed to my smoking, and I need to quit completely before he moves here (we are currently in a long distance relationship). I bet this would be a great method. I am not even so much addicted to the nicotine, because I can go for days at a time without a smoke if I'm off of work, or if Dan and I are visiting each other, or whatever. And during those days I don't even miss it too much, because I am out of my normal routine and habit. I'm addicted to the habit of smoking I think...the going outside with my friends at work for a smoke break, smoking when I have a drink, and some other routine times. I might have to look into this more.

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I smoked over a pack a day for 35 years. A month and a half ago I read a thread just like this one. I ordered a disposable cheap e-cigg to try it out. Then I bought a Joye 510. The first 4 weeks I had 10 analogs [Real ciggerette]. I have not had or wanted an analog in the last two weeks.

When I smoked on the ship I followed the rules. If I vape on my next cruise I will follow the rules also. No argument from me.

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well they have differant levels on nicotine so we step it down after a bit of time we are almost useing the 0 nicotine filters now . so shortly no more


WOW...really....I had no idea. What another wonderful BONUS of E cigs....


at least while you are vaping...you are avoiding the tar and other toxins....


Good news all around....

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I smoked over a pack a day for 35 years. A month and a half ago I read a thread just like this one. I ordered a disposable cheap e-cigg to try it out. Then I bought a Joye 510. The first 4 weeks I had 10 analogs [Real ciggerette]. I have not had or wanted an analog in the last two weeks.

When I smoked on the ship I followed the rules. If I vape on my next cruise I will follow the rules also. No argument from me.


That is fabulous.....congrats...


I would vote for E Cigs to be allowed anywhere...that is their purpose !!!

Hope Carnival allows them anywhere......

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This is very intriguing to me. I hadn't really thought about the e-cigs. I smoke more than I'd like, but not really a heavy smoker (maybe 1-2 packs a week), but Dan is completely opposed to my smoking, and I need to quit completely before he moves here (we are currently in a long distance relationship). I bet this would be a great method. I am not even so much addicted to the nicotine, because I can go for days at a time without a smoke if I'm off of work, or if Dan and I are visiting each other, or whatever. And during those days I don't even miss it too much, because I am out of my normal routine and habit. I'm addicted to the habit of smoking I think...the going outside with my friends at work for a smoke break, smoking when I have a drink, and some other routine times. I might have to look into this more.


I have read a lot of positive posts about the 510.


I would imagine there are a lot of "models" out there.....so I hope you find a perfect fit for you and Dan !!!

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Why not enjoy a fine cigar with your drink? Leave the toy cigs at home.

lol so funny, um I use the cig20 so I CAN SOMKE A CIGAR! lol I can not nly get cuban flavoured carts but also turkesh blend, marlboro flavours and others as well. I can also get 0 nicotine 8mg nicotine 18mg and 24 mg!!!! so its not that they are toys but just much better than old school nasty tar and smoke ciggys!

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WOW...really....I had no idea. What another wonderful BONUS of E cigs....


at least while you are vaping...you are avoiding the tar and other toxins....


Good news all around....


ITS great too it takes teh idea of a patch with the use of actually smoking. NOTHING worked for me but this does!!! just about to use my marlboro flavoured carts!


P.S> I use this one http://www.cig2o.com/ its a two piece unit so you dont have to fill the filters yourself nr ever replace the misting unit thingy! just buy the refills for about 12 bucks a cartons worth and go at it. they have the most flavours I ever seen too! I LOVE MINE! I am down to 18mg now and next purchase I am going to 8mg!

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I smoked over a pack a day for 35 years. A month and a half ago I read a thread just like this one. I ordered a disposable cheap e-cigg to try it out. Then I bought a Joye 510. The first 4 weeks I had 10 analogs [Real ciggerette]. I have not had or wanted an analog in the last two weeks.

When I smoked on the ship I followed the rules. If I vape on my next cruise I will follow the rules also. No argument from me.

Great its working for you! with me I was surprised cause I smoke mini cigars and inhale. I go my cig20 and never again touch a real smoke! only been 6 days but thats longer than I ever went without one before! e-cigs are amazing!

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While I respect and admire all who are able to break the habit by smoking ecigs - myself included - I still feel that these should be treated the same as a regular cigarette because they are basically taking the place of them and should be smoked in a smoking area. I PERSONALLY feel that to sit in a dining room, bar, Lido, auditorium etc should be exluded as places these can be used. If it smokes like a cig, you draw on it like a cig, exhale like a cig, hold it like a cig it is still a cig. I know we are not exposing those around us to the bad things we use to but I still treat it like a cig because to me it is, otherwise I would not be using it.

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While I respect and admire all who are able to break the habit by smoking ecigs - myself included - I still feel that these should be treated the same as a regular cigarette because they are basically taking the place of them and should be smoked in a smoking area. I PERSONALLY feel that to sit in a dining room, bar, Lido, auditorium etc should be exluded as places these can be used. If it smokes like a cig, you draw on it like a cig, exhale like a cig, hold it like a cig it is still a cig. I know we are not exposing those around us to the bad things we use to but I still treat it like a cig because to me it is, otherwise I would not be using it.



Makes perfect sense to me. You want to keep ecigs in a SMOKING area, even though there is no smoke:rolleyes:. You don't smoke them. I see your point about how they look the same, but they are not the same.

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While I respect and admire all who are able to break the habit by smoking ecigs - myself included - I still feel that these should be treated the same as a regular cigarette because they are basically taking the place of them and should be smoked in a smoking area. I PERSONALLY feel that to sit in a dining room, bar, Lido, auditorium etc should be exluded as places these can be used. If it smokes like a cig, you draw on it like a cig, exhale like a cig, hold it like a cig it is still a cig. I know we are not exposing those around us to the bad things we use to but I still treat it like a cig because to me it is, otherwise I would not be using it.



I am not an expert, but it is my understanding that E Cigs are basically a nicotine dispenser and as such has no tar, arsenic, strychnine or the other 3,000 toxins found in a tobacco leaf.


It is the tar and other irritants (more than the nicotine) that cause the irritant reactions in second hand smoke and to my knowledge these are not present in a nicotine dispenser.


I am VERY sensitive to active smoke. To much exposure and I lose my voice for a month...I am just now getting over such an episode on the Triumph from October. And am NOT allergic. This is just the way my body reacts to the irritants in second hand smoke.


I have sat next to my friends while they were "vaping" for extended periods of time without such a reaction.


This is why I have advocated them being used anywhere.

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While I respect and admire all who are able to break the habit by smoking ecigs - myself included - I still feel that these should be treated the same as a regular cigarette because they are basically taking the place of them and should be smoked in a smoking area. I PERSONALLY feel that to sit in a dining room, bar, Lido, auditorium etc should be exluded as places these can be used. If it smokes like a cig, you draw on it like a cig, exhale like a cig, hold it like a cig it is still a cig. I know we are not exposing those around us to the bad things we use to but I still treat it like a cig because to me it is, otherwise I would not be using it.

THATS MEAN TO SAY THAT! Whywould I want to be around ciggy smoke? it stinks to me now. its not fair. would make me want to smoke again! YUK! That is like saying if you drink a coke you should only drink it in a bar cause it looks the same! C'MON thats ridiculous and not correct or fair to people trying to quit smoking. Wouldyou want somoone to wear a nicotine patch only in a smoking section?

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THATS MEAN TO SAY THAT! Whywould I want to be around ciggy smoke? it stinks to me now. its not fair. would make me want to smoke again! YUK! That is like saying if you drink a coke you should only drink it in a bar cause it looks the same! C'MON thats ridiculous and not correct or fair to people trying to quit smoking. Wouldyou want somoone to wear a nicotine patch only in a smoking section?



WOW - are your shorts a little tight tonight - I did say that this was my PERSONAL opinion - you do not have to agree. Take a deep breath and hold it. This is what this board is about - to have different views. You and I differ and that is okay, at least by me.

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WOW - are your shorts a little tight tonight - I did say that this was my PERSONAL opinion - you do not have to agree. Take a deep breath and hold it. This is what this board is about - to have different views. You and I differ and that is okay, at least by me.

NoI am just serious about quiting smoking and dont think I should b forced to start back up and making me go to a smoking secton is like sticking a gun to my head! I am that addicted so I dont need that! :)

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NoI am just serious about quiting smoking and dont think I should b forced to start back up and making me go to a smoking secton is like sticking a gun to my head! I am that addicted so I dont need that! :)


And I see your point and respect it as you should mine is all I am saying. Again, my PERSONAL opinion, is that I have replaced one addiction (smoking) with another (Ecigs) and still see and will always see Ecigs as a cigarette to me and I (and I alone) will treat it as such. So if you see someone in the smoking area of the ship smoking an Ecig it will probably be me.

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And I see your point and respect it as you should mine is all I am saying. Again, my PERSONAL opinion, is that I have replaced one addiction (smoking) with another (Ecigs) and still see and will always see Ecigs as a cigarette to me and I (and I alone) will treat it as such. So if you see someone in the smoking area of the ship smoking an Ecig it will probably be me.


We should NOT be regulated to the smoking area, as this is the very thing we are trying to get away from. Maybe they should set up a whole 'nother area for us 'vapers'? No smokers, and no people with attitudes about those of us that just look like we're smoking? What next?


Vaped at my moms this weekend, and she is one of those that will fake cough, wave her hands & b!tch, etc. She never knew till I told her.

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