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My Extreme Sport--Walking through the front door at the Gym!


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Hi Everyone!


Uhm...stats on me: 38 years old, started out at 194, down six pounds, uhm, a lot to go. Cruising next Thanksgiving and I want to be fit so that I can go snorkeling and climb around any Mayan Ruins we're allowed to climb around. Last Vacation (NYC in September) I was so out of shape that, while I did everything I wanted to do, I was wiped out by the end of the day and we definitely didn't do anything extra. So although getting skinny would be FABULOUS! Getting healthy and strong is just as important.


I've heard people talk before about strength training is an important part of losing weight, it clicked for me a couple of weeks ago when they talked about it at Weight Watchers. I suddenly realized that...



  • IF muscle burns more calories in a day than fat.
  • THEN the more muscle in the body, the more calories the body will burn in a day.
  • SO if I work on gaining muscle, then I can lose weight faster with less effort!!!!!


Now, I am at heart a lazy woman. Pretty much, the last couple of weeks, I've lost all desire to do cardio (though I've still done it), but I've made sure that I'm doing my strength training.


My problem now is that I don't know what I'm doing. This is all very new to me. At my gym, they have a row of resistance machines, so I just follow down that row and do most of the machines. I try to do two sets of seven or eight repetitions and of course, I do that every other day.


So anyone want to offer tips or suggestions? Want to encourage each other along the way? My sister and I go to the gym together and that helps tremendously.


By the way, for Cardio, I follow this plan usually on an elliptical machine: Couch to 5K in 9 weeks (though I'm giving myself 18 weeks instead).


Good luck losing weight and gaining strength!!

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You are on the right track. It is SO true that the major part of the battle is the walk into the gym (or starting the exercise tape/basically getting started). In fact, I have been "thinking" about doing my exercise tape all morning! Unfortunately, thinking will not get it done.


Have someone show you how to do those weight machines. The gym should have someone to orientate people and some little cards you fill out with what weight to do for each one. Then take that card with you each time to see what your weight is set at. Eventually, you will not need it.


Have you ever run a 5k? If not, find one for May-ish. Great month because it is not too hot...usually. Setting goals really helps!!


But, the big thing is moving ahead with them!


I could use someone to help motivate me to 'git 'er done! Our cruise is April 2011.



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You are truly inspiring. I love the saying you post about if, then, and so. I have had success incorporating 5-8 lb. dumbells into my routine too. You can really target certain muscles with dumbells. Look online for videos or directions on how to use them as one can really injure themselves if not done properly.


Last summer I joined a program through a local sporting good store to do a training program of a couch potato to 5k. It was awesome! There were about 20 people who joined it met twice a week and it lasted 15 weeks. In September we ran our 5k. You should aim to do it because the sense of accomplishment is overwhelming. (Did I say I've NEVER been a runner?)


Good luck on your journey, I've been on this weight loss journey my whole life. Sometimes successful sometimes not!

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I could use someone to help motivate me to 'git 'er done! Our cruise is April 2011.




Hi Shelly and Lvs2Cruise2,


Maybe we can motivate each other. Right now, I'm really motivated. I'm worried about losing my momentum. We''re going on vacation in December though with my much younger and healthier cousins, so I'm hoping to be a little more fit by then. That's my current motivation.


The 5K is a good idea. I have flashbacks of school Field Day races when I was the child who not only placed last, but finished at least thirty yards behind the closest runner. Ugh. But losing weight is also about breaking negative patterns, right? So I guess I need to leave this particular hang-up behind me.


I will say, that for me, I think it is easier to exercise than to eat right. Food is my temptation and joy.


Good luck to both of you!

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Hi Shelly and Lvs2Cruise2,


Maybe we can motivate each other. Right now, I'm really motivated. I'm worried about losing my momentum. We''re going on vacation in December though with my much younger and healthier cousins, so I'm hoping to be a little more fit by then. That's my current motivation.


The 5K is a good idea. I have flashbacks of school Field Day races when I was the child who not only placed last, but finished at least thirty yards behind the closest runner. Ugh. But losing weight is also about breaking negative patterns, right? So I guess I need to leave this particular hang-up behind me.


I will say, that for me, I think it is easier to exercise than to eat right. Food is my temptation and joy.


Good luck to both of you!

You have motivated me! My work clothes are in my tote bag and my gym clothes are laid out... so I can get to the gym and do the cycling class that starts at 5:30! This is a new gym (free week) and a new cycling class! I have done it before aka Spinning but that is a brand name... It is a great way to burn calories! Thank you for your posts! Getting through the door is hard...

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You have motivated me! My work clothes are in my tote bag and my gym clothes are laid out... so I can get to the gym and do the cycling class that starts at 5:30! This is a new gym (free week) and a new cycling class! I have done it before aka Spinning but that is a brand name... It is a great way to burn calories! Thank you for your posts! Getting through the door is hard...


I love spinning classes! Well, if I'm exercising, spinning classes are a happy alternative. I did those a lot last time I was dieting. Now are gym is into Zumba, and the times we used to take Spinning are now that. The Spinning classes were great though because they required no skill and you could go at your own pace.


Tomorrow it will be resistance training for me. What fun! :rolleyes:

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Hey Lisa!


I think I posted on another thread you started about sewing? I'm the one in Clear Lake area.


Way to go getting into the gym! Getting started is the absolute hardest part of weight loss IMO. It's important to find something that you can enjoy. It's too bad that your spinning classes changed on you!


I am a Zumba person. I found an instructor in our area that is wonderful. And generally the ladies that attend her classes are so encouraging and friendly. The instructor's name is Kelly. And I know that she also teaches a class at 24 hour fitness. I don't know if you would ever think about giving the Zumba a try...if Kelly is an instructor at your gym, I highly recommend going.


When you get started, be sure and take your measurements. MUST DO! Especially if you are going to start resistance training...because you will be gaining muscle weight and losing fat, which can result in sometimes depressing results on the scale, but if you have your measurements, you can continue to see progress...and it's true about muscle, if you build it, you will suddenly lose weight, especially when you first get started. So beware! Don't get frustrated!


When I was doing resistance training...I did a program that was done by a software program called Fitness Buddy. This was a long time ago, so I don't know what the program is like now. Anyway, what this program had you do was FIRST, a strength test. Figure out what your max weight is for ONE rep. Based on this information, the fitness program would put together a program for you of how many reps and at what weight to do the different reps based on your max weight.


The cool thing about the program was that every time you worked out, the reps and the weight were different, because the program anticipated that your max weight would increase through the program. Having the reps and weights be different each time you worked out was fun, it kept the work out new and fresh and kept the interest high.


One thing that you don't want to shy away from...the idea of lifting or doing reps to a point of failure...failure being defined by a loss of proper form. Don't worry about getting bulky. It just won't happen. I have a muscle building body type and it just doesn't happen. What DOES happen when you do this, is that you BUILD muscle. And like you said, muscle burns calories!


Anyway...you and I are very similar...I am also 38 years old...and I have a long way to go on the weight loss journey...my scale is notorious for being 7 pounds light...but I stick with it...I'm down around 10 pounds but I have lost 2" in the bust and hips (that muscle building consequence)...last weigh in was 186 pounds. Also...I'm taking the same cruise but in March 2012 to celebrate my 40th bday...I'm very hopeful of an amazing body change way before then but AT LEAST by then.


Let's keep up the motivation!

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Hey Lisa!


I think I posted on another thread you started about sewing? I'm the one in Clear Lake area.


Yup, that was me! I've been working on aprons recently. Plus I'm hoping to be a lot skinnier by cruise time, so I decided to hold off on sewing clothes until the summer.


Way to go getting into the gym! Getting started is the absolute hardest part of weight loss IMO. It's important to find something that you can enjoy. It's too bad that your spinning classes changed on you!


I am a Zumba person. I found an instructor in our area that is wonderful. And generally the ladies that attend her classes are so encouraging and friendly. The instructor's name is Kelly. And I know that she also teaches a class at 24 hour fitness. I don't know if you would ever think about giving the Zumba a try...if Kelly is an instructor at your gym, I highly recommend going.


Yes, that's where we work out. The thing about Zumba is that I'm so bad at any kind of dancing. I even took classes multiple times, and still any boy that ever asked me to dance felt like he had to give me a dance lesson too. On top of that, I've sprained both of my ankles so many times I sometimes wonder if I can sprain them by looking at them cross eyed! If we go again this Saturday while the class is going, I'll stop and watch them, but I do tend to think I'm better off with straight forward movements for the most part. Spinning was so much easier on my ankles.


Anyway...you and I are very similar...I am also 38 years old...and I have a long way to go on the weight loss journey...my scale is notorious for being 7 pounds light...but I stick with it...I'm down around 10 pounds but I have lost 2" in the bust and hips (that muscle building consequence)...last weigh in was 186 pounds. Also...I'm taking the same cruise but in March 2012 to celebrate my 40th bday...I'm very hopeful of an amazing body change way before then but AT LEAST by then.


Let's keep up the motivation!


You should come join us. We arrive at the gym about 5:15 every morning.


Today I did the elliptical machine for half an hour. Didn't feel like doing weights, but also, I knew today would be a boring, sit behind my desk kind of day. Tomorrow will be much more active, so a good day to start off with resistance training.


How did everyone else do? If you're feeling discouraged, maybe try putting a pedometer on. You're probably doing more than you think! :D

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It'd be fun to have a group to work out with but we don't have a gym membership. I seriously can't hang in a gym...not for a lifestyle type change. I've been disciplined to do it in the past, but it doesn't last. I guess that's why I like the Zumba class. I take it at the rec center and at a dance studio in Friendswood. I do it three times a week for an hour.


I'm not sure which 24 hour Kelly teaches at. I know that another instructor that is there at the same 24 hour is named Shantay. She subbed for us once. I didn't like her music nearly as much. Every instructor is different. So keep that in mind. Shantay was into more of a rap/beat type sound. Kelly likes the international flavor.


Kelly (the instructor) just started a Pilates class before Zumba at the rec center. I did that tonight. One hour of pilates and then one hour of Zumba. I thought I rocked it for doing the two classes in a row. We'll see how I feel tomorrow! LOL.


Great job getting on that eliptical! That was my machine of choice in the past. So do you have a group you work out with? Do you pass the time talking? Or do you listen to music? Or watch tv? I only ask because I've been finding such great music through the Zumba class that would be good for walking.

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Well ladies, I made it to the gym this morning at 5am. Unfortunately, I worked until 10pm tonight. (teach high school full time and college on Monday night) We will see if I make it tomorrow.


I do have to say that I feel MUCH more awake first thing in the morning when I exercise.

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Yay Westmitch! That's great!


One thing that I keep meaning to mention: while we've been working out almost every day, we have also found that we had to take a day of rest or it would take us. So this week, our plan is to work out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, rest on Thursday, Workout on Friday and Do something exercisish on Saturday, and then rest on Sunday. Some weeks we rest on Wednesdays, it just depends on the week. We've given ourselves permission for this, and it makes working out somewhat easier, because when I wake up already tired on Wednesday morning, I can tell myself, one more day. Plus, sometimes I feel like cardio works the same muscles as resistance training, so a day of rest just feels like a good idea. Westmitch, seems like Tuesdays are a natural day for you to rest from working out. I work in a Jr. High, and it blows me away that you teach night school too! Maybe you'll need to rest Tuesday AND Wednesday! :eek:


Anita Latte, I hear what you're saying about gym as long term. I feel the same. My exercise of choice is usually walking, but it's harder for me to push myself and get my heart rate up, so I'm doing the gym for the time being. Plus winter hours make it hard to do anything outside. In the Spring it will be harder to go to the gym.


As for what I listen to, I have a Pandora app on my phone, so I listen to that. Currently my station is one eskimo. I love their music though I still haven't gotten around to buying their CD, and I also like the other music that Pandora plays. I'm planning to get a subscription to Audible.com, but that will be for the car.


Good luck with your workouts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

One benefit of working out in the morning--> I'm more likely to track my food for the day. When I work out in the morning, I want to count that activity. I want to see how many points I've earned, so I start off my day tracking. Then it is easier to just keep tracking for the rest of that day.


Thanksgiving week was a bust workout wise for me. I need a schedule to adhere to, I guess. Hopefully I walked or did something fit. Making pie shells doesn't count, doe it?


We didn't manage to get up yesterday, but today we did. Having someone to go with is really a need for me.


Good luck to everyone!

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