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BEWARE St Kitts Port Authority HOMOPHOBIC - NCL Dawn


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I hate even composing this post, but for my fellow gay travelers I need to make you aware.


On my recent cruise on the NCL Dawn, an unfortunate event occurred. On my way back from a GREAT shore excursion, my partner and I were accosted by the PORT AUTHORITY in St Kitts. Now, please know, I would not post this if it were a confrontation with the locals as I respect and understand culture and customs vary from country to country, but this incident happened with the Port Authority in St Kitts.


I attempted to make my way back into the port/pier to board the ship, and two St Kitts port authority workers began to harass me. It began with asking "who do you sleep with?" to "You sleep with that man???" Then, they didn't accept my ID and credentials to get on the ship. They demanded my camera, all of my personal belongings and items purchased while in shore in St Kitts and Nevis. The 'manager' or whomever they call the chief in charge sat and laughed in his little booth. It wasn't until NCL contacted the Port (as I was on a sanctioned NCL excursion and they knew I was missing from the manifest.) that I was able to board.


I did NOT give them the items they demanded, and they continued to harass me, calling me fag and gay, while my partner was watching and waiting. Both of us obviously upset and crying....


Eventually, 3 port workers accosted me, laughing, heckling and again asking who I sleep with, continually calling me every slur in the book in both English and whatever tongue they speak. I gave them my NCL towel and some crap in a bag that looked like it was worth something. NCL still charged me for the towel. Laughable.


When I got on the ship, NCL was completely apethetic to the situation. I was forced into their back room to explain the situation because I was crying and asking for a manager. God forbid other passengers saw what happened! The foreign NCL officer blankly stared at me as I explained the incidient, and I finally, after 10 minutes of explaining, decided it was time to go back to my cabin and try to forget the horrendous ordeal that took place.


St Kitts is a fairly new port for NCL and other ships. Again, if it were a case of locals harassing me, I would have chalked it up to cultural differences and walked away. But I'm an avid traveler who respects customs and cultures, and I have NEVER encountered such prejudice. As these cruise lines contract with the ports they sail to, I would have expected NCL to take prompt and swift action. 2 weeks later, I have not heard a word on the issue, which they promised I would hear back. I've even called the customer relations line for NCL, which the ship officer told me to do, and they have no record of this incident which they emphatically stated they placed with both Corporate Office and the Port Authority of St Kitts.

I write this only to provide a precaution to those who will visit this island, as I would never wish this behavior on anyone. I feel NCL has a responsibility to address the issue, but I was given the cold shoulder, even on the ship.


Please be mindful of the ports, even the Govt's of these ports. I never once did anything disrespectful or out of line in St Kitts. To be quite honest, and not to offend, but I have never been singled out as a gay man. My partner was walking 50 ft ahead of me, and all I attempted to do was get back on the ship. Thankfully, many on the ship witnessed this and provided comfort and solace. Thank you to those who witnessed, understood and comforted.


I hope and pray others don't experience this, and as I mentioned, please be mindful.


With mixed emotions...



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We have a cruise in a year that will be going to St. Kitts. I booked this one specifically because it did not include Jamaica. Now I'm a little concerned. I know many Caribbean islands are not gay friendly, but usually there aren't any issues if you are with a tour group and don't do anything that would stand out. We've never had a problem with port officials before. I'd like to hear if anyone else had problems in St Kitts.

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Mark - SO SORRY this happened to you and your Partner. We're on a Carnival cruise calling at St. Kitts next month; when we were there last April nothing like what happened to you both happened to us, thankfully.


We have looked at many situations in any foreign ports, and try to anticipate beforehand some things that might happen. If that bigotry happens - to any of us - in any foreign country or port, you announce very loudly that you are an American citizen and are being harassed by (get the name(s) of the individual(s)); you then as loudly demand that you be allowed to immediately contact the American Consulate, since you are being harassed for no good reason by these official government representatives. This, we have heard, works wonders, especially in the bigoted Caribbean countries that try and pull the crap of harassing us for no reason. Again, BE SURE TO GET NAMES of whoever is harassing you,


And go public when you return to The States - write your Congressional Representative; your Senator; local newspapers, and make the media aware of what you have experienced. Also, drop a line to The State Department. There's nothing like bad publicity to get these nation's attention that we will not stand idly by and accept their harassment and bigotry as the norm. And, since NCL has not cared at all, include them in the bad publicity. That will be sure to get their attention, since they too will be seen as bigoted.




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You can write off the treatment you got at the port to a few rotten apples, I guess... In fact, the Prime Minister of St. Kitts-Nevis has recently called for a repeal of the Caribbean's antigay laws.


What's really appalling is the NCL crew's total lack of sympathy or support. And charging you for the towel? Jeez, talk about adding insult to injury...

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I am more pissed off at the attitude of NCL and their unprofessional behavior. Unfortunately, there are idiots everywhere and especially in small ports like that but that is no excuse and NCL should of dealt with it IMMEDIATELY. It sounds like NCL has no back bone, obviously.


I can tell you, that had that happened to me, NCL would never see another penny from me, in fact, they WON'T! I would post this totally, disrespectful behavior they showed, all over the internet.


I am so fed up with this type of behavior. Will this ignorance and rudeness ever go away? Probably not for a long time but until it does, I will speak on behalf of the gay community and will NOT tolerate anyone being disrespectful. I am a Mother of a gay son and I have witnessed this behavior, unfortunately. However, his Dad has done some kick assing, to those who have shown our son disrespect. Discrimination is so ugly and hurtful, but we must fight it everyday, until it is no more.


OP, I am so sorry you had to go through this and I pray you never have to experience it again. Please don't give NCL another penny of your hard earned money, you deserve so much better.

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St. Kitts and NCL, if you dislike us, we dislike you MORE. :mad:


Seriously, I'm appalled at the insensitivity and bigotry we are subjected to just because we are different. We do not demand special rights, we just want equal rights. Is that too much to ask?


To Mark and his partner, I've read this thread a few times, and it made me teary-eyed each time. I'm deeply sorry this happened to you . You are not alone, we're with you guys!

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Thanks to all for your suggestions and kind comments (and some funny ones, too :) ) It's great to see such support!


I'm in the midst of taking some action but trying to get back into the busy month at work so I'm scrambling to find time. It will be taken care of though!!


Best regards-


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You can write off the treatment you got at the port to a few rotten apples, I guess... In fact, the Prime Minister of St. Kitts-Nevis has recently called for a repeal of the Caribbean's antigay laws.


What's really appalling is the NCL crew's total lack of sympathy or support. And charging you for the towel? Jeez, talk about adding insult to injury...


That's good to hear. Makes me feel a little better.


I wasn't there, so I can't comment on how NCL acted. Just remember, there probably wasn't much the person on board could have done. Just like there isn't a lot they can do when officials delay embarkation/disemberkation in an American port due to customs or immigration issues. Mostly they have to cooperate and let the home office legal area decide if there is something to escalate through the proper channels. However, they should have listened and provided a sympathetic response, and NCL should have been nice and waived the towel fee.

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I hate even composing this post, but for my fellow gay travelers I need to make you aware.


On my recent cruise on the NCL Dawn, an unfortunate event occurred. On my way back from a GREAT shore excursion, my partner and I were accosted by the PORT AUTHORITY in St Kitts. Now, please know, I would not post this if it were a confrontation with the locals as I respect and understand culture and customs vary from country to country, but this incident happened with the Port Authority in St Kitts.


I attempted to make my way back into the port/pier to board the ship, and two St Kitts port authority workers began to harass me. It began with asking "who do you sleep with?" to "You sleep with that man???" Then, they didn't accept my ID and credentials to get on the ship. They demanded my camera, all of my personal belongings and items purchased while in shore in St Kitts and Nevis. The 'manager' or whomever they call the chief in charge sat and laughed in his little booth. It wasn't until NCL contacted the Port (as I was on a sanctioned NCL excursion and they knew I was missing from the manifest.) that I was able to board.


I did NOT give them the items they demanded, and they continued to harass me, calling me fag and gay, while my partner was watching and waiting. Both of us obviously upset and crying....


Eventually, 3 port workers accosted me, laughing, heckling and again asking who I sleep with, continually calling me every slur in the book in both English and whatever tongue they speak. I gave them my NCL towel and some crap in a bag that looked like it was worth something. NCL still charged me for the towel. Laughable.


When I got on the ship, NCL was completely apethetic to the situation. I was forced into their back room to explain the situation because I was crying and asking for a manager. God forbid other passengers saw what happened! The foreign NCL officer blankly stared at me as I explained the incidient, and I finally, after 10 minutes of explaining, decided it was time to go back to my cabin and try to forget the horrendous ordeal that took place.


St Kitts is a fairly new port for NCL and other ships. Again, if it were a case of locals harassing me, I would have chalked it up to cultural differences and walked away. But I'm an avid traveler who respects customs and cultures, and I have NEVER encountered such prejudice. As these cruise lines contract with the ports they sail to, I would have expected NCL to take prompt and swift action. 2 weeks later, I have not heard a word on the issue, which they promised I would hear back. I've even called the customer relations line for NCL, which the ship officer told me to do, and they have no record of this incident which they emphatically stated they placed with both Corporate Office and the Port Authority of St Kitts.

I write this only to provide a precaution to those who will visit this island, as I would never wish this behavior on anyone. I feel NCL has a responsibility to address the issue, but I was given the cold shoulder, even on the ship.


Please be mindful of the ports, even the Govt's of these ports. I never once did anything disrespectful or out of line in St Kitts. To be quite honest, and not to offend, but I have never been singled out as a gay man. My partner was walking 50 ft ahead of me, and all I attempted to do was get back on the ship. Thankfully, many on the ship witnessed this and provided comfort and solace. Thank you to those who witnessed, understood and comforted.


I hope and pray others don't experience this, and as I mentioned, please be mindful.


With mixed emotions...



We've cruised several times on Cunard to this island & nothing happened. These islands tend to be really homophobic. We don't display public affection on any of these island for that reason(we're pretty low key anyways)As much as I'd like to make a statement, we just do our excursions & get on with our lives. Definately agree on contacting public officials on this. They need our money & a good ol' boycott certainly wouldn't be welcome.

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Next time tell them your traveling with another family member and that is who your "sleeping" sharing a cabin with, Brother, couson, etc. Dont tell them its your partner. Dont take it personal, but dont do any type of PDA in public that would give you away as being gay. I do have gay friends that I hang with sometimes and I always tell them to act "str8" when in unknown public places.

Ive worn my speedo on the beach at St Lucia and was harrassed there because of that. I just ignored them.

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I hate even composing this post, but for my fellow gay travelers I need to make you aware.


On my recent cruise on the NCL Dawn, an unfortunate event occurred. On my way back from a GREAT shore excursion, my partner and I were accosted by the PORT AUTHORITY in St Kitts. Now, please know, I would not post this if it were a confrontation with the locals as I respect and understand culture and customs vary from country to country, but this incident happened with the Port Authority in St Kitts.


I attempted to make my way back into the port/pier to board the ship, and two St Kitts port authority workers began to harass me. It began with asking "who do you sleep with?" to "You sleep with that man???" Then, they didn't accept my ID and credentials to get on the ship. They demanded my camera, all of my personal belongings and items purchased while in shore in St Kitts and Nevis. The 'manager' or whomever they call the chief in charge sat and laughed in his little booth. It wasn't until NCL contacted the Port (as I was on a sanctioned NCL excursion and they knew I was missing from the manifest.) that I was able to board.


I did NOT give them the items they demanded, and they continued to harass me, calling me fag and gay, while my partner was watching and waiting. Both of us obviously upset and crying....


Eventually, 3 port workers accosted me, laughing, heckling and again asking who I sleep with, continually calling me every slur in the book in both English and whatever tongue they speak. I gave them my NCL towel and some crap in a bag that looked like it was worth something. NCL still charged me for the towel. Laughable.


When I got on the ship, NCL was completely apethetic to the situation. I was forced into their back room to explain the situation because I was crying and asking for a manager. God forbid other passengers saw what happened! The foreign NCL officer blankly stared at me as I explained the incidient, and I finally, after 10 minutes of explaining, decided it was time to go back to my cabin and try to forget the horrendous ordeal that took place.


St Kitts is a fairly new port for NCL and other ships. Again, if it were a case of locals harassing me, I would have chalked it up to cultural differences and walked away. But I'm an avid traveler who respects customs and cultures, and I have NEVER encountered such prejudice. As these cruise lines contract with the ports they sail to, I would have expected NCL to take prompt and swift action. 2 weeks later, I have not heard a word on the issue, which they promised I would hear back. I've even called the customer relations line for NCL, which the ship officer told me to do, and they have no record of this incident which they emphatically stated they placed with both Corporate Office and the Port Authority of St Kitts.


I write this only to provide a precaution to those who will visit this island, as I would never wish this behavior on anyone. I feel NCL has a responsibility to address the issue, but I was given the cold shoulder, even on the ship.


Please be mindful of the ports, even the Govt's of these ports. I never once did anything disrespectful or out of line in St Kitts. To be quite honest, and not to offend, but I have never been singled out as a gay man. My partner was walking 50 ft ahead of me, and all I attempted to do was get back on the ship. Thankfully, many on the ship witnessed this and provided comfort and solace. Thank you to those who witnessed, understood and comforted.


I hope and pray others don't experience this, and as I mentioned, please be mindful.


With mixed emotions...



Sorry to hear about what happened. Just booked the Carnival Victory which stops there for next November. I hope I don't hear of any more reports like this and I hope you hear back from the Prime Minister, this kind of treatment is uncalled for.

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As these cruise lines contract with the ports they sail to, I would have expected NCL to take prompt and swift action. 2 weeks later, I have not heard a word on the issue, which they promised I would hear back. I've even called the customer relations line for NCL, which the ship officer told me to do, and they have no record of this incident which they emphatically stated they placed with both Corporate Office and the Port Authority of St Kitts.


We have found that all cruise lines will tell you what you want to hear while your aboard, but is a diffrent story once you are off. Corporate does not wan't to get involved, they try to wear you down and hope you will forget about it. Sorry this happed to you, but your better people than they are. What goes around, comes around.

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This is truly sad that you would be treated like this at anytime whether it's your vacation or not. There are some real jerks out there especially in some of the Caribbean islands where they think gays are the evil of the World. We have never been to St. Kitts, but we have been to numerous Caribbean islands and have never received any treatment like you did whatsoever especially by Port Official and my partner and I walk side by side.


That would really piss me off to say the least and I am the type of person that wouldn't back down to them as long as I had the proper credentials to embark back on the ship. When the guy asked me who I slept with, I probably would have said "Pardon me", and if he said it again then my response wouldn't have been as polite. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would also ditch NCL as well as the port, the pink pound is strong with most in high end jobs and no children to support, we are a great asset to a business, I like Fred Olsen for a cheap cruise, HAL for a middle of the range and RSSC for a touch of luxuary. All these lines are fab, and a bit of advice is to get to know the staff, spa and entertainment as many are gay and with these small ports, it is good to travel safe and in groups. You also have the right to call the police if things go that far.

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I am so sorry to hear about how you both were treated in St.Kitts

I have been there 2x and have seen cars broken into,thugs demanding money if one sits on the beach , and a nasty attitude to tourists. I Also know of 2 girls who are studying at Ross veterinary school on St.Kitts

and they told me of total disgusting behavior of the locals to them.

The Cruise Lines are changing their cruise ports from these islands to the western Caribbean..eg, COSTA RICA,PANAMA,COZUMEL,etc where it the climate is so nice to tourists.

The gay bashing is part of their nasty culture and show be exposed

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