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Don't Want To Leave My Dog Behind...


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:( this thread hits close to home. I just got back from a cruise a week ago, a much needed rest from a house full of family members over thanksgiving week. My boxer in my avatar pic suffered from mass cell tumors, and during thanksgiving day he fell very ill. We actually spent thksgvg eve and most of the day at the doggie E.R. so i missed dinner with family.


3 days later he passed. So my cruise was sorta like therapy. :(


Miss you boy!!!


Sorry for your loss, been there many times and it only gets a bit better with time at least for me anyway.

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Yes they are dogs, but to some of us they are not just DOGS. They are like children to us. Our little Parson Russell Terrier gets so sad when she sees us packing suitcases. We take here everywhere we can and she is a wonderful traveler, has a big kennel, a portable kennel and even her own stroller. With the stroller I can take her almost anywhere (except restaurants) and no one even raises an eyebrow. She is very well trained and will hush on command if I just hold up my hand and put one finger to my lips and shush her.

We have had to leave her though when we cruise, and on two of those occasions we were gone three weeks. I leave her with my daughter and she loves it there with my daughter and granddaughter. That is like her second home now and she gets really excited when they visit us. So, while I dread leaving her, I know she is in good hands and is happy while we are gone.

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We have a house sitter come stay in our home and watch our "girls" (Jack Russells). We can't have just anyone here because one bites if she doesn't know you. So Maddy, whose been coming to our home for 4 years now, is no stranger and both girls love her and we are VERY comfortable and relaxed when we go on vacation knowing everything is taken care of.

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We just dropped off our choco lab and two cats...our lab LOVES the kennel...oh heck, he just loves anything and everything lol but the cats were pissed off already...they normally are upset with us for about an hour after we pick them up then move onto our laps to be pet. We left them Christmas gifts so hopefully they enjoy them lol

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Jeleja, that is so sad. I have heard that animals prefer to go alone, as that is what my vet and a few other people told me after my family's great dane Baby passed while we were away on Thanksgiving Day one year. We got home to let her out and found her. Saddest day ever :( They don't want to see their family in pain so they go quietly.


I think people do this as well. I have lost count of the times I have had a critical patient in ICU whose family stay at the bedside every possible moment, only to find that their beloved has passed away when they went to the cafeteria for a soda or off to the bathroom for only a moment. I think maybe their loved one waits for that opportunity so that their families are not traumatized by their passing.


I know a lot of people would poo poo this concept, but I've seen it happen so many times...

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One of our dogs has only been in a kennel once, the other has never been. We get family and/or friends to stay the entire time, or drop by everyday to keep an eye on them. They pretty much have each other to keep company, but still need someone to stop by and refresh food and water, etc. This also avoids disrupting their normal activities, familiar and favorite spots in the house.

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My husband and I travel frequently and adjust our travel plans to accommodate our two "tollers," who are about 7 and 9 years old. We are extremely attached to them, but we have found that they are very happy staying at a kennel while we are away. They get play time with other dogs, regular walks and we don't have to worry about them. We have also had a house sitter on occasion, and they are fine with her as well. But they aren't children. If they were, of course we wouldn't go on vacation where they couldn't come along, or we would leave them with relatives. I don't think that imposing on relatives or friends, no matter how much our dogs like them, is fair.

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I am a dog groomer. My parents have owned a boarding and grooming facility for YEARS. Trust me when I tell you that your dog will be fine!


Find a boarding facility that you feel comfortable at. Don't be afraid to take a tour, ask questions, etc. See how the staff interacts with other pets there. Use your gut instincts. And, make sure to write anything pertinent down and bring it in with your pet.


I always miss my babes when I leave them, too. But, I know that they are well taken care of!

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I leave my 3 cats in the hands of a very capable " spa". They are treated better there than they are at home! The bottom line is that leaving your animals is like leaving your kids. If you have a trusted sitter, that should give you peace of mind.

Let them enjoy their vacation too !

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I am living with my parents now, and my dog stays with my parents when I go on vacation, or when they go, I watch the dog. Occasionally, we'll all be gone at the same time and the dog stays with my grandparents. She gets so spoiled with my grandma, my grandma cooks special meals for her, takes her out on insanely long walks, and has her cat buddy to chase around.


My dog though has a habit of leaving something for us to remember her by in our suitcases. She hates seeing the suitcases out and likes to climb in so we don't forget her. On every trip, when I unpack ym suitcase, I find one of her chew toys in my suitcase.

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I am a cat person and call to check on my kitty's at least once during vacation. I bring them to my moms the weekend before a vacation and pick them up a week after. It is easier on everyone, They get anxious when the see suitcases out so I try to pack around them They got worried when Hubby went on travel and I stayed home. One of my cats is VERY attatched to me. If I got to get mail or leave for work she cries at the door and jumps at it trying to get out. I can hear her down the hallways while waiting for the elevator. I know they will be fine as I have backup plan and then some but I worry.

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I think people do this as well. I have lost count of the times I have had a critical patient in ICU whose family stay at the bedside every possible moment, only to find that their beloved has passed away when they went to the cafeteria for a soda or off to the bathroom for only a moment. I think maybe their loved one waits for that opportunity so that their families are not traumatized by their passing.


I know a lot of people would poo poo this concept, but I've seen it happen so many times...


Poo poo or not, I think it is very gracious of those passing to cause as little trauma to those still living if they have the capacity to do so.

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We always had problems leaving our pups, so when I retired, the lovely Mrs. Jones (Vita) opened her own business. She takes care of small dogs (under 25 pounds) and they live here in our home with us. You'd be amazed at the percentage of our clientele who leave their pups with us while they cruise! We're here in Florida, so we are close to several ports, and a lot of the folks who live around here are seniors who treat their dogs just like their children. That's the way we treat them when they're here too, so it's a win-win situation for everybody! ;)



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What we really need is a Camp Canine! I know 2 little Chihuahuas who would love to be the first to sign up. It is very difficult to find someone to keep 2 dogs, even small ones. I have not had to do the Spa yet. I think that would worry me to death, especially for 2 full weeks, which is what we are doing in February.

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I worry about ours so much that I forget we even have

them until we are driving home and I am trying to get to

town before the kennel closes to say paying an extra night.



Sometimes my wife might mention them while we are on

the ship, and then I remember we have dogs...until the

next thought hits my brain.


I like them, but I don't love them. They are animals.

I save love for people.

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We are totally worried about our babies every time we leave them. It's the worst part of being away.


For those of you who are leaving your pets at home and having friends/family/neighbors come over to let them out, make sure you TRUST them to DO IT and do it frequently. All of our neighbors have dogs. We have been asked several times when they have gone out of town to let them out, feed them, etc. We have NO PROBLEM doing this...and often times just bring their pets to our home so they are not alone all that time. When our neighbors feel like they are taking advantage of us, they'll ask someone else to do thes tasks. Only problem is, we will get a phone calll from that so-called friend at 11pm at night saying OMG, I forgot to come over after work and feed/potty the dog -- can you do it for me?


I would FREAK OUT if I left my pet at home at the mercy of someone else to come & feed or potty them. So please make sure your person will either live there, take the dog to their home, or live close enough that it is not an inconvenience at all -- or they will forget. So we board ours with our vet's office. We just have to build it into the vacation budget. With all the doggy-daycare options out there, Pet Palaces, etc, take advantage and spoil your babies just as you are spoiling yourself.


1st thing I do in the morning and last thing I do at night is potty my pets.

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My brother's dogs have separation anxiety disorder and when he and his wife go away I usually watch them. They are usually only gone for a weekend, but once they left for a week and by the end of the week the one dog was not eating or drinking and just laying around. They had to drive all night to get home to him. Now if they leave on longer trips they board the little dogs and I keep the big ones.


My advice is if you are leaving them with friends or family to make sure you give them specific instructions on what to do if they have these issues. Talk to your vet and make an arrangement so if they have to bring the animal in that your friend or family doesn't have to foot the bill. Tell the dogsitter that if any point they get uncomfortable to take them to the vet and they will know how to take care of the animal.


Vets can give them IV fluids to keep them from dehydrating and such. If you set up these cautions everything will be just fine.


I suggest also getting your animals used to the person they will be staying with. Its now come to the point that my brothers animals know me very well and trust me, so they no longer get sick with my brother and wife are gone. Of course, now I'm the only other one that can watch them.

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My fiance and I actually skipped our cruise last year because of our 5 month old American Bulldog, Bella. Because she was so young, and such a baby, we opted to vacation with Bella in Cape San Blas, Florida. It was voted America's most dog friendly beach several years in a row. We had a wonderful time in September on an almost deserted beach (one beach was completely deserted) for 7 days, and Bella absolutely had the time of her life. We will definitely cruise again and she'll stay home while my niece (who she dearly loves) puts her in the back yard every morning and hangs out with her in the house for a couple of hours every night.

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My fiance and I actually skipped our cruise last year because of our 5 month old American Bulldog, Bella. Because she was so young, and such a baby, we opted to vacation with Bella in Cape San Blas, Florida. It was voted America's most dog friendly beach several years in a row. We had a wonderful time in September on an almost deserted beach (one beach was completely deserted) for 7 days, and Bella absolutely had the time of her life. We will definitely cruise again and she'll stay home while my niece (who she dearly loves) puts her in the back yard every morning and hangs out with her in the house for a couple of hours every night.


You wasted how much money just because your dog was only 5 months old?!? Why didn't you wait until after your cruise to buy a dog or not book a cruise because you were thinking about buying a dog? How wasteful!

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I did just a little research, and it looks like the Queen Mary 2 allows dogs on their transatlantic cruises. But they have to stay in the on-board kennel. You're allowed to visit and walk him/her in a roped-off area. Apparently they try to give your pets the royal treatment, too; or so they claim. You're required to furnish vaccination information, as usual--both to share the kennel with other dogs, and also to comply with customs in the foreign port.

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I want everybody to know that in the history of America it was the animal lovers who started to rescue animals that were being abused by their owners. Then they started to rescue children that were being abused by their parents. SO......It was the animal lovers who created the CHILD WELFARE LAWS to protect children. A lot of people don't know this information.


YES, Our pets are our babies. Some people say when their pet dies they cry so much for them that they are afraid of getting another pet because of the pain that will come their way when their pet dies. But I think the joy of having a pet is worth the pain of losing them when they die.


I prefer to leave my dog home with a dog sitter than to have my dog go to the dog sitter's house because I know my dog will find a way to get out of their home and go looking for me.


I sometimes let my dog go for the car ride to the cruiseport so she can see where I am going and then she returns with the pet sitter to pick me up. She loves that. After we get home she wants to go for a car ride to the grocery store and then we come home to our home routine.


My dog does cry tears of joy when she sees me. Yes, she is an animal but she loves me unconditionally. I can't say that about some of my relatives.


I just returned from a 4 day cruise and my dog was okay about it because DOGS DO KNOW TIME AND DAYS!. I have a talk with her before I leave.

She understands English and Spanish, spelling of words, my body language, sign language, etc. When I am talking about her on the telephone she understands that I am talking about her and she gives me that look of I know what you are saying about me. One day she made a fart and I said on the telephone that my dog had just smelled up the room. She took off running to another room.LOL.


It was really hard to leave my dog when I first started cruising. But now I am able to handle it better knowing that my dog is safe at home waiting for me. She likes her dog sitter.

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I want everybody to know that in the history of America it was the animal lovers who started to rescue animals that were being abused by their owners. Then they started to rescue children that were being abused by their parents. SO......It was the animal lovers who created the CHILD WELFARE LAWS to protect children. A lot of people don't know this information.




Factual source please

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