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Packing Regrets anyone?


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Just curious, as I am planning another cruise and getting ready to create a new packing list.


I remember packing to go home the last time and telling myself that I wouldn't bring some of the stuff I brought again (too many clothes were about all I can remember now).


Would anyone like to share items that they brought with them and wish they hadn't or would not bring again? How about items you didn't bring and wish you had?


Happy packing and even happier Cruising!

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I am leaving on the 7th of March for my second cruise. It is 2 days shorter and I am bringing about 1/2 the "stuff" I brought on my first one! I now know what I like to do and how I need to dress and will pack accordingly!


I am only bringing 2 (gasp:eek: ) pairs of shoes--strappy black sandals for night and flat sandals for day....of course I am wearing my keds. I am doing a lot more mixing and matching. No one will know or care if you wear the same pair of black pants more than once!

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Wouldn't take: over the door organizer (lots of storage on Mercury), hair dryer (the one provided was fine), sticky notes (only used one sheet), highlighter (never used it).


These aren't big items but they all add up

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Each cruise we seem to take less. Be realistic and really think about the clothes you will wear. I am in my swimsuit most of the day - sea days or on shore. I used to pack extra shorts and sun dresses "just in case". If I wear shorts for an hour or so while ashore - I can definetely wear them again later on in the week. Mix and match your clothes for dinner. Shoes take up oodles of room. While I have the perfect shoes for every outfit at home, when I cruise I try to pack neutral coloured shoes for dinner (a black, white and say one other pair).


I used to pack too many books. I've discovered that I never read as much as I had planned to (the salt water & sunshine makes me sleepy:) ) so I now only pack one book and utilize the ship's library.


Shampoo and hairdryer available on the ship ( I do however take a good hair conditioner).


I've never needed duct tape, highlighters, portable tables for my balcony, etc. etc. I do however pack a small collapsible cooler as I find the refridgerators in the room don't keep drinks cold and it is invaluable when we head to a beach to snorkel.


Everyone has different needs and wants on their cruise, so what works for me, may not for you. But here is my advice: pack less "stuff", more money and a great attitude and you'll have a wonderful cruise.



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I wish I would have brought more shorts and tanks and sundresses. I wish I would have brought more stuff to sleep in, (I only brought 2 nightgowns, and every time we had breakfast on the balcony I would spill something on them)


I would have brought less dressy clothes, less make-up, less hair products, and God help me...less shoes. (I took 10 pairs on my last cruise)

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I'm also one who packs lighter each time we cruise. If I think we can possibly live without an item for the week, it stays home. I have learned that if you consider the amount of days gone, then subtract two days worth of clothing it is a good start. If you are going for 2 weeks, pack for only one. The laundry/dry cleaning is not really that expensive for a few items. I also have started leaving home all the electrical gizmos, clock, nightlight, CD player, but I do take my own hair dryer, I can't stand the cheapies they have onboard. I have found a pair of medium heeled sandals that go for casual as well as semi-formal, so I have cut down dramatically on the shoes. I don't take along post its, highlighter pens, water wallets, thermal cups, fans, the list goes on and on. I find the cabins to be quite sophisticated and have most of what we need. I do take a reading light, I take a while to wind down after the evening out, DH can pass out the moment his head hits the pillow.


It helps to make a chart of the days and fill in what you will wear each day. You can then see exactly where you can mix and match your separates. I do take along several bathing suits and plenty of underwear. Take the bare necessities when it comes to toiletries, take only what you need, nothing extra. For me, less works better because there is so much less to organize and keep track of. A lot easier packing and hauling, too.


The only things I've ever left behind and wished I had brought? My cell phone, for that one phone call I had to make during the cruise, then for the call to the shuttle when we returned. Pay phones are getting impossible to find. My very favorite sandals to Alaska, I never thought I could have used them there. Leave the cute shoes at home, take the comfortable ones.

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A highlighter is a must for us. We do use it daily to highlight activities we are interested in. A Yankee Candle car air freshner for the bathroom. It's flat and takes up no space. Never used a bungee cord for the balcony door like some people do.


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We're cruising to ALaska on May 29th (Sernade). This will be our first cruise to a colder climate. We usually cruise the caribbean from New Orleans which is very close to our home.

I am worried about the types of clothes to pack. I am from a HOT and HUMID area so winter clothes for us here are mostly long sleeve shirts and maybe a light jacket in REAL cold weather. Shorts can be worn just about year round.

Everyone says LAYER.......I would like to know would jeans, slacks, shirt and a light jacket work or do I need something warmer ? I would hate to be COLD on the deck while at sea. We love sitting out all day rather than playing games in the theater. We do not attend any of the meetings, etc. What about shorts? I would like specifics..

This will be our 5th cruise but like I said, first to a colder climate. Need HELP. Thanks..Gail Johnson

Email: Darlin6372@aol.com

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I went to Alaska last year at the end of May and the weather was great! I packed all kinds of sweaters and never even needed them. The only day we dressed in layers was in Juneau and only because we were going out whale watching. Most days we did not even need a jacket. I would recommend taking a few turtle necks...they don't take up as much room in the suitcase and you can usually put them under any T-shirt if it is chilly. I also never needed the gloves,scarves, hats or ear muffs I packed. I am returning to Alaska in September and I have heard it will be colder then but I am still not going to pack a bunch of bulky sweaters.

Have a great cruise!

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I ALWAYS overpack - I think it's a known mental condition.


My advice - think about what kinds of day trips you are planning and consider that if you do a lot of "dirty" things - beaches, grubby bus trips, etc., there is no real reason to wear clean clothes each day. Therefore, the shirt/shorts you wear for two hours - on the way to and from the beach - can be worn the next day.


On our last cruise, we spent a lot of time on open air vehicles - jeeps, buses, even a tractor drawn cart - and it was dirty, dirty, dirty. Wearing clean clothes for those excursions made no sense - so I picked through my shorts and tops and found things that were still clean from the day before and wore them.


In the evenings, I wore my "formal" clothes more than once - I wore my "semi-formal" clothes more than once - I wore my nice slacks and tops more than once. If your ego will allow it - you can wear the same clothes for dinner at least three times. Think of how many hours you wear an outfit at home - !5 hours? 18 hours? Now consider how long your evenings are. 5 hours? That means you can wear an outfit 3 times before feeling like a pig. LOL


Yes - I came home with an entire suitcase full of clean clothes - AGAIN.


Dumb dumb dumb

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Same for me. I always, always, always overpack. Every time we get home after a cruise I say I'll pack half as much next time but it never seems to work out that way. One thing I loved about Carnival was the self serve laundry facilities. If you're sailing with them, definitely pack less clothing items because it's no problem at all to throw a load in once or twice during the week.

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I am leaving on the 7th of March for my second cruise. It is 2 days shorter and I am bringing about 1/2 the "stuff" I brought on my first one! I now know what I like to do and how I need to dress and will pack accordingly!


I am only bringing 2 (gasp:eek: ) pairs of shoes--strappy black sandals for night and flat sandals for day....of course I am wearing my keds. I am doing a lot more mixing and matching. No one will know or care if you wear the same pair of black pants more than once!



We are on this sailing too! It is coming up so fast! I have just began to pack and we have a suitcase just for shoes! I am going to try and eliminate that. I bet I way overpack! Have any kids going? My 2 sons are going (8) and DH. It is our first cruise.:D

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The one thing I wish I had packed more of my last cruise was shorts/tank tops. It was in Dec. & we had one of our Fl. cold spells the week before. Not being sure of the weather for the bahamas I took only 1 pair of shorts. Of course that week it was in the 80's every day. Good thing the shorts were black, I wore them every day with a different T-shirt.:D


I've never taken duct tape, hair dryer or collapsable cooler & so far haven't missed them. I do use the highligter & when Dh was alive we always used the sticky notes to leave notes for each other in the cabin.

I do take my white noise machine & ear plugs. I am a light sleeper & these really help.


Shoes I limit to 3 pair, dressy sandels (either white or black) slip on canvas for pool & beach & my Keds.


I agree the mix/match is the way to go, I lay everything out on the bed before I pack, if I can't wear it at least 2 ways it doesn't go.

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I guess I'm in the minority here because I packed as much as I could in the allowable amount of luggage & I used just about everything. I found I was changing outfits several times a day depending on what we were doing and I didn't want to be bothered with having to laundry. However, one thing that I wish I had taken were "slip-on" sandals or flip flops I only took the kind with straps & it was a pain having to buckle them every time you wanted to go to the pool.

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I have (in the last few cruises) cut down on the number of shoes that I take.

I now try to only take 4 pair....1 - walking/hiking sandles, 1 - fancy schmancy dress shoes, 1 - pool sandles (thongs, flip-flops) and 1 pair of tennies.


I have also decided (since the 911 change in weight restrictions for airline luggage) to cut down on the sparkly/sequin dresses, I used to take one for every formal night, now I have found that the new shiny fabrics and silks out there are sooooo much smaller and lighter and still "shiny and glamorous".


One thing I always pack too little of is t-shirts and tank tops. Especially if it is warm out and sweat a lot...OR...of you like to beach. I really do not like to put on a dirty/warn T-shirt, especially if it has salt and sand on it.


You can go without socks, you can go without a bra and underwear if need be, you can even wear your sundress to "formal" night, but wear a stinky t-shirt 2 days in a row.....Yuck.

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Thanks for the suggestion of a chart. I am a visual person and when I stand by the closet and suitcase I get sooooo confused. Writing down what I might wear on any given day will help. 15 day cruise and 5 precruise days means lots (!) of packing but all for so much fun! :)

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I went to Alaska last year at the end of May and the weather was great! I packed all kinds of sweaters and never even needed them. The only day we dressed in layers was in Juneau and only because we were going out whale watching. Most days we did not even need a jacket. I would recommend taking a few turtle necks...they don't take up as much room in the suitcase and you can usually put them under any T-shirt if it is chilly. I also never needed the gloves,scarves, hats or ear muffs I packed. I am returning to Alaska in September and I have heard it will be colder then but I am still not going to pack a bunch of bulky sweaters.

Have a great cruise!


Thanks for your suggestions....No bulky sweaters will be packed......Did it rain while you were on your cruise? I keep reading we're going into a rain forest and can expect RAIN.

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Gail, I've read that when you go to Alaska, you don't ask if it will rain, but when. Sometimes people get lucky and have sunny skies all week, but you should plan for rain. A lightweight raincoat that you can layer over a sweatshirt would be perfect. I took a sports jacket length and I wish I would have had a longer coat, at least down past my hips. Remember to check http://www.weather.com a couple of days before you leave and check for evey port, the weather can be quite different each place. We had rainy days in both Juneau and Ketchikan when we were there.

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  • 1 month later...

Agree with lots of posts...I seem to travel with less and less shoes..just three for a one month world trip.. good walking shoes...low comfortable heels, and slide into sandles.

I buy underware on sale at discount stores and throw away which is cheaper than having laundry done on some ships.

depend on plain black dress or pants and tops and then vary shawls, jewelry.

Take lots of tank tops..

Always an unbrella..works really well in hot sun as well as rain.

I have a tiny portable fan that runs on batteries that is alifesaver if it is really hot.

Always take earplugs. And above all...flexibility and a sense of humor.

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I ALWAYS overpack - I think it's a known mental condition.


My advice - think about what kinds of day trips you are planning and consider that if you do a lot of "dirty" things - beaches' date=' grubby bus trips, etc., there is no real reason to wear clean clothes each day. Therefore, the shirt/shorts you wear for two hours - on the way to and from the beach - can be worn the next day.


On our last cruise, we spent a lot of time on open air vehicles - jeeps, buses, even a tractor drawn cart - and it was dirty, dirty, dirty. Wearing clean clothes for those excursions made no sense - so I picked through my shorts and tops and found things that were still clean from the day before and wore them.


In the evenings, I wore my "formal" clothes more than once - I wore my "semi-formal" clothes more than once - I wore my nice slacks and tops more than once. If your ego will allow it - you can wear the same clothes for dinner at least three times. Think of how many hours you wear an outfit at home - !5 hours? 18 hours? Now consider how long your evenings are. 5 hours? That means you can wear an outfit 3 times before feeling like a pig. LOL


Yes - I came home with an entire suitcase full of clean clothes - AGAIN.


Dumb dumb dumb[/quote']


smudge's mom----a perfect reply and attitude about wearing the same things. i always mix/match and wear the same thing over again. your theory of the time you are in them on the ship compared to at home ''' hits it right on the head '''. i am down to a medium size checked bag , a carry-on and a purse for my luggage. AND 3 PAIRS OF SHOES ONLY--my black strappy ones for formal night, black flats for other nights and my tennies.

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Musicmansmom ~ We are soooo proud of you!!! Sounds like you're ready to go. One more tidbit: bring a pair of slip on sandals or flip-flops, etc. Tennies can be a pain putting on and off for the pool or beach :)


thank you so much. and i did forget the flip flops. a great tip. have a wonderful cruise yourself. happy sailing :)

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