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Anyone had troubles in Dubai transiting with prescriptions?


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Has anyone been transiting thru Dubai recently with prescription drugs. Seems as though it's a really grey area, but if you're caught, you could be in real trouble. We'll be arriving by ship and departing by air the same day. If you took a ship tour that drops at the airport, could you put your stuff in your checked luggage or is that asking for trouble? Hoping someone out there has just come back. We're also Canadian, so off their 'good guys' list and we'll have to get a visa just to get out of there.



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Has anyone been transiting thru Dubai recently with prescription drugs. Seems as though it's a really grey area, but if you're caught, you could be in real trouble.
There's quite a lot of good information online. Try these sites:-


Dubai Online

UAE Embassy in UK

UAE Ministry of Health guidance

UAE list of restricted and controlled drugs

US Embassy in Abu Dhabi

Fair Trials International


I have no idea whether and to what extent the drug detecting machines have been used on my stuff, but those lists were useful to me in December, when I realised that I had to ditch some over-the-counter medication in Australia before (unexpectedly) travelling directly to Dubai because it contained pholcodine, which is definitely on the restricted list. But I couldn't get copies of prescriptions for all the other things I had which were not on the restricted list (ranging from prescription stuff to plain paracetamol). However, the live Customs control was in fact pretty non-existent that morning.


Slightly OT, but also worth reading the Dubai Code of Conduct - or on the official (iffy quality) PDF.

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I have RX for some of these drugs. I will be away from home at least 4 weeks. Does this mean that I can not carry a reasonable supply of my ambien through the airport to board the plane to go home? This will take some thinking about as I think I carry some of these drugs regularly though some I have only as "in case". This listing does not seem to have some equal RX's such as another RX sleeping pill or substitutes that a Dr. might be able to work out for this trip. Is it all "potent anthestics" or just the one kind? Not nitpicking or trying anything -- just a walking pharmacy that wants no trouble getting home.

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Does this mean that I can not carry a reasonable supply of my ambien through the airport to board the plane to go home? ... Is it all "potent anthestics" or just the one kind?
If I've read Wikipedia right, it's zolpidem and therefore in the A section of that controlled drugs list, ie it requires more than just a prescription.


Using that list really is quite a good way of finding out the extent of any problem that you're likely to have with a particular drug. There's no guarantee that it remains absolutely up-to-date, but it's a good start.


Fair Trials International says:-

Controlled Drugs Class A - Psychotropics

• These are drugs for which a prescription must be held. The more verifying paperwork from the authorising doctor which can accompany any drug in this category, the better. In UAE, they can only be dispensed upon production of a registered (health authority-approved) prescription.

• They include some common sleeping tablets, painkillers, anti-depressants and hormone replacement therapy

And the Dubai Government portal says:-
However, if for medical or emergency reasons, you need to carry any medicines, please ensure that you have a medical prescription from a UAE-licensed doctor, or if treatment was undertaken abroad, you must carry both a doctor’s prescription as well as a detailed medical report, both of which should be suitable attested. You are not permitted to bring more than three month's supply of medicine, as per guidelines of Ministry of Health.
If I had Ambien with me on the ship, I'd throw it out before disembarking. One flight without a sleep aid isn't going to kill me.
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As someone who has transited Dubai many times in the last 2 years, PLEASE DO NOT PUSH IT. You never know who you are going to run into in the Customs dept.


The US Military uses Dubai as a transit point for about 70% of US Contractors going into Iraq/Afghanistan. This includes HUGE military contractors-KBR/DynCorp/ITT/Fluor/Bechtel, etc. etc. The list of PROHIBITED drugs is VERY extensive-even over the counter drugs. This is primarily due to the INGREDIENTS, NOT the pharmaceutical name.


AMBIEN-a definite NO NO. ANYTHING with psychotropic properties-forget it.


You DO NOT want to get caught with drugs on the prohibited list. You COULD go to JAIL!!! And to get a written permission to bring a prohibited drug into Dubai is more trouble than any normal tourist would want to endure.


My friend and my suitcases were RIPPED apart a few of months ago entering Dubai. We were in the company of 7 Kuwait mucky mucks who were merely waved through, even though one of them was carrying heavy duty narcotics due to recent shoulder surgery. Never had it happen before with probably 12 transits previously. BUT this time it happened-they took away Heidi's Vicodin (she has had back surgery and had her US Military prescriptions with her and the bottles were US Military issue) and they actually took away MY Alka Seltzer PLUS (I use it for my sinus headaches). What they DID NOT take away were my inhalers which are full of ephedrine (which is on the prohibited list). LUCK of the DRAW. Why did they take the Alka Seltzer Plus and not the inhalers??? Who knows!!!


BE VERY CAREFUL entering Dubai. Please don't take Ambien. Could you get it through??? Possibly. Could you end up in a Dubai jail??? Another possibility.


As Globaliser posted, you can do with out a night's sleep. Have a few more drinks!!!

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Thanks for the help. I'm going to take my Dr's letter plus the original container with label. It's for Paxil, which is a ClassB controlled drug according to UAE, so not one of the real biggies. Was going to take Advil for the trip home, but we'll see if we can pick it up after leaving Dubai. It's at the end of our trip, so we will probably be okay. They sure don't make it easy for a lot of people who have serious health issues to travel there. In spite of all this, I'm looking forward to seeing Dubai - it's going to be kind of surreal, I think.



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As someone who has transited Dubai many times in the last 2 years, PLEASE DO NOT PUSH IT. You never know who you are going to run into in the Customs dept.


The US Military uses Dubai as a transit point for about 70% of US Contractors going into Iraq/Afghanistan. This includes HUGE military contractors-KBR/DynCorp/ITT/Fluor/Bechtel, etc. etc. The list of PROHIBITED drugs is VERY extensive-even over the counter drugs. This is primarily due to the INGREDIENTS, NOT the pharmaceutical name.


AMBIEN-a definite NO NO. ANYTHING with psychotropic properties-forget it.


You DO NOT want to get caught with drugs on the prohibited list. You COULD go to JAIL!!! And to get a written permission to bring a prohibited drug into Dubai is more trouble than any normal tourist would want to endure.


My friend and my suitcases were RIPPED apart a few of months ago entering Dubai. We were in the company of 7 Kuwait mucky mucks who were merely waved through, even though one of them was carrying heavy duty narcotics due to recent shoulder surgery. Never had it happen before with probably 12 transits previously. BUT this time it happened-they took away Heidi's Vicodin (she has had back surgery and had her US Military prescriptions with her and the bottles were US Military issue) and they actually took away MY Alka Seltzer PLUS (I use it for my sinus headaches). What they DID NOT take away were my inhalers which are full of ephedrine (which is on the prohibited list). LUCK of the DRAW. Why did they take the Alka Seltzer Plus and not the inhalers??? Who knows!!!


BE VERY CAREFUL entering Dubai. Please don't take Ambien. Could you get it through??? Possibly. Could you end up in a Dubai jail??? Another possibility.


As Globaliser posted, you can do with out a night's sleep. Have a few more drinks!!!


I can believe what I am reading, I am ex military who goes through Dubai often, just spent two days there skiing, all the above is strange, I take ambien and a number of other drugs, nobody stopped, searched or asked.

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I can believe what I am reading, I am ex military who goes through Dubai often, just spent two days there skiing, all the above is strange, I take ambien and a number of other drugs, nobody stopped, searched or asked.


I hadn't had any trouble either until a few months ago. As I pointed out, they took my Alka Seltzer Plus but left my inhalers (which are on the prohibited list). THAT was strange.


It can be truly the luck of the draw but the rules are there and CAN be enforced. Will they be enforced??? Who knows??? But discretion is generally the best route in these situations, IMHO.


DynCorp and KBR passed out new lists of prohibited items for their contractors transiting Dubai. A friend sent me the newly revised list from Afghanistan (she works for Fluor). It includes almost EVERYTHING except aspirin. I was very, very surprised at the extensive list of "do not take". I'm mailing everything the next trip I make in March if I have to transit Dubai and not Kuwait.

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I can believe what I am reading, I am ex military who goes through Dubai often, just spent two days there skiing, all the above is strange, I take ambien and a number of other drugs, nobody stopped, searched or asked.


This entire thread is starting to really have me concerned. We start a cruise in Dubai, are arriving a few days early, and now need to take a doctors letter. We always bring extra strength tylenol, sudafed and have some inhalers just in case. At least one of us is allergic to aspirin and that is why we carry tylenol and sudafed to use as needed. Did whale watcher mean retina A?

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I take ambien and a number of other drugs, nobody stopped, searched or asked.
I've not been stopped, either, on any of my trips. But that's the luck of the draw.


It's what's likely to happen to you if you are stopped that should make everyone wary and strictly obey the rules - at least on this topic. There are enough "unlucky" people that provide examples of why.

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I am seriously considering this cruise but I guess I would need to see EXACTLY what is and what is not on that list. I can do without the ambien but worried about the leg cramp medications (more than one) and the restless leg medication that you can't just go off of for a night or two. My Dr. would give me a letter but I see that it has to be from a UAE approved Dr. and I doubt I would be able to fulfill that. I am a grandma with a roly poly figure that should look innocent as all get out but I also seem to get "picked" on occasion. Should I just give up on this trip?

Could someone please tell me where the latest list of "not allowed" drugs are listed. Is the problem just because the cruise ends in Dubai? Will they have any problem with your drugs in the stateroom *ie take the last pill before you go to airport"/

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I have to go look at the OTC list, but am guessing my Claratin-D 24 probably has to stay at home...heck it requires going to the pharmacy counter to get it even though it is OTC...because of some of the active ingredients.


Advil, Pepto and a laxative were on my packing list to ensure a nice pain free regular trip...some of those items are probably prohibited as well.


Thanks for posting the links to the various lists!!!

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Could someone please tell me where the latest list of "not allowed" drugs are listed.
I've already posted all the links that I've found and used myself. You really just need to sit down and read all the stuff on them, including the list which is still linked to by many reputable websites.
My Dr. would give me a letter but I see that it has to be from a UAE approved Dr. and I doubt I would be able to fulfill that.
No, it doesn't. Please read the stuff on those links. The UAE may be strict about this, but it is not irrational: this information is being provided for the benefit of Dubai's millions of visitors, and the UAE knows that, almost by definition, they do not have access to UAE-approved doctors.
Should I just give up on this trip?
Why would you? Just follow the rules. They aren't hard.
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I personally think that like on many occasions people just overreact. Just think about it! Thousands (THOUSANDS!) of people come to Dubai or travel through Dubai daily!!! Half of them (considering ecology and current economy: stress, etc.) have some health issues. Probably 1/4 of all visitors travel with kids. And I am pretty sure that this "half" and mothers with kids from all over the world bring all types of medications with them to Dubai. Do you think all of them have letters "from a UAE approved Dr". I really-really doubt it! Just have all your medication in the original packaging, have the copy of the prescription from YOUR doctor, and a letter from YOUR doctor stating clearly that medication is necessary and prescribed. Simple!

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Dubai prisons are not full of Westerners who have painkillers or aspirin!! Be sensible, take your doctor's prescription and check their "banned" list.

Unless you need your medication during your flights, put it in your checked luggage and forget about it.

If you are transitting, just shop and enjoy.

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OK I guess I will still consider this trip:). It is just a good thing to consider all the hassle factors when I am at the stage of choosing where I wish to travel. If this trip is too much hassle then I only have about 65 more trips to consider (and that is the first page of the bucket list). Thanks for bringing this up -- I had not considered my pharmacy as being problematic because I know they are legally prescribed and taken in a responsible and correct manner. It makes since that others also take medications and still travel to Dubai.

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This entire thread is starting to really have me concerned. We start a cruise in Dubai, are arriving a few days early, and now need to take a doctors letter. We always bring extra strength tylenol, sudafed and have some inhalers just in case. At least one of us is allergic to aspirin and that is why we carry tylenol and sudafed to use as needed. Did whale watcher mean retina A?


Tretinoin is the generic for retin a or renova, and is on the list (can't for the life of me imagine why, and not sure if these restrictions also apply to topical meds). Also isotretinoin (accutane)

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Tretinoin is the generic for retin a or renova, and is on the list (can't for the life of me imagine why, and not sure if these restrictions also apply to topical meds). Also isotretinoin (accutane)


So, can you bring Tretinoin with a doctors prescription?

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... and after reading this thread, probably never will
I wouldn't let the medications issue put you off. Dubai does have its head firmly screwed on the right way. It knows how important it is to maintain a healthy tourist industry. That's why it takes some care to make the rules known - in contrast to the situation in many other countries where you really would journey at your own peril - so that you can follow them and stay out of trouble.


Once you get there, you'd find a place that is genuinely "first world" in the facilities that it offers to visitors.


There are other good reasons why one might not been keen to visit Dubai - I have a personal list, and I wouldn't go there again if I didn't have family living there - but the rules about medicines are not amongst them.

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:eek::eek::eek::eek::o I had no idea this list existed. I was on a cruise out of Dubai last month and took my prescribed (banned) meds with me. I thought I had researched well, but obviously missed this list ( "your honour" )

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  • 1 month later...

I'm specifically wondering about Benadryl antihistamine which has an active ingredient that could be a problem from what I saw on the UAE medicine list.


It's just a standard over the counter medication here and I really need to have it along. We are arriving in Dubai a few days before boarding a cruise. Want to keep it in my carry on to show I'm not hiding anything but am feeling anxious about the whole medicine situation in the country. Does anyone know if I could just buy it there over the counter in a pharmacy?


I could probably get a note from my Dr. but no copy of a prescription because it's not a prescription drug where I live. I posted this query on another thread and was directed here because there is more discussion on the topic.


Any suggestions or additional info would be appreciated.


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