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17 Day Diet on Dr. Phil


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Excellent. Snorkelman, are you doing the 17d diet? If so, please keep posting on this thread about the diet and your experience doing it.


Back to the topic on hand...


I am on day 2 of the 17 day diet and so far I am actually really enjoying it! I was pretty hungry last night so I had some rolled up sliced turkey before going to bed. I actually made it through the night without any more hunger pangs and woke up this morning feeling pretty good. I resisted the temptation to stand on the scale and instead made myself a breakfast with eggbeaters and veggies. It was delicious and actually kept me full till lunch.


Lunch was a salad with diced chicken meat (precooked from Costco, very yummy and satisfying). I also had a peach afterward to help my sweet tooth. I got hungry in the afternoon and had my 2nd fruit and a bowl of veggies.


Dinner was a huge salad from Souplantation that my DH brought home for me. I got my FF dressing out from the fridge and managed not to put my fave croutons on the salad. It tasted pretty good. I snuck some sugar free chocolate tonight so maybe that's considered a cheat.


So far so good for days 1 and 2. Out of curiosity I entered what I ate into my calorie counter software and came up with 1120 calories. That sounds about right from what I am reading on the 17DD boards.


Here is hoping to see some weight loss this weekend! I will probably weight myself on Saturday. :D



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Just HAD to stand on the scale today! Could not resist. I was down 1 pound in the 3 days I have done the diet! YIPEEEEE. I am a very sloooow loser (closer to goal weight than some) so I was thrilled to see this.


My day went well today too and I continued to eat the low carb foods all day. Dinner was ground turkey meat with taco seasoning over salad with lots of veggies and low fat dressing. Very filling. Here is to more loss pounds shedding off...

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HI all,


Back again and done with my first week of the diet. I am down 4 pounds for the week, which you have to realize is a small MIRACLE for me. Usually it takes me 3 months to lose 4 pounds! I am so excited!


On to week 2. Things are a bit easier and I am not as hungry. I am not into the sweets anymore either. My craving for chocolate after a meal is gone, thank goodness. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for this thread. I am not sure why I was reviewing the loose before you cruise threads but I heard about the 17dd for the first time here. I have now been on it for 44 days C3 D11 and I am down a 26.5 pounds.

I am so thrilled. I am shocked at how it seems to be natural now.


I would give it a try what have you got to lose but weight?

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A human being cannot lose 15 pounds in 2.5 weeks - at least not of fat. It takes 3500 calories deficit to lose one pound of pure fat. You can't go down to 0 calories. Even if you went to 800 calories a day (very unhealthy and not good for brain functioning), for 17 days, that's 13,600 calories divided by 3500 = 3.88 pounds.


Tell that to my scale - but don't let my body hear cause I have lost 18lbs and 9.5 inches in 2.5 weeks and am still going :D - I feel fine and I have lots energy - wooohooo! Caribbean! Here I come!!! I know - it sounds too good to be true but I'm living proof. BTW - Another gal that's on this plan is married to a physician and he has researched it and totally approves. My blood pressure is fine and my Dr. says everything else is looking good so I'm not worried if he isn't. I'm not on the Dr. Phil program, Im taking the HCG drops and it works!

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Congrats on your weight loss! I am just wrapping up cycle one and have lost 11 pounds in 16 days! I usually take about a half a year to lose 5 so this program is really working well for me too! I am thrilled with the results as I only have about 15 more to go to reach my goal weight. I am looking forward to cycle 2 though because I could really use a bit of bread in my diet! LOL.


I too feel great on it and the best thing is that I don't feel tired or jittery! I used to get hypoglycemic all the time when dieting but this diet seems to really be well balanced for my body. I am eating about 1200 cal a day based on what I enter in my calorie counter online (fatsecret.com).


Hurraaay. Very motivating to wake up and see the scale down again and again. Katherine

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You lost 15 lbs in 2.5 weeks??? If so, what does this diet consist of?


Well, if someone loses that kind of weight on a diet I think they are setting themselves up for long term failure. It isn't about a diet fad, it's about changing what you eat on a daily basis to include healthier foods and smaller portion sizes and exercising. Those that go on these types of diets typically find themselves back to the same weight they were at some point. I know from experience. However, I now never go on a diet but really concentrate on eating healthy and doing regular exercise to stay healthy and fit. It's the only long term way to stay at a healthy weight.

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Down another pound! Yahoooo.


DH lost 35 pounds (he reached his goal in 3 months) doing this diet when the book came out in January. He still watches what he eats but he has not gained back an ounce! He's been 155lb since March and looks amazing.


I doubt it's a "failure" to lose the weight unless one goes back to overeating after stopping the diet. LOTS of success stores on the 17 day diet facebook page. So happy to have found this diet. I wish I had done it with my DH (I didn't think I could give up my chocolate at the time, but little did I know how well I was going to feel eating lighter and healthier).


What I love about this book are the cycles. They sloooowly reintroduce foods to you so you and your body can get used to eating carbs again (healthy carbs) without gaining. Cycle 4 is basically a new way of life and that's what my DH is doing now without difficulty. I hope to be at my goal by New Year too (and our cruise on the Wonder).

Edited by kath00
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My doctor and I our happy with this diet. I am at the end of the third cycle and I am down 27+ pounds.


This can't be much healthier, lean meats, fruits, lots of non starchy vegies, limited starches. Staying away for processed foods. Healthy. Now to plan my next cruise.


Congrats Kath00! Check out sparkpeople they have a great 17 day diet team.

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I am a 54 year old gym rat that cannot loose weight even if I fast for a month due to a total post menopausal shutdown. I belong to a woman's gym and most of us are in the same boat. At least we are at the gym making the fat as firm as we can, right! I eat a healthy diet of fruits, veges and lean meat, but I have been convinced for a long time that I am not eating them in the correct combinations, especially when you combine the calories burned by the treadmill and the aerobics classes.


So a friend at the gym told me about this diet. She had lost 8 lbs in the first 10 days and she was still drinking her beloved red wine. That definitely got my attention, so I ordered the book and it came today. Unfortunately, I have a business trip to Tampa next week and my oldest DS getting married on the 22nd, but my DH and I are going to start on the 29th and see how much we can loose before our Spirit cruise on 11/18.


Glad I found this thread.

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I am a 54 year old gym rat that cannot loose weight even if I fast for a month due to a total post menopausal shutdown. I belong to a woman's gym and most of us are in the same boat. At least we are at the gym making the fat as firm as we can, right! I eat a healthy diet of fruits, veges and lean meat, but I have been convinced for a long time that I am not eating them in the correct combinations, especially when you combine the calories burned by the treadmill and the aerobics classes.


So a friend at the gym told me about this diet. She had lost 8 lbs in the first 10 days and she was still drinking her beloved red wine. That definitely got my attention, so I ordered the book and it came today. Unfortunately, I have a business trip to Tampa next week and my oldest DS getting married on the 22nd, but my DH and I are going to start on the 29th and see how much we can loose before our Spirit cruise on 11/18.


Glad I found this thread.


Yaay! Welcome. I too have that "metabolism shutdown" even though I am still pre. I am losing weight slower than some others who do this diet, but I am at least losing, which is great. I also enter my foods into myfitnesspal and I am now eating about 1100-1200 calories and about 120g of carbs. You might want to try to enter the foods you are eating now into the food diary so you can get a sense of what you are eating before you start the diet!


Also, it's a great idea to do some shopping and to get RID of stuff in the pantry. Really, you can't have anything in the pantry except canned veggies. :) So you can just lock it up completely. :D


Let us know when you are ready to start. I have been reading the boards that talk about the diet to get a bit more info about the diet and what are stumbling blocks. :)


Speaking of stumbling block, I had a fresh baked, humongous cookie tonight and feel really guilty (and gross) tonight. SIGH. Back to the diet tomorrow...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am on HRT. I gained about 25 pounds before I made the decision to begin. Now I have my energy back and I'm trying reducing my calories to 1200 using MyFitnessPal and some exercising, but no weight loss yet. My mom gave me the 17 day diet book because she has lost 40 pounds following this diet. I haven't been able to read it yet, but it sounded complicated. Sounds like I need to try it. I sail in Jan and I would like to loose at least 10 lbs.

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I am on HRT. I gained about 25 pounds before I made the decision to begin. Now I have my energy back and I'm trying reducing my calories to 1200 using MyFitnessPal and some exercising, but no weight loss yet. My mom gave me the 17 day diet book because she has lost 40 pounds following this diet. I haven't been able to read it yet, but it sounded complicated. Sounds like I need to try it. I sail in Jan and I would like to loose at least 10 lbs.


Hi and welcome! I too am on myfitnesspal.com. Feel free to send me a "friend request" for kath00, my screen name on that site! Then you can take a look at what I eat (I eat 1200 cal too each day) and see how it can work for you. It's really not very complicated but it takes planning and concentration. It's VERY easy to fall back into the old habits (too many carbs), esp during the holidays. Halloween was a challenge for sure. I love this diet and am about to start C1 again (I am on C3 right now). That means very low carbs again and about 1200 cal, although some days I am below that.



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With the holidays and my next cruise 1/15, do I have time to begin the 17 day diet and be successful? Or should I wait ....


Definitely! It's not that hard to start. Each week on the diet gets you that much closer to your goal! We sail in mid-December and here I am. :)


Here is what you will need:


1) Lots of eggs and eggbeaters plus veggies for breakfast. Some people use their yogurt with fruit for breakfast

2) 2 high protein, low carb yogurts per day (chobani greek or danon light and fit are good choices) or 1 yogurt and 1 nonfat cottage cheese

3) protein you like for lunch (chicken, turkey, fish) plus salad or veggies as side

4) 2 fruits per day (apple or berries, no bananas)

5) dinner with veggies or salad and protein #2.

6) I use light ranch dressing but some people use nonfat or salsa type dressings. Also you are allowed 2 healthy "fats" such as EVOO.


The protein is all you can eat on cycle 1. But basically no additional carbs than what you see above. This lasts for 17 days.


I think you can do this. You just have to stick to it. OH, and get the book. THere are great recipes in the book! I am going to start cycle 1 again soon so let me know if you'd like to start with me. It's great to have a buddy to do it with!



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Okay have tried the jorge cruize diet and just not losing. Hoping to get the book by monday. I am pre-menaposal also and feel like i am gaining. I walk with my hubby like 2 hours a day. Run on the treadmill for 3 miles and do my weights and still not losing. I will really try and give the red wine up as we cruise in the middle of december. I really only need to lose 10 pounds so i am hoping to really give this a try. Can you drink coffee on this diet! HOpe i can join in i reallyneed a boost.:)

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Okay have tried the jorge cruize diet and just not losing. Hoping to get the book by monday. I am pre-menaposal also and feel like i am gaining. I walk with my hubby like 2 hours a day. Run on the treadmill for 3 miles and do my weights and still not losing. I will really try and give the red wine up as we cruise in the middle of december. I really only need to lose 10 pounds so i am hoping to really give this a try. Can you drink coffee on this diet! HOpe i can join in i reallyneed a boost.:)


Hi there,


Welcome to the group! You'll love this diet but as someone who has "less to lose," be patient at how fast the weight goes down! I find that I really have to concentrate and not cheat in order to make the scale move these days, but I also only have 10lb to go. Others are losing 2-3lb a week and I am happy with 0.5 nowadays! I also log my calories on myfitnesspal.com so I can see how many g of carbs I have and how many total cals. I stay around 1200 as much as possible and try to be under 130g carbs. THat's when I do best. I also exercise a lot these days (elliptical, weights, situps, etc) and have gained a LOT of muscle and definition since starting the workouts. I started at only 10 min on level 1 and worked my way up to level 5 or 6 for 30 min now! So by all means I was/am not an athlete. But I find that unless I sweat every day, I just can't seem to be able to shed the weight. Even walking was "too slow" for me....


It's a struggle but this diet has been the best for me so I am very happy.


By the way, there are a number of facebook sites for the 17DD including the one I usually go on (the official one) when I have questions:






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Can you drink coffee with cream and why do you have to drink hot water in the morning with lemon. How many glasses of red wine can you have or should you have none on the beginning phase. I am to get my book on monday,:D

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Can you drink coffee with cream and why do you have to drink hot water in the morning with lemon. How many glasses of red wine can you have or should you have none on the beginning phase. I am to get my book on monday,:D



I'm not on this diet anymore but when I was I had 2 5oz glasses of red wine a day and still lost weight. You are not supposed to in phase 1, but I did. Other than that, I followed the plan.


I believe you can use fat free creamer in your coffee.


The "lemon tea" is supposed to get your metabolism going. After a few months I actually developed a allergic reaction from the build up in my system and had to stop with the lemon.

Edited by EmmasNana
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This is the first time I've heard of the 17-day diet and do want to get the book. Hoping to drop some unwanted flab prior to my January cruise. Do I buy the "17 day diet" or the "17 day diet workbook" -- what's the difference between them?


Get the book. I hear that the workbook is full of errors (recipe suggestions for C1 that are supposed to only be in C3, etc). The book will tell you all you need to know about the diet, what foods to eat and what to avoid, etc. It also has a lot of great recipes!

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Can you drink coffee with cream and why do you have to drink hot water in the morning with lemon. How many glasses of red wine can you have or should you have none on the beginning phase. I am to get my book on monday,:D


I actually drink a nonfat latte each morning and count it as one of my 2 yogurts. My 2nd yogurt is a Chobani fat free greek yogurt in the afternoon when I am starving. I use nonfat creamer, NF milk and 2 shots of espresso.


If you have American coffee, it's much less calories (40) because it's water based. You can add a nonfat creamer and be fine with it. :)


I don't do the water with lemon. I too had an allergic reaction to it early on and stopped. I think that part of the diet is totally bogus and when I googled it at the beginning, thinking I am doomed for not doing hot water with lemon, I found out that it's a myth to think it speeds your metabolism. :) BUT, the rest of the diet is fantastic and sure works great!



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