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Atlantis Events ALLURE drug abuse


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Sad to say that a small number of guys sailing on the Allure of the Seas (2/6-2/13) are once again putting a bad image to all the other gay cruiser and that of Atlantis Events Cruises.


The first night of the cruise, 4 guys O.D on GHB at one of the parties and had to be treated by the ships medical staff. The next morning the Captain made an announcement over the ships intercom to inform that all parties involved were kicked off the ship Monday morning in Nassau and he was furious.


Again this morning at 430am the code for medical emergency "ALFA ALFA ALFA ..REPORT TO THE SOLARIUM" (venue for on the nightly dance parties) was loudly announced on all speakers including the ones in the cabin. It was again another O.D on the dance floor.


With 4 more nights to go this will probably not be the last of these occurrences.


Lets hope that these small handful of the 5000+ on the Allure doesn't ruin furture gay charters for the rest of us.

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That's to bad. :(


Are you on the Allure? if so, it would be great to get some feedback on how things are going with such a big gay charter.


From pictures that were posted on Facebook from the T dance and I have to say the crowds seemed a tad overwhelming. :eek:

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Very sad to think that with 5500 gay guys around that some still think they need drugs to have a good time. These people are going to make it hard on everybody else, as you can expect that we'll all have to be searched and sniffed by the dogs before we board another gay cruise by the reputation they are building.

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While not on the Allure, I've heard same from friends who are. The issue here is not just those who choose to try and bring drugs onboard. I've been on 13 trips with Atlantis. The CEO doesn't enforce his alleged zero tolerance policy for drugs. People have raised this with him during "Ask Atlantis Anything" meetings and he denies drugs exist or says he doesn't allow blah blah. I'm simply amazed --to point of other posters-that RCCL and other lines keep chartering with Atlantis. But then they also know that gay men = HUGE profit because of all we spend...$$$ trumps consistent policy.

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Very sad to think that with 5500 gay guys around that some still think they need drugs to have a good time. These people are going to make it hard on everybody else, as you can expect that we'll all have to be searched and sniffed by the dogs before we board another gay cruise by the reputation they are building.


I think Atlantis has a reputation for this sort of thing happening and RSVP (for example) does not. Two years ago there was on (or was it two) deaths on their Mexican Riviera cruise and I have heard of their disembarkations being delayed because of drug searches. I have not heard anything liek this about RSVP so I don't think it will cause major issues for RSVP cruisers. I guess what happens on Sunday will be telling: RSVP embarks the same day the Allure disembarks in Port Everglades.

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If you have to be tweaked to have a good time on a gay cruise, something is seriously amiss. I have a friend who's doing Allure/Nieuw Amsterdam back-to-back, so I'll be curious to see what he has to say.


That pic that showed up on Facebook yesterday (the largest Atlantis T-Dance ever) while impressive, made me glad that I stuck with RSVP.

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Drugs are definitely present on every Atlantis cruise. Rich Campbell is full of crap if he's saying there are not any. I've done enough Atlantis cruises to know. My drug of choice is legal and it's caffeine in the form of Red Bull. I need to have just a half can and I can dance until sunrise. I don't get the attraction that drugs gives you to dance or to enjoy a cruise. Reading this is quite sad and I do hope the offending people are caught and disembarked but I do hope that no one dies from this onboard.


As for RCI taking action against all this... I wouldn't expect anything to happen any time soon. Rich owns stock in RCI now so he has a vested share as much as RCI does to bring the GLBT community to RCI ships. Look at how much cruises with Atlantis brings to RCI's bottom line (when you look at the financials, it's in there buried but it's there). When the cruisers who are not using drugs, drink... we drink a lot and cha ching! Bottom line goes up like crazy!!


I am eager to hear about this trip from five people I know onboard who I've met on Atlantis cruises over the year. OP, if you hear anything more, do post! Thanks.

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Having been on 13+ cruises with Atlantis I know that there have always been drugs on board. As others have posted, the CEO KNOWS this but, as he said in one "Ask Atlantis Anything", he's a firm believer in personal responsibility. Really? I guess as long as his bottom line is ok then personal responsibility is fine. Never mind that his brand is being tarnished as well as that of RCL.


Drugs have been part and parcel of Atlantis cruises since 2003 when I first started cruising with them. No one has cared or done anything to curtail the practice. Unfortunately, with the Caribbean and Mexican Riviera cruises being essentially floating circuit parties that sell out, this practice is unlikely to change. Never mind how many people are ejected or die.


Until Royal Caribbean and Atlantis hold people responsible and take responsibility the problem will continue. From some messages I've seen from friends on board, at least RCL IS taking action. And, I say, good for them. If, as a gay traveler you feel you need drugs to enhance your experience, find another venue. Leave the rest of us out of it.


As for a "small handful", I'd be willing to bet that we're talking 20-25% of those on board the Allure are using some sort of drugs (that would be close to 1000 passengers). This is, after all, a winter cruise from Atlantis AND a floating circuit party.

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Well this is certainly giving me second thoughts about having booked the Atlantis cruise in March. We enjoyed our first RSVP cruise last October and knew Atlantis would be a different crowd, but not with the specter of drugs this strong. The timing worked out best for us for the March cruise, not the February RSVP. Oh well...

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That's a shame! I find it interesting that CC doesn't have this on their News page. Maybe it's a reverse homophobia thing, where they're afraid of being called homophobic? They regularly report when straight people are kicked off ships for sensational reasons. Lately, they wrote of a group of Carnival pax kicked off for fighting.

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Well this is certainly giving me second thoughts about having booked the Atlantis cruise in March. We enjoyed our first RSVP cruise last October and knew Atlantis would be a different crowd, but not with the specter of drugs this strong. The timing worked out best for us for the March cruise, not the February RSVP. Oh well...


Hi Wingtips56!


Don't let one rotten apple spoil the rest of the barrel! Be there, have fun, and see you aboard!


-Ray :)

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I have sailed Atlantis....and have seen the guys that dance till morning while I am headed to the gym. Always marveled at the vitamins they must take.

But with 5000 guys on a ship to party, drugs on board do not shock me, but it is sad to hear. If these people use drugs at home to party, is it a surprise they would do the same on a party boat?

Do I think Rich Cambell has any responsibility here......no.

everyone is always ready to put the blame on someone else....not on the individual. if the rules say no drugs....then its no drugs.

Does Cambell market to a party crowd.....in my opinion yes. But that is business....and it is successful. Who else can charter these huge ships and sell them out.

If anyone thinks that drugs aren't on the Allure on mainstream cruises.....think again. The only difference is the lack of overdoses ...probably because there aren't dance parties of such intensity.

When it comes to rules.......then enforce them at the time of embarkation. Rules are rules. That goes for not bringing on alcohol if the cruise line says no alcohol.......which includes all those mouthwash bottles with vodka. Or is that splitting hairs?

The people that overdose......or get caught.....should face the penalty for their actions.

I think its is sad that such a luxury as a cruise requires drugs to have a good time.


And Wingtip.....your sailing should be a bit less intense...so have a good time.


Right now I wish I was sailing on the RSVP cruise......maybe next year.

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A shame or reality? Actually, it's a mixture of both, IMHO. I've not done an Atlantis trip, but the keywords that most often come up about their sailings are "party" and "drugs." I'm sure it's a small minority, though- all things considered. Rich Campbell is responsible only for enforcing the ramifications for those who are caught- there's really not much he can do. But for him to get up in a Q&A and deny that it happens is silly.


The real shame of it, to my way of thinking, is that this is just another incident that some hater will point to and say, "See? These hummasexticals are nothing but drugs and akkahol and party and trouble and out to destroy morality, etc...," totally ignoring that people get kicked off of mainstream cruises all the time. Some for drugs, others for different issues.


Can you fit in a large duffel bag, RMS? You can hold my mouthwash bottle filled with gin as I smuggle you onboard! :p



I have sailed Atlantis....and have seen the guys that dance till morning while I am headed to the gym. Always marveled at the vitamins they must take.

But with 5000 guys on a ship to party, drugs on board do not shock me, but it is sad to hear. If these people use drugs at home to party, is it a surprise they would do the same on a party boat?

Do I think Rich Cambell has any responsibility here......no.

everyone is always ready to put the blame on someone else....not on the individual. if the rules say no drugs....then its no drugs.

Does Cambell market to a party crowd.....in my opinion yes. But that is business....and it is successful. Who else can charter these huge ships and sell them out.

If anyone thinks that drugs aren't on the Allure on mainstream cruises.....think again. The only difference is the lack of overdoses ...probably because there aren't dance parties of such intensity.

When it comes to rules.......then enforce them at the time of embarkation. Rules are rules. That goes for not bringing on alcohol if the cruise line says no alcohol.......which includes all those mouthwash bottles with vodka. Or is that splitting hairs?

The people that overdose......or get caught.....should face the penalty for their actions.

I think its is sad that such a luxury as a cruise requires drugs to have a good time.


And Wingtip.....your sailing should be a bit less intense...so have a good time.


Right now I wish I was sailing on the RSVP cruise......maybe next year.

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The real shame of it, to my way of thinking, is that this is just another incident that some hater will point to and say, "See? These hummasexticals are nothing but drugs and akkahol and party and trouble and out to destroy morality, etc...," totally ignoring that people get kicked off of mainstream cruises all the time. Some for drugs, others for different issues.


Well, one can always point out that the homos aren't falling off ships like them straight people. :D


Can you fit in a large duffel bag, RMS? You can hold my mouthwash bottle filled with gin as I smuggle you onboard! :p



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Well, one can always point out that the homos aren't falling off ships like them straight people. :D


This is very true...


When my ill-fated marriage was falling apart, I somehow found myself on a cruise with my then-wife and her parents ( :eek: ).... Trust me- jumping off that ship was taken into very serious consideration.


And for the record- I would NEVER put gin in a mouthwash bottle. Gin with a hint of Listerine sounds vile! :p

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Yep, I also noticed Rich and Atlantis are looking the other way while everybody knows it's going on. The whole party set up is geared towards a druggy clubnight out and it's circuit party crowd. Like it or not, it will be always there.


This time the Captain and/or RCL seem to be really taking a stand against it. However as long as you see the boys dancing with their water bottles you know what's going on. RCI must have known too for a very very long. I can remember lots of drugs were taken on an Atlantis cruise in the Med in 2005.


I am curious how this cruise will develop. Why doesn't take Atlantis more preventive measures about OD drugs taking, be more open about it etc.



In that way i've always preferred the more laid back atmosphere on RSVP.

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The homophobic cruisers found out that its an all gay charter charter this week and they have their little bitty minds guessing what goes on. They must not think that everyday a gay person touches their close minded lifes without them even knowing. I'm also sure that the crew on an all gay charter are very happy with the gay charter guest that not only spends more while on board than the average cruise guest, but the crew also appreciates that we don't b*tch and complain about everything. I'm sure it's a much deserved relaxing week for them from a normal sailing. They are always sad to see the gay charter week end.

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The homophobic cruisers found out that its an all gay charter charter this week and they have their little bitty minds guessing what goes on. They must not think that everyday a gay person touches their close minded lifes without them even knowing. I'm also sure that the crew on an all gay charter are very happy with the gay charter guest that not only spends more while on board than the average cruise guest, but the crew also appreciates that we don't b*tch and complain about everything. I'm sure it's a much deserved relaxing week for them from a normal sailing. They are always sad to see the gay charter week end.



These threads always make me feel like I need new friends. I've yet to meet a gay man who doesn't bitch. :)


I've read the thread and I'm sorry but I don't see anything homophobic. I see some people googled videos and say they don't like the over-sexualized atmosphere but a lot of gay men don't, either.

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Yes...I can fit in a large duffle bag. I was stuffed in one when at officers candidate school.....way back when.:p

Gin...I am allergic to gin. Now some Amaretto.......makes the perfect mouthwash.:D:D:D

As for Royal Caribbean.....I would suspect the March cruise will have a heightened sense of security watch. I hope the issues on the Allure do not impact the March cruisers in anyway....and their excitement for a great cruise.

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These threads always make me feel like I need new friends. I've yet to meet a gay man who doesn't bitch. :)


I've read the thread and I'm sorry but I don't see anything homophobic. I see some people googled videos and say they don't like the over-sexualized atmosphere but a lot of gay men don't, either.


Having lived on both sides of the fence, so to speak... I've found that gay men typically appear to have a higher overall tolerance level but when the gloves are off, they are OFF, honey!!! Bored housewives, on the other hand, will often seek out little things to complain about incessantly. On a mainstream cruise some years back, I saw a woman literally ranting about how she wasn't getting her allotment of towel animals. Towel animals- seriously? It was like she was 5 years old! Her husband/boyfriend looked like he wanted to become one with the wallpaper and I don't blame him!


Homophobia in that thread? Really, I only saw a couple of comments that were kind of ignorant. And others had already called them out. It could devolve, however- so maybe I'll check back for giggles! :p

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Yes...I can fit in a large duffle bag. I was stuffed in one when at officers candidate school.....way back when.:p

Gin...I am allergic to gin. Now some Amaretto.......makes the perfect mouthwash.:D:D:D

As for Royal Caribbean.....I would suspect the March cruise will have a heightened sense of security watch. I hope the issues on the Allure do not impact the March cruisers in anyway....and their excitement for a great cruise.


I'm on board with Amaretto, too... I can whip up a mean Amaretto sour, in fact! But Tanqueray Ten is like mother's milk to me (not sure what that says about my mom, but there ya go!!!) :D


Wish you were coming- I'll be sure to get Hobie into some trouble (and I mean that in a good way)! :p

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wow - now it's making international news:




SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A California man was arrested in the U.S. Virgin Islands on suspicion of selling drugs to fellow passengers on a Caribbean cruise, officials said Friday.




Steven Barry Krumholz, 51, of West Hollywood, was arrested on board the Allure of the Seas in St. Thomas, said Jeffrey Quinones, a spokesman in Puerto Rico for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The ship had just come from the Bahamas on a charter billed as the "world's largest gay cruise."

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Thanks for posting that link. Good for Atlantis Events to get some bad press over it and good for RCI for probably reporting it to port authorities when they got there. Most cruise ships are equipped with camera everywhere so if you setup shop like a drug dealer with random people constantly coming to your cabin and staying a few minutes (less than any other extra curricular activity...) then it'd be a sure sign that you're up to no good. ;)


I'm sure this guy was one of a small handful doing this onboard. At least one source of drug usage was eliminated so who knows if he was the one dealing the goods the others OD'd on or if they brought it themselves. Last thing that is needed is a drug dealer onboard a cruise ship! Geez...


This largest cruise in history is turning out to be the largest PR nightmare for Atlantis!!

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