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Ah mousey...you and I are opposite world! Did you know that I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area? Loved growing up there. Chose to not move back there after I went to college in Texas. Very expensive from both the money and the time stand point (traffic/commuting).


For a long time, I was a CA Girl and thought of CA as home. But I realized when I left Texas after college that Texas was my home. I have a soft spot for the short year I lived in AZ...and of course, my parents are there. I've a soft spot for Colorado because I was married there and it's beautiful...but I wouldn't ever live there again by choice. I enjoyed Kansas for the most part...hated the wind...but DS was born there, I bought my first and second houses there...and I felt like you had to be a bit hard core to stand to live there because of the weather. And I liked that. And there is nothing like a Kansas sunset...all that dust in the air gives BRILLIANT color to the skies.


And finally, I could move back home to Texas. DH gave me the choice. He said, I'm finding jobs in New Jersey (NO THANK YOU!), the Pacific Northwest, California, a few in the Great Lakes, and Texas. TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we did move back there right after Thanksgiving in 2004...until we left in 2012.


It's funny how places can be so different from each other and not. Georgia is definitely the odd one out. Thank you for the encouraging words. I do appreciate reading it. The only difference I can see is that somewhere along the way, with all the time you spent in California, it became home to you. I just know that won't happen in Georgia...the only thing that could change that is where DS chooses to go to college...but as of now...he has no interest in Georgia schools...or anywhere on the East Coast. He's ready to head back west as soon as he graduates...so I find the likelihood of settling down here to be slim.


And that's a tough place to live in. Because you never really feel settled or quite at home when you want to be somewhere else. And I haven't discovered a way to disconnect from that future to fully feel content in the present. I have been happy. I am making friends. DS is doing so well. All should be good...and honestly I don't really understand what the road block is...because for all intents and purposes, you would think that I would love it here. And what is strange is that I don't actively dislike anything here...and there is a lot of positives here.




I got my hair cut today! I'm growing it out. We used a size 3 clipper on the sides of my head above my ears 8 weeks ago. My hair didn't even touch the backs of my ears. My hair grew to cover my ears my an inch in 8 weeks. I'm just not interested in a hair cut that is that high maintenance. Also...I put on one of my favorite hats...and I looked at DH and said, "I look like a cancer patient." You couldn't see any of my hair at all...I looked like a bald woman with a hat on...it was so sad. I need to have a bit more hair around my head...I need a style that can go 8 weeks without looking quite so rough...so we are in transition mode. She trimmed me and cleaned up my shape but didn't take much off. I think I'm about 4 months away from having a kind of bob. Isn't that crazy? Pixie to bob in 6 months. But that's why I wasn't bent on trying out the new style...


Also...different topic...I'm mentoring a new Zumba instructor. She's 19. She's in college and wants to have a career in fitness...she just got her license for Zumba. She was here for 2 hours. It was a good time and she said that it was so helpful...we're going to get together again sometime next week. She has an audition try out next Saturday. In light of all of our recent Zumba talk, I was fascinated at how different her natural approach to Zumba was from mine. Her music choices, her choreo. I did my best to not squash her style while giving her the help needed to be a better instructor overall.


Meanwhile...I'm hoping all the additional activity around the house for moving will help kick start a slimming trend for me. I really started to hit it hard yesterday...the house definitely feels like we are moving now.

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There are so many interesting things in our lives, isn't there?


Here is where I'm completely different...


I was born in Syracuse, NY. My mom moved for a brief time when I was little to Pennellville, still in the state of NY. We then moved to Solvay, NY, which was literally about ten minutes away from Syracuse. I grew up in Solvay. Got my first place in Solvay, then moved to Camillus, which is 5 minutes from Solvay. So, I've never been in the position that either of you have been in.


I admit that I don't know what that would feel like. To add to it, I got out of high school, and wasn't sure what I wanted to do with myself. I heard there was teller position at a local community bank, and got the job. I've been there for the past 31 years, and now I'm vice president of lending. I'm almost too comfortable.


I just moved to a larger office, even though I was promoted over a year ago. There was construction work going on, so I had to wait. Today was the first full day in the new office, and I felt almost lonely and depressed. Here I am, in a position I've wanted for so long, and now I'm not sure about it all. Work almost consumes me at times.


We all look for outlets. I get a bit OCD about vacation planning. I get away, do something different. I plan my clothes months ahead of time. I watch rates constantly for a price drop. It's like an outlet for me. I go away, and I can actually enjoy a sunset without thinking about work. When I went zip lining, it was the most freeing thing in the world...I just took it all in, without thinking about interest rates, how much funds were being wired, did everyone show up for work today?


I can say that I think we all have things, baggage, if you will.


I think things are going your way, Anita. Selling the house in Texas, getting back into zumba classes and so forth.


Celebrity sounds like fun. I guess when you really love a cruise, you find yourself going back to that line. Or, am I being consistent with my life? My job, where I've lived? If it ain't broke, why fix it?


I think there is an awful lot of fee items being tacked on now. I can bring two bottles of wine on board. If I bring a bottle to the dining room for dinner, they will charge a $25.00 corking fee. Really??!! I noticed that drink prices have gone up too. To be fair, I'm seeing a lot of price increases everywhere right now - grocery stores, restaurants, etc.


I am not certain of my sister's zumba class style, because I haven't gone. But from a personality standpoint, I think she be a driver, but in a positive way. That may not work best for me.


I can't seem to get into fitness without a workout buddy. I want to join a gym, and we are contemplating one close by. But I don't imagine going even one single time unless I have company. I really seem to want and need the human companionship. I guess that is silly?

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Needing companionship isn't goofy at all...that's WHY I love taking CLASSES. I like it when I can go with someone I know...but I'm happy to just be in the presence of others...I'm an extrovert like that. I get energized by other people being around. I do like my alone time...but that doesn't necessary make me feel like DOING anything.


I know what you mean about getting nickled and dimed to death! For the first time, since I am the one planning a cruise, I'm reading all about the beverage policies. Carnaval has a similar policy. Each 21+ guest can bring one bottle. So if you have more than two 21+ in your stateroom, you can actually bring more than two bottles...unlike Celebrity/RCI. But there is still a corkage fee if you bring that bottle to the dining room.


I understand the reasoning for the corkage fee...a bit. They are supposed to treat the bottle like they would if you had purchased it on board. If it is supposed to be chilled...they keep it in the ice bucket, they refill your glass...in other words...they still offer service for the bottle. What I have been reading about this though...get a couple of wine glasses from a bar/lounge, bring these back to your room...ask your steward for a bucket of ice and a wine bottle opener (if needed)...pour yourself a glass of wine and take your glass of wine into the dining room. No worries. Enjoy wine with dinner.


I suppose if you want more than one glass with dinner...you have to go back to your cabin? But I think that drinking the one glass should be fine. I am planning on bringing our two bottles on Carnival. I'm in a debate as to what to bring still. I'm thinking one white and one red.


We can also bring up to 12 bottles/cans of a non-alcoholic beverage per person. Up to 20 ounces each. I think we will bring some bottled water for our port days. I usually travel with a Pur water pitcher when we travel. And bring refillable bottles. We'll likely use that onboard as necessary. We'll bring some soda of DS...he does enjoy some now and again. I might bring a Doubleshot or two. We'll see.


I'm all for taking advantage of any and all opportunities. Right now, Carnival has a Father's Day Promotion. Buy a gift card of at least $200 and get another gift card for 10% of the value. The gift cards can be used to pay for cruises and to pay for on board related expenses. Looks like I just got a 10% discount on our cruise!

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Is where you live in NY close to Rochester? That's where the DH was born and raised. I met him when he moved to Miami to go to Dade Jr. College. Then he left Miami to go to San Francisco State. I followed close behind him. I was supposed to visit for 3 weeks and then head back home to FL but at the last minute...the night before I was about to leave...he asked me to stay. And here we are 40+ years later.


I'm like you in that I start planning my outfits as soon as the boarding passes are printed out and it's official, and what items (corkscrew, surge protector, etc.) I'm going to take. I really enjoy planning my outfits for the cruise. We've been cruising with Carnival for the last 5 years or so (mostly for the low price fares) so we always carry on 2 bottles of wine, 2-12-packs of soda (I'm addicted to it and the DH and DS will drink a few cans over the course of a 7-day cruise, and a 12 pack of Figi water (the DH says I'm spoiled...Ha Ha). This time I'm going to take a bottle of Champagne in place of one of the bottles of wine. The DH and I are not big drinkers but if we don't open one of the bottles, we just leave it for the room steward along with a tip. We do what Anita does, we pour ourselves a glass of wine and take it with us to dinner. Usually the DH doesn't finish his and I end up finishing it. LOL! Well, I can't let it go to waste now can I?;):D Someone on the Carnival board said that they took their bottle to the dinning room and didn't get charged the $10 corkage fee. The waiter just opened it and poured it for them and never asked for the fee.




We're just a couple of nomads!:D I've moved around a lot in my life. By the time I had graduated from high school in Miami...I had moved at least 15 times with my family. I was actually born in Tampa, FL and our family moved back and forth between there and Miami several times. My dad's family lived in Tampa and my mom's lived in Miami. I lived in Miami from the time I was 8 until I left for CA when I was 24 and followed the DH out here.


I know what you mean by being in a state of limbo as to where you'll live in the future because we too don't know 100% for sure where the DS will end up at when he's done with college. Wherever it is that he goes...we will follow. :)Right now he can't imagine living anywhere else but in our community here in CA. But...I never in my life thought I would ever leave FL and my family. The thing that made me the saddest when I moved out to CA was missing my family every single day. My parents are in their late 80s and I call them every other day and visit them about three times a year. With property being so cheap in FL now, the DH and I looked at some small beach houses when we were last there in April. Like I said, my Nirvana would be to live part time in CA and part time in FL. We'll see soon enough how all this will play out.


I'm so looking forward to doing this 3-day cruise with the DH and DS. We haven't cruised since August 2012. The DS has now decided that he wants to bring his "not official" GF (he doesn't want to be committed while he's in college) and a friend. It's what we did for his high school graduation last year. We didn't do a cruise but went to our SIL's timeshare in Cabo. We had such a wonderful time. Three days isn't much...but it's better than nothing! LOL!:D Oh! I got a really cool, funky necklace at TJ Maxx. It's from Egypt. It's gold filled, long, and has a whole bunch of charms hanging from a bar-like piece. It's very colorful! I'd like to find an aqua-colored, tunic top to wear it with. Isn't aqua an Earth color? I believe it is.

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mousey...I hope your cruise is so much fun! I'm sure that it will be. I find that the more I travel the better I get at traveling. Everything from the packing aspect, to the prepping the house to be gone and to receive me back home, to the actual travel part, to the vacation part. It's like anything I suppose, the more you practice, the better you get. It's funny to think about practicing travel...but I believe (Mom does too) that there is a learning curve to traveling...and when you can figure things out...then you can enjoy your vacation that much more. So I know that you will have such fun on your vacation.


Be sure and take photos!! Kim coined the word PICTODIARY and it is just that...and it is so fun to see. I know I didn't play along on our last cruise...ah well. If you can, please do take an outfit photo and share your lovely vacation with us!


I can tell that I'm in project mode because I'm posting so much!! LOL. This is my little break for myself and then I get off and hit my project. When I actually post...my break is a bit longer...:o I can feel the soreness a bit from all the packing and prepping. I'm staging everything downstairs in the front rooms for the move. So as I pack, I move the light furniture and all the boxes downstairs. Yesterday was the first upstairs room...OMG...my legs. Luckily, not my back. YAY!


DH is home today too from a weekday long Canada business trip. I don't love it when he travels. Alone. Mr. Toby Kitty has been a bit persnickety too. He misses his favorite person.


I have to say that I love going through all my stuff. Is that weird? But I do. And I love the thought of planning out the way we'll use the rooms in the new house...where everything will go...how I will attempt to organize my life...what changes I want to make...the opportunities for change that come because of the move. I love it. It's a real PITA but all at the same time...I get in the mood for it and I just have the best time doing it.


I could be a professional organizer. I could go into other people's houses and help them with their stuff. I think that I'd have to know the person though, so I couldn't REALLY be a professional. I think that I'd enjoy the time with another person and hearing the stories associated with the stuff, etc. Anyone need a person to help them sort their stuff? I helped a friend in Wichita do her kitchen. That was a good time...and now you know how odd I am because I wrote that!


Laurie...Congratulations on your career achievement! I think it's fantastic. This is the one thing that I have regretted regarding our life...the fact that I feel underused for personal goals and achievement. I've been a great support...but I don't feel that I have had an individual path with achievements. And I think that I'm capable of it...but I just haven't really had the time to pursue anything. I have always wondered what could happen if we COULD just stay put for a bit. What doors would open for me? What would I do with my time if I wasn't packing, unpacking, and trying to organize life? What if life were all organized and settled and then I had TIME...what would I do? I'm not even sure to tell the truth.

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I understand your feelings that something isn't being fulfilled in your life. I never went to college (well I did take classes as an adult but it was just for fun and I've never gotten a degree...something that I wish I had done) and I've used to feel that I wasn't "living up to my potential" even though I was a legal assistant at the largest entertainment law firm in Los Angeles. I was great at what I did and headhunters called me all the time trying to get me away from my firm to work for one or other of the big studios. I had worked on some very high profile cases here in LA and I had a reputation as being very organized and really "new my stuff". There is nothing more important to a trial lawyer than his legal assistant...because we do all the freaking work! LOL! They literally can't live without us.:D


So, I felt unfulfilled because I never got a college degree...and then...I became a stay-at-home mom.


Never underestimate what it takes on all levels to be a mom! The self-sacrifice, the care and feeding, the love given...it's one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life and I've loved every minute. I stopped working when the DS was 4. Until then we had a nanny and the DH was lucky to be able to work from home. I use to come home from work at night and hear all the things that the DS had done with Dad and the nanny and I'd be so jealous...happy for them...but I wanted to do those things with the DS. So I quit my job and have never looked back. What I discovered was that being a mom was way harder than working in a law office! It's never ending!


If you're a mom, you're working hard as Hades. A lot of times you have to deal with people making comments like, "Oh yeah, you can volunteer at school." "Of course you can make a cake from scratch for our reading group's get together next Sat...you don't work." Ugh! How I hated hearing that!


I don't work??!!!:eek:...I just made breakfast, did the dishes, mopped the floor, ironed a shirt that the DS wanted to wear special for that day, made and packed lunch, drove the DS to school, volunteered at the school library for 2 hours, went grocery shopping for dinner, dropped off some dry cleaning, went to the post office to send a package to the SIL for her birthday, drove home, did 2 loads of laundry (hung the DH's, DS's, clothes to dry on a rack in the garage...the guys don't like their clothing to be put in the dryer so I only use it for sheets, towels, etc.), baked cookies for the teachers' luncheon, took stuff out of the dryer, folded it and put it all away, drove back to school, attended said teachers' luncheon and helped clean up afterwards, took DS to soccer practice, sat on a hard bench during practice for 1 1/2 hrs., drove home again, cooked dinner, served dinner, cleaned up kitchen, put away leftovers, swept floor, helped DS with homework and helped him build his history project (due the next day of course), said prayers with him before he went to bed (reluctantly of course). Then I typed up the minutes of the last PFA meeting (I was the Recording Secretary and a member of the PFA board at the DS's school). Next, I spent a few minutes with the DH discussing what needed to be done (by me of course) the rest of the week (make and take DS for dentist appt., make an appt. with doctor for me re lower back problem, set up appt. to have car maintenance done and take car to dealer to have it done, research vacation ideas, decide where we want to vacation and run it by the DH and DS at dinner on the weekend). You get the picture.:p All this was done in one freaking day!


And it's been 19 years! I'm not complaining, as I said I loved every single minute of it. But when people intimate that stay-at-home moms have it easy and don't have real jobs...man that makes me crazy :eek::eek::eek:.


I feel the pain of a mom that has a job/career and has to do all this "mom" work too. I admire women that decide to have a career and not have children, I admire all women's choices in general. But, I think stay-at-home moms need to be shown and deserve a little more love and respect than they usually get. Thank goodness my DH has always been supportive and thankful for all I've done for our family as are my dear friends and my family too. I get great love from all who know me for the love and care I give my DS. But unfortunately, there are way to many other mom's that just don't get that kind of loving support and respect. I think that "who has it harder" contest between a woman with a job/career and a stay-at-home mom is all a bunch of you-know-what! We all work hard in one way or another and all deserve respect for our efforts.


So what I'm saying is...after becoming a mom...I no longer regret not getting my degree or just being a stay-at-home mom. I take great pride in my "Momness"! LOL! It's such a joy and a privilege for me to be my DS's mom.

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You know what? I like reading what you posted Mousey, a lot. I don't think there are right and wrong choices when it comes to working or staying at home. Having children or not having children. I think they are different choices.


Just like you were offended but those who thought you had all this time on your hands, I was always bothered by those who thought I didn't spend time with my kids because I worked outside the home.


I think we all have to do what is right for us. Any responsibilities we take on - marriage, job, parent - we need to do our best at.


And I think all of us on this thread are different, and we are all good at what we do.


So, there was this dress on clearance at Dressbarn and there was an additional percentage off. There are things that I consider formal, and things that I think I can pull off as seeming formal. Does that make sense? Well, this dress falls into the second category. The thing is, I'm not certain

about the color. I can definitely rule out ice and fire. Sometimes, I put fabric next to my husband to see if I think it is cool, and I do not. Since he is air, that means this dress would be earth! Maybe?


I had my daughter take a picture with and without the flash. I will post shortly, and please excuse how I look. I work later on Fridays and didn't bother to put on any shaping garments.


When you see the pics, my concern is color, style, and can this be acceptable for a formal night with spiffy jewelry??

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Okay, it's not a good picture. First, I have to take in the shoulders a ton. Like a few inches. Each side. I tried to make the dress lay nice because of this, but I know it would look better after it is adjusted. So, honest opinions please.




And I'll try to get a better photo of the color itself tomorrow.


Here's without the flash, but I don't think this helps at all.


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Hey Laurie! Just a quick post before getting the computer for the night. I THINK the color is fab! You look great. Your face is the focus of the photo and the color seems at home in your kitchen, so I'm thinking you hit the EARTH jackpot.


For style...I think the alterations will be a plus. I think that you can lift that whole dress up, get the arm pit area closer to your arm pit? So that your bra doesn't show? I think the rusching is very flattering across the tummy area...I think the cowl neckline is a good length. That red shirt you have has a bit more fabric in that cowl, I think. I'd have to go back and see...but I recall your comment and I agree that the cowl on the red shirt emphasizes your chest, but I think that this cowl is above the line and it is more scarf like? It's taking volume/space above your chest and I think that it works.


And I think you could totally wear this on formal night! I think that the fabric is probably really similar to my brown floor length gown...I think this is formal. Maybe not as formal as some of your others...but definitely...I would call this a gown.

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I agree with Anita. I think the color is beautiful on you and after you get it altered and add your jewelry...you will be set for formal night. :D I really like the dress a lot. I wish I could wear sleeveless tops. It's kind of weird really...I don't mind showing my arms in a swimsuit...but I started hating my arms several years ago and wouldn't be caught dead in a sleeveless top...go figure. It's totally irrational I know. :eek: LOL!

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I also appreciate what you wrote mousey...


I had something of a rough patch transitioning into the idea of being a full-time homemaker. I read a lot of books (I know you're not surprised by that) and I did a lot of soul searching and discovered the value and the worth of the choices that DH and I had made/were making. Everyone makes their own choices...and I do not believe there is a one size fits all choice...I've been training myself to not project my situation onto other people and think that what works for my family and myself necessarily works for others. Learning to mind your own business and have respect for the difficulty EVERYONE can go through trying to live their life in the best way that they can...it's a constant exercise for me.


All that said...I wanted to share this, because I came across it in one of my books and I just LOVED it:


"One day a man comes home from work to find total mayhem at home.


The kids were outside still in their pajamas playing in the mud and muck.


There were empty food boxes and wrappers all around.


As he proceeded into the house, he found an even bigger mess. Dishes on the counter, dog food spilled on the floor, a broken glass under the table, and a small pile of sand by the back door.


The family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing, and a lamp had been knocked over.


He headed up the stairs, stepping over toys, to look for his wife.


He was becoming worried that she may be ill, or that something had happened to her.


He found her in the bedroom, still in bed with her pajamas on, reading a book.


She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went.


He looked at her bewildered and asked, What happened here today?


She again smiled and answered, You know everyday when you come home from work and ask me what I did today?


Yes, was his reply.


She answered, Well, today I didn't do it!."


Just love this.


I think that one of hardest things about being the homemaker is to LIVE in your work environment. It's really hard to feel like you get a break. You know...the mentality works both ways...you are ALWAYS on vacation :rolleyes: and you are NEVER on vacation. :p Like most jobs, the work is really repetitive...laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, shopping...the work never stays done. There is never a true project that you get to the end of and think ....YEAH...DONE. Because usually it starts all over again...sometimes in as few as ten minutes.


Has anyone seen the movie The Incredibles? Mr Incredible says,"No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for... for ten minutes!"


And that's the life of the homemaker. Nothing ever feels DONE. And you get to LIVE in the midst of that. I totally understand the idea from times past of the kitchen being CLOSED. Oh, you missed breakfast time? So sorry kid. You get to wait until the kitchen is open again. It's clean. It's closed. And I'm taking a break from the kitchen until lunch. See you then.


It's one reason why I don't mind some time living without a washer and a dryer. When you have to go to the laundromat to do laundry, there's no pressure to get it done at any other time. It isn't an option. You get to set aside time for laundry. Do nothing BUT laundry and then, WOW, the most incredible experience...it's DONE. Done until you go again. I really love that about not owning my own machines. DH doesn't understand...he thinks it's more of a PITA to have to leave the house to do laundry...and he's nervous that the laundry won't get done because I have such a hard time getting it done when we have machines in the house. For me...the trickle effect of doing laundry when you can only do one load at a time...OMG...it's like the most annoying dripping faucet in the world...


Back to fashion...I keep coming back to the idea of something fashionable that functions well in my daily routine. I've talked about this before...the idea of a uniform of sorts. Something that doesn't SCREAM homemaker. It's need to be super comfortable and functional. Something that can deal with dirty household jobs and sweaty momma. But still look nicer for the running of the errands that are interspersed with the chores. I'm still working on this idea.

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You know, I'm beginning to realize more and more about the value f adjusting things that don't fit right. Sometimes I think something may be a bit loose at the shoulders, and it's okay. Most of the time, it is not. In many cases, it's really, really noticeable. As I said in one of the previous posts, I adjusted this to try and make it less obvious. I think when it lays where it should, it will be a nice dress.


It's a jersey knit, so it's comfortable, will travel well, and won't take up too much room. I think it is a great option for a shorter cruise where people still dress up on formal night, but not as much as they do on a longer cruise or bigger ship.


Anita, I'm reading your recent post on my phone, while I'm typing this. I am going to get back to you all again later, but I did want to say that I understand the idea of wanting to find fashionable every day things, no matter what it is that you are doing.


I have a few tops I have found at Dressbarn that I adore. I have not found too much lately. Everything is a standard knit short sleeved top, and it just feels blah to me. I have this orange top that is a jersey knit and it kind of has ruffles, with a bronze type bead trim around the neckline. I love it, but I've taken in both the shoulders and sides, and it is still big. I think my love of jewelry tends to stem from wanting things to just look more polished.


I went to a home show yesterday with my husband and sister. It was cool out, so I wore my nicest jeans and a top that has these lace layers to it. It felt good to wear something nicer, without looking like I tried to dress up for an occasion that didn't call for it. Flat, slip on shoes were a must because you have to wear booties in these new homes. They are completely decorated and furnished, so they want you to be careful. Some homes are sold already, some are still on the market.

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Loving these posts about being a mom and also working in a career.

Did both and yes, it was a juggling act!

Survived and now happily retired.

Soon I will be moving out of our family home of 32 years and into a townhouse-- from acreage to a t/house-- what a change!

Looking forward to the painter coming in, new flooring, a new stove and new living room furniture!;)


Love seeing all the fashions for you earth ladies( an Ice here):)

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You hit the nail on the head! I didn't see the movie you mentioned...but I did something similar lately. I was tired of doing laundry every two seconds so I let it go for a week. It was piled sky high in our tiny laundry room. The DH was like, "What's all this?: And I said, "That's how much wash you and the DS put out every week and I'm tired of doing laundry every freaking day because you guys only use a towel once!" So, he bagged everything up and took it to a place where they do "Wash and Fold". LOL! Now they're being more considerate about wearing a pair of shorts, pants or using a towel more than once. Especially since it cost $50 to wash a week's worth of their stuff. LOL! Also, I'll clean the kitchen until everything sparkles and I'm all happy because..."Whew, got it done." I leave for a second to use the restroom, I come back and the DH has made a mess again and left out the mayo, bread, an empty can of tuna, dirty knife, and there are bread crumbs all over the counter and some on the floor. Ugh! This is when I wish murder was legal! LOL! But hey, that's just the way it is. Most days I just clean up right after him because I figure...he's the breadwinner right now and I'm very thankful for that.:D He always says, "I was going to clean it up myself but you beat me to it...in my mind I'm saying, "Yeah, but the mess as been sitting here for an hour!" LOL!



My "uniform" for most days of my life and even when I'm on vacation is a pair of capri pant...mostly denim ones, a nice top (I like loose fitting, tunic tops with at least a 3/4 length sleeve), and a pair of nice comfortable sandals. I always change things up with, scarves, jewelry, a different handbag, sunglasses, and my caps and hats. Of course I live in CA so I can dress like this almost everyday. When it does get cool, I'll wear jeans, boots, and tunic- length cotton sweaters. Sometimes I'll wear a skirt (I'm especially into maxi skirts now) but usually capri pants or jeans are my go to bottoms I rarely get "dressed up" as in CA it's so casual no matter where you go. I do get dressed up if there is a special event (wedding, special party, etc.) or when I'm on a cruise on "Elegant" nights. I pretty much have my "look" down to a science. I really love fashion so I have a tendency to buy "trendy" but wear it in my own way. I must be doing something right because, not to brag...just say'n...I do get lots of compliments about my outfits. My favorite compliment was when the DS told me that he likes that I dress more "in style" than his friend's moms do. and that I don't dress like an "older" person...whatever that might mean to a 19 yr-old. LOL!

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My husband is quite tidy. He is a stickler about certain things. We both work full time so generally there are things I so and then things he does. It all gets done. I never now or she the snowblower, but he never cooks or does laundry. My girls do their own laundry. Overall though, we are a good team.


Sometimes, when I am cooking one of their favorite things, I have them help. I don't need the help but I do want to show them how to make things. We have company on holidays and without me saying a word, all three help.


Anita, I stopped in Dressbarn today. You may recall that my younger daughter used to work there she has deactivated herself for call ins while she is going to interviews. This gives her the opportunity to earn a little money while she waits for interviews to be set up with a few state senators. Anyway. I did see some tops in great colors for us. It's a funny store in that it can be overstocked. This particular location is great though. Lots of stuff!!



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I can understand needing a daytime uniform . I am retired and spent forty years in uniforms ( RN) . I have evolved into two uniforms . One capris with a top or for real casual days I have lots of workout gear that I wear & pretend I am off to the gym which I am sometimes . The rest of my daytime & nightime needs are filled with JJill clothes . At first I thought I might be too old for them but I seem to fit their age group . I have lots of their travel clothes and their sundresses and for daytime I have their Simple JJill capri pants & tops with matching scarves & ballet flats .I live in Florida so no need for anything warmer than a light jacket ,jeans & a cotton sweater .

When I was working my house stayed neat since we were gone all day but now with both of us home all day it takes more effort . When my Mom retired ( she was a full time homemaker ) she quit cooking . She said she needed to retire from something . Sorry to jump into your conversations !

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Hey Sally...anyone can jump into this conversation. No need to apologize! That's very funny that your mom quit cooking. I don't mind the cooking...it's the cleaning that is more bothersome for me. I actually love to cook. It's one reason why I can have a hard time on vacation...because I'm such a good cook...sometimes it's hard to pay the retail cost of quality food when you are used to eating it at home. I think that's one reason why I like cruising...the all inclusive aspect of room and board in addition to all the other perks of a cruise ship.


My family can be tidy if I provide the systems. DS will put his stuff where I tell him too...the biggest issue is always figuring out the systems.


I'm enjoying reading the uniform ideas. I don't have a problem with generally wearing the same thing over and over. For me, depending on what I've done and how stinky it is...I literally wear the same thing. :o My issue has been weight related. I lost so much weight in Texas and didn't really have a chance to replenish my wardrobe...especially my non-existent winter wardrobe. Moving to Georgia, where seasons actually exist...I need more variety in my wardrobe...unfortunately, I've gained so much weight...and I've been reluctant to purchase much, if anything in this current size...so talk about being unfashionable. OMG. I am embarrassingly unfashionable...but fortunately, I don't get out much. ;)


I'm really hoping that I can tackle my personal weight issue with the move. And with that...I'm hopeful of really nailing down a uniform of sorts. I do like to sew as well...so I'm thinking about gathering ideas and trying to create my own wardrobe. I'm hopeful that I can figure out something that alterations wouldn't be a horrible deal...then I can adjust as I lose weight. My biggest issue is this sweat gene that I've inherited. THANKS MOM!


One thing that I'm thinking about is more of a functional cover up. I do like to wear exercise clothing around the house, but then I feel a bit awkward when I want to go out and run errands? So I'm thinking about making a cover up for my exercise clothing. Something I can throw on over my work out tank/cami and capris. Tunic style, I think. Cover my rear end and add some sleeves to deal with the overcompensating air conditioning. I bought several patterns for a swim suit cover up idea...so I'm thinking about doing the combining and mixing and matching of elements to make my own exercise clothing cover up.

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Hey mousey...I just checked and the FTTF was available for our cruise. I decided to purchase it. One thing influenced my decision.


Yesterday...DH participated in a tennis tournament south of Atlanta. It was a 2.5 hour drive away down the same I-75 that we need to drive to get to JAX. Even though we were up later than we should have been...DS and I decided to tag along and watch DH, even though we had to wake up around 6 am and leave by 6:30 am to get there.


This was easy to do. So again, I was thinking that we should have no problems leaving and driving on our Saturday embarkation day. And the motivation to leave that early is extremely high because otherwise there always seems to be traffic. On our drive home at around noon...there was literally a 20+ mile back up on the highway going south. Proof positive that you HAVE to hit the road early...


And if we hit the road early...and make the one stop that we anticipate...and if there is no traffic and it takes less than 5 hours? Well...it's nice to think that if we arrive at the port early, we should be expedited to get on board and not have to wait in lines.


Another thought I had...one reason cruising with Mom and Dad is kind of special is that they do have status on the cruises that we have been on and we have been able to go through a higher priority line with them. I thought that since it was available to buy...we would purchase the privilege to offer a more fair comparison between our experience on Carnival and our other cruises.

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I'm so glad you snagged the FTTF. Now not only will you be able to board early but when you do get on board, you can go directly to your cabin and have your luggage waiting for you. Also, you get to disembark early and get into a faster line at the private island.


A little tip, in case you don't know this, I've read on the boards that when you give your luggage over to the porter you should make them aware that you are a FTTF passenger. They will then mark you luggage tags to indicate that. Even though your tags will already indicate that...there is supposedly something else they do to make the luggage handlers even more hyper aware.


Have you made any decisions yet as to what you're going to pack for this trip? Do show and tell. LOL!




My love of jewelry comes from my maternal grandmother, my mom, and two of my aunts. When I was little there was a traumatic incident where my mom fainted in front of my younger brother (he's 18 months younger than me ). She was pregnant with my youngest brother (the one that passed two years ago was 5 years younger than me). Anyway, my dad was working the nightshift at the time so when she fainted, my brother and I were all alone in the house. We were very young at the time I was about 3. Anyway, I knew enough to dial "0", which is what you did in those days. I told the operator that my mommy fell down and wasn't waking up. It just so happened that a neighbor came by and she called my dad. After the ambulance took my mom to the hospital, my dad took my brother and me to my maternal grandmother's house. In order to keep me busy and stop me from crying...she put me in the middle of her bed and emptied her jewelry box next to me so I could play with it. My love for jewelry began right then and there! LOL!

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Sally and Cruzisme, join us any time you want! That's what forums are for! My love of this thread comes a lot from different sources, but the biggest is how we can be different and still respect each other. It is so interesting to see what we have in common and what is different.


I struggle with a lot of clothing issues - what works, what does not. I can always get solid, honest feedback from my family of friends here.


I am very much going to pay a great deal of attention to how things fit, especially sleeveless items. I hate having my bra show in pictures. I guess I never look at my underarms when trying things on, lol.


I mentioned the whole Dressbarn scenario yesterday, and I'm still thinking about all the earthy things I saw yesterday. They will always be well stocked in black and white, but they can also have a lot of other colors there too. If the store is set up properly, then they almost color code it for you.


Mousey, I dress a little fuddy duddy sometimes, so kudos to you for being in style. A lot of that comes from having a chest that supercedes the rest of me. :rolleyes: There is nothing like wearing a size 16 top and a size 12 in pants! I find clothing choices limiting, and there is a lot that just doesn't work with my figure. All my dresses have to be taken in at the shoulders greatly. I avoid blazers (much needed for work) that are long sleeved and opt for 3/4 length sleeves when I can find them. Drapey sweaters are nice, but they can add a lot of volume in the front, especially looser styles.


When you are wearing blah clothing, you just need to add something to it. I have replaced just about everything I had in silvertone, except my beloved Pandora bracelets and my wedding set! Those items are priceless just the way they are.


Adding a necklace is one of my favorite things to do.


Oh, and as good as my daughters have become with things, I still have to remind them to pick up after themselves at times. Mostly it's just their rooms though. Thank goodness for doors....

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I haven't made any clothing decisions for the cruise yet. I am hopeful that I will fit into certain pieces of clothing by the time of the sailing. I read that all the time on these boards...and I think I have stated more than once that I have dealt with some significant weight regain on moving to Georgia. Well...my big issue has been that I have pretty much refused to clothe this body that I have acquired. My life is such that I really don't need that many clothes...


Anyway...I know that I can get by okay if I just take what I took on the last cruise. I have some clothing. But not much. Most of the clothing that I did buy to fit me now is exercise related. Yoga pants, for instance, for colder weather. I did recently buy some very lightweight workout related capris. I've been living in them...


I can think of one pair of capris that I own that are "normal." And one pair of shorts. Several skirts because the fit of an elastic waistband skirt can really work for many different sizes, KWIM?


Anyway...I did save a couple pairs of bigger items that I had shrunk out of because I loved the style and fabric. I had grand thoughts of either altering these things...OR...trying to make a sewing pattern from them and trying to alter the sewing pattern to a smaller size. But NOW...I'm hopeful that I can fit into these few bigger items for this cruise. As much as I want to plan and have fun with wardrobe ideas...this is being sidelined as I think about the ports and our activities.


HMC is easy. I'm planning on bringing a small, legal softsided cooler on board. We are going to pack for a typical day at the beach and just have a lot of fun there.


Nassau is a whole other story. I'm being very selective as to where to spend our money. I'm not keen on the cost of a day at the beach at Nassau. The free beaches are probably not going to be a great experience, especially compared to HMC. I've read a bit about the offers for drugs, etc., and I remember this quite clearly from our Honeymoon. We couldn't walk a block without being offered something then...and this isn't something I relish happening with DS in tow.


But staying on the ship...well...I'm not sure that I really want to do that either. So this is my big question right now. And I need to sort of answer it before I know what kind of wardrobe we might need for that day...


So back to the weight issue...I've mentioned that we are moving. Well this is the week. I've talked with the landlords and actually we have access to the house NOW. We will start in earnest tomorrow and the movers are helping Friday afternoon with the big, heavy furniture items. We'll sleep in the new house on Friday night.


But here we go. A new closet to play with. In times past, I have literally emptied my closet of everything that didn't fit me and/or didn't fit me well, so that it LOOKED like it didn't fit. The lack of clothing choice has been a real motivator in times past. I'm thinking about doing that again. When the clothes that do fit start to get loose and annoying, then I get to go "shopping" and do a bit of changeover in the closet with clothing that DOES fit.


Moving is a perfect time to do this exercise again. It's such a sweaty business...moving...especially in summer. Having nothing but exercise related clothing to wear in pretty appropriate. Normally, I leave out the one outfit that "works" for when I might want to not wear the exercise clothes.


We have to a bit of work in DS' closet too. We need to go through and see what he has that really fits him these days. Another good opportunity. He's right there at that point where he needs to transition into men's sizing. We already have for a couple years...but we've also been able to find those larger boys sizes in some places...actually the men's small and the largest boys size are almost the same thing. I think the XL (18/20) boys is actually bigger in some ways than the men's small.


And this is the time that I get serious about going through all my stuff. And deciding if I really want to keep various different things. I swear, we should have an EARTH meet and greet to exchange the things that we keep hanging on to but never really wear. I have some jewelry like that...mostly necklaces. I keep thinking that I would like to have a bit of bling and a nice necklace...but then I put it on, and if it's too weighty or too noticeable...I can't stand it...and I have to take it off. I have issues with things like that...even rings...if anyone read my wedding ring post. LOL. I like necklaces that don't feel like you are wearing a necklace or at least, aren't very noticeable in feeling around the neck...


It's why I said that I preferred bracelets to necklaces at one point. And I do...BUT...they get in the way. So I find them annoying as well. So I'm down to earrings. But earrings can be awkward with my style of dress. I'm so casual and I feel like most of my earrings are more fancy. Because I don't enjoy too much costume jewelry. I like real gems and metals. I end up wearing a simple gold hoop a lot because I feel like that can still be casual. I do have one pair of earrings that I like a lot that are casual. I'll have to get them out and see what about them I like so much that makes them work for me that I would wear them.


I swear...I would really like to do that Style Statement book. I think it would help me, if I could ever get through those exercises. We talked about that book at our weekend get together. I think I need to just press on through and do it and not think about it too hard. Maybe then I would see the recurring themes that Debbie found.


Well...my break is over. Must get ready for my noon class and then moving business!


At some point, my internet access will be suspended while we move...*sigh* I'll live I suppose, but isn't it funny how I feel like I'm going to be cut off just because of that?

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Anita , On HMC they bring a barbecue lunch from the ship that is free so no need to pack food. As far as Nassau no need to take an excursion there . There are plenty of hotels that offer all day passes . Check out the Bahamas sight on cruise critic for ideas of what to do .

I know what you mean about cleaning out closets for me it is an ongoing thing . I clean it out and more stuff reappears . I did lose 27 pounds after I retired and had to totally change clothes . Since I sell on ebay I just sold some of my hardly worn clothes to make money to buy new clothes.

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Sally, I've heard about the BBQ. I've heard good things! I plan to pack drinks in the cooler. Carnival allows pax to take a limit of alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks onboard...and this is part of what I plan to take ashore. My understanding is that if you would have to pay for it on board (bottled water/soda), then you would have to play for it at HMC. The BBQ is like the buffet so that should be free.


I know about the day passes for Nassau, it's the cost of the day passes that I am unsure about. I did find one resort within walking distance of the pier. The day pass is $60 per adult. DS is an adult now. It does include a credit of $40 per person for drinks and food. Also, you can use snorkle and kayak equipment gratis as part of the day pass. However...I'm reading very mixed reviews of this resort. I need to know that it is fully worth it. I match everything against Nochi Cocum in Cozumel, which I happen to love...and I'm not feeling the love for any of the Nassau resorts that are more affordable than Atlantis. I know I can't swing $300 for a day at the beach (Atlantis). $180 is still pushing it for me (walking distance resort). I'm inclined to say that since we are planning on having a great beach day at HMC that we can do something else in Nassau. I'm just not sure what to do yet.


In Key West, on our last cruise, we picked one great destination. We went back to the ship for lunch and then we did some more walking about in the town. I'm thinking a similar day in Nassau is what I'm looking for...I just haven't found anything that seems worth looking at in Nassau.


Congrats on your weight loss! I've been cleaning out my closet for several years now. I also had to get a whole new wardrobe from weight loss. One reason why I haven't gotten another one with weight gain! I'm determined to regain lost ground...I just need to get myself situated to be able to accomplish this goal. I'm hopeful the move with do that...


Back to phone calls. :rolleyes:

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Not to worry if you get "cutoff" for a short time...we will be right here waiting for you!:D I hope the move goes well...it's such a stressful thing.


As to not liking to wear heavy earrings. I'm like you in that I live in my sterling ball studs and lightweight silver hoops (my ears are double pierced)w. TJ Maxx sells this brand that's from Israel that are hollow so they are very, very lightweight. I also wear a silver cuff that the DH bought me years ago in Mexico. I also usually wear a long silver chain with small charms on it. This is my everyday and weekend go to. Only when I go to special events do I wear something different. I'm now in the process of going the same route with gold accessories. I have a pair of 14k ball studs and I remembered that my DB (the one who passed 2 years ago...I miss him so) had many Christmases ago given me a pair of lightweight 14k hoops. So I dug them out of one of my many jewelry boxes. My SIL gave me a 14k gold chain bracelet for my 50th birthday years ago and when the DMIL passed I was given an 18k, long gold chain w/gold charms. So I plan to now switch out the gold and silver sets for my daytime/weekend wear.


I know about dressing problems. I'm 5'3 1/2" (I've shrunk by 1/2" over the years...LOL) and I'm carrying more weight than I should or want to. I'm very good though about camouflaging it. I'm small boned and carry my weight in my middle...which I hate, hate, hate! Also, I'm pear-shaped w/a nice-sized booty (thanks to my Cuban ancestors). So most pants have to be hemmed and what fits me in the booty doesn't fit in the waist. It's such a pain to buy pants which is why I love Gloria Vanderbilt's line of capri pants that I buy at Costco. They just fit me perfectly for some reason.


Good news!!! It's definite that we are going on a 3-day cruise to Mexico on the 18th of July. The DS is now settled into his job at the local camp as their Karate instructor and he's put in for the 1/2 days off on Fri. and Mon. They love him so they gave him the okay even though he's only been working for them 3 days! LOL! The kid's a charmer what can I say. Anyway, we told him he could bring two friends (they have to pay their own way) and he's decided to take the same two friends that came along with us last year for their graduation trip to Cabo. I love these kids and feel comfortable taking them anywhere.


As far as Nassau, it's tricky with walking around in port. We were on the same exact cruise to Nassau and HMC 3 years ago. Yes, the boys were approached and asked if they wanted to buy pot but we had already had that discussion and they just said, "No thanks!" and just kept walking...exactly what we had told them to do. They were walking a little ahead of us as they were not allowed out of our sight on that trip. They were 15 and 16 at the time. Also, walking back to the ship some gnarly-looking guy, unkempt and stinky came up and asked us for money. He was so gross and when we said, "No!" he walked away and blew lunch right on the sidewalk. This is why I'm not a big fan of that particular port. But...within walking distance of the ship there is a Senior Frogs and the famous Straw Market. There is also a beach you can walk to and if you go onto the Nassau board there is all kinds of information about it. Some people love it...some hate it. I always take reviews with a grain of salt. My take on this is that I allow the DS to have these life experiences so that when I'm not around he will know how to deal with these kinds of people on his own. The DS and his friend still laugh when they remember the "drunk guy that puked his guts out in Nassau." After a conversation with the DS after the cruise. I asked him what he thought and he said it was disgusting and that he felt sorry for the guy because "he probably was poor and had a drinking problem". He thought it was sad and said, "I never want to be that guy...I want to be the guy that's on vacation with his family." So yeah, it was a teachable experience. As a mom we want to protect our kids from ugly moments like that and keep them as innocent as possible. But they'll eventually have to face the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of life sometime. I just prefer that some of them are when I'm there with him.


As to fashion, Nassau is going to be hot, hot, hot! And if you go into the Straw Market it will be stifling hot! So I recommend wearing shorts or capri pants, a tank or sleeveless top, or a sundress, comfortable walking shoes, sunglasses and a hat.

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I'm definitely going to remember my hat on this cruise! I brought it on our cruise two years ago...but I forgot it on this year's cruise. And I missed it. So it is definitely going to be remembered this time around!


Mousey...so glad that your vacation is firmed up! I love to have something to look forward to in the future. You are one month away! I'll speak for Kim...PICTODIARY! :D


A lady had on a shirt today that looked like a good starting point for my idea of a cover up for my exercise clothing. Looking around online for something similar, I found this:




I'm totally in love with this idea! If you can't tell...the straps and the bodice are made out of jersey. Then there is a triangle panel in the middle that forms the bulk of the length that is two layers of chiffon. I think this is lovely. I have found some GREAT sheer fabrics that Mom and I have purchased for the thought of a swim suit cover up. WELL...I'm thinking that I could use a tank top for the base of this idea and add the flowing fabric to a ready-made tank top to get this effect. I could so easily pull this on over any of my exercise bras and capris/biking shorts. Even a fun gauze would work for the flowing fabric parts. OR a single layer of a linen like fabric...lightweight and breathable.


I wish they also had a picture of this from the back. My guess is that the bodice goes straight across the back at what would be bra level? You think?


I have two tanks that I purchased two of because I liked the colors so much. I could start with those...


Yeah...I've read about the free beach close to the port. I totally get what you are saying about experiences, etc. Like everyone, I'm just trying to plan the best vacation for the family. My big thing right now is to take a break from all the stress. I'm just trying to avoid anything stressful. This isn't a traveling trip...it's a vacation trip. And budget also factors highly into this equation...because if my plans get too costly, then I'll stress out about finances. Somethings I've read about the straw market can feel stressful. I guess I can still remember the way the locals latched onto you in the market at Labadee years ago...OMG...they were very aggressive. I'm picturing a similar situation, but it may be more like the port in Belize.


That place was funny. There was one guy calling out for his booth...something to effect of how he had a bunch of stuff that we didn't need for a cost that wasn't worth it. There wasn't any real pressure there.


IDK. I haven't really talked to Dh to get his take yet.

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