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All things EARTH...

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I don't know if there's a secret thought with the style statement so much as it's such a journey to figure it out. Margaret hinted at this in her post. You go through a lot of soul searching to try to sum yourself up in two words...they are very meaningful but almost only meaningful to yourself...unless you can explain how you arrived at your words and how you assign meaning to those words.


The style statement isn't just a fashion sense...to quote the book:


"A style statement integrates the various aspects of your being in an effective balance. It consists of two words: the first word is your fundamental nature, 80% of who you are. The second words is your creative edge, your distinction, the 20% of yourself that makes all the difference.


Knowing your style statement helps you make empowered decisions - from your wardrobe and home to your relationships and work. When the spirit and the look and feel of your life are connected to your true nature, you feel at home wherever you are.


Your Style Statement defines your authentic self.


It is a compass for making more powerful choices, a guide for designing a life that reflects your whole being.


An anchor, a symbol, a mantra.

A declaration, an affirmation, a reminder.


You, fully expressed."


If we were to all go through the exercise...then it would be great fun to talk about it all together at our next meet.


So. In honor of figuring out my Style Statement, I bought myself a new skirt. LOL.




I love the tribal influence in the skirt...and the colors in it...it's not a perfect EARTH print...but it goes with many of my EARTH shirts...I have found some EARTH teals and blues that will look great with this skirt. It's so sad, the state of my wardrobe...but I realize that I really need a few things that aren't exercise clothes to wear.


I told Mom my style statement...she did the google search too, pretty amazing. Some of the images are too huge for me to just link up to, so I'll need to do some editing to share...

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Well, we had a fun day at the mall! This mall has everything under the sun, except a book store. We used to have Borders, but they closed up shop a while back. Barnes and Noble likes to be in open strip malls, so the closest one is still a bit of a trek. At least on a Saturday, when EVERYONE is out and about. It's a heavy travel area. So, I am thinking I should go online shortly and order the book. I would rather have the book in had for this particular thing than my Nook. I think I would really want it all in one place - not my Nook and a notebook, if that makes sense.


I was quite surprised to see a lot of nice earth things out. In JC Penney, I saw 3 really nice dresses that had great earth prints with a lot of brown. There were actually more than 3, but the others had a bit more black in them than what I would like.


Dressbarn has a whole lot of stuff! My daughter talked me into trying a shirt on that I'm very much in doubt over. I picked it up, knowing it can go back. I think I will try it on and have her take a picture. I always see things for what they are when I do that. I think it's sad that a store that has such great earth colors in it can't manage to have a few more dresses in earth tones. The tops and bottoms have a great selection, but the dresses have a ton of black.


Eddie Bauer outlet had a handful of basics. NY & Co. had some nice neutrals, but it was pricey. They did have a good coupon deal though.


I picked up a few things, and I will take some pictures. They will likely just be on hangers, and then I will take a picture of me in them sometime really soon.


I debated about a knit maxi skirt. I probably need to try something like that on and take a picture, like usual. Does anyone else find that they see themselves different in a photo than in the mirror? It really makes me see myself much more realistically.


My dog is doing great. You'd never know he had so many teeth pulled. My daughter noticed today when he was panting (it's just over 90) that he looks different with those missing teeth in the front. He use to smile when we asked him to, but he doesn't want to now. Maybe it still hurts a little? It's not easy for a dog to give us a smile that shows their teeth to begin with.

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Well, I've ordered the book! I will have to see what I discover about myself.


Those pictures are interesting, Anita. There is a certain uncomplicated, timeless feel about them. I feel like I'm looking for a certain word. I love the feeling the pictures evoke though. There's a calmness to them. How do you feel about these pictures, Anita?


Has your mother done this as well?


I confess, the picture of the food made me hungry, and I've had enough to eat today. :-) :-)


I was thinking today about how there are certain things I don't like. I think we all have things, to a certain degree, that we mentally cross off the list. For example, my daughter showed me a dress with one of those chevron prints...I really don't like graphic prints, hardly ever. However, I would consider something that had a paisley print even if it was a horrible color or style for me, because I love paisley.


I am wondering if this process will help me. I often feel like I'm looking for something, but I don't know what it is. Maybe the ability to define my style better would help me.


Here is the questionable shirt. I decided when looking to see what size to get that I didn't want it to fit like that. I wanted the shirt loose, but to possibly look a bit more tailored.




I like it more on me than on the hanger. The colors are outstanding - it's a great rust color.


Here is the dress from JC Penney. I have been learning to stay away from elastic waistbands. For whatever reason though, I liked this one on. It may be a bit of an illusion, so to speak. The picture of me wearing it will be a better indication. I don't know if it is the fabric or what, but I'm not seeing nearly as much white in mine.



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Hello all! I wanted to take a picture of the actual dress I bought yesterday because I kept thinking to myself "why did I buy a dress with so much white?" What I realized last night when I hung up the dress was that it is definitely ivory, very warm ivory, and there isn't that much. Want to know the funny thing? The alternate necklace for the other dress works wonderfully with it. If I decide to keep the dress, I've got an outfit already. The green varies a bit, but it seems to really work.


Mousey, I mentioned to you once about prints, and how sometimes, not every single color is right. This is definitely a case where the majority of it is perfect. I think I am drawn to brighter side of muted, if that makes sense. envision a little sliding bar type graph with warm & bright on one side, and warm and muted on the other. I'm a bit close to the middle sometimes! :rolleyes:




Here is an up close view. It's a bit fuzzy, sorry.



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There's a calmness to them. How do you feel about these pictures, Anita?


I agree, my thoughts were relaxed, tropical, and elemental.


I often feel like I'm looking for something, but I don't know what it is.


I often feel this way too, even though I've gotten better. It's usually when I'm emotionally shopping (like emotional eating) that I have that feeling, and that's generally when I buy something that doesn't work, because I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish. :rolleyes:


I think you have a good handle on what works for you, both color- and style-wise. Perhaps some of the insights you'll gain from the book will give you more confidence in your choices? Like the new dress from JCP, I think your instinct was right on that one. It looks like a fun thing to wear!


I like your spectrum description. I definitely skirt the edge on the blues and greens sometimes. I know they're not perfect for me, but they give me some variety. I always come back to my true EARTH colors though because the difference is noticeable.


I'm going to look through my Style Statement book again and then reveal what mine is, just to de-mystify this for the curious. I want to think a bit about how to explain it best. In the meantime, I'll post some of the pictures that came up for me. Unfortunately, the first one that I loved best is not on the Internet anymore.

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Love the skirt! I love tribal prints too.




I love your outfits! I love the dress and think you should keep it.



I think it's funny how when I look at everyone's pictures...there's so much that we have in common regarding our fashion choices. Although, I must admit...I'm still addicted to black, white, and navy. The combo of Navy/White and Black/White has been a theme my whole life. But aside from those combos, Earth colors are my favorite. I've rarely been attracted to pastels. I love polka dots and stripes. And I also love animal prints. My friends always buy me leopard print scarves, teddy bears (something you didn't know about me yet...I have a huge teddy bear collection...but most of mine are "wounded". LOL! I buy ones that no one else wants because they are broken. My favorite one has a floppy neck...I found her thrown in a sale basket for $1. I had to rescue her.), shawls, etc.


Yesterday was great! Spent the day at the Camarillo Outlets with my boys. The DH rarely shops for himself and he ended up with 2 pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of shorts, and two new golf-type shirts. He then proceeded to put on a fashion show for me when we got home. LOL! I helped him put outfits together although he did fine on his own...I suggested a few combo options he hadn't thought of. He respects my taste.


The DS got a bucket-type hat for the cruise and a couple pair of golf shorts. He wore one of them to a tournament that he's playing in today. He's a really great golfer. The DH...not so much...but getting better.


I got...nothing at the outlets! It was their day. Lord knows I have enough clothes!:eek: The DS bought the DH and I lunch. We had such a great time together. I'm so going to miss him when he heads back to college.


Well, I'm off to play with my outfits. As I mentioned, I'm going very casual and light. This is a "booze cruise" after all according to what I've heard. I personally will be having a few myself!;) This time next week I'll be looking forward to Tea Time!

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Okay, here are my Style Statement photos. I chose these particular ones not only because I just like them personally, but also because they illustrate some aspects of my Style Statement:









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Wow, those pictures really have me thinking, Margaret. I see formality, but it's not a stiff kind of formality. There is design, artistry involved. When I look at the dancers, it just feels right with the house pictures.


I feel like really want to study your pictures, and Anita's too!


And I do feel like I'm looking for myself. Who am I? I seem to be at an age where my thinking has changed a lot. If I'm talking about clothes, I'm not the least bit concerned about trends, but I love to look and see what is in style, what the popular colors are. When I buy clothes, I have all these hits and misses. I think it's because I'm caught between what I want to look like, compared to what looks good on me? When I find the right thing, I study it immensely to try and figure out what it is that makes it "right". I have three long formals I've worn on cruises, and now that they are all adjusted to fit right, I really feel like they are great dresses for me. But why?


In my house, I have a lot of classic styling going on. There's a lot of mission. There are some old things such as a typewriter we picked up at an antique store on the built ins in the living room. I plan to get this really old bench that is for sale an antique store to use in my mud room. There is a lot of color that I will call mid tones, and they're warm. I chose my paint colors long before I had any idea what "earth" was. They are strong colors. I do not have any white walls.


What will be interesting is to see what I learn about myself.


My book has shipped.


In other news, I find myself intensely focused on my wardrobe for the 4 day Enchantment cruise in November. That's not unusual, is it?? :D As usual, the accessories are almost as important as the outfits. If that dress looks good on, it's going. The purple dress is going. (I think I have to wear it to figure out what I think about it?) I only need one more, and I think it will be that peachy one I wore to my nephew's wedding. That dress is so comfortable.

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Here we go with actual pictures of the dresses on...




I just put it on quick with the necklace and grabbed a pair of gold sandals. I probably won't wear those particular sandals, but both of my gold ones are the same height. I should have made sure the dress was straight and all that good stuff, but you can see that taking in the shoulders helped significantly. It lays much better.


Now my new dress...I think it's a keeper, but I need to maybe make a little adjustment to prevent that gap I tend to get. I think it's very minor, but it seems to be much more noticeable with the hand on the hip posing. The necklace works, but may be too much for the laid back styling of the dress? Maybe too much of a focus? The necklace will work great with my boring work clothes. :D This is how I dress up those drab outfits.




Really, if I can fix that gap thingy that is going on, I think this is a really good dress!!


Mousey, I forgot to mention to you earlier that I too love animal prints. I tend to keep it in the accessories, but I do have a great brown based wrap shirt that has an animal print, and I love it. It must be our alter ego thing, eh?

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Laurie, I LOVE that new dress!! The multi-colored one...that style is really fantastic...your waist looks so small...is that one of those loose top styles or is the waist gathered? IDK...but it is a super flattering style IMO.


I agree with your thoughts on the necklace...the dress has a more airy light feeling to it and that necklace is a bit more chunky and heavy...I think a single strand or a pendant style would be more in keeping with the dress.


Excited for you re: the book. It'll get you thinking...


I love your photo collection Margaret...


I see drama. That hallway is magnifique! I love the depth...the crisp woodwork against the deep color...the hint of patterns in the wallpaper and the carpet...the dancers are also dramatic...and organic...so is the tree hugger...but with the painted nails, OMG, LOVE that...the third photo could work for my Style Statement as well, actually...the chairs together...they work but are like a collection because they aren't perfectly matching...the flowers on the table...LOVE that room...


So are you working on explaining or are you leaving it with the photos? Just curious. I didn't think about explaining mine with my photo selection, I just picked out ones I liked and tried to find different topics for the photos...mine results in A LOT of scenic photos, wedding photos, pool photos, and house furnishings shots.

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The dress just feels right, Anita. I felt strongly about it when I tried it on, but I knew I'd have to see a picture to be sure. I have found that I don't do good with the elastic waists, unless the top has that blousy look to it. That is hard to achieve when you are top heavy. I've also been thinking about something Margaret said a few pages back - about how your body is broken up. Sometimes, with an elastic waist or some sort of gathering there, the top portion becomes too short when I wear a knee length style dress. Above the knee has the same affect. It works with this dress being a maxi, and it works with my high low dress.


Dramatic. That sums up Margaret's pictures perfectly, overall. I couldn't quite find the word. That is why I was saying it was formal, yet not stiff formal - I couldn't quite verbalize what I wanted to say. I too notice that the tree hugger had polished nails. I got to thinking about the artistry of the picture, and related it the clothing pictures she posts - there is a lot of artistry and drama with high end fashion pictures, don't you think?


I have had a little free time over the past few days and you can tell because I'm rambling a lot. It's nice to get away from all the work things I tend to bring home. The heat is adding to it. I didn't even get around to trying on that tunic, because by the time I got done with the dresses I was just too hot. I had the purple dress on again too.

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I'm glad you've decided to keep the new dress. I agree that the particular necklace you are wearing with it is a little too formal for the dress (although I love the necklace a lot) and I agree with Anita that a pendant-style necklace would look awesome with the dress. I like the colors on you also.


I love Anita's and Margaret's pictures too. It's great fun to see what everyone's style is like. I've just got to learn to post pictures. I'm such a procrastinator! We have a lot of artwork in our house. We've got very eclectic taste. We have, paintings, etchings, watercolors, sculptures, collages, etc. Not all of it is all that valuable, we collect more of the things we love to live with and see everyday rather than only for it's value. We do have a suite of drawings by Dali (he's probably my favorite of all artists). We have all 12 of the signs of the Zodiac that he did. I treasure those. I love the surrealist's works of art. Oh, my other favorite artist that I love as much as Dali is Man Ray. I love Man Ray!


Want to hear something funny? My brother e-mailed me and told me that I should put peanut butter on my arm to take the sting and itching away. :eek: Want to hear something even funnier? I plan to give it a try tomorrow because I'm so tired of the itching and so far nothings worked. I'll let you know how it goes. LOL!


I'm going to look into getting myself one of the Style books when I get back from our trip next week.


Well, I'm all done with the putting together of outfits for the cruise! Yea! I've packed everything except for my tops, which I'll wait until Thursday to pack to cut down on any wrinkling. I'm so excited!:D

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Well let us know how the peanut butter works out! I hope something can help you find some relief.


I had to look up those artists...art isn't something that I've learned much about yet. I have some art. My favorite art are the paintings that my Great Grandma Mary painted. One is a still life of fruit and the other is a boat at a dock. The dock is rather weathered...the sea and the sky...I love it. I have another that my Aunt Tommie painted...a cabin in the woods. Very earthy in color tones. It's a cozy cabin, not a lonely cabin. There's a stream and a bridge going over the stream next to the cabin.


I love paintings. Prints are okay. But I love the texture of a real painting.


I've been thinking about how difficult it can be to make the transition away from favorite color combinations to the EARTH color palette. I think the hard thing is that if you are person that likes that strong, CRISP contrast of white with black or navy...then going to the muted palette and trying to find a similar color combination is almost impossible. Chocolate brown can kind of work for the darker contrast color, but there really isn't anything that will every be combined together to give that CRISP, fresh feeling.


That particular combination wasn't one that I did often, so I didn't ever miss it. The thing that I could miss, if anything, would be the bright colors...and this I get into my wardrobe in my exercise clothing...


I picked up some random magazines at Curves. The ladies bring them in and you can take whatever you are interested in. I saw an ad...I looked further...and now I am fully in like with these shoes:




Love them!! Jambu is a good brand for me. They are actually very comfortable...memory foam foot bed. I WANT them! Not sure I should spend the money on them though...

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Anita, cute shoes! I really enjoy the latest combinations of orange and taupe/tan:




I like how a pop of orange can add interest to an outfit in tans and browns. I think that tank suit is awesome.


Laurie, I have to agree with the others about the necklace. That dress is too fun for those beads. It also has a sense of ease that conflicts with the seriousness of the necklace. The dress looks great on you and it helps to see it on to appreciate the pattern. I like how the caramel brown in it picks up the lustre in your hair. Very pretty. Is that the one your daughter found? She has a good eye.


mousey, I would love to see your art collection. Have you been to the Dali museum in Tampa? My brother used to live near there and visited it often. We used to have a restaurant in Manhattan called Man Ray that was decorated with his photographs. I like photography well enough, but because my mother was a painter, like Anita I prefer the texture of paintings. We are lucky to have real art in our apartment what with three painters in the family (mom, brother, and sister). My other brother plays guitar, and I danced. An artistic family, to be sure. When we travel there is always an art museum first thing on our itinerary if at all possible.


I do plan to talk more about my Style Statement, but I'd like to read through my book again briefly before I do. We had another mini-crisis with my parents this weekend so the phone line was burning what with three siblings to talk to. Yeesh.


About my pictures. What appeals to me in all of them is a sense of dynamism, which is where the drama comes from, I think. That really has nothing to do with my SS, but is probably just an artistic preference on my part. Laurie picked up on another element, which is the contrast between more traditional forms (like perspective, symmetry, or angle) and ideosyncratic details. That is really central to my SS.


The tree hugger picture was really a special find. One of my SS words is generally associated with art and design, so I got lots and lots of interiors and architecture as a result. I love nature but it was really hard to find a picture which illustrated my SS outdoors. There are many things to love in that photograph.

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mousey, you reminded me I had one last photo in my June scrapbook.


Here is an animal, jungle, print-themed collage from In Style:




If I ever somehow get into a two-piece again, it would be a swimsuit like the one on the upper right. Love that.

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Sorry to hear about the recent crisis with your parents. Hope all turns out well.




I love the shoes!:D


Okay...so here's the next chapter of "The Bite That Caused The Itch That Won't Stop!" My brother is a total prankster. My whole family is comprised of a bunch of comedians and jokers. My mom can rattle off a gazillion jokes in ten minutes time; not unlike Rodney Dangerfield. My dad is a total jokster and is always pretending to be related to a the Mescalero Apaches because our family name is part of the word "Mescalero", and no, we are not related to any such tribe. But I did have a crush on a young Seminole boy who lived down the street from us at one time when I was in 10th grade. He had a crush on me too. I told everyone I was going to marry him and become a Seminole Princess. So I guess, I'm full of it too! LOL!


My two brothers have always been been a couple of jokers and pranksters. One time they met my plane (back in the day when you could meet planes at the gate) wearing identical, bright, canary yellow, t-shirts that said in black letters, "Ed's Limo Service" (that's my living brother's name). They were both wearing black shorts, black shoes, and bright yellow knee socks. Each of them was holding up a sign with big black letter's spelling out our last name! I almost wet my pants laughing when I saw them because they looked like a couple of deranged, Bumble Bees!:D They played the role all the way to the car in the parking lot. It was hilarious! When we got to my parent's house, my parents cracked up. My brother's were and the one, still is, crazy funny!


So Sat., my DB sent me an e-mail telling me that my sister-in-law's family had this old remedy for relieving itching, which was putting peanut butter on the spot that's bothering you and leaving it on for 10-15 mins. So today, about 2 minutes away from my using this method...he sends me an e-mail saying, "Oh, I forgot to tell you...you also have to put some grape jelly on a slice of wheat bread and stick it to the spot!" I knew immediately that he had pranked me!:eek: LOL! I e-mailed him back and told him he was lucky that I hadn't done it yet because I would have gotten on the first plane to FL and kicked his butt!:p So no, peanut butter is not a remedy for itching!:D He totally had me believing him...as usual in these cases...because he's so serious when he tells you this stuff. I mean he had a whole back story as to why the peanut butter would work and how my SIL's family (whom we lovingly refer to as "Rednecks" but really not in a derogatory way, it's a running joke between our two families. We're the crazy Cuban Refugees, and they're the FL Rednecks. Truth is...we're, both of our families, born and raised in So.FL. and each have FL ancestors going back for many generations. The FL Rednecks think they win out because their family has been there for over 100 years. LOL! However, our Cuban ancestors migrated to FL back in the middle 1800s so we say we win! It's a constant running joke as to which family has been in FL the longest. And of course, Dad has to always throw in that we're related to the FL "Mescalero Apaches." ) has used this remedy for years and years. LOL!

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Aw Margaret...hugs.


mousey...that is so funny with the leg pulling in your family. DH's family is big on puns...quick one liners...nothing elaborate...just terrible, terrible puns. :rolleyes: We all laugh though...


I love orange. I really do. I don't know why. I read once that orange inspires creativity...that it would be a good color to paint an office. I like to wear orange...but little in my environment is really orange. Rust, yes. Lot's of rust accents.


I have a two-piece but it doesn't count...the top is a tankini...no mid-drift showing...I'd like to have a two-piece body...working on it.


Big news to share is that I made the final payment for our September cruise today. We are definitely going. DH is so ready for a vacation! Me too! Today, we started an eating plan that is supposed to be a metabolism boosting plan. Lots of strategic nutritious food in all different categories in large quantities while eliminating common irritating foods (wheat, dairy) and foods that distract your body from dealing with itself (caffeine, alcohol). It's a 28 day plan...I'm not really entering into it for a weight loss thing at this point...more of a preparing to lose weight again...BUT...there should be some benefit in the weight loss department anyway...


And then I'll have another 33 days to continue on and try to fit into some of my clothing for the cruise. I don't really have time to spend with wardrobe planning yet...I'm going to start in 28 days when I can see how the plan has worked...and the likelihood for what clothes are available to me.


I'm thinking that the shoes may make a great 28 day goal reward. If I can follow this plan for 28 days...I'll be very proud of myself.

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I too have always loved the color orange and shades of rust. I like burnt orange too.


I hope your 28-day plan works out for you. I really have been trying to eat better but I have a looonnng way to go before I can be happy with my diet. I'm addicted to Pepsi Caffeine-Free (not sugar free)soda. I've been drinking soda since I was a little kid. It's crazy I know. I have lost 3 lbs. so far, but needless to say, I've got about another 30 lbs. to reach my goal weight. It's overwhelming right now to think that far ahead so I'm taking it one day at a time.


I'm rooting for you!:D


The itching on my arm hasn't gone away but it is way better today so I'm hoping that by the end of the week when I'm done with the antibiotics that I'll be itch-free!


I'm so glad you have your cruise paid for! Looking forward to your fashion choices as the weeks count down.

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Those shoes are SO mine...and I will look at them over the next 28 days for inspiration to keep after it...just as soon as I get them in 5 to 10 business days. Not quite Zappos free shipping, but a much better price overall! Thanks Linda!!

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Those shoes are SO mine...and I will look at them over the next 28 days for inspiration to keep after it...just as soon as I get them in 5 to 10 business days. Not quite Zappos free shipping, but a much better price overall! Thanks Linda!!


Good for you Anita! :D


So I just got an text message from my sweet girl (the girlfriend that isn't a girlfriend) ;) She texted that. "While the boys go on their jet skiing excursion, maybe we should walk around town, do some shopping, and throw back a couple of Tequila shots!" Whoa! So I texted back, "Sounds like a great plan!". LOL!

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Gosh, a 12 hour day...I really, really need some incentive to exercise. Instead I'm doing laundry. :rolleyes: I love doing laundry. My husband thinks I'm obsessed with it!


Seriously though, sometimes, there is just so much going on in my head that I really do feel very tired. I need to bounce back a little.


Anita, I love those shoes. I saw a pair not too long ago that I was in love with, but my feet are really difficult to fit. I keep thinking about them, and I was very tempted to check to see if they are still there. There is a strip mall up the street, and I go by it, twice a day. Sometimes more, if I'm going grocery shopping or running an errand! I can't justify them though. I can't wear them to work, and they'd probably be worn just a few times during the summer and then on cruises.


I checked their website, but they don't have them on there. I did find a link to a pair of shoes I bought before my last cruise, and I wear them all the time. I loved them on the cruise too. They are one of the first pairs of shoes in a long time that fit and feel fantastic. I got the beige toned pair. They have almost a shimmer to them, so they the feel a bit like an antique gold. They go with many, many things. I wish the coral was a bit toned done. That is a super tough color to match though.




Margaret, I love orange. It seems to be a bit of a favorite color lately. I love the more muted, darker orange like in Anita's shoes that she is going to buy. That is such a hard color to find.


Bathing suit wise, I have trouble envisioning myself in a bikini at some point. I think it is because even when I was thin enough to wear one, I couldn't get comfortable enough to wear one. The one you like has somewhat of an athletic look to me. I'm leaning towards the upper left one myself, but I'll bet the top has some padding. Even when I lose weight, I never need any padding up there, lol.


Mousey, I was skeptical about the peanut butter, but I didn't want to say anything! How funny that is. It's amazing what will work sometimes though. I just kept thinking, she's going to get stung by a bee outside if she does that! Or, she'll get peanut butter all over everything. That's just too funny.


I have some ideas for a necklace to go with that dress. I probably already have something, if I just look. I was thinking something metallic, but like a bronze or antique gold...not a pendant, but nothing dominant. I don't want the necklace to be the focus. A wooden necklace is a good idea, Sailor Sally. I want to wear this on the cruise in November, so I'm wondering if I can find one around here, before the cruise.

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