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Yea! My jewelry has been found!!! I'm so happy, happy, happy!:D:D:D I'm especially happy to have the silver bracelet the DH bought me back in my possession. Oh happy day!


Hearing about my problem, a young guy that works at the gym went and took a look and he found it way in the back of the top shelf of the locker I use. I couldn't see it and the girl that had gone to check for me when I called in to ask if it had been found couldn't see it because she's about the same height as me. I'm told it's rare anything goes missing at this particular gym so this guy had an "aha" moment and went and checked it out himself and found it. Yea! Happy Day!

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Yay Mousey! So happy for you too!!


Freeling...there are no interruptions! ;) Only new contributions to the discussion!


Laurie...I organize my closet the exact same way. Segregated by type of clothing, arranged by color. Yep yep yep. Our closet was pretty well packed prior to KonMari. There was no way to remove a hanger with having to move the hangers on either side of the one you wanted.


That's all changed now!!


To answer the question about DHs...mine is on the same page as me, so that really helps. Today was our off Friday (he works a 9/80) and what I really wanted to do was for him to do the KonMari method on his clothing. So we did that today. It took him less than 2 hours to sort his clothing...he was fast. Once he caught on to the idea, he was all over it.


He hesitated over some things saying things like "I want to wear this more but we don't have the time to go camping, hiking, whatever..." or "I would wear this if it fit." I said, everything fits...and we have the time to do everything we want...do you want to wear it now? Would it make you happy to wear it? He understood when I said there was nothing logical about this process...no thinking allowed...feel your way through all your clothes. There is no guilt and no negative emotion associated with letting go of anything.


The process has already helped with shopping. DH has a major gap in his wardrobe. He has ultra casual (lounge clothing), technical (hunting, hiking, tennis, exercise), everyday business, and formal. No normal casual clothing. Not even a pair of jeans. So we went shopping today...and wow...it was so easy to sort through the clothes and find clothes that DH really, really likes. Yes, the suited the intended purpose...but also, just new happy, sparking joy clothes.


The drawers are awesome!! Such happy drawers. They are not packed tight. The clothes are not squished at all. And nothing is on top of anything else...putting pressure and "ironing" down the folds and creating wrinkles. Most of the clothing is the kind that really doesn't hang well. We've been having issues with knits and some others getting the weird pucker on the shoulder from the hanger. I hate that.


I've been packing bottoms (pants/shorts) in drawers like this for years...except that I actually stacked my rolls on top of each other...never a problem with wrinkles...it's all a matter pulling the fabric taut before you manipulate it into its proper putting away shape.


I was attracted to most of my jewelry because it was given to me. Gifts from DH, Mom and Dad, and inherited. Most of it is very simple. Most of it is a real metal. Most of it is either real gems or semi-precious stones. Most of it is small or delicate. There are a few "statement" pieces. Very few. Almost everything that I decided not to keep was my own attempt to purchase jewelry for myself.


Taking my Style Statement into account, I think I like to adorn myself with personal reminders of the people in my life...for the thought behind the piece...not necessarily for the look of the piece itself. And for some pieces, the location where I acquired the piece. I love the one bracelet that I bought for myself in Belize...of course, I also remember that day of shopping all around the port with DH, DS, Mom and Dad. Road trips.


Laurie, I bet you are excited to get that jewelry armoire!! I can only tell you that I know feel like I'm opening a treasure chest when I open my jewelry box...I can only imagine how you will feel once you get all your jewelry into one place and all sorted and organized!


mousey...you strike me a loving the person you are! This is the important thing right? We are all working to be the person we want to be...I'll be turning 43 next month...my Great Grandma lived to 93...I hope to celebrate my eleventy-one birthday...so I figure that I'm about one third grown up...I'm still figuring myself out! And I'm making progress on having my environment and my actions be the manifest of who I believe my inner self to be...I'm letting loose!!


And for me...that's letting go. I want a beautifully organized space. I generally have a mental inventory of everything we own...I mean, I've packed and unpacked it enough times! Good grief. How could I not? I'm one of those people! But I have still dreamed of "a place for everything and everything in its place" and of living in a house that is an more accurate reflection of me. And finally, I know myself well enough and have found some tools to help me do this.


It IS very exciting!!


mousey...I think when you downsize...just make sure that your master bedroom closet is about the size of your master bedroom. OR...buy a house with one too many bedrooms and convert one of those bedrooms into your own personal dressing room...DH can have the original master bedroom closet. Wouldn't that be divine? And when I say convert...I'm talking like the show "Fixer Upper" or "Property Brothers"...don't just use the bedroom like a dressing space...tear down walls and have custom built-ins and mirrors and seats and fabulous lighting and decorations...like the fanciest boutique ever.


There's downsizing...and then there's moving to suit your current needs. I always think it is more productive to think that you would move to suit your current needs...maybe your new house would have the same square footage, just divided differently, KWIM?


I'll have to take pictures of our closet redo. DH is beyond excited too. It feels so wonderful in our room. And we agree that it feels so easy to think about maintaining it. The enthusiasm is great for continuing the process throughout the whole house!

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Just to digress a moment, I wanted to share this quote from Scott Sternberg (Band of Outsiders), who said the relationship between travel and fashion is "a fantastical one -- wearing clothes you might not wear every day that reflect the mind-set you want to be in while on the road."


I was thinking about that as I laid out some casual clothes on the bed for my cruise, trying to choose things to pack. What is my fantasy for this particular trip? I want my mind-set to be comfortable and cool, very casual yet pulled-together. Effortless in effect, but as the result of careful forethought.


Except for formal night, I'm not bringing anything I wouldn't wear in my daily life, but at the same time seeing all those un-extraordinary things together on the bed, getting ready for vacation, they seem very happy and special.

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Mousey, I'm so happy you were able to find your missing jewelry. That must feel so good!


Anita, I'm still contemplating that book...the 13 page sample on my Nook wasn't very good, mostly because they start with the first page....not the first chapter, so I had some pages of copyright info, and then a few pages of what looked like definitions, with incomplete sentences and the like. At first I thought there was no way I could get into the book seriously but then I caught a few pages that were in a normal reading style, so to speak.


I do like a sense of organization. I often wish I had my own closet so that I could better see what I have. I have this sweater hanging up right now that I like, but I really don't like it much on me. I bought it and wore it once. Hey, it's cold out, so I could even just wear it in the house if it is not my favorite. That to me, tells me it isn't a keeper. The practical side in me says to make myself wear a few times more before I give it away. Like Mousey, I grew up having little, and wearing hand-me-downs. Although I am fairly frugal overall, it does make me feel strongly about not just tossing something in the bag to donate. It also keeps me from buying the $75.00 earrings too. I could do this more readily with household possessions, since most of it has been around a while and has already earned it's keep. Am I making any sense?


I would love to see pictures of the closet now that your husband has gone through the process, Anita. That inspires me to do more. It may not be the same process, but it gives me the desire to look into the process more.


Margaret, I would love to see your pictures. I find that I have been looking at my clothing in a similar manner lately, in that I ask myself how I want to look and how I want to feel. A hot, sweaty port is going to require that kind of clothing...if it's a sea day or I'm changing into fresh clothing back on board, then I find myself drawn to a certain type of clothing. My results have been mixed. I have a lot of ideas for my upcoming cruise. It has seemed so far away, but now I realize it's only 2 1/2 months away. Yay!


Mousey, I think it is great how you share things, give things away to your family. Sometimes I find myself saying that when my daughters move on, I'm stealing those closets! Realistically though, I think one of daughters will be at home for quite some time, while to other is likely to move on. The smaller bedroom would be a guest bedroom, and the closet is beyond miniscule. I could put my long dresses in there, I guess! There isn't much room for anything else!


I do look forward to my jewelry armoire. I was drooling over a custom Amish built one and my husband even talked about moving some funds around for it, but I could never spend that much. I settled on something that gives me plenty of space, and looks to be well made. I then shopped around and found the best possible deal on it.


Freeling, join in any time! I like your idea. I really desire organization, and things having a home. I love it when things are neat and tidy!

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Good evening!


I've had quite the day...OMG.


First things first. Here are the pictures of our closet redo...first, a reminder of what DH's side of the closet looked like prior to the KonMari Method:






To make sense of the pictures...our closet is a walk-in style closet. The closet itself is shaped like a skinny rectangle. The door is in the middle of one of the long sides of the rectangle/closet. Immediately opposite the door is the long wall with the double hanging racks. On the two skinny walls, there is one rack each for longer hanging items.


Here is the redo...


Looking to the left when you walk in...We moved the shoe racks; the tall shelving unit replaced the shoe racks. On these shelves are the things DH needs to dress for work...the shoe box has his work socks...there are his unmentionables also on the shelf. We've stacked these (contrary to the KonMari Method, because they are all the same...it doesn't matter which undershirt you grab...). Also stored here are firearms and firearm related items.




DH's side of the long wall...below are pants that need to hang (mostly work, but a couple of linen vacation pants) and the shoe racks...above are tops...mostly exercise and work shirts. Storage above includes costumes, etc.




This is my side of the long hanging wall...shoes racks below (also see shoes on the shelf under the hanging clothing)...above are some fancy sleeveless, exercise, hoodies and jackets.




Here is the long hanging on my side...skirts, one pair of slacks, dresses, and DH's suits and sport coat.




All of our knit clothing and casual clothing is in our drawers. There is even expansion room in our drawers...


Laurie...if you wanted to read more of the book...there is a longer preview on Google books.


One message in the book is about NOT downgrading clothing to loungewear. How there are entire stores dedicated to super comfy, soft material loungewear...that the clothes meant to be worn outside the home really aren't suitable for loungewear...if you think that way about the clothing...it's time for the clothing to find a new home.


She talks about how the time spent at home is precious and quality...just because no one will see you does not diminish its value...indeed, if ever you were to be your best self, surely you would do so at home when you have no one but yourself around?

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Beginning a new post because of photo restrictions...


So today. DS had a school related activity that required us to leave the house by 7 am. The alarm was set for 6 am, but true to form, I woke up naturally at 5:37 am. I had time to shower myself...which I was wanting to do...so I just got up and proceeded to get ready for this early and, sorry to say...somewhat boring parental day...


I decided to wear what I call my "public pajamas." This activity was not anything that I felt the need to wear anything nice to...comfort was key. This outfit is a pair of matching lounge pants and hoodie in a rust color by the Chico's Zenergy brand. I did have a dark green tank under the hoodie...wore my fun Missoni Converse sneakers...I actually wore jewelry. I was feeling good.


Tonight's activity, however, was my good friend's 50th birthday party. I read recently on the Vivienne Files a comment of that blogger wanting to dress nice for lunch with a friend to honor her friend. I wanted to dress nice for this party...had to start with shoes...


Wanted to wear my new bronze oxfords...


Decided my black slacks were the best bet for the shoes...


Still had on the green tank...


Decided that a scarf I have never actually worn went perfectly...


Decided that I also needed a necklace with the scarf...grabbed a long one that Mom had given me...it's one of the flashiest necklaces I own...


Decided that I needed earrings...decided that a pair my Grandmother wore a lot were perfect...green stones in a burnished gold setting...


Decided that it was cold outside and so I needed a jacket...tried the jeans...but ultimately decided the bronze was the way to go...


Decided that since we got home from the school activity at 4:15 pm...and I took a power nap from about 4:40 to 5:15...and was now getting ready for the party that was supposed to be getting started around 6...that makeup was totally optional...and completely unnecessary...


So I may look a bit tired...but here I am!:




I'm pulling up on my pants so that you can see my shoes...




I kind of wish I had also taken a normal picture...but you get the idea. I would have loved to have just worn jeans. And honestly...most of the people were in jeans...but I was not overdressed. I do have some denim that currently is too small. However, I was very comfortable. My clothing all fit...and was very comfortable to wear. And I felt good. It would have been nice to be a bit more "made up." Maybe to have done my hair...but oh well...it was just that kind of day.


I can tell you that it was really fun to get dressed. I'm kind of digging the methodology that I used...begin with what was most important...SHOES...and go from there. I've done this before...but not consistently. Usually, when I think of preparing for an occasion, I think of the dress or the outfit that I want to wear to that occasion...and then I try to work all the other things in...but starting with shoes...then coming up with the bottoms...keeping the same top on and just "making that combo work" was fun and effective.


And it was a great party!!

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Mousey , I am so glad your jewelry was found . I have a silver bracelet that is also so sentimental that I would hate to lose '

Anita , That outfit turned out great . I love how the long necklace adds a great touch .


I have been going through closets and tossing like crazy . We are planning on downsizing hopefully next year . I do weed out my clothes once a year and really organize that closet but somehow it fills up again .My SO 's closet is a disaster . I am going to try to weed out his a little but that will be met with resistance .He's a mild hoarder .I have already gone through my china hutch & tossed a huge box of things I 'll never use .Next is the kitchen !

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Hi everyone! I just had to chime in to say that I am enjoying reading about all the closet reorganization lately. I had posted months ago and felt a little shy about ëntering" the conversation. As usual, all of you are so welcoming-it is just my issue. Anyway, Anita you look so pretty and happy with your choices. It is worth it to go through the process. I brought 3 large bags over to Good will last week.Thanks for the inspiration.

I finally finished the Style Statement and I found it really difficult. It was quite the process. It took forever but I think it was influenced by many changes occurring at once-unexpected retirement was the most stressful change and the self reflection with the book was competing with the life process. All I can say now is that I feel better for having done it and thank you all for remaining such good examples!

I love looking at the beautiful clothing choices shown here. Thanks again.


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Anita, that's a great outfit! I have always felt that unless you are truly lounging at home, you want to feel good about what you wear. Sometimes, people think that looking nice means being uncomfortable, but I don't agree with that at all. What you are wearing in your outfit is very much like what I would do. It looks polished and comfy all at once!


The pants that you have on - what type of fabric is that? I wear dress slacks a lot for work, but I like to have one or two pair of non-denim casual pants to wear. I haven't really looked hard for them, but every time I have a need to wear a pair, it's a glaring reminder that I have yet to do that. I have some, but they are getting a bit baggy and I don't feel very good in them. One pair is chino like, and I may try to take them in a bit and see what happens. I would like to see a pair of brown pants and a pair of khaki, most likely. That will take care of my needs.


I really want to try a necklace with a scarf, I haven't done that yet.


I've never built an outfit around a pair of shoes, but I have started with a scarf or necklace, and I really like the process. It's like defining what matters most to you and then letting that be the focus.


You really look great, by the way. Not just the outfit, but you! And I think it is a sign of respect, in a way, that you dressed nicely for your friend's party. That was a nice thing to do for her and her event.


It looks like your weather situation is better out there. I think we are in line for more snow again. I'm looking forward to spring!


Smitty, join us anytime. We like he company!

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On a completely other note, I've been perplexed for a few days about something. A good friend of mine who is smart beyond belief with a doctorate degree and a great amount of sensibility just completed a 12 month diet/training thing. She has lost 22 pounds and 3 sizes. My first reaction is that it is great!


But then there is this other side to me...I've taken a long time to lose weight over the past few years. I try to eat right, get more exercise, take care of myself. Whenever I see someone embark on a plan such as she has, I ask myself if putting your body through too much at once is a good thing? History has it that she may or may not stay this way. One of the reasons I'm not doing this sort of thing is that I want to create lifelong habits that are healthy and maintainable. Whenever someone talks about pushing their body to the max or whatever, I get to overthinking. Is it really about a desire to be healthy and fit anymore? No pain no gain? Don't get me wrong...my body talks to me when I overdo it. Sometimes it talks to me simply because I'm out of shape.


She was going to create a Facebook page and allow a certain number of people to sign up so that she can lead them on in her next phase, and got more people onboard. I thought about it, but quite honestly, she didn't even talk about what she was doing to get there.


So, to get to the point, I know that everyone is different in their approach and we all are motivated in various ways. Are there benefits to a 10 week, 12 week routine? Anita, I know that you are very focused on fitness and health, so I trust your judgment. Many others here are working on taking care of themselves. Maybe I'm short changing myself in my approach?

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Laurie , Did she do a 12 month or 12 week program ? 22 lbs in 12 months seems reasonable . I lost 30 lbs in 12 months by just eating less . I do know lots of people who tried Jenny Craig , Medifast , the soup diet etc. and they all gained the weight back . I have not gained anything in six years . Once my body got used to the smaller meals it did not want anymore . I do exercise . I swim at least twice a week for 45 minutes .I am trying to work up to an hour .

Smitty , I see you cruise Holland America . I have been on most off the lines but not Holland America . I 've hesitated because it seems kind of stuffy and geared to much older people not that I am young . Is this true ? They have a great itinerary for Canada that we are considering .

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I'm not an expert. I research and read a lot.


Losing 22 pounds in 12 weeks is not an outrageous average. Usually, the recommendation is to lose 1-1.5 pounds per week. One reason for this is so that you skin has a chance to keep up with your weight loss...or should I say...shrink to fit your weight loss.


If someone is just starting a weight loss program and making a great and sudden change...they could experience a significant initial weight loss at the onset of their program. For instance, if you start with a bunch of retained water and you get your self hydrated...then you have a big jump start in weight loss that would create a higher than 1-1.5 lb/week average.


Same thing could happen for someone who makes a drastic change in their activity level...big initial weight loss that throws off the average.


Personally, I am not a fan of doing a "weight loss program." I think my thinking may be more like yours Laurie...I believe in adopting a new lifestyle and better habits that will ultimately lead to greater health and fitness...and specifically, targeted weight loss...that is, loss of excess fat and water.


I do believe that there can be some benefits to some 10 or 12 week programs, especially when these programs are to try to give your body a "reset." For instance, someone that drinks too much soda, or coffee, or eats out too much, or whatever...set a short term goal of 10-12 weeks...and have your program geared toward your goal. You may need to fast whatever you want to moderate in the future...this temporary altering of behavior can be very helpful.


I believe most other temporary behaviors geared toward weight loss (a special diet, for instance) are only setting you up for temporary weight loss.


Smart plans...and smart 10-12 week programs that aren't viewed as a temporary thing but viewed as a short term goal, aimed at starting a new lifestyle are excellent. For instance...I would say that I might be embarking on some short terms plans and goals with regards to my knee. What I do to start will likely not be what will grow into doing...shorter terms plans building on each other and leading to new behaviors.


This is very different than a temporary plan that will ultimately just end with no clear follow up to avoid regressing into the previous behaviors.


I hope I'm explaining myself well here.


It sounds like your friend is about to embark on another short term thing...and is seeking out a support group to help continue on a positive and progressive path. It sounds like your friend is trying to make permanent changes through temporary and short term means. I think that's the key to success. You can't expect to do something temporary so that you can go back to doing what got you into "trouble" in the first place.

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ANITA! Wonderful outfit. So fun, so relaxed, so interesting color-wise. Love the new shoes, too.


Laurie, I am not a weight loss expert, so I can only speak from personal experience. There are a lot of quick-loss programs out there. Obviously some of them work very well for what they are. But there is a big difference between wanting to lose weight quickly and wanting to get to a lower, sustainable weight with good health over the long haul. The best way to do that is to create good habits that include activity (which may or may not mean exercise), portion control, proper nutrition, and calorie awareness. There is a reason why WW is so successful for so many, and that is because it addresses those things. Once you stop paying attention to the good new habits you are trying to create, backsliding happens. If you are on a quick-loss plan and don't learn about or develop good habits, you are going to fail in the long run. That's my two cents. Disclaimer: I don't work for WW or endorse it specifically, I'm just using it as an good example.


Sally has a good point. That shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, not so good. Where is the real food?


Smitty, it's nice to have you back again. Please jump in at any time. We love to hear new voices and new experiences so we can learn.


Joby, we are super busy over here, aren't we? The conversation on the FIRE thread has been quiet lately. Is nobody cruising or otherwise traveling over there?

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So, here are my tees, with my khaki skort, off-white bermudas, and teal shorts:




The second, geometric shirt is a floaty fabric that I can dress up or down, so I might wear it for casual dinner one night. All of these I chose to pack first for comfort and fit, then for color.

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Here are my long-sleeved shirts plus mushroom ankle pants, brown travel pants, and gold capris. I'll wear the matching brown jacket to travel. The middle shirt is one of my faves, it is gold, ivory, and turquoise:




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Tanks and travel accessories:




For shoes, I'm bringing two for formal nights (gold, brown), my sparkly gold flip flops, water shoes, and Zumba shoes. If our departure weather is reasonable, I'll wear the bronze sandals in the photo for the flight.

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Bathing suits & beach wear:




The pareo is from Tahiti, the tunic shirt in the middle is J. Jill, and I'm bringing the nylon shorts in case we go jetskiing. I'm reminded by the picture that I need to get out the rash guard that matches my snorkeling suit (on the right).


I looked at the photos I posted last year, and I totally forgot about the cute brown evening purse I bought. What a nice surprise. And the handbag that goes with my navy anniversary formal has a peacock effect, so it matches my teal gown. Yay!


This year I will remember to pack TWO sweaters. :)

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I just got home and it's snowing! Me, my husband, and one of my daughters went to a Syracuse Silver Knights game, which is our soccer team. It was a whole bunch of fun. My place of employment sponsored the event, so we were seated with a lot of people we already know. They have this room they use, and they had pizza and soda for us. I was good, one piece of pizza. But I got into some popcorn though! They did ask if we could wear our work attire, so I wore my royal blue polo. Since it's so cold, I wore the matching royal blue fleece zip up jacket too. Both with the bank logo, of course!


The shirt really isn't my thing, but I don't mind wearing it for a work event. They are tailored with some seams in the front to make a nice fit. I did something though that I haven't done in a few years, at least...I tucked it in and wore a belt. My daughter said it really looked good that way. The shirt hasn't been worn in a while, and it was definitely looser. I guess I needed that boost, and the posts here on this thread to realize that I'm heading in the right direction. My goal is health and fitness. It's about taking care of myself so that I live a long, productive life. If I don't have abs of steel, that's okay as long as I'm healthy. I feel a bit better now.


It doesn't help that my friend hasn't really said much about what she is doing, but I think it's great that she wants to continue to work on her fitness level.


Margaret, you have some great choices to bring along with you. Since seeing Anita's pictures from yesterday and seeing yours now, I am thinking a bit about how if I don't work on getting a pair or two of pants, I will probably end up wearing mostly jeans, which is okay, but not my first choice. I am thinking I still have those caramel ankle pants. I need to try them on - they should fit better!!!

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You know what I love? The ability to mix and match and I can see that so well with your choices, Margaret. My daughter had an item in her store that was an online purchase that was returned to the store. It's a Travex skort in this shade of blue....


It felt warm to me, but I wouldn't say overly warm....I just felt it could work well with many of my shirts. I debated because I had seen it but didn't try it on, and then asked her to pick it up. It is a size smaller than the one I already have, and it fits.


I hope I can wear things such as this on my cruise, but the general consensus of what I've heard is that I need to stick to jeans, pants, and some capris, and then layers on top. That's okay, I'll get a lot out of it this summer and on other cruises and vacations.

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Laurie...those black pants were from Kohl's. Just looking online...because I am too lazy to walk up to my room from the basement!...I'm pretty sure they are the curvy fit Apt 9 trousers. They are polyester/rayon/spandex. They are a loose fit trouser...and what I like about them the most is the fact that I can sit and stand and move all around and I never have to adjust the waist band...KWIM? All night long...I saw some ladies stand up and then yank up their britches...I know how annoying that is...


I also like them a lot because they aren't too shiny. They are more of a matte material...which I prefer.


Margaret...when do you leave again? Looks like you've put together a great mix and match travel wardrobe! Looking forward to seeing how you wear it all. :)


I have my eye on a swimsuit. I want it so bad. It is very expensive though...




I love the spire green color! I love the back!! I have found that I don't love the look of the back of a one piece suit when it goes too high up in the back...my rear end has enough issues...I don't need it looking any larger, thank you very much...BUT...the staying power of the straps is greatly increased when the back is higher...and this suit feels like it could be such a great compromise! The full coverage is lower, but all those criss cross straps would help keep the shoulders from falling down.


Also loving the spire green color in the swimwear...it looks WAY darker in the catalog though...

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Anita, at first glance I thought that was black because of my computer screen. But when I zoomed in on the color, it appears to be a deep olive? That would be a super hard color to find!


It's funny because I was looking at swimsuits this weekend myself. Just a window shopping kind of thing though, as I currently have some great suits. I wore that one on my last cruise and I posted a picture of it - it had that aqua and teal blue in it. I just loved that, and felt so good in it. I have two others two, a brown one like Margaret's purplish one, but mine has thicker straps. Then I have another swimdress in an animal print that is a whole lot of fun.


Animal prints always catch my eye, and that is where I got to thinking swimsuits to begin with . We stopped at Target yesterday and I saw an animal print swimsuit....I just did this sharp right turn that left my husband wondering where I got off to, lol. They had a red one like Margaret's purple one, and I'm quite biased to red.


I have gotten good deals on my swimsuits so I didn't feel too bad buying them, but I also think a well made swimsuit will be yours for many years to come. Maybe you will be able to get this on sale?

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