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Great news! I'm glad you made it to Galveston .


I found a 5 day cruise on Brilliance of the Seas out of Tampa at the end of February. It goes to Cozumel and Grand Cayman. It's a good price and there is $300 in on board credit. I really want to do this cruise! I don't know for sure about the numbers though. I hope it is doable.


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Woohoo for Melody! Bon Voyage!


Laurie, that is a cruise I've tucked in the back of my mind as wishful thinking for a quick getaway (as if that can happen :rolleyes:). Flights to Tampa from here can be so cheap.


I am really pushing for Africa for 2017. A lot will depend on DH's recovery, and our job situations by then. But, we have to plan at least a year in advance because of the FF miles, so it pays to start thinking about it now.


After that, DH will probably not want to think about another strenuous trip, so I think we'd like to do a 4 day from Port Canaveral so we can visit Disneyworld and NASA, and then get a little down time onboard.

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Melody, so sorry to hear about your fall and injuries. I hope you have an awesome time on your cruise!


Well, when it comes to body shapes...I'd say I'm pear shaped. I hate it but it is what it is. I have a small shoulder width, a bigger tummy than I'd like, big upper thighs, but slim legs. So go figure! LOL! You'd think I'd stay away from stripes but I don't. I just love them too much.


So, Arizona lost...boo hoo! But it was great to see the DS even though he didn't stay at the house. He did come by twice and I just kept hugging him and staring at him. I just love that kid so much. I'm excited that he'll be home again in a couple of weeks for Thanksgiving.


I've got my Thanksgiving menu all planned out and everyone knows what they're bringing so all is well. I'm making things, except for the turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy, that can be made the day before and so only have to be heated. I know you can make mashed potatoes ahead of time but I just don't like them that way.


The DH and I went out for dinner tonight and talked about the dinner menu and he thinks I've made good choices and when I mentioned that I wanted to make the same kind of mashed potatoes that we get at one of our favorite restaurants in town, Wood Ranch BBQ, he was all for it. I was afraid that people might not like not having traditional mashed potatoes but the DH says he for sure would love me to try something different. So now I've got to look up the recipe.


I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving with their families and friends!

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Laurie , I did a five day on the Brilliance last year . I loved the ship and the food was great . We are looking at maybe doing a short cruise in January . The prices were low and I should have booked but now with the new sale they really raised the prices .Tampa is about 45 min drive from our house so it makes for an easy cruise .

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Sally, I wish I had seen this cruise sooner and had more time to plan. I really want this, but I also know I have a budget to stick to. The hotel costs are surprisingly high.


I worked a very long day today, and my husband has events he has to work tonight, tomorrow and then most of the day Saturday. I really won't be able to chat with him about it until Sunday but the deposit is due now if I want to make sure I lock into this rate. I can always cancel if it isn't going to work out but I would be so mad at myself if I waited and the rate went up!


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Mousey, sometimes it is nice to do something different. I don't worry much any more about having to be traditional although I often am. For the past few years, we've had our bigger meal Christmas eve, and then an appetizer type party midday for my family. That threw a lot of people off at first but now they love it. Christmas night, we watch Christmas movies and I make things like bacon wrapped scallops. It's been wonderful to just do different things.


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Sally, I wish I had seen this cruise sooner and had more time to plan. I really want this, but I also know I have a budget to stick to. The hotel costs are surprisingly high.


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That is high season in Florida so hotel prices are high but you can always try Hotwire for a lower rate . The seaport is in the Westshore area near Ybor city & downtown Tampa .

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Sally, my TA looked a bit further, and found us a better deal at $220.00. I'm going to look at the hotel online later tonight to see what it is like. I know that for a one night stay the day before a cruise, I have to pay a bit more.


I don't think I'm high maintenance or anything, but I do look for certain criteria where we stay. I want to be close to the port, and I want a shuttle to the port available. We usually don't rent a car, so we want to be in walking distance of restaurants (nothing fancy, just not fast food) and to have breakfast available at the hotel.


I figure you can pay less, but if you need to take a cab all over or rent a car, you might as well opt for a hotel that offers what you need. We get there between mid day and evening the day before the cruise, so we are mostly just resting up and getting ready.


I do hope we can do this cruise. It all depends on the darned siding for the house. :rolleyes:


For the last few days, we've had extremely windy weather. With wind chill it was 27 degrees last night. Today is better because the wind has settled down, but there was a bit of a mix in the weather this morning. It was a light rain/light snow combo. That stopped, and it is supposed to reach the low 50s for the next few days.


I'll be off to the gym tomorrow. We usually go on Saturday mornings early, but my husband worked this morning. He then worked the tailgate and the football game this evening. We do what we can to keep with our schedule.


Now, if only Syracuse could have been #1 Clemson....hey, they put up a good fight!

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Laurie , I understand your concern about your hotel . When I first tried Priceline & then Hotwire I was skeptical but I have gotten amazing hotels at great prices .As long as you can narrow down the area and only go with at least 31/2 or 4 star hotels . I have ended up at great hotels that I paid at least one third the going rate for . I used to travel to Boston a lot and I would always end up at the Hilton or the Sheraton in back bay for a little over $100. In Washington DC I scoured a great boutique hotel with a free wine hour & breakfast for $130.There is a website called Bidding for travel and it has a list of what hotels you will end up with in different areas . I don't use it in small towns as it doesn't really work there . The best savings are in larger cities .Sorry I rambled but I love a great bargain .

Edited by Sailor_Sally
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That is good info Sally, thank you. I'm used to having everything well planned in advance with spreadsheets and the like. I also usually book more than a year ahead, although with a few of my fall trips, they were booked about 4 months ahead.


My husband I were discussing the cruise today, and we still haven't made a final decision. I think the new siding for the house is really throwing us for a loop. I knew it would be pricey, but it is still more than what I expected. We've been saving up for a while, but we are still a bit short. At the same time, it is nice knowing that this is something that will be paid for, and we don't need to take a loan.


I've been very focused on planning for our future needs lately. Siding for the house is something that once it is done, we're done for a very long time to come. We are trying to get the larger, long term projects done as part of our retirement planning. I'm only 50, but we have a plan for these sort of things.


At the same time, we also know that it's good to relax, and get away. I've been having a lot of stress at work, and it seems like this is something I really look forward to. When I went to Lake Placid for our long weekend, I spent part of Friday and Monday answering work emails. And with some of the issues that led up to weekend, it felt like it took a long time to really unwind fully.


I'm off a few days at Thanksgiving (maybe) and the week of Christmas (maybe). I think I agreed to be "on call" because we have too many people off. We'll see!


For the past few days though, I'm realizing how fortunate I am in many ways. I can't really understand what causes people to become radical extremists, who terrorize and kill innocent people. My heart is very heavy.

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That is good info Sally, thank you. I'm used to having everything well planned in advance with spreadsheets and the like. I also usually book more than a year ahead, although with a few of my fall trips, they were booked about 4 months ahead.


My husband I were discussing the cruise today, and we still haven't made a final decision. I think the new siding for the house is really throwing us for a loop. I knew it would be pricey, but it is still more than what I expected. We've been saving up for a while, but we are still a bit short. At the same time, it is nice knowing that this is something that will be paid for, and we don't need to take a loan.


I've been very focused on planning for our future needs lately. Siding for the house is something that once it is done, we're done for a very long time to come. We are trying to get the larger, long term projects done as part of our retirement planning. I'm only 50, but we have a plan for these sort of things.


At the same time, we also know that it's good to relax, and get away. I've been having a lot of stress at work, and it seems like this is something I really look forward to. When I went to Lake Placid for our long weekend, I spent part of Friday and Monday answering work emails. And with some of the issues that led up to weekend, it felt like it took a long time to really unwind fully.


I'm off a few days at Thanksgiving (maybe) and the week of Christmas (maybe). I think I agreed to be "on call" because we have too many people off. We'll see!


For the past few days though, I'm realizing how fortunate I am in many ways. I can't really understand what causes people to become radical extremists, who terrorize and kill innocent people. My heart is very heavy.




Mine too Laurie. All those innocent people killed. These are the kinds of things that make my heart feel like lead. My SIL's mom got so scared (she's in her late 80s and a little senile) she begged my SIL to take her to the grocery store so that she could use a gift card she had to buy $100 worth of canned goods because she thinks the world is coming to an end. My SIL said she had been watching what had happened in France on TV. Isn't that sad?

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We are on heightened alert here because of the events in Paris, and it is easy to see the extra security. I hope, as it does for me, that it comforts our visitors rather than makes them feel afraid.


Like Laurie, I find it impossible to understand. On the flip side, they find it impossible to understand our way of thinking, too, which just makes me incredibly sad for the world. I always think that we are fortunate people, and especially fortunate women, that we had the great good luck to be born here rather than elsewhere. Our complaints, while valid, have a certain luxury to them sometimes (thinking about the brouhaha over Starbucks cups). How lucky are we that we can be "concerned" about such issues.


In any event, I am off to class to remind my students that seeing more police is a good thing and that they are helpful people (not going to throw you in jail and extort your family for money to get out, as happens in some of their countries).


My conference was very interesting and my presentation went very well! I hadn't thought ahead and realized that now I will have MORE work to do, not less. I have lots of people to follow up with, and requests for campus visits to arrange.


You will all be happy to know that I carefully chose an EARTH outfit, and was pleased to stand out among all the black. :) I was definitely easy to find in my purple sweater.


My cruise seems VERY far away....

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Laurie , It is good to start retirement planning . I've seen to many people ignore it and never being able to retire . Getting away is also important when you are both working at stressful jobs.Good luck on your decision.


The terror in France is frightening and we never know how much more is to come . Gary & I are watching London for fear that it will happen there . That would probably make us cancel our trip or rethink it since we will be in London center for four days .

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As silly as it seems, I was concerned about my husband and the football game Saturday. They always say that large gatherings or heavily populated places are a security concern. Well, they sold something like 34,000 tickets for the Syracuse vs. Clemson game. Clemson is the #1 football team in the nation, and Carrier Dome is quite a place to have a game.


It's something I normally take for granted, but suddenly I"m thinking about all these different things. My husband working a game, by daughter working at a large mall, people on their cruises, etc.


And Margaret, you've made a very good point. I sometimes feel that gender inequality is a noted problem, but compared to other parts of the world, what we have is incredible. And yes, we can raise a ruckus over coffee cups, instead of just being grateful that we can afford coffee.


Sally, I've been working hard to save for retirement for quite some time, but I know I am at a prime age where I need to increase my contributions. I am working on that, and made a change at the beginning of summer. i plan to keep increasing even more each year. I know when my mortgage will be paid, etc.


So it's very important to plan and prepare for retirement, regarding both income and having things paid for. At the same time, I often think that we need a sense of balance to our lives. I am working very hard to achieve a sense of balance.


Mousey, I'm one of those "the glass is half full, not half empty" types. I still sometimes wonder, with everything that goes on, if perhaps we aren't careful enough. If it isn't safe anywhere, that sort of thing.

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Sally, one of the things that's troubling about my parents' situation is the lack of retirement planning. It is definitely creating additional challenges for us kids. We all assumed, because Mom would only get worse and eventually require care, that my dad was doing what he needed to. It was a big surprise to find out how little money was left.


So, yes, we are big on retirement planning, and debt reduction. And helping your children to become financially literate. It is a way better gift than the latest iphone.


As for London, I would put them up there with NYC in terrorist prevention safety. Don't forget, they were dealing with the IRA long before Islamic terrorists became an issue. The most thorough airport screening we ever got was at Heathrow (be sure to read their website about allowed carry-on articles).


Now that the semester is winding down and we're heading towards our post-surgery month at home, I'm attracted to cozy. These are some recent things that have caught my eye:








and for the holidays:



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Also, during my conference lunch break I ran across to the mall to visit J.Jill. They have things in this beautiful color called Juniper:




and I really liked this skirt in both colors:




When I saw this muted green, I immediately thought of Anita. It would be super easy to throw on over exercise clothes, and looks so comfy. Isn't funny how we think of our group here when we're shopping?



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Our weekend travels took us into Kim's realm, so we had couples night out at a local smoke-free bar and grill that had some fabulous food and on tap beer (for DH and myself).




I wore one of my vest outfit ideas with a different shirt, a wine colored one. I wasn't wearing the scarf in the photo because the one I was wearing is a cashmere scarf more intended to deal with cold weather than offer style...and it was too much for the indoors. As you can see, the vest is too light to be truly Earth, even for a Soft Autumn...I love the style though. I'll have to take a look at the material and see if it would be worth trying to inject a bit more cream into it. Meanwhile...


Kim was looking fabulous in her Fire blue with a fabulous Fire hot patterned jacket.


We're pretty sure that Kim's DH is Air...and mine is definitely Earth...and the consensus at the table was that for the most part...they can get away with wearing a lot of colors that aren't "ideal". I think about my Ice Dad and think that the ability to go "off chart" in the color realm is definitely more applicable to the Muted color palettes' skin. Especially for men, for whatever reason.


Speaking of the skin, you can totally see the difference between Kim and myself. Just like in photos with Mom, you really see the "cloudiness" of my skin...the saturation of all the color. God pushed hard on the crayons when he colored me...and filled in ALL the lines.


I'm due for a hair cut BADLY. Going in next Monday.


I've been feeling low...battling a cold for a bit and with the passing of a major event for school finally succumbed and have been feeling knocked out for a bit.


I love that dress Margaret. I was just wishing that I had one. Seriously. I ordered it. Mom is gifting me for Christmas! So big thank yous for the personal shopping effort! I'll report on how awesome it is upon arrival.


Late to post but I hope Melody was able to enjoy her cruise. Rough business.

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Anita, so glad you liked that dress. I'm seriously thinking about it too, it just seems too versatile to pass up. I think that my years of running from rehearsal to class and back again trained my eye for things like that, that are easy to throw on and yet look pulled together.


JJill had a blouse that I wanted in the worst way. Not in my size. Not in my size on the website either. Oh well.


You and Kim both look joyful and I wish we could all just transport ourselves to someplace fun and have a beverage of choice together! It's so great to see different seasons together in their colors. Everyone shines in their own way.


My DH is an AIR too, and he is extremely fair. He definitely looks best in the true spring palette. It is very easy for him to turn way too pink in the wrong colors, almost feverish-looking. I have been trying to expand his wardrobe to include more colors since it is predominantly navy, white, and gray. Fine for work, but a bit boring for going out with friends.

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That is a really cute picture of Anita & Kim . You both look great . I also have been looking at that JJill dress . I might go to the mall next week & try it on . It looks so versatile .

I also have been fighting a bad cold . Went to the Doctor Monday and have just been relaxing this week .

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Thanks for posting the photo, Anita. It's fun to see us side by side and the differences, isn't it? We had such a wonderful time, it flew by though, didn't it?


I was just thinking about our DH's and what they were wearing--your EARTH DH was wearing an AIR'ish blue shirt and my AIR DH was wearing a more EARTH'ish green striped shirt--funny now that I think about it :)


We really do need to work on an all inclusive EARTH/FIRE meet and greet!

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I'm very busy doing the laundry I didn't do earlier this week and otherwise preparing for Mom and Dad to arrive tomorrow!!


Taking breaks in between the loads...I'm behind on TVF but I have to share how much I loved today's post with the inspiration of the brooch. I am very attracted to the idea of a wardrobe inspired by something...I wish I were the type of person that had a favorite thing. I'm too situation dependent to have favorites...


It makes me wonder if I could just find inspiration for a season...


I liked how today's wardrobe was very simple...very casual...very easy...how the idea of being reminded of something could be a joyful thing, nothing too literal.


I have benefited so much from my little exercise of making the vest outfits...it has been very easy to trade out other shirts and over shirt options within the color scheme. And I talked about wanting to do a 333 project...


I'm keeping a look out for inspiration and hope to figure out my 33 items before the official start of Winter on December 21.


Anyway...with Mom and Dad coming, not sure how much I'll be posting from here out...just wanted to wish everyone a lovely Thanksgiving holiday.


I am very grateful to the ladies here...our conversation over the years has satisfied something in me and it keeps me coming back to this board for our threads to check up on everyone. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. :)

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I have a lot of catching up to do!


First, I love the links you posted, Margaret. That juniper color reminds me of a light version of teal in some of those pictures. That is a great color. I loved that dress/cover up items too. I don't think I would wear it well, but I sure wish I could. That is really nice.


And the other links you posted really captured my interest too. I loved the bronze sparkly sweater. I would wear that for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day and then on New Year's Eve too. There was a tweed like sweater with an asymmetrical hem that I loved.


Anita, have a great time with your mom and dad! I am working Monday and Tuesday, and then I took a few vacation days so that I have the rest of the week off. I'm looking forward to it. Wednesday, I will be baking two pumpkin pies and an apple pie. I usually get my sweet potatoes ready the day before as well. I make them like mashed potatoes, but I add a bit of nutmeg in with the butter...I don't put any brown sugar or anything like that in them. I put them in a little baking dish so I just heat them up the next day.


I'm trying diligently not to make more pies, but I may throw a cherry pie in there. I love making a lattice top.


Well, things are looking up. We think we have everything figured out for the siding and that we will still be able to take the February cruise. That is still iffy at the moment, but I will know for sure within the next few weeks.


I had a great morning at the gym today, but my hip is talking to me a little. It seems like I'm drawn to the things that hurt my hip the most, lol. Isn't that always the way?


I remember last year that we were all talking about decorating for Christmas. We traditionally decorate the Sunday after Thanksgiving. We have two trees, and tend to decorate quite a bit of the house. One of my daughters and I have been talking a lot about adding/changing some things. One of my dilemmas is having the house flow together (remember style statement - harmonious??) and still utilize things that have sentimental value. Christmas decorating is almost a hobby for me, so this is a big deal. I'm even putting out some festive pillows on the bench in the mud room. :rolleyes: I love this stuff. My style is a bit different, in that I like a natural, but elegant look. Pine cones and deer are a big thing for me.


I'd be getting out my stuff now but I have vowed to wait until after Thanksgiving. I might sneak some things upstairs before the official decorating date, but it has to be after Thanksgiving. I'll take lots of pictures.


Speaking of pictures, what do you guys think of this dress? The color isn't as warm as I thought, but it isn't overly cool either. There is some nice accent colors in the print that are warm.



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The necklace is a leftover from work, I wasn't intending to wear it with the dress.


I could wear this to the Christmas party we have for work, but I may end up chilly. I was looking at this today online at Macy's. Isn't the color wonderful? I think this would be a good style and color. I can bling it up for the party, and also wear the dress to work.


http://www1.macys.com/shop/product/ny-collection-b-slim-three-quarter-sleeve-dress?ID=579770&CategoryID=5449&LinkType=&swatchColor=Dark Olive#fn=sp%3D1%26spc%3D219%26slotId%3D16%26kws%3Dmisses%20green%20dress


I love that photo of Anita and Kim!!!! You both look so wonderful. And you are right about color choices and skin and so forth. It can make such a difference. I feel like I'm looking at both of you and seeing the real you...your choices enhance you, not compete with you. And you both look so comfortable with yourselves - you are relaxed and having a good time, and it shows.


I didn't think knowing if I was a soft autumn, true autumn, etc. would make a difference to me. I didn't think some of the pointers for a V shaped body would matter much to me. But it all does. And I love it when I think about an outfit first, because I'm not blindsided by thinking something is going to look great, then getting it on and wondering why it wasn't I was expecting. Sometimes, I go ahead with it knowing that it won't be perfect. And sometimes I make small changes.


Like today, I was wearing that ivory sweater, the one that has the lace on the bottom that looks like there is a sweater layered over a shirt? And I had dark navy jeans. I got to thinking about light on bottom, dark on top. I didn't want to change the outfit, so I didn't. But when I went to grab a scarf, I went with a darker brown print, that helped to even out the outfit.

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Laurie, I read this thread most days and have not been able to get my head around the colour ideas you lovely ladies talk about. I just want to tell you though that the dress you are wearing in post 4647 looks just so lovely on you. I hope it meets the colour requirements you seek.

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