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I just wanted to write in and find out some information about the Norwegian Dawn. About 30 of my friends and myself are going for spring break on there on March 27th. I have two very important questions. First, we are all 18, is it possible for us to get any alochol and gamble? not all of us but maybe the possibilty of us doin any of those things. Secondly, is there alot of things for us to do on the ships and alot of people for us to interact with?

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the policy aboard NCL is you have to be 21 to get alcohol. I think it's posted on their website. but who knows...some might be lenient (sp?). Also I thought at least one passenger must be 21 in each room?


I wouldn't call getting alcohol a very important question...there'll be lots of things you can do without drinking. the Dawn will be my first cruise (i'm 21) but from what I hear, there's so many things you can do; you'll be surprised. you can worry about drinking when you get off the ship. have fun.:D

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Here comes not always believing what I am reading me: I have read all of Laurens postings, she says this is a senior spring break trip: Absolutely no way can 25 kids have cabins unless there are 21 year olds in each cabin; no way can anyone under 21 get served liquor on NCL, nor wine, nor beer. Your sign and sail cards are marked according to your age. Maybe someone has been reading the posts about the kids from Florida a little to much. She might be going on the Dawn, there might be other teens on the ship, but there are not 25 high school seniors cruisng and partying without adults in the cabins. Of course she didn't say they were traveling alone, but I would certainly think if the parents or adults were with them she wouldn't be quite so blatent about what she plans to do. For those of you who are sailing the Dawn that week, please let us know when you get back. NMnita

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we don't want a repeat of the animal house at sea cruise on the spirit. if these girls wanted a "partying kind of vacation" they should have chosen cancun and not a cruise ship when all of them are 18 and the policy is 21.


just my opinion :D

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Yes, there are a LOT of things to do and a lot of people to meet. There are many wonderful things to enjoy to the fullest. A cruise is a very special thing. Especially with friends to share it.


originally posted by lauren2418

We are gonna be partying it up on the dawn hahaha

I don't want to jump to conclusions, but the hahaha at the end sort of made me wonder. Just as a warning, they can put you off the ship for breaking the rules and behaving in a manner that is disruptive to other passengers. It can be very expensive and problematic to get back home from a port of call.


In reference to the animal house thread which was mentioned here. I don't understand why people would want to use up so much of their cruise and compromise such a huge part of a wonderful experience by being either 1. absolutely wasted (and not even remembering what happened) or 2. sick from being wasted. Totally appropriate term, what a waste.


Have a great, fun time alflyer! Enjoy the ports, enjoy your friends and make some new ones, look at the stars from the deck of the ship, dance the night away, enjoy the shows, enjoy the casino (if you have your own money to lose ;) ), movies, game rooms, fine dinners, friendly crew, deck games, and fellow passengers.

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To answer some of the original questions...


The drinking age on the Dawn is definitely 21 for all types of alcoholic beverages. When they swipe your card it will be flagged as under 21. Plus, they take your card when you order and bring it back with the drink.


ALSO, at 11pm each night the Spinnakers lounge turns into a 21 and over bar/club. They station security guards at each entrance. The guards have a list of every cruiser who is under 21. So if they question your age upon entering, they check your card against the under 21 list. If they see your name, they deny entry. If they don't see your time, they let you in. TIP - if you plan on "sneaking" in there....try to go to the last show before 11pm in Spinnakers and hang around inside the lounge under the DJ starts. You won;t be able to buy any drinks, but at least you're in! However, if security notices that your obviously under 21, they will approach you and card you.


ALSO, NCL's gambling age is 21, as well. Of course you can walk through it at any age, but don't get caught gambling. They won't pay-off if they suspect your age is under 21.


This is how NCL words it....http://www.ncl.com/more/fp_mi_w2n.htm#06


Hope this helps.

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we don't want a repeat of the animal house at sea cruise on the spirit. if these girls wanted a "partying kind of vacation" they should have chosen cancun and not a cruise ship when all of them are 18 and the policy is 21.


just my opinion :D



I mentioned in my post they are on a senior spring break; that is high school, not college break. This would mean some are not even 18 I would guess: Cancun would have been cheaper most likely and less restrictive. I still wonder what is really going on. NMnita

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I know a lot of my friends went to cancun for their HS senior trip. well not alot but some. they went because they wanted to party for a week ( I could not go b/c I was saving money to pay for college, as I still am doing - but God bless this internship for giving me extra money for this cruise in May! :p )


I think they'll have fun on the cruise and will behave like adults. if not, NCL will handle the situation well. :D

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I know a lot of my friends went to cancun for their HS senior trip. well not alot but some. they went because they wanted to party for a week ( I could not go b/c I was saving money to pay for college, as I still am doing - but God bless this internship for giving me extra money for this cruise in May! :p )


I think they'll have fun on the cruise and will behave like adults. if not, NCL will handle the situation well. :D



I'm sorry, I guess I didn't make myself clear: yes, they can go to Cancun or Cozumel and many do, but the cruise ships do not and I will repeat do not allow anyone under 21 in a cabin without a 21 year old with them. Sure, on occassion eyes are closed, but 25 high school seniors are not taking a cruise without being supervised. As for behaving, read the remarks, I don't think they have any intentions of behaving like adults, unless you consider partying it up, gambling and drinking acting like adults. Some adults yes, but most no. I am glad you will be cruising in May, have a great time. NMnita

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Thanks for the link. It does state the new NCL policy of minimum age of 18 for use of the casino.


The new old rule of 18 is back. It is all about the dollar. With all the poker on TV and online gambling is big for the 18-21 crowd. Soon we will have the old rule 21 for booze - 18 for beer and wine.


By the way people please don't feed the troll.

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I'm sorry, I guess I didn't make myself clear: yes, they can go to Cancun or Cozumel and many do, but the cruise ships do not and I will repeat do not allow anyone under 21 in a cabin without a 21 year old with them. Sure, on occassion eyes are closed, but 25 high school seniors are not taking a cruise without being supervised. As for behaving, read the remarks, I don't think they have any intentions of behaving like adults, unless you consider partying it up, gambling and drinking acting like adults. Some adults yes, but most no. I am glad you will be cruising in May, have a great time. NMnita



This thread needs to be hi-jacked. The link above also brings back the jean issue :D


"We do not allow jeans, T-shirts, shorts, cut-offs, tank tops, bare feet, etc. in any of the restaurants at dinner."

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This thread needs to be hi-jacked. The link above also brings back the jean issue :D


"We do not allow jeans, T-shirts, shorts, cut-offs, tank tops, bare feet, etc. in any of the restaurants at dinner."

The link also brings back the bringing-wine-aboard issue. " Guests are not allowed to bring on board the vessel any alcoholic beverages of any kind."



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Some of the replies on this post kind of upset me and I feel like I have to stick up for these kids going on their senior break. I am sure they are not going to spend their whole cruise partying and wreaking havoc about the ship. And in another post they did state there was a group of family and friends, with about 25 16-19 year olds so I am sure they will have someone 21 or older in their rooms as that is the requirement. I just think people need to stop worrying about how these kids will spend their vacation and focus more on how you will spend yours. They only get to be young once so let them enjoy it. And as stated above, if it gets out of hand NCL should take care of it.


And for all of you seniors going on the March 27 Dawn, I hope that you all have a great time.

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Some of the replies on this post kind of upset me and I feel like I have to stick up for these kids going on their senior break. I am sure they are not going to spend their whole cruise partying and wreaking havoc about the ship. And in another post they did state there was a group of family and friends, with about 25 16-19 year olds so I am sure they will have someone 21 or older in their rooms as that is the requirement. I just think people need to stop worrying about how these kids will spend their vacation and focus more on how you will spend yours. They only get to be young once so let them enjoy it. And as stated above, if it gets out of hand NCL should take care of it.


And for all of you seniors going on the March 27 Dawn, I hope that you all have a great time.



Wish I could share your positive attitude on this one but just isn't there. if you notice none of these kids have responded to any of our comments leaving me to believe;either there is a troll out there or 2-they have no intentions of just having a good time without the partyies. By the way, I read all these posts and can't recall where these particular kids mentioned being part of the group of 25. You seem concerned about some of us worrying about how they spend their vacation: they asked the questions about gambling and drinking, pretty much opening up the can of worms wouldn't you think? Of course you are only young once, and most want to see kids enjoy themselves, but drinking and gambling while in high school shouldn't be the way to enjoy oneself. I guess I am totally concerned, more than in the past because of the number of kids ruining their lives or loosing their lives just in the past year from binge drinking. At our small state college we have had 1 death and 1 who is barely alive today due to binge drinking: CSU has had 2 this year and Arkansas at least one, just to mention the ones I know about. It is not OK for kids to drink in high school particularly!! Off my soap box for today...........NMNita

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I am one of the 32 kids going on the 3/27 sailing. NCL requires that every 4 people under the age of 21 need an adult or guardian for supervision. It is also required that a parent or guardian over the age of 21 is in the stateroom. Many of our families will be cruising with us and while this is our spring break it is more of a family vacation. We are a very mature group of kids and are experienced cruisers.




14 days:)

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I hope all of you kids have a great time and enjoy your cruise. I have teenagers and I certainly do remember that far back as well. I have been on cruises where the packs of kids were better behaved than some adults. Part of the drinking problem with kids today is the fact that the legal age is 21. It should be 18, then kids wouldn't flip out over the freedom of being away from home and having unlimited access to alcohol. Just my opinion.

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Some of the replies on this post kind of upset me and I feel like I have to stick up for these kids going on their senior break. I am sure they are not going to spend their whole cruise partying and wreaking havoc about the ship.


If you have ever been nextdoor to a group whose purpose is to party all night and sleep all day, you might have a different take. Because I am a teacher, we are limited to when we can cruise. My wedding cruise was over Spring Break, and every cabin was packed. The three girls nextdoor to my parents literally almost ruined their cruise (in suites). They felt that banging on the walls at 2 AM was appropriate. When my dad called security one night at 2:00, one girl was livid with him. Another night he had to call security at 4:00 AM. She certainly let him know that he was over 50 and it was HER spring break - and he shouldn't even be on the cruise. As I explained to our concierge, all I wanted was for my dad to be awake enough to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day in port. Because every cabin was booked, they could not be moved (my parents offered to move!). No where for them to go. We did not feel it was unreasonable to expect "quiet hours" between midnight and 6AM on a ship. The sounds coming from their cabin were loud enough - and probably deliberate - for others to hear - and I won't even go into that. I don't know what was finally said to the girls, but the last few nights of the cruise my parents did get some sleep. We wondered if security finally threatened to remove them from the ship at the next port of call. Whatever was said, it finally worked.


It just takes a few immature young adults to ruin the reputations of the others. To this day my parents refuse to cruise during March/April, but my parents did walk away from the cruise even more thankful for their own two kids and the behavior we exhibited at that age. :) Hopefully the posters here on CruiseCritic will exhibit terrific behaviors for other fellow cruisers. :D I always say "have fun but remember you're not the only vacationer on the ship."

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It just takes a few immature young adults to ruin the reputations of the others. To this day my parents refuse to cruise during March/April, but my parents did walk away from the cruise even more thankful for their own two kids and the behavior we exhibited at that age. :) Hopefully the posters here on CruiseCritic will exhibit terrific behaviors for other fellow cruisers. :D I always say "have fun but remember you're not the only vacationer on the ship."


Absolutely... if the parents of these kids are with them, and they are RESPECTFUL of the other passengers, everyone will have a great time.


That being said, the woohoo let's party mentality, on the heels of the Animal House cruise, just invites censure....

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thANK YOU FOR STICKING UP FOR US and for all u guys that think we are going without parents ur wrong cause for every 4 kids there had to be a chaperone what do u think we r a bunch of animals we are just on our spring break and want to have a good time

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thANK YOU FOR STICKING UP FOR US and for all u guys that think we are going without parents ur wrong cause for every 4 kids there had to be a chaperone what do u think we r a bunch of animals we are just on our spring break and want to have a good time



I hate to break this to you, but from your first comments, yes you gave the impression you thought your senior trip was to party the entire time. Go back and read what you wrote, maybe then you will see where many of us are coming from. The first few of you posted about the desire to party, party, party, wanted to know if you could drink and gamble. Why do high schools think drinking is the way to have fun? Sorry if I sound like as old crank, but I have grand kids just a little older than you and yes, they do like to party, but they are not obsessed with it and they did not party in high school. NMnita

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I just finished reading the responses to the last message i posted on this message board and i just wanted to let everyone know that i did not mean for my message to sound like all i cared about was drinking and gambling. I was just wondering about those two things because i know that their are people who are concerned with that. I am the person in my school who organized this cruise because i was not allowed to go outside the country(neither was Justine6126 or Lauren2418) so this was our best bet for our spring break. My main priority is that all my friends just have alot of fun together and i wanted to make sure that this cruise would have stuff for 18 year olds to do.

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