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B2B Carnival Dream March 12-26 Review


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If you don't mind me asking, and sorry if you already have said...... What do you do for a living? I want to do it! :-)


I have a very boring Canadian Government job. The only perk is the leave.


3 weeks sick leave per year

4 weeks vacation leave per year (after 8 years of service which I reached 2 years ago)

1 week of "family related" leave (to care for sick children / parents)

1 volunteer day per year

1 personal day per year


The leave is great - the job causes me to die a slow death Monday to Friday each and every week.


I basically save continuously for vacations and live my life vacation to vacation. The trips are the only things that keep me sane :p well, somewhat sane at least. Okay, they keep me from pushing people out of windows.

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The Steakhouse or Bring on more free Wine!


I woke Jenna up for the muster drill and 3pm and we popped up to the lounge for our second muster drill. After that was done I was the 5th in line for guest services because Jenna really wanted a gold card. We stood and waited for guest services to open. The line kept getting longer and longer behind us and there were still no guest services people. The moment one guest services person showed up, the person ahead of us had their extended family (who had been sitting on the couches beside guest services) get up and join them. I turned to Jenna and asked her if the gold card was really worth it and she said no.


So we headed up to the back of the Lido deck and grabbed a couple of tables to the right of the sunset bar for the Cruise Critic meet and greet. For me this one was much more successful because at least a large group of people found us! We all chatted quite a bit - basically until about 5pm when a lot of us had to leave to go register the kids for the Camps. It was fun and it really allowed me to put some faces to names AND it seemed that I ran into these people again and again on the ship so that was kind of cool. A bunch of us were also doing the same tour in Cozumel (Nachi Cocum) so that was great.


I had already checked Jenna in to the club online so we just had them check off her name and give us the schedule for the club that week. The teen tour was in Belize this week so Jenna signed up for that (unfortunately it was cancelled because not enough people). I believe it was to be a snorkelling tour.


Jenna of course wanted to go back to the cabin to lie down again so I told her she had an hour because it was about 5:20 and our steakhouse reservation was for 7pm.


I went to the Lido deck at the back of the ship (back to the sunset bar area). I had a drink and just relaxed back there for a bit. The back of the ship is much quieter than the centre - especially if you are not near the deli (there was a decent line up at the deli pretty much the entire time I was up there).


I went back to the cabin to get ready for dinner.




I'll admit, I booked the steakhouse for this particular night specifically for the free bottle of wine. I love a bargain and this seemed to fit the bill.


We arrived about 5 mins late for our reservation beacause I hadn't actually looked at a ship map to figure out where it was. Coming from our cabin it was the absolute farthest away anything was from us. We were on the front bottom of the ship and the steakhouse is on the top aft of the ship.


Being a few minutes late was absolutely not a problem because the steakhouse was very, very empty. They seated us in, I guess what you'd call the back room? There were a few other tables back there occupied (maybe 3?) and while we were dining, they sat another 2 tables plus 1 very large (maybe 9 or 10 people) group. There were lots of open tables tonight.


Jenna had a tough time ordering an appetizer because there wasn't anything that really appealed to her. She didn't really want a salad and doesn't eat snails, or anything with fish or cheese.


I talked her into ordering the grilled portebello mushrooms. She took one bite and that was it. I tried it and let me just say, Wow! They were amazing! The balsamic made everything pop and they were on a very thin layer of tomato. This was so good.


I went for the lobster bisque. I love lobster bisque and this was very good. Rich and creamy with lots of lobster pieces.


For entrees Jenna had the Porterhouse (at my suggestion). If I want just steak, this is the one I order. As far as I'm concerned, it's the best of both (steak) worlds - tender but well marbled so juicy even when cooked well done. She had a baked potato with it. Her plate was so overflowing between the huge steak and the giant baked potato! And she did a pretty good job on both of them - she didn't quite finish but ate a lot more than I thought she would.


I had the surf and turf. The lobster was so good and the steak was melt in your mouth. I like my steak medium rare but when in the US I order it rare since I find that many US chefs cook their steaks differently than do do in Canada (more done for each measure).


Don't do that in the Steakhouse. I ordered rare and it came rare. It was fine because I'd rather have steak more rare than more well done. I found the chef doing the steaks to be spot on with steak temperature though. Jenna ordered medium well done and it was perfect as well - a touch of pink, juicy but no blood. Mine was rare, cool throughout and seared around the outside.


I got the mashed potatoes which were okay. I was hoping for a little more wasabi flavour though. They lacked any kind of bite.


Both of us were feeling very full but I was NOT leaving without dessert so we both ordered the cheesecake. The cheesecake is huge. Jenna had seen it delivered to another table and asked if the dessert was for 2 people. I told her it was for 1 so she'd get her own piece. :D


Since there didn't seem to be any rush we sat and talked for quite a while while we ate and picked at the cheesecakes. I drank about 2/3's of the bottle of free white wine and they corked the remainder for me to take with me.


Steakhouse is well worth the $30 per person price tag - even with a picky teenager. :p


By the time we left it was about 9pm I think? Jenna went to change to go to Club O2 and I went to the burgandy lounge to see Kareoke and then the Superstar Kareoke.


This was part of my "I'm not going to spend every evening in the casino" thing.


Kareoke was fine. I looked at the books but there wasn't anything there that I would sing. I found the listings to be kind of lame. It was either New, new stuff (which I don't know) or old, old, old stuff (Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Aretha Franklin) that I don't sing.


I saw Coach from our roll call sing a couple of songs and a few other people who were really good (and a couple who just thought they were really good). It actually ended early due to lack of singers.


One cool thing about the burgandy lounge is that they have special drinks and shots different from the standard drink menus. They have shooters for (I think) $5.75 each or 4 for $20.


Well, I LOVES me a bargain so I ordered 4 shooters - one of each flavour. ;) The server was so cute about it when he realized they were all for me. He put them down in a specific pattern and told me what order to try them in. He came back later to talk to me about them and ask which ones I liked best and least. When he noticed I had a 1/3 bottle of wine with me he asked if it was white or red and then brought me a wine glass for it (which I thought was very nice since he didn't make any tip on me drinking that wine).


I moved up to the front of the lounge before the superstar kareoke started. I'm so glad I did - it was wonderful. Not only were the singers great but there were a couple of really stand out, funny performances.


1. A 20 something blonded haired, blue eyed, white girl singing "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice. She was really good at the song and it was just so cute.


2. A 20 something blonde guy named "Bjorn" from Alaska who did "Tik Tok" by Keisha - along with some wicked dance moves. This had everyone laughing and cheering.


The only negative I can see about superstar kareoke is each session is just not long enough. It was so much fun and it was over before I knew it.


There was a gap in entertainment in the lounge (the next thing wasn't starting for at least half an hour). I still had half a glass of wine but didn't feel like drinking anymore.


I decided to go check out and see what was going on in the Caliente club but when I walked by it was pretty dead so I just kept walking.....


Do you know what you come across if you just keep walking past the caliente club? Well, I mean EVENTUALLY, if you keep walking towards the front of the ship (you know, past the ocean plaza and past the fun hub).....


The Casino.


That's right, the casino.


You heard me, THE CASINO.


I didn't mean to go there. I was trying to stay away. Damn the gap in entertainment in the burgandy lounge. Damn the deadness of the dance club. Damn the two piece band in the Ocean plaza singing god knows what.


The casino.


My old friend. My great enemy.


The casino.


It was fate. And you just can't fight fate.


So I stayed.



And I played.



Until I was so exhausted I knew I had to go to bed.






I left the casino with 1200 and something points after just that one evening (well, night - it was the wee hours of the morning when I left). I played a dollar machine and I was up and down and up and down all night. I had a lot of fun.

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Another (sea) day in Paradise


Sunday was a sea day and elegant night. I was up around 10am (since I didn't need to take the cold medicine any more I found the second week, I woke up earlier and earlier as the week progressed).


Jenna was sound asleep having come in around 4am (I had left the tv on the station with the time before I went to sleep instead of leaving on a lamp for her).


Oh - I forgot to mention:


For doing the back to back we got a fruit basket and a bottle of champagne. The bottle of champagne I brought home but the fruit basket we cracked into right away. I know people say it's a waste to get one but this was actually super convenient for us to have in the cabin. It had oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, pears, and kiwi along with a bag of nuts, some dried apricots, some crackers and some mini cheeses (baby bels, some with the laughing cow on them and I think one other kind).


For breakfast I grabbed a banana and an orange (since Jenna and I had already eaten the grapes the day before) and a baby bel for my breakfast. This was perfect. Some fruit and a little protein and I was on my way....................................



To the casino.











I had my free drink card within the hour.


And that's when I discovered Tirimisu Martinis. Wow! Those things are very potent. Two of them was my limit for the day before having to switch to some other drink.


I met someone in the casino from our roll call who wanted to try to go to Nachi Cocum together as a group so we agreed to meet just off the gangway tomorrow morning at 10am when the ship docked.


After having my drink card for just a couple of hours I found myself already needing to sober up. I ordered a Mocha Chocolate Getaway and headed to the Ocean plaza to see what was up there.



Apparently nothing.



I still took a seat and just enjoyed the calmness of the sea day.


I really liked the ocean plaza on deck 5. I found it generally a very laid back place; there was music most nights and events off and on during the day. The seats were very comfy as well. Also, if you felt like being in the sun, there always seemed to be open seats outside on deck - they had both loungers and tables and chairs.


People would pass by me in such a hurry to get here or there but I was content to just sit there and not do anything.


Eventually they started some trivia game. I was off on the edge and kind of played along but not really. I wasn't feeling very competative and there were lots of groups of people who were. It seemed like there were a lot of people who really, really, really wanted the ship on a stick or whatever prize they were giving away.


As everyone was tallying up their score, I went back to the casino.


I sat down and played for a bit but really I was just wasting time until my next drink got there.


I ordered another mocha chocolate getaway and took it back to the room to see if Jenna was up.


She was up, sitting on her bed using her blackberry for the internet. She'd bought another package this week (well, I should say that she charged another package this week - I bought it) but when she went to the fun hub to get a laptop, the guy wasn't there and she discovered she could use her blackberry to access facebook and her email so she was happy with that.


I ordered room service for the two of us and then took a shower and put on more aloe cream and freeze spray in anticipation of tomorrow where I knew we'd be going to the beach and I'd be in the sun. The burn had also started bubbling up and peeling so I had a number of places to put the polysporin to ensure that none of the blisters or bubbles got infected or crusty. I had one spot on my shoulder where the blister had broken but between the cream and the polysporin, it seemed to heal very quickly.


When I came out of the bathroom, Jenna had half finished the mocha chocolate getaway (rotten kid), she'd assumed that I brought it back for her. When I told it had alcohol in it she'd laughed and said "Duh, I know, I can taste it." She then proceeded to ask me if I'd let her drink in Mexico. Days away from 17, she's a year away from being legal.


But I'm a push over and said as long as she didn't over do it she could have a couple of drinks. I didn't want a drunk teenager on my hands.


Like I said, I'm not a parent and I don't pretend to be one. I do however remember being 17. It's a distant memory but still....


Room service came and Jenna flipped on a movie - it was on a "regular" channel and it's one that I'd seen before but she hadn't "As good as it gets" with Dianne Keaton and Jack Nicholson. I caught her up on the first 20 mins of the movie that we'd missed and we settled back with our sandwiches (I ordered the mozzarella and portebello mushrooms which was super good and she ordered her standard BLT) and our cakes (you didn't think a day would go by without us ordering cake did you? Chocolate cake for both of us this time).


By the end of the movie Jenna had fallen back asleep (what is it with teenagers and sleep) so I put on "Robin Hood" from the free movies on the Carnival channels.


Jenna woke up during the last 15 mins of the movie and it was almost 9pm when the movie was over. I told her if we wanted to make dinner we needed to get our butts in gear, put on elegant clothes and get going.


She asked if we could just skip the dining room.


I said no problem.


So I again ordered room service for me. I ordered my favourite tuna sandwich and a ceasar salad with chicken breast and a piece of cheesecake this time.


Jenna went up and got pizza and then went to club O2.


I looked over the Fun times for day to see what my evening options were.


Nothing really appealed to me.


I knew I'd never get a seat at the comedy club if I went to the first adult show (because it was so close to show time), The soothing sounds of "whoever" in the Ocean Plaza didn't appeal to me. And whatever was in the main theatre that night - Blah.


So you know what I did? ;)











I stayed in the cabin and made it a super early night.


I charged my camera and then my ereader and then my mp3 player.


I set out my clothes for the next day.


I packed my day bag with our towels, sunscreen, sunglasses and hats.


I made sure I had my wallet, our Nachi Cocum confirmation and our passports.


I straighted up mine (and some of Jenna's) things.


I watched some news.


I gathered up all of the papers we'd accumulated over the week and put them in a large ziploc bag to take home.


I put out the hanger for room service for breakfast.


I put our room service dishes in the hallway.


And then I went to bed.

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Our Cozumel day dawned bright and sunny. I was up well before our room service order (see what going to be early will do for you).


I got ready for the day I had been looking so forward to - Nachi Cocum- an all inclusive beach club that I had heard wonderful things about (and they are all true btw).


After our standard breakfast we waited for the announcement that we had docked and were able to disembark but it never came. By this time I couldn't actually tell if we were moving or not (my sea legs had taken a firm hold) so by 10:15 we headed down to see what was going on.


Again, being on deck 1 was great. People always let us into the line to go down 1 deck so within 5 minutes we were down and off the ship.


We waited for the other couple who had wanted to "car pool" to Nachi but we never did find them (well, at least not a the dock). The problem was that I couldn't really remember what she looked like (sorry). I had only seen her in the casino where I tend to be - ummm, distracted? I guess would be the best word?


At 10:45 I gave up and we headed to the taxi stand. We bypassed the loads of shops there (but I had to promise Jenna some shopping time on the way back to the ship) and got a taxi. Surprisingly enough we actually ended up in a small car instead of a giant van (which I hate - I'm 5 foot nothing and one of my knees doesn't bend well so I hate having to try to climb up into the 10 or 14 seater passenger vans.)


We got to Nachi and checked in and paid our balance. We were then taken to our chairs on the beach. This is where I met the man of my dreams - Manuel.


Hi Manuel:




I love Manuel not for his looks, his charms or his money (cause I'm not even certain he has any of those things) - I love him for the fact that he brought me drink after fruity, frozen delicious drink while I got to lay back in a chair, listen to music and completely zone out in the warm tropical shade.


We were at the end of the beach near the washrooms and the covered dining area


(area behind our chairs)



Straight out in front of us but beautiful beach:




and slightly to our left was the dock:






Jenna had wanted to parasail but the timing just didn't work out.

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To our right it was certainly more crowded:




But being limited to 100 per day, crowded is so subjective. There was only 1 palapa to our left and that was taken up by a family on our roll call who brought their two sons (1 about Jenna's age and 1 much older) and their friend. It gave Jenna some guys to pal around with in the water. It made me feel safer with them there. I had gone into the water about up to my knees but the sand here was not like in St Thomas (or later in Roatan). It was very soft and you kind of sank into it. Being a rather large person, I really sank! It made getting out of the water very tough and I was worried that if I was in swimming too long that I wouldn't have the strength to get out and climb through the sand.


so this was the view I enjoyed for most of the morning and early afternoon until we had lunch:




Manuel just kept coming by and dropping off new drinks so I was a very happy camper.


One tip about Nachi - I wore my running shoes there because I knew I would have to walk through the shopping area to the taxi stand (so flip flops or light shoes are out of the question for me) but I wish I'd brought my beach shoes with me. The floor of the washroom was wet and sandy from people going in and out and was very gross on my feet. I came out and rinsed them off right away but I just couldn't help thinking how much of it was ocean water and how much of it might be something else. Agghhh.


Lunch was good. They bring out a salsa and fresh chips to start. They tell you the salsa is spicy and they ain't lying! This is hotter than any "hot" salsa I've had. But it is good and as long as you've got an icy, creamy drink (like the Pina Colada I had) to wash it down with I highly recommend it - it was super fresh and so good.


Jenna and I both had nachos for an appetizer and they were great. It was a decent sized plate and it was covered with all kinds of goodness. I even got Jenna to try the guacamole - because I heard that it wasn't like any other guac you've ever had and even she had to admit that it was good.


Next I ordered fish taco (not on the menu but there was no problem) and she ordered the fried chicken tacos.


I like my tacos except for some white sauce that was all over everything. At first I thought it was sour cream was it was warm and runny. I could have done without that but the fish was incredible and the soft taco shells were homemade.


Jenna was originally going to order the chicken fingers but I was (for once) able to talk her out of those and into getting something more local. She really liked these though I was very surprised at them when they were served.


The fried chicken tacos weren't "fried chicken" tacos they were "fried" chicken tacos. They were little rolls of fried tacos with seasoned chicken in them with all of the other taco stuff (lettuce, tomato, etc) served on top. She picked around some of the stuff but ate all of the tacos and some of the other stuff.


We were way too full for anything else to eat and lunch had taken a lot longer than I thought it would. Jenna wanted to try out the pool which I was more than happy to oblige.


I grabbed these pictures shortly before we left when it was basically empty.








The temperature of the pool was kind of cool but with my sunburn I didn't mind at all. Jenna ended up sticking to the hot tub which is kind of connected to the pool and is near the swim up bar. I admit I spent most of my time down at that end of the pool (near the bar as well).


One of the bartenders developed a crush on Jenna and asked her name and would randomly say "Hi Miss Jenna" when she wasn't looking to get her attention.


It was funny, I was in the pool when a woman swam up to me and said "you're going to being hurting tomorrow" and pointed to my sunburn. I laughed and told her it was from last week. I turned slightly and she let out an "oh my god! Look at your arm - you have a huge blister!!!!!" I looked over and realized that the top layer of skin was peeling and it had actually started to fill with water (because it wasn't all peeling yet) basically I had pockets of skin on my arms and the water would get inside the pockets. It was really gross but kind of funny when I started patting them down to prove that they weren't giant blisters just "extra skin".


I stayed in the water for quite some time. Jenna ended up going down to the beach chairs and getting our stuff and bringing it up to the pool.


She made friends with a nice older couple from Maine who proceeded to tease her mercilessly about being Canadian. I found it funny but Jenna didn't. We ended up sharing a taxi back to the ship with this couple and met up with them again in Roatan.


Jenna ended up getting back in the hot tub for a while; I stayed in the pool basically sitting on seat in front of the swim up bar (I was mostly the only person in the pool - everyone else preferred the warmth of the hot tub). It was kind of a good thing because the top layer of my skin basically came off in the pool. If I even touched my arms, the skin would come off in my hands. I still had the burn but after this it didn't really hurt at all.


Before we left Jenna asked to get a picture with all of the bartenders but the guy who was sweet on her told the rest of them to stay and only he took the picture with him (when I get a copy of her pictures I'll post it).


I found Manuel and gave him a nice tip for the day and he got us a cab to go back to the ship.


I had promised Jenna some shopping time so we wandered in a few of the shops. She was still looking for a watch for her boyfriend. I bought a few things for people at work and a couple of tshirts for my dad and then found a fountain and bench in the shade to wait on while Jenna went searching for the watch.


She came back empty handed so we headed back to the ship.


I had been very careful with sunscreen and wearing my hat so I didn't add to my burn and I avoided sunstroke but I was exhausted. I'm just not used to the sun and the heat and I guess even being in the pool for several hours at a time.


We made it back to the cabin, ordered room service and crashed. Jenna got up around 9 to check out Club O2 (which she says wasn't as fun this week and she only met a couple of people worthy of hanging around).


for the second night in a row, we skipped the dining room and believe it or not, we skipped room service cake as well.


Ah, but tomorrow is another day........

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I have a very boring Canadian Government job. The only perk is the leave.


3 weeks sick leave per year

4 weeks vacation leave per year (after 8 years of service which I reached 2 years ago)

1 week of "family related" leave (to care for sick children / parents)

1 volunteer day per year

1 personal day per year


The leave is great - the job causes me to die a slow death Monday to Friday each and every week.


I basically save continuously for vacations and live my life vacation to vacation. The trips are the only things that keep me sane :p well, somewhat sane at least. Okay, they keep me from pushing people out of windows.


Thats cool! I work of the State of Texas and like you....... I get good leave and I feel good for helping the people of the State of Texas but other than that well.... LOL I am thankful I have a job. :-)

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Love the photos of Nachi...it brings back very fond memories of our time there last Nov!


Regarding the athletic shoes you wore for walking, have you tried Fit Flops or Sketchers Tone Ups Flip Flops? They are hands down, the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. The soles are so squishy. They say they have toning properties, but I think I read recently where that had been disproven for the most part, but they are soooo comfortable! That way you have the comfort of a sneaker with the convenience of flip flops. I buy them on amazon (I hope I can say that here?) and absolutely love them!!


Loving the review. Thanks for doing it...I know how much time it takes!:)

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Thats cool! I work of the State of Texas and like you....... I get good leave and I feel good for helping the people of the State of Texas but other than that well.... LOL I am thankful I have a job. :-)


I used to help people (with my old job) but since I ended up with a job with the title of "Manager" in it - I don't feel like I help must at all.


Love the photos of Nachi...it brings back very fond memories of our time there last Nov!


Regarding the athletic shoes you wore for walking, have you tried Fit Flops or Sketchers Tone Ups Flip Flops? They are hands down, the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. The soles are so squishy. They say they have toning properties, but I think I read recently where that had been disproven for the most part, but they are soooo comfortable! That way you have the comfort of a sneaker with the convenience of flip flops. I buy them on amazon (I hope I can say that here?) and absolutely love them!!


Loving the review. Thanks for doing it...I know how much time it takes!:)


I haven't heard of those (well, the regular sketchers I have but I didn't know they made flip flops). I'll have to check them out. Since I hurt my knee a few years ago I find if I don't wear runners when doing any kind of walking my knee locks up and I end up limping.

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Belize or Be-lize me, I ain't getting off the ship!


For those who are following along to see what we did in Belize, I am sorry to disappoint you - we didn't get off the ship. I don't like "small boats" so I really didn't want to tender. Any boat that holds less than 200 people is what I consider a "small boat".


I was however up nice and early that day thanks to my early to bed the night before.


And I was freaking out - at least a little bit.


This week I had asked Jenna to be in the cabin before 7am (because I knew by the end of the week I would be trying to get my sleeping pattern back to normal - or at least closer to normal than getting up mid day) and I wanted her in before I woke up. Today I got around 7:30am and Jenna wasn't there. So I got dressed and waited.


And waited.


And waited.


I decided if she wasn't in by 9am I would alert security.


I turned the tv to the channel that showed the time and paced.


About 10 minutes to 9, Jenna came into the cabin looking like Hell (with a capital H). Her and some of her friends were hanging out in the Serenity area (in the middle of the night) and they had fallen asleep in the big round chairs. She was mad because there was originally 6 of them but when they woke up at 8:30am, 2 of the kids had already left (but didn't wake everyone else up). Her eyes were all bleary and she did apologize for being so late before collapsing into bed.


Before she came in my anger was coming up to a pretty rolling boil - but when she came in and I knew that it wasn't intentional, I was just glad that she was safe and sound.


I left the cabin to let her sleep and headed up to the Ocean plaza to do some reading. Once I got there I smelled something so wonderful, so fantastic, so deliciously bitter and hot. Coffee - real, real coffee. I ordered a French Vanilla Latte (with a sprinkle of cinnamon). On the counter they also had some breakfast pastries (free). They were the same ones you could get from room service - cinnamon rolls, danish, that kind of stuff. The difference is these were sitting under heat lamps so they were warm, toasty and a little crisp - almost like they were fresh baked out of the oven.


I took my latte and a couple of the pastries and settled into my comfy seat and read.


I had bought several books to read before I left home - very specifically a series of 8 books all by the same author with the same characters (hence, a series). I did manage to read all 8 books by the end of the two cruises which I was happy about.


People kept passing back and forth because they were going to the burgandy lounge to get their tender tickets. Eventually they announced that tender tickets were no longer necessary and open boarding of the tenders would start. It was pretty much the only message I heard that day.


Eventually I decided to go outside for a little warmth so I found a lounger that was mostly in the shade (on the 5th floor Lanai). I just laid out there until I felt warm and comfy and a little drowsy. I turned off my reader and closed my eyes for a few minutes. I almost fell asleep but thought better of it - there was some sun on me and I didn't want my legs to burn (especially since my back was down to only a dull roar).


I got out of the sun and decided that food would be in order. I still hadn't tried the pasta bar and I thought today would be a good day.


It was just after noon (maybe 12:30 or so) when I headed up. It wasn't really that busy - there were maybe 6 or 7 tables occupied. I placed my order - caesar salad, garlic bread - pasta, shrimp, mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach and maybe a couple of other veggies with an alfredo sauce.


I took my number and sat down at a table and waited.


It didn't take long before a hot dish, salad and bread was brought to my table.


It was good but not as good as either the burrito bar or the Indian tandoor. I found it kind of bland - like the sauce lacked seasoning and was a little thin. And despite the number of veggies I'd asked for, it seemed like the bowl was mostly pasta, a number of shrimp (very good) but only one or two pieces of each kind of veggie. I also ate the salad (which was a very small bowl) and about 2 bites of the bread (again, it was okay but not worth wasting stomach space on).


After eating I vacated my seat as there were more people coming in (though there were lots of tables, I knew at some point tables would be at a premium). I was also thirsty so I went down to the Lido deck and grabbed a cup of lemonade and sat back down to do some more reading.


The buffet area started to get busy so I looked at my watch and realized it must the start of people returning - it was 2 (or maybe 2:30). I figured if I wanted anything else to eat I should get up and get it now. I decided on a burrito with some chips and salsa. Mmmmm, now that's what I'm talking about. I also scanned the dessert area but just didn't see anything that appealed to me. I also got some more lemonade and a cup of coffee (blech, but oh well).


I tried to read but I was distracted by a small group of teenage boys. They were trying to engage passerbys in conversation (quite harmless but you could tell some people were annoyed at them). I couldn't concentrate because I was too busy sitting there giggling and trying not to actually laugh out loud.


After I had been thoroughly amused I decided to go see if Jenna was up. I got back to the room and she wasn't there but about 5 minutes later, she popped her head in the door. She'd been up at the Lido buffet and had been looking for me (obviously she didn't find me though :p).

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I had gone into the water about up to my knees but the sand here was not like in St Thomas (or later in Roatan). It was very soft and you kind of sank into it. Being a rather large person, I really sank! It made getting out of the water very tough and I was worried that if I was in swimming too long that I wouldn't have the strength to get out and climb through the sand.


I found Manuel and gave him a nice tip for the day and he got us a cab to go back to the ship.



I am loving your review so far. Very easy and fun to read. I have a few questions if you have a moment. I, too, am a floofy girl (much more than yourself). You mentioned that the sand was really easy to sink into, but how was the slope of the sand when entering the water? Was there a big drop off a few feet in? I know a lot of the beaches tend to be shallow for only a bit, then a sharp slope down, then level off. Soft sand is difficult enough to try and get out of the water on, but add in a steep slope, and it might just prove impossible for me without me ending up flopping around and getting harpooned :)


Another question, how stable were the loungers? I always shy away from the molded plastic loungers (which seem to be the lounger/chair of choice in the caribbean) and because there are arms on them. Did they seem sturdy enough?


Tipping Manuel, you don't have to say how much, but was there a %age that you went with? I really suck at knowing what to tip especially at All-Inclusives such as this.


and lastly, how much is the taxi from the port to Nachi Cocom and back? Was it difficult to find a taxi to take you back or is that the norm to have your waiter call one for you?


Thank you so much for this review. It has been a pleasure to read.

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I am loving your review so far. Very easy and fun to read. I have a few questions if you have a moment. I, too, am a floofy girl (much more than yourself). You mentioned that the sand was really easy to sink into, but how was the slope of the sand when entering the water? Was there a big drop off a few feet in? I know a lot of the beaches tend to be shallow for only a bit, then a sharp slope down, then level off. Soft sand is difficult enough to try and get out of the water on, but add in a steep slope, and it might just prove impossible for me without me ending up flopping around and getting harpooned :)


Another question, how stable were the loungers? I always shy away from the molded plastic loungers (which seem to be the lounger/chair of choice in the caribbean) and because there are arms on them. Did they seem sturdy enough?


Tipping Manuel, you don't have to say how much, but was there a %age that you went with? I really suck at knowing what to tip especially at All-Inclusives such as this.


and lastly, how much is the taxi from the port to Nachi Cocom and back? Was it difficult to find a taxi to take you back or is that the norm to have your waiter call one for you?


Thank you so much for this review. It has been a pleasure to read.


I didn't come across any big drops in the water but then I didn't go in that deep.


the loungers were very stable but because of the sand, Manuel did have to help me out of it once (because it had sunk down) the other time though I got myself up and out by going over the side onto my knees and then pulling myself up (though I'm sure I could have gotten someone to come help me if I needed it).


I tipped $20 for two people. It was $100 for the day and 20% is my standard tip for very good service. I know it's not the cost of the actual drinks and whatnot but I figured that $10 per person would be adequate.


Your waiter (or someone else from Nachi) will be happy to get a taxi for you (whether you've tipped them or not), don't worry about that at all. They know their business and will make sure you get a taxi back to the ship. Taxi's were $15 for up to 4 people.


Also, the bathroom stalls were a little tight (I did fit though) but there is also a handicapped stall in case you need it.


The chairs at the tables under the covering where you can go to eat were very stable and made of metal. I'd actually recommend bringing your towel and folding it up and putting it on your chair (if you go under the cover to eat which I do recommend because it's a lot easier than eating in your beach lounger) because the chairs are quite hard.


The pool has stairs on one end so it's easy to get into and out of.


No one ever made me feel uncomfortable at Nachi because of my size or looks. I got the same level of service and the same kind of smiles as other people (which isn't always the case being a fat girl).


Any other questions, please let me know. Us Fluffy girls need to help each other out!

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I too have enjoyed reading your review, but I do have a couple of comments and a question. I found your willingness to allow Jenna to come back to the cabin at basically whatever time she chose rather irresponsible. It appeared she could come and go at will without much direct supervision by you, because a great deal of the time, based on your review, you had consumed huge quantites of alcohol.


Would her mother have approved of this type of supervision or is this typical of her curfew when she goes out at home?


While on the ship, did you and Jenna do much together, other than have dinner and watch an occasional movie in the cabin?

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Any other questions, please let me know. Us Fluffy girls need to help each other out!


thanks for answering me so quickly. and yes, we need to help each other out. I'm finding that information that would be relevant is simply hard to come by. So thank you for including stuff i didn't even ask but definately needed to know :)


My sister is comign with us this time. She is floofy too and has a bum knee. Hey wait, are you my sister? lolol

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I too have enjoyed reading your review, but I do have a couple of comments and a question. I found your willingness to allow Jenna to come back to the cabin at basically whatever time she chose rather irresponsible. It appeared she could come and go at will without much direct supervision by you, because a great deal of the time, based on your review, you had consumed huge quantites of alcohol.


Would her mother have approved of this type of supervision or is this typical of her curfew when she goes out at home?


While on the ship, did you and Jenna do much together, other than have dinner and watch an occasional movie in the cabin?


seriously? While you may think she's irresponsible or a lush (lolol), it's pretty tacky to say something about it. It's no one's business but her own.

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I too have enjoyed reading your review, but I do have a couple of comments and a question. I found your willingness to allow Jenna to come back to the cabin at basically whatever time she chose rather irresponsible. It appeared she could come and go at will without much direct supervision by you, because a great deal of the time, based on your review, you had consumed huge quantites of alcohol.


Would her mother have approved of this type of supervision or is this typical of her curfew when she goes out at home?


While on the ship, did you and Jenna do much together, other than have dinner and watch an occasional movie in the cabin?

Sorry Dr. Phil but I don't think your comments are necessary. There's cruise life and there's personal life. Lets not get those lines crossed. We are on cruisecritic.com. Not familycritic.com

Just enjoy this AMAZING review!

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Your review is great ! You sond like a fun person lol.


We are going on the DReam in Oct and cant wait-


Could you please explain again how you get points for free drinks in the casino ? Is it only for slots or can you get them playing the tables as well. I dont do slots much, but sure wouldnt pass up some free drinks ! Thanks.............

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