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A Glorious Spring Break Cruise:Long, Detailed Review with Photos: 3/27/11-4/3/11


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DS used to love the Chinese station that Carnival had for lunch, but the Chinese buffet has been replaced by the Mongolian wok. On the Glory, the Mongolian area was a dedicated buffet line by the main pool area, whereas on past cruises, it was just a window, much like the Deli. DS enjoyed the wok and would usually eat this for lunch. DD grabbed something (I’m not sure what) and then went to the teen club, as their activities started at noon. DS went back to the room and I sat with DH a bit and then we took a walk around the ship, hitting the gift shop. They had the t-shirts two for $20, so I picked out two for DH (the kids don’t like tourist type shirts).


We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing out of the sun. We get into a routine where we avoid the sun during the hottest part of the day, maybe even taking an afternoon nap (gotta love vacations for that) and then go back out in the pool area around 6 pm while the early seating people are at dinner.


So, around 6 pm, DS and I went out to use the hot tub by the main pool area. There were some little kids in the hot tub, splashing around (shouldn’t there be a rule about kids in the hot tubs!), but then soon left. DS stayed a while, but then went back to the cabin to shower and get ready for cruise elegant night. I stayed in the hot tub a while longer and ended up talking with a young man who had won the cruise through his work for meeting an incentive. He was traveling with several people from his work on his first cruise, so I gave him some tips. smile


After a while, I excused myself to go get ready for Cruise Elegant night. DH decided to go a bit more casual this time around and skipped the jacket. It seems the trend is toward the more causal and we did see much less tuxes and even less suit jackets at dinner for the Cruise Elegant nights. DS did wear a jacket though. I did not get one photo of us all dressed up this night and I am so sick about it. We were running late for dinner and it just didn’t happen. I do have photos of the 2nd cruise elegant night though. We skipped the Captain’s Celebration where the ship’s officers are presented and also skipped the “happy hour” in the Lobby Bar where drinks were $1.00 off.


So, we went to dinner and met our servers for the first time. They were polite (I didn’t get their names), but they seemed to have a lot of tables to cover. We had a 4 top against the railing of the top floor of the Golden dining room. The servers had to cover our 4-top and several other 4-tops as well as a couple of very large tables, with about 12 people each and they just seemed frazzled at times. We were presented with our wine tickets. When you order a wine package with Carnival, they give you 5 tickets, which you present each time you order a bottle of wine. You can use the tickets anywhere on the ship, but we only used ours in the MDR. On the tickets is a list of the choices of wine in your package, so you just check off what you want and hand the ticket to your server. DH chose a red...I’m not sure which one and we ordered our dinner.


My kids love the cold soups that Carnival serves and tonight strawberry bisque was on the menu, so DS ordered two of those, DD just had one and DH and I had the stuffed mushroom appetizer. For our entrees, everyone but DH had the lobster and shrimp (DS and I ordered two, since we knew the lobster tails were small...yes tonight I was “that” gluttonous American and I enjoyed every succulent bite!). DH is not big on lobster, so he had the prime rib. I think he ended up helping DS with some of his shrimp also. Other times when we have ordered two entrees they would bring out two complete plates, waiting until you finished the first plate until they gave you the second. I was pleased to see that tonight, we were presented with one plate with the 2 lobster tails and 6 shrimp. When we order two entrees, we mainly just want the extra protein, so to give us two complete plates with all the side item accompaniments is really a waste.


For food photos and menus, there is a great website: http://www.zydecocruiser.com/menus/Menus_D_1-7.htm


Here is a photo of the shrimp and lobster from this website:




For dessert, the kids had the cherries jubilee and DH and I had the warm chocolate melting cake. DD also ordered a cappuccino (free in the MDR) and DH had a double expresso (also free). DH also ordered the Courvoisier VS cognac (I think I mistakenly referred to it as brandy in last night’s post, but it is actually cognac, from the cognac region of France, as we learned during the wine tasting seminar on the ship). The cognac is supposed to be served warm, but every night that DH ordered it in the MDR it was chilled. He would put his hands on the glass to try to warm it, but I don’t think you get the full flavor when it is chilled.


Over dinner, DD said that the teen club activities went until 1 am and she really wanted to stay until the end. Looking at the teen club schedule, the Dress to Impress party was scheduled from 10:15 to 12:15 and then from 12:30 to 1 am they had free arcade games. Now, DD is not much for arcade games, so when I pointed this out to her, she said it wasn’t so much the activity, but just being with the people that she liked. So, we reluctantly decided to make 1 am her curfew, making sure that she would call us if she could not find anyone to walk her back to the cabin. It looked like we had a late night ahead of us!


We enjoyed our dinner very much and afterwards, DD left for the teen club and the rest of us went back to the room to change before the Livin’ in America production show. We greatly enjoy the production shows on Carnival and DS especially likes them to look at the technical aspects, such as lighting and staging. The lead singers might not be the best, but the dancing and costumes are usually very good. This show did not disappoint and we all enjoyed it. The theater was not as packed as normal. I think the Punchline Comedy Club is drawing people away from the big production shows.


Our cruise director was Jorge Solanto, however contrary to past cruises, he did not introduce the show. There was a younger, British cruise director (sorry, I did not get his name) who introduced the show and who even conducted the Love and Marriage Game. It wasn’t until about halfway through the cruise when we saw Jorge in person, during another game show.


Here is a photo of DS and DH waiting for the show:




Gorgeous light fixture in Amber Palace theater:HPIM6149.JPG


Another view of Amber Palace (taken the last morning of the cruise, so it's empty):




Afterwards, DS went back to the room and DH and I went to check out the piano bar. The piano player was Peter and every time we walked into the piano bar during the week, Peter would be talking rather than singing. We sat down for a short time, but Peter was still talking and the fact that the piano bar is enclosed and allows smoking means that the smoke smell is very strong. DH quit a 30 year smoking habit about 18 months ago, so he doesn’t like to be in smokey places. If Peter had been singing, he might have tolerated it, but to sit in a smoke filled room while Peter made small talk with the other patrons....well, it wasn’t doing much for us.


View of Cinn-A-Bar Piano Bar (taken on last morning before we left the ship, so it's empty):




Which leads me to point out that since our very first Carnival cruise (not counting the ancient 80s cruises) on the Sensation where we had a wonderful piano player, on every cruise since then, the level of talent in the piano bar has steadily decreased. In fact on the LIberty in Nov., it was the same issue...the piano player seemed to be a frustrated comedian and spent more time trying to be funny than doing what he was there to do, which is to play the piano and sing! So, we gave up on the piano bar and were walking back towards the front of the ship when we encountered Timmy, in the Camel Club, the bar area of the casino. Timmy was a solo singer with a guitar and I had to stop and listen to him, he was soooo good. Kind of like a James Blunt style. So, DH and I took a seat on the comfortable couches to the left of Timmy’s stage, away from the smokey area of the casino and listened. Timmy had quite a fan base of young women who were continually buying him Bud Lites with Lime. So when in Rome....I had DH get me a Bud Lite with Lime and he had a long island iced tea and we sat and listened to Timmy. It seemed it was one of the young lady’s birthday and she was continually requesting songs. TImmy actually went over his allotted time (or so he said, on the schedule it just said “until late”) singing for this group of girls who just would not let him off the stage. But, he was very talented and we really enjoyed listening to him and people watching.


The teen club is just a short way down so at one point DD and some friends came out to the casino bar for sodas. DD later said that one of her friends asked if she was here with her grandpa after she spoke to us. DH didn’t take that too well, lol!!! There was also a group of high school seniors on a senior trip on the cruise and they walked past in bathrobes saying something about a toga party. They had their chaperones with them, filming the entire thing, so they were harmless, but fun to watch. We also recognized some people from the singles cruise and it was fun to see how they interacted. One guy spent the entire cruise wearing various kilts, so he was always fun to watch as he seemed to be with a different girl each night.


We ended up going back to the room at about 12:45 am, which was perfect timing, since DD was due back at 1 am. DH heard her come in and opened our door to see our Jersey Shore neighbors across the hall also open their door. Later as we got ready for bed, we heard our neighbors again, as it seemed they had found themselves a young lady. DH heard her ask all their names again and then say something to the effect of, “ok, but just one at a time...” Not sure what their plans were, but the next morning it would become apparent that their plans did not quite turn out as they had hoped. More on that in tomorrow’s post!

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Really loving your review. I love that your kids are in a lot of the pictures, hanging out with you. I've read a lot of other reviews with teenagers in the group and they're never around and I think it's refreshing to see the whole family spending time together. And they look happy too...without the typical "bored teenager" look on their faces :) I really hope my own kids still enjoy hanging out with us when they're older!


Thanks so much. Yes, port days we all were together, but once back on board, my DD was back at the teen club! I'm glad they didn't have that "bored teenager" look...because sometimes they do act that way!!


I'm loving the review so far! I have my first PT cabin booked on the liberty room 2220! Did you like the PT as much as a OV?(That's what we had last time) my moms worried it won't be as nice!?


Sidenote- How did you and your kids like FSU/Tallahassee? I've lied here pretty much my entire life(21yrs). I meet so many students that say they love Tallahassee and FSU, I personally can't wait to move though! I do think your son would fit in with a lot of the other students as there are a ton of theather majors! I will admit it's a very diverse campus.


To us, there was not a whole lot of difference between the port hole room and regular OV. The OV window is a larger picture window, but you can see out of the port holes just fine. For the price, I'd chose a PT room any time!!


DD was the one who did the FSU tour (DS is hoping to go to school out of state). Both DD and I loved FSU. It kind of felt like a northern college campus, maybe because Tallahassee is really not like the rest of FL!! We loved the bell tower and the fact they have a circus tent and there is a class you can take in circus acts!! DD is looking to major in international business and the fact that FSU has a their own campus in England was a great perk!! Out of all the FL school we have seen (UF and UCF), FSU is her favorite. I loved how quaint Tallahassee was too. We've heard if you do theater in FL, that FSU is the place to be, so if DS does not get into school out of state, I imagine he will be there too!


Great review! Can't wait for more! Thanks for taking the time to post it!
You're welcome. Thanks for reading along!
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Enjoying your review!

Thanks for reading along:)


Loving your review! Your daughter (when she smiles) looks just like my DD. She even stands the same way. My DD came over to look and even she said it was a bit creepy.


Wow, they say everyone has a double...would you mind posting a photo? That would be fun to see!


Keep it coming, pcrum. I love reading your reviews. Also, I enjoyed reading your "sappy love story". What a great story, not sappy at all. Not many have a second chance at love with the same person!


Thanks so much. We both feel very lucky to have been given this second chance! I see you are from FL too...what part of FL are you from?

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This was from our last Valor cruise in July. I'm not sure she looks like her in this picture...and she got highlights and now her hair cut and color matches your daughter. I think they have similar smiles. I wish I had a picture of her standing because they both pose the same way.



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This was from our last Valor cruise in July. I'm not sure she looks like her in this picture...and she got highlights and now her hair cut and color matches your daughter. I think they have similar smiles. I wish I had a picture of her standing because they both pose the same way.




Yes, I definitely see the resemblance!!! Same hairstyle, same smile. Thanks so much for sharing the photo. I showed it to my DD and she saw the resemblance too!:)

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Well, since you asked so nicely, here is the next day...


3/29/11, Sea Day


Ah, finally a relaxing day at see. A look at the Fun Times delivered last night showed the MDR open for breakfast until 10 am. Yay, that means we are sleeping in!! I left a wakeup call for 9 am and we got up and checked in with the kids. Both wanted to stay in bed a while longer, so DH and I were solo today for breakfast.


As we were walking to breakfast, we passed the Jersey Shore crowd out in the hallway. They seemed to have their conversations in the hallway standing outside the rooms rather than walking into the cabin and closing he door. It seems one of the gentleman had contracted a certain STD that might require a bit of manscaping. There was quite a bit of discussion going on about various treatments, from antibacterial soap to a full Hollywood wax. One guy was saying, “I don’t want to shave my ****.” DH and I laughed remembering the young lady who had been with the guys last night and her offer of “one at a time” without really knowing their names. DH commented that if you are with that type of “lady” not to be surprised when you contract a STD! Of course, we have no way of knowing how or when the guys got their ahem, “ailment”, but it was a comical way to start the morning.


Loved the MDR breakfast as always...it’s such a nice start to the day to be waited on rather than to fight the crowds on the Lido Deck.!! I had my usual eggs benedict and English breakfast tea and DH went with an omelet, sausage, and hash browns with cappuccino (free in the MDR).


We looked in the shops on the way back to the cabin...DH commented on the excellent prices on the scotch. Here is a photo taken from the last day of the cruise.




We also stopped by the Shore Excursion Desk to inquire about the parasailing in St. Thomas (tomorrow’s destination). We wanted to see if they allowed observers on the parasailing boat. When DD had parasailed in Cozumel on Paradise Beach with her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s mom, they let me also ride in the boat to get photos even though the only way they would ever get me on the parasail would be to drug me heavily!! The person behind the desk was very helpful and recommended we book the latest time as that is when it was the least crowded and there would be more of a possibility of extra space on the boat for observers.


So, back to the cabins (no sign of the Jersey Shore gang...I assume they were taking care of their issue!) and by this time DD is up and wanting us to go to the Lido with her to get some breakfast, since the MDR is closed by now. So, off we go the Lido, which is a bit crowded as it is a sea day and it seems lots of people slept in. DD gets a Danish and some cereal and eggs and I fill a plate up for DS to take back with us.


We went back to wake up DS and get him up and moving so Noel can get in to clean the cabin. He and DD decide to walk around a bit as the teen club activities are not starting until 1:00 pm today. We tell them what we discovered about parasailing and they both say they want to do it with the caveat that if there is just one space on the boat for an observer that DH should be the one to accompany them as “he will be more useful in an emergency.” Smart kids!! Goodness knows I’d be no help at all if something unforeseen happened!! I’d be the crazy woman screaming on the boat!


During our dinner at the Emerald Steakhouse, the sommelier told us about the Food and Wine Pairing, which was being held at 11:30 am today in the steakhouse. DH and I attend these every cruise and we always learn something new. The cost for this was $17.25 each. I think the first one we did, on our first turn on the Glory in June, 2009 was $12.50 a piece, so it has gone up a few dollars over the years.


DH and I were at the steakhouse shortly before 11:30 and had our pick of tables. We chose a table for 2 near the front. This was definitely the least attended wine tasting we have ever been to. I’d say there were less than 20 people there. We tasted 5 wines: Vouvray Val de Loire (white, from France), Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc (white, from New Zealand), Beringer Chardonnay (white), Beaujolais Villages by George Duboeuf (red, from France) and Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon (red, from Australia). We were also presented with a plate with brie, salmon, steak, salt, crackers, some berries, a lemon and lime wedge and a piece of apple.


DH at the tasting:



Our plate for the tasting:



The wines:





The sommelier we met at the steak house presented for a bit and then turned the presentation over to another woman, who I assume was the assistant sommelier. We learned how different flavors of food can either enhance a wine or make it really taste bad. To be honest, I still don’t understand the science of it, but DH insists he always learns something new, so it’s a tradition for us to do these tastings!!!


The event lasted about an hour and then DH and I went back to the Shore Excursion desk to book the parasailing for St. Thomas. We booked the latest time, 3:45 pm, thinking it would be the least crowded and also to give us time to walk around before the excursion began. The cost was $89.99 each (come on Carnival, who are you kidding, just round it up to $90!), a bit more than the $55 per person we had paid on Paradise Beach, but we were hoping for extra safety by booking through Carnival. We were also told that if space was available for observers, there would be a $20-$25 charge (the guy at the desk wasn’t sure of the exact amount) per observer to be paid at the time we did the excursion.


We went back to the cabin to tell the kids we had booked. They had paid a visit to the Creams Coffee Bar for a milkshake for DS and to the pick and mix at the formalities shop for candy.





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After we had our fill of the Serenity area, DH and I went for some lunch at the deli. I had the Rueben and DH had the corned beef and pastrami combo. The sandwiches were good, not great, but hit the spot. We then went to the cabin to take a nap...all this relaxing is hard work. I set an alarm to wake us at 6 pm so I could meet DS for our pool time.


DS and I went to use the pool and hot tub. 6 pm was the perfect time to enjoy the pool area. It really emptied out by then. DS got a 2nd tattoo since when he got the first one the lady had given him a coupon for 50% off the second. This time he got a Buddha on his shoulder. This photo is after he got the 3rd also, but the Buddha is on his shoulder.




After a nice relaxing time in the hot tubs, we went back to the cabin to get ready for dinner. DD was at the teen club all afternoon, but was already back in the cabin getting ready for dinner.


Before Dinner:




At Dinner:





Dinner tonight was good. DH forgot the wine coupons in the cabin so we decided tonight would be the night to order the a la carte bottle. We ordered a bottle of Korbel champagne and ordered dinner. DH and I started with the french onion soup, DD had the fruit and DS skipped the appetizer. For our entrees, DS and I had the braised short ribs, DH had the flat iron steak and DD had the salmon. For dessert, DH and I had the cheesecake and DS had the cheese plate. DD skipped dessert to go the teen club, which had activities beginning at 9 pm.


The braised short ribs are one of my favorite dishes in the MDR. It is served atop a piece of breaded eggplant. The meat is tender and juicy. The french onion soup was also very tasty and the cheesecake was good too. DH had his usual double expresso and Courvoisier VS.


Here is a photo of the short ribs taken from http://www.zydecocruiser.com/menus/Menus_D_1-7.htm.




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The show tonight was Motown music by Jerome Dabney. We are not big Motown fans, so skipped this show. DS went back to the room, after first making at stop at Creams for some chocolate covered strawberries. DH and I walked around a bit, checked out our photos (no good ones to buy), checked out the piano bar, but Peter was being chatty rather than singing, so we peeked in and left. Timmy was singing again in the Camel Club, but we were tired and just decided to go back to the cabin early. Not that we could get to sleep, as we still had to wait for DD. We checked in with DS and found him happily watching a movie and then went back and relaxed in the cabin. We really liked the port hole view on the first floor....we were so close to the water. I can’t wait to try a cove balcony on the Dream.


Back at the cabin, this guy was waiting for us:



More tomorrow...

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Enjoying your review, especially the large font ! Loved your romantic marriage; Happy Anniversary.


We'll be on the Glory in Oct. from Norfolk to Bermuda. Looking forward to going on a new class ship. Thanks for all the details. By Oct. I should know all about the Glory.

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I am thoroughly enjoying your review. And while I'm no older than you, I appreciate the large type as well!


Oh...and I'm not prude either, but gotta say I cringed when I read the quote from the young "lady" visiting your neighbors across the hall. Yikes. :confused::eek::confused:

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I was on the Glory last week with almost the same itinerary (except HMC instead of Nassau :)). I thought the placement of Serenity area was strange as well- right outside the childrens' club and near the entrance to the waterslide???? Would have been better placed in the aft, which I found to be more serene anyways.


The assistant cruise director is Sam (easy to remember if you sit through bingo waiting for a show- "Come on, Sam" :D). We loved him, although we love Jorge more. Jorge's last cruise was our cruise, he is moving to New Zeland to marry Kiwi, also on the entertainment team, and "populate the island with Latino kids". He may have been handing more duties over to Sam and the other entertainment team in preparation for his leaving. I found that kind of strange also.


Your review is helping my post cruise blues!

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Loving your review! Love the font size, and the photos too! We were on the Glory last year with three of our kids and had a great time.


Then it was off to Guest Services to get our keys switched so DH and I were in one room and the 2 kids in another. Guest Services has no problem doing this, so not sure why you have to book it with an adult in each cabin.


Just as an FYI, I book with my PVP at Carnival, and he always lets me book the kids in their own cabin, as long as it is within three doors of ours. This year, on the Victory, we had an interior right across the hall from our balcony, and another interior two doors down (our college age kids realized they could join us long after I had booked the two rooms).

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Oh man those big round chairs look perfect for FH (DH when we cruise on the glory in 16 days) to lounge, do nothing, and relax.


Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!! I hope you have a wonderful cruise!! If you want a big lounger, my advice is to get up early on a sea day or enjoy them on a port day, when the ship is relatively empty!!



Enjoying your review, especially the large font ! Loved your romantic marriage; Happy Anniversary.


We'll be on the Glory in Oct. from Norfolk to Bermuda. Looking forward to going on a new class ship. Thanks for all the details. By Oct. I should know all about the Glory.


Thanks so much for the kind words. Sorry that one post ended up in smaller font...I hit submit when I meant to hit preview! I enjoyed your review as well! I've always wanted to visit Bermuda. I hope you have a great time!



Great review! Thanks!


Thanks for reading along!

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I am thoroughly enjoying your review. And while I'm no older than you, I appreciate the large type as well!


Oh...and I'm not prude either, but gotta say I cringed when I read the quote from the young "lady" visiting your neighbors across the hall. Yikes. :confused::eek::confused:


Thanks. I find the large type easier to read, so I thought others might as well!


Yes, I agree with you...what are these girls thinking?? It's not like these guys were any great prize, just some rather rude and crude guys looking to have a good time!


I am loving your review! You have a great way with words.


Thanks so much!


I was on the Glory last week with almost the same itinerary (except HMC instead of Nassau :)). I thought the placement of Serenity area was strange as well- right outside the childrens' club and near the entrance to the waterslide???? Would have been better placed in the aft, which I found to be more serene anyways.


The assistant cruise director is Sam (easy to remember if you sit through bingo waiting for a show- "Come on, Sam". We loved him, although we love Jorge more. Jorge's last cruise was our cruise, he is moving to New Zeland to marry Kiwi, also on the entertainment team, and "populate the island with Latino kids". He may have been handing more duties over to Sam and the other entertainment team in preparation for his leaving. I found that kind of strange also.


Your review is helping my post cruise blues!


Yes, the Serenity Area on the Glory is in an odd place. I wonder how much trouble it would be to move it?:)


I'm so glad you got to go to HMC...one day hopefully we'll make it there!


Sam...yes, that was his name. We only attended one session of bingo, but I do remember the "Come on Sam". I loved both Sam and Jorge. The kids and I lived in England for 4 years, so I have a thing for the British! Sorry to hear Jorge is leaving. He did introduce Kiwi one night, but he introduced her as his "wife" so I assumed they were already married! Did he seem quite a bit older than her to you? At first I thought, he's probably our age (middle 40s) and she looked to be in her 20s, but then DH said he thought Jorge was younger and that the extra weight just made him look older! Regardless, I wish them well!


Thanks for reading my review!

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Loving the review! Can't wait for the rest of it :)


Thanks so much. I should have the St. Thomas day up late this afternoon or early evening!


Loving your review! Love the font size, and the photos too! We were on the Glory last year with three of our kids and had a great time.


Just as an FYI, I book with my PVP at Carnival, and he always lets me book the kids in their own cabin, as long as it is within three doors of ours. This year, on the Victory, we had an interior right across the hall from our balcony, and another interior two doors down (our college age kids realized they could join us long after I had booked the two rooms).


Thanks for the kind words. I will keep the booking information in mind for our next cruise. I booked through a TA, and she did the booking with one adult per room. Since TAs are no longer giving discounts, we'll probably be going through Carnival next time. Thanks for the hint...definitely saves a trip to Guest Services when you really just want to start having fun!:)

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