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John Heald is not the answer...


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I think he is a little bit of a Jack Wagon if you ask me, he seams to have gotten a little pompous over the last few years, almost to a "I am God" status.


Don't get me wrong, I think in general he does a good job, but I think he thinks he does a GREAT job, and know body else could do it.


Thank you John for acknowledging what I said...


From John's Facebook...


I am a bit sceptical about saying this because one of the beards sent me a comment that said "John seams to have gotten a little pompous over the last few years, almost to a "I am God" status ". Bugger me, have I .......please please Waldocruiser if I have at anytime done that please forgive me and I shall pay more att...ention to making sure I never do..........oh and please friends dont attack this person or CC.

2 hours ago


Maybe I was wrong, Or not seeing the whole story.



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Thank you John for acknowledging what I said...


From John's Facebook...


I am a bit sceptical about saying this because one of the beards sent me a comment that said "John seams to have gotten a little pompous over the last few years, almost to a "I am God" status ". Bugger me, have I .......please please Waldocruiser if I have at anytime done that please forgive me and I shall pay more att...ention to making sure I never do..........oh and please friends dont attack this person or CC.

2 hours ago


Maybe I was wrong, Or not seeing the whole story.



Don't waffle , you sound like the pres. Come on stick to your guns;)

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You done pissed the beards off...But John found you kind of amusing



So, I wonder who "the beards" are, and why they are so defensive that they have to report everything to John?


And then they sit in the back ground like a bunch of Chicken Stuff.


I would love to have them identify themselves once in awhile. But they never will.

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There is one main purpose for John's blog, to promote and advertise Carnival. Carnival was fortunate enough to hire and pay such a witty, humorous, and seemingly nice guy to do this. Besides doing his regular duties well, John has a true talent for comedy and is able to write very well.


I have no doubt that his readership would plummet if all the posts were nice little ditties saying how much fun a cruise was, or thanking a room steward for doing such a great job. I personally love to read the more outlandish requests and posts, just to see if and how John will "zing" the poster. If all requesters were polite and used please and thank you, who would want to make a comment or even bother to read the blog? I have to admit I question if all the letters are real or if some "beards" or just trolls write some of them, but quite frankly I don't care. Either way, the outrageous ones are a much better read. It is amazing to see how the comment count goes up when a poster says something bad about John, when John teasingly berates himself, when he talks about missing his family, or someone asks for something really wierd. I am sure the big guys in the home office are smiling and patting themselves on the back for coming up with such a great way to advertise for free!


I think Carnival has found an amazing way to promote itself through John's blog and his facebook page. Every post has a photo of some new ship feature, a port the ship visits, or gives some news about a new cruise.

After all the recent Carnival Magic posts/photos, I am ready to sign up!


Every time John says "yes" or "I will do my best", one more cruiser has a better image of the line. If he told everyone to "bug...off" or called them an "arse" as many so richly deserve, it would get old quick.


So, let the wierdo's keep asking for bizarre requests, and I will anxiouly await each new blog entry. John is a hoot and and his blog really puts a smile on my face.


Skipped to page 8 so I do not know if this was said, but I think the above quote is great, and to add:


The Blog and Facebook are for "entertainment" value. Questions and posts are reviewed by someone then those that either have a great question or may provide an interesting response from Heald and those who read his blog, are probably "Flagged" for a response.


People who are over demanding or insulting get a lot of responses. It's entertainment. Because I know this, I only get posts to my page by Heald on facebook, nothing from anyone else, and when I read his blog, I skip the Q&A and comments section.

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So, I wonder who "the beards" are, and why they are so defensive that they have to report everything to John?


And then they sit in the back ground like a bunch of Chicken Stuff.


I would love to have them identify themselves once in awhile. But they never will.



I've mentioned here many times that Carnival has employees who monitor this, and other cruise discussion forums. If they see something notable or out of the ordinary it's reported in their daily synopsis.

I'm sure there were a number of other items reported but yours was given attention because John takes all of this very seriously and is baffled by folks who perceive what he does and tries to do as wrong or bad.

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I've mentioned here many times that Carnival has employees who monitor this, and other cruise discussion forums. If they see something notable or out of the ordinary it's reported in their daily synopsis.

I'm sure there were a number of other items reported but yours was given attention because John takes all of this very seriously and is baffled by folks who perceive what he does and tries to do as wrong or bad.


Mach, when you have a Bloggers Cruise, is John contracted to be CD for that cruise, or could 'the Beards' substitute him? I ask this after the disappointment of them withdrawing him from the Magic TA.:(

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Mach, when you have a Bloggers Cruise, is John contracted to be CD for that cruise, or could 'the Beards' substitute him? I ask this after the disappointment of them withdrawing him from the Magic TA.:(




Hey, Tim... That's one of the few things that's really up to John. On some of the Blogger's he was the CD, on others he was just there for the Bloggers.

I asked him about the upcoming BC5 on the Magic from Galveston and he wasn't sure yet... He has told me in the past that it's difficult doing both jobs at the same time but he hates not being a CD when he's on a ship...


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Tim... I just heard from John on this matter... he will not be the CD on the Blogger's cruise but he will be doing the Marriage Show and his wonderfully famous Bedtime Story!!!




ah! dave armor's famous bedtime story. john must have learned that one from him.

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Having read John's blog and the many thousands of posts on here that are either about him or aimed primarily at him by way of insider type questions....I cannot help but wonder if John is being smothered by his own popularity.


He is a human being who just happens to have been handed the job of official blogger, on top of his 'day job' as a CD on the ships. As a result he appears bombarded by questions & comments, many of which he cannot answer or is not in a position to answer and he takes every failed reply personally.


He is obviously excellent at the job, his personality shines though...I just cannot help but wonder if people are expecting way too much from him, and by his own nature, he too expects way too much from himself sometimes too. It cannot be healthy being at everyone's beck & call almost 24/7...which he is if you measure the time taken on his blogs, the questions he answers and there AND doing the day job of keeping everyone happy on the ship too.

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Having read John's blog and the many thousands of posts on here that are either about him or aimed primarily at him by way of insider type questions....I cannot help but wonder if John is being smothered by his own popularity.


He is a human being who just happens to have been handed the job of official blogger, on top of his 'day job' as a CD on the ships. As a result he appears bombarded by questions & comments, many of which he cannot answer or is not in a position to answer and he takes every failed reply personally.


He is obviously excellent at the job, his personality shines though...I just cannot help but wonder if people are expecting way too much from him, and by his own nature, he too expects way too much from himself sometimes too. It cannot be healthy being at everyone's beck & call almost 24/7...which he is if you measure the time taken on his blogs, the questions he answers and there AND doing the day job of keeping everyone happy on the ship too.



You're exactly right...

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...I just cannot help but wonder if people are expecting way too much from him, and by his own nature, he too expects way too much from himself sometimes too. It cannot be healthy being at everyone's beck & call almost 24/7....



No one does anything unless they get 'something' out of it. The minute this no longer feels good to John (Or CCL), I guarantee he'll stop doing it. So, I wouldn't feel bad or worry about his health.

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No one does anything unless they get 'something' out of it. The minute this no longer feels good to John (Or CCL), I guarantee he'll stop doing it. So, I wouldn't feel bad or worry about his health.


I'd feel bad and worry about his health, as I view him as a friend.

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No one does anything unless they get 'something' out of it. The minute this no longer feels good to John (Or CCL), I guarantee he'll stop doing it. So, I wouldn't feel bad or worry about his health.

People don't worry about their health - when it is too late!



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No one does anything unless they get 'something' out of it. The minute this no longer feels good to John (Or CCL), I guarantee he'll stop doing it. So, I wouldn't feel bad or worry about his health.


The thing is that John is someone who takes everything personally. I do not know him but I do recognise the sort of person that he is.....there are traits that I see in myself mirrored in John.


No, he does not have to do what he is doing, but he enjoys doing it and he tries hard - often too hard - to please everyone and be everything to everybody. In many ways he comes across as someone who feels obliged to do the right thing, to be helpful to everyone...even at the cost of a few hours sleep or a missed meal. He puts his fans, his staff and the company first...himself way down the list.


I do the same thing...or at least I did til the body decided that if I was not going to say 'NO' occasionally, it would stop me itself....and it did, I had a stroke 2 years ago.


John has a wonderful way with people, Carnival recognised that and is using that magnetic personality to its fullest...and John loves being there, his personality is immense along with his enthusiasm.


But...there are just 24 hours in a day, not 30...and his workload on top of his being on call 24/7 when aboard the ships, is huge...as his sense of responsibility to his fans around the world and his desire to get that information out and to answer every single question posed to him.


My own concern is that sometimes people can become the victim of their own popularity and as a result they burn out and I would absolutely hate that to happen to someone so obviously talented and well loved by so many people...not least his family.

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So are YOU the bearded rat? That tells on everyone,


and it is Mr. JackWagon or Mr WaldoCruiser to you.


Well if you bothered to read anything the man writes (which obviously you don't) you would know that the beards are the Carnival Executives...and the jackwagon comment was a joke due to you calling him a jackwagon.


I just don't understand why you posted anything at all about John Heald if you don't even read his blog or his facebook page.

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The thing is that John is someone who takes everything personally. I do not know him but I do recognise the sort of person that he is.....there are traits that I see in myself mirrored in John.


No, he does not have to do what he is doing, but he enjoys doing it and he tries hard - often too hard - to please everyone and be everything to everybody. In many ways he comes across as someone who feels obliged to do the right thing, to be helpful to everyone...even at the cost of a few hours sleep or a missed meal. He puts his fans, his staff and the company first...himself way down the list.


I do the same thing...or at least I did til the body decided that if I was not going to say 'NO' occasionally, it would stop me itself....and it did, I had a stroke 2 years ago.


John has a wonderful way with people, Carnival recognised that and is using that magnetic personality to its fullest...and John loves being there, his personality is immense along with his enthusiasm.


But...there are just 24 hours in a day, not 30...and his workload on top of his being on call 24/7 when aboard the ships, is huge...as his sense of responsibility to his fans around the world and his desire to get that information out and to answer every single question posed to him.


My own concern is that sometimes people can become the victim of their own popularity and as a result they burn out and I would absolutely hate that to happen to someone so obviously talented and well loved by so many people...not least his family.


I did notice that he mentioned something about the beard's helping him with his large volume of emails. Hopefully they help him with the myriad of requests people make. I asked him for some advice yesterday and he asked me to send him my cabin number on the Pride a few weeks afore sailing on her and I feel guilty even thinking about sending it to him because all I really wanted was some advice....which he gave me... so I am extremely grateful already and don't wanna push it. Know what I mean?

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I did notice that he mentioned something about the beard's helping him with his large volume of emails. Hopefully they help him with the myriad of requests people make. I asked him for some advice yesterday and he asked me to send him my cabin number on the Pride a few weeks afore sailing on her and I feel guilty even thinking about sending it to him because all I really wanted was some advice....which he gave me... so I am extremely grateful already and don't wanna push it. Know what I mean?


Absolutely...I know exactly what you mean.


Last month I was aboard Costa Victoria for 3 weeks and spent a fair bit of time with the crew...my interest lies with the ships & their crews, rather than the itineraries per se.


It is not until you actually spend time with the 'front of house' crew...in this case the CD, Patizia and the language hostesses, Rachel, Elke, Fernanda & Solenm that you realise that they are NEVER 'off the clock'...even on the day off, they are not getting a day off, their cellphone is on 24/7 and they have to go sort things out at the drop of a hat.


For example it took 3 attempts to have Rachel enjoy a full evening meal with me...once she was called away after main course, another time she ordered but couldn't stay to eat it...the third time she actually made it right through to the coffee before being called away to handle a problem.


People talk about the stewards and waitstaff working all hours....but they are not the only one's who do in excess of 18 hours a day, 7 days a week...the CD's, assistant CD's, the hostesses...they all do it too and they are not included in the tip pool either.


John works his socks off when CD on the ship 12-16 hours a day as the 'face' of Carnival, and then he does his paperwork which can take 4-5 hours on average...and then he does his blog and answers questions...not to mention organising things for the following day and making sure the cabin newsletters that everyone gets is written & then typed up & delivered each evening....


These guys work themselves far more than people realise....so yes, I do understand you feeling bad about asking a question...but what else can you do?

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No one does anything unless they get 'something' out of it. The minute this no longer feels good to John (Or CCL), I guarantee he'll stop doing it. So, I wouldn't feel bad or worry about his health.



I totally disagree with this statement, just because of the 'man' we've come to know as John Heald. I think it will be a monstrously serious situation that will make him step back.


I have never met the man, and hope one day to sail with him, if only to shake his hand and say Thank You. He takes his relationship with 'all of us' as seriously as he took the Splendor incident. Is it a stretch? I don't think so.

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The thing is that John is someone who takes everything personally. I do not know him but I do recognise the sort of person that he is.....there are traits that I see in myself mirrored in John.


No, he does not have to do what he is doing, but he enjoys doing it and he tries hard - often too hard - to please everyone and be everything to everybody. In many ways he comes across as someone who feels obliged to do the right thing, to be helpful to everyone...even at the cost of a few hours sleep or a missed meal. He puts his fans, his staff and the company first...himself way down the list.


I do the same thing...or at least I did til the body decided that if I was not going to say 'NO' occasionally, it would stop me itself....and it did, I had a stroke 2 years ago.


John has a wonderful way with people, Carnival recognised that and is using that magnetic personality to its fullest...and John loves being there, his personality is immense along with his enthusiasm.


But...there are just 24 hours in a day, not 30...and his workload on top of his being on call 24/7 when aboard the ships, is huge...as his sense of responsibility to his fans around the world and his desire to get that information out and to answer every single question posed to him.


My own concern is that sometimes people can become the victim of their own popularity and as a result they burn out and I would absolutely hate that to happen to someone so obviously talented and well loved by so many people...not least his family.



Fantastic post.. I couldn't agree more with this assessment!

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I'd feel bad and worry about his health, as I view him as a friend.
People don't worry about their health - when it is too late!


Ok...this is what makes this JH stuff all so weird to me.....


My own concern is that sometimes people can become the victim of their own popularity and as a result they burn out and I would absolutely hate that to happen to someone so obviously talented and well loved by so many people...not least his family.


Wow...OK, I am sure that John and his wife are perfectly capable of taking care of his health.

The guy might be awesome...I am sure he is but I wonder what he thinks when he reads stuff like all these comments?????????



I guarantee (and I don't know John from Adam) that if his health was at risk, he would take care of himself...and I again will state that NOBODY does anything unless it is working for them.

Buy 'working for them' I mean they are getting something out of it....Whether John gets plain old joy, a sense of feeling good, extra compensation from his employer, or an ego boost, who knows, but he gets SOMETHING from being this CCL 'Ambassador' or whatever he is.


I don't think he needs anyone to worry about him. :rolleyes:


The sad thing is that all this creeps me out and makes me not even want to sail with the guy....and it's not anything HE did.

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