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Passport Card


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The Passport card is good for closed loop cruises, land border crossings and as ID for domestic flights.


A Passport Book is needed to fly out of or into the country and for cruises that start in one port and end in another.


The card costs less but does less.


Our son just used his passport card on a cruise that started in one port and ended in another. You just can't fly in/out of the country with them.

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I have both a passport & a passport card I take both with me Just In Case. I lock the passport in the safe for the duration of the cruise (which seems silly since if I need the book to fly anywhere).


The passport card is kind of scary with it transmitting radio frequencies which may contain your personal information which is why it needs to be housed in the envelope they mail it to you that contains lead or something.


I have found though coming back from the port onto the ship that my Florida driver's license is sufficient, no matter what port we have sailed in/out of with the exception of our "home port" for that cruise they have never asked for my passport card, I have it on me just in case. Last year coming back into Miami they (Homeland Security or Immigration or whatever they are called) didn't even check my ID to make sure I should be here legally.


I would never bring my birth certificate, what happens if I lost it and then ran for president, there would be this big bru-ha-ha over the fact I couldn't present my BC. (I kid I kid) :D


So I was going to just respond with my own two cents about my experience with an enhanced driver's license. Then I saw your icon and pic, so I'll comment on that first. THat's great that you got to touch him after all these years.

I've seen them almost 40 times, 7 on this last tour alone. May 6th I had the privelege of getting 2nd row seats just on the side of the stage, but with it being a Circle, it was second row. We were closer than most inside the Circle and he was near us all night. My wife couldn't believe it. We've been close before, but this was RIGHT THERE. We missed Richie, but Phil X was a good stand in. We even got a set list from one of the band's security guards. I'm sure it's gonna be awhile before they go back out on the road after this tour is over, though I have a sneaking suspicion they may add a night or two to end the tour at the New Meadowlands Stadium in NJ that Bon Jovi played the very first (4) concerts there. Keep rockin!!

Anyway, this may be different in different ports or countries, but I showed my enhanced driver's license when we went to board the Celebrity Summit in San Juan in April. The Celebrity agent looked like she had never seen it before, as did the customs agent. I did have my passport, but I was curious as to if it would be accepted. She told me it probably would if I had registered it on the Celebrity site during online check-in.

All in all, I got the enahnced licence because I was renewing and it was only a few dollars more, so why not. I'll still just use my passport.

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So I was going to just respond with my own two cents about my experience with an enhanced driver's license. Then I saw your icon and pic, so I'll comment on that first. THat's great that you got to touch him after all these years.

I've seen them almost 40 times, 7 on this last tour alone. May 6th I had the privelege of getting 2nd row seats just on the side of the stage, but with it being a Circle, it was second row. We were closer than most inside the Circle and he was near us all night. My wife couldn't believe it. We've been close before, but this was RIGHT THERE. We missed Richie, but Phil X was a good stand in. We even got a set list from one of the band's security guards. I'm sure it's gonna be awhile before they go back out on the road after this tour is over, though I have a sneaking suspicion they may add a night or two to end the tour at the New Meadowlands Stadium in NJ that Bon Jovi played the very first (4) concerts there. Keep rockin!!

Anyway, this may be different in different ports or countries, but I showed my enhanced driver's license when we went to board the Celebrity Summit in San Juan in April. The Celebrity agent looked like she had never seen it before, as did the customs agent. I did have my passport, but I was curious as to if it would be accepted. She told me it probably would if I had registered it on the Celebrity site during online check-in.

All in all, I got the enahnced licence because I was renewing and it was only a few dollars more, so why not. I'll still just use my passport.


That's awesome we were 6th row inside the pit and my friend had been front row last year and she said the 6th row seats were better, I was right behind him when he was out on the circle singing along with all the words and he looked down at my friend and I like we weren't crazy stalkers but fans.


I missed Richie a lot during Wanted. I just saw them in March in San Antonio & Vegas so I got my fix.


I did hear about some possible September US dates, which is why I keep my cruise and my Jovi funds separate. LOL


Thanks for the heads up on the enhanced license. I have to get mine renewed before the cruise, I'll save the extra couple of bucks.

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Some people seem to have an animosity against the passport cards... as if it were a government conspiracy to rip us off or something. If you don't want one, don't get one.

I have both, and use both because of convenience and security. And they are staggered expirations, so I always have one or the other. I always use it with TSA maybe it helps... who knows? Having it in my wallet provides the best second ID available at less than $5 a month... and most of us spend that much or more on something frivilous every month.

Some people spend $500 on a piece of luggage, others $100... it's a matter of personal choice and doesn't need judging.

The cards are every bit as official as the books, and some predict the books will eventually be a thing of the past. State and federal governments around the world are going "smart cards" "enhanced DL's" and passport cards. Not hard to see where it things are headed. I know my State Department issued passport card is more recognized than a state issued driver's license in a foreign country.

For now, if all you need is the card, save some money; if you are more comfortable with the book that's good too. And if you want both, ignore the naysayers and be comfortable with your choice.

But... have one or the other (or both) and enjoy your next cruise! :)

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My kids are 9 and 10 and like the cruise ins i bought i didn't want to take chance of being in an accident and not being able to fly back into the country. Just not worth the risk to me but like everyone else said the other items will get you on the ship:D

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  • 1 month later...
Some people seem to have an animosity against the passport cards... as if it were a government conspiracy to rip us off or something. If you don't want one, don't get one.


I have both, and use both because of convenience and security. And they are staggered expirations, so I always have one or the other. I always use it with TSA maybe it helps... who knows? Having it in my wallet provides the best second ID available at less than $5 a month... and most of us spend that much or more on something frivilous every month.


Some people spend $500 on a piece of luggage, others $100... it's a matter of personal choice and doesn't need judging.


The cards are every bit as official as the books, and some predict the books will eventually be a thing of the past. State and federal governments around the world are going "smart cards" "enhanced DL's" and passport cards. Not hard to see where it things are headed. I know my State Department issued passport card is more recognized than a state issued driver's license in a foreign country.


For now, if all you need is the card, save some money; if you are more comfortable with the book that's good too. And if you want both, ignore the naysayers and be comfortable with your choice.


But... have one or the other (or both) and enjoy your next cruise! :)


Very well said! :D

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Also, despite what some would lead you to believe, if you miss your ship and are left behind in a foreign port, you will not be stuck there indefinitely, living in a hut, and forced to take on a permanent job offering parasailing tours.


Really? Not even if that's what I really, really want to do? ;)

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That's awesome we were 6th row inside the pit and my friend had been front row last year and she said the 6th row seats were better, I was right behind him when he was out on the circle singing along with all the words and he looked down at my friend and I like we weren't crazy stalkers but fans.


Older sister had been to 367 shows.


Best friend has been to over 500.


I've met all the guys several times.

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Some people seem to have an animosity against the passport cards... as if it were a government conspiracy to rip us off or something. If you don't want one, don't get one.

I have both, and use both because of convenience and security. And they are staggered expirations, so I always have one or the other. I always use it with TSA maybe it helps... who knows? Having it in my wallet provides the best second ID available at less than $5 a month... and most of us spend that much or more on something frivilous every month.

Some people spend $500 on a piece of luggage, others $100... it's a matter of personal choice and doesn't need judging.

The cards are every bit as official as the books, and some predict the books will eventually be a thing of the past. State and federal governments around the world are going "smart cards" "enhanced DL's" and passport cards. Not hard to see where it things are headed. I know my State Department issued passport card is more recognized than a state issued driver's license in a foreign country.

For now, if all you need is the card, save some money; if you are more comfortable with the book that's good too. And if you want both, ignore the naysayers and be comfortable with your choice.

But... have one or the other (or both) and enjoy your next cruise! :)


Very well said! :D


Since this board is about cruising, it's not well said at all!


When a government official sells someone a passport card (say for instance here in Iowa where we are not likely to be driving accross any borders frequently) without making sure they understand what it can and cannot be used for, it is a ripoff.

Anyone who buys a passport card for the sole purpose of cruising might as well buy their fish a bicycle.

Children under 16 traveling without a passport need no I.D. other than a birth certificate to be shown only once when they get on the ship and once when they get off. The rest of the time it should remain in the safe.

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Since this board is about cruising, it's not well said at all!


When a government official sells someone a passport card (say for instance here in Iowa where we are not likely to be driving accross any borders frequently) without making sure they understand what it can and cannot be used for, it is a ripoff.

Anyone who buys a passport card for the sole purpose of cruising might as well buy their fish a bicycle.

Children under 16 traveling without a passport need no I.D. other than a birth certificate to be shown only once when they get on the ship and once when they get off. The rest of the time it should remain in the safe.


True. But you do have to take some responsibility in researching your purchase.

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Yes. Passport cards are offical passports. You can get the old kind or a card when you apply, jsut the card costs more, I believe.




Passcards are only good for driving, rail, or sailing to US, Mex, CA, and SOME Carribean countries. It is not a passport and cannot be used for any air travel outside the US.


Passcards are less money but take the same time to process. If you live in a state that has enhanced drivers licenses (EDL) then they are the cheapest and quickest to get. They are equivelent to a passcard. Can be used for car, train, or boat in and around NA. I live in NY and a EDL cost $20 more than a regular DL and is good for 8+ years. A trip to the DMV and got it in the mail in less than 2 weeks.

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Someone gave a brilliant idea on another thread - she keeps her husbands passcard with her passport and her passcard with his. That way, should either of them forget their passport, they can still get on the cruise ship (assuming closed loop cruise and all that).

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Someone gave a brilliant idea on another thread - she keeps her husbands passcard with her passport and her passcard with his. That way, should either of them forget their passport, they can still get on the cruise ship (assuming closed loop cruise and all that).


I don't know what to correct first. You don't need either to get back on the ship--just a photo ID and S&S card. And if you did get stuck, the passport card would still be useless. :rolleyes:

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I don't know what to correct first. You don't need either to get back on the ship--just a photo ID and S&S card. And if you did get stuck, the passport card would still be useless. :rolleyes:


I'm talking about to get on in the first place.

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Since this board is about cruising, it's not well said at all!


When a government official sells someone a passport card (say for instance here in Iowa where we are not likely to be driving accross any borders frequently) without making sure they understand what it can and cannot be used for, it is a ripoff.

Anyone who buys a passport card for the sole purpose of cruising might as well buy their fish a bicycle.

Children under 16 traveling without a passport need no I.D. other than a birth certificate to be shown only once when they get on the ship and once when they get off. The rest of the time it should remain in the safe.


I still stand by my "opinion" on what that poster was saying...


Meaning that it is not a "requirement" that in order to cruise you "must" have a passport book.


People will be crusing with either a birth certificate/dl, passport card only or a traditional passport book and be able to go on a closed loop cruise. I am sure those that dont have the pp book are aware that air travel will not be an option for them, if something would happen. But until you MUST have a passport book, alot will still be going with the other options, and thats their choice.


just sayin :o

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I'm talking about to get on in the first place.


You still don't need a passport. The point being, if you use a passport card, its' no better than using a BC and DL. So you should either get a real passport, or save your money and use your birth certificate, because the passport card is not better than a BC in a cruise situation.

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I still stand by my "opinion" on what that poster was saying...


Meaning that it is not a "requirement" that in order to cruise you "must" have a passport book.


People will be crusing with either a birth certificate/dl, passport card only or a traditional passport book and be able to go on a closed loop cruise. I am sure those that dont have the pp book are aware that air travel will not be an option for them, if something would happen. But until you MUST have a passport book, alot will still be going with the other options, and thats their choice.


just sayin :o


Then my question to you is: if you are going to use a passport card, why not just save the money and use a BC? It'll do you the same good if you get stuck in some other country, so might as well save the $ for DOD's.

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You still don't need a passport. The point being, if you use a passport card, its' no better than using a BC and DL. So you should either get a real passport, or save your money and use your birth certificate, because the passport card is not better than a BC in a cruise situation.


We live in Texas. Never know when we might wander down to Mexico. We're getting both the passport and the card. It'll be easier to find the card than a sheet of paper, at least in my world.

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Then my question to you is: if you are going to use a passport card, why not just save the money and use a BC? It'll do you the same good if you get stuck in some other country, so might as well save the $ for DOD's.


I have no idea why people decide one way or the other. My point was that you dont "need" the passport book to cruise, good idea to have one, I agree, but if you dont have one you can still cruise.

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We live in Texas. Never know when we might wander down to Mexico. We're getting both the passport and the card. It'll be easier to find the card than a sheet of paper, at least in my world.


100% agree. THAT'S what a passport card is for, same reason so many people have passport cards in Maine to go back and forth to Canada. That's what the card was made for, not for trying to fly back from Costa Rica when you break your leg. I think people just don't understand the difference, and assume a passport card is the same as a passport, except cheaper, which is not the case.

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I have no idea why people decide one way or the other. My point was that you dont "need" the passport book to cruise, good idea to have one, I agree, but if you dont have one you can still cruise.


I have one for other reasons. All of my cruises have been Caribbean cruises. However, my parents regularly cruise in Europe and Asia. If something happens to them while they're over there, I'd rather not have to wait several days (you CAN get one that fast if it's something your congressmen and agencies will go to bat for you over - very rare, I've heard of it once, and she still didn't make it to the hospital before her husband passed) before I can go meet them.

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I have no idea why people decide one way or the other. My point was that you dont "need" the passport book to cruise, good idea to have one, I agree, but if you dont have one you can still cruise.


You certainly don't need a passport to cruise. We always do carry passports. My point is: either get a passport or use your DL, but a passport card is pretty much pointless when it comes to cruises.

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You certainly don't need a passport to cruise. We always do carry passports. My point is: either get a passport or use your DL, but a passport card is pretty much pointless when it comes to cruises.


Well, if you miss the boat in Mexico (I hear there's a lovely view of it sailing off into the sunset from Carlos 'n' Charlies), you can come back over land into Texas. ;)

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We live in Texas. Never know when we might wander down to Mexico. We're getting both the passport and the card. It'll be easier to find the card than a sheet of paper, at least in my world.


And that is exactly what the passport card is for. Since you have a logical reason to buy one it would also be logical to carry it on a cruise.


It would not be logical for me to buy a passport card for the sole purpose of cruising.

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My point is: either get a passport or use your DL, but a passport card is pretty much pointless when it comes to cruises.


I disagree I carry a EDL, the equivalent of a passcard. If it gets lost, it is much easier to replace than a birth certificate. It is also easier to carry ONE proof of identification AND citizenship rather than one proof of ID (DL) and one proof of citizenship.


Why use two when one will do?

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