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Yeah Kathy, I've heard that expression too, ha ha. Sounds like a fun time in Holland, were the tulips still blooming or were they done already, I think they are known for them, aren't they? Anytime away is a nice time, no cooking and new things always fun to get away. Maybe we'll have a little more time to enjoy too, once this house is sold. Sat night someone went through the T intersection and right into the front pasture of the other house. The road is quite a bit higher and the ditch fairly deep. They took out a bit chunk of grass and soil and drove in a big circle coming back up the ditch to get out. They left behind several big pieces of their bumper too. Surprising they didn't get hurt when they hit the ground.


I did the Zumba this morning, 3 of us were there, stopped to pick up a few things at Wal Mart and now headed out to start mowing. I didn't have to mow at all last week with it being so dry, but now after the rains a couple of times it has taken off again. Today here and tomorrow at the other house. One good thing the "haul" guy has gotten the trailer completely gone, he did a terrific job.


Have a good day at work, and WW.

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Yes, Sharon the tulips were still there. The Dutch are known for their flowers. We also toured a working windmill. Had to walk up 5 stories to the top.


It will be interesting at WW tonight to see how my eating was over the weekend. :eek: Hopefully not too many more times mowing the grass. Some people just try to get away with things so they do not get caught. Never mind what they do to someone else's property.




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All done with the grass here, but really need to get some weed spraying done, but it will have to wait until Wednesday. Tomorrow will get the other house's grass cut, possibly could be the last time, at least for the 2 pastures.


Bill is working late, he had an apartment to show someone who couldn't get there until 6pm. But we are just having leftovers anyway, so I will wait until he gets here to heat them up.


I bet your WW weight is fine, you seem to have mastered the wait control issue. I think I need some dynamite to blast off a few pounds. One of the gals at Zumba is a police woman. She had on a t-shirt today that said, God made police so fire fighters would have someone to look up to. She got it at a police conference, said they also had them the other way around, fire fighters first.


Have a great evening,

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Well last night at weigh-in I really fell off. I gained 1 pound and I am sure it was from all of the poor eating over this past weekend. I really tried hard to make the right choices. One point they brought up last night was portion control. That most people should have a portion the size of your fist. I know whenever we eat out they always put way too much food on the plate and I end taking almost 1/2 of it home.


Very funny T-shirt, as it seems like the police and firefighters are always taking jabs at each other. Well let's hope that you do not have too many more grass cuttings at the other house.




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Have you noticed how much easier it is to get on here since they made us start over?


Kathy, I bet that pound is gone in a day or two, you do so well when you are home and you have to splurge a little once in a while. But we are like you, we are always bringing home half of what we order. We have even said maybe we should order one dinner and just split it.


Got the grass done but the mower is acting up again so it took longer than it should have. Also got a list of "demands" from the house inspector for the other couple. Some things are easy, some will cost quite a bit. Once thing they wanted we didn't even know about. They said there is a bee hive in the attic. There are 3 attics so we called the lawyer to find out which one, quite a surprise to us. I've got to have the fuse box changed to a breaker box and that quote was around $400.00. The electrican will start on that right away, just so happens to be the brother of my RE guy. So things are moving but just seems to be getting more complicated. Still hoping the sale goes through have not heard if they got their loan or not.


Zumba tomorrow and then got some calls to make, supposed to rain so should be a good day to do it.

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Yes, Sharon with them taking down large and threads that had many posts has made things work much better. With threads that are of all areas it was good that they discovered the problem. It was not just this thread but there were many.


Once those inspectors give you their demands. You do not have to do everything that they want. If the town inspector can pass you then that is all you need. I remember when we were selling Bill's house a few years ago. Yes, there were things he had to do but then there were things that the buyers were just reaching too far that did not have to be done. Going from fuses to breakers is something that they are just trying to get extra. If the box is OK, then they should do that themselves when they get possession of the place. Sometimes those inspectors are trying to get the best for the buyers as that is who they are working for.


Have a good workout at Zumba today. We got a lot of rain this morning, but just windy and pleasant now.




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Yes you are probably right, especially since they changed from a FHA to a conventional mortgage. I called the RE guy this morning and told him I'm not doing anything else until I hear if the house appraised for more or equal to the price. They also had that stipulation in the contract or they could back out. They had the appraisal done and they aren't telling us what it was. There really shouldn't be a problem since I came down so far on the price.


Had a good Zumba this morning, only the 3 of us again and the instructor. Guess everyone is busy with other things now that summer is almost here. It's been cloudy and rainy here today again too, glad I got the grass cut at both places for the week. We have a b-day party for Bill's GD on Sat, the one that doesn't talk to us. Usually every party the mother tells us a certain time to come and then she spends 3 hours getting stuff ready. We decided this time if the food isn't ready in a reasonable amount of time, we will leave without eating. Don't know whats going on for Father's Day, probably take Bill out to eat, thats how we usually celebrate everything....by eating! His Dr. son is coming down from northern WI on Thursday and likes to take us to the Mexican restaurant so we'll see if that holds true for this trip.

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Sharon, we had a tornado warning last night and some heavy rain so our bocce game along with the entire round of games was canceled last night. You are smart to wait and see what happens with the sale of the house. As far as the electric goes, they never countered in the contract when they accepted your offer. It only came an issue when their inspector and those people are trying to get as much as they can get away with for their clients. If your electrical would pass your own town's inspection then it is good. Things like the beehive is another thing.


Wow, your Zumba is really dropping off, but like you said, it is probably because people are just away and doing other things. Well today Bill's son is coming down to have a dinner with you, that should be nice. Then Saturday another celebration. I think you have a reasonable plan and I hope all will work out fine.


Bill has to go downtown this Saturday morning to assist in coaching the marathoners and I will go as well. Then we will come back home and sleep for a few hours and in the evening there is a firework show at our club as well as a picnic.




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Too bad about your bocce game last night, seems like lately every time you have the game it looks threatening to rain or actually does rain. We got more rain yesterday also, but very quiet rain, no thunder or lightening this time around.


I got the bug man out this morning and he did find a bee/hornet nest way up in the top part of the attic, surprised anyone even noticed it, but it was in his words "years old" and actuall fell apart when he cut it down. He says they don't reuse an old hive, could have been up there when we bought the house in '77. Then got word the well water didn't pass, so I'm meeting the well guy over there this afternoon and he will chorinate it. Says it happens quite a bit in the summer when not that much water is being used. Next week they will come out again and test the water and the septic system. We get the water tested by the county every year, but this year didn't do it. Also got some insurance information that was required saying no claims had been filed for years. Last big obstacle is some of the window sills need to be replaced so I'm getting a quote on that. The electrical work should be completed by the end of next week. They are supposed to have their loan by July 1st and we should be able to close on the 8th. Then I will breathe a sign of relief!!!!!


Fireworks and a picnic sounds like much fun, I love to watch fireworks! Hope the weather is good, heard its supposed to be warm but maybe rain in the morning. How does Bill coach the marathon runners, I would think by the time they think they can run a marathon they would be pretty well trained, its certainly not for the amatuer jogger.

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Sharon, it sounds like you have everything all in order to sell the house. Most of the participants who train to run this marathon are 1st time marathoners. So they start out at 3 miles and the mileage gets increased 1 mile every week all the way to 26 miles. Each participant is placed into a pace group and they all have a run/walk pace. That means they run a certain time and then walk a certain time. This way they are not so stress out when they finish the marathon and they also recover quicker. So he makes sure the participants are staying to pace and also helps to answer questions if they are having aches or pains to help it from getting worse or turning into a chronic problem.


I heard rain forecast for Saturday as well. We will just have to keep our figures crossed.




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Wow, that sounds like qiute a bit of help to those aspiring marathoners. Did you ever think of trying it? Sounds like an awfully good way to increase your stamina. Do they hahave to pay for that? Got the well chlorinated, well guy said it probably didn't pass because the guy took the water sample from the outside spigot and didn't use a tourch on it before taking the sample. Sure got warm again today..we didn't go to dinner with Bill's son, he didn't get here until after 8pm and we had already eaten.

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Sharon, yes they all have to pay for training and running the marathon. For me I am a cheerleader and a spectator. Once some number of years ago when he ran Boston. He had always told me what time to expect him, and this time he was way over the mark and I was really getting worried. So once I saw him turning the corner, I was so excited, I jumped in and ran a short distance. He apologized to me saying thank you but he could not stop because if he did he would not be able to start up again. So he ran to the finish and I caught up with him a short time later. For that short distance I was hurting for a week. Running is not my bag.


Well at least you had time to have nice conversation with Bill's son. Yes, people are always taking the short cuts when doing things, especially those who do things everyday like the inspectors. But at least you have piece of mind now that things are getting done.


It is warming up so what are your plans for the weekend?




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You were probably a great cheer leader! I can see after running so long on a marathon if you stopped your legs just wouldn't go again, too funny! I used to jog 3 miles every day, but that has been about 10 years ago. Now I am happy to just walk, maybe a little faster at times to change up the pace, but no more jogging.


We didn't get to see Bills son, just talked with him on the phone, he is staying at his brothers house. He will probably go over to see Bill at work and then he is leaving for home again. Don't even know why he came down, he will miss the b-day party tomorrow and fathers day Sun. But he said he had to get back and cut his grass because he is leaving on Sun for Boston for a medical conference.


We will be going to the b-day party, for a short time anyway and then I think I will make reservations from Brunch for fathers day on Sunday. Also on Sat we have to work on the kitchen drain, its stopped up and takes forever for the water to drain slowly out of the sink. The kitchen is at one end of the house and the drain goes all the way to the other end of the house before draining out into the septic. We have had trouble with it stopping up before too even though we have a screen to catch stuff before it goes down the drain.


I've got a plumber coming on Mon for the other house to change the P traps to S traps, I don't even know the difference. The house has had P traps ever since running water was brought into it! Right now I have had the water running from the outside hose over there since 9am. Got to get the chlorine out of the well and pipes, before they test it again.


What are your plans for the weekend, seems everything is always all about me, sorry!

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Sharon, getting up early tomorrow to go down to the lake and then we will come home and sleep for a few hours. Then in the evening we will go to our club for the 70th anniversary party and fireworks. Sunday after church I will work outside pulling weeds and trying to get control of the yard once again.


Too bad you did not get to visit in person with Bill's son. He drove a long way just to stay with his brother. I hope all goes well for the B-Day party on Sunday. I would think that you went out dancing tonight. Let's hope the rain does not spoil the festivities tomorrow. Wow running the water all of that time to clear out the lines so it passes inspection. Well whatever you have to do.


Enjoy the weekend,




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Sharon, I wish your Bill a very happy father's day and I hope you both have an enjoyable day today.


The picnic and fireworks was the best last night. Also the rain held off to make a perfect day. Of course with the types of food being served I am sure I will be in trouble with weigh-in tomorrow. I had a friend there from WW and some of my friends that I play bunco with as well.


Enjoy the day.




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Well as we figured, DS's SO (significant other) had said party was at 1, eat at 2. We got there about 2:15 after working on the drain and we didn't eat until 3:15. Then the food was a bunch of "crap", as Bill said. SO has a SIL that is chinese and she made pot stickers and egg rolls that they deep fried in a fry daddy, sooo very greasy, and there were probably 4 or 5 paper plates heaped with them. No thank you not for me! Then she had garlic bread and frozen pizzas with cardboard hard crusts. The little kids didn't hardly eat anything and we didn't either. We sat there until 5pm watching the kids play on a huge blow up water slide and then hit a pinata. As we got up to leave SO said, I've got cake, well she did the same thing last year, held onto the cake until everyone but her relatives had left. No presents were opened, and DGD didn't talk to us of course. I was talking to Bill's son and he kept saying how GD needed to play with other kids, so I asked him if they were going to send her to school, he said Oh I don't know she didn't do well in kindergarten, I said yes I think she needs more help than a regular school. Then I asked him if he ever thought about when she gets older and won't even be able to even get a job because she won't talk to anyone. He of course didn't want to hear that and changed the subject. I probably shouldn't have said anything but it really makes me mad they aren't getting her some specialized help.


Today we ran the water at the other house again, it was still smelling like chlorine, and trimmed the hedges. Then we went to farm & fleet and got a few things. On the way back stopped at a real nice restaurant south of town and had dinner, I brought home enough for dinner for the 2 of us tomorrow night.


Monday I have the plumber coming to look a those "p straps" and the you call we haul guy coming for a check, he did a wonderful job hauling everything away. The electrician should be starting next week also and the well and septic need to be checked. Should again be a busy week as time is slipping away. Maybe in July we can do some fun things for a change!


We did go to the dance place last night but the music was not all that great so we didn't even dance one dance. But we did have a nice visit with friends so thats something.


Hope your Bill had a nice Fathers day as well.

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Sharon, I will not eat Chinese food either, no way. It sounds like a very sad situation over there. I know Bill had to call our plumber last week as well as our main drain to the city sewer was blocked and everything was going into out sump pump. So the plumber sent a rod to the street and the guy said the lines were loaded with tree roots. We got a lot of rain this morning and it looks like we could get more today.


Well it sounds like you are really getting things together at the other house. Yesterday we had a nice day of relaxing. I cooked steaks on the grill for dinner. Tonight after work weigh-in, and after the weekend I am afraid it does not look good. But at least we had a fun weekend.




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Well we hit a hurdle, the elec. Is in the hospital with a bladder infection. Don't know if he going to get well in time to do the job or not. I am sitting here at tbe other house waiting for the plumber, thought he was supposed to be here around noon and its alread 1:30. I have my tablet with me and looked up his phone no but my phone's battery is dead so I can't call and see whats going on.

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Sharon, perhaps you should start looking around for another electrician as a backup to assure the work will get done. We just called an electrician today to get a couple of timers to turn our outside lights for when we are not around, so we don't have to leave them on 24/7. We are leaving 1 week form today for St Louis.




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Lucky you getting to go away for a while, something special you are doing in St. Louis? We went one year for something they were having, I think it was the 4th of July and they had an air show. This plane came in stopped in mid air, went up and down and then took off like a shot, never saw anything like it, think maybe it was that stealth plane.


I hope your weigh in is good, you probably didn't eat too bad only different!


Plumber said nothing wrong with the piping in the house, only time you need that other trap is in new constructions. Yes, I ran home and called and they had left 2 messages for me wondering if it was alright if he came, I called them back and said I had been waiting 2 hrs for him, thought it was all set up because there is no phone there and my phone was not charged up. Anyway he is called the home inspector and got voice message, so he is going to try and tell him it is fine, if we can't then he will replace them, but he says it will just be more "elbows" for food to catch on, more later

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Home inspector finally called back and my plumber told him the plumbing was cosistant with the age of the house and not illegal in fact since he was not a lic plumber he should not even inspected it. Bottom line, I am having the stupid traps replaced just to not cause trouble at the closing. Also heard elec thinks he feels well enough to get the job done Wed or Thurs. How did the weigh in go?

Going to be a hot day today if plumber gets done in time, he came at 8 this morning, I will try and get the lawn cut this afternoon. I can't wait for this all to be over and done!

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Sharon, a big surprise, I lost 1.6 lbs as I was totally taken by surprise. The only thing I can think of, when we went away last week we were eating out a lot. This week I always have a bowl of special K in the morning before I leave for work. I have never lost that much at once.


Well STL is a business trip as I have to go to meetings and demonstrations. However we will go to the Arch and tour the brewery and see what else we can do while there. I would listen to your own people as those home inspectors are only trying to do as much for the buyers when everything will pass inspection anyway. As long as you can pass an inspection, you are fine.




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Terrific on the weight loss, they say sometimes if you eat more/different it shakes up the system which is a good thing, sure worked for you!


Sounds like a fun trip even if it is for business. Both those things sound like fun, do they still go up in the arch? There is also some famous persons/generals? house that has walls about 2ft thick that I once visited not far from St. Louis, its from the 1800's. Can't think of the name.


We are planning on going to the strawberry festival up in WI on Sat. Hope the weather is good, we don't usually buy the strawberries because they charge so much for them and they are only $1 or $1.50 here now in the grocery stores. We do usually, or I should say I, buy a couple of bottles of strawberry wine.


The same inspector will again check the "recomended changes" before the closing so we are just trying to go ahead and comply even if it is stupid and everything is up to code. The inspector is an idiot, but what can you do? If you want to sell, you have to jump through their hoops or take your chances the buyers will back out.

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Well I will let you know if the Arch is open or not. We are renting a car from Enterprise as not to add the miles on our own car. The festival sounds like a good place to walk around and enjoy the day in WI, have fun. How has Zumba been going for you? The humidity is very high today and they are calling for rain later on.


Yes, you do have to do certain things to keep the ball moving along. I pray that all goes smoothly for you and this closes soon. Has the RE guy gave you a closing date yet?




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Yes, the closing date is July 8th, thats why we are rushing to get everything done. The buyers asked my RE guy if they could come over and measure inside for furniture, but I was really bummed out yesterday so I said no, I have repair people coming. Bill thought I should have let them, but was not feeling particularly congenial.


Well started mowing then the thunder and rain started so only got half way through. Ugh!

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