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That sounds like a really nice day you had Saturday. Glad the weather cooperated.


Is Bill walking with you or is he going to run? Must be named after Mike Ditka. You have so much available to you living close to Chicago. We only went uptown for our regular Wisconsin cheese soup at a local restaurant. We go every Sat and always get the same thing. So when we sit down the waitress just brings it. Then I made a German choc cake that we had for an afternoon snack and then a frozen pizza for dinner.


Bill's sister had diareah(sp?) and stopped drinking fluids. So she got dehydrated and it of course affected her blood pressure and she got a urinary infection. She called Bill's daughter who took her to the hospital and waited from 7pm until 11:30 with her before they put her in a room. She lives only a few blocks from her so its lots closer than we are. We are at least a half an hour away. She had to work today thats why she why she asked me to pick her up.


Looks like a wonderful week coming this week

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Sharon, not a good start for us today. Bill left the water running in our pond all afternoon and all night. I noticed all of this water all over the place when I was leaving for work this morning. He was putting water into the pond and walked away and forgot. I have no idea of how many fish are dead at lest 2 out of 8 and maybe more. He was putting decoration into the pond water to see if he could save any of them.


I have been having real trouble with my legs aching. So I have decided that we are not going to do the run/walk on Saturday. Bill has a Dr friend who runs and his wife also. So he is going to give the stuff to them. Bill is not really supposed to run after his back surgery in May. So another reason we should not do it. I may need to get my orthodox's adjusted.


We all have to drink more water. Very important. Staying well hydrated is so important, especially for good kidney health and everything else. It was not too smart on her part not to be drinking any type of fluids.


There is no rain in the forecast through the weekend. Then temps are headed warmer each day of this week. Enjoy and have a good day.




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Oh boy, that sounds like something I would do! Hope some of the fish survived. It is so easy to start something and then get busy with something else. I got a recall on my ignition switch, and there are no parts to fix it. The dealership told me to take everything except my car key off the key ring. Well I have a bunch of key fobs that I need to show at different stores but since I have two key chains I usually leave the one in the car. Can't tell you how many times I have forgotten to take it in to the store with me. Don't even think about it until I' m in line checking out.


I should have done some mowing but had a guy come and service the oxygen concentator this afternoon. Waited till he came then it was to late to get started cutting before I had to pick up Bill from work.


Have you been on your legs more lately? Sounds like its a good thing you cancelled on the Ditka run/walk.


Nice day today more coming the rest of the week.

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Sharon, I may have said this to you before, but I have what is called restless leg syndrome. Something I have had for a very long time. I see these compression socks advertised. So perhaps that and perhaps I need to get the orthodox's adjusted.


Right now we have lost 5 out of 8 fish. But there may be 1 more that will not survive. For sure there are 2 that survived. We may know today or in a few days if the third one will survive. Bill really feels so bad.


With all that is going on in our lives it is real easy to forget things. I lost .4 at weigh-in this past Monday. Tonight is the bocce banquet. Since we are co-chairs we will be running the banquet tonight. The other 2 are having medical issues and will not be attending.


Yes, agreed that the weather is very pleasant just now and through the weekend. Once you get everything all caught up it should be good for you to cut the grass.






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Gee I thought I had posted the other night but don't see it so maybe I just read yours and meant to answer.


That is great that you keep losing a little bit all the time, it must be adding up now. I was up 3 pounds this morning so trying to watch it and get back down. I don't want to get back up to where I was.


We went to a seminar on trusts in Madison last night. It was the lawyer presenting it that did Bill's trust. They also had tax attorneys there that spoke briefly. We stopped at Olive Garden for dinner in Janesville. Got there at 9:45, it looked like they were closed since they were only open until 10 pm. But they said come on in. It was very good and we brought home over half and ate it for dinner tonight.


Tomorrow we want to get the deck stained/painted before we meet Bill's family for dinner. There will be 10 of us. I did get the grass cut today. . . Finnaly!


How did your dinner banquet go.

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Sharon, the banquet was not what it should have been. They ran out of food 1/2 through. People were waiting for 5 minutes for them to restock. When you are having a buffet once you put everything out, you should have the next trays all ready, as you know, they will run out. They did not do it that way at all.


That is good that you were able to still go inside and order without a lot of people around. The weather sure has been good lately. Bill gave our race numbers to a friend of his for the race today. We kept the shirts and just gave him the race numbers.


I had to call the Dr and get BP medication, as my BP has just been too high. So he gave me a 30 day supply to see how I do first before prescribing me long term medication.


You have had very nice days for cutting the grass. That is a big group for dinner. Enjoy and have a great weekend.




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Thats too bad about the food at the banquet, you know the same thi.g happened at our wedding reception, it shouldn't happen!


We didn't get as far as we had hoped on the deck Saturday, got hot and tired so we quit. We got about 3 quarters of the railings done. Then Bill's son called and wanted us to pick him up for the dinner. Now the restaurant is only about 15 min from our house but he lives about 25 min the other way. When we hesitated he said then he wouldn't go, so we said we would pick him and his daughter up. This was about only 1 1/2 hrs before our reservation. But we still got there on time, however everyone else came in one suv and they were late. The restsurant was so busy people were waiting all over to be seated. So Bill was upset with them. The dinner was good and every one was going to to pay for their own, however we found out the restaurant doesn't give separate checks so Bill paid for everyone.


Bill's son felt bad we had to go out of our way to pick him up that he said he would finish painting the deck for us. So he worked on Sunday till he used all the paint we had, then we went Sunday night and bought more paint and he came back today and finished it.


Three gals and I went to the apple orchard today after the exercise class. They had tons of samples, we bought a lots of the things we sampled but did not buy any apples.

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Sharon, yes Bill was very upset with the manager for running out of food that he had stressed that he did not want that to happen. As you said, that should never happen at all.


Well Saturday's are busy at any good restaurant. Also having reservations doesn't really matter when a place is not honoring them and keeping you waiting for a long period. What is the point in making one if they are not going to honor them?


But the up side was Bill's son came back and finished the deck for you. With this nice weather your grass must be really growing. Also nice weather to be working outside. Much cooler today from where it was yesterday. But still very nice.


Enjoy and have a nice rest of today.




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I worded that wrong, the restaurant had our table all set up for the ten of us, it was the other 6 that came in the same car together that got there late. Thats why Bill was upset, there were so many people waiting for a table and our group came late.


I had water aerobics today, then stayed after when this other couple come in and floated around and talked with them. It is much cooler today, we are only in the 40's so far.


Did you hear how the other couple that you gave your numbers to did in the run? It was pretty warm on Sunday.

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Sharon, yes Bill's foot Dr he saw yesterday, it was his son and girlfriend who ran in our place. Bill did not hear exactly how they did, but Bill said the son ran a 7:30 pace and the girlfriend ran a 8:30 pace. So both were very fast, but Bill never heard exactly how they did.


OK , now I understand on what you were saying. Four of you showed up on time and the other 6 were very late. I also hate when that happens.


I would think it feels good to be back into the water once again. Much cooler today but only in the 50's here.




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Busy day yesterday, didn't get a chance to get on the computer even. Did the workout in the morning and then had to stop at a couple of stores, come home do some things. Made a big pot of beef stew for dinner. Had cheesy garlic bread with it too. Made enough for tonight and tomorrow night also.


Today had the swimming didn't get home until 11:30 then called the dr's nurse to see if he had found out about that new drug he told us about. Bill is having a very hard time getting dressed and undressed, just runs out of air even with the oxygen on. He gets kind of scared and so do I! She said she would ask him and call me back.


Today is a funny day weatherwise. It is cloudy and humid and even feels warm. I planted a mum that I had bought, and have one more that needs to be planted, but didn't want to be too far away from the phone.


Packers play tonight so that is what we will probably be watching on tv.

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Sharon, yes I can tell you that Bill will be watching the game, he is a big Packer fan. We got rain this morning and more heaver rain this evening.


I went to weigh-in on Monday afternoon and I have now lost 1.8. So I was happy about that, but I still have a very long way to go yet. But littler strides may get me there.


We went to the club last night for dinner. Now that bocce is over, the club was really dead. The bocce brought in the crowds. Now next Wednesday the bean bag season starts. We have never done the bags as we usually are doing something else and the weather could be bad over the winter.


I sure hope that the Dr will come through for you and Bill. Hopefully they will approve the drug for him and it will do some good and he will have a good results.


Stay dry,




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Talked to the dr's nurse yesterday, she had asked the dr and he said that the drug was still in trials so could not be prescribed. Also he had mentioned that maybe the dr's at University of WI could come up with something, but yesterday said they wouldn't be able to do anything more either. So very bad news for us. We were wondering about that Mayo clinic, will have to look into that first though.


Well the weekend is here but we don't have anything planned, everything is more difficult with the oxygen and if he doesn't use it he can't walk very far. Maybe we will go out to dinner though, we can still do that without too much problems.


Good for you, you really do keep chipping away at it! I have been staying the same which is what I want to do if I'm not losing.


We had rain also last night, and today its very windy, glad we got the deck painted, just in time!


Can't you play the bean bag game inside? I have played and its a fun game and not very hard, except to get the bag in the hole. That should bring some more people in, its hard to find things to do in the winter.


Have a nice weekend!

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Sharon, I am sorry to hear that no one at this point will prescribe anything that will help Bill. I know a few people around here have gone to the Mayo Clinic. So perhaps that is your next move. I have heard nothing but great things about that place.


Bean bags are played inside. We just have not done that over the years, as the winter is so unpredictable. We may go away someplace, or I am just too tired to commit to that over the winter. It all starts this coming Wednesday. Sometimes they are playing until after 9. I just get too tired during the winter. If there is bad weather, then we do not feel like venturing outside.


I agree for you, if you cannot loose then maintaining is the best. Since I did get back onto WW, they seem to be keeping me right on track. I am going to a different place in IN now, that has better hours and is a place I feel good about just walking into the place.


Yes, it has been raining here a lot over the past few days. We have our heat back on as the temps are in the upper 30's just now. We are going to a place that is celebrating their 60th anniversary. So we are going for dinner and some drinks. Tomorrow we may go over to the club as they are having a tailgate party for the game. We have the outfits from the Ditka Dash. So for a laugh we may dress up and go over for some laughs.


Enjoy and have a good weekend. Stay warm and dry.




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We have thought about the Mayo clinic too. Also Bill has a son that is a dr so maybe he can come up with something.


Can you get away from work to go away for a while this winter? Several of my friends have left this weekend for Florida. But I think we will get some nice weather again before it gets really cold again for good.


Going to lunch tomorrow with a couple of the dancing friends from Friday night. We haven't been since May so it will be nice to see them.


Well here comes Monday

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Sharon, have you talked to Bill's son yet about what to do for treatment? I hope you are able to get something done soon for Bill. This has been going on for too long now.


Well we have the cruise coming up in April from Hawaii to Vancouver. If nothing else we have that to get ready for. But yes, I can get away for a while if we find someplace to go.


It will be nice for you to get away today for lunch with the girls. Even though it has been cold the past few days, I feel we still have some good days ahead. Bill has drained the hot tub and taken all of the lawn stuff inside already. Always a sad day for me, as I know the bad weather is closer than we really think.






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Had a nice lunch with the girls yesterday, went to Lake Geneva to Egg Harbor, lots of people there, but then the food is very good. Got back and did a little grass cutting, was going to do some more today but having to wait for it to dry up a little, we had some morning showers again.


Saw in the paper that they now have a "fix" for the ignition recall on both of our cars. I called and got an appointment for mine this afternoon and Bill's tomorrow. That will be good not to have to worry about the car shutting off by itself like they said could happen if you had too much on your key ring.


I did talk to the nurse again yesterday in regards to getting Bill into a trial, but doesn't sound like that's going to happen either. Have not gotten to call Bill's son yet. As it stands now there is nothing to stop or slow down the progression of the lung disease. Very scary just waiting to see how long or what is going to happen next. He keeps talking like he is going to get better, so maybe with that attitude he will, you know the power of positive thinking.


How many fish did you end up with, are you going to replace them in the spring?


I have to set up a colonoscopy test but don't know how I am going to get home. Bill cannot drive anymore and I hate to ask anyone to do it. I have a physical scheduled at the dr on Thursday, thinking I might ask her if there is any kind of transportation I could arrange.


It looks like its going to be a nice day after all today.

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Sharon, with all of the people who have asked you for help, I would not hesitate to ask someone. After all, what goes around comes around. You are absolutely right about positive attitudes. That sometimes is better than any kind of medicine. So I am glad to hear that he has such a positive attitude.


Bill had me scheduled for a colonoscopy for last Thursday. I canceled it and made it for November 3. Monday will work much better than on a Thursday. He was only trying to get me in ASAP. I will have a not so good weekend when that date arrives.


We had a total of 8 fish and 6 died and 2 survived. You have heard there is a reason for everything. The place that takes care of our pond just down the street has another customer who is moving out of state, and they are giving all of their fish to the pond place. The owner did not want to care for them all winter, so she is giving them all to us tomorrow. I have no idea how many there are or how big they are. I guess they are similar to what we had. I will see tomorrow. So that is what I mean, and this has seemed to work to our advantage this 1 time.


We did not get any rain this morning. Yet they have been talking about rain all day. It does look like it may rain, but thus far nothing. I also heard it is supposed to be warming up each and every day.


Well that is good that you can cross the car repairs off of your list. I also hope you will find the time to talk to Bill's son to see what he thinks about getting him into the Mayo Clinic. I would not give up on this and certainly exhaust every option, and leave no stone unturned.




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That is terrific about the fish, funny how things work out sometimes.


I have not made the appmnt yet but I too hate to have it done. The prep is almost the worst part, almost. Yes I picked up Bill's sister but she is 90 years old and doesn't ever drive as far as our house much less all the way to the hospital. Bill's daughters work so they are out. If I can't find any other way I might have to ask one of my friends.


Got my car done and will take Bill's car in tomorrow.


I played hookey from water aerobics this morning. I shut the alarm off and went back to sleep. I has gotten up to let Tinker out at 4:30 and just got back in bed when I saw them deliver our paper at 4:45. We got our flew shots on Sunday and I have not felt too good since. Arm hurts nose a little runny and headache. Usually never get any reaction but did this time.



Got the rest of the grass cut this afternoon so now it should be good for a week.

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Sharon, I should find out sometime today what and how many fish we will be getting. Most likely this afternoon. The sun is out bright and it should be back into the 60's once again today.


Yes, you are right about the prep. It is defiantly the worst I can ever experience. I certainly will not be looking forward to it at all next month. So tap into your friends. I am sure they would be there for you, since there is no one else to give you a ride back home.


Also good that you got your car finished yesterday and today you will get Bill's finished as well. It was really crazy on how they are blaming it all on us women who have many things attached to our keys. I personally think it is a bunch of BS.


There is nothing wrong about getting more sleep, you deserve that. Enjoy and have a good day today.




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I was talking to my friend Mary today, she said she would take me and wait then bring me home as long as its on her day off, either Monday or Wednesday. I was surprised we do things together but I wouldn't have asked her to do it. I was kinda thinking about asking one of my dancing friends who is also a nurse. I will make the appmnt and see what day I can get, then go from there.


Tomorrow have the medicare physical after water aerobics, but I am going to find out about any kind of transportation avaiable too. Then tomorrow night going to a bunco party. Had such a good time last time they had one in the spring so looking forward to going again.


Made a batch of peanut butter cookies,they were so good we almost ate them all up.


I did see the the blood moon this morning, had gotten up to let Tinker out and hadn't gotten back to sleep yet. Heard them talking on TV about at about 6 am so got up to look. It was perfect, not blood red but more copper colored.


Enjoy your day

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Sharon, perhaps you will select Monday as the day to have you procedure, as I did. For me anyway preparing for the test would be much easier to start the prep over the weekend rather than during the week with work. So that is the main reason I selected a Monday.


Once I am asleep I do not get up. I sleep all night, so I did not get up to see the moon, but only saw the pictures. It looked very nice as you described.


We have been playing bunco for a very long time. So you can see what fun it can be. I am glad you have had the opportunity to experience playing the game.


Another day with lots of sunshine and another day in the 60's. Enjoy and have a great day today.




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Was going to make an appmnt but the gal dr that has done it before fir both me and Bill has retired. So when I went for my physical on Thursday afternoon I asked my dr who she would recommend. She said she was also due for the scope and used the same group of drs that I was looking at. She gave me the name of the dr she was going to so I guess I'll make an appmnt with him too.


Had a fun night at bunco, won $40 and a really cute decorated cake. It is a fun game and would like to play more often but there is no where to play except when the Lionesses have theie un raiser.


We are going out for dinner tomorrow night for our anniversary. It has been 12 years.

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Sharon, a big congratulations on your anniversary today. I hope you have a very nice evening out this evening. Ours is in January and it will be 8 for us, and 10 years of being together. Lots of sunshine today. I think the temps will go to 60 again.


So I am glad that you like playing bunco. Now you can see why our group has stuck together for so long playing the game. It is too bad that they do not play it regularly around you, and only play it for special events.


I am glad that you have found someone to do the scope for you. It is important to get done. But I will not be looking forward to the prepping before hand.


Once again, Happy Anniversary today. Have a good dinner and a great evening out.




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Oh my its been such a busy week, haven't even gotten on here to post.


We did have a nice dinner out, thank you for the wishes. I went to Fair Diddly on Sunday for a little while, didn't buy anything, but lots of vendors and lots of different kinds of food. I did buy a cherry pie to bring home, we had a piece last night and it was very tasty.


Found out Tinker has a bad urinary infection so maybe that is why she is still having so much trouble with incontinence even with the pills I give her. The vet started her on one antibiotic then had a culture done and called on Tues day saying they needed to switch to a better antibiotic. So they put her on Cipro, I think I have taken that myself for something or other. She seems very down, so I don't know how it is affecting her. I am to take another urine sample in to the vet in 10 days to see if it is working.


I also got in the forever fit class and the water aerobics. Today Bill went in to work later but we went to the bank first and checked into what all he has in his safety deposit box. Took some things out and made a list of everything. Then he came home early with me so I wouldn't have to go home and come back and pick him up.


Bill's son comes this weekend so we will be able to talk with him in person instead of texting or on the phone. Don't know what he can do but will ask him anyway. Bill gets so very out of breath now walking from the front room to the bedroom. He has thought several times that he will pass out from not getting enough air even though he has the oxygen on. Also I got some compression socks for him and I have to put them on him which is quite a job. He could never get them on himself. They seem to help with the swelling of his ankles somewhat but not altogether.


Ok, got to make some dinner for him, going to meet the girls tonight, its one of their birthdays so we are having taco to eat there, along with cake or something I would imagine.


Hope all is well with you and Bill

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