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Sharon, I guess the main reason for the store closings is that many are using online purchases now versus going to the stores in person.


Yes, once I got home Bill was showing what was going on in Fort Launderdale. I guess the site is still not up and running today. We were there once, and you are right that things now could happen any where and any time.


That is so crazy that you are having so much trouble signing up with WW over the Internet. But I can relate to you as I am also have a great deal of difficulty with AT&T with doing the very same thing. They gave me a new account when we switched with U-Verse. So I had direct payment taken out and now they closed the account and gave me a new one that I cannot access.


Temps only in the teens today. Bill renewed our 2 for 1 membership at the health center. So perhaps 2017 will be different and I will start to go more often.


That person is just plane miserable, and now we do not ever have to worry about dealing with her ever again.




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I went back in to the WW web site today and was able to get the state corrected and the payment put in. But tried to download some of the WW programs for help, kept saying no internet connection. I know my connection is really slow but my table works and so does my computer. Will try again another day. Was thinking of switching to uverse, thought it might be faster, but sounds like your's is not working so great. But you will probably get it straightened out then see if its better and let me know.


I did not even go out to get the mail today, just too cold and just didn't feel like it. I'll get it tomorrow.


So nothing else new today,


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Sharon, our uverse works fine, I was just having a real problem with getting into my account online. I did get it all worked out yesterday so all is good now. I was having the same issues as you were trying to set up another account, as they took down my old account.


So you were talking about echo, and I did look into it and it is very expensive. So I ordered echo dot as it is much smaller and more reasonably priced. So it was delivered yesterday and we are having a lot of fun with it. You should look into it. You have to set it up and program it and set the date and time and your location. Once all is set up, away you go.


Another day in the teens today. I really did not go out yesterday either. Just getting the house cleaned up and getting ready to return to a much more relaxed office tomorrow, and hopefully for the next 6 months.


Stay warm and enjoy the rest of today. At least we have lots of sunshine. I think the Golden Globes is on for tonight.




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The Echo dot is what I bought but couldn't connect to any of my "devices". So I bought a Kindle Fire. Hard to get used to it, I find I keep going back to my Samsung tablet instead of fooling with it.


I put the WW app, mobile on my phone and now the phone keeps telling me it cannot connect to the internet, its authenticating. So now trying uninstall it and it won't let me. I think I hate all these electronic things!


So now even though I have joined WW, I have no idea how many points any thing has, only know calories. Seems nothing is working out the way it should, ready to give up on all of it.


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Sharon, I agree about electronics and having problems when not working properly. For this Echo Dot, it is a learning curve. I did not have much problems connecting it to my smart phone. I know you have to word things a certain way, and the more information you can put in the app the better the answers are. So thus far it is working out just fine. When you wake up in the morning and say her name and then say good morning, she gives you a rundown on today's birthdays or an event that may be going on that day.


I would go to WW and tell them how much trouble you are having and perhaps they can guide you in the right direction. I would hope that they would help to retain you as a regular customer.


I saw Bill as he got back home this morning and he said it was cold this morning. They do not get all that many kids when it is like this in the morning as many get rides. The afternoon is more busy and they do not get rides as parents are working. I can see him right from my office as he is just 1 block away.


Back to the bum and grind today. At least I do not have to deal with the jerk for I hope the next 6 months. It was nice not having full work week the past 2 weeks.




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That's pretty cool that you can see Bill from your office! Today wasn't too bad for the kids but now its snowing outside. Just when they said it was going to be in the low 40's tomorrow! Hope it melts haven't been to zumba since last Wednesday and needing to get some exercise.


Went to the dr for the medicare physical, nurse asked me really silly questions, like what day it was, what state I lived in. Then some word problems, if you buy some apples for $3, and two bags of potatoes for $10 each how much money did you spend. Some others too, guess I passed for another year. Then she told me my blood pressure was high, we'd redo it after the "questions" and then she forgot, maybe she should have done the test, ha ha. The dr came in and had such a bad cold I hated for her to get near me. I even told her she should probably see a dr! When I got done I found the closest bathroom and washed my hand good.


Yes, I need some help in determining points rather than calories since that seem to be the whole thing, staying within your points.


So glad you can go to work without having to worry about the jerk! Enjoy!!


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Sharon, yes as I was getting home last night it was snowing good. Woke up this morning and it was all gone. Temps when we woke was 40. Once I left it was very windy and drizzle. So not a very good day today.


Perhaps you will make it to Zumba tomorrow and get back into your regular routine once again. I know being inside during this time of year can be depressing.


Wow, that was crazy having that nurse asking you those questions. What did she think you had, dementia or something. I would have definitely said something to that Dr. She should not be close to patients when she has an infection like she had.


Yes, it is nice not having the pressure with that jerk not being around. I and the entire office looks forward to him being away for 6 months.


My vehicle will be 3 years old in a few weeks. So they have contacted me to see if I want to sell it back to them and to buy a new 1. So we are looking around and perhaps on Friday we may go and see what they offer us and see what we can get to replace it as well.


Since Opraha has a steak in WW all you see now are her commercials each and everyday.


Don't get blown away today.




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There was still snow when it started to drizzle so the side roads were very slippery with ice. But the main roads were okay, so got to zumba. Only 4 of us there today.


All afternoon raining like crazy and the wind is just howling! I've go to take the garbage container outside and afraid it will blow away, not that much in it.


I bet you don't have alot of mile on your car yet either, so they should give you a good trade in amount. Anything that you are kind of thinking about?


That is what they are checking for asking those questions, dementia, the nurse said she had to ask them for the physical to be considered "medicare" covered.

I agree the dr should have at least worn a mask, I'm hoping I don't catch her terrible cold. While I was sitting in the room waiting for her to come in I could hear someone coughing and coughing, when she came in I realized it was her because she had a cough drop in her mouth. Grrrr!


I think I might have figured out the WW app to track and tell you points. Talked to the gal at zumba who is on it and while it didn't help much since she has an i phone and I have an android, I at least saw what it was supposed to be doing and worked on it when I got home. Haven't tracked much and Friday the meeting is again.


Don't get blown away!


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Sharon, when I came home for lunch I saw many branches down in the street. Yes, it was just pouring all afternoon. I heard the temps are supposed to drop this evening. If it does everything will be like an ice skating rink. We keep our container inside our yard. If your pick-up is tomorrow. I would not put them out tonight, as they for sure will blow away. I would put them out in the morning just to be safe. We got about 1/4" of snow last night. This morning it was all gone. Temps here just now 50.


It must have felt great to have gotten back into the routine, and especially with only 4 being there. It gave you a lot of room to exercise. Hopefully by Friday you will have things better figured out, and if not they should be able to spend a little time with you to help you out.


So my vehicle has 17,500 on it. I would want something similar or better. I will not accept anything less. I have all leather seats and they are also heated as well. Mine is AWD and I would want the same. So we shall see.


That Dr the very least should have had a face mask on and of course gloves. I hope you do not get sick either. Did you ever get the flu shot?


I am really liking this Echo Dot. I can have music played, she tells jokes. In the morning she gives you the rundown for the day. I still have to program more things into it, but for now we are getting a lot of enjoyment out of it. I never would have heard of it if you did not mention it.




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I did put the garbage container out last night, it was really windy and the driveway was really iced up but made it down there and back. This morning got up looked down the driveway and couldn't see the container. Got dressed went down there and it had blown in the ditch, tipped over and the garbage was in the ditch too. So I had to haul it up and get the garbage back in it and pull it back up to the house. I can't put it out in the mornings because they come so early I'm not up yet.


I have heated seats too and would never buy a car without them. You get used to some things and they become necessities.


The nurse asked me if I had gotten the flu shot and I said no, she just made a note of it and didn't say anything else about it or the pneumonia shot, which I also haven't gotten.


I haven't tried to set up my Echo Dot again, even though I now have a tablet that would be able to do it.


Can't go to meet the girls tonight, it has already started raining and have heard some things have been cancelled because of the freezing rain coming later. Didn't want to take a chance driving on icy roads. Sometimes it's just not worth the risk.


So staying in tonight and staying warm,


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Sharon, I went to work yesterday for only about an hour and came back home. I have been home ever since. I am real sick with congestion. So Bill took me this morning to CVS Minute clinic and I got an Antibiotic and a cough suppressor. I woke up yesterday feeling real bad. I should have never gone in yesterday. I may not go in tomorrow either, I will just have to see how I am doing.


Woke up this morning to everything covered with ice. So all of the salt trucks have been out all day long salting. Temps hovering below freezing. But it looks like the freezing rain is all over for now. It was a smart move not going any place last night with the conditions. It was thundering and lightening around here last night.


I hear what you are saying about the garbage. So since they got blown into the ditch they did not pick up the garbage. So I guess it would have been best to just not put it out at all. That at least would have saved you the trouble of picking it all up.


Well I got my flu shot last month. Me being sick now has nothing to do with the flu. I guess it could turn into a phenomena if I let it go long enough. She was just marking things down as they all recommend everyone getting a flu shot.


We are looking online at the various cars or suv's they have to offer. Yes, I agree that once you get used to something you cannot live without that item. So with me being sick we will just have to wait and see when we will go in and talk things over.




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Sorry to hear you are sick, hope it doesn't last long and now that you have some meds you feel better. Probably best to stay home tomorrow and rest,let the medicine take effect.


I didn't go to zumba this morning either, the driveway was covered in ice. In fact I didn't even go down to get the mail until about 2pm. By then the sun was out and had melted it, but now I see that since it was still wet its froze up again. This is crazy for January to have rain and ice, usually get that in March. Looks like rain most of next week too.


Going to WW tomorrow morning, hopefully won't be too icey on the driveway, highway looks good. I think I am down maybe a pound, didn't do too good the first few days, but have been really trying since Monday.


Going to start getting stuff out to pack tomorrow, hope my summer clothes still fit. Talked with my sister, her voice was really bad but could understand her, she said its still nice and warm down there. The hotel I am staying at is about 20 minutes from where she lives though. Would of been better if it was closer to her.


Yes I was sorry I had braved the winds and put the garbage out the other night. Got lots of room in the container though so no problem waiting till next week.


Rest up and eat some chicken soup!


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Sharon, I did just finish a bowl of nice hot chicken soup. I did nothing but rest all day today. So I shall see how I feel tomorrow. If I sit around too long I get ants in my pants.


Looking outside I can see ice on the trees and our driveway is covered in ice. Bill had to put salt twice down on our walkway leading to the garage to clear it all away. We really had a good coating of ice. I heard we could get some more on Saturday. I will be off on Monday due to the Federal Holiday.


I was just going to ask you when are you going away? You are traveling with a friend of yours. Are you going to rent a car? At least the 2 of you can split the costs. It will be nice gong to a warmer climate.


Good luck at WW tomorrow. It was a very good move not going out today for Zumba. Hopefully the roads will be safe to be driving on tomorrow morning. I know our main roads are clear. But everything else is all iced up.


We will go to the dealership tomorrow evening to see what kind of deal they are proposing to give us. It will have to be real good before I give up the one I already have.




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So wondering if you are feeling better and went to work or not today. The roads were good and so was my driveway. I went to WW and lost 3.1 pounds. Now I just have to keep it off and lose a little more. I can lose that much easy but then I eat something I shouldn't and its right back again.


Got the community college non credit classes booklet yesterday. Looked through it and found some interesting one day lectures. I signed up for one that will tell about The Trail of Tears, I thought about just getting a book about it but then thought might as well go and get a book about it afterwards if I still want to know more. Also signed up for a lecture and field trip to a safe house, that hid runaway slaves. Supposed to be pretty local so not too long a bus ride to see it. There was one other one too, something about math, I don't really like math but this sounded like a fun class, almost magic.


Exciting looking for a new car, hope they do give you a good deal, you don't have many miles on yours so they should. What color are you thinking about if you get one?


Decided to get my own hotel room even though its expensive, just didn't want to share one with the other gal. We are getting a car and I don't know how that will work either since my sister has a car. Also one more clog in the wheel, my friends two grown daughters have decided to come too. They are flying in on different airlines but don't know what that will do to our plans either. If I had known all this I would have went some other time and not had to worry about the other ones. My mistake.


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Sharon, as I have said in the past I get aunts in my pants after a few days of being at home. I did do a lot of sleeping and resting and the med's are doing their job, so I did return back to work yesterday. Although I am not back to 100% myself at least I am headed in the right direction.


I see that you are headed in the right direction as well. Congratulations in loosing 3.1 lbs. You will just have to watch what you are eating.


As you would expect we did get the run around a bit yesterday. I came home and we ate dinner. Then we took it up the block to get it washed and then back to the garage just to wipe it down as they never completely dry everything. So I have a Trex and the color is called Ice Silver. They were all sold out of that vehicle, so the next closest to that is the Equinox. It was Blue Velvet. It is the exact same size only it has much more options.


So the sales person was very nice and I took it for a test drive. Of course they have no power when it comes to pricing. So the manager came over to us as they were going to increase my payment on that $165. Bill said no. So then they said they would look the area over and try to find the same as I have only in a 2017, mine is a 2015. They would increase the price $40 and Bill said no once again.


Mine is a lease and I have 1 year left on it. Right now the payout on it would be $14,000. Bill figures they would buy the vehicle themselves and put it on the lot at $28,000. Mine is in excellent condition and they stand to make $10,000 on it. So Bill said we did not walk in here looking to make any deal, you asked us to come in here and to see what they were willing to give us on my vehicle. So he further said to fudge the figures to whatever you need to do to make the price the same or lower, not any higher. So Bill figures next week they will be calling us back. It is all a numbers game.


Well that was a good move on your part getting your own room, especially now that she is hooking up with her daughters. So now they all can stay in the same room. Also with renting the car she might just as well as pay for that as well. Your sister has her own car and they will most likely be doing their own thing anyway. When exactly are you leaving again?


Shortly I will be going out with that lady friend of mine shopping and getting lunch. It is much milder outside from what it has been. Bill is off on Monday due to the Federal Holiday. Me of course am not.




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I think they always listen to a man and give him a better price than they do women. You are lucky he is there to wheel and deal. I bet you are right they will be calling sometime soon so they don't lose a good deal.


Glad you are feeling better, too bad you don't get MLK day off too. They banks and post office all do. I'm not so sure about all the schools, have friends in WI whose kids have to go to school.


I am thinking about going to that place I usually go on Wed night tomorrow afternoon. They are having a party since the Packers are playing. Going to be lots of food (but I will have to watch what I eat since now on WW) and the ice storm isn't suppose to start until around 9pm, I'll be home way before then.


Got some things packed today, surprised it all went in a carryon . Still want to throw in a long pair of slacks for evenings and another pair of shoe. Leaving next Thursday.


It was milder today and even sunny,


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Sharon, that is why Bill is off tomorrow as our school district is off tomorrow. The jerk would never give us that holiday off.


That sounds good to be going out today to your Wednesday night place for the buffet. All you have to do it to watch what you eat. I know Bill will be watching the game, as he is a big Packer Fan.


Temps in the 30's today and warming up this week into the 40's. I did not hear about an ice storm this evening. I sure hope not.


Bill does not put up with any kind of BS. So he does a lot of research before going in there and is well prepared. So I guess we shall see what happens.


I should not have gone out yesterday as I had a relapse and had to cut it short. Today I am still not feeling up to par and I am going to lay down shortly. I can feel that I did way too much.


So you are leaving on Thursday and returning on Sunday? That should be a nice get away for a few days and a break from this cold weather. Enjoy!




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Well I made 2 dozen deviled eggs, one dozen cut in half to take today but then thought about it and remembered when I went on New Years Eve and didn't enjoy the loud drunk people swearing so changed my mind and stayed home. Been a long boring afternoon but couldn't think of anywhere else to go, nothing good at the show and didn't want to shop.


I took 8 of the eggs over to my friends house, they weren't home so I just left them out on their porch.


Sometimes you think you feel pretty good and do too much and then you get a set back. Hope the rest helps you today to get back to feeling better once again.


I am leaving on Thursday for a week. And now I hear next weekend it's going to be in the 50's here. Probably change back to freezing again just when I get back home!


Yes there are warnings here about the icy rain that is coming later tonight or early tomorrow morning.


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Sharon, I did hear that your area could get the freezing rain and our area willl not. I guess we will jut have to wait and see. This morning it was at 32 and everything was just wet and the temps could rise today.


Well that might have been a good move or not. You don't want to be around a bunch of drunken loud moths. I am sure when your friends get home they will be pleasantly surprised.


So you are leaving on Thursday and returning on the flowing Thursday? That should be a nice time away. Enjoy!


I defiantly overdid it and once I got home I just rested, and laid down during the afternoon. Hopefully I will be OK for this week and not be headed into a relapse.




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We had lots of ice, schools were closed, garbage trucks didn't run and all advised to stay off the roads if possible. Later the rain started and did melt it, not sure what it will be like tonight with everything still wet and the temps drop.


So our zumba class was also called off, hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Didn't even go outside today, no mail so no reason, except to feed the birds and they'll just have to wait until tomorrow.


Hope you feel okay today,


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Sharon, it was all rain for us yesterday and no ice at all. So it has been raining all afternoon and into the evening. Today should be the same with all rain. Although it is not raining just now, it is overcast and damp.


Yes, I am still not where I should be but at least I am getting there each and every day. You should be getting excited getting ready for your up coming trip and getting away for awhile. I hope that everything will be OK with the weather on Thursday with your flight.


Depending on the weather your way will depend on if you have exercise today or not. I am sure you would rather get out and exercise rather than just sitting inside.




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I was able to get up to the zumba class, and quite a few others were there also. Several of the younger gals decided to go to one of the resorts and go swimming after class but I had so many things to do I didn't go.


I went to the DMV and got a sticker for Bill's car and then I asked them what I was going to have to do to get my license renewed in May when my birthday was. They looked it up and said only an eye exam and why didn't I just do it today? There was hardly anyone else there, which is very unusual so I said well why not, just get it done. So I did the eye test, paid my $5 and was told to go sit in the camera seats. I just sat down, was going to comb my hair and put on some lipstick but before I could do anything they called my name. Got my picture taken and a printout to use until I get the real thing in up to 3 weeks. I really hate that I hadn't even got a chance to comb my hair and will have to look at that picture now for so many years!


I got up yesterday morning with the start of a cold, haven't had a cold for almost 2 years! I've been taking extra vitamin C and Cold Easze lozenges. Today almost feels a little better thank goodness, a little scratchy throat and sneezing.


I remember one time Bill woke up the morning we were leaving for a cruise and said he didn't feel good, but insisted on still going. He was sick the whole time, got better the day we got back home!


We had a lite mist off and on today and tonight almost a sleet, the edges of the driveway are white.



I think I have everything packed, it not will buy it when I get there.


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Sharon, I would say you were very lucky to be able to renew your drivers licence so soon. So that was just perfect timing.


Well yesterday around noon we went to the auto dealer and I bought the new 2017 Trex. Actually I went there to look at the color of the one they are bringing in today. It is Metallic Black, and after looking it over I decided it would work. So I will not actually see it until tomorrow when we go and pick it up. If it is not what they said it was then the deal will be off.


You are right thou about how they take advantage of women. First they said it would be $40 dollars more, and Bill said no. Then they said it would be $15 dollars more and Bill said no once again. He said it has to be the same payment as now or lower, but not even a dollar more. He figured they would be just nickel and dimming us every time. So they agreed to keep the payment as I have them now. So mine now is a 2015 Trex, and they said I will have all the same options and a few more.


This time of the year we all have to be very careful not to catch a cold. Once you get one it seems to last forever. So hopefully you will not get sick while you are away. That is good that you are all ready and packed to go. Enjoy and have a great time.


It was just damp yesterday and still is today. We did not have any sleet or freezing rain. I see the temps for the rest of the week will be in the 40's and even 50's. We will have our office Christmas Party after work today. It will be at a local restaurant in the area.




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Congratulations on the new car! I'm sure it will have more options on it because each year they seem to add more.


Had my friend the beautician trim my hair today, its okay but not real happy with it. She didn't take much off but right now it doesn't seem to lay the right way.


Had to swap out a pair of knee length shorts for capris since saw the weather in Florida is not going to be as warm as I thought. So now I have 2 pair of capris, one pair shorts and one long pair of pants.


Taking my tablet with so will probably check in with you while I'm gone, feeling pretty good, cold not progressed any.


Hope you had a nice time at your Christmas party!


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Sharon, you should remember that they do that every year with the holidays being so busy. So they wait until January. Once dinner was over and all of the speeches as well, we left.


So this morning we were at the dealership at 8:45 and we did not get out of there until 10:50. So with getting On-Star all set up and showing me all of the new features and putting on the license and scrapping off the old sticker. Bill went and got the new sticker as the Village Hall is just across the street from where he works.


So they are talking about severe storm hitting us shortly. Bill said hail, and heavy rain. So he came and picked it up after work and brought it home and put it in the garage for safe keeping. That would be all I need with a brand new vehicle and have hail damage. So with getting to work late this morning, and all of the things I had to do today. This was the first chance I have gotten to write today.


So I hope you are safely on your way and that you do not run into too much bumpy weather while flying. I cannot stand all of that bouncing around in the air. I hope your cold gets better and that you have decent weather. It may cool off at night.






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