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Sharon. I am glad to hear that your stitches are out and you are on the mend. I love how the nurse came back at you and put it all on you, as you said, how were you supposed to know that. I am sure that you will have to be putting ointment on the area to keep it from drying out.


I figured that you would have been busy doing crossword puzzles on your down time.


I heard that tomorrow and Friday the temps could go to the 70's and then snow flurries on Saturday.


It sounds like your sister is taken care of and that she seems to be in the right place for her to be.




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Yes I have 2 different oiitments to mix together and put on the spot, then cover it. Doing that is supposed to help it heal. At least now i can go out and not look too bad.


Yes the puzzles are actually puzzles, I' m not good at crossward puzzles but have enough patience for regular puzzles. I take a picture of them after I complete them and put them back in the box. This last one I got a GoodWill. Was worried many pieces would be missing but actually only one piece was missing. I will donate it back to GoodWill but with a note about the missing piece and where it belongs in the puzzle.


Went to the cemetery today and put out Christmas wreaths. Figured do it while it is still nice out and the ground is not frozen.


Going to see the girls tonight, has been sever a l weeks since I've gone.


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Sharon, 70's today and tomorrow and then snow flurries on Saturday. Around here it is very windy, but the wind is out of the South, thus the reason it is so warm.


Bill usually does that as well putting wreaths on the grave sites. Now is the time to be doing anything outside before it will be getting us into the deep freeze.


I am glad to hear that you are healing and doing much better. Lets hope you continue to improve and to get better.


We got our system upgraded this morning to a faster speed and more reliable service. Last week's outage took care of getting this done.


Enjoy and have fun tonight dancing. At least you will have good weather to be out and about.




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Bet that is nice to have an upgraded and probably faster system to work on now! My computer and tablet have been slowing down and seems to take a very long time to load up anything.


I did go back to zumba today and saw everyone, felt good to actually do some exercises once again.


I did finally call Bill's son about the faucet, had to leave a message and so far he hasn't called back. I callled 3 different plumbers and no one wanted to do it or said they didn't have time. Guess it's too small a job for them to fool with. Need a handyman really, plumbers charge big time.


Went last night and we only talked, no dancing. Everyone has had their medical problems it seems. Before we left the owner reminded us that next week he would have a turkey dinner for everyone on Wednesday night. So that will be nice but will have to go a little early or it will all be gone. He makes it and puts it out on a table in a cooker or crock pot and everyone helps themselves.


Going to the other cemetery today, putting up the two wreaths there. Have been waiting around for a phone call but getting late so just going to go ahead and go.


Nice here too, too bad the weather will change so drastically soon!


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Sharon, agreed that today will be the last day to enjoy mild temps. Rain tonight and predicted snow flurries tomorrow. Although it is very windy once again around here. Still lots of leaves on the trees yet.


Wow, that owner sure takes good car of you all on Wednesdays. Next week will be an early Thanksgiving dinner for you.


Hopefully Bill's son will come over and fix the faucet for you and you can catch up with him on what is going on.


I have no idea what we are doing this weekend. Bill on Wednesday is having surgery on his foot.




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If Bill has surgery on his foot that will probably take care of going anywhere for Thanksgiving dinner. But at least you will get a nice day off work. Hope he has better luck than I did and doesn't have much pain.


It is very windy here tonight also. Pretty nice all day but this morning had rain and thunder. Haven't seen any snow flurries yet but then again it's pretty dark at a little past 4:30 now.


Yesterday finally one of the plumbers I called, called me back at 4:15. He said he had time to come if I still wanted him to. I said yes since I hadn't yet heard back from Bill's son. He came and put the new faucet on, charged me $160.00. I think that's pretty high but at least I can now use the sink again. One thing I noticed though after he left. The new faucet came with two different handles. He took the other set of handles with him. When I had that other semi retired guy fix the laundry room faucet, he left the other set of handles for me.


Tonight Bill's son did call and said he had been working on a big job did I still need him to come. I told him it was all done but thanks anyway. He had a terrible cold sounds very hoarse so kind of glad he didn't come. Don't want to catch that. He said he has been cleaning the barn out, Bill liked to save everything "just in case". He has a dumpster and getting rid of a lot of old useless stuff.


Have a nice weekend,


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Sharon, a friend of our's who played with Bill in his first play last year. Was in another play and we went last night to see her in it. She was very grateful that we came to see the performance. Now on Sunday we are headed up north to see a play of another friend of our's who owns the studio and is putting on his last performance from this play.


Glad to hear that your faucet is fixed. But I agree that was a very high price he charged you and he should have left the extra handles as well, you owned them.


It was very windy last night and it is still very windy, and also very cold. I have not seen and flurries just yet. But it sure did rain a lot yesterday.


That is what exactly I was figuring as well. But Bill insisted that we still stick to our plans and go out on Thanksgiving for dinner at the place we usually go to.




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It's nice that you have a whole new activity that you like to do with the plays. You never know when something is going to provide you with fun! I bet soon Bill will be back in it also in some way.


I hope he is right about going out to dinner, that would mean that he is doing well right afterwards.


Very cold today and still windy, I went up and mailed my Thanksgiving cards then came home and have been inside ever since. It's been a long quiet day, haven't talked to anyone. Very lonesome sometimes.


Would you ask Bill a question for me. I am having new tires put on and the price they quoted installed evidently did not include alignment. Now they are telling me it would be another $89 for that. I don't know if they install and balance them if that is necessary or not. They are being installed on Monday afternoon.




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Sharon, Bill said alignment is away's extra. When you buy the tires the price that they quote you does include balance. They must balance the tires before they install them. You need to ask them if the price includes road hazards. We bought tires once and the very next day we hit something on the highway and ruined the tire. Since we did not buy road hazard, we had to buy another tire. If we would have bought the road hazard, we would have gotten the tire for free.


I guess we shall see, as only 3 more days before his surgery. He picked that day as it will give him 5 days before he goes back to work.


Yes, it was very cold yesterday and very windy. We went from some very mild temps to this stuff. Later on this afternoon we are going to a friend of ours final play, as it has been running for about a month now and it ends today. Bill lent him a prop to use for this play.




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Thanks for the information, I will probably get them aligned since I am paying for new tires might as well get it done right. I will ask them if they are covered for road hazards too.


I went to Menards and Farm & Fleet today, just wanted to get out a little after church today. All Christmas stuff is out and people are shopping.


I smelled something stinky in the house and went in the basement. I had put out several packages of mouse poison last summer and it had just laid there all this time. Now however I see that it is completely gone, all the packs that I put out. How did a mouse or mice get in the basement??? So now I am thinking they ate the poison and have died somewhere. I hope I don't see any alive they scare me as fast as they are. I put out more poison packs and a mouse trap, would like to see what they look like to be sure it is mice. Ugh!


Zumba tomorrow, always feel better getting out and doing some exercise.


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Sharon, Bill also said that you do not always need an alignment. It would depend on the wear pattern on the old tires, that would determine if you need to have it aligned.


Funny thing as we went to Menards as well on Saturday to buy some things as they had that 11% rebate going on. Our water heater is 10 years old so we bought another 1 as 10 years is right at the end of its life. Bill told me what would you rather do, come home to 40 gallons on the basement floor or to just buy a new 1.


I do not like rodents either. Those packets are supposed to kill them within, and they are supposed to go back outside and not die in the basement. If you cannot find it yourself perhaps Bill's son can come over and look around for you.


So you are back out in your exercise routine once again. It must feel good to be back into the routine once again.


We leave tomorrow night to stay in a hotel close to where the surgery will be on Wednesday morning.




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I think he is right, better to be safe than sorry with the water heater!


Have looked around but not seeing any dead mice downstairs and the new packages of poison have not been touched and the trap I set is still set so maybe they ate the poison and died and after a few days the smell will go away. I hope.


I did go back to exercise and it does feel good not only to do the exercises but to see and talk to people. Sometimes it feels like I am in solitary confinement at home.


I got the new tires put on and I did take the road hazard also. After what you said I figured it was a good investment. Cost an addition $51 but its good for the life of the tire and he said just to fix one tire without it would be around $25.


I hope all goes well with Bill and his surgery tomorrow. The only thing is if something does go wrong you are in a holiday situation and then the weekend. I will pray everything is fine! I only think of that because that is what happened to me with the weekend.


I go tomorrow again to see the nurse with my forehead and the regular skin dr to see if I need to keep going to the extract treatments on my scalp. I really don't want to do anymore but don't want the plaque to come back either. My forehead almost looks like it is now getting infected. Don't know how that could have happened, always wash my hands and try to keep everything clean as possible. Will see tomorrow.


Very cold today, lost of frost this morning, but the sun was out brightly and no wind so not too bad.


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Sharon, after what happened to us only 1 day after putting on 4 new tires. We hit something on the highway and ruined the brand new tire. Since we did not buy the road hazard we had to pay full price for a new tire. So you may never use it, but for piece of mind you have it and are protected now.


Cold at night and in the morning. Overcast today but supposed to go mid 40's today. Then rain tonight and into tomorrow. So we leave tonight to stay at a hotel close to where the surgery will be performed tomorrow. As we have to be there at 6 to get all ready for the surgery. If all goes well I should be back home around noon and back to work.


The main reason he picked Wednesday was just what you had said. He will have 5 complete days to recover and will see if he will be alright to return to work on Monday. I know for you with your forehead whenever you have anything done it will get all red for a period of time, before the redness goes away and starts to return your skin to its normal color once again. It is important to just keep the area from getting dried out.


So Bill said the new water heater is scheduled to be delivered sometime this morning. So we shall see once it is in the basement when we will get it installed.




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Hope the surgery went well and Bill is home recuperating! At least you have good weather, kind of, no snow anyway or rain yet to come home in.


Are you having someone install the water heater or is Bill thinking he will do it? I don't think it's too hard if you didn't just have surgery! Then there is always trying to get rid of the old one.


I saw both the regular skin dr today, she said I didn't need any more of the extract appmnts, lets wait and see how it goes, also saw the MOHS nurse. She said it is healing well and not infected, so that is good. I still have to keep it layered up with the special creams and covered for at least another month or so. I see the MOHS surgeon on Dec 9th.


I sure am glad we did not get hit with all that snow that up north and east are getting. We will eventually but for now it will still be okay to drive places.



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Sharon, the surgery went well, as we were back home at noon. It would have been 11 but we got tied up getting the scripts filled. Then I had to do payroll at work and then Bill went to bed early and he also laid down for a few hours in the afternoon as well.


When we left the hotel early yesterday morning headed to the surgical place, it was raining. When we were headed home it was pouring all the way home and it continued all afternoon. Yes, we are lucky all of the snow was up north. Better them than us.


He will have stitches in for 2 weeks and the pin will stay in for 4 weeks. He has not been in a lot of pain and all has been manageable. Let's hope that continues. It sounds like the Dr's and nurses have given you a clean bill of health. You just have to keep the area clean and lubricated. I hope your pain and discomfort is in tact as well.


So what are you doing today? We will be leaving shortly, or more like 2 for 2:30 reservations. He is doing fine to go out. All he has to do is to be careful not to bump it into anything.


So once again have a safe and nice Thanksgiving today.




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So glad all went well for Bill, also good that he and you can go out and have a nice Thanksgiving dinner.


A friend from zumba invited me to go with her, her husband and daughter out to eat. We had a nice meal and it was good to be with someone today.


Last night the turkey dinner was great, the owner had made 3 turkeys. One in the oven and the other two deep fried. Then they took it all off the bone and had all the accompaniments with it. Lots of food and free for everyone. We stayed later than alot of people that just came to eat. The owner asked me if I wanted to take some turkey home and I told him that would be nice since I wasn't cooking. He filled up a to-go container for me so now I do have turkey to make sandwiches.


It rained here all day yesterday and last night too. It was hard to drive with the shiny roads and headlights. But at least it wasn't snow.


I have a $10 coupon from Kohls for tomorrow, so I might go up and look around. Hate to let $10 go to waste, ha ha.


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Sharon, I had been thinking that one of your friends might call you to go out to have dinner with them. That was good. Also that bar owner sure takes good care of you all. Yes, you are right about having the rain versus the snow. If the rain would have been snow we would have been up to it like they got north. They can keep it there.


We went out for dinner at 2:30 and we were back home around 4. Then we just stayed inside and took it easy. Bill had brought the tree down from the garage on Tuesday and put the box in the kitchen. So last night he took the tree out of the box and put it in the living room. Now all I have to do is to start decorating it. There is no big hurry, as I will do it gradually over the next few days.


So the plan is on Wednesday Bill goes back to the Dr for him to look at it. Then the following Wednesday he goes back again to have the stitches taken out. Then 2 week after that he goes back to have the pin taken out.


So I almost don't believe this, as the jerk gave us all off today. So a very nice work week with having both Thursday and today off. It will really give me a chance to relax and to get things done around here.


So I hope you have a nice weekend as well, and at least the weather is cooperating thus far.




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Oh how nice you had the day off today! Bet that was a surprise since you always have had to work.


I did go to Kohls. There were sweaters, the long kind you can wear with those tight stretchy like pull on pants. Can't think of the correct name of them right now. Anyway the sweaters were on sale $9.99. I got two of them. They also had strappy tops you could wear under loose knit sweaters or tops for $4.99, I got 3 of those. Also got a flannel shirt, pretty turquoise plaid for $9.99. I had a $10 coupon and a 15% off coupon so all that was only $35.


Been watching Hallmark chanel movies, they are Christmas ones with always a happy ending.


Did Bill have bunion surgery? It sounds alot like what my friend went through 3 times trying to get it right. If it is hope his turns out better than hers.


Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny for a change,


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Sharon, you seem to always get great deals at Kohls whenever you go there. I stayed in and avoided the holiday crowds by going to any of those stores.


Bill had what the Dr called a mallet toe, not to be confused with a hammer toe. His stitches stay in until 1 week from this coming Wednesday. Then the pin will stay in until 2 weeks after the stitches are taken out.


Just enjoying a nice long weekend away from work and getting the house ready for the holidays. The tree is up and I am gradually decorating it. Perhaps I will attempt to do the outside stuff either today or tomorrow.


I agree that the Hallmark channel is a good channel to be watching now with the Christmas shows they are showing. We have been watching them as well. A nice break from all of the violence that is being showed.




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I have never heard of that, does he have to wear a protective boot with it?


We did get a little sun but not much today. Maybe a little warmer tomorrow.


I am so mad at myself, I was trying to get a paper i threw away out of the dumpster and couldn't reach to the papers so I hefted myself up on the edge of the dumpster and heard my ribs do some kind of popping. That was on Thursday, yesterday still sore but not too bad. But today really hurts every time I try to take a deep breath or cough. I don't think it would do any good to go to the er, they don't really do anything for ribs i don't think. Seems as soon as I start feeling okay I do something else.


Enjoy your days off


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Sharon, it sounds like you broke your ribs. You are right, there is nothing they can do with it except maybe wrap them in a Ace Bandage. I am so sorry that you did that, I hope you will take it easy and will recover soon.


I have never heard of it either, perhaps it is more of a medical term. He has been doing well. Hopefully that will continue as he returns to work tomorrow.


Temps had been steady with it being in the 40's during the day and cold at night. We put the outside decorations up yesterday afternoon. Today I am going shopping with my daughter and GD as she wanted to go on Friday and I said no way.




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Gloomy day but ended good. Went to an Advent program at church with a friend tonight. We sang Christmas carols and had dessert and coffee. The friend that went with me is the one that went to the drug store and got my medicine a couple of weeks ago when I wasn't able to go. We had a nice time.


It was foggy when we went but now there is a light rain so the fog is gone.


Not going to zumba tomorrow, still can't bend or twist so no use to go. I think it does feel a little better, I can carefully take a deep breath now.


Sounds like a nice time going shopping with daughter and GD, looking for anything specific or Christmas shopping?


Hope the day goes well for Bill tomorrow as he goes back to work and for you too.


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Sharon, I know Bill left this morning with 2 extra wool socks over his foot to keep it warm. Now it is raining here so he will have to wrap it in a plastic bag as he took it with him this morning also.


We have our tree up and I finished decorating it last night. All of our outside decorations are up and finished as well.


It was nice having a long weekend away from here. It was cold and very overcast as it is now. Except it looks light it will rain the rest of the afternoon into the evening.


I did not go shopping at all as my Daughter called at the last minute and said she was sick and not going out. So I had a break not going out shopping.




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Too bad your daughter was sick but sounds like you were okay staying home anyway.


I stayed home today, very dark and rainy most of the day but the temps are really pretty good for the end of November!


Thursday I am going with the local community college on a bus trip to Milwaukee. Going to tour the Pabst mansion that is supposed to be all decorated for the holidays and then to a French Bistro for lunch. Good to get out of the house again for a while.


Also don't think I told you I have a weekend bus trip also. It leaves at 6am from Janesville, WI and goes to St Charles, MO. Evidently they are having a Christmas parade and we all will be seeing a play with dinner. On Sunday we have an included breakfast and more shopping until departure time. Arrive back in the evening. So will be a quick trip but will also be something to do for the weekend. Sometimes the weekends seem very long to me.


Hopefully the weather will cooperate and not be too bad to drive in or be outside in!


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Sharon, I think it got to 60 here today. Kind of nice after it poured all afternoon yesterday and into the evening.


Yesterday I went and had my foot X-Rayed and the Dr said everything looks OK except I have tendonitis.


So you are going on a bus trip on Thursday to MKE, then you are leaving at 6 am is that on Friday and returning on Sunday evening? Well that sounds great to be getting away to 2 interesting places and especially that mansion all decorated for Christmas. Well enjoy and I will talk to you once you return.


After that rain yesterday Bill called off today and tomorrow. He sees the Dr tomorrow, and the stitches stay in for another week. So he will see how he feels tomorrow if he returns to work on Thursday. He did keep the foot dry, but it was just too much with all of that rain.




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