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Sharon, welcome back. It sounds like you had a good time. It is always good going away, but even better to come back home once again. I am sure your area got some snow. Around here we only got a dusting. So how was your travel and plane trips going and returning back home?


The temps have been all over the charts. We had 1 day earlier where the temps rose to 60. All other times it was in the 30's and 40's. Now back down into the 20's.


The theater guild that we belong to had a Christmas Party last Saturday. Then on Sunday we had a viewing party of the last play Bill was in.


Next week we will be headed into February.




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Wow they changed the way to get into here and post. Took a while to find us.


Plane rides were good, bumpy on the way down, smooth on the way back. Went out of Rockford, very easy, small airport, big planes, Allegiant Air was the name of the plane company. Nice weather, warm and little breeze. However, once down there a couple of days with my sister I remembered why we didn't get along. When she was here, I thought part of it was me because it was shortly after Bill had died and I was not doing so great. But being down there with her last week has changed my mind. She has a very short temper and is irritated very quickly. She can't talk very loud, sometimes nothing comes out and I have a hard time hearing her. We both get aggravated about that. But a couple of times she yelled at me and I really, really don't like that. Most of the time she kept saying how glad she was that I was there, but we really had a hard time I thought. While we did things the first couple of days, we seemed to run out of things to do the following days. Most everything was pretty far away. I was ready as was the gal that I went down with to come home on Monday. Also the hotel room that I wanted for myself didn't turn out that way either. The second night I told my sister she could stay with me because we were out later, but then she stayed every night afterwards too. We did enjoy going with my friends mom and dad to Karaoke every night. We did not sing but listened to the ones that did. They went every single night so every night we had somewhere new to go, which was a good thing. But I am glad to be home! My driveway has snow on it but the roads are clear so that's good. Now just doing laundry and going through a weeks worth of mail.


Bet that was fun viewing the play Bill was in.


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Sharon, for this next play that goes off in a few weeks, Bill is working on stage back stage. The next play after this one, Bill is producing.


Well it sounded like it did not take you all that long to remember why your sister was sent down to Florida. It sounded like she really took advantage of you. Having your own room only lasted a very short time. But at least you were able to get away and have some nice warm weather while away.


Here we did not get any amount of snow that stuck. But now it is extremely cold. Only a few days ago they were remembering the 50 year anniversary of the Blizzard of 1967. Can you remember where you were on that memorable day?


I have to leave shortly and attend an event for my grandchildren for Cub Scouts called the pine wood derby.


Enjoy and have a good rest of the weekend. Welcome back,




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Wow, actor to producer quite an accomplishment! Bet he will enjoy that a lot.


Yes I remember where I was, we had lots of snow! Sometimes specific times are very memorable and other days slip by unnoticed.


I remember also preparing for the pine wood derby, making those little cars and hoping to win, when the boys were little.


I went out to feed the birds and almost fell down, luckily I caught myself just in time, the driveway is very icey. I walked in the snow on the sides after that. Didn't go anywhere today.


Tomorrow my friends asked if I wanted to go to a winery, so I guess I will do that. Next week is the Lake Geneva Ice Sculpting activities. Always go to that too, do yo remember last year all the cars that fell int he water?


Stay warm, it's cold outside!


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Sharon, you may have to put some salt down. We have put down a lot more salt this year versus other years. It is important not to slip and fall on the ice. I'll bet the ER's are filled with people slipping on the ice.


Are you talking about by you where cars fell into the water? If so I somewhat remember that.


I know before I got mine I was afraid it would hurt. But I did not feel it at all. They are saying that it is not too late to get a flu shot as we have not even peaked yet. The season runs until the end of March and it take 2 weeks to fully get activated into your system. You certainly do not need to be getting sick. Get your flu shot and be safe.


I remember the ice sculpting every year. So today you are going to a winery tour and tasting. That sounds like a good time. Just be careful and do not slip on the ice.




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Well didn't work out with the winery so I went to the show instead, saw Gold with Matthew MConoughay. It was okay good entertainment for a couple of hours.


Yes last year at the ice sculptures people parked their cars and trucks right next to each other on the ice on Lake Geneva. The ice was not that thick and they all started falling into the water. They are going to have signs this year saying don't do that!


I'm not going to get the flu shot now, I think it's too late and so many people say its just not good for you. I always have gotten it but think I'll skip it this year.


I was hoping for a little sun, that would melt the ice off the driveway very quickly but so far no luck, and it doesn't look good for the next few days either. All day long we had snow flurries but they were so small that they never added up to anything on the ground.



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Sharon, yes I do remember very clearly now of all of the vehicles that went into the water. It must have been a big surprise once they all came out.


Yes, we have had the very same around here all day yesterday and into the evening. Just really cold as well. If it is going to be like this you should put down a layer of salt so you will be safe and not slip on any ice.


So no winery and just a nice trip to the show to view a good movie. I have heard of that one.


So yesterday afternoon after church I went out shopping with that lady friend of mine that I usually go out with on Saturday's.


I heard your area could get over an inch of snow tonight. But right now, we have sunshine that we have not seen in a long while.


Keep warm,



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We had sunshine this morning for a while, then the clouds came back in and around 2pm snow flurries. But they have stopped for now, guess they will start again later.


My car yesterday was saying add oil, but it was only about 2000 miles into the previous oil change. Today I took it in and it was the gasket that went from the oil filter. It had disintegrated and the oil had went all over. So $168 later its all fixed again.


Did you buy anything on your shopping trip?



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Sharon, the shopping trip was for food and I also bought a bunch of tomato paste that was on sale.


Wow, that was lucky that you caught that oil leak. That could have destroyed your engine. I wonder how that happened?


Lots of sunshine today. Then some snow flurries later on. I hope you do not get all of that snow they are calling for. Temps get real cold at night. It was cold today even with a very stiff wind as well.


For us, it is nice having a heated garage. Stay warm.




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My car is a 2007 so things wear out, luckily I took it into the service dept. I was about 20 miles from home when it started telling me to add oil.


Had an avocado eggs Benedict for breakfast this morning after zumba this morning. The poached egg was in the center of the avocado which was on top of the English muffin. It was very good. We have been going for breakfast after zumba now for a while. We usually get a poached egg or something light, then don't have to have lunch when I get home.


I had gained a few pounds while in Florida but this morning was down to where I was before I left. Have a birthday tomorrow night with the girls and there is going to be dinner made for us. I think someone said it was going to be chili mac so I'll have to watch what I eat.


Yes, cold again today, I think it feels worse because it is so damp. I don't have a heated garage, but I do have a garage so I never have to scrap windows when it snow.


How do you like your new car?



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Sharon, yes things go wrong, but I have never heard of that happening before, especially since you had a recent oil change. I am wondering if they installed it wrong. Anyway lucky that you were able to get it fixed.


Around here everything is clear. But I heard on the news this morning, that your area had ice on some of the roads.


So tonight you are having another birthday party at your usual place. All you have to do is watch what you eat. Everything is back to where it should be with your weight. Always hard when traveling and being away to stay on target. Always nice to go for breakfast after Zumba. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


Yes, it is nice to go into a warm garage in the mornings. I think it was Sunday night we got the car washed and with it being in the garage over night with the heat on dyed it all off. Otherwise I would have ice on it during the day time. It is nice having a new vehicle. It is Metallic Black so it does show the dirt more. But it drives nice and handles very good.




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You know I hadn't thought of that, I did just get the oil changed so why didn't they see what was happening then, unless like you said they did something wrong. That actually makes more sense than just wearing out so quick after the oil change.


My car is a light tan and usually doesn't show much dirt but now it is covered in what looks like salt since it is white. I should get it washed but it's too cold right now. Bill's car is black and I've kept that one in the garage when its very wet outside and just drive mine.


The roads I drive on have not been bad, but driveways and parking lots still had ice on them. Now since the sun has come out a little for a couple of days the ice has melted. This morning had about an inch of snow but its gone now too.


Well the food was very good tonight, he really outdid himself. There was chili and in a separate bowl elbow macaroni if you wanted to put them together was up to you. Also Italian beef and rolls to make yourself, a taco bar with BBQ chicken, cheese, lettuce and all the other stuff to make yourself. Chips and dip and a 3 layer taco salad. So tried to eat sensibly but then had a piece of chocolate birthday cake so probably will show up tomorrow morning as a weight gain.


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Sharon, I am willing to bet that is what happened to you. But it is too late now to do anything about it. Just a lesson learned.


This year we have had more days of icy roads than snow. So much more salt on the roads and that will get all over you vehicle. This morning single diet temps with the wind chill. I guess this afternoon the wind will be blowing strong.


I've got to say that the owner of that bar certainly takes good care of you all with the great spreads he puts out for an event during the week.


I called Bill up yesterday afternoon and asked him if we could go Margarita's once I got home. So I blended up a pitcher and we had that and taco's after work.




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Margaritas and tacos sounds good! I like to get the strawberry margaritas instead of the regular ones, probably adds more calories but very tasty.


It's very cold here today, and like you say, windy too. We have that ice sculpture thing on Saturday and its going to be really cold. I'll have to dress very warm to stay comfortable. There is always such a huge crowd its hard to find a place to park. Last year they started a shuttle bus from Home Depot which is out of downtown to pick people up.They have a large free parking lot too so will do that again this year.


Have a birthday party for 2 dancing friends tomorrow night at the dance place. Will be nice to get out with some old friends again and do a little dancing.


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Sharon, this morning watching the morning news I saw the ice sculptors on TV that you will be going to. It was very impressive. So are you saying it would be better to park in the downtown area and ride the free shuttle rather than having a hard time finding a place to park in their lot? That sounds like a plan to me.


Well you should have a real good time tomorrow night celebrating 2 more birthday parties. As well as enjoying dancing the night away.


Yes, I agree about too many calories with drinking the Margaritas. But after a day at this place sometimes it is so much better to be thinking about my sanity rather than my weight. I can worry about my weight another day.


So two very important things I really look forward to when I get home from work. Having a glass of wine and getting into my hot tub for my bath. Since I cannot go outside as we drain our hot tub for the winter.


Stay warm,




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No it's the other way around, the Home Depot parking lot is free and the shuttle picks you up there and takes you to the ice sculptures. It's almost impossible to find parking in town or even on the outskirts and if you did they are parking meters everywhere to pay for parking. I didn't go today, too windy but plan on going tomorrow. Should be warmer and not so windy.


I agree sometimes living in the moment and enjoying it is more important than a few calories!


Had a good time at the party last night, one of the gals brought an orange cake, it was very tasty. The owner gave us all a butterscotch shot which was pretty good too. It was nice to see everyone again and talk.


Sounds like a good way to relax, wine and hot tub! At least you haven't had to worry about the jerk for a while, or has he been calling you.


Went to a talk about the history of local cemeteries today up at the library, it only lasted about 20 minutes and some people were still coming in when it was almost over. It was interesting though and she was selling a book she had wrote about them. I didn't buy the book but alot of people did.


Enjoy your weekend.


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Sharon, if they have free parking at a Home Depot and then a free shuttle to the ice sculptures, then that is the way to go with no worries. Perhaps today is the best day to go with the Super Bowl later on this afternoon.


So a group of us from the club went bowling after having something to eat and drink at the club. One of the club members owns this bowling alley in town. So there was 14 of us and we played 3 games. We started at 7 and it was all over at 9:30, so not a late evening out.


It has been real cold, but today holds for temps in the 30's with lots of sunshine. So go out and enjoy. Like I had said I saw it on TV this past Friday. They all looked great on how they do those.


So after church today we are not going any place to watch the game. Too many distractions and too loud, and it is just not worth it for us. We stay in the comfort and quiet of our own home.


So enjoy the sculpting this afternoon and have a good rest of today.




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I haven't been bowling for a long time but I like to. What were your scores? Pretty nice bowlong with the owner


My day didn't turn out like planned. The gal I was going to go with was hostessing at a local restaurant. First she was supposed to get off at 11 am, then it was so busy she had to stay until 1:30pm. She text me to say she didn't want to hold me up any longer so go ahead and go. I did start up there but decided its not much fun to go by myself so turned around and came back home. Didn't really want to stay home all day so looked up what was playing at the movies, found one sounded good so went to see it.


Got a skin dr appmnt tomorrow, just a regular check up.


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Sharon, so what show did you end up seeing?


After church we both laid down. Bill slept for 4 hours. I guess that is what old folks do in the afternoon. It sure beat getting stone drunk at a bar like most of the people did.


I agree it is not fun doing something like that all alone. At least the weather was OK. Today temps in the 30's and I heard tomorrow in the 50's with a lot of rain.


Well for me my score was way below 100. Bill however was way over 100 for all of the games. It was just a fun evening out with others having a good time.


Today back to the bump and grind and not much else happening this week. Good luck at the skin Dr today.




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Ha ha I did that on Friday, I had gotten up early and was going to that birthday party at the dance place and was so tired I laid down for a little bit too. Was just dozing off and my sister called so that was the end of the nap. It was feeling pretty good though!


I agree not much fun to go to a loud noisy bar, did that back on New Years eve and never again!


Had a few spots zapped again at the skin dr, she had me make appointments every 4 months for skin checks all the way into 2018. Better to keep an eye out for anything early.


I saw a show that really should have been made for TV. It was called The Space between us. It was okay to have something to do and get out of the house. Ate some popcorn and had a free coupon for a drink. There were only 7 of us watching it. This show place has 6 theaters so hopefully the others were more populated than this one was.


Could have went to zumba this morning my dr appmnt was after that, but the instructor had put on facebook that she was so sick with the stomach flu on Sunday, stomach cramps and the whole thing. Of course she got herself up and made it to the class to teach today but I didn't want to end up getting, so decided to skip today.


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Sharon, with all of the drunks drinking all afternoon, we do not need that stuff. Since it was all afternoon coverage, it felt good laying down for a few hours.


When it comes to your skin, it is very important to keep up with regular checkups so nothing goes unnoticed and it could turn into something larger.


I woke up early this morning to much thunder and lightening. It was also extremely foggy last night and it looks like we could have more fog today. Most of the heaver rain should be all over now.


I agree that is was a good idea to skip the class and not risk getting sick yourself. There is too much of that stuff going around.


That was strange only having 7 watching the show. But perhaps not so with a matinee show. But at least you got out of the house and enjoyed the afternoon.


Stay dry today,




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Really foggy and rainy all day today, reminds one of spring! But the ground is still frozen so its collecting in puddles still.


Yesterday I went up to the cemetery and removed the Christmas wreaths and replaced them with red foil hearts for Valentines day.


Made a good dinner last night, sliced up a small yellow squash and a small green zucchini, fried them in olive oil, added sliced red pepper and Italian seasoning and a small can of tomato sauce. It was very yummy almost ate the whole thing!


Not much else going on today,


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Sharon, I spoke too early this morning. As shortly after I sent it to you, the sky opened up once again and we got lots more rain and thunder and as you have said dense fog as well. Now just damp and very foggy. Tomorrow back in the deep freeze for a couple of days and then temps back in the 40's. This is the kind of weather we could get sick with the up and down temps.


I agree I would think that there will be areas of flooding with clogged sewers and no place for the water to go. Most likely dense fog when we wake up in the morning as well as throughout the night.


That does sound like a very good dinner. Last night I baked a ham and today doing meat loaf. That if Bill gets everything started by placing it all in the oven and turning it on.


Stay dry,




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Both ham and meat loaf sound really good right about now. Going to fix something to eat after I post here and then go see the girls. It is very cold outside today, brrrrr.


Some of the gals from the zumba class were going to a sex toy party tonight, glad I had somewhere else to go so I could tell them I really couldn't come. Not really my thing. They said well just come for the drinks and the food but no, didn't want to.


Paid for tickets for the Flower Show in March. This year going on Van Galder bus instead of taking the train then finding the bus to Navy pier and repeating it all to get home. This should be better drop you off right at Navy pier and pick you back up there.


Thats about it for today


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