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Sharon, I remember you telling me a few weeks ago about them changing the format here. Well it took me until yesterday until it has gotten to me now. I hope I can get used to this new format.


It is bitter cold this morning and some icy spots to watch out for. I heard that tomorrow the temps could be in the 40's. But at least we are not getting the storms that both coasts are getting.


I came home yesterday evening had dinner and we went out as well. We went to the monthly theater guild meeting. Bill will be working back stage next week on the upcoming play. Then in the spring he will be one of the producers on the spring play.


A what kind of party? You've got to be kidding me. What kind of friends are you hanging around with.


That is the only way to go downtown to Navy Pier taking the bus. With the train once you get off than you have to take a bus. I remember you going every year.


Stay warm,




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Guess that party went over really well, several of the other gals scheduled a party too now. I will not be going to any of them. However they are getting a bus and for $30 you get a bus ride, a drink, a movie ticket and popcorn. The movie they are seeing is Fifty Shades Darker. I never saw the first one but am thinking about going on the bus to see this one. Haven't quite decided yet.


Last night I had ate dinner at home before I went to see the girls, but when I got there found out that there was baked spaghetti and garlic bread in the oven. I wasn't going to eat any but it smelled so good we all decided to have some. It was good too! Also found out that the Mikes cranberry that I usually drink had 11 points!!! Even though I only have one the whole night I will have to change what I drink. That is too many points to waste.


It looked really pretty out today with the sun but it sure was cold again. Like you I am so glad we did not get the snow out on the east coast. I hope we are done with snow for this year.


Does Bill know yet what play he will be directing? I am going with a couple of the Wednesday night gals to see Plaza Suites on the 19th. I think it is the first one of the season. They do a pretty good job and they get a good crowd too.


Stay warm,


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Sharon, the bus trip sounds good, but what is going on with them and these parties?


You should know by now that there is always going to be something good to eat when going there on Thursday. But I should say so that you are going to find something else to drink. That is a lot of points for that 1 drink.


Bill is not directing, but producing. The name of the play is called Sister Act and that will run in the spring. They are starting auditions toward the end of this month and rehearsals will start in March. The play that runs next week end, he will be working back stage. That sounds like a very good play to be seining on the 19th.


It was very cold this morning and very windy. I guess it will warm up this afternoon. But with the high winds it won't feel all that warm.




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We had this new gal come to the zumba class, she is the one that has these parties. She got one person in class, the instructor, who is kind of wild anyway, to give a party. She invited all of her wild friends and now several of them are having a party so they can get free stuff. Like I say I am not interested in going to these kinds of parties. But the bus trip should be fairly normal, I hope. Alot of the women I know are going and its to see a movie at a regular theater so should be okay. It's next Saturday evening.


I went up to Madison today, a long drive but there was a Flower and Garden show up at the Alliant Center. I asked a couple of friends but all were busy so went by myself. There was lots of flowers and lots of garden utensils and seeds and food. Had a good time, then stopped at Cracker Barrel on the way home and had a fish dinner. Got to get used to doing things by myself if I want to go.


Tomorrow night is the Black & White party. Everyone is supposed to wear black & white. I have lots of things that will work, just haven't gotten anything lined up yet to wear.


I am kinda getting used to getting into this site the new way, it took quite a while the first few times but now our site is in red so easier to find.


That play he is producing should be a good one. So glad he found something he likes to do and its opened up quite a few social events for both of you.



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Sharon, I agree that the bus trip should be OK to attend. It really sounds like a good time. But I would be concerned with some of these crazy gals. What are they trying to relive some secret past.


I do not handle change very well. So when they changed our site and the entire process it took me awhile to get used to it. But now I think that I have everything all figured out.


Well I would think that during the daytime it would be OK to do things all alone. Certainly it would be much better doing things with others. But if there are things that you want to see and do, then doing them all alone would be fine.


Things might get crazy next week as it is the week of the plays next weekend. So they will be busy getting all of the last minute stuff all in order. He is working back stage on this one. He has a meeting Sunday for Sister Act. I am leaving shortly to drive to my #1 daughter's house. Then we are going to drive to Gurney Mills for a day of shopping with the GD as well.


So since the auto show starts today. It looks like we will go tomorrow as he starts on Monday doing the play stuff for the actual plays on next weekend. So tomorrow will be the only day we can attend.




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I was wondering if you were going to the auto show again this year when I saw the advertisements for it. Looks like its bigger than ever!


I went to the Black & White party tonight, everyone wore black & white. The gal giving the party had it catered, the waitresses brought out different trays of snacks throughout the night. One tray had tuna tartar, one had lamb pops, which was little lamb chops with mint jelly. Another was little cups of mac & cheese, prosciutto wrapped asperagus was another one. Cupcakes and a chocolate fountain also was available. She also had a bartender. We played a game that was to help mix the attendees up, she put a picture of someone on your back and you could ask one question about the picture from each person while you tried to determine who it was. Also a game where we all started out with a necklace, like the mardi gras ones. Anytime someone said mustache, yes or no, you got to take their necklace. A very nice fun night! Got home about 10:30 pm.


Yes your week probably will get busy, hope he's able to be home with you at night.


Should be a fun time with your GD shopping, I think I was one time to Guerney Mills but it's been a long time ago.



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Sharon, we are just waiting for the 2 pm train. It drops us off right there and we take the elevator up. Walk over to the Hyatt and have something to eat before walking into the show. It should be a fun afternoon.


This week is called Tech Week. They wanted him to be there tonight. But Bill said that today is the only day and we already have our tickets, so this is the only day we can go. Yes, he will be away all this week in the evening. I may go with him 1 night.


That really sounded like a great party. I would say that she went all out putting on such a party.


We sure did an awful lot of walking. That place is laid out and is huge. So I came home very tired from all of the walking.


So Bill had a production meeting this morning. He comes home and wants me to be in the next production of Sister Act. They will be looking for some 16 nuns and he wants me to just play a nun. He said that actually 1 of the members brought up my name.




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Oh, that may be fun to be in the show too! What do you think, will you do it?


I bet that show is huge, I saw some highlights of it on TV. Lots of new things they are putting on cars for safety now too.


Went to early service at church and had a hard time keeping my eyes open. Even though I got home at a decent time last night I stayed up for a while, actually until about 1am then ha to get up at 6 am. So tired now too. Will have to go to be early tonight to catch up.


Terrible winds out today, haven't done anything else since this morning, taking it easy. Have been watching the eagles nests. Watch one in florida, the baby's name is E9, it is about a month old and growing fast. The other one just started watching is at Berry College. They just had one egg hatch and there is a second egg that is still there. Hope it hatches too. They are fun to watch, the eagle parents are very good at raising there "kids".


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Sharon, so we caught a 2 pm train and took the 6:30 back. We just got home a short time ago. Bill was able to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. He was able to renew his license plate tag at the show. Saves him from actually going to a DMV.


I agree that it was terrible windy this afternoon. Bill almost lost his hat a couple of times with the wind blowing so strong.


When Bill first told me I said no way. But now I am considering it. They need 16 nuns and if I would not have to do anything except to dress and just act like a nun, I might consider it.


Yes, I can see why you would have been falling asleep today at church. I am sure you will get to bed early tonight.




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So what car did you like the best at the show? Did you see a lot of new things they are putting on cars, I can't really imagine much more they can put on them there is so much already.


I think you should do the nun thing, that way you will be at the rehearsals too with Bill and not have to be home alone. There are enough of them that you won't be singled out in the play. And who knows once you do it, you might get bit by the acting bug too!


Had a good nights sleep last night, actually went to bed about 8:30 and watched TV in there. Not sure exactly what time I really fell asleep but felt good this morning.



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Sharon, Bill has told me to put on the sleep timer when going to bed and watching the TV. I cannot stay awake too long when I am in bed. But I am sure you did get a good nights sleep going to bed that early. I hope Bill will not be coming home as late as he did last nigh, 11:45. But he said it was the first time they ran the entire play. So hopefully it will not be so late the rest of the time. A few people said to him, they are having a hard time seeing him working back stage, as he was on stage for an entire year.


I don't think so. Bill promised me that I would not have to do anything other than dress up and just act like a nun. I may get a friend to go with me. Also Bill said that I would not have to go to rehearsals every night as I would have a small part and that I would not have to go to every practice. So we shall see.


We saw the Bat Mobile all made of 100% Lago's. That was very impressive. They had 5 tests tracks and 1 was almost at a 90 degree angle. I was afraid just watching it. But watching them drive around the test tracks was very impressive. Bill made out be renewing his plate tag while there.


Warming today into the 40's. Enjoy,




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Is Bill still a crossing guard also? If not he could sleep in a little while getting home that late. Yes maybe getting a friend to be in the play with you would make it more fun for you.


Had a good zumba class today, listened to everyone talk about what their "honey" did for them for Valentines Day. Got a short video on FB from my granddaughter, both the great grand kids said Happy Valentines day to me and threw me a kiss. So that was nice.



Got a message from a gal at the Wednesday night place saying she was making pot roast tomorrow night. I told her then I make sure not to eat before I come.



Looking forward to the warmer weather they say is coming this weekend!




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Sharon, yes Bill is still a crossing guard. So he does have to get up very early, but when I come home for lunch he is sleeping, as he lays down once he gets home in the morning. But he got home 45 minutes earlier than he did on Monday last night. So only 2 more rehearsals and then the shows over the weekend.


It is cold in the morning and it feels good with the bright sunshine as well. Very windy this morning as well. But then it warms up in the afternoon a bit. I did hear that Friday it could be in the mid 50's and next week in the 60's. But it is this up and down temps that is getting everyone sick.


The way I see it almost every Wednesday night at the place you go to they always have good eats for you all. So best not to eat before hand and enjoy the good food and company.


That was a nice surprise getting the messages from the GK's. Yesterday Fanny Mae's were packed with all of the people buying the candies. Normally we drive by them and their parking lots are totally empty. But yesterday sure made up for that.




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I am so aggravated at a friend of mine. I think I mentioned before about the husband losing his job, actually getting fired, 3 times now from different companies. Now she as set up a "go fund me " page on FB trying to get at least a thousand dollars. She put a picture of her husband when he was in the hospital, because he fell asleep driving to work, which was last October. So it looks like he is in the hospital now, but he came with her to the party last Saturday night and was fine. They bought a new house, brand new. New furniture, all new top of the line appliances and a 60+ inch TV. They don't want to give any of that up so they are asking for money. Seems to me they should start selling off some of their stuff instead. They haven't stopped going anywhere, like to eat or buying things on credit. If they were truly trying it would be one thing but they aren't. She also put on that page that she is on disability because of 2 hip replacements. But she goes to zumba 4 days a week so that tell you she shouldn't even be on disability. Anyway thats why I am so aggravated at her.


What night are you going to go and see the show? As I mentioned I am going Sunday afternoon with a couple of the Wed night gals. Always enjoyable.


It was cold this morning, can't wait for it to warm up a little, will feel like spring this weekend. Sure would be bad if we get anymore snow this year.


I had sent the GGkids a Valentine, I send them a card for all the holidays because they like to get mail. And yes it was nice to see and hear them talking.


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Sharon, I do not like Go Fund as they take a portion for them. There are far more ways to collect funds that go directly to the persons. But you are exactly right here. They are living above their means and are going about this all wrong. I have seen all of the scams out there with people on disability and doing things that the government would frown on and she is doing exactly that.


Yes, agreed that it does get real cold at night thus cold in the morning as well. Bill got home late once again last night around 11:45. So tonight is the last rehearsal and then the plays start, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. So the nice thing about this 1 is Bill is working back stage. So we will go together on Friday night, as we both will be running spilt the pot. On Saturday I am assisting selling the concessions. Bill said to stay home on Sunday, so we shall see. That will be a great play to be seeing on Sunday. I like matinee's versus the late shows.


Always nice to see and hear from the GK's. It is good that you stay in touch with them.


Stay warm,




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Looking forward to seeing the play up here, sounds like you pretty much have your weekend filled up! Maybe though you won't go on Sunday, but don't they usually have a party afterwards of the last play? If so you would probably want to be there for that.


I went to a class tonight at the community college. It was on mindfullness. A little different theory than some others that I've heard. This one you more or less acknowledge the thought and move on without judgement. Of course the meditation and acknowledging the breathing play a big part. She had us do a couple of exercises where we would shut our eyes and every once in a while she would say where has your mind gone, bring it back and breathe. But on one of the exercises she kept saying stuff but so softly that I could hear what she was saying. Sometimes I think my hearing is not as good as it should be. It was informative, I was looking for some answers on how to control grief. I'm still having a very hard time with that. Guess I'll try acknowledging it and accepting it and see if it helps or not.



Weighing in tomorrow, think I might be back on track will see in the morning.




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Sharon, last night was the last rehearsal. They have been starting them at 7, so the director decided to start the last rehearsal at 8. So Bill did not get home until almost midnight. Fortunately he has today and Monday off. So now I will go with him tonight and tomorrow night, so we will not be getting home until close to midnight. I am not going on Sunday. Yes, you are correct that they do have a party after it is all over on Sunday.

Bill said he saw 30 signed up and they are not doing separate checks. All on 1 check. So that will be a cluster where some people will put in more and some will put in less. Bill does not drink and drive. So he said he is not going. They are having a party tonight after the show and we are not going to that either. A lot of these folks do nothing but drink and stay out to all hours in the morning. We just do not do that stuff and we are totally OK with it.

So Sunday I may go shopping with that lady friend of mine and enjoy the day. I hope your performance and I see no reason why it would not be anything but great. So you will have a nice day on Sunday as well.

I'll tell you, that you do find some great things to attend, and the 1 that you went to really sounds good. I am sure you did get a lot out of it. I hope your weigh-in today will go as you would expect it to go.


Warmer weather coming, and this is February. I will not complain.




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I hate it when people do not get separate checks! I always ask for mine to be separate because I have gotten stung for more money than my share several times. Like you say some people have 2 or 3 drinks and if you have ice tea or coke you end up paying for theirs. I wouldn't go either if that is the case.


I did loose 1.4 pounds so am up to 4 pounds, not very good but then I have not put a whole lot of effort into it. Hope this week I will do better.


It was a beautiful day, only walked out to get the paper but the sun felt very good! So glad this whole weekend will be like this.


Have fun if you go shopping, I need to get rid of some clothes instead of buying anything else. All my closets and drawers are full. We talked about that at WW this morning. How good you feel once you have cleaned up an area that needs it. Going to try and work on that too.


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Sharon, we got home around midnight and it will be the same for tonight. We ran split the pot last night and they collected close to $300. The lady that won donated her winnings back to the guild. Tonight I am working concessions with another lady. Bill will do split the pot once again along with his back stage duties.

Nice temps today and yesterday it got close to 70. I'll take this for mid February. Woke up late today and I am just doing house cleaning today. We both will just stay in until it is time to leave. I talked to the lady friend of mine that I go with every other week shopping. So that is what we will do tomorrow.

The play starts tomorrow at 2 and it runs 3 hours. So with clean up and all Bill should be home around 7 or 8. A bunch of them went out to a bar last night, not us. Then on Sunday they will go to another place and do only 1 check. Bill will not go without me, and even if I was there we would not go for that reason. Besides, Bill does not drink and drive. If I have a drink or 2 he just has hot tea.

Enjoy you play tomorrow it really sounds like a great performance.



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Had a good time last night. The party bus turned into a big yellow school bus, seems something happened to the one that was supposed to be there. We had a drink first, most of us had a Tequila Sunrise. Then we all got on the bus, probably about 25 or 30 of us. It was very noisy on the bus everyone seemed to be talking very loud and they could drink whatever they had brought with them. I took a bottle of water, the gal I was with had beers. The movie was very "racy" and sexy. I hadn't seen the first one but those who did said this one was better. They left it open for a 3rd movie scheduled for release next Valentines Day. Got back to the bar had a couple of tacos and then came home.


Went to the play today, it was good, I didn't know it was like three separate little scenes. But it was good, then went out to dinner with a couple of the other gals.


Really enjoying this weather, on Saturday I sat outside and had my lunch and then went for about an hour walk. My legs were sore yesterday and today, guess I don't use all those muscles in zumba.


That was nice of the lady that won the money to give it back to the guild. Sounds like a busy and fun weekend for you and Bill.


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Sharon, it sounds like a very busy weekend for us both. That must have been a disappointment to see a big yellow school bus. But at least it sounded like everyone had a real good time.

So yesterday went to church and afterwards myself and that lady friend of mine went out for our usual day of shopping. Since Bill was not home as he had to be at the theater at 12:30, I could not use him as an excuse to go home. So we stayed out and I got home after 6. Bill got home around 7:45. We had a drink together and around 9 he went to bed. When he goes to bed that early it means either he is sick or just very tired. In this case he was just very tired.

For him he had off Friday and today. So a good time for him to rest and recuperate. For me and us hear, there is no such thing as a Federal Holiday for us around here. So just another day at the bump and grind.

So you had a very full weekend. I am glad that your play was good for you yesterday . I went for 2 days for Bill's play and had a nice break yesterday. Now 1 week from tomorrow they are having auditions for the next play that Bill will be 1 of the producers. He wants me to try out to act and just play a nun with no talking parts. I supposed it would be nice to be going with Bill so I do not have to stay home all alone.

I agree that this weather is certainly nothing to complain about for mid February. Upper 60's today and 70's on Wednesday. Rain for Thursday and Friday. I'll take it.



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Did you buy anything on your shopping trip? I was thinking of going to the mall today but then also thought there would be alot of kids there and I really don't need anything so changed my mind and stayed home.


Had a good zumba class then we were all going to go to breakfast but when we got there, there was a waiting line. One of our zumba gals is the one that sometimes hostesses on weekends there so she started taking names and seating people. But after a little while the rest of us decided it was going to take to long to be seated so we left. I came home and made my own eggs benedict. Was going to make the avocado benedict but my avocados are too hard still.


Its really nice out again today but cloudy so not as happy as day. Guess tomorrow will be even warmer. So nice not to freeze when you go outside!


Have you committed to the nun roll or gotten a friend to join you yet?


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Sharon, whenever we go shopping we are buying food. We go to a specialty place and buy Italian food and then stop at various places for lunch. In other words we do not go to the same place twice, but rather try different places. After awhile we may go back to a certain place as she has her favorite places.

The gal that is actually an actress who originally said she would go with me, has now said that this play is beneath her. She is that kind of person. So 1 of the producers was encouraging me over the weekend, and Bill is helping me to decide. He is showing me the advantage of us going together, so I am not home alone, and he said I would not have to go to every single rehearsal. He also said I would not have any lines, only to walk and act and dress like a nun. Jury is still out.

I agree about not going out shopping and having a bunch of kids running all around. Yes, hard to believer we are in mid February and having record temps as we are having. I will not be complaining.

So I do not think I had told you how close I came to loosing Bill on Wednesday night. He was only 2 minutes from our home. He was driving south on our street. Was only 2 seconds from entering the intersection, and he had a solid green light. When out of nowhere a car ran the red light from the east and went speeding through. Bill said 2 second more and he would have been killed for sure. Goes to show that any of us could be gone in a blink.


Good move not standing in line waiting to be seated. I do not like waiting in lines either. Best to make your own at home and enjoy it more and made the way you like it.





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That is so true, any time you go out you are at risk. That was really scary so glad he had the two seconds and stayed out of harms way!


Last night I was fooling around on my tablet, looking at different cars. This morning I had a car dealership call. Guess they knew I was looking!


Talked to my sister today, she said her car is pretty much done for. It's making a loud noise. I have been thinking about giving her Bill's car but still trying to decide so i didn't say anything to her.


There is supposed to be snow coming this weekend but hopefully it goes north of us. It was such a beautiful day again. Got in a short walk and my zumba class so have 11,103 steps on my fitbit. But I am tired tonight.


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Sharon, so are you thinking about getting a new car? Yes, the weather has been record temps for this time of year. I heard it could go to 73 today. I also remember in 1967 where we had warm temps and the very next day we had the record setting blizzard.

So through your inspiration I have gone back to WW. I am now down 1 pound, but I have 5 more to loose to get back to my life time free membership.

So if you give your sister Bill's car, does that mean that you would have to drive it down there? Would you be OK doing that all alone?

I could see why you were so tired with Zumba and then taking a walk. With the temps going into the 70's today perhaps you will take a walk today as well. Might as well get out and enjoy it while it lasts.



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