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Any fall cruisers looking to lose


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Greetings All..I would love to join this thread. My husband and I are cruising the end of October for 14 days. We will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary on the cruise. We have 20 weeks until we cruise and I would love to lose 20 pounds by then. Whoo hoo.


I have the Wii and I have started doing Zumba. It is fun, but I am only on the beginning level. Today I am going to move to the intermediate level and will let you know how it goes. I do a little running as well, nothing too major.


I think my major problems are 1. I am a stress eater and I have portion control issues. I just don't know when to stop. I am going to work on those two things in the coming weeks.

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Hello Candice, it seems like a lot of us have Fall cruises, hence the thread name. 20 weeks is a great time frame and one lb per week seems very doable. I statred back to WW on 5/27 and am down 6.6 lbs so far. I just love the new points-plus plan. My heartfelt goal is to lose 50 lbs by our cruise but I'm not sure if that is realistic or not. I will just stay on plan and get in my physical activity and be happy with the results. My fiance and I became engaged on our last cruise and I would love to be down to a size 8 wedding dress for late fall. This thread has been so nice because we all kind of have a time frame to work within and there have been lots of great ideas both food and excercise wise so far. :) Cari

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Happy Weekend everyone! Rainy weekend here, so I'm thinking I'll pull out my Wii Fit or Leslie Sansone DVDs. Haven't used the Wii Fit in a while. Its cool to do something different.


Tomorrow is a busy, trying day, so getting some activity in today is going to be important. We're having company and then I'm going out with friends to a concert. At the concert itself I know I won't have a problem. I can pack myself a snack and buy a bottled water, but I think we're going out after. I need my friend that I'm going with to be my cheerleader and not order anything carb lol.


Cari - Question about the yogurt, what size is the yogurt? And do you mix the cool whip in, or just top the yogurt with it?



Hi Danielle, The Dannon Greek yogurts are sold in 5.3 oz single serve cups. Not all of the stores carry them but I found them at Walmart for $1 per cup. I just peel off the foil wrapper and top the yogurt with a few TBL of FF Cool Whip. I do not stir it. I just dip down my spoon and get all three layers at the same time. Strawberry and Vanilla have become my favs. :)

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Hi Danielle, The Dannon Greek yogurts are sold in 5.3 oz single serve cups. Not all of the stores carry them but I found them at Walmart for $1 per cup. I just peel off the foil wrapper and top the yogurt with a few TBL of FF Cool Whip. I do not stir it. I just dip down my spoon and get all three layers at the same time. Strawberry and Vanilla have become my favs. :)



Oooo...kinda like a parfait! Very cool. I'm going to have to track those down.

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I am on the Accountablility Partners thread, however

I'd like to join on this thread as well. We will be

embarking on our NE/Canada cruise on Oct. 15th; and

I am planning to attend my 40th Class Reunion on

Oct. 8th. I moved to the west coast about 37 years

ago and haven't attended any prior Reunions due to

raising a family, and of course a lean budget in those


I am following the 17 Day Diet, but have strayed slightly

due to the end-of-school-year events at my school. :eek: I'm

a Head Custodian at a Middle School, so when the school

year is over I will still be working through-out Summer

Break deep cleaning the school in preparation for the

new school year.

Back to my weight-loss efforts: Once the Staff begin

their Summer Break, then I will no longer be tempted to

stray. :o:) Since weighing in for the Accountablility Partners

thread last Monday, I have managed to lose 2 lbs. :D

I am being realistic about my weight-loss goal or efforts for

the next 18 weeks. I am currently a Size 14, so I would be

delighted to at least get down to a Size 12. I believe that

is an attainable goal. :rolleyes: Oh yes; besides the physical aspects

of my job, I attend Zumba Fitness, and try to get in a few

30 - 60 minute walks through-out the week. I also want to

add some resistance training as well.

Well, that's it for now.....Have a nice day! ~~~ Donna :)

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I tried the Zumba intermediate and it was a combination of some of the beginning songs that I had already done and some new ones. Was pretty fun and since the focus is on moving rather than being perfect, I enjoyed it.


Today I went for a hike with a good friend and we talked and walked for over an hour. I think having someone with you makes the time go by faster.


I would like to know more about the 17 day diet-what do you have to do for that one. Also, I was an old weight watcher person. Can you tell me what is new and different in this plan?


Thanks for being here, all of you.

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Hi, all. I would like to join, too. I leave Oct. 28 on HAL's Maasdam and would love to lose some weight first. The cruise seems so far away, but it is actually only a little over 19 weeks -- about 138 days. Guess I won't be losing 50 pounds by then! But 20 would be great.


It is in the upper 90s and hot here in Texas -- and will be till Sept. I am thinking about maybe joining a nearby gym. I keep thinking I will walk but even at 9 pm it is still 90 and that just isn't appealing to me. I had a hip replacement 18 months ago, which has healed great, but running, which I was doing a few years ago, is out.


Maybe I will also drag out the Wii....

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WOW, what a nice group of people. i would love to join. i am bari, i live in south florida (yuk) i had neck and back surgery in november and december of 2010. i just gained 25 pounds of the 40 i lost before my last cruise. and restarting my diet tomorrow. we are cruising again 10/17.

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Good Morning All! I got up early and rolled out of bed to start my "getting up and exercising" morning program. When I get home from work, I eat and watch tv and usually fall asleep on the couch. Ugh! I went for a run/walk this morning and it was not too bad.


Have a great start of the week.

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Good morning all and welcome to all the new people.


Yesterday was a not so great day foodwise. It was dh's bday and we went to a buffet brunch and then went to a All you can eat brazillian steakhouse. The good news is that I watched my portions, ate slowly and I came away not feeling completely ready to explode like I usually do.


This morning though I woke up early, even though my LO was up late last night with a tummyache, and got the kids and I off to a walk to our garden plot and I even did a little bit of weeding. I walked probably a mile so yay! We are planning on going swimming today so I hope the weather warms up nicely.


How did you do this weekend?

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I tried the Zumba intermediate and it was a combination of some of the beginning songs that I had already done and some new ones. Was pretty fun and since the focus is on moving rather than being perfect, I enjoyed it.


Today I went for a hike with a good friend and we talked and walked for over an hour. I think having someone with you makes the time go by faster.


I would like to know more about the 17 day diet-what do you have to do for that one. Also, I was an old weight watcher person. Can you tell me what is new and different in this plan?


Thanks for being here, all of you.



Hi Candice, I love the new WW Points-Plus plan. It is different than the old plan in lots of good ways. #1, you get more points per day #2 you no longer have to count most fruits and vegetables. With the exception of corn, peas and potatoes, they are all free now. #3 you get 49 extra fun points per week to use anyway you desire. The plan just gives me way more freedom than I had on the old plan. The old plan I only had 18 points per day, on this plan I have 29. I usually have a very hard time using all of my points in one day. In addition, you still earn your activity points as in the old plan. The way the points are calculated are different as well. On the old plan, one used a combination of Cal, fat and fiber on the new PP plan, the points are calculated using a combination of protein, carbs, fat and fiber. I love that the protein and carbs have come into play as I have found some great high protein and low carb foods that help keep me full for longer.


I am now on my 3rd week of the new plan. I lost 4.6 lbs week one and an even 2 lbs week 2. This is a plan that I know I can live with without feeling like I'm on a strict diet. Here is a very good link that explains the new plan as well. http://www.yummydietfood.com/2010/12/weight-watchers-new-points-plus-program.html


Everyone should be on a plan that works for them so I'm not trying to advocate WW over any other plan it's just what is working for me. I have been attending my weekly meetings and weigh-ins and use this hour as "my-time"; something that I am investing in just for myself. I need the accountability each week of showing up and I realize that I do not have the personality type to try to do it on my own, online or otherwise. I love seeing the same folks each week and sharing in their successes. We also have an opportunity to share recipe and excercise ideas. This is great because it gives me a chance to experience new things that I otherwise may not have tried.


Also, welcome to the new comers, this is a really good thread as we can all share what is working and not working for us as well as sharing some great ideas and healthy recipes. :)


Wishing everyone a great and healthy start to the week. Cari


PS: excuse my ignorance, but could someone share what a p90x is? thanks.

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I am sailing in September and have started my weight loss journey. Besides weight watchers I downloaded a program on my iphone called C25K...it is absolutely awesome. Its a program to help you be able to eventually job 45 min straight and for some that may be nothing but for me it will be a huge accomplishment. I am working on week 1...5 min brisk walk, and then you rotate 60 seconds of jogging with 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes and then you have a 5 min cool down. If you have the androis or iphone the program allows you to listen to music while you do your excersice and the guy/girl lets you know when its time to walk or jog!!! Of course that is just week one, it is a 9 week program that gets harder every week!

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Hi Cari


I did awful knowing that today was my day to restart my program. I had pancakes, pizza and ice cream. Today i have done well. Tomorrow i am going out of town for a week so i am going to try my best and mean my best to stick to healthy eating. the p90 thing is an exercise program (my bean pole of son told me, why he does it is beyond me) supposed to be intense. i am helping someone pack up a house in maryland (i live in s.fla) so not sure what i got my self into, but i will do my best.


hope everyone has a healthy and focused day.



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Although I posted on the Accountability Partners

thread last week and today, I have decided to post

only on this particular thread beginning today. It

makes more sense since we all have a common goal

to lose some weight before our Fall Cruises.

I am happy to announce I lost 2 lbs. since last

week. Week-ends are usually my challenge, as

I'm not as active as I am during my work week.

I hope everybody else had a good week.....

Donna :)

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Thanks for the thread about the new WW program, Keri. It was good information.


P90 is one of the excercise programs you get off TV. It is a 60 or 90 day program that is pretty intense, like Insanity. From the photos, it looks like you get results, but I think it might be hard to stick to it.


Did I mention that I am avoiding soda. I am diet Dr. Pepper fan. I can easily drink 2-3 cans in a sitting. I found that while drinking soda, I liked to snack as well. I am seeing what happens if I give up the chemicals and stick to water and tea...

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Thanks for the thread about the new WW program, Keri. It was good information.


P90 is one of the excercise programs you get off TV. It is a 60 or 90 day program that is pretty intense, like Insanity. From the photos, it looks like you get results, but I think it might be hard to stick to it.


Did I mention that I am avoiding soda. I am diet Dr. Pepper fan. I can easily drink 2-3 cans in a sitting. I found that while drinking soda, I liked to snack as well. I am seeing what happens if I give up the chemicals and stick to water and tea...



I've been avoiding the diet soda as well. Even before my diet started I've been working on keeping myself off them. Water, flavored seltzer (not sweetened) and unsweetened iced tea have been my drinks of choice. I love the cold brew teas that have berry flavor. Celestial Seasonings and Twinings makes them. I wanted something sweet last week, so I had a diet soda at dinner, I couldn't even finish it because it tasted so sweet to me. There's something to be said about desenitizing. Makes you much less likely to crave it.

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Got up at 5am for a walk with the family. Glad to have walked but I'm not an early morning person and neither is my daughter. Not sure this is going to work. She just finished with a tantrum (she's 7) and I'm pouty. LOL I think we have to wait until at least 6am.

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Hope everyone's having a great week. Wow, Wendygrace, 5am ! Kudos to you girl.

I added an extra 15 minutes to my treadmill this past week. I walk with my hand weights and think I may add the 3 lb ankle weights back this week. 3 weeks ago I over did it with the ankle weights and had some really bad foot tendon pain so I laid off them for awhile. It feels much better so I may try it once again.


Today was my Weight Watchers Weigh In. I am down 2 lbs on the dot again for this week. That is a total of 8.6 in 3 weeks. I am just loving this new Points-Plus plan.


Does everyone have their plan of action ready for Father's Day? I started thinking about this the other day an came up with a few things just to be prepared. We're going over to Rick's Dads for a cookout and I am bringing things that I know I can fill up on and not feel guilty about. I am making a fresh fruit salad and bringing a tub of fat free Cool Whip to top it off with. They are known for their scrumptus cakes and pies so I want to be ready. I am also planning to wash and wrap several baked potatoes for the grill. I know they will have the usual potato and macaroni salad made with tons of mayo so I want to be ready with another option. I will bring a container of Fat Free Sour cream and some chopped chives. I do not know as of yet what type of meat they will be grilling but whatever it is, I will just practice my portion control. Whew, if I can get through this then I can work on planning for the 4th of July picnic.


Wishing everyone a great weekend. Cari

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Father's day should be a breeze here. My father is having a "procedure" the day after and can't eat, so its diet as usual for my mom and I. We're planning on taking him to dinner on Tuesday. What's great about South Beach is I can still eat out as long as I avoid carbs. I'm excited for Monday when I can add in some carbs again. Knowing how much I'm a carb addict I'm going to continue potatoes, breads, pastas, and rice sparingly and only add fruit into my every day. I can keep my other meals carb free on days when I know I'm going out to dinner and want to indulge a bit.



5 AM:eek: I didn't know there was one of those! You're much braver then me for sure.

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I'd be happy to join your group. I am sailing OCt 16th on the NCL Jewel. I have the same weight issue as back when I first sailed in 2008. Same issue, same excuses. Too much intake not enough exercise.

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This weekend is all about eating...I think my goal is to just not gain weight as opposed to lose it. First, a graduation, birthday party followed by dinner with friends, then Father's day tomorrow. My dad loves BBQ and so we are going to a favorite place of his. The portion control idea is a good one. My plan is to eat only half of anything they bring me.


I went hiking today and will try to do the Zumba as well. I could also do some house cleaning, or maybe not :).


Have a great one all-talk to you tomorrow after dinner. I can do this, I can do this!

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This weekend is all about eating...I think my goal is to just not gain weight as opposed to lose it. First, a graduation, birthday party followed by dinner with friends, then Father's day tomorrow. My dad loves BBQ and so we are going to a favorite place of his. The portion control idea is a good one. My plan is to eat only half of anything they bring me.


I went hiking today and will try to do the Zumba as well. I could also do some house cleaning, or maybe not :).


Have a great one all-talk to you tomorrow after dinner. I can do this, I can do this!


Where do you do Zumba in the Phoenix area? I do Zumba at 24 Hour Fitness in Scottsdale, at the 100th St and the Scottsdale Rd facilities. My instructors are usually Evelyn (Saturday), Teddy (Tuesday), Kristy (Thursday), Melanie (Friday), and, if I can make it, Raquel (Sunday). Are we in any of the same classes?


We ARE on the same cruise! I am trying to get a few ladies together who would like to do Zumba at some of the ports. So far, I've been contacted by one Zumba instructor in St. Thomas who is willing to do a class for the people from the ship. But I can't get anyone interested in doing it that are currently talking on the Roll Call. Did you see my post about Zumba on our Roll Call?


Anyway, I would love to talk with you about your Zumba in our area. Zumba is the one thing that has allowed me to drop about 8 lbs since December, feel more energetic, and just better overall. It's really done so much for me in inches lost... more importantly, inches off the rib cage, waist and hips! It's the one cardio activity that I can sustain for an hour...

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Hello all, I too have been trying to loose weight for my Fall Med Cruise since January. When I read the walking requirements for the excursions that I wanted to try, I knew that I needed to get in shape. I lost 20 lbs. and my husband lost 30 lbs. I started with 30 minutes on the treadmill and got bored. I tried Zumba, but was tired after 20 minutes. I am stuck and I can't seem to loose any more weight. For the last two weeks I've added water aerobics and weights a few times a week.


My pants fit great, but I want to weight less. I will have two days that I will probably eat and drink all of the wrong things(Father's Day and a Field Trip on Wed.).

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I am usually good at working out and watching my diet in the months leading up to cruising. We usually cruise in the spring so it's great after the holidays to get focused and stay on track. I do find it frustrating though how I get on the ship and do great for the first day, then lose it and never seem to re-gain my willpower. My biggest downfall are the desserts, but after cruising for 10 years, I have found a few tips that help me. I try to stick to my original at home breakfast each morning on the ship. It's pretty boring, wheat toast with peanut butter and fruit, but it's one less over-indulgence per day. In addition, I try to drink water with all my meals. We used to do the late sitting and we would always overeat more because we would need an early dinner time snack to hold us over. I found that changing to the early dining option gives our food time to digest, and we are more active through the evening. I have actually been hungry some mornings instead of feeling over full. Another thing we do is ALWAYS take the stairs. That has to be worth lots of calories, especially when coming back onto the ship on the ground level while in port and walking all the way up to the room or the lido deck for lunch. Also squeezing in trips to the gym on sea days helps too.

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