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"Not great but not worth losing her job over this.


Probably best for you to go with DD."I think we will go finances are tight definetly not worth losing her job over

"Sounds like your wife may be a relatively new employee at this job. I am wondering how long ago did they give her approval for the vacation, and was it given in writing? If the approval was in writing, then she may be in a better position to "negotiate" for her vacation being reinstated. But, if I were her, I'd tread carefully as this employer sounds very uncaring and may view her efforts to get her vacation reinstated as troublemaking. I am curious, is the employer aware that she has a trip paid in full that is non-refundable?"8 months with this company vacation is given from day 1, she has had approval for about a month but can retract it for the needs of the service, how can you ever plan anything this way???

"Go and enjoy!! Yes - you will miss your wife - but enjoy" WE are going to do it, we will miss her tremendously, and will try to enjoy-Thanks


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if there is no resource available for your wife to take her complaint to; i would go on the cruise with your daughter and other folks ......


While your wife is home, i would tell her to send her resume out and find an employer who respects their employees!



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If she is going to change jobs anyway, why miss her cruise? I would tell the boss that the vacation was approved, a lot of non-refundable money was spent and that I was going. How in the world would u ever be able to plan a vacation, if they can use the old standby "needs of the service." I would not want to work for this company!

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It sounds like you have made up your mind. Do what you feel is best. That is most important. I have to go with another poster in that if she is going to look for a job anyway and only if she could afford to loose this one financially I would go as a family and tell them it is paid for and can't get the money back. But if financially you can't do that...... Everything works out in the end - keep us posted..

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If there is no resource available for your wife to take her complaint to; I would go on the cruise with your daughter and other folks ......


While your wife is home, I would tell her to send her resume out and find an employer who respects their employees!


So I employ over 25 people, maybe she has a job that cant be done without her. you cant just start blaming her boss for not letting her go, how much notice did she give?, could it hurt the business if she left at that time?


I understand the importance of giving time off of work to recharge batteries, but in the end the buisness that gave you the money to afford the vacation in the first place has to survive, or a lot of people could stand to loose their jobs---is that worth one persons vacation?


No! flaming, just a question and a different side of the argument

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I'm an employer too (14 people) but once I've ok'd a vacation I don't go back on my word. If I goofed by allowing someone to take time off at a bad time I, and the other employees, do our best to cover the work that has to be done.

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If she is going to change jobs anyway' date=' why miss her cruise? I would tell the boss that the vacation was approved, a lot of non-refundable money was spent and that I was going. How in the world would u ever be able to plan a vacation, if they can use the old standby "needs of the service." I would not want to work for this company![/quote']

Believe me years ago we would not even give this a second thought, but now it took her 3 months to find this job where she was following like sheep the same people from interview to interview(kinda funny she made some good friends-contacts maybe??)

In the early 90's she worked for a school in FLA and for our honeymoon cruise was all approved, the night before her boss called and told her she had to come to work which she boldly told him NO.

Monday morning she goes into work like nothing happened and I was still off and went to pick up the held mail-there was a registered letter for her terminating her and she did not know for about 2 hours working away until she was confronted, she had a nice little 6 month vacation on unemployment for this one.

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So I employ over 25 people, maybe she has a job that cant be done without her. you cant just start blaming her boss for not letting her go, how much notice did she give?, could it hurt the business if she left at that time?


I understand the importance of giving time off of work to recharge batteries, but in the end the buisness that gave you the money to afford the vacation in the first place has to survive, or a lot of people could stand to loose their jobs---is that worth one persons vacation?


No! flaming, just a question and a different side of the argument


If vacation was OK'd, then retracting that approval, regardless of the impact on the organization is unethical. If you don't want people to take vacation, then don't give them the time to take. Sounds like wife had approval and employer retracted approval at a later date. If the employer approved the vacation, it is on them to provide coverage while the employee is on vacation. I can completely see your side in that it is your responsibility to see that the business runs without interruption, but I disagree with your questioning how much notice did she give and if it could hurt the business. After all, the employer initially approved it. If I request to have next Friday off and you say Yes today, then it now becomes your responsibility to ensure there is coverage for that day. Don't come back on Wednesday and tell me I can no longer go on vacation in Friday. If the employer thought there was any iddue with the request time, they shouldn't have approved it in the first place.

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So I employ over 25 people, maybe she has a job that cant be done without her. you cant just start blaming her boss for not letting her go, how much notice did she give?, could it hurt the business if she left at that time?


I understand the importance of giving time off of work to recharge batteries, but in the end the buisness that gave you the money to afford the vacation in the first place has to survive, or a lot of people could stand to loose their jobs---is that worth one persons vacation?


No! flaming, just a question and a different side of the argument

Not to bloat or brag as it is annoying sometimes, she has work ethics the way it used to be nose to the grind stone-arrive early stay late work through lunch helps everyone with problems is the go to girl etc etc, and this is how they kick her around, maybe this is why the work ethic in this day are so bad????

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Not to bloat or brag as it is annoying sometimes, she has work ethics the way it used to be nose to the grind stone-arrive early stay late work through lunch helps everyone with problems is the go to girl etc etc, and this is how they kick her around, maybe this is why the work ethic in this day are so bad????


OK, I know that it is a crappy situation, and it sounds like your wife is a great employee, and person for that matter (It must be hard not to go), but things can happen in work that require her to be there, did he give her a reason ( I would most certainly tell my people why)


But when you talk about work ethics nowadays, you have too understand that it goes two ways--I have had people work for a while and then start messing up so they can get 50 years on unemployment, so I as an employer have less feelings than I did a few years ago ( I have been screwed over be people that have been with me less than a year)


I am just saying that there may be a good reason, but you should a least have been told why.

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:)"she has been on her job for 8 months and from day 1 they get there 2 weeks vacation up front, if they leave earlier than 1 year it comes out of there last check, the approval form has a disclaimer that allows retraction for the needs

of the service



HUGE Red Flag there! How is anybody to plan? Will the company reimburse for non-refundable vacations?


Go, and have a great time with your daughter! It won't be the same, but you should still enjoy yourselves. And best of luck to your wife finding a new job!

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So I employ over 25 people, maybe she has a job that cant be done without her. you cant just start blaming her boss for not letting her go, how much notice did she give?, could it hurt the business if she left at that time?


I understand the importance of giving time off of work to recharge batteries, but in the end the buisness that gave you the money to afford the vacation in the first place has to survive, or a lot of people could stand to loose their jobs---is that worth one persons vacation?


No! flaming, just a question and a different side of the argument


The vacation was already approved. Yes, you can absolutely blame the boss. Any company that has a clause that they can retract approval is not a company one would want to work for. The needs of the business need to be considered BEFORE approval is granted. The employees do the work of keeping the customers happy - happy employees generally lead to happy customers.

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That's unbelievable. The boss knows of the cruise plans?

Wondering what garbage this "boss" will pull in the future

well at least now both he and his wife can be 100% sure that the wife's boss is a full fledged BULLY!!!!


Research has shown that bullies actually like to be put in their place and like it when their employees stand up to them.....might be worth a try...



and I am wondering about ...why no unemployment? If she is fired and has been on the job for 20 weeks..she should get it. It cannot be considered insubordination when bully boss threatens the employee like this...demanding that they do not go on vacation a week before the vacation...the bully boss knows that it is fully paid for and that there will be a financial loss to the employee......the boss is not only a bully..but a moron...and I am sure that everyone that works for him already knows it....get out of there and find some other job....


If she is a contract worker or hourly part timer.....then I would seriously rethink her skipping this cruise......just how important a job does she have? Is she making 6 figures? Or minimum wage? Are they in foreclosure or just saving extra money for the kids college costs? Really, put it in perspective...regardless of the "economy":rolleyes:



The only way I would cow tow to this bully is if I were being paid very very well...


When I stood up to bully boss back in 1982, I came out ahead....he was so pissed off that I stood up to him that he never bothered me again...and when a few months later I got a transfer (on my own accord) to a better dept. in the company...guess what bully boss did? Gave me a glowing recommendation!!!:D Bullies just hate it when someone stands up to them

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go. I would miss her but I would go. I would take her away on July 4th weekend for a romantic get-away when I return.

We were thinking this also, either St Maartin or Aruba just have to check flight availability:rolleyes:

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You had a cruise booked and fully paid for and your wifes employer cancelled her vacation approval?

. . . . It would be such a waste for no one to go but we have never vacationed apart before and I am lost for the first time as for what to do???


I always take travel insurance, so in my case I wouldn't lose most of my cruise fare, so that wouldn't be an issue for me. i


I could never have a good time on a cruise without my wife. A night out with the boys is one thing, but a cruise is meant to be enjoyed with someone you love.


I somehow feel we're not getting the full story on the vacation approval about-face, which is fine, that's your personal business, but there's something screwy going on out there.


What kind of productivity does this boss expect from her while her family is away on vacation without her, or just pi--sed off? I would never do that to one of my employees. Maybe I'd BEG an employee to come in on a day they had scheduled to take off, but I'd expect to compensate her for helping out (extra pay and extra time off), not threaten her. Sounds like there's an idiot supervisor or an ulterior motive. Is he just looking for an excuse to fire her?

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We were thinking this also, either St Maartin or Aruba just have to check flight availability:rolleyes:

Don't take this the wrong way..please...and I have read all of your posts and understand how both of you feel...so here goes....


IMHO..If you can afford to do what you are planning..and July4th weekend to the Carib will be expensive.....just how financially strapped are you?


Quite frankly, just change your cruise and pay the fee and do the cruise over JUly 4th or whenever....and if you wife is still working for the moron bully boss and he pulls the same nonsense..really now...just take the vacation...and if she gets fired...good...collect unemployment...


it is obvious that you are not financially insolvent thankfully....for if you were the July 4th trip would be out of the question.

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I always take travel insurance, so in my case I wouldn't lose most of my cruise fare, so that wouldn't be an issue for me. i


I could never have a good time on a cruise without my wife. A night out with the boys is one thing, but a cruise is meant to be enjoyed with someone you love.


I somehow feel we're not getting the full story on the vacation approval about-face, which is fine, that's your personal business, but there's something screwy going on out there.


What kind of productivity does this boss expect from her while her family is away on vacation without her, or just pi--sed off? I would never do that to one of my employees. Maybe I'd BEG an employee to come in on a day they had scheduled to take off, but I'd expect to compensate her for helping out (extra pay and extra time off), not threaten her. Sounds like there's an idiot supervisor or an ulterior motive. Is he just looking for an excuse to fire her?

oh yeah..there is more to this story

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well at least now both he and his wife can be 100% sure that the wife's boss is a full fledged BULLY!!!!


Research has shown that bullies actually like to be put in their place and like it when their employees stand up to them.....might be worth a try...What if it backfires? We were barely surviving on my income and have seen everything increase out of sight



and I am wondering about ...why no unemployment? If she is fired and has been on the job for 20 weeks..she should get it. It cannot be considered insubordination when bully boss threatens the employee like this...demanding that they do not go on vacation a week before the vacation...the bully boss knows that it is fully paid for and that there will be a financial loss to the employee......the boss is not only a bully..but a moron...and I am sure that everyone that works for him already knows it....get out of there and find some other job....No unemployment as she would be AWOL without a valid approval


If she is a contract worker or hourly part timer.....then I would seriously rethink her skipping this cruise......just how important a job does she have? Is she making 6 figures? Or minimum wage? Are they in foreclosure or just saving extra money for the kids college costs? Really, put it in perspective...regardless of the "economy":rolleyes:She is full time hourly and has a decent pay rate for over priced NoVA



The only way I would cow tow to this bully is if I were being paid very very well...


When I stood up to bully boss back in 1982, I came out ahead....he was so pissed off that I stood up to him that he never bothered me again...and when a few months later I got a transfer (on my own accord) to a better dept. in the company...guess what bully boss did? Gave me a glowing recommendation!!!:D Bullies just hate it when someone stands up to them

Anyone in Northern VA/DC area can tell you how everything here is so expensive, 300K+townhouses 450K+ single families, decent 2 B/R apts are $1400 or more per month

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well at least now both he and his wife can be 100% sure that the wife's boss is a full fledged BULLY!!!!


Research has shown that bullies actually like to be put in their place and like it when their employees stand up to them.....might be worth a try...



and I am wondering about ...why no unemployment? If she is fired and has been on the job for 20 weeks..she should get it. It cannot be considered insubordination when bully boss threatens the employee like this...demanding that they do not go on vacation a week before the vacation...the bully boss knows that it is fully paid for and that there will be a financial loss to the employee......the boss is not only a bully..but a moron...and I am sure that everyone that works for him already knows it....get out of there and find some other job....


If she is a contract worker or hourly part timer.....then I would seriously rethink her skipping this cruise......just how important a job does she have? Is she making 6 figures? Or minimum wage? Are they in foreclosure or just saving extra money for the kids college costs? Really, put it in perspective...regardless of the "economy":rolleyes:



The only way I would cow tow to this bully is if I were being paid very very well...


When I stood up to bully boss back in 1982, I came out ahead....he was so pissed off that I stood up to him that he never bothered me again...and when a few months later I got a transfer (on my own accord) to a better dept. in the company...guess what bully boss did? Gave me a glowing recommendation!!!:D Bullies just hate it when someone stands up to them


When you don't show up for work its not insubordination its job abandonment


you know I remember a time (and I'm only 37) that people didnt know you only had to work for 20 weeks, before you would get fired, and collect unemployment-- maybe other people have this I don't care about my company, Ill collect unemployment for the next year or so. so now this boss has to depend on the good worker, and maybe that's why she cant go.


IF a business can't operate, the employer cant make payroll, if the employer cant make payroll it closes--now everyone is out of a job.


I had to cancel one of my employees vacations this year do to my production managers sisters that died!! So am I a bully?

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Don't take this the wrong way..please...and I have read all of your posts and understand how both of you feel...so here goes....


IMHO..If you can afford to do what you are planning..and July4th weekend to the Carib will be expensive.....just how financially strapped are you?


Quite frankly, just change your cruise and pay the fee and do the cruise over JUly 4th or whenever....and if you wife is still working for the moron bully boss and he pulls the same nonsense..really now...just take the vacation...and if she gets fired...good...collect unemployment...


it is obvious that you are not financially insolvent thankfully....for if you were the July 4th trip would be out of the question.

I am not hiding anything, we can fly anywhere in the world for free if there are seats open(airline employee benefit) and she can get a day off here and there so 4th of July may work for a quickie.

Finances are ok for now but would be highly strained without either of our incomes, do you live in an area that small apts rent for $1400 per month or more?

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When you don't show up for work its not insubordination its job abandonment


you know I remember a time (and I'm only 37) that people didnt know you only had to work for 20 weeks, before you would get fired, and collect unemployment-- maybe other people have this I don't care about my company, Ill collect unemployment for the next year or so. so now this boss has to depend on the good worker, and maybe that's why she cant go.


IF a business can't operate, the employer cant make payroll, if the employer cant make payroll it closes--now everyone is out of a job.


I had to cancel one of my employees vacations this year do to my production managers sisters that died!! So am I a bully?Will you give this employee compensation for everything they lost that was non-refundable and had an approval-your word-your bond?

There are many factors when planning a vacation, kids out of School or on break, both spouses available at the same time

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Anyone in Northern VA/DC area can tell you how everything here is so expensive, 300K+townhouses 450K+ single families, decent 2 B/R apts are $1400 or more per month

those prices are cheap where I live....and we too are stuggling to survive some months...but really now...if you are barely surviving on your income alone...then why would you hop down to the Carib for a long weekend?


I know you don't care to hear this...but because of bully boss...you will now spend a couple of thosand dollars more to take your DW away for a quick Carib jaunt? Please don't say you are struggling financially...because if you can afford to do this..and I am glad you feel you can, seriously....you cannot be struggling financially. What you are struggling with is the guilt you will feel by leaving you DW behind...and rightly so. But if DW wants you to go on the cruise...then just go on the cruise and leave her home at work...to deal with bully moron boss.

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Yeah there is more, after working our tail feathers off for the past year we wanted to take a family vacation that we saved up cash for, no credit cards. I love my DW & DD more than life so if you can see more beyond this than you must be Kreskin or something.

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