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Staff bashing of Oasis/Allure experienced on Freedom

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Personally, I took it more as offering an informed opinion rather than making up false facts.


That's all I was trying to do, thanks Mark. Apparently I should have "worded" my comment differently. Even if there was a poll, I'd take it with a grain of salt b/c it depends on who you ask...there are going to be different feelings/answers no matter what subject it is. That's human nature. Is that not common sense?? That poster needs to chill out. People like that make me laugh, getting so worked up about trivial things.


What I should have said is this: I know many people that work onboard Royal's ships and I do not know one that is happy and willing to work on either of those two ships, for the aformentioned reasons. They are worked to the bone and have even less time to themselves than on the smaller ships. Also, tips are much less and they are not able to give the same level of service that's been provided on the smaller ships.

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Sounds like a possible case of "ship envy".


That's what I was thinking. What used to be the world's largest ship and pride of the RCI fleet...and entire cruising fleet for that matter, is now second best. That's a bit of an ego blow so naturally, things are going to be said.


I'm surprised to hear officers saying it though. They are usually better than that.


Crew, on the other had, could be understood a little better. The limited number I have talked to do feel overworked on Oasis. Bartenders actually prefer the smaller ships. I've been told time and time again that Majesty and Monarch are top picks because they are the biggest money makers.

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It sounds like the Freedom crew members comments were sour grapes to me. We have been on 3 Oasis cruises and the all mof the crew members we met seemd very happy to be on Oasis. The real test is withe the Oasis crew members. Everyone I met was returning for their next RCCL. If life was more diifcult on Oasis< i'm sure that they would move to another ship.

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It sounds like the Freedom crew members comments were sour grapes to me. We have been on 3 Oasis cruises and the all mof the crew members we met seemd very happy to be on Oasis. The real test is withe the Oasis crew members. Everyone I met was returning for their next RCCL. If life was more diifcult on Oasis< i'm sure that they would move to another ship.


With all due respect, 1) they usually do not have a choice as to what ship they're put on, so most make the best of it, and 2) If the crew member is professional, they really should not be expressing negative opinions/feelings to passengers.

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In the original post, the officer was described as saying that passengers complained about the ships, especially about overcrowding. My experience on Allure was just the opposite, we never felt crowded. I believe many other CC'rs agree on this point. The whole thing does seem a bit sour grapy. As to crew satisfaction, I have no way of knowing. We were on her Inaugural, so I am sure there were kinks to be worked out, especially obvious in the MDR. Our cabin steward was wonderful. We had a terrific time, as I believe most cruisers do. Will we be back? Maybe, we want to explore other itineraries first.

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It happens all the time ..... the Chicago office complains about the New York office, the clerk at the Gap at one store, complains about another store. It happens in just about every industry.



Just because it 'happens in every industry' doesn't make it right. I don't want listen to anyone who works anywhere talk about how much their job stinks or complain about how things aren't right with their work, regardless of who they are, their title or how much they get paid. And I certainly don't want to hear it while I am on vacation. In EVERY circumstance, it's unprofessional.


It's completely understandable to me why OP would have been bothered by this, and I probably would've said something on my post-cruise survey.

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I am just surprised that an officer on the bridge would make a potentially career ending comment on deck with passangers in front of him. Perhaps it was misunderstood.


It wasn't misunderstood...in fact I was so taken back by the comments that I had to politely jump into the conversation to say that by personal experience I couldn't agree.

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I've cruised on Royal and Celebrity many times each and, egads, Carnival once(and had a very nice time) and love to talk to the staff. Overwhelmingly the staff on all three lines have indicated to me that they prefer the smaller ships. I haven't heard "bashing" so to speak, but a decided preference for the more intimate, smaller venues seems to be at least somewhat prevalent. It's never been that the big ship was "bad" just seems that with a smaller crew you have more of a team feel I guess. At least that's what many have said to me. I would think that working on Oasis or Allure is more like working at a theme park or very large resort where you only get to know those you are directly associated with. I run a resort on the east coast of Florida, but we aren't huge and all employees know each other well, I suspect that's the case on the smaller ships too, not so much on the big ones....and when you live where you work I would think you would want the familiarity more than the glitz and glamor...at least some would...


Just my opinion, of course!

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I've cruised on Royal and Celebrity many times each and, egads, Carnival once(and had a very nice time) and love to talk to the staff. Overwhelmingly the staff on all three lines have indicated to me that they prefer the smaller ships. I haven't heard "bashing" so to speak, but a decided preference for the more intimate, smaller venues seems to be at least somewhat prevalent. It's never been that the big ship was "bad" just seems that with a smaller crew you have more of a team feel I guess. At least that's what many have said to me. I would think that working on Oasis or Allure is more like working at a theme park or very large resort where you only get to know those you are directly associated with. I run a resort on the east coast of Florida, but we aren't huge and all employees know each other well, I suspect that's the case on the smaller ships too, not so much on the big ones....and when you live where you work I would think you would want the familiarity more than the glitz and glamor...at least some would...


Just my opinion, of course!


Gracie, totally agree. Thanks for the input.

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What happened wasnt satisfactory....staff should not discuss it in dining areas in front of guests! As regards to the officer on the bridge (It was an operational area and the passengers were guests), it was a one to one discussion and for (OP - someone outside the conversation to interject in something that did not involve them is nothing more than rudeness.


Whether the information is correct or not, I feel that the crew onboard have more knowledge on the topic than a passenger 'who is made to feel good' whilst onboard a cruise ship for a short period of time. It appears to me that 'no one is allowed to knock these ships' by some of the members here.


What ever happened to freedom of speech !!


I have my chest waders handy,

I have my antiflash handy,

I have my tin helmet ready !!!:)

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What happened wasnt satisfactory....staff should not discuss it in dining areas in front of guests! As regards to the officer on the bridge (It was an operational area and the passengers were guests), it was a one to one discussion and for (OP - someone outside the conversation to interject in something that did not involve them is nothing more than rudeness.


Whether the information is correct or not, I feel that the crew onboard have more knowledge on the topic than a passenger 'who is made to feel good' whilst onboard a cruise ship for a short period of time. It appears to me that 'no one is allowed to knock these ships' by some of the members here.


What ever happened to freedom of speech !!


I have my chest waders handy,

I have my antiflash handy,

I have my tin helmet ready !!!:)


LOL! You'll definitely need all 3 around here!

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Sounds like sour grapes. Just like the ones on this board who blast those two ships without ever stepping foot on them. Consider the source.

Then some of them do cruise on Oasis/Allure and love it.........those were the ones who said "I would NEVER cruise on those ships" ;)

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Same thing has been said in reviews of the Allure/Oasis I have reading trying to see if I want to try Allure/Oasis. Seems some like it some don't for the same reasons mentioned in this post. Same thing with the NCL, Epic after reading reviews forget that ship.

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What happened wasnt satisfactory....staff should not discuss it in dining areas in front of guests! As regards to the officer on the bridge (It was an operational area and the passengers were guests), it was a one to one discussion and for (OP - someone outside the conversation to interject in something that did not involve them is nothing more than rudeness.


Whether the information is correct or not, I feel that the crew onboard have more knowledge on the topic than a passenger 'who is made to feel good' whilst onboard a cruise ship for a short period of time. It appears to me that 'no one is allowed to knock these ships' by some of the members here.


What ever happened to freedom of speech !!


I have my chest waders handy,

I have my antiflash handy,

I have my tin helmet ready !!!:)


I don't see it that way.....stepping in to tell someone who has never even been on either class ship who is giving out wrong info....

Also it was a bit of an odd moment just minutes before when another more senior officer on the bridge jumped in to correct this same female officer who gave us some wrong info responding to another guest question....and he wasn't nearly as polite as me.

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I don't see it that way.....stepping in to tell someone who has never even been on either class ship who is giving out wrong info....

Also it was a bit of an odd moment just minutes before when another more senior officer on the bridge jumped in to correct this same female officer who gave us some wrong info responding to another guest question....and he wasn't nearly as polite as me.

You interjected in a conversation that did not concern you and then again as a Travel agent you are supposed to remain 'impartial' or do you sell RCI only?. You had no right to rebuke this officer in their work place you are a passenger, the senior officer is that 'senior' The senior officer should have had you removed from the bridge.:)

How would you have felt in your working environment if that had happened to you? Miffed I bet !

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I don't see it that way.....stepping in to tell someone who has never even been on either class ship who is giving out wrong info....

Also it was a bit of an odd moment just minutes before when another more senior officer on the bridge jumped in to correct this same female officer who gave us some wrong info responding to another guest question....and he wasn't nearly as polite as me.


I probably would have done the same thing. A crew member or a passenger can not bash another ship without having experience being on that ship. You have experience on the Oasis class ships many times. So, just as another poster is defending the crew with freedom of speech, you also used your right to freedom of speech. For explanation for previous poster a "private" conversation is just as it states "private" if others can hear it, it is NOT a private conversation.

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You interjected in a conversation that did not concern you and then again as a Travel agent you are supposed to remain 'impartial' or do you sell RCI only?. You had no right to rebuke this officer in their work place you are a passenger, the senior officer is that 'senior' The senior officer should have had you removed from the bridge.:)

How would you have felt in your working environment if that had happened to you? Miffed I bet !

I stated that what happened was unsatisfactory regarding the crew, however jumping into someones conversations when you are not party to it is rude, its not polite and should not be done. To speak to the individual afterwards is the appropriate way to handle the situation. The op was an invited guest and should act accordingly. :)
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You interjected in a conversation that did not concern you and then again as a Travel agent you are supposed to remain 'impartial' or do you sell RCI only?. You had no right to rebuke this officer in their work place you are a passenger, the senior officer is that 'senior' The senior officer should have had you removed from the bridge.:)

How would you have felt in your working environment if that had happened to you? Miffed I bet !


I can't really agree with you. If the conversation was about the navigational systems, or any other professional aspect of the job, I would be able to see where you are going with your thoughts. But a conversation about passenger crowding on Oasis, coupled with the comment he only "heard" about it, not actually experienced it, is another matter. I see nothing wrong with offering actual experience in rebuttal, so long as its done in a respectful manner.


Edited...And this is coming from a former vessel commander. ;)

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I can't really agree with you. If the conversation was about the navigational systems, or any other professional aspect of the job, I would be able to see where you are going with your thoughts. But a conversation about passenger crowding on Oasis, coupled with the comment he only "heard" about it, not actually experienced it, is another matter. I see nothing wrong with offering actual experience in rebuttal, so long as its done in a respectful manner.


Edited...And this is coming from a former vessel commander. ;)

Yes and it was done with etiquette !!! :rolleyes:
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Crew being candid about other ships in the fleet or quoting what pax have mentioned to them in regard to other ships in the fleet is not uncommon across all cruise lines...not just RCI and its brands.


Last year I was aboard a ship a little over 30,000 tons with 900 pax for 33 days. I would say that around 50% of the crew had been transferred from the fleet's larger 100,000+ ton ships and initially there were very candid & honest remarks from crew regarding them being unsure about being on a ship so tiny and with so few pax.


Not once in all the conversations that I had di any crew 'bash' the big ships...afterall, every ship in every line has its plus & minus points. However, after a couple of days the drafted over crew all made the same observations that after being on the big ships, they actually enjoyed the small ship experience by comparison....more time to get to know what a pax likes, get to know the pax on a more friendly & most of all, more time to actually chat to the pax rather than be in a constant state of rush, rush all the time.


Several of the waitstaff commented that it was so nice to be able to deliver a room service coffee that was as hot when it reached the cabin as it had been when it came out of the galley...on the fleet's 114,500 ton ships the designers placed the room service galley in the stern instead of midships and that meant the equivalent of the 4 minute mile every time anyone in a forward cabin wanted room service...which may seem trivial, but when you think about it, the crew have a point...it is impossible to keep hot food & drink hot when you have to go from the stern to the bow - which on the 114, 500 ton ships is over 1000ft, up/down decks and faffing about trying to get past other pax and then finding the individual cabin etc.


The drafted crew all wanted to stay on the line's older & smaller ships by around halfway through the cruise, not cos the big ships are nasty or overcrowded but purely down to the fact that they are not designed to make the life of crew very easy....I would hazard a guess that is why Freedom crew are not keen on Oasis...not due to green eyed monster but down to basic logistics of getting their work done....what is a huge playground, shopping arcade & hotel to pax, is nothing more than one continuous running track to the crew where things have to be done within set times and where facilities such as linen storage, room service galleys and other 'behind the scenes' facilities were not the priority when the ship was designed or built...


Lets face it, ships are built to make money & give the pax a good experience....the crew who will have to work day to day on the ship have no say as to where room service galleys go etc, if they did, things would be alot easier for them and you would get that hot coffee each & every time...on the ships that are 114.500 ton in the fleet that I sail with, the crew often say that they would like rollerskates to get about with...and they ain't kidding either :)

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Crew, on the other had, could be understood a little better. The limited number I have talked to do feel overworked on Oasis. Bartenders actually prefer the smaller ships. I've been told time and time again that Majesty and Monarch are top picks because they are the biggest money makers.


Paul.......I have heard the same thing from some of the crew that have come back from the Oasis to smaller ships.


Your last sentence has me mystified. Jack Williams, the ex CEO of Royal Caribbean used to tell me that the "cash cows" of the fleet were the Sovereign of the Seas in Florida, and Monarch of the Seas in L.A.


They sold the Sovereign, and moved the Monarch to Florida. Frankly, we love the Monarch and Majesty, and are planning a week aboard the Majesty, hopefully later on in September.


It's the crew, more than the ship that we love. They are the happiest of any class in the fleet..........and it rubs off on passengers!!:)


I know many people think that the Oasis/Allure are wonderful, including my DW. I just think that they are too large, and prefer smaller ships. I can see why crewmembers would not want to work on the mega ships....after being there.



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