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Gari's trip to NYC


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WB TA - Terrific.

6 Days NYC - Superb.

EB TA - Terrific.


Met the good Cap’n and Miss Frankiecat, nice to put a face to a name, also nice to meet the Commodore and Mrs Rynd Met several other CC members whose names I regret to say have disappeard into that void that used to be my memory. Sorry guys.


DRESS. I know this is a subject which exercises many on this board greatly. Personally, I conform, what can I say, it’s the way I am. BUT I don’t obsess about what others are wearing. What follows are simply observations not condemnations* For those who are worried about what to wear during the day, don’t be. If you have a football strip and a basball cap you’ll fit right in. If you have Dior slacks and a Balenciaga top you’ll fit right in. If your style is Netto chic, you’ll fit right in. If you want to dress as though for an 18-30's holiday on Torray-mo-LEEN-os in spite of being on the distaff side of 50 then you'll fit right in. Smart, casual or downright scruffy and slobby it’s all there folks but with a little more emphasis on the slobby this year I think.

Evenings. By far the majority ‘Put on the Ritz’ so to speak. BUT the number of nonconformists (in a non-religious sense) appears to have increased since I was last on board in 2010. I think that Cunard is gradually relaxing standards by default. IIRC there used to be somewhere in the paperwork that the dress code was in force throughout the public areas after 6pm. I didn’t see that on the daily dress code this time. As others have mentioned jackets are no longer required in KC venues at any time. Quite a lot of people seem to have changed after dinner. On the WB there were a group of men in the C. Club several nights in wifebeaters and shorts. Regulars will be pleased to note that tattoos are not yet mandatory.


A little vignette. Kings Court 5.30pm. Sipping a cup of tea. Approaching were an elegant young couple in the full fig. He delightfully dinner jacketed. She in floor length grey gown of what Senior Management informed me was probably silk. Beautiful people.

Hard on their heels. Barefooted woman, in a bath robe and with pool towel draped over head.

Yer pays yer money, yer takes yer choice.


More men seem to take off their jackets now. (Even in the restaurant) Suspenders/braces and rolled up sleeves is not an edifying sight. Of particular note are the ones, Gentlemen Hosts no less, who remove their jackets while wearing the type of vest/waistcoat which is simply a front tied on with ribbons. This on any evening in the Queens Room.

Manners. The number of people who came late to the lectures and the shows was astounding. 10,15, even 25 minutes late. Inexcusable. What? Traffic was bad, the bus broke down, you were kept late at the office? Please!!


None of the above had any impingment on my trip which as I stated was great.

One small fly in the unguent of my contentment, well more of a midge really, occurred as we were making our approach to S’hampton. We were awakened precipitously at 4.35 by what sounded like a small riot on the promenade deck immediately under our cabin. (BTW we got an 8 deck cabin upgraded from an inside at check-in). It turned out to be some of the RADA cast extremely and loudly drunk obviously having been up all night. As I seemed to recollect from my golden youth (nice lad) there may, just may, have been occasions when having looked upon the wine when it was red I may have been a little noisy. So I did nothing. However, come 5am the novelty of our own private performance was wearing off so I got up to phone the purser so someone could maybe have a quiet word but before I could lift the receiver the noise ceased abruptly. Didn’t fade away, just stopped. Of course by then we couldn’t get back to sleep which was a nuisance as I had a five hour drive home. But when I went to collect the car from the hotel I managed to get a room and check-in immediately. So all’s well that ends….

The lectures were excellent with the possible exception of the ones on Beatrice Potter. Though to be fair if you are an afficianado then I suppose they were rivetting stuff. But I think you’d have to be a dyed in the wool Tiggywinkle Trekkie to enjoy them.

Kings Court, I think there is a lot of pretentious nonsense talked about this place. Owing to time constraints on the lectures and classes I wanted to attend I ate there frequently this trip. Never had to search far for a table. More food and more choice than you can shake a stick at, all good. Plenty of choice hot or cold. I agree the layout of the seating is a bit bizarre but there were always seats somewhere. If you want a window seat then yes that can be problematical at times.

And that’s about it from me. I had a great time, met some lovely people. Can't wait to do it again next year.

A back-at-home Gari.


*While I realise that the baseball cap is here to stay (dadblastit) may I make a small appeal to those who have their favourite ‘ballcap’ which they will either be buried in or have surgically removed at their autopsy. Chaps, it is usually chaps, I would not for all the world deprive you of your security blanket but please remember your cap is actually, surprise, surprise, washable. It was probably the Inspectors vision of the serried ranks of filthy, greasy-billed and stained caps that prompted the less than favourable score recently. Put ‘em in the tub occasionally, you're a big boy now.


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WB TA - Terrific.

6 Days NYC - Superb.

EB TA - Terrific.


Met the good Cap’n and Miss Frankiecat, nice to put a face to a name, also nice to meet the Commodore and Mrs Rynd Met several other CC members whose names I regret to say have disappeard into that void that used to be my memory. Sorry guys.


DRESS. I know this is a subject which exercises many on this board greatly. Personally, I conform, what can I say, it’s the way I am. BUT I don’t obsess about what others are wearing. What follows are simply observations not condemnations* For those who are worried about what to wear during the day, don’t be. If you have a football strip and a basball cap you’ll fit right in. If you have Dior slacks and a Balenciaga top you’ll fit right in. If your style is Netto chic, you’ll fit right in. If you want to dress as though for an 18-30's holiday on Torray-mo-LEEN-os in spite of being on the distaff side of 50 then you'll fit right in. Smart, casual or downright scruffy and slobby it’s all there folks but with a little more emphasis on the slobby this year I think.

Evenings. By far the majority ‘Put on the Ritz’ so to speak. BUT the number of nonconformists (in a non-religious sense) appears to have increased since I was last on board in 2010. I think that Cunard is gradually relaxing standards by default. IIRC there used to be somewhere in the paperwork that the dress code was in force throughout the public areas after 6pm. I didn’t see that on the daily dress code this time. As others have mentioned jackets are no longer required in KC venues at any time. Quite a lot of people seem to have changed after dinner. On the WB there were a group of men in the C. Club several nights in wifebeaters and shorts. Regulars will be pleased to note that tattoos are not yet mandatory.


A little vignette. Kings Court 5.30pm. Sipping a cup of tea. Approaching were an elegant young couple in the full fig. He delightfully dinner jacketed. She in floor length grey gown of what Senior Management informed me was probably silk. Beautiful people.

Hard on their heels. Barefooted woman, in a bath robe and with pool towel draped over head.

Yer pays yer money, yer takes yer choice.


More men seem to take off their jackets now. (Even in the restaurant) Suspenders/braces and rolled up sleeves is not an edifying sight. Of particular note are the ones, Gentlemen Hosts no less, who remove their jackets while wearing the type of vest/waistcoat which is simply a front tied on with ribbons. This on any evening in the Queens Room.

Manners. The number of people who came late to the lectures and the shows was astounding. 10,15, even 25 minutes late. Inexcusable. What? Traffic was bad, the bus broke down, you were kept late at the office? Please!!


None of the above had any impingment on my trip which as I stated was great.

One small fly in the unguent of my contentment, well more of a midge really, occurred as we were making our approach to S’hampton. We were awakened precipitously at 4.35 by what sounded like a small riot on the promenade deck immediately under our cabin. (BTW we got an 8 deck cabin upgraded from an inside at check-in). It turned out to be some of the RADA cast extremely and loudly drunk obviously having been up all night. As I seemed to recollect from my golden youth (nice lad) there may, just may, have been occasions when having looked upon the wine when it was red I may have been a little noisy. So I did nothing. However, come 5am the novelty of our own private performance was wearing off so I got up to phone the purser so someone could maybe have a quiet word but before I could lift the receiver the noise ceased abruptly. Didn’t fade away, just stopped. Of course by then we couldn’t get back to sleep which was a nuisance as I had a five hour drive home. But when I went to collect the car from the hotel I managed to get a room and check-in immediately. So all’s well that ends….

The lectures were excellent with the possible exception of the ones on Beatrice Potter. Though to be fair if you are an afficianado then I suppose they were rivetting stuff. But I think you’d have to be a dyed in the wool Tiggywinkle Trekkie to enjoy them.

Kings Court, I think there is a lot of pretentious nonsense talked about this place. Owing to time constraints on the lectures and classes I wanted to attend I ate there frequently this trip. Never had to search far for a table. More food and more choice than you can shake a stick at, all good. Plenty of choice hot or cold. I agree the layout of the seating is a bit bizarre but there were always seats somewhere. If you want a window seat then yes that can be problematical at times.

And that’s about it from me. I had a great time, met some lovely people. Can't wait to do it again next year.

A back-at-home Gari.


*While I realise that the baseball cap is here to stay (dadblastit) may I make a small appeal to those who have their favourite ‘ballcap’ which they will either be buried in or have surgically removed at their autopsy. Chaps, it is usually chaps, I would not for all the world deprive you of your security blanket but please remember your cap is actually, surprise, surprise, washable. It was probably the Inspectors vision of the serried ranks of filthy, greasy-billed and stained caps that prompted the less than favourable score recently. Put ‘em in the tub occasionally, you're a big boy now.




Pleased you had a good voyage, nice to read an honest and frank review:)

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Nice review gari. Thank you.


I'm sorry to read that standards have slipped somewhat regarding dress codes on the QM2 but I think these things can differ a lot from cruise to cruise.


I'm pleased to say that on my recent QE cruise that the code was observed very well by the vast majority.


Kings Court, I think there is a lot of pretentious nonsense talked about this place


I agree with what you say about King's Court (ditto the Lidos). There is such a good selection of food in there and you can keep going back for more. We have our own preferred seating areas in both places and they are not next to the windows so there's never any problem.

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thanks for a super review. I just have one observation (very small) but is this the Gari -('I don't obsess what others are wearing') whom I fondly remember from my early days on here 'discussing' kilts; bow ties and the occasional national dress worn by non-nationals?

It's not only on QM2 where times have changed - there used to be a bit more fun on this board. ;)

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Hi Gari, and welcome home, your comment about people arriving late for the shows was spot on, although we only attended the one show, unfortunately for the late arrivals it was the Liverpool comedian, he asked one couple who arrived late "Where are you from" to which they replied "Birmingham", he said "No wonder your late then", loved it.:D

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Hi Gari, and welcome home, your comment about people arriving late for the shows was spot on, although we only attended the one show, unfortunately for the late arrivals it was the Liverpool comedian, he asked one couple who arrived late "Where are you from" to which they replied "Birmingham", he said "No wonder your late then", loved it.:D


Hee hee! Good one. That reminds me of a Welsh lady comedian who performed on QE2 in 2007. She was a very amply proportioned lady, more than adequately equipped with "presence"! As well as a scintilating repertoire of smutty one-liners, she was noteworthy for not putting up with any nonsense from the audience (particularly the men). If anybody turned up late they would be greeted in person, from the stage, with something along the lines of "What time to you call this? Am I not good enough for you or something?" After a tirade like this lasting at least two minutes, the poor man in question would meekly sit down and be as quiet as a mouse for the rest of her performance.


She was performing when we left Gibraltar on the last leg of the cruise to Soton. Knowing that we would be leaving Gib at the traditional time of "dark o'clock", I had planned on getting some night shots of the Rock before we sailed. So we're sitting listening to this lady abusing all the men in the audience and She Who Must be Obeyed keeps telling me it's nearly dark outside and that I should get up and leave to get my photos. I said "I'll be damned if I'm walking out while she's in full flow" and I waited until she had finished her act before making my exit.


SWMBO met her the next day at the whist session and told her about her pathetic husband and what a total wimp he was. She said "Actually, I've noticed that there's always a huge queue outside the gents loo when I come off stage"! Clearly I wasn't the only wimp on board :D



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Thanks Gari, I very much enjoyed your review and your humour.:)


BTW, you mentioned "there used to be somewhere in the paperwork that the dress code was in force throughout the public areas after 6pm. I didn’t see that on the daily dress code this time". I didn't see it on the July 1 cruise either.




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Garigoun, on that WB crossing you missed the lady(?) who arrived for breakfast in King's Court around 7:15 one morning clad in her pyjamas, Cunard bathrobe and Cunard slippers.


And I totally agree with you about latecomers to lectures. Why would you even bother when the lecture is 1/2 to 3/4 over?



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Gari wrote a bunch of good stuff, in particular:

Regulars will be pleased to note that tattoos are not yet mandatory.

I saw several during the day, that were fortunately covered up at night.


Manners. The number of people who came late to the lectures and the shows was astounding. 10,15, even 25 minutes late. Inexcusable.

I noticed this too, and it seemed to happen more on the Cunard crossing than on any other cruise line I sailed.

Kings Court, I think there is a lot of pretentious nonsense talked about this place. Owing to time constraints on the lectures and classes I wanted to attend I ate there frequently this trip. Never had to search far for a table. More food and more choice than you can shake a stick at, all good. Plenty of choice hot or cold. I agree the layout of the seating is a bit bizarre but there were always seats somewhere. If you want a window seat then yes that can be problematical at times.

Nice to see someone else who enjoys Kings Court. I knew right away I wouldn't want to eat anywhere else.

I'm glad you had a nice voyage, Gari. Thanks for such an entertaining review.

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Great review Gari, glad you both enjoyed it. Have you posted anywhere about what you did in NYC - I'm living my life vicariously at the moment :)


NYC - Lots of people ask us why we keep going back and I'm always at a loss to explain it. What do we do - well basically we just walk about and see what we can see. Having done over the years all the main tourist sites we go mainly to the areas away from central Manhattan. Lr. E. Side, Greenwich village, East village anywhere the fancy takes us at a particular moment. The wx being so hot and we beginning to feel our age this time we got a 7 day metro pass which we used almost exclusively on the busses. Even though we were only there for 5 days we still made a profit on the deal the amount we use them. What else, there was a huge market on a closed off portion of 6th avenue on the Saturday. Central park is a favourite place and there are little oases of calm everywhere if you can find them like Sam Paley's Plaza a tiny tiny space with a waterfall and seats and a coffee stall just off 5th Avenue. A perfect Gem. We have our favourite diners and bars where you can always meet somebody interesting. The High Line is another lovely spot (Google it) we visit. There are lovely churches all over the place. We planned to revisit Coney Island this trip but it was just too hot it's a long ride on the metro and there aint much shade on the boardwalk. Little Odessa is a fascinating area as is Brooklyn. We were brought up on movies about the U.S. the Bowery Boys and the Dead End Kids etc. We knew the street names as well as our own when we kids. NYC - a state of mind. You'll love it or loathe it on first sight.

I could go on and on -- but I won't.



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Garigoun, on that WB crossing you missed the lady(?) who arrived for breakfast in King's Court around 7:15 one morning clad in her pyjamas, Cunard bathrobe and Cunard slippers...


That kind of thing appears to be a fairly regular occurrence on QM2 but, strangely, I don't recall seeing anything similar on the other Cunard ships. I wonder why that is.



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NYC - Lots of people ask us why we keep going back and I'm always at a loss to explain it. NYC - a state of mind. You'll love it or loathe it on first sight. I could go on and on -- but I won't.



Gari, thanks so much for the excellent review of your crossings. I'm so glad you included a review of your stay in NYC. I, too, love to visit that city so I completely understand why you continue to return. Like you, I visited all the major tourist attractions years ago. However, there is an energy and magic that captivates me each time I return. I hope you booked your next voyage while on board. And I hope it includes a few days in NYC!

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I have a feeling that anyone with the neck to dress like that for breakfast in a public place would probably feel at home anywhere! :D:DJ

It would be interesting to know what culture promotes that kind of behavior? With our tropical clime, that would be a lot of clothes we'd have to put on, so why not day wear!!:eek:


One thing that strikes me about NYC is the pace of the people. When you hit the streets everyone is moving about 1/3 faster than you, something between a fast walk and a dead run. It seems that they are always in a frantic hurry to get to where ever they are going. If you slow down to look around you had better be out of the lanes of foot traffic. I've also learned to wear black and don't make eye contact!!:)


No Broadway shows Gari, is New York better than Old York??

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Gari, I just enjoyed your witty review over my morning coffee and laughed out loud.


On dress codes - about 7 years ago we were on a Crystal cruise in Alaska and were sitting in one of the lounges hanging out with some Australians having a drink and some laughs. It was in the high 80's in Alaska and we were all wearing sun dresses or dressy shorts. The bar Manager came over to us and told us it was time for us to go to our suites and change our clothes. We hadn't noticed it was 6:05pm and the evening dress code kicked in at 6pm. We left immediately and were, of course, not offended.

I don't know why Cunard staff don't just remind people of the rules. If you are offended by that, NCL is open for bookings

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Nice report Gari, and I'm really sorry to hear that all around dress and respect for whatever the occasion has slipped. At the risk of sounding like a snob, showing up in Kings Court in robe and slippers is akin to showing up in any other public place as such. Many spa hotels have relaxed their dress codes for public areas to the point where guests wearing only robes now wander into weddings and private events with the attitude, "I'm on vacation, I'm worth it."


One of the things that I was looking forward to on my first TA were the formal nights. Maybe it's truly a relic of the past and fewer people think of it as a plus. If Cunard is not enforcing any dress codes, then the ones who honor it are being double crossed.


After the long "sport coat" thread, I may now be the one who is in the wrong. If I walk into PG wearing an evening dress on formal night, but my table mates are wearing sport coats, should I go back and change into something less elaborate?

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That kind of thing appears to be a fairly regular occurrence on QM2 but, strangely, I don't recall seeing anything similar on the other Cunard ships. I wonder why that is.




More people, bigger chance of seeing something unusual. :D Like the guy on formal night on a 4-night QM2 sailing out of New York: white tux and a tail sticking out the behind... :confused:

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