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My amazing, long awaited trip July 20 - 31


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Our trip began when we booked our cruise in February 2009!! There would be 10 of us. 8 of us were celebrating my mother’s 70th birthday and most of the trip was our gift to her. We took care of the cabin, hotel which included breakfast, birthday dinner and a few other things. We didn’t share the gift with her until her 69th birthday in July 2010. It was a great surprise. In our group is me, 50 years old, DH 52 years old, my mother, who will be 70 on the cruise, hereto forward to be referred to as DM, her husband- DMH (65years old), my sister (45 years old), who I’ll refer to as DS, her son, who’s 12 and will be referred to as DN (nephew), my brother—DB (43), and his wife DSil(Sister in law/33) and good friends of ours BF (best friend) and BFH (best friend’s husband) who’re 50 and 55 respectively. None of the couples flew out together or back together. Some of us had frequent flyer miles, some of us wanted direct flights at any cost—there were a variety of reasons. 6 of us flew out on Wednesday before the cruise, 2 on Thursday and 2 on Saturday of the cruise; we prayed for those two, since we all came from the New York area.




DH and I were up at 3am; out the door at 3:35. We arrived at the airport at 4:35. The line to check our bags was very long. We checked the 2 pieces of luggage at a cost of $25 each—I give the lady $100 bill and she spent 10 minutes looking for change. We have a 6am flight, so I suspect we’re one of the first people, however the line seemed rather long and I’m not sure why she wouldn’t have enough change yet. Off to the next line to go through security. I have a typical luggage carry on with the zipper that allows for an extra inch of room, which I was using. I also had a very large pocketbook and (what amounts to) a small beach bag with a blow up pillow for the plane, a plane blanket, a couple of pocket toys (black jack and poker), my camera, which is not your typical little pocket digital, but rather a semi SLR, with lots of extras, my video camera, which I should have packed in my luggage and some other odds and ends. Anyway, now we head to our gate. We have to go through security. Another long line. At one point I have to put my carryon luggage in one of those “let’s see if it fits” size things. I have to zip the extra inch closed and it fits fine, but I am told I am only allowed 1 extra piece of carry on, not 2 (purse and beach bag). So now, I am putting my bulky camera bag into my purse and my purse into the beach bag—very awkward, but it’s ok. My carryon luggage gets flagged for inspection—they see something as it goes through the scanner!!! I know I haven’t done anything wrong, so I’m not alarmed, but it’s still a drag. Security lady opens the bag and apparently, without thinking I put 3 spray bottles of suntan lotion in my carry on!!! ACK!! It’s so expensive! My choices are to throw it away or go back and check in the bag—probably the same cost in the end. So, I throw it away, knowing there are going to be ABC stores everywhere and I can purchase more. I had bought 6 bottles and put the other 3 in the checked luggage, so I also know we have some to get us through until I’m in the mood to go shopping. Shopping isn’t really on my agenda. We finally make it to the gate and there’s no one there except airline personnel. Everyone’s already boarded. We board. It’s 5:50. Flight leaves the gate on time at 6:00. I hadn’t realized just how close in time we were until we were seated and taxiing from the terminal. We had a stopover in DFW where we ate some lunch and then got on our 2nd flight to HNL. We arrived right on time at 2:30 in beautiful Hawaii!! At the luggage pick up we ran into BF & BFH!! Crazy! They figured they would be tired from travel so they had a car service pick them up and they headed to the hotel. We rented a car (or I should say my daughter rented a car for us, as she works for Enterprise and was able to get us some healthy discounts (all our rentals for both me and other family members were done through my daughter)) and headed straight for sightseeing. :)


Below: pictures from the plane. I am going to try to figure out how to attach a nicer, bigger picture.



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First stop was Matsumoto’s shave ice. Extra yummy!! We got it with the ice cream on the bottom and when you’ve eaten enough of the ice and the ice now meets the ice cream, it’s like eating a fresh creamsicle.


I can't seem to get a picture to upload--be patient with my poor digital skills.

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Back in the car and next stop—turtle beach. It’s not far from Matsumoto’s, but the gps sends us in the wrong direction and even though I have the Frankosmaps, and I keep saying it’s the wrong way, DH keeps going until we’re pretty far from the shore and he believes me. Back toward Matsumoto’s and let’s keep going a little ways more this time—none of the beaches are marked, so we ask someone what beach we’re at and the surfer says it’s Chun beach, so I know we went just a tiny bit too far. A quick U-turn and a minute of driving and we park. The turtles are all sunning themselves on the beach!! A few pictures and a short walk around and we’re off again. Giovanni’s is next on our list—we’re starving after all. It’s probably 6:00 by now—midnight NY time. We do find it, but they’re just closing by then. I think it was 6:45. Oh well—I don’t plan to get there before turning in the car tomorrow so we’ll probably never get to try those terrific shrimp dishes. We drive the rest of the way around the island stopping for a couple of picture opps.





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We happen on Chinaman’s hat. We arrive in Waikiki and our hotel—Aston Waikiki on the Beach pretty late. We park and check in and drop our luggage in the room. We ask the attendant where Aston Waikiki Banyon is, as parking there is only $10 per night. We park the car and start walking looking for someplace to eat. I am surprised to find quite a few homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk and many people begging for money. Two “kids” even had a sign that said, “we need money for pot”. That cracked me up and I almost gave them some money just for the laugh they gave me. DH didn’t find it funny at all. We’re tired and we happen on some Mexican place because it had festive lights outside. We both get some food (I don’t even remember what) and then head back to the hotel. I’m exhausted. We hit the sack around 11:30 Hawaii time.


Up at 2am! ACK—As many of you can attest to, I stayed in bed with my eyes closed hoping sleep would overcome me. At 3am, when I realized I was up for good, I got up. I went out on the hotel balcony and watched the water. It was so soothing. I am also a text-a-holic, so since it’s 9am in NY, I text my son. He’s 17 and home alone. Right now he should be in a college essay class. But apparently, he’s caught in horrific traffic. I try to guide him, but the traffic isn’t moving at all, which is what’s allowing him to text me. When I’m done with my son, I go back inside and start typing what will eventually be my trip report. It turns out to be the only time during the trip that I use my computer or take notes of any sort.



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Around 6am I call DMH and let him know we’ll pick them up around 6:30. We’re headed to Diamond Head. They’re staying at the Courtyard Marriott with points and flew in non-stop from Newark to HNL. They arrived in around 6pm Wednesday night. They too took Hawaii23 to their hotel. DH’s droid gps turned out to be wonderful everywhere. Took us straight to DM’s hotel and off we went to Diamond Head. We drove around in circles a little bit, but after a gas station stop and a stop to ask someone we found it. First a stop--bathroom for the girls and water machine for the men. Off we went. My mother walks (quite quickly) 2-3 miles per day, so she’s in great shape. DMH bikes every day, but had a knee replacement last year that gives him some trouble. DH and I barely do any exercise and I am out of shape (unless you consider round a shape) and very overweight—not just fluffy as some people like to say. The vast majority of the hike/trek we looked around, but didn’t stop to take pictures or anything. At one point when I did stop to take a picture, DM and DMH went ahead. Then came the first set of stairs. Not too bad, but when I reached the top I did take my fair share of a break. I was huffing and puffing but good. DH was patient with me and waited with me, even though he didn’t seem to be out of breath at all. A little more hiking and then the next set of stairs. Much steeper this time. I stopped about 1/3 of the way up to catch my breath, again about 2/3 and again at the top—fortunately no one was behind us, so we weren’t holding up anyone. Through a tunnel, one very small area you have to squeeze through, a few more stairs (not much this time) and AHA—I made it!! And what a sight it was! I felt like I could see the entire island. While at the top BF called just to see what we were up to and let us know they were on their way to Hanauma Bay. Maybe we’d see them there. We probably spent a total of 10-15 minutes at the top and then started the quite easy hike back down.






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Now its my turn to read your review!:D


Looking forward to more.


To get the big pictures on here, you have to upload them to the web. I usually use Webshots. Once uploaded on webshots and you create your album, then you can copy the code to upload on cruise critic. Very easy once you figure out what to do.


Click on my picture below, then you will see a little toolbar under the picture with different symbols. Scroll over them to the little square box that says "copy this code to post into a forum" and click on that. Select the size. This one is 425. You highlight the code at the bottom & copy (control c) & paste it (control v) into your review. Easy.


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Now its my turn to read your review!:D


Looking forward to more.


To get the big pictures on here, you have to upload them to the web. I usually use Webshots. Once uploaded on webshots and you create your album, then you can copy the code to upload on cruise critic. Very easy once you figure out what to do.


Click on my picture below, then you will see a little toolbar under the picture with different symbols. Scroll over them to the little square box that says "copy this code to post into a forum" and click on that. Select the size. This one is 425. You highlight the code at the bottom & copy (control c) & paste it (control v) into your review. Easy.


Love the picture--thanks for the advice and directions. I haven't had the chance to read your review yet, but I will...I will. :)

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We then brought DM and DMH back to their hotel where they did what they needed to to pick up their rental car from Enterprise right in Waikiki. We headed down to Leonard’s Bakery to get the infamous malasadas. For those that can relate—they’re very similar to zepoles. They were all out of the monthly filling, so we got 6 of the plain and DH got a long thing with cream in the middle and I got an apple fritter. I ate 2 of the malasadas, which were delicious! That was enough for me. DH at 2 malasadas and his other bakery item.





Now we were off to Hanauma Bay. As we approach, we see people parking along the side of the road, but we opt not to do that and then we see a sign—no parking available. So we head to Halona Blowhole right up the road. It was impressive and I had gotten the times of high tide and we were there exactly at high tide—10:13am.




We head back down the road, but it’s still full at what is presumably one of the best snorkeling spots off a beach. We drive a little ways and head back….still full. We are deciding what to do now. We have to return the car around 2pm (24 hours after pick up). Do we have time to go back up the coast to Giovanni’s? Yes—let’s do it!! So off we go. We’ve seen most of the coast the day before so we head straight to the shrimp truck. We arrive at exactly noon. We get 1 shrimp and garlic and 1 hot shrimp…we share. They’re both delicious, but the hot shrimp is VERY hot and overpowers the wonderful taste of the shrimp scampi. There’s a sink to wash your hands, which is good since you have to peel your shrimp and I don’t want to touch my face or (god forbid) my eyes with the hands from the hot shrimp.

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We now head back towards the airport and as we pass the Dole Plantation for the 3rd time in 24hours, we decide to make a quick stop for a Dole Whip. DH gets his in a large cone and I get mine in a cup with pineapple on top. It’s delicious, but I’m so full I throw half of it away, so I could drive and DH could continue eating his. Just today (8/10) I noticed in my Entertainment book I had a buy one/get one coupon, which I didn’t use. :confused:

We return our rental car to Alamo (sister company to Enterprise) and caught a shuttle to US Air at the airport where DS was coming in with DN. We shared a shuttle from Hawaii23 with them to our respective hotels next door to each other. They were at Marriott Resort and Spa. She too got her hotel with points. After she checked in and I changed into my bathing suit, we met outside and went to the beach across the street. She sunned herself and I swam with my nephew. We didn’t stay long as we had to shower and meet my mother for drinks at House without a Key at The Halekulani Hotel. There were 8 of us there. DM and DMH were eating at Orchids. The rest of us didn’t want to spend that kind of money. DMH had made the reservations a couple of months before their arrival in Hawaii. Then he confirmed the ressies the day before. We probably had 2 or 3 drinks with a beautiful view, lovely music with a beautiful Hula dancer and a lot of laughs. We didn’t order anything to eat, but we saw others order food and it looked delicious, albeit expensive. The six of us (me, DH, DS, DN, BF & BFH) didn’t know where we wanted to eat, but we decided to go back near our hotels. First we went to (I think the name is) J K Steakhouse in the Marriott. We had to wait so we went to the bar and had a drink. Someone asked for a menu and when we realized the prices—we couldn’t leave fast enough. So we went back to our hotel and went to a cheaper restaurant there. Honestly, it’s not memorable.

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pictures from Halekulani--




Friday morning all 8 of us were up early at our various hotels. BF had a rental car on Thursday that they decided to keep for another day on Friday. So 6 of us squished into the rental car (DM & DMH had a car service) and headed to Pearl Harbor. We were out the door at 6 and at Pearl Harbor around 6:30 by the time we got the car around the corner, etc. Perfect timing too! Within ten minutes of arrival, the line was extra long!! When I was about 3 people from getting my ticket, I happen to mention to someone in our party that every single person has to get their own ticket and someone that works there said they changed that rule and now people can get more than one ticket to keep the line more manageable. I didn’t ask exactly how many tickets you were allowed to get. We got tickets for 8:00. That’s the first tickets. The ticket counter opened around 7 or so. DM & DMH got headphones and walked all around Pearl Harbor while we waited to see the movie. DM and I both cried. It was very moving!! Then it was onto the boat and over to the memorial above the US Arizona. The entire time there was very somber and moving. I took quite a few pictures.



This picture has a rainbow that I captured while we were walking around waiting for our turn.



I managed to capture 3 different things in this picture.





DS and me on the Mighty Mo

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Once we came back on the boat from the US Arizona, BF and BFH took their car and went back to sightseeing the North Shore and other things like that. (They spent quite a bit of time at the Dole Plantation buying pearls and other things.) The rest of us bought tix to the Mighty Mo. DS & I got combo tix for Missouri and Bowfin. In order to tour the Mighty Mo, you have to take a bus a short ride there. We had asked people about a bus—when we got back we asked about a bus back to Waikiki. We were told the bus comes at 11:30 and it was exactly 11:30 so the 4 of us went running like crazy people across the street and in fact either the bus had left or ….well I have no idea. There were 6 or so shuttle busses. We kept asking this one and that one if we could get a ride, but all said no. Then we came upon one that DM & DMH were on and the bus driver said sure—only charged us $5 each!! We tipped him very well.;)


On the way back we ask the driver where a good place to eat near our hotel is, that is not too expensive. He points us in the direction of a place that serves plate lunches. He made a recommendation that DH and I took. DN wanted no part of it, so he got a hamburger and fries and a slushie. DS got some sort of chili I think. She loved it. DH and I got chicken cutlets fried with gravy and choice of rice or fries. He got rice and I got fries and we shared. They give you so much chicken!!! It was very good. AND CHEAP!! $6.50. DN hated his burger because they put some sort of relish or special sauce on it. I shared my chicken with him. I still had plenty after giving him half.


Plate Lunch


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So glad you are continuing your review. I've been checking back daily in anticipation.:)


I agree that the movie they show you before the trip out to the memorial is very moving. It is truly not like any of the documentaries you see on tv. So much detail and footage that I've not seen elsewhere. I've seen it twice and cry each time.

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Back to the hotel I called my daughter to see if she could get me a rental car for tonight so I would have it in the morning. She couldn’t. So I called Enterprise pretending to be BF and said I wanted to keep the car another day and add another driver—no problem the guy says. So I call BF and tell her not to return rental that we’d “return” it together and add DH as a driver. Once again back at the hotel I donned my bathing suit and went down to the hotel pool where BF was hanging out by herself. We sunned and swam and swam and sunned and had a couple of cocktails. It was happy hour but I had watched the barmaid make a bloody mary that looked delicious and even though it wasn’t part of the happy hour prices, I ordered one anyway. BF kept replenishing her wine from the ABC stores into her rum runners so she was quite content. We hung out until it was time to go for dinner. We decided on Duke’s even though no one knew I wanted to go there for the Hula pie. The restaurant was wait listed and the bar area was a first come first served. We were practically stalking people at the tables waiting for them to leave so we could sit, have some drinks and eat! After what seemed an eternity of watching and waiting for someone to leave BF finally asked some girls at a very large table if they were leaving. In the meantime we scapped up a tiny table, not nearly big enough for 6 of us. Not even big enough for 2 having dinner, but BF was able to offer the 4 girls the table since they were only drinking waiting for a table in the main restaurant. We ordered 3 appetizers to share and everyone ordered something for dinner—mainly sandwiches or hamburgers, etc. DN and BFH were so tired they left immediately after dinner…before some of us were even done. I told everyone I was going to order Hula pie and we’d share—no one wanted any. UNTIL IT ARRIVED—then my friends became gluttons!! Everyone loved it and it was HUGE! We walked back to the hotel doing some window shopping and commenting on the homeless people sleeping on the sidewalks. 2 kids had a sign that read, “Need money for pot”!! I was hysterical!! DH didn’t find it the least bit humorous.

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Another early morning—the plan was to go to the Hilton (not Hilton Hawaiian Village) and go to their diner type restaurant called Mac 24/7 and get their Mac Daddy pancakes which I had seen on the Travel Channel. After that we were going to Hanauma Bay. We were doing this with DS and DN. The 4 of us are walking around in circles outside the hotel trying to figure out where BF parked the car yesterday. I was screaming at DH, DS was screaming at me for yelling at DH—it was a bad scene. Finally I break down and call BFH, who thinks were nuts. He tells us where the car is, but we still can’t find it. Fortunately they had decided to join us for breakfast so they were on their way downstairs. They found the car instantly (of course). But by now we had wasted so much time, we decided to skip breakfast and head straight to Hanauma Bay—didn’t want to miss out again like the other day. We got there with easy. We were practically the first ones there. We watched the movie and DN and I went right in. DH never really learned to swim and DS always has a hard time snorkeling so the two of them were left on the beach so they could plan and fix and do whatever it is that they do. Well, in my opinion it was a lot of hype for nothing. There was snorkeling, but it wasn’t the best by any stretch. DN and I went out to the breaker line and we saw some fish but nothing spectacular. DS and DH did go in, but DH didn’t go out far enough and DS’s mask was leaking (frankly I didn’t believe her, but….). We spent about 1 or so and then left. DH hiked up the hill and the rest of us took the shuttle for a buck.

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