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Anyone here currently on MediFast?


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Hap - I think I missed you, but have an amazing trip. You must feel so fabulous! Your plan is a good one - blitz if you need to when you get back, but it sounds like you have the mental part of this plan down as good as you have the physical part.


Can't wait to hear about your trip - Happy sails!!


Thanks for this note a couple weeks back... yeah, I think I missed it, but we just got back from our cruise. Total weight damage: only about SIX pounds. I TOTALLY have ingrained in my mind this new lifestyle post-Medifast and am really proud of myself. Indulged a bit too much, yet stayed away mostly from extra carbs (those bread baskets are the KILLER) in the Main Dining Room for lunch and dinner. Didn't eat ONE -- and didn't miss it, either. Something's definitely changed in my head, which I am so grateful for. Going to do the Medifast Blitz starting NOW and will be back to precruise weight in no time, no doubt!!! I'll probably write a review of the cruise in a few days which I'll post in the Celebrity Century area of the Member Reviews.


Cheers... Hap

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  • 2 months later...

Good job, Staci!!! I found not eating bread anymore -- well, or anything WHITE for that matter (especially on cruises, which that bread basket used to be my downfall at EVERY meal in the dining room) has helped immensely...have kept about 40+ pounds off since October and had a long cruise inside that time.


Cheers... Hap

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Congrats Staci!! I've been in maintenance since October but I'm going on a cruise in 3 wks so have gone back on the 5 & 1 (even coaches go off plan occasionally too! HA) I'm on the right track and feeling better than I have for a few months. So I would love to get down another 5-10 lbs before we leave. Another 4 lbs and I will have lost 40% of my body weight :-) HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!

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Congrats Stacy! It's an awesome program. I'm in maintenance as well, but not doing as good as I had hoped. I broke my foot and it's thwarting me. Ack! But I'm still down 60pounds instead of 66, so I'm okay - my cruise is in 10 days (OMGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!). I plan a 5&1 blitz when I return to get myself back in check and get back to my goal weight that I hit in November. Hopefully my boot will be off before the cruise (it looks like it will be thank GOD!). I miss my treadmill for sure.


It's an awesome program! My favorite thing is the mixed berry cereal. :)

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I started Medifast on Jan 21st, I have dropped 19 pounds so far. Going on a 5 day cruise next Monday. (20th wedding anniversary) I figured starting out before the trip would get me into some good habits and I will come back and get right back into it. I am hoping to drop 80 to 90 pounds.

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Hello everyone. I have just read through a big portion of this thread and you all inspire me. I have a long and discouraging weight battle story but I am still fighting it. I have lost 50 pounds and gained it back on Weight watchers at least 4 times. I just can't face counting points ever again. Decided to try Medifast because I have a friend who was very successful. Ordered the food yesterday. I am going on a 4 day get away cruise at the end of March and, wait for it, a 30 day transatlantic late next fall. I don't want to be overweight for the Transatlantic. I am very worried that I will hate the food, but I have to do this. So when the food arrives, I will be at it with all of you. I just turned 62 and want to figure this out once and for all! I am looking forward to your support and encouragement. (I am also looking forward to my cruises.)

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Hi, Aniemi...


WOW... 30 days... yikers.... 'nuf said...


If you want to see how I handled our 15-day Hawaii cruise, tune in here:




It's from the men's section of the Medifast website... you oughta read some of the posts over there and you'll get MORE inspired....


Cheers.... Hap

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HI Aniemi, I couldn't face counting the WW points again either. I was on Medifast in 2007 via the internet and did well but didn't finish to my goal. Of course I've gained back what I lost and then some. We are going on a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas in November for our anniversary. I'm jealous of your cruises :). Anyway, I just started back on Medifast today and am going to a center this time. It's more expensive but hopefully I can get to my goal since I will have to weigh in every week with someone else! I don't mind the food. Hopefully you'll like it too. My advice is to do the shakes using ice with a blender like a Magic Bullet. They are pretty good that way. You can add sugar free pudding mix as well to give some flavor variety and creaminess.


Looking forward to seeing reports of your success as well as posting my own!

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Hi, Buckeye... good luck on your redux of Medifast... it really is a great program, as you know.


I wouldn't suggest adding anything to the shakes that's Off Plan -- i.e., the sugar-free pudding mix. It's all about ketosis and low carbs. Though that pudding mix is low-cal, the carb count is probably what'll get you in trouble if you veer off the 5/1 plan of Medifast. I'm not saying it's forbidden in the Medifast plan. All I'm saying is you're probably adding up to about 10 carbs extra that you wouldn't be adding if you follow the directions below. In the weight-loss mode of Medifast, it's all about LOW carbs and keeping them at around 80 a day tops up to but not more than 100 a day -- the closer to 80 the better.


Your best bet to make the shakes better tasting is MIXING TWO Medifast meal packets together -- i.e., a Vanilla shake and a Maple Oatmeal packet for instance to make a BUTTERSCOTCH shake.... then split the resulting product in your blender into TWO meals... or a strawberrry shake with a mango soft serve to have a mixed shake... chocolate and peanut butter MF packets, for example.


This way you stay completely ON PLAN. That's the idea. Once you start adding stuff that's not in the plan, then you might as well not spend the $300 bucks on the food every month. I went direct online and lost about 50 pounds in 12 weeks and have kept it off now since October, even with cruises. It's all about a lifestyle change, as you know.


Email me at hpmedifast at gmail dot com .. I've got LOTS of recipes for great Lean and Greens and all kinds of info that I'd be glad to share. MAKE IT PERMANENT this time!!!!!



Edited by hapster222
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Wow! i hope it goes as well for me. Did my first day today. I was hungry during the day but I am sure that will resolve itself. Have you tried the soup yet? I don't know why, but aim afraid of it and the oatmeal, which everyone says is disgusting. The brownie was wonderful. I think I can keep this up. Just have to figure put where to keep all the boxes of food. They are all on my dining room table now. :-)

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Wow! i hope it goes as well for me. Did my first day today. I was hungry during the day but I am sure that will resolve itself. Have you tried the soup yet? I don't know why, but aim afraid of it and the oatmeal, which everyone says is disgusting. The brownie was wonderful. I think I can keep this up. Just have to figure put where to keep all the boxes of food. They are all on my dining room table now. :-)


Congrats on your start!! I'm in week 6 and really like most of the food, including the soups. I love the chicken noodle, beef stew, chicken & wild rice. I don't love the cream of tomato or sloppy joe. If you haven't yet, google sandys kitchen medifast - she has some great recipes and other ways of preparing the meals. Good luck!

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Hi Aniemi,


Day 7 - 8.5 pounds lost! Week 1 is great! I know this pace won't keep up but it is great to have the big loss at first to keep you motivated. One thing I remember from the last time on MF is that very soon you will start getting remarks from people who notice you've lost some weight. That is always a great boost to keep you motivated. Also, the loose feeling in clothes that used to be tight is great as well!


I'm not much of a soup person so I can't say whether I like them or not. However, I do find the food good enough that I can find something for each meal that is okay with me. I tried the eggs for the first time (real eggs hurt my stomach) and they were good. I did adjust the water to just over 1/4 cup instead of 1/2 cup (suggestion from MF center advisor), I put in a shake of minced onion along with some pepper and fried them with 1 tsp of I Can't Believe it's not Butter. I am on the 4-2-1 plan right now so I used one of my lean portions to have 2 slices of turkey bacon with the eggs. It was pretty good. The grains snack can be 2 slices of low calorie whole grain bread so you can always have a slice along with anything to make it more of a 'meal'. I didn't have that yesterday but if I feel like a big breakfast I may add a piece of toast to the eggs and turkey bacon. I tried the macaroni and cheese and it was pretty good with some pepper on it. I also put in less water than it calls for based upon the suggestion from the MF center.


I do like the oatmeal, that was one of my daily meals when I was on MF before. I take a packet to work and just use the hot water from the coffee machine to make it. I add a Splenda packet and maybe a shake of cinnamon. I might use less water than it calls for, I just add water a little at a time until it is just a bit more runny than I like. It will thicken some after it sits. You need to rinse the cup right away though because when it dries it is like cement!


Good luck on your first week! If you can't resist the hunger pains, look at the optional snacks list and see if one of these will get you by. If you really can't stand it go for another MF meal or a 2nd healthy snack. That way it won't take you too far off track. At the beginning it should be fairly easy to stay on plan since your motivation should be pretty high.


I'm looking forward to hearing your progress!

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well - Day 5 didn't go so well. I was miserable. I think I do better during the week. I was really hungry and crabby and feeling sorry for myself all day. Didn't go to the movies because I didn't want to smell the popcorn. I hope I snap out of this....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Aniemi, how is it going? I hope things are going better. I am in week 3. I am down 13 pounds so far!


I tried the Chicken Noodle Soup today and it was pretty good. Here is how I did it.


I used 1 cube of Wyler's Chicken Bouillon and about 1 1/4 cup of water to start with and let the cube soak for a bit, I added the soup mix and just a pinch (literally) of the following spices:



Black Pepper

Red Pepper Flakes

Onion Powder

Garlic Powder


I microwaved this for 1 1/2 minutes, stirred and then maybe a minute more (I kept going until it was nice and hot). I stirred it again and put it in a small thermos that I brought to work for lunch so the soup got to sit for a few hours before I ate it.The consistency was nice and creamy and the flavor was great! I had my snack of MF multi grain crackers with it. Yummy!


I hope all is well with you.

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Well things are a little slower here. I lost 7 pounds the first week, but unless I show a big weight loss tomorrow on the scale it looks like I have only lost half a pound this week. A little depressing. I don't really like the sounds and am pretty much eating the bars some shakes and I absolutely love the brownies. I can't seem to make myself count the condiments- seems really stupid to me. I will keep slogging away here and see if things get better.

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One month into my Medifast program and I am down 24 pounds. I also took one week off for a 5 day cruise. I gained 3 pounds that week. Going well for me. Hoping to lose another 60 pounds by next Feb 10th when my wife and I go on or next cruise! I can't wait to see the difference in the pictures from the two cruises.


Good luck to you all!

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Great news Aniemi! I have been doing some housework today too.


I agree with you about counting the condiments, especially dry spices. I have started using the website www.myfitnesspal.com to log my food intake. You can do a custom setting for your daily nutrition goals. I set my with 1000 calories with 40% from carbs, 20% from fats, and 40% from protein. This puts a limit of 100 grams of carbs and protein and 22 grams of fat which I think is pretty close to what you do on MF. I log in everything I eat and drink including the condiments. I figure if can stay within the limits while I follow the basic MF meals and lean and green plan along with the condiments I want to make the meals taste good, that should work. If I stop losing maybe I'll have to reconsider.


The fitnesspal website is pretty good. All the MF meals are already in their database so it makes logging the food really easy.

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That's a great idea! I was just complaining that the Medifast app doesn't have any way to track condiments. I had downloaded My Fitness Pal but hadn't really looked at it, figured it was for maintenance. I just put my tracking in there. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a while since I posted. Down 14 pounds now- 45 more to go. I will take a break for a 4 day cruise the week after next and then will resume in full force when I return. Hope I don't have to got through those first 3 days again, but if I do I will just grit my teeth and do it!

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Just watch the carbs on the cruise... I wrote a post-cruise/post-Medifast review and put it up on Medifast website.... I have it if you're interested.... the main thing is to ditch the bread and potatoes and rice, mainly.. concentrate on upping your protein if you're going to up anything... stay away from fried stuff, too... this is all about changing your lifestyle FOR THE DURATION... the Medifast plan is JUST A TOOL......you have to change the way you deal with food... simple as that.


Hap... (entering my sixth month in maintenance and STILL defending 185 or so = 45-50 pounds from my starting weight!!!!)

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