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Do you think NCL owes them anything?


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Why would you book a Caribbean cruise during Hurricane season anyway?


Uh, actually, NYC to Bermuda sails in the Atlantic Ocean, not the Caribbean, and with hurricane season spanning June 1 to November, and the cruise season to Bermuda only lasting from about mid April to November, there's really not a whole lot of options. Add in the fact that this has only been the third time that NYC has been hit by hurricanes in the last 50 years, cruising at this time was a reasonable risk that just didn't pay off this time.


Actually, the risks are often much worse for traveling outside of hurricane season for us northerners, given the probabilities of facing snowstorms that will impact flights to southern ports in the winter months.


I'll just assume the seemingly snide tone of your post was unintentional.

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I have been on 2 other cruises that weren't even worth mentioning, they were so long ago and so short. I do know that they all plug their lines as much as possible, but it didn't take years of cruising experience to learn, just from reading cruise critic (and other cruise) boards, that NCL is big on pushing. I still went on the line knowing this ahead of time, and it didn't bother me personally, but if you research it a little they really are more into making the big bucks than some other lines.


If I research a little? :confused: I have been on 31 cruises, on various lines, since 1989.


I'll say it again, all cruise lines act the same way after they get you onto the ship with low fares!

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I agree that they don't have to legally, and the passengers shouldn't expect it, but bottom line to me is that customer service is key and you do what you have to keep your customers happy, which will earn you return business. When the passengers all learn that Celebrity handed out an OBC for the same situation that NCL said "oh sorry, weather related" about? Not good for PR.


I feel bad for the folks who are on the cruise now who had to leave Bermuda one day early. I'm no sailor so I am not judging the choice 100%, but why? Celebrity didn't leave Bermuda one day early to be held at sea, but I bet it made NCL a ton of cash in the bar, casino, shopping, spa, etc.


Can anyone argue the fact that NCL has proven they are all about making big money? The entire cruise is one big publicity event, and they push it every chance they get. That said, I did enjoy our cruise, but we are open to trying another line. Maybe one who offers OBCs as a gesture for passengers who had their cruise shortened for example...


It may not mean anything to you, but I checked the price difference on Celebrity and NCL cruises to Bermuda 7 days ocean view for Sept 4-11( Earliest dates available) and saw on the same TA website that NCL price was $569.00 and Celebrity price was $959.00. Same cruise, same dates, same cabin type !! Who is trying to make big money ?? It is easy to understand why Celebrity is willing to give you back a few dollars !!! CAN'T ARGUE WITH FACTS !!!!!!

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With all of the slams against NCL about no refund, no obc, "I'll sail another line that does give obc" on this thread - DOES ANYONE KNOW FOR SURE THAT NCL IS NOT DOING ANYTHING?


I would guess not, why don't you all wait and see what actually transpires before you get all huffy and get your panties in a bunch.


I am sure that all of the people who could not fly in for the cruise because the airlines cancelled flights will be happy to have the chance to maybe make the cruise on Monday. Just saying.

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If I research a little? :confused: I have been on 31 cruises, on various lines, since 1989.


I'll say it again, all cruise lines act the same way after they get you onto the ship with low fares!


Meh, you clearly haven't researched it enough or you would know better! Duh! ;)

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With all of the slams against NCL about no refund, no obc, "I'll sail another line that does give obc" on this thread - DOES ANYONE KNOW FOR SURE THAT NCL IS NOT DOING ANYTHING?


I would guess not, why don't you all wait and see what actually transpires before you get all huffy and get your panties in a bunch.


I am sure that all of the people who could not fly in for the cruise because the airlines cancelled flights will be happy to have the chance to maybe make the cruise on Monday. Just saying.


The lack of compensation from NCL isn't just speculation...it was posted in Cruise Critic's News section as part of a report on itinerary changes caused by the hurricane. The report cites an unnamed NCL representative.


Since we know NCL monitors this board, and an NCL PR rep actually posts here...and in fact did post here about the itinerary changes at about the same the Cruise Critic news report was posted, is it not reasonable to assume the report is true since NCL has not refuted it?


We know that every cruise lines handles these situations in its own way. When the hurricane caused a problem in San Juan earlier this week, Carnival's response was more customer-friendly than Royal Caribbean's. For this weekend's situation in the NY area ports, Celebrity immediately announced they would be compensating passengers for the lost day in some unspecified amount, while NCL said too bad...it's an Act of God...we're not responsible. No one is making this up...and no one from the cruise line has said it isn't true...at least at this moment.


I expect NCL will ultimately do something...but look at the bad publicity it's getting in the interim. It's not smart business. It even makes a frequent NCL cruiser like myself wonder if I really want to continue doing business with them.

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Also...here's my take on NCL's communication. While I would have preferred more communication from Aug. 24-26 (even if it was only "Still too early to make any decisions and the course remains uncertain" - although folks would have complained about that, too), I have to say that communication since the decision to delay embarkation has been more than adequate. DH and I have both received NUMEROUS calls on our cell phones (like at least 6 on mine alone!), as well as several messages left with our emergency contact person, plus a call from our travel agent, a text message, the NCL web site, their FB site, and right here on CC. I'm satisfied with their level of (and persistence with) communication-once their decision was made.

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I am on this sailing, now Monday. I am not upset with NCL, nor will I let this deter me from having a great vacation. We do not know what, if anything, will be offered. However, the OP asked for peoples thoughts on the topic. I don't see any of those affected getting our panties in a bunch.


I wish people would not use this as a reason to bash NCL, they haven't done anything wrong.

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I agree NCL hasn't done anything wrong. As for coming on this board and denying any accusations or insinuations, maybe, just maybe NCL is waiting to see if the Bermuda trip might be salvageable if Irene suddenly changes direction or strength. Or waiting to see if it is going to be more than one day, anything can happen. I don't blame them for not committing to anything before they see how it all shakes down.


I feel badly that all of your vacation's are being ruined by the hurricane, I know I was devastated when United cancelled our flight in April, with no excuse and we lost 3 weeks of prepaid hotels and excursions in Australia (insurance covered some of the hotel, but not the excursions and cancelled flights on Qantas hopping around Oz). We got nothing from United, no apology, nothing, nada. And before anyone asks we could not rebook because we were flying 1st class on miles and there are very few of those seats available.


At least you will get 6 days, which is better than nothing. Enjoy them.

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. As for coming on this board and denying any accusations or insinuations, maybe, just maybe NCL is waiting to see if the Bermuda trip might be salvageable if Irene suddenly changes direction or strength. Or waiting to see if it is going to be more than one day, anything can happen. I don't blame them for not committing to anything before they see how it all shakes down.


I feel badly that all of your vacation's are being ruined by the hurricane,



Yikes! Now you're getting me anxious! (Just kidding.) ;) In my opinion, our vacation isn't ruined or unsalvageable. We're still sailing (albeit with one less sea day), and we'll enjoy visiting Bermuda - most likely for the entire time scheduled, based on NCL's current plan. I'm sure some are struggling with transportation arrangements or re-arrangements, but hopefully most will be able to get to the pier and get sailing on Monday.

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Tough spot for NCL. A no win IMHO. Many of the folks "trapped" on the Gem probably feel NCL has kept them form securing their property and others may think that they should be compensated for the inconvenience ect...NCL did the right thing. Once it became apparent that it would be completely irresponsible to disembark in a storm with no public trans or airlines, not to mention the discomfort of sailing through the Hurricane, it was a no brainer. It would have been nice if they had made the call a few days earlier and even stayed in Bermuda an extra day as Celebrity did....but that is Monday morning quarterbacking.


I am supposed to be on this cruise. If Irene is kind we may make it provided we can get to the pier. We are only 35 miles away but we expect many downed trees and we aren't sure when the transit will be up and running. Again, that is provided we don't have much in the way of damage etc...Many folks may have a problem getting to the pier by 2-3 pm Monday. I will be happy to just make the six days.


I knew this was hurricane season when I booked. Last year, during this same week we left the Vineyard early as a storm was approaching and they were shutting down the ferry service. Just the chances you take.


Still I wouldn't be surprised if NCL threw a bone OBC or cruise reward etc...


Hopefully we will see you on baord!

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Why would you book a Caribbean cruise during Hurricane season anyway?


Are you suggesting that the cruise lines stop cruising those months? If no one would book there would be no cruises. Then the cruising season would be 6 months instead of 12 months and the cruise lines would have to charge you much more!

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It sucks when things like this happen. I should know....happened to us last December. The Jewel was in drydock the week before our cruise. A crane broke on the dock and the ship was held up due to investigations. Crane did NOT hit the ship. No damage, but the ship had to come back on Monday i/o Sunday.


Communication from NCL totally sucked. We did get our 1/7th refund when on the ship in the form of OBC. If we didn't use it, they sent a check. Everyone got $50 OBC which was use it or lose it.


We were given the option to back out of the cruise.


We went to Florida and their private island. Skipped Nassau which ruined the vacation since we could do without Florida and a private island. Booked this trip for Nassau, but stuff happens.


From everything I heard, they were at the pier day of original scheduled take off day and took care of all the out of towners.


I really expected to see sponge Bob greet us but that didn't happen.


Wish we got our 7 days especially since we had the owners suite and boy oh boy was that cabin awesome!


I didn't go thru my insurance since NCL made us whole.


Watching the news right now and they showed Carnival Glory heading out to sea just now. Surprised they left at 4 and not at 1 like NCL was supposed to today. Boy was she booking it out of there. lol

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It can really suck for the ppl 'stuck' on the Gem for an extra day since I'm sure ppl had plans when they returned on SUNDAY. People who have planes to catch will now be stuck for a day or two or three waiting to get back home. Others might have had family plans, animals to pick up or children and what about the people that have no idea how their houses will hold up since they weren't able to lock everything down? Main thing is that everyone is safe out there on the ship.

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I have been on 2 other cruises that weren't even worth mentioning, they were so long ago and so short. I do know that they all plug their lines as much as possible, but it didn't take years of cruising experience to learn, just from reading cruise critic (and other cruise) boards, that NCL is big on pushing. I still went on the line knowing this ahead of time, and it didn't bother me personally, but if you research it a little they really are more into making the big bucks than some other lines.



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For the record, we have insurance. And so do a lot of the people in our group (can't force everyone). I never cruise without insurance, no matter the season. If NCL doesn't wind up giving us something, I'll see if insurance will give us something back.


I just have to laugh at all the people who feel bad for NCL and are worried about them losing money. If they gave me an OBC, I'd probably go to the spa an EXTRA time, so they'd still get the money I was planning on spending on top of the OBC.


And again, yes, I read my contract, I KNOW they don't HAVE TO do anything. But it would be wise of them too. For all the reasons already stated.


As far as communication, no one can seriously defend them. Besides not updating their site from 8/24 to 8/26 @ 2:50pm (not 2pm as stated), even though EVERYONE knew the hurricane was coming on SUNDAY, I JUST got a call today at about 2pm. My agency didn't get a call til almost 5pm yesterday.

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is it owed NO...would it be a NICE gesture ASOLUTELY:)


itinerary changes, missed ports, mechanical probs--we have experienced many with our cruises and the only time we got some compensation was last year on the SUN --was it owed NO, but it was a GREAT gesture....

each situation has to be evaluated, but unfortunately with weather who knows when the WIND is gonna BLOW a bit harder and longer.


we feel for those affected by all of this...STAY SAFE!!

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Technically, NCL doesn't owe anyone a cent for shortening a cruise due to weather related issues. They have even stated that they won't be offering any compensation because it was weather related.


However, the fact that both Celebrity AND Carnival are offering OBC and/or a refund for one day, doesn't say much for NCL.


Personally, I would be more likely to look at another cruise line (other than NCL) for my next cruise based on this information alone.


It's sad that NCL won't at least offer something for the loss of one full day of our vacations.

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It may not mean anything to you, but I checked the price difference on Celebrity and NCL cruises to Bermuda 7 days ocean view for Sept 4-11( Earliest dates available) and saw on the same TA website that NCL price was $569.00 and Celebrity price was $959.00. Same cruise, same dates, same cabin type !! Who is trying to make big money ?? It is easy to understand why Celebrity is willing to give you back a few dollars !!! CAN'T ARGUE WITH FACTS !!!!!!


Are you seriously asserting that a company that charges more for a similar product makes more money? Key word here is similar . . . the NCL and X product are not identical.


Summit has 1 crew for 2 pax and a 46.7 space ratio while Gem only has 1 crew to 2.8 pax and a space ratio of 32.8 . . . clearly not an identical product. Then a look at the food served in the regular dining venues is another indicator that which company spends more money per passenger.


Most of us expect to pay more for a roomier car, a larger house or a meal with more and (subjectively) better ingredients and courses.

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Technically, NCL doesn't owe anyone a cent for shortening a cruise due to weather related issues. They have even stated that they won't be offering any compensation because it was weather related.


However, the fact that both Celebrity AND Carnival are offering OBC and/or a refund for one day, doesn't say much for NCL.


Personally, I would be more likely to look at another cruise line (other than NCL) for my next cruise based on this information alone.


It's sad that NCL won't at least offer something for the loss of one full day of our vacations.


On the other side of the token, what about the folks who had to leave a day early without reason? Who pockets the extra day in port fees they paid for that day not used? It's almost like someone suddenly turned on the weather channel after all the command decisions were made and said "OOPS"!

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RE: communication...NCL has not updated its "weather alert" since yesterday.....


Nothing new to add. On the topic of communication, I just hung up from my seventh (!) automated call from NCL about the change to Sunday's sailing, got an email from from NCL forwarded by our travel agent shortly after the 8/26 weather alert, and a call from him about a half hour later. DH is also receiving calls regularly, as is the person we listed as our emergency contact.

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My family is booked on the Gem for the coming week. No, I did not buy insurance. I discussed this with the travel agent, and considering there were no flights involved and I did not care much which ports we went to, it wasn't worth the expense. I chose this cruise because 1) it was out of NY, so I didn't need to fly anywhere, and 2) I figured Bermuda was far enough north that the hurricane risk was significantly less than if I had booked a Caribbean cruise. I picked NCL because others who were experienced cruisers recommended it. I never considered that NY would be shut down for a hurricane for the first time in history. This is a historical storm. As others have pointed out, when there are school-aged children, there is often not much flexibility in finding a week to take a vacation. We always pick the vacation time before the vacation location.


I understand that NCL is under no obligation to credit me. I understand that I took the risk when I booked the cruise without buying insurance. I agree with NCL's decision to postpone a day.


That said, our first cruise will most likely be our last. I was extremely frustrated at the lack of communication on the cruise status until late yesterday afternoon. I understand from reading the boards that the lost day will be a day at sea; however NCL has never officially communicated that information to me. I am frustrated that I am essentially paying for someone else's extra day on board. As others have pointed out, NCL will make plenty of money because the casinos are still open, people will still be buying drinks, etc. They are not losing a dime. I was nervous enough about going on a cruise before the storm hit; my anxiety continues--will I be able to get to the ship on Monday? I feel gypped by losing a day on board (as I said, I was more interested in the cruise experience than Bermuda). All in all, I'd rather drive somewhere.


Will I still enjoy the cruise? I have no idea. I am bitter by the entire way it has played out--acknowledging that some is out of NCL's control, but some is. On board credit would certainly alleviate some of the bitterness.


My husband says that if there was a way to get out of this and get our money back (and the travel agent talked us out of insurance which would have allowed this), he would take it in a minute.


And oh yeah, I still have to get through a hurricane tonight and tomorrow.

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Nothing new to add. On the topic of communication, I just hung up from my seventh (!) automated call from NCL about the change to Sunday's sailing, got an email from from NCL forwarded by our travel agent shortly after the 8/26 weather alert, and a call from him about a half hour later. DH is also receiving calls regularly, as is the person we listed as our emergency contact.


Kathi...I am glad you are getting the calls..really I am....

That,though, is/was not always the norm....For our December Jewel (drydock problem) cruise...MANY MANY cruisers did not get notified of the numerous changes,delays,etc...so I am happy they are stepping up the calls...and learned from past experience..

And..to be honest...I think they should update their website every day at least once...during times like these just my opinion..for what it is worth..

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