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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Oh, Cathy! I am so glad you are back home! Hope you are feeling ok, and the docs get something worked out for your heart!

Thanks, Rich! Since going down this summer, she has really decided it was time to put it in gear and not let her grades slip. She is a really good student, but last year, her friends and FB kind of took up too much of her time. Glad you got a good night's rest, and looking forward to you saying the shot you get today is working wonders!

Chocolate wine...ummm...I might try it, but I am not a wine drinker, either.

Mimi, that's great about your truck! We need to get something of ours posted on Craigslist, but DH can't decide what he wants to keep. LOL!

Hello to everyone else, and have a great day!

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Back from the doctor and now I get to lay around for the next 12 hours and do nothing (sometimes I do like the doctors). Instead of just one injection, he doubled it! Ouch. Lucky me:(

Hi Nancy.

I got an email from the guy that did the Veterans cruise last year and he gave me some info on the shuttles and the name of the manager of the hotel everyone stayed at. Cathy is checking with some other managers that she knows and we will decide soon which hotel(s) that we will be using. Instead of booking the shuttles on your own, if we do it by booking the van itself, it will be cheaper. Anyway, just something that I'm looking into now.

Back later

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Good evening to all my buddies here.


Finally some good news from my camp. The surgeon that took out my tooth a couple weeks back sent me back today to my regular Dentist because he wanted him to check a tooth that he thought might need a root canal....:eek::eek::eek: I just went thru all that last Dec.

Well long story short no decay and no need for any of that mess..:)



Cathy p gosh girl I`m real sorry to hear about the happenings with you,

could be stressed related, but so glad all is well that ends well.

Feel better soon.


Poor Betty says she looks as tho she has been to the war zone and back, swollen, black, blue and ect. but hopefully she will be fit to leave for Hawaii next week.


Rich glad to hear that you are getting the back and shoulder in better shape with all those needles..Ouch!! Hope that you are on the road to recovery too.



Hi Cathy p, Marie, Poof, Janet, Lil Nan, Lori, has Sheryl been here?? or is that someplace else...lol & Andrea...just hello and hugs to everyone...

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Hi Bobbie. Good news about the dentist.

Betty hope your doing better. We need you to scout out Hawaii for our 2012/13 cruise (did ya hear that Marie?).

Where is Cathy p. Hope your doing well as we'd hate to hear anything else.

Talk in the am. Good night SMDers.

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Happy Friday SMDers!! so glad it's the end of a brutal week at work, hopefully next week will be better but I'm not counting on it. Probably two more weeks of this craziness. I think I have some hearing loss from the screaming kids :eek:

Well, yesterday I went and signed up at the gym again. It's been a few years since I've been, and with my trips and cruises coming up I really need it! I have no more excuses!!! The new gym is right near work so that makes it easier.

Good news Bobbi, I hate dental issues! Sounds like your back and shoulder are on the mend Rich, and Cathy, I hope you are resting are feeling better. Betty- hope your knee is better today. And Mimi, is this the weekend for the move?? Good luck if it is!

Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning, SMDer's!

Thanks you so much for the well wishes. I really am feeling better, however, so very weak. It is hard for my to type as I have little vains and they blew out most of the vains in my hands so they are sore. The put me on Plavix and said alot of my stuff is probably stress related and I need to calm down. Sell my condo and maybe I will.:D

I hope everyone else, Bobbie, Betty and Rich are all up to snuff and feeling better.

Well off to Looney land for a bit. Chat later.

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Good Morning everyone! Glad to hear all the good news.

Lori, I am excited for you! I have been wanting to go to a gym, but the closest one is about 10 miles away, and it's the Y, so not cheap. I just heard a couple of weeks ago that a new gym is going to open here in my small town. That is just around the corner from work! YAY! I really need to be able to go somewhere that I will be motivated to actually do something. I have all the work-out videos at home, but I just plop in my chair and relax....

Have a great Friday, everyone!

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Good morning SMDers. Well the temps here are finally going to come down alittle this week (upper 90's).

Cathy p glad to hear that your feeling alittle better.

All this talk about exercising, I'm going to get me bike out and start rideing again since it no so hot out.

Got to work later, so I'll talk then.

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Hi Bobbie. Good news about the dentist.


Betty hope your doing better. We need you to scout out Hawaii for our 2012/13 cruise (did ya hear that Marie?).


Where is Cathy p. Hope your doing well as we'd hate to hear anything else.


Talk in the am. Good night SMDers.


I here ya Rich...


Hi all, off to get the dogs groomed, and then clean house, mom and dad will be her in a couple days

then off to Alaska, woo hooo

going to be great!

See ya all later,

and for Pete's sake (Who ever Pete is) everyone, stay or get well...:cool:

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Hey, Nan, I use to just play my favorite Cd's and work out to those. It was fun and I sang along with them. I did 30 mins in the morning and 30 mins at night. I ate the same crummy stuff I always did and still managed to tone up and lose 30 lbs in the process.

Someone is coming to look at my Condo today so a few prayers would be appreciated.

Love you all,

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Marie, Pete is my Dad ( not really, his name is Don). They called him and I Pete and Re-Pete when I was growing up! :D

I said a prayer for you, Cathy! I am hoping that just working out will be enough for me, too! There is absolutely NO WAY I can diet! :eek: I love food. If you remeber, on the Dream thread, I said my 2 favorite things to do are eat and sleep! What a great vacation a cruise is for me! Those comfy beds and a never-ending food fantasy!!! :p

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Prayers sent that Cathy P has good luck with selling the condo and also that she is on the mend.


Since we are talking gym & ect. gotta add that I have to MAKE myself go to the Y 3 days a week.

So far tho I have done it..Now what will happen when I only have one hand to use will be anyone`s guess....:eek::eek:


Good for you Lori that you are starting to the gym, and to you Rich for thinking of the bike to exercise.


I did miss the gym today because the weather was so much cooler out that I took a nice long walk at 6:15 and skipped the Y...Felt great.;)

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Night all, it has been a crazy weird kind of day...

in the not feeling great kind of way, but nothing I can pin point it to.

Maybe just need a cruise...good thing I have on in a few, oh let me count them 10 days :D

and hopefully tomorrow I will be done with these weird aches and pains...

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Night all, it has been a crazy weird kind of day...

in the not feeling great kind of way, but nothing I can pin point it to.

Maybe just need a cruise...good thing I have on in a few, oh let me count them 10 days :D

and hopefully tomorrow I will be done with these weird aches and pains...

uh oh!:eek::eek::eek:

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Good morning, SMDer's!

Feeling better,thanks to all your good wishes, I am sure that helped.

Air went out yesterday, raced the dogs to the vet for hotel visit and then I started looking for hotels in Virginia Beach in the summer. OMG the prices:eek:. So the air guy comes and $45 part and the after hour fee, check written for $209. So we are now cool again. Kenny is picking up the dogs today. Was told they had to have a 2 part flu shot.

Off to Looney land.

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Good morning SMDers. Cooler temps this morning at 72 and it really feels good. Went for a walk.

Cathy p - Sorry to hear about the air. I do know what its like not having air. Glad your feeling better.

West called this morning and said lets do something different today. So, we are going to get in the car and go for a drive. Lets see what comes up.

Hi Janet, Marie and Mimi.

Off for some breakfast and pick West up. Later

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OK lurkers, now is your chance to book this cruise on the brand new Carnival Magic. We will give them some time to get the kinks out after they get to Galveston and will cruise on Feb 26, 2012. This is the perfect time of the year to cruise to the carribben with the weather being sunny and the temps in the 80's everyday:D. You have plenty of time before the cruise and with a $25 pp deposit it will be easy to make payments over time to pay it off. Please e-mail me rwzike at yahoo.com for pricing and I will reply ASAP. This cruise is going to be a blast with alot to do or, if you wish, do nothing at all. We'd love for ya'll to come join us. Here is more info about the "Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" cruise:

The Carnival Magic is coming to Galveston, Texas!!!

================================================== ===========================================


Come join us for the "Spirit of the "Magic"al Dream" cruise.


This official CC group cruise is from Feb 26th through Mar 4, 2012 with the following itinerary.


Sunday, Feb 26 GALVESTON, TX 4:00pm


Monday, Feb 27 FUN DAY AT SEA


Tuesday, Feb 28 COZUMEL, MEXICO 8:00am 4:00pm


Wednesday, Feb 29 GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS 9:00am 4:00pm


Thursday, Mar 01 MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA 9:00am 6:00pm


Friday, Mar 02 FUN DAY AT SEA


Saturday, Mar 03 FUN DAY AT SEA


Sunday, Mar 04 GALVESTON, TX 8:00am



A reduced deposit of $25 per person is available for double occupancy guarantee cabins in the categories above until August 20, 2011 or while inventory lasts. The second deposit of $225 per person for those who book at the reduced deposit is due Augsut 29, 2011. The full deposit of $250 per person is due for triple, quad, suite and cabin assignments at the time of booking. The final payment for the group is due November 13, 2011.


Guests may also book at the Early Saver rate advertised on Carnival's website with the full per person, non refundable deposit but will not receive the group amenity.


There is a $50 cancellation penalty per cabin.




$100 OBC per cabin

Cruise Critic Pins (one per person)

Discount on all other Cruise Critic Logowear

To book this Cruise Critic Group Member Cruise, please contact Johna at Crucon.com (JohnaN@crucon.com) or call her at 1-800-493-6609 . Please be sure to state that you are interested in booking into the OFFICIAL CRUISE CRITIC GROUP CRUISE for the Carnival Magic, Feb 26, 2012.


Once you have booked with Johna, please let me know so that I can add you to the list.

There will be organized tours at each port, a meet and greet aboard ship as well as one the night prior at our group hotel, and a lot more fun.


Come join the fun. All aboard


Who's in???





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Good Morning all!

Oh my we have had some bad health luck over here :(

BETTY how's the knee? Like I said over on FB the warm Hawaii sand will make it feel so much better. Are you cruising over to Hawaii?

CATHY P !!! My girl!!! Don't stress anymore. We need you fit and healthy. Like my mama always says, " Got Stress? Give it to God" if that doesn't work, I find that self medicating helps. Usually with a BS (bacardi and soda) but I am sure a Coors would work too. ;)

MARIE we aren't going as far as Lincoln City. The farthest south we are going is to Manzanita to visit with friends and have a BBQ. NOW DON'T TALK ABOUT FEELING OFF THIS CLOSE TO A CRUISE. Learn a lesson from Janets experience :eek:

BOBBIE I hope your surgery goes as well as Julie's did. She is doing great. And finally, good news from the dentist.

RICH hope your back feels better. Is it cortisone they shoot you up with?

Say HEY to West for me, and I am glad you have you puter running again.

LORI I don't know how you put up with all those screaming kids. My patient tolerance meter broke down about 10 years ago. I went into retirement and NEVER looked back. Not even as a casual. NOPE NADA NO WAY

POOFY! Did the music ever get better at the block party? Don't worry about missing it, you will be moving soon anyways.

NANCY Hi Girl! Ahhh going back to school. Around here all the mums would get together and have a special "tea" party just to celebrate that we survived summer vacation lol

Did I miss anybody? If I did I am so sorry, But I am STOKED about leaving for holidays tomorrow!!! I am going to do the countdown a day early as we will be on the road most of the day tomorrow. I am taking the laptop, but have no clue whether the condo has service or not. We are taking Ali with us. First time travelling with a dog. Good Gosh I'm bringing so much stuff just for her, that she has her own suitcase :o

So here we go we are a little closer for sure, because we only have















Talk atcha later!


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Hi Andrea, have a great time on the OR Coast...I hope the weather stays nice for you.

I really have a ton of things I need to be doing, so it would have been difficult to get to the coast for lunch, but I would have :D

9 days and we are on our Vacation to Cruise the Glaciers...so excited.

We head up to Seattle a week from Monday, and sail away Tues.

And who knows what this body is doing,

I swear it is the same kind of pain, but sometime in my tummy, then the shoulder, and then a toe...

just random, dull ache...weird,

not going to stop me from a booked cruise any mare than it did Janet...

But I am not in that kind of pain...just aches...

Couple alieve should do the trick. or they are causing it :eek:

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SHERYL !!!!!!








I will wave at your son for sure!

Marie, if we were going further south, or if we were staying longer, we would have most definitely hooked up. Have you ever cruised Alaska before? It is one of my fave destinations.

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SHERYL !!!!!!









I will wave at your son for sure!


Marie, if we were going further south, or if we were staying longer, we would have most definitely hooked up. Have you ever cruised Alaska before? It is one of my fave destinations.

This will be my first time, Chelle has one other time.

I hope it lives up to all the hype, I have extra cards for the camera ;)

and now all I need is to finish packing.

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