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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Bobbie, How far away are you from Biloxi, Mississippi?


Sadie I am about 4 or 4 1/2 hours from the coast.


Wish that I lived closer.:( We are in the North East part of the State.. Closer to the Alabama side.


Yay , Marie gets to add Betty to PB... I was hoping she was in and thought she would be.;)


Gosh Betty airfare.....Bummer!!!! What airline? Let`s keep our eyes on SW and see what happens there.


Glad things seem to work with the pt job, keep us posted..


Waving to all.... Today is lunch day with my couple of girlfriends so gotta run and get dressed.


Tonight is Zac Brown concert with youngest granddaughter so I have a very busy day and night ahead...


Will check back in tomorrow morning!!! Hopefully before the strong storms move in...:eek::eek:


Oh and Rich I am sure going to send you rain this time, we are going to have plenty to share.:(

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The Unofficial Official SMDer's Paradise Beach list :

























There really is noting for me to do on the excursion, because it is an open beach.

But here are the details

To be on their part of the beach, PB expects you to purchase food and drink from them, at least $10

You can sit on the sand if you like, but they have lounge chairs for $2

and if you want to use the water toys, snorkel gear float mat and the like, they have a fun pass that is $12

Plus you have to Taxi there and back.

$12 for up to 4 people.

So going alone it is going to cost you $12 each way.

going in groups of four is $3pp each way.

Anything else, just ask and I will try to find an answer :p

here is the link, for you to find your own answers.


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Good Morning

It's a good day, spring is here, summer is coming.

Retirement for my hubby is going very well for both of us, those who know me, knew I was a tag worried about how it would be having hubby home 24/7.

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Good morning SMDers. Yup, another nice day today.

Chelle - I think when I retire, I won't be home as much as I have alot of things planned. Hurry up Oct 25th:D.

Betty - happy to hear your feeling better. That airfare sure sounds pretty high to me. I think your right in trying to wait to get something cheaper.

Bobbie - have a good time at lunch and our concert tonight.

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We are still thinking about the Steakhouse. Gary thinks we'll feel more pampered if we just go by ourselves. I don't know why he's worried about being pampered. We are leaving in a week for an almost month long camping trip. Anytime someone serves us it feels like being pampered. :D

Gary has been retired for a year. It helps to have a hobby or a plan. He golfs..the honey-do list gets done around his golf schedule. :rolleyes: At least he's out and about and I get some peace.

I have to email Johna to verify my FCC has been applied. I also noticed we are down for early dining but had requested YTD. Doesn't really matter though as long as I can get to the MDR. :cool:

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We are still thinking about the Steakhouse. Gary thinks we'll feel more pampered if we just go by ourselves. I don't know why he's worried about being pampered. We are leaving in a week for an almost month long camping trip. Anytime someone serves us it feels like being pampered. :D

Gary has been retired for a year. It helps to have a hobby or a plan. He golfs..the honey-do list gets done around his golf schedule. :rolleyes: At least he's out and about and I get some peace.

I have to email Johna to verify my FCC has been applied. I also noticed we are down for early dining but had requested YTD. Doesn't really matter though as long as I can get to the MDR. :cool:

I did not think you could apply FCC until first deposit has been made? Am I missing something here.

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Gary and Kathy came on board after the reduced deposit had expired, so they must have made the full deposit and was given their booking number. Therefore, they were able to send in the FCC.

OK, y'all time for fiesta. Going to the rib cookoff and then to the German fest.

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Gary and Kathy came on board after the reduced deposit had expired, so they must have made the full deposit and was given their booking number. Therefore, they were able to send in the FCC.


OK, y'all time for fiesta. Going to the rib cookoff and then to the German fest.

OK, so I was missing something. LOL

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Bringing it forward for others to view, and comment on :)


Saturday Feb 25 - 8:00pm Meet and Greet and Hotel Galvez


Sunday Feb 26 - Board the Carnival Magic for a week of sun and fun

Farewell Galveston, Sky Deck, 4PM


Monday Feb 27 - 10:00am Meet and Greet on board (location TBA) and gift exchange (Marie)

2:00pm Slot Pull, Hat Trick Casino


Tuesday Feb 28 - Cozumel, Mexico

Cozumel Bar Bus Hop – Lori Director

Paradise Beach – Marie Director


Wednesday Feb 29 - Grand Cayman Island

Diving Excursion – Andrea Director

Resort Excursion - TBA

Steakhouse Dinner - Bobbie Director


Thursday Mar l - Montego Bay Jamaica

Jamaica Freestyle tour – Janet Director


Friday Mar 2 - 10:00am Putt Putt tournament, Mimi Golf course, Spa Deck

2:00pm Cabin Crawl

10:00pm Pub Crawl, TBA and B-day Party to follow Pub Crawl in disco bar


Saturday Mar 3 - 11:00am Farewell to the Carnival Magic Meet (TBA), get email addresses and numbers of your new best friends


3:00pm (hopefully) - Cocktail Party, TBA Rich Director

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Bobbie, I looked at air fare yesterday to Hobby and it is $560 and into George Bush was only a few dollars cheaper. I am going to wait it out before I buy anything.


We're waiting too, right now is $420 and I'll just keep watching, lots of time to get a great deal ;).

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Sadie I am about 4 or 4 1/2 hours from the coast.


Wish that I lived closer.:( We are in the North East part of the State.. Closer to the Alabama side.


Bobbie, have a great time at the concert with Zac Brown. I wish you lived closer then you could ride with Pat and I to Galveston, we have plenty of room.:)



Good Morning Everyone, Hope ya'll have a great weekend.:)

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Morning SMDer's

The tooth is feeling better today

but is gross thinking why it is feeling better, but I guess I am glad I was asleep with it happened.


I am so tired of this rain here in Oregon. Really, can it just stop already.

Not sure but I think this is the wettest spring on record.

March was about 1/8 inch from being the wettest march ever, and it hasn't stopped.

Heck what is with the snow/rain mix and hail...

I think the global warming must have stayed in the south, where it has always lived!

It will be nice here next Feb. every time we go on a cruise, the weather at home is great....

Maybe I should go on a cruise, just so my buds living here have better weather :rolleyes:

OK, off to clean the house of anything at the toddler level, Jaxson started walking two nights ago. Nothing is safe :eek:

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Marie, I'm right there with you on the weather! Barely 40 degrees and raining. The pond's been overflowing for months; the yard is too soggy to even step on; it's the middle of April already! I'm going to the Spring Fair today and the Farmer's Market opens tomorrow. Good thing I didn't put any of the winter jackets and clothes away yet.


Hope everyone else is a little drier and warmer than we are here in the PNW.


- Sherri

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Marie- Glad to hear your tooth is better. Don't think about the procedure. ;)


Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

LOL. it is not the procedure that is gross, (I don't have a root canal til the 29th)

it is what must have happened in my sleep last night, that the pressure is no longer causing all that pain.

But at least it happened while I was a sleep, and I didn't feel it or know about it.


Marie, I'm right there with you on the weather! Barely 40 degrees and raining. The pond's been overflowing for months; the yard is too soggy to even step on; it's the middle of April already! I'm going to the Spring Fair today and the Farmer's Market opens tomorrow. Good thing I didn't put any of the winter jackets and clothes away yet.


Hope everyone else is a little drier and warmer than we are here in the PNW.


- Sherri

Yea Sherri, if it would just let up for a day or two.

I need to get the chickens rounded up and make them stay in their own space,

but I can't get their space ready (I don't want to) in this cold wet weather.

And trying to get the ground ready for planting, well that is another whole ball of wax...

Hey, if you and Dale get a flight for the 24th to IAH (On our flight with us would be perfect)

Andrea and Dave are looking at that same flight, and I think Judie may be on it, and Janet meeting her at IAH,

That would put us at 9 for the Shuttle to the hotel.

$16 something is a pretty good price. Or if we find another single, that would be $14.50pp

Maybe Madelene will be coming into IAH too, and that would round us off to ten.

Madelene, are you reading these posts? What do you have planned?

Anyway, if we all end up doing this. Chelle will book the shuttle on her CC and we can all just send her a check.

She has booked with Super Shuttle before and it worked out really well for her. So that is good news.

If it all works out, she will go ahead and book the shuttle for the way back to the airport too.

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Hey, if you and Dale get a flight for the 24th to IAH (On our flight with us would be perfect)

Andrea and Dave are looking at that same flight, and I think Judie may be on it, and Janet meeting her at IAH,

That would put us at 9 for the Shuttle to the hotel.

$16 something is a pretty good price. Or if we find another single, that would be $14.50pp

Maybe Madelene will be coming into IAH too, and that would round us off to ten.

Madelene, are you reading these posts? What do you have planned?

Anyway, if we all end up doing this. Chelle will book the shuttle on her CC and we can all just send her a check.

She has booked with Super Shuttle before and it worked out really well for her. So that is good news.

If it all works out, she will go ahead and book the shuttle for the way back to the airport too.

I am willing to wait for money until we get to the ship too, so you won't have to mail me a check, I know all you guys will pay up. LOL

I also just looked at that flight out of Seattle and it's the cheapest I have seen it for about two weeks, awards flight is higher on the March 4th flight, but the $$$ flights are good. Example below for today at least, but you know how prices can change daily.


$368.00 + taxes

$387.90 total blank.gif



AS.gifSeattle, WA (SEA)

11:25 am Fri, Feb 24Houston, TX (IAH)

5:45 pm Fri, Feb


Coach, More... Total: 4 hr 20 min

AS.gifHouston, TX (IAH)

6:35 pm Sun, Mar 04Seattle, WA (SEA)

9:20 pm Sun, Mar


Coach, More... Total: 4 hr 45 min

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It will be nice here next Feb. every time we go on a cruise, the weather at home is great....

Maybe I should go on a cruise, just so my buds living here have better weather :rolleyes:


OMG, so true for me too. I went to the Bahama's & Orlando in May 2009. On the cruise and on land, it monsooned and rained the entire time and it was 80 here all week! Then I went to Mexico in October, it rained everyday! Back at home it was beautiful...I'm so hoping it will be different next time!

We'll see what the weather is like here when we're on the Alaska cruise next month :).

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Good afternoon SMDers. Sorry y'all but another bright sunny day here. It is up in the lower 80's and just perfect for the parade today.

Yesterday was the rib cook off and some of those ribs were falling right off the bone they were so tender and goooooooooooooooood.

Then off to the German fest where the beer was so cold and then to Market Square where we just turned around and left because it was so crowded you couldn't breath. Then this morning was the Hat party (some pretty amazing hats) and now its time to rest.

Chelle - if you want to take care of the shuttle on the 24th, I will set it up for those on the 25th and have the shuttles waiting for us going back to both IAH and Hobby on Mar 4. Thanks

Marie/Sherri/Vicki - PLEASE send that rain this way. It's been over two months now without a drop. We are bone dry here in south Texas.

Kathy - are you ready for your road trip yet?

Sadie - you did say that you were retired military, correct?

OK, nap time.

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Well looks as if I may be the only one to end up at Hobby so Betty for sure if the price is only a few dollars different......Plan to meet me at Hobby.:p


Sadie thanks for the ride offer, if I lived closer to the coast, believe me I would take you up on it...This airfare is completly out of hand just now.:eek: Maybe this will all change before we have to go.


I am unable to book just now. However I am glad for those of you that have.:-)



Kathy I sure hope you two will decide to join the group at the Steakhouse. I do understand tho if Gary would rather it be just the two of you. By all means that is what you should do.;)


I`m almost sure that Betty and I have paid our full deposit and have a cabin # also...Will need to check my Magic saved folder to be certain.


Marie glad to hear that the tooth "did" it`s thing and that you was in dreamland when it did..:p


Chelle glad the retirement is going well with DH. Even after all the years since Ed retired, this is the first time that I have not worked during tax season in a long while...

Guess I can say we have good days and bad days....lol


Waving, to Betty, Vicki ,Rich and anyone else that I have not commented to....


Oh man we have had terrible weather since 8:00 this A.M.and it`s not finished yet.:eek: Wind, Hail, severe weather with homes destoryed and alot of damaged property to the South of us...:(


For sure it is Spring in Mississippi !!!!!!!!

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Marie/Sherri/Vicki - PLEASE send that rain this way. It's been over two months now without a drop. We are bone dry here in south Texas.


I'll gladly send you some rain Rich! If you don't get some soon, you may be seeing me anyway if I get dispatched to help put out the wildfires that will be breaking out :(. RAIN FOR RICH!

We are pretty sure we won't be flying in til the 25th so thank you Rich for making sure we have a ride to the hotel (and not in the back of a police car please)!

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Chelle - if you want to take care of the shuttle on the 24th, I will set it up for those on the 25th and have the shuttles waiting for us going back to both IAH and Hobby on Mar 4. Thanks


Ok, Rich, I will deal with the shuttle for the 24th to get to motel in Galveston for those coming into IAH on the Alaska Flight arriving around 5:30 pm, I believe there are at least 9 of us at this point.


I am waiting for flight confirmation from those I know about.


My cousin will be coming in Hobby and I will make sure you have her flight information just as soon as she makes them. It probably won't be for a while for Pat because she flies southwest and they don't release for a while.


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Well looks as if I may be the only one to end up at Hobby so Betty for sure if the price is only a few dollars different......Plan to meet me at Hobby.:p


You won't be alone, my cousin Pat will be coming in at Hobby I am pretty sure, but of course until the air flights are confirmed you really never know. LOL

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Uh oh Sherri...waving to you... I left you out and it was not on purpose......oversight...:eek:


Rich, I have to say if Vicki can not supply you with all the rain you need, I can.


Just heard on our local weather that we had 5 inches in 10 hours.....


Honest I have never seen as much rain fall as fast as it has today...


DH had oddles of tomato plants in his garden that he planted yesterday, well they are no more.:( The garden is totally flooded and the plants are all gone.


Good Chelle, glad to hear there will be others there...lol Where will Pat being flying from?

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LOL. it is not the procedure that is gross, (I don't have a root canal til the 29th)

it is what must have happened in my sleep last night, that the pressure is no longer causing all that pain.

But at least it happened while I was a sleep, and I didn't feel it or know about it.



Yea Sherri, if it would just let up for a day or two.

I need to get the chickens rounded up and make them stay in their own space,

but I can't get their space ready (I don't want to) in this cold wet weather.

And trying to get the ground ready for planting, well that is another whole ball of wax...

Hey, if you and Dale get a flight for the 24th to IAH (On our flight with us would be perfect)

Andrea and Dave are looking at that same flight, and I think Judie may be on it, and Janet meeting her at IAH,

That would put us at 9 for the Shuttle to the hotel.

$16 something is a pretty good price. Or if we find another single, that would be $14.50pp

Maybe Madelene will be coming into IAH too, and that would round us off to ten.

Madelene, are you reading these posts? What do you have planned?

Anyway, if we all end up doing this. Chelle will book the shuttle on her CC and we can all just send her a check.

She has booked with Super Shuttle before and it worked out really well for her. So that is good news.

If it all works out, she will go ahead and book the shuttle for the way back to the airport too.


Marie, I haven't been keeping up with the posts lately but I did just happen to read yours! I probably won't be arriving until the 25th -- don't think you'd want to hold the shuttle and wait for me! lol But thanks for thinking of me! I have friends in the Houston area who have offered transportation if I need it, so I'm still considering that.



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