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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Good afternoon SMDers!! just a quick pop in while I'm still here at work. My modem at home died, so I'm computerless at home :( I got a new comp at work Monday- they upgraded us to Windows XP!! woo hoo!! At any rate, much much better than the old dinosaur we had.

Glad to hear Renee did well with her surgery, sounds like quite the ordeal.

Wow, Bobbie, you sure are keeping busy!! Makes me tired to read all that you are doing! LOL!!!!

On a good note, my GF's son came home from the hospital today after his aortic dissection last week. Truly a miracle that he is alive.

Our weather finally has gotten better, 70's at least now..a few days of sun but now the storms are coming. I wish I could send you the rain Rich, our lawn is still to saturated to drive a lawn mover over it without sinking!

Gotta get back to work, make it a nice day everyone!

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Just a few more days and I'll be cruising in Alaska! I think I'm pretty much packed except for my toiletries which will wait until Sunday morning. This will be DH's first cruise so he is pretty excited too, mostly because it's Alaska. He didn't really care how he got there, that was my choice LOL. Oh, and I am a master packer...we decided that we would try to just take our matching duffle bags (standard size, not rolling ones) and I do think all my stuff will fit...it's tight but fits all the same! Two duffle bags and one small tote bag (for camera's, binoculars, meds...etc) and we are good for the 7 day trip.

Welcome Jim & Joni...I love that people are still jumping onboard with the group. I'm a newbie to this group but they are stuck with me now :p.

Lots of prayers for Matey Renee, hoping for a full & speedy recovery for her.

Rich, I'm still waiting for some sunshine here!

Hi to Marie, Chelle and everyone else!

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Good afternoon SMDers and great big hello from Corpus Christi. We drove down last night after I got off of work, so we didn't get here until almost 3am. For those of you that don't know, West owns a house here in Corpus on the canals. It's warm and sunny but suppose to rain tomorrow. San Antonio has a forecast for rain starting tonight and into tomorrow, but we will wait and see.

Glad to hear that Renee is going to be just fine. That is some surgery to have to go though.

Betty - If I were you and Madelene, I would be so excited going to Barcelona for a cruise. Maybe in a few years:rolleyes:.

Bobbie - you sure keep yourself busy. Like Lori said, I get tired just reading everything your doing. We will be thinking about ya this weekend. Hope everything goes well. Hope your far enough from all of that flooding. Mississippi is sure getting more then their share of weather this year.

Lori - happy to hear that your friends son is going to be alright. Anything dealing with the heart is a great concern. Hope ya get your computer fixed soon.

Vicki - only a few more days before your cruise. I can't wait until you get back to give my a report on everything. Marie and Chelle went last year so I got alot of advise from them, but I need updated info:D.

Marie - any sun today? As Bobbie says, it will happen some day. Don't work too hard.

Saying Hi to everyone else.

OK, time to go stick my feet in the sand. Hope y'all have a great night.

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Cloudy day here in the Midwest. Forcast is rain and storms, so guess it is a day to organize and clean. Hit the pool yesterday and am darn glad I did!:)

Vicki, I need you to help me learn to pack. I have a hard time packing less even though I know I don't need it all. I always take a suitcase and either a duffle bag or a backpack. Hope you have an awesome time in Alaska. I loved it when I went and would love to go back someday.

Our Matey friend Renee is doing so well that she may go home today or tomorrow. Thanks for everyone's prayers for her. She is an amazing lady and so strong considering all that she has been through.:)

Rich, I am excited for the Barcelona trip on the Magic. It is like a dream and it hasn't sunk in yet that I am going. Will be celebrating my retirement on that one! Whoo Hooo!:D

Lori, glad to hear that your GF's son is doing good. That must have been quite an ordeal for him to go thru.

For all of you that need rain, you can have ours as we need more sunshine. :)

Bobbie, you wear me out...I have never met anyone sooo busy. You need to take some time for you before you have a stroke. I know all the people in Smithville that you have helped are greatful for all you do. You are an amazing lady and have a golden heart that never stops giving. I am honored to have you as my friend. Hugs sweetie!

Have a fantastic day!

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Good Morning Everyone,


Pat and I returned from our cruise on Sunday and had a wonderful time. I haven't been on the boards until today due to a malfunction with my computer.


Hope all is well with everyone and that everyone has a great day.

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Vicki, I need you to help me learn to pack. I have a hard time packing less even though I know I don't need it all. I always take a suitcase and either a duffle bag or a backpack. Hope you have an awesome time in Alaska. I loved it when I went and would love to go back someday.



I have no idea how it is all in there and DH will probably want to kill me when he has to pack my bag (no wheels) but all is good! Bummer...no room for souveniers! There is some sarcasm there, I'm just not a souvenier girl...I take tons of pictures and that is all I need to remember a great trip!

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Good afternoon SMDers. Believe it or not we have gotten rain all morning. Got a big branch that broke in the front yard that I had to cut up when I got back from Corpus. More is suppose to come in overnight. No complaints here:D.

Betty - what a retirement trip. I am going to take a short 4 day to Cozumel Dec 1st for my retirement. I'm saving up for that big one.

Sadie - happy to have y'all back. Glad that you and Pat had a good time.

Vicki - West has a new camera and paid alot for it, so I'm sure we will have tons of pics when we get back.

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Vicki - West has a new camera and paid alot for it, so I'm sure we will have tons of pics when we get back.


I bought a med priced camera and couldn't figure out how to use it so I passed it off to DH who won't do much better than I did (maybe he'll surprise me) and I went out and bought another cheap Point & Shoot LOL. So, if you get some incredible pics you may have to share :). I will IF I get any good ones.

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Good afternoon SMDedrs. Wow, what a day with rain makes. Seems like alot of things are now green instead of dead brown.

It seems that the lady that has the house across the street had half of her tree that came down last night. There were 4 big branches and two of the four came down. It is blocking the street and I don't even think she is home:(.

Back later

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Good Afternoon SMDers! I'm back in business with my new modem. Glad to know that was the problem and not with my laptop. Now I'd like to get a new monitor for my desktop, it's seems so small compared to the new big one I have at work now.

Another crummy weekend here, rain and more rain. We did have a few nice 80 degree days with sun this week but it would have been nice to have it on the weekend. We've been wanting to go camping but not in the rain and storms. Can't even cut the grass for all the standing water. Picture this if you want a laugh: This morning I was chasing the bastard peacocks across my lawn in ankle deep water in my robe and pj's! It's a good think I don't have a gun! Don said he could arrange that! LOL!!!

We're starting to think about our trip down to Galvestion. I'm not sure which route we want to take. Might go down to New Orleans first then over or maybe go thru Missouri, maybe Branson. I'll have to do some research of what might be good to see on the trip down. Of course that time of year we want to head to warmer weather asap! I'm open for suggestions!!

Better get to work around here, I'm being lazy today and need to get moving!!

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Hi everyone. Like Lori, it is a rainy, gloomy day here in Buffalo too. We also had a few beautiful days - 83 yesterday, but it's gone...for now!


Lori, that is quite a visual of you running around your yard. Very funny! Peacocks in your yard? Really? I mean, bastard peacocks!


Bobbie, you sure are very busy! I hope your wedding went well today, and you are having better weather than we are here!


Betty, your trip out of Barcelona on the Magic sounds amazing! So! You will know the Magic inside and out and be able to give us a full report when you get back! That trip will be here before you know it!


Off to a surprise birthday party for my brother and for my niece's husband. Should be a lot of fun!


Have a great day!

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Good afternoon SMDers. Another day stuck inside here at work for me.

Lori - Mardi gras (Fat Tuesday) in New Orleans is going to be Feb 21, 2012:eek:. I guess you now know which way to come down south! Start your party early.

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Morning all...

Feeling a bit under the weather...

but nothing major, just enough to stay home from church

as not to get worse or give some one else my cold?

Anyway, just wanted to stop in and say hi.

It has been a long couple of days...

and I haven't been in the computer room much.

and I need to mark a place in this thread so I am not so far behind in my reading.;)

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Wedding is over( thank goodness) and everything went very well. One mix up in the order that some music in the beginning of the ceremony was done.


But hey no one except those in the Wedding party noticed. The Bride did not even know until we told her.:p


Tomorrow I start back to my Red Cross work, only this week I will change locations and move over to Tuscaloosa.


Only an hour from my home so not bad. Easy drive, but I may stay over there for two or three days just to make it easier on the gas bill.


Waving to everyone. Have to run..Promised to help with the Wedding clean-up this afternoon and I am already late as our granddaughter dropped by to visit.


Marie hope you feel better soon.. Wishing everyone else a good rest of the week-end.:)

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Good evening SMDers. Another really nice day here in SA.

Vicki - have a great time on your Alaska cruise. Take lots of pics and West said to bring them with you on a card so he can check them out.

Marie - hope your feeling better.

Bobbie - there you go again! I'm beginning to think the only time you get to rest is when your on a cruise.

Hope everyone had a great weekend:).

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Good afternoon SMDers. Again another slow weekend on the boards. We all know that it will be picking up here really soon.

I see that SW is going to open up the schedule for travel thourgh Jan 26, 2012 on May 26th. So I wonder when they will be getting around to opening up the schedule for Feb?

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The Carnival Magic is coming to Galveston, Texas!!!









Come join us for the "Spirit of the "Magic"al Dream" cruise.






This official CC group cruise is from Feb 26th through Mar 4, 2012 with the following itinerary.




Sunday, Feb 26 GALVESTON, TX 4:00pm






Monday, Feb 27 FUN DAY AT SEA




Tuesday, Feb 28 COZUMEL, MEXICO 8:00am 4:00pm




Wednesday, Feb 29 GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS 9:00am 4:00pm




Thursday, Mar 01 MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA 9:00am 6:00pm




Friday, Mar 02 FUN DAY AT SEA




Saturday, Mar 03 FUN DAY AT SEA





Sunday, Mar 04 GALVESTON, TX 8:00am







Here is the list of those booked so far:





Rich & West – Group Leaders satex, early dining, 4C

Lori & Don leaderdogmom, Anytime Dinning

Andrea & Dave flippr5657, Anytime Dinning

Janet & Judie jandjfun, None or Anytime Dinning, 4C, Judie's B-day cruise

Nancy & Asa lilnan

Chelle & Pat doddsm, 4B, Early Dinning

Dawn & Marie Dragonfly34 & Koval, 4B, Early Dinning, Celebrating, Dawns B-day and cruising with old friends

Bobbie & Betty 1tuckersmom, Anytime Dinning, 8B, Bobbie's B-day

Ron & Carmen San Antonio, early dining, 4C

Jerod & Emilee illeniumsd & Pretty-N-Pink, 4C, anytime dining and celebrating the "Best cruise Ever" again

Steven & Julie ChiBearsSuperFan & jbags58

Sherri & Mike She-ra, Late Dinning

Dale & Pete

Peggy & Bert San Antonio, early dining, 8C

Chad & Holly SDphotoGrl

Fabian & Nessa Fabismommy

Kathy & Gary NMCruiser55

Vicki & Kimi Oregon,MICKIDE

Migdelia and June San Antonio, 4C, anytime

Vickie and Kermit San Antonio, 4C

Madelene Fort Lauderdale

Pat & Sadie, East of New Orleans, 8c

Dale & Pam, Utah

Joni & Jim, Buffalo, NY


Who's next to be added to the list?



Here is a list of things that we will be doing while on the Magic cruise:


M&G the night prior at the Hotel - Director Rich and West

M&G while on board - Director Rich and West

Cabin crawl - Director?

Pub crawl - Directors Sherri & Dale

Slot pull - Directors Janet and Judie

Cocktail party - Director Rich and West

Gift exchange - Director Marie

B-day party Director - Director ?

Putt-putt tournament - Director ?

Steakhouse Dining - Director Bobbie

T-Shirt - Director Janet




Cozumel: Cozumel Bar Bus Hop – Tour Director Lori

Paradise Beach - Director Marie


Grand Cayman: Diving Tour - Tour Director Andrea

Beach Resort - Tour Director Andrea


Montego Bay: Jamaica Freestyle tour - Director Janet



And of course: Group Leaders - Rich and West

Countdown Director - Andrea

Official Photographer - Jerod


The official cruise hotel will be the Hotel Galvez in Galveston (information on the hotel is located in the business pages):



To book this Cruise Critic Group Member Cruise, please contact Johna at ******.com (JohnaN@******.com) or call her at 1-800-493-6609 . Please be sure to state that you are interested in booking into the OFFICIAL CRUISE CRITIC GROUP CRUISE for the Carnival Magic, Feb 26, 2012.


Once you have booked with Johna, please let me know so that I can add you to the list.





So who will be next to join in on the fun? Don't be shywink.gif. Call Johna and book today. Come join

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OK, where is everybody. Kathy and Gary are in Florida or somewhere on the road. Bobbie is helping those poor people in Alabama. Vicki is on a cruise ship somewhere in Alaska and I am at work (again).

I've been checking the Houston area just in case somebody comes along with a new shuttle service, but nothing yet.

I'll check in later.

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good night moon....

ok that was one of the books I read to Jaxson and Addison this afternoon

while babysitting both babies at the same time,

come to find out Jaxson thinks I am only his grammy LOL

Not to keen on me holding and feeding the little new comer Addison.

So I had them both on my lap :)

by the end of the day, he was fine, and I know they will be great friends.

so like I started this post

good night moon

and good night my SMDer sibs :p

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Good afternoon SMDers. What a great day here today. Temps up in the 80's

Had new bars put on the windows and doors today. They really look nice and give the place a different look. The people that did them do great work, but it took forever to get them back over to put them on.

Marie - enjoy those babies while you can. Once they grow up, they won't be around that much.

Madelene - I'll be pulling for your Heat tonight.

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Hi Madelene. I'm pulling for your Heat:D


Thanks Rich -- I'm glad to hear someone outside of South Florida is pulling for them! :o We pulled it off tonight! Yay! I'll be at a conference in Miami Beach next week but have playoff tickets for game 4 on Tuesday night...my nephew is going to drive down and pick me up to go to the game. I passed on tickets to game 3 -- a dinner invite to Joe's Stone Crab restaurant trumped the game. lol (it's a South Florida landmark...I've lived here all my life and I've only been there once! can't afford it otherwise!)



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