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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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The worst thing for me isn't not tracking, it's not planning to eat.


I realized that yesterday. I eat crap when real food isn't readily available. I forget I have 3 million healthy choice top chef meals in my freezer, and there's no quick fruits or veggies to grab to snack on. So then I stop eating. I have to consistently eat small meals or snacks every 3-4 hours when I am awake.


I can not skip breakfast.


I realize that I would never let my daughters leave the house without a meal. Why do I ignore my own needs so often, until I am starving and stop caring about my intake?


This is my current task. I can not be a good mother if I do not take care of myself as well.

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for some reason the last few days I've been skipping lunch. Not intentionally, just sort of happened. have good breakfast. have lots of point-friendly snacks all day. but then I'm starving and have had 17+ points dinners 3 nights in a row. any wonder I had only a .4 loss this morning? Frustrating.

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Well...I had 2 chicken tacos and some chips/salsa with one margarita saturday night. It wasn't to bad but still over my points since I had none left!! :(

But today I am starting back on track. Went to the grocery store last night and got some fresh veggies and fruit. I have been out of that stuff for a few days and it makes it very hard to stay on track. I have learned that if I don't plan what I am going to eat each day then I fall way overboard.

Back on track so far today with my coffee and oatmeal :D

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My WI was on Sunday. Down .6#, and now 3.2# under WW goal. I have to WI 4 more times till LIFETIME!!!!!


You are rockin it!! :D


I have a personal goal of losing 3.4# more to get me under 150# AND a total weight loss of 60#. If I can get there and maintain it, I will be happy and more importantly, HEALTHY!


Keep on TRACKIN' :p




You are so close!!! Congrats!


Way to go Nalagh! Hope your back's feeling much better soon!


Good job guys, I lost 2.2 this week for a total of 23 1/2 pounds.

Work has been very stressful with snacks every where, but I have been good and had none...but it was a battle!


WTG! I love your will power!

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How cool was that nalagh? Congrats to you. Both your current weight and your goal sound very impressive and certainly doable. You will feel so wonderful during your cruise. Have a great time. You certainly deserve it. Hope your back is good for cruising.






It was awesome, and there is still a smile on my face!


Way to go Nalagh! Hope your back's feeling much better soon!


Thanks for the well wishes.


WI this morning, and I lost .75 pounds. While not exactly great, I felt happy with any loss due to the celebrations and wine I had this past week. I also wore a size medium top that I bought 2 years ago without trying on. Of course it was too tight, but this morning, it fit perfectly! How good that felt. And I received lots of compliments on it as well. Also

wore my size 10 jeans and they felt just a tiny bit big.


Congrats to all the losers here. Annette, you are doing an amazing job! I told my leader this morning that this is the first time I have attended WW without just wanting to reach a specific weight goal. this time I have my head around the fact that this IS a liftime goal and I intend to become a Lifetime member. I have also decided that I will continue to weigh evry week and if my weight goes over 2 pounds, that I will start back at my 26 daily points until that 2 pounds is gone. It will be much easier that trying to lose 20 like I am attempting to do now. This is the strategy that I adopted 13 years ago when I decided it was time to quit smoking, and that was extremely successful. The head is so important to these decisions.





I love the srategy. I also love that feeling when I put something on that did not fit and now it does.

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I have been bad about tracking lately myself. I'm still maintaining. Today I am going to get some walking in. I tried something new with my cheap blender. I made a smoothie with an apple,banana and baby spinach. It was actually good. Filling as well. Just would like a better blender. But looks like a good one will cost around $300. UUCK!


Congrats to all that have lost weight and Congrats to everyone for not giving up on this Journey to Wellness.



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I have an evil part of me that wants to sabatage me for WI tomorrow. You see, if I drink lots of water before WI I will gain a few pounds, then I come back from my cruise and if I gain it will not show that much:o. Yup, this is the same kinda irrational thinking that made me gain in the first place.


I have now been grounded from all training including walking. I have worked so hard to stay op. I have done well, and will most probably be down up to a pound.


I just wish this "well just give it up and pack it in till you can move" mindset would just go away! Sooooooooo many times this week I fought the urge to say "screw it, I am just going to gain without training, I might as well just eat!" Then there is this voice that says, "well you need to just go eat and enjoy your cruise". I wish the voices would just go away.

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Good for you staying on point with your physical trouble. I wish there was some way we could help you to make the back feel better. However, we can continue to encourage you to make sure you keep tracking and try your hardest not to overdo the points. You were doing so well with your training and I am sure it is extremely frustrating not to be able to do any now. While the weight may come off more slowly without physical activity, as long as you stay in your points range, it will still come off. Then once you are able to begin your training once more the loss will speed up for you again. Just keep on keeping on!



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Good for you staying on point with your physical trouble. I wish there was some way we could help you to make the back feel better. However, we can continue to encourage you to make sure you keep tracking and try your hardest not to overdo the points. You were doing so well with your training and I am sure it is extremely frustrating not to be able to do any now. While the weight may come off more slowly without physical activity, as long as you stay in your points range, it will still come off. Then once you are able to begin your training once more the loss will speed up for you again. Just keep on keeping on!





You can always make me smile!

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Hey Nalagh!


Maybe you can take some of the time you would normally use to "train" your body and spend it trainging your brain? Download some of those stress relief exercises and see if that doesn't help to divert the "voices" in your head!


Just a thought... Hope you are feeling better soon! Stay strong!


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I got my keychain last night. I lost a total of 25 pounds and meet my 10% goal. I got the WW keychain.

Darn leader, she said remember when you go on vacation you don't get a vacation from WW. I thought, "WHAT:eek:, what about my cruise and that chocolate melting cake!":( Guess I will have to hit the treadmill everyday on my cruise!! LOL

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I got my keychain last night. I lost a total of 25 pounds and meet my 10% goal. I got the WW keychain.

Darn leader, she said remember when you go on vacation you don't get a vacation from WW. I thought, "WHAT:eek:, what about my cruise and that chocolate melting cake!":( Guess I will have to hit the treadmill everyday on my cruise!! LOL


Enjoy that chocolate melting cake. You will walk and walk and walk. Congratulations on the 25 pound goal AND the 10%.

Not so good for me. I thought I was doing okay. got into my weekly points but only used 25. A gain of .3 for me. Not enough physical work I guess. More work to do this week.



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Hey Nalagh!


Maybe you can take some of the time you would normally use to "train" your body and spend it trainging your brain? Download some of those stress relief exercises and see if that doesn't help to divert the "voices" in your head!


Just a thought... Hope you are feeling better soon! Stay strong!



Thank you Annette! I have been crazy busy, but I have tried some med yoga. I have to say that it is calming. Thanks again!


I got my keychain last night. I lost a total of 25 pounds and meet my 10% goal. I got the WW keychain.

Darn leader, she said remember when you go on vacation you don't get a vacation from WW. I thought, "WHAT:eek:, what about my cruise and that chocolate melting cake!":( Guess I will have to hit the treadmill everyday on my cruise!! LOL


Congrats! I am so happy for you!


Enjoy that chocolate melting cake. You will walk and walk and walk. Congratulations on the 25 pound goal AND the 10%.


Not so good for me. I thought I was doing okay. got into my weekly points but only used 25. A gain of .3 for me. Not enough physical work I guess. More work to do this week.





Nikki, .3 is not a gain, you just forgot to go pee:p.

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I forgot to post my scale weight this week. Even though I could not work-out at all, I was op all week with no mistakes. I did not sabotage WI and even went down a full pound. I am so happy you guys are here, and I had a chance to discuss my battle with old thinking (negative thinking).


As I finish packing my new smaller clothes, I am doing it with a smile. You all were a great support in my prep. Thank you!!


I have statagies to use on the cruise, and I am ready. I know I CAN do this!


You all are a beautiful bunch of people!



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I have been bad about tracking lately myself. I'm still maintaining. Today I am going to get some walking in. I tried something new with my cheap blender. I made a smoothie with an apple,banana and baby spinach. It was actually good. Filling as well. Just would like a better blender. But looks like a good one will cost around $300. UUCK!


Congrats to all that have lost weight and Congrats to everyone for not giving up on this Journey to Wellness.




Have you got/considered a "Magic Bullet"? I bought one recenty for less than $50 CDN. Makes a mug size serving and works quite well for the price.


I have an evil part of me that wants to sabatage me for WI tomorrow. You see, if I drink lots of water before WI I will gain a few pounds, then I come back from my cruise and if I gain it will not show that much:o. Yup, this is the same kinda irrational thinking that made me gain in the first place.


I have now been grounded from all training including walking. I have worked so hard to stay op. I have done well, and will most probably be down up to a pound.


I just wish this "well just give it up and pack it in till you can move" mindset would just go away! Sooooooooo many times this week I fought the urge to say "screw it, I am just going to gain without training, I might as well just eat!" Then there is this voice that says, "well you need to just go eat and enjoy your cruise". I wish the voices would just go away.



Are you also grounded from swimming? Is that a feasible option at all? It TOTALLY sucks when you get physically limited. I know that has me wanting to wallow and EAT!! I regularly talk to myself though (sometimes out loud - oops!) and encourage myself, remind myself what I really want to achieve. I include little chants and mantras in there as I am falling asleep as well, that are more about making statements that presume I have reached my goal. For example, when I was trying to get myself into WW three years ago, I would lie in bed at night, fat and desparately out of shape as I was, and chant "I am fit, I am healthy, I am strong!!" I was anything but!! I found though, that over the course of time, I started to believe it. Now I am fit, healthy and strong! I am not at my goal yet but I am geting there. Perhaps you can find a similar mantra to repeat to yourself when you feel like packing it in! Just remember, this too shall pass and you are strong, you are invisible, you are WOMAN!! :D



I got my keychain last night. I lost a total of 25 pounds and meet my 10% goal. I got the WW keychain.

Darn leader, she said remember when you go on vacation you don't get a vacation from WW. I thought, "WHAT:eek:, what about my cruise and that chocolate melting cake!":( Guess I will have to hit the treadmill everyday on my cruise!! LOL


AWESOME, way to go!!! And thank GOD for cruiseship gyms!! I mean really, who can pass up those desserts!!??!!

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I had a great week this week and was down 1.8 at my WI yesterday for a grand WW total of 87.8 (91.4 over all). For the first time in a long time I was vigilant about tracking every day and actually had weekly points left over and everything!! Yippee.


I have been struggling this past year with the same two pounds and had crept up about 10 pounds from my WW lowest of 92 lbs lost. I've had to get back to my chants and mantras as well as tracking!! It's amazing how much better I am at this when I track every day. It is also great having you folks to chat with!!


Well done all and keep up the greatness!!!



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Does anyone want to join me doing the Weight Watchers point system? I'm looking to lose 21 pounds by October 2013 (target cruise date). Let me know so that we can loose together.




Count me in!

Sailing in 69 days!

I'm on my tenth week

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I had a great week this week and was down 1.8 at my WI yesterday for a grand WW total of 87.8 (91.4 over all). For the first time in a long time I was vigilant about tracking every day and actually had weekly points left over and everything!! Yippee.


I have been struggling this past year with the same two pounds and had crept up about 10 pounds from my WW lowest of 92 lbs lost. I've had to get back to my chants and mantras as well as tracking!! It's amazing how much better I am at this when I track every day. It is also great having you folks to chat with!!


Well done all and keep up the greatness!!!




How are you doing it? I'm down about 80 and I'm missing food! Hard to stay motivated!!!

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As I finish packing my new smaller clothes, I am doing it with a smile. You all were a great support in my prep. Thank you!!


I have statagies to use on the cruise, and I am ready. I know I CAN do this!




You are right, you CAN do this. Enjoy your cruise and when you are enjoying the chocolate melting cake, remember that we are enjoying it with you. Want to hear all about the great time you had when you return.




Edited by gubby
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Welcome to the newcomers. This is one fantastic group of motivators. They are so able to pick us up when we feel down and discouraged. There are lots of successes on this thread, and it makes us all want to join them.



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Welcome to the newcomers. This is one fantastic group of motivators. They are so able to pick us up when we feel down and discouraged. There are lots of successes on this thread, and it makes us all want to join them.






Thanks Nikki!


I have a question for WW users ... unlimited fruit, zero points. right? What about dried apricots? If I calculate the points on the package it's 2 points per serving, that's TEN for the bag!! Count those points, or not??

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Thanks Nikki!


I have a question for WW users ... unlimited fruit, zero points. right? What about dried apricots? If I calculate the points on the package it's 2 points per serving, that's TEN for the bag!! Count those points, or not??


Dried fruits do not count as a free food as other non-dried or non-modifided fruits. Even though regular fruit has 0 points, I stick to just 2 a day. Fruit contains natural sugar and it can add up if I over-do it.



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